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June 6, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 6, 1957 |
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NAVE of St. Paul Lutheran Church is shown.
--Photo by Hugh Roberts
The new House of Worship was dedicated on
Showers Honor
Two Brides-Elect
PALISADES --- Shirley Meski-
men, who will be married to Paul
Vislisel on June llth at St. Wences-
laus church in Cedar Rapids, waS[apartment Mrs. Ammons, phone basements or what have you. Mike
dayh°n°redeveningat ainShOwerthe Z.C.B.j.last hall,WedneS'ce- 2951 Mt. Vernon. 34tfc Schick, Mt. Vernon, Dial 4771. 35tf
dar Rapids. Among those attend- ~'---U~h"eed ~ -~i~iE~-i~A-NE-~tt~e~a~,~ov~ln.
ing theshower were the Mmes Re- ment, 4 rooms. Mrs. Minnie Lacock,
land Hen[k, Bob Hen[k, Leonard phone 4922 Mt. Vernon. 34, 35cIstallati°ns' service. The cleaner.
hotter propane cooking fuel• Judy
Hen[k, Frank Biderman, Anton/ FOR RENT: 2-room apartment Johnston Oil Co., Phone 6761, Mt.
Biderman, Leo Krejci and Frank and bath. L. A. Leinbaugh, Mt. Ver- IVernon• 22tf
Stepanek and Misses F r a n c e s non. 34tfc I ~ ~"EE~, ~Idl~ENT~"
Krejci a n d Adeline Biderman .........................................
GuestSthe weddingarrivingare thisthe FrancisWeek endHoldafOr WANTED lneludin~ Ca~er. Camber, Toe-in. I PURINA FLY BXi'l~__a--ch-y--~y
Phone 3271 Lisbon for annointment, killer, attracts and kills flies in
family of Richmond, Va. " ....................................... Pat's D-X Service,Highway 30. Dairy Barns. Hog Houses, Poultry
Adeline Biderman was honored at
WANTED: Cars to wash. Danny Lisbon. 38if Houses. etc. Kills quick. BACHMAN
Sundaya the PalisadesMiss BidermanH°tel Cookes. Call 5382 Mt. Vernon. 34p SEAT COVERS custom made for FEED SERVICE• 33c
will be married Saturday to Anton ~~- hi-rere ~ your car. door panels covered, and --FOR---S~E--Hi---Fi ~
Gaimori at St. John's church at Lis- den and general work. L. A. Lein- complete interior. For appointment sPeakers, tuners, speaker enclosures,
ban. Hostesses for the shower were baugh, Mt. Vernon• 34tfcdtal 2421, Mt. Vernon• 28tfc turntables, etc. Bill Randolph Stu-
the Mmes. George Vislisel, Bob Vis- WA-N~ ~ ~ ~ LAWN MOWER~~-~ro---u~d. die. Mt. Vernon. 19if
lisel, Austin Armstrong, Ben Bider-
man. Anton Biderman, Mile Machu-
la and Clinton Berry.
Mrs. Celia Nea---~and daughters of
DeWitt were overnight guests Mon-
day of the Howard Neals. On Tues-
day Mrs. Julia Phillips, also of De-
Witt joined them for supper at the
Neals. They were here to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Edgar Neal.
The Neals were supper guests of the
Jim Gunns on Thursday. On Fri-
day evening the Neals, Adolph
Bidermans and Austin Armstrongs
drove to DeWitt to attend gradua-
tion exercises for their niece, Don-
na Neal. Donna has enrolled at
ISTC at Cedar Falls• Week end
Mt. Vernon, la., H~wkeye-Record
and The Lislmn Herzldn
Thur~, June 6, 19S7rage 11
AVON, AVON, save 52 cents on
Cream Sachet, save 41 cents on Deep
Clean. Avon is the best. Place your
order now. Mrs. George Kessler,
for feeds. BACHMAN FEED SER- ohone 3585 Lisbon 34-35¢
VICE 33c "-- ....... ~ +-- ' ................
--~:~-~---~-. ~--~7~..~-..~.--,-- -.--- FOR SALE: Purebred police pup-
3 ~u~ ~&-.~- wnl~e ~OCK sprmgs, pies. Phone Lisbon 2016. Ted Sting-
~o ms. ~uc ~D. ~liff Peterson,,er. 34¢
OR SA : acuum cleaners, flies mosquitoes ants. moths, silver-
used, upright, tank type, hand vacs. fish'and other insects. BACHMAN
Sutliff Generator Shop, phone 3931. FEED SERVICE Mt Vernon 34c
Lisbon. 43tf ' " '
thly payments of $20.41. on new,
Baldwin Aerosonic spinet piano; Old reliable• SMITTY'S MOWER FOR SALE: Used tractor tires, on-
322rWORKS. block so. DX Station. Lis- the-farm repair and fluid service.
FirstSave $221.AvenueWriteN.E.,CurtiScedarAdkinS,Raoids,llbon. Dial 2485. 28tfc Beacon Shell Service, Phone 3461.
......... Lisbon. 30tf
Iowa 34-3 cI .......... =='=:':_ ........
-- I N dC U -
-WANTEDi--PiCa_ Virgil Bee s~,[
FI.JK ~m
Lisbon, phone 3112. 34c FOR SALE: Trailer house. Ray LATION. Fresh stock justin. BACH-
--W-ANT---A---HO-I~E-f~]~ / Herring, Mt. Vernon. 34, 351o1 ~~-
white part cocker pups. Call Lisbon
3201. S. F. Emerson. 34c FOR SALE: Girl's bathing suit.[ Refrigerated for your protection.
- WANTED:---Cus-tom--- balin~ith size 10: shorts, blouses, summer ] WHY TAKE U N P R O T E C T E D
Case baler• Kenneth Siggins, phone skirts. Ca1153~82 Mr:_Vernon. 34p]MEDICATION?
3419,_ Lisbon. 34if FOR SALE: Bee supplies. New" MEREDITH DRUG 42tfe
WANTED: Custom baling, new hives, frames, llds, bottoms; founda- "-FOR--THE-FINEST-in-newer by-
Holland baler• Harry E. Phelos, tion wax and containers. Also ex- brids plant Lynks' Miracle-Gene
phon__e 2618 Lisbon. 32, 33, 34p tractor. L. A. Leinbaugh, Mt. Vet- Hybrids. Walter Burgess, Dial 5381
WANTED: Rugs, carpet and up- non. 34tfc evenings.
New Models
Me~v ~6 guests of the Neals were the Jim holsterv cleaning with our new --~,~ o~ ~ ,= ...... ,,..,,,........, --~.7=-__==-~-=_-± .............
_~ ..... ,-, ,,~ O~L,r.*: "~o ct~:t~ aLtaLta at~u .t'UI~INAWOUND P
Neals of BurlingtonThey also at- portable cleaner Qumk drymg no .......... ,.^_ ,.^..~ ,h^ ,.al^r _ . Ha .TECTOR
-- ~ • • • ' ' . alxall~t-Ol-Ollll~ lli~l~,, l.l%~lll L ~ it~ ~r In re ' "
tended the graduatmn at DeWxtt on muss. Phone 7302. DeCamp Furn~- ,,~ +, el,dA T.m,i, Konler Mt Ver .. p essurlzea cans Ior Uve~OCK
Frida r~ "~ at 30-37C .................. = ' - " w u u n u s ano abrasions t~.lLl.~ ~
Y. tu rcen "r. non. 33. 34c SCREW WORMS BACHMANFEED
Grange Hall Abbey Creek A week end guest of the Ben TRASH HAULING Donald I.I ....... -°'------ •- SE ...... "
Mrs. Milton Koch Mrs Kenneth Kapla.n Neals was their grandson Michael Krumm Phone 8262 Mt Vernon I FOK ~Al.~: mate nag. t+ monxns xtvx~r~. 33e
............ Taylor of Cedar Rapids. The Neals ' ' " 29t}c[old. Duroc-red from Meek herd. ORDER-YbU~R~F~NK,~,G+,~-I_I~-. and your old machine
~eorge Biggs iamiiy at ~aii- ±vtr. and Mrs. ,,averne ~onms, returned him to his home Sunday ~~~-. ---------7 IJames Bartosh, Mt. Vernon, pnon.e brid now. Funk's G" Hybrids are
spent a couple of days with Diana and Christine of Marion were evening• WANTED: Buimings ~o wrecK. ~ 6602. ;~c consistently good year after year•
~iggs' niece Mrs. M. J. Koch Thursday afternoon and evening Sunday dinner guests of the Bill Zearing, Phone z~, ,as.~n. [-FOR-SALE--Ne-~--tw--~-b-edr-oom Gene Strauch, 907 1st Ave. N., Mt. ~ [
amily. They brought Mrs. i visitors in the Ken Kaplan home. Floyd Kitchens were Mr. and Mrs. 27tiC,home utility room ~as heat plas- Vernon, dial 7192 21tfc ~d ~ ~ ~l~
+. .. ~.~.~,~ ~,~m Phoenix The Phil Carne-'s called on the ................ ---=~-'~~---~----.-+'-----•--+ ' ' ~ '. . . ' • -~ ==mmm~m mmlml ~,
....... v ............ ~ : ira l~ral anu Josepn l~ral oI HlllS. CUSTOM CORN snelblng w~tn Itered walls roomy ClOSe£s large tar WEDDING ALBUMS Twelve 8x ~I ~ mR ~•~ ~]~
With them and Brad Breyer : Kenneth Kaplans Sunday afternoon: The Harold Gilmore. family of John Deere sheller. No job too bi~ilmmediate' ,assess[on. PRINGLE 10 black and white prints in an al-
: " " Eddi'e Pitliks " " "[Kolfl 'ani fin To"imc of'D!nn'is anl Cla Ads : " '39tf[herin 407 lsi "Ave [ V e r y_ | h i n g
U So Mount Ver!
,~. Emily Scott of Rock Island I Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Boyle wereI Mrs. Becky Stoba of Cedar Rapids I I .--z-~-~-..~ non. ' ' 34, 35p [ [ .....
~een visiting her sister Mrs. [dinner guests in the W. E. Victorinelcalled at the Rich home Sunday[ ..................................... [.~.urr}u~,.~+x-r_~x, ~u~ ana ~..~rp.e¢[- ~_~_.,. ~.~ .... ~ nf alfalfa Jr Works Better With Soft Water
.s Rice the past week home in Cedar Rapids ~unaay. afternoon ma,-~ ~m ~t~atve I thleanlng in your own nome. lvlo~n r~J~ OZ'XL,~ ................. ii I ----
......................................... ~ ] Mr ancl Mrs Pa, 1 m-~++~ ~.~.~ ] ~-~a.~ ,Jr .n~,~.~ [ proofed as cleaned. Phone 7302. De-I in field. Eddie Pitlik, dial 3504, Mt. [I I
Carol Ann were uests on ........................................ Camp Furmture Repmr. 30-37c Verno . 34, 35p II [ L • l+ m, ~ .....
g Thurs- _ .......... , ........ ~ -
_ E day at the Sherm Hanna home. CARD OF T~ANKS BRAGS CLEANERS offers freel FOR SALE: Baby stroller and ll[ Neal s tt We, orv,r=
I 1 ~ 1= E~ I~ I~ ~ I ~ I l lThey were among the week end[ I wish to thank my relatives and lDick-up and delivery by calling play pen. Mrs. Clarence Slach, [I I ........... w...--...~,
• • ~b, 1E • • • • l~ Eli • ~ • • I vlmtors" " of Will Clark. The Harold I friends for the beautiful flowers, I Louise and Harry Smith in Lisbon., phone ..... 8472, Mr ..... Vernon 34p HI, Dial o..,.,~'~'~ rat."" vernon" "
~ ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ L. ~ • I l Peterson family joined them on Sat- ] gifts, cards and letters and also per-llowa. Dia12485. Prompt and expertl FOR SALE: Davenport, can belll
• urday. Other guests on Sunday sonal calls while I was in the has- work. We solicit your business, made into bed. Nearly new Mrs
[ 10~9 WI~ All;t("l-.~.lm~,.© l [ were the Sherm Hanna and Eugene l pital and since I have returnedlDewey and Lera Bragg. BragglRaymon Stearns, Lisbon. Phonel'
- , ~..,~. ,, ,,, ..... - ........... ~l Kohl families, lhome. I Cleaners Meehanicsville. 30tfc 616F33 Morley 34n1
..... • "- _+_.~I_ ," . ut~_L n___..~._ ~ The Marvin John~ons attended aI Mrs. E. Shotwell l EI_~CTRICAL Appliance Se-~i~.l F---F--0--~~I~~I ...... • •
' i Yoz ou er ,~ WlTn fast rllT(:ll• I~:~lllOlt~ party in nonor oi Mrs ~ioy ttaff ~ ~-
" P It ........ " . i C~-~--~---TI~NKS-- Leave at my home or Stanley TV,, house Phone 4432 Mt Vernon [ astern Iowa L, vestock Comm,suon Inc.
r.._,...i .... o 14 Fast Hitch Plow 2 _,•l a~ me nome oz ~-um ragan in An a-' ... - ,~ ............ .~.~^..t Fred Siebels dial 2841 day hme or[ 34-36p
• • • llevemng the Yllmer Johnstons, Er. lappreclatlon to friends and nelgh-I .... ban_ . 14tf[ TER, II .S. Highway No. 30
%,,~JII//~JI. I I~.~I~ ~ • mesa ~unaa .azternoon. an me woras can ..... .~v ....... ~.==v 3622 evenings. Lisbon. f ~ ~ U "
Row Cultivator with F H rear section for iiI PUMP SERVICE rlawng pump used 9 rues half r~ --
• " roll Shanklins and Mrs. Raft call-ibors for the flowers, letters, cards : ....... 1 ., p "ce. Phone 8392,tl --
this tractor ~/ed in the Marvin Johnston home. i and many acts of sympathy that troubles? Call Frank riar~l, aml,Lettsome, Mt. Vernon. 34pl] _ __
• On Thursday Mrs Bonnie Larson 4 came to us at the time of our recent [ 7652 Mt Vernon 23tfe ~~=~---~.-,~++..~-~-.- I] IlIlgf?g%e~ A| lP'lPlatl IPt IPR~
.... ,= ,t ~ llhad as her dinner guests the Don i bereavement. Your kindness will[ OIL BURNER Service--24 hr.--lyour questions on preserving Grass[J ........... =='~--
' - / Ya, rarmali ~ l/Bakers and sons and Mrs. Ivan inever be forgotten. [plus higher heat, No. 3 Shell fuel iSilage; contact us for STAY FRESH[I WI~r~l~i~i~Av
l! Reed. Mrs. Will Stewart and family oil FOA-5X treated--means trouble land a number of excellent PRESER- t • • ---~,w, • a-O ~P%/
I . 1953 Oliver 88 •l The Ben Buntings attended the !~ I free heating at a really noticeable lVATIVES' reasonably priced. Har-tl
~lexercises at Dubuque on Monday. iue~"a~ u~ ln~, ~ ...... 15555 saving. Judy Johnston Oil Co..]old C. Platner, Lisbon, Iowa 34, 35c|1 V--I----L--__ et-~n tl . - .l! .
-- 1 t Their son Clifford was among the i we want to manK me irmnas anct [Phone 6761, Mt Vernon 22tf --~ .... -~.~-.~-..7~...~..--.--r~..~++x.... / tt#l~pnoRe rio raecnanlcsville, Iowa
t- 1939 F-20. A ood one. •]~raduates Ineighbors for their expressions ofi--" ............. -- .... ~.~rt~o~ru~w ~s~rt~ru~/i
-- ~ ' 42" lengthFor fences buildings I
, II ~ !sympathy, floral tributes and for theJ CLINTON ENGINES ! 1 - • : . , ....... ,/ ,
I ..... t-, • I Mt. Vernon, who suffered a cerebral iMrs. Rosa Eberhardt I erator She-- Lisbon " 31 tfeI SEE. OUR USED~h~D-e-/I •
' - Jonn 13eere nay t.nopper l[hemorrhag.e about .two .weeks ago, [ The Lyle Griffiths family !~! partment for the following items at/ •
, •ils ~mprovmg but ~s still confined] James L. DeNise _w~: ~r~.:~.l.~.~ i ~ ~. ta - ~low prices: 1-11 cubic foot Vesting-II •
( I to Mercy hops[am in Cedar ttapids ' . tt~-Attt ~:tcvl~. we're neaa-, ha s " • "
. /nhn he-re Blowers l, ., Dal.e DeNise t .......... . u e refrigerator, 1-9 cubic footll l =1 l l • II~e • •
........ II .. ~.~. . [quar ers .°r_aepenaaD e . umerana,Kelvinatorrefrigerator; 1-6 cubicll I AI t[ I llllW Ill Ii la*gl$ •
.. . . . • I ~vtr. ana lvirs, v. r. t=oigan at ' C#~[tD OF THANKS I r'ipe worK, l"uneups, ~raKe ~ervme, ] foot Gibson refri~r*tnr" ~ wo~¢+.,, /I 1-•~l -! • Illl•~. I Ill. • • ll- I
- 15" M.W.P.T.O. Hammermill with travel- |]Chicago visaed the formers mother i I wish to take this way of ex.[Automatle Transmlssmns, Bearlhouse Electric ~n~es: "1-18 cu~cll ------ - ""------ "" ='1"='" •
I:---- £^^A *~.l.,I,, •[ana sister, ~£rs;.l~osaiie ~olgan ana jtending my heartfelt thanks to all[Wheel Balancing, Front EndAlign,-! foot Westinghouse frgeeezer 9 mon thsll •
,t~ .~,.~ .~,~. • Mrs. mary lvmmerin, las~ xuesaay, of vou Who remembered me with ment and Overhauling. ~,etaers old" 1 30-~*1lnn ~oi~ho~ ~.,,.~,~1 E
coming especmlly to attend the high Auto Repatr phone 6201 Mt Ver
=, ^^ ¢ ...... . . ,- 1 I ....................... ,o ..o [flowers, cards, visits and other ex-] ' ' :'- o'1 Water Heater; 1 Westinghouse Dry-II 1
- [New -~u TT. I.rl.k..k.nesT rreezers • l~ .... ~ ~.".'--:~_'~,:,=.-~ ~. .... .~ =.o.I pressions of kindness while I was in [non. z~ alc er" 1 Easy Ironer cabinet model; 211 •
,-. , ~ ~. . l[~rs, mumerl~ns sister, l~rs. Jonnlthe hospital and since I have re-[~[WringerWashers;'lCoronadoAuto./] .... ~ --. . -- •
B II Process I
~ealers ~.osr i ~zb[:ney °I ~al°~$S~ ana mrs Jonn rs Don Wld n Mrs[t~lifiers Bill Randolph Studlo Mt I J ELIASON, lVlT VERNON I W I~ ll ~k I~ iI
• .......... :_ , :. . ~ turned home. Your thoughtfulness ITwo automatic looms, no long waits, matic Washer; 1-30 gallon Ruud Gasl[ ~'~l~I~_ InhIa¢ ] K10 •
• i,+u ~onneu oi warner, rosa a~enaea will never be far,rotten I,~.... ..... , ...... • ..... ,-..,.. l Water Heater• 7 Gas Ranges Iowall ..... I" =w"=v'~l v '~" • "~I W"mlo~ v~ I
• + " h i 's au h o • o,.,~.~ ...uw ..,. ~..x~ ,,=- , ~ • -- --
the exercises Mrs Mul er n d g
[ 1 If Mrs Susan Ye~sley v S an Lease Smith Electra Light & Power Company
" 81/2 ft New I.H. Refrigerator with se de- I~ter Elaine was a member ofthe • " Eli ery. H.. d " ,]. " ,El 1
• • I . -~---------[~~ Dial 2485 Lisbon tf' mount Vernon Iowa Dial 4711 or •
frost Cost l*graduating class and appeared on CARD OF 'Ilia KS I ' ' z tfc/I d. •
lithe program as a vocal solo y h~n~lig[ I do?rRNanA2EoNTAL' alandIL:ol~22ns in; I I
all types We also sell one piece
R lrach Imnl mnnt rn li NOW. Rust free pressions of sympathy at the time precastconcreteporchsteps'I on I 5 lbs. Charcoal Brlauets . 45c I
~ll~111#~ll llllll~l~lllt~lll ~Ve •[ ~ of our bereavement The beautiful ..... "l . , • ' "[I ~ •
1 1. ~ " * : ....... h- m-n- i' ........... llator cleaned and aajustea nere Iorl crafters ,.[soon pnone 4121 34tfc I i
i,l 3521 - Mt. Vernon, Iowa t-R erv'gs~al+iU;ere~leep{y ~aerefere~°rSUs~m;rL?rdV~ng S'3tll~fcf T~vMPO%~I?2rLensL~thD2?As.L~or Charcoal Lighter Fluid, pint 35c l
" " " I Mr. and Mrs Austin Armstrong FLOOR SANDINCr--old or new over. Treated against insects rod-II •
i water heaters ~ and family[floors Call 6505 for an estimate lents and rot. Priced special at Sa.0011 . •
~) • Mr and Mrs Adol h E w n Hunter 16tf baleBACHMAN FEED SERVICE
....urwe ~a/t P ' ILa re ce ] 3 11 Play Ground Swlncl Sets $19.95
[ ~ i " Biderman and family ................... ~ -- ,w --
I'~ ..f;TB;i~ . yon ea and family / . i " ~lation and re air I~l]
~ew nsm p
I IN sheep Use as a drench or mjectmn
STATION FOR LEASE I I ............... .............. Re ult "7 " t B/~HM~N' '
li I: "'. :-i•a : ITopping and removal, custom chainlF~DSsE~vic~'nu es. 33cll II
............................ +., _
Philh s service station at the west end of
P [ : ~ , When Mor~an_ Funeral Service . _ _KERWREC _ERVICES ental rug', metal yard furniture; ...vlilllll%llkl~~_ f~l~
t i~LOI 1 1 I,~ %01~
Vernon is for lease Good ,~allona,',e Ex I, [ i~:'~/~/]##'- I phone does not answer dial 3271,1Fully insured, 24-hour servica posthole digger_carpenter and gar- [ I • • ~ Em•
• " u " " I "" Mt Vernon. 37ni n ZZA, UNG,# . l %\ooZs. rs. ,. ..under, pno...e I mm L REMODEUNG •
• " " ~ -- ......... i n Phone 2906 z~z m~ vernon 31tr I I 1 I 1
ell -¢ , nortunitv for rmht man II t PERSON WAS SEEN taking an-[ Lsbo J ..................... ,I •
..... l-I- 1 ~ " l[ '~.~.Wlf char and fi.~hin~ enuinment from[ 2~.tfc~ WANT a good used lawn mower?]l •
Ir~ • - ° - "1 = • ~-- BERANEK'S have several recent' .
I I ~ boat north of Suthff Please put lt[ AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE I ...... 1
• • ~ " I 'ttrade-ins 31tfcl U,al 2t;21 Mt. Vernon, Iowa
I ] . back or suffer the consequences, road rock fill dirt. drainage ditches ..........
C:al EM 4-6141 or EM 2 9897 Cedar Ra ds I
I " , P I Kal,ban Apphance Alfred E. Bedell. Lisbon. 34P,and cell;rs excavated Georget JOIN ROBER'I~, Studio's Baby I
I --= l~i • " 'Club. $5.50 for 6 pictures, one each I
Mt. Vernon, lowa , NOTICE. Refreshment stand at,Gaines & Son. dml 7731 or 7732., ................ •
• year. ~mp a~ smmo mr aemns. ~u+,
Palisades State park now open for Mt. Vernon. 28tf _________+. .
business on Sundays and holidays. [--~ I EBY'S POISON CORN kills go-II l
.. 34c A SOFT WATER SERVICE Avail- I phers ground squirrels rats etc. ~ . _
~ii~ able now. No equipment te buy. $i.0~ can. BACHMAN'FEED'SER-!I r~l~|~,.~J, I=i~l~l,~l~e,i e,ll~rl •
,~ tk .......................... * ........... "" """ I
No work for you to do. Neal s Sol VICE. 33c
• 4-H club, at Stoltz Cleaners, Satur- . '~ . . . . .
n ~ 5 U ~ iII day, June 8, at9 a.m. 34c. ' " 19if ~ A,r Condmonma Eaumment
Water Serwce Dial 8301, Mt Ver-,
vernon o Ha w r v g 8
+z~ I II M II I~ • V ~ I ~[ ............. Thomps n ,y a d ChemiealCo. II ........... •
, maae o ~eneral Motors
• • ~_~ " ~.}/A/~_ . Firestone store, Lisbon, S~aturday',[ 'IV SERVICE, bonded technician, '. Farm tested ' agricultural Chem- I ! Y I
k'~,. ~_~_ ,,~[I'~'.~ June 8 at 9 a.m. 34clradio and record players for sale; reals, xour aemer zor all farm l ,, . . •, . ,. .. .. . •
tk~"--~-:'~/L _-v~ -J%t I ,~ -~~~_ I also used radio record layers am t chemicals is I ~erore you ouy see r~ovaK neanng L.o tor
~..~.~ II. am~ ~ dl~ ~ ff notice. Call M . a e. .( • 'M.'~'I • • • i better heating and for better orices •
- 1 U I lll I~ 1 ~ • • • Lynn Goodlove. 34p non. .vu~l Also Walsh Sprayers, front mount ] " " •
-" " ~ .......................................... [ ~GUARANTEED RADIO and Tele- I or trailer. The favorite of more [i We install your furnace in two days. •
_ ) LOST [ vision service. Antenna and Rotators [ than I00 Lmn County farmers. I ', •
• . ................................... l installed New low rates. KALIBAN ~ 30-41 I Man t' ' "
'/ Your "atrona"e has been a' 'reciated LOST: Billfold, considerablelAppL C'O 31tfc!~ y sa isfied customers in Mt. Vernon 1
~ ~ ~ " amount of money. Liberal reward. - ........ ~~ ¢~ ||=~, 1
Lester Taylor. phone 5282, Mt. Ver-i DON'T TINKER with your car. -"~Virl-mt-SeV-~v'iee .............. •
• • non 34c Home mechanics too often find' ~ /
I~1 ...... U= I[~.,AJ ~,~,~ ~ " i i Mount Vernon-240@ Lisbon- 2"/18, Payments as low as $8 per month •
• " [|| ~U• ~ themselves in real trouble trying to ...... "
• rtunee r ni Drlsu ........ I. .......... ] NEW AND USED Automatic and ............. •
rvtt ~,~/ ,'to me~r own nxmg. £t pays to nave .............. PK~k k~PilMA/I'~P m
t • 'uonvenuonat wasners ~b'1" U£1~
.-. [your repairs done by experiencedI ..... " ....
• • .. • ,~ . ..... a .................... "": ....... : ....... :itechnicians. We're as near as our,~'=L~s~TM ...... ~U.ttc Cleaning and repairing of air make, of furnaces I
IOlnS me ana LOOmlS rroauce, rat. vernon, ana FOR RENT: Cru~cnes, wnen anainhone number DIAL 4701 Flynnl Am~I~VJAN ~tanaara pmmDing .... . " 1
" " o ed th m MEREDITH " '. • " - • we can mpmr your s u,in E
t • . . . ff y u ne e . t Motor Service, m the Lltts Chevro-I f,xtures, boilers and furnaces, Len- ~ g.
Farmers Co 0 Martelle in wlshln ou a ros erous ear DRUG 42tfc
= • , g Y P P Y • let Buildin 49 tfc nox furnaces; Youngstown kitchen ..
p ........... g - . •
FOR RENT" Ta'~e recorder sound I ~" lunlts dishwashers and fOod waste Nnvak H~ntme,
• ,. :v ' - t SERVICE Repairing relmgera- "is":"ers FRINK PL"MBING & ...... =~ 1
systems mlcropn o n e s speakers I • ' ' ' n ~, vvo • ,~ . • . •
.... ' ...... '. ..... ', tton, domestic, commercml, air co -, H"AT'NG -':a .... 1 "is'--n *2tf O A_ _. ~__.-J_=_ _ ~ II
ampnners. 15111 l~anaotpn ~mctlO,'.~i,i...~in= i,~¢t~nln= reasonable ~+'"++'+ r,+ x , ui , o. , ,. . o /,Mr OrIQlIInnwtet m
Mt Vernon 19tf i ........ ~ ............. "~ I ......... " ...... ~ ~v.
..... -- __ ' i or night Milo Kaliban Lisbon LIQUID PIG WORMER by quart D|al ~ 4.4626 .... t ....... •
..... 9 i~ /taro AVe ~ W 1
~An,~ Vernon FOR RENT: Wall paper steamers, phone 2251, Mt. Vernon phone or gallon. Why feed worms. BACH .... o ............. , ". " " I
• sanders, edgers, buffers and waxers. 2251, Nit. Vernon phone 15-2251. MAN FEED SERVICE, Mt. Vernon. ~ , •
Kaliban Appliance. Mr. Vernon. 18if 34-37c 33c