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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 8, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 8, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i::i t d vl and ,I VERNON HA%%qKEYE, VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 32 WILL! ON AVENUE Passes Milk On First ---.-____ Vernon Council ap- of tile that the located on Second between the Bau- and the Dr. Wolfe instead of on lere it has been pre- Band concerts will from this Saturday Pipe will be tak- Water Tower Paint of LaPorte rylng Unsuccessfully ng for the old tank it over to the Deny for taking it irk must be com- ber first. k ordinance, in a by the U. S. was passed ng by the council. lister, state milk in- Moines attended tile and will assist lo- complying with tile ordinance. Elmer Se'evell has COuncil that the 'ill be treated with by the county to eliminate Theatre ext Weekend COol Cornell Little off to an exciting of June 15-17. re directors, Al,bert )naps, have recently S for the first week- annual festival of the Cornell Sum- lively play, "Pri- ,been chosen for on Thursday and June 15 and 16 at Showing of this given Saturday af- June 17. on the ~e a repeat per- Town," by When this :play Weeks ago, it audiences at The repeat Paler request. The will ,be prac- as that used be- of the cast of "Pri- all Well known to theatre ~oers. The 'rynne will be play- }Ver, Betty Los cast in the part he. Bo'b Hartung the role of Elyot Chase is to .be Mount." Jo Selected to do the French ,maid. Driver's aturday ith of Cedar Rap- Y assistants were afternoon ring applications licenses in the *ant Vernon. There will ,be at tile rit Vernon on next 2:30 P.m. until 9 PUrpose. ,be taken in the the Linn county Cedar Rapids Those who fail to ications must take obtain a license. are necessary to license, from ave 'been detach- the fee for the fie To Tonight ng Peoples Group and the Metho- lansing a party Thurs- 8. Invitations all who might 'Person not re- but interest- ;reap, is cordially e church Thurs- O'clock where be furnished. ~Venings entertain- Sing, beach enter- President of the the following nlnittees: Enter- ; Re- Johnson; Trails- ?e Hunter; In- and Dorris Russell. Will Offer Auction will offer the first week in located at the :Sue and Second is across the -'k south of the desert,b- aPPears on page Ills will ,be the WEST- train schedules June 1O. For Agent. ......... : .......... I E;omes Bride Today WILL OPEN IN ASH PARK MONDAY, JUNE 19 Ask For Loan Or Donatmn of Certain ' Equipment MISS I,'RANCI.~'S BELI~ q'his afternoon, on the thirty- fifth wedding anniversary of her parents, Miss Fr'tnces Bell, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank Bell, of Earlville, will becoule tile bride of Mr. Jay Fordyce, of Mount Ver- non. The wedding will take place at 3:00 at the Bell honle, near Earl- ville, with the Bey. R. M. Bell, of Riceville, ,brotber of the bride, per- foruling tile double ring cereulony. Miss Bell is to ,be attended by Miss Carnien Ryan, of Manchester, wifile Mr. Charles Fordyce, of Rochester, New York, will serve ! his t)rother as best man. The I)ride, wearing a gown of white net over white satin, will be given ill mar- riage by her father. She will car- ry flowers to nlatch the wreath of pink rose buds, daisies and for- get-me-nots to which iLer finger-tip veil is caught. Miss Ryan will be attired in a floor length gown of blue larkspm-. Wlhite t:~pers, ferns and white peonies will bank the ,bridal altar and bouquets of gar- den flowers will ,be used through- out the home. Miss Bell was graduated from Oneida high school and from Cor- nell college in 1938. She was af- filiated as a Cornellian with the Thalian social group. ,M;r. Fordyce was graduated from Mount Vernon high school and attended Cornell with the class of 1931. Immediately following the cere- mony, the couple will leave on a wedding trip through the south, the bride wearing a suit of powder- blue silk with rose and white acces- sories. They will be at home in Mount Vernon after June 25th, where 'Mr. Fordyce is Assistant Cashier of the Mount Vernon Bank and Trust Company. Besides the immediate family of the bride, the following will be guests: Mrs. Ida M. Fordyce, of Mount Vernon; 'Miss Lucia For- dyce, of Ames; Miss Elva Fordyce, of Lake ,Mills; Mr. and ,Mrs. D. U. Van Metre, Dr. W. G. Rowley, ~V[iss Jean Minish and. Mr. Lawrence Hunter, all of Mount Vernon; ~[rs. R. M. Bell and daughter Joan, of Riceville; ,Miss Josephine Beadle, of Cedar Rapids; Miss Merle hqsh, of Glen Ellyn, Illinois; and the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Palmer of Earlville. Methodi s Will Have Children's Day Program Sunday The annual Children's Day exer- cises of tile Methodist Sunday school will ,be 9resented Sunday ulorning June l l, at the church llour 10:45 o'clock. /Mrs. Walter 13. Gray will be in charge. The following program will be given: Prelude ,~rs. J. B. MacGregor,. Processional--Hymn No. 72. Stateulent of Purpose -- Bey. Lloyd Gustafson. Prayer in Unison. Songs--Nursery department. I Affirmation of Faith, Intermed- iate Girls. Scripture Lesson--Junior De- partment. Hymn--No. 441. PrayeriMark Hutchinson, Jr. Prayer--Prinlary depart,ment. Why We Have Children's Day, -~Cornelia Brooks. Offering. Flute solo--Patricia Mitchell. Benediction. Presbyterians Plan Children's Day Program On Sunday, June 18th Children's day will be o,bserved in the PreM)yterian church one week froln Sunday, June 18, with Mrs. Dale Johnson in general charge. The following program, is being arranged: Opening song, ,by the Sunday School; vocal duet, Mil- dred and Marian Fisher; exercise by the beginners class; recitation by Carol Gray and Charlotte Ma- son; soug, "God Loves Us All", by the primary class; play, "Child Friends of Jesus," roy girls and boys of the junior department and several from the intermediate de- partment; song by Miss Marybelle Mason's class of girls; exercises by the beginm;r's and primary de- partment Faye Rogers Will be pianist for the niusieal numbers. Lions Club Had Family Picnic At Country Club The summer playground, spon- sored by the .Mount Vernon Lions clwb, assisted financially by sev- eral other clubs of Mount Vernon aud by personal contributions, will open m Ash Park, Monday, June 19. Ralph Carl, principal of the Mount Vernon schools, and Charles Hokonson, Cornell alumnus, will be in charge of the playground this year. Both men are e)~perieneed in this line and have a very inter- esting program lined up for the smunier. They will be ffbly assist- ed ,by members of the Takonte Camp Fire group of ~Mount Ver- non. All in charge will be local people and this year promises to be a bigger and Ibetter playground. All children of the community are invited to attend. Registratiou will be Monday morning, June 19, at 9:00 o'clock in the Cornell gynl- nasium. There will be no registra- tiou fee. "Pile only expense there may be will be for materials used in some eases. ~ This year the age limit has been changed. No chil- dren under live years of age will be adnlitted. All children over that age in the eom,nlunity are urged to attend. The hours for the play- ground will open at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon with an hour for the lunch hour, from Monday through Fridays of each week. EQ'UI PMENT NEEDFD Equipment which the sponsors of the Sumnier Playground would like very much to have donated are: Pair tin snips. Pair scissors. Rip and Cross Cut saws. Brace and Vi, Vz and 1 inch ,hits. Six coping saws. Mt. Vernon Produce Unloads Large Shipment Of Salt Mount Vernon Produce unload- ed half a carload of salt on Mon- day which was delivered to many of their customers and the ,balance stored in their new storeroom. Half of the carload was for a dealer at Marion. A carload of salt was re- ceived here in the spring by the Mt. Vernon Produce. CORNELL AWARDS DIPLOMAS TO 89 SENIORS MONDAY P e r f e c t Weather Greeted Commence- ment This Year Bishop Edwiu IIolt Hughes de- livered the address at the eighty- sixth Cornell commencement Mon- day at which time eighty-nine seiL- iors received degrees. The Cor- nell chapel w%s filled to capacity with relatives and friends of the graduates. The program opened with the processional by Eugene l)ever- eaux, organist, followed by a trio of Ruth Erdice, flute; Doris Her- dine, clarinet; and Elizabeth Swan- ey, organist, playing a sonata in G Major by Bach. "The necessity to bridge the gap between the young and the old," was stressed by Bishop Hughes in his speech. He traced the pro- gress of civilization down to the present time, comparing the Vic- torian age with the nlodern age. The youth of today call the Vic- torian age one of hypocrisy and insincerity. He asked the audience if they considered "Queen Victoria, Abraham Lincoln or Robert E. Lee hyprocrites, all of the Victorian age." Fmphasizing the fact that one is never too old to learn, and every- thing has a foundation in previous generations, he reminded the aud- ience that even "The foundation I of Cornell college wag laid by a I carpenter of Nazareth, 1900 years ago." Speaking in a sincere and in- formal manner, 'Bishop Hughes de- Dean Jay B. MacGregor present- ed degrees to the eighty-nine can- didates after which Pres. H. J. Burgstahler conferred honorary degrees on the following delegates: Mrs. Thomas Nicholson, Mt. Ver- non, and Bishop Duane Hunt, Salt Lake City, Doctor of haws; Arthur l)eamer, Cedar Rapids, Doctor of Pedagogy; and Bey. Russell Cole, Boston, Rev. Otis Moore, Tipton, and Dean Paul Johnson, Morning- side, 1)octor of Divinity. The list of candidates for degrees appeal" on page two. The May Montgomery Smith $25 history prize was awarded to David A picnic was held for Lions club I Wiest, Minneapolis. s an th lr f m lies T q he invocation was pronounced mem,ber d e" a 1 " ues- [ '" " " day evening at th'e Mount Vernon lbY the Rev. Paul Johnson and the benediction 'by RevRussell Cole and Lisbon country club grounds. {: " " .. • A delicious picnic supper with 23 ] (Continued on Page 5) fried spring chickens was' enjoyed ] .... ,by the large group. R.W. Barker] Mr. and ,Mrs. G. W. ,Franks of ,was in charge of 'the arrangementsI Davenlaort were callers this morn- for the picnic, ing on George L. Franks. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 Mrs. J. C. Boyd Buried Here On Wed?eoSd?y___ Mrs. J. C. Boyd o ,] d -,, , st- dent of Mount Vernon froni 1889 until 1922, was buried in the Mount Vernon cemetery on Wednesday af- ternoon. Services at the grave were conducted 'by Rev. David Davies, and Rev. C. F. Strut}on. A large nunlber of ohl friends and neigh- tiers were in attendance. Probably no woman was better known or niore loved than was Mrs. Boyd during her long re:d- dence here. She was a devoted wife, an unselfish mother, the higtlest type of citizen who always supported and appreciated all of the finer things of life, and always did more than her share in all Church and conlmunity activities. Mrs. Boyd suffered a slight stroke at Whitten, near Elders on Sunday, May 2Stb, and "ulother one on the following day. She seemed 'to recover until last Saturday "tnd lassed away on Sunday afternoon. The follow'ing obituary was read at the funeral service held at El- dora on Wednesday morning. Mabel ,M. Shirer was Iborn at La Porte City, Iowa, on May 4, 1876, the daughter of the late William and Caroline Shirer. She died at: her he,me -in Eldora on June 4, 1939. She was one of a family of four children, two boys and two daugh- ters. The brothers have preceded her in death. There remains tlie sister, Mrs. T. G. Ferreby of Hum- boldt, Iowa. In 1889 the Shirer family moved to ~Mount Vernon in order to se- cure educational advantages for their children. Upon coinpleting tile higli school there, Mrs. Boyd entered Cornell College and re- ceived degrees in oratory and voice. ,She waS married to Jay C. lloyd, also of ,Mount Vernon, in 1896. To them were ,born four sons: Don- ald, of Elyria, Ohio; Craig of Louisville, Ky.; William of Cedar Falls and Richard of Waterloo. She also g&ve a mother's love and care to a niece, 'Margot Francis of Chi- cago, who was taken into the Boyd home in early childhood. All of these were with her in her last illness as well as her sister, Mrs. Ferreby. She also leaves six grand- children; l)onald and James Boyd; Ann Boyd, Mary and Dan Boyd, and Michael Boyd. In 1922 Mr. and ~Mrs. Boyd mov- ed to Elders. At once Boyd identified :herself with church and com,munity interests. She was very geuerous with her gift of ~nusic, leading the choir in the Methodist church for two years and after- wards directing the choir of her own church--the Congregational-- until her death, with 'brief intervals of vacations. Mrs. Boyd was a nielnber of Chapter FA P.E.O., an honorary member of Woman's club, l)rama clu.b, and was active in City Fed- eration work. ,She also helped to estwblish social service work in Hardin county in its ,beginnings. But her major interests lay in her home and in her church. Aside from her ministry of music, she was chairman of the missionary eonimittee and had held office of president in the Ladies society and Married People's Club. To every. department of the church she gave thoughtful interest and unstinted time and energy. In her home she was a gracious hostess and dispensed "t generous hospitality in the spirit of loving friendliness which characterized tier life. There was a lavish di,~play of flowers froul friehds at Elders, Mount Vernon and elsewhere. Among the-out-of-town people here for the ,burial service were: J. C. Boyd, Mr. and Mh's. Dean l'eisen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Von Krog, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Leon/trd, Mrs. Susan Grief, Miss Mable l)ur- en of Elders; Donald Boyd of Elyria, Ohio; 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Craig Boyd of Louisville, Ky.; Williaui Boyd of Cedar Falls; Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Boyd of Waterloo; [)r. and Mrs. Tom Ferreby of Hunrboldt; William W. Boyd of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; ,Miss Margot Francis of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ramsay and ~M,rs. Willigan Lee and Miss Mary Francis Lee of Cedar Rapids. YWCA LEADERS TO MEET ON CAMPUS The Cornell college campus will be the site of the third annual Leaders' Conference sponsored ,by the Young Wonlen's Christian As- sociation from June 12-17. This conference will be planned for group leaders including board presidents and menlbers of public affairs, health education, world fel- lowshi,p finance, Girl Reserve, and business and industrial eonlmittees. Dr. John Thoulpson of the Uni- versity of Oklahoma will be the leader of the conference and will discuss the developments ill the American comnLunity in tile areas [of religion, democracy, education and ecmiomics. CAR1) OP THANKS We desire to express to our kind neighbors and thoughtful friends our heartfelt thanks for their many expressions of sympathy, during our recent bereavenlent. Mrs. Robert Alexander jr., Mrs. Robert Alexander sr, and family. The Mount Vernon and Lisbon Business Wonlen's clu'b will meet for a l)icnic supper at the heine of Nora Cogdall in Lis,bon, Tuesday evening, June 13, at 6:30 o'clock. Corpus Christi dinner and cele- bration at St. Peter & St. Paul's church Sunday, June 11. Mass at 9:30. Tickets on sale at Ed. Pit-' lik's. 31-2tc Bernard Ciha and I JOHN McHUGH IS Robert Smith Are At Hawkeye Boys State IRENAMED LISBON ,:';::=;I ' POSTMASTER spending tile week at Caulp l)odge atle|lding the second session of tile Hawkeyo Boys' Slate, whh'h open- ed on ~aturday. Exactly 61111 ~boys, ia,lwcen tile ages of 16 and 211 in !t9 Iowa Counties, represent the "forty-ninth" state in the United States. There are 10 "counties and 2o "cities" in ltawkeye. Using the political party systcnl, the boys or- ganized a conlplete state govern- mcnt; there are state and county eonvelllion comnlittee nice}inKs. ~l.ild caucuses for nolninating can- didatcs for city offices and mem- bers of the legislature. Highlights of the camp program during the week will lie addresses lly Gov. George \Vilson; Dean Mason Ladd of lhe lqw school at Iowa State [Tniversity; and H. C. Coulter, spe- cial qg'eut in charge of the Des Moines office of the federal ,bureau of investigation. I,'riday ntorning the whole Hawkeye state adminis- tration will nlove into the state house for a whirl at law ruaking. The tloys were selected by their local I,egion posts, the affair being sponsored by the Iowa depurinlent of the American Legion. Federated Church Will Have Special Speakers On Sunday On Sunday morning at 1{}:30, Mr. Gephart who is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute will be the guest speaker as well as on Satur- day evening at the fellowship sup- )er at 6:30 at the Federated church parlors when he will speak especially to the young people. ~ilnday evening at 8 [).Ill. Mr, (:hester Ainsworth, well known ht.y )reacher of Cedar Rapids, will lie lhc speak(=r "It the graduation ex- ercises of lhe Bibh~ Correspondence (~lass which has been nieeting at the parsonage each Monday night. lh, v. ttanlilton being well ac- quainted with e-tch speaker and the iuleresl ing and helpful nlessages Ihey bring, urges as well as invites everyone to attend. Frank Stritt Has Taken Possession Of Shoe Shop Frank ,qtritt has purchased the l,ld w'trd Kent shoe repair stock an,1 business ill IAsbon aud is now ill liOSScssion, and will oDerate it. q'he t'hange ill owncFShip is alLuoun~,ed in :IIL advertiseulcllt on pag'e four. Grading Crew May Resume Work In This Vicinity Soon WPA workmen are building cul- vert extensions on the road fronl lvanhoe nortll-west to Frank Pit- lik's, thence east and north to the Palisades road. Tllis road is to be graded in the near future. (]rading on the 10ranlz. Anderson roa(l, fronl the Meyers hill west to lh, rtram, may start the l'lst of this ~eek. The gradiug outfit is work- lng On a r()ad ;{ Iniles cast of tile county honle at the present time. MT. VERNON AND LISBON ARE IN NEW BALL LEAGUE After three ycars the great American pastime of baseball has returned to Mount Vernon. A new League has been organized durhlg the last three weeks which consists of six teams, including IAsbon, Martellc, Anamnsa, ,Mechqniesville. Olin and Mount Vernon. Kopen- haver of Mechanicsville ham been nanled presideut and Ball of Lis- ,ben is secretary and treasurer, Of lhe new leaguc. The games will ,he played on the Ivanhoe diamond ,lint on account of some repairing which is being done last Sunday's genie with Ana- mesa was played on the Lisbon field. Mount Vernon was defeated by a score of l0 to 5 last Sunday. Beok was the first to bat for Mount Vernon in the last half of the first inning and got a wnlk. i(h-unl,baugh hunted for a sacrifice and put Beck safely on second }last. l,yneh, the third nlan up, got a hit, scoring Beck. The score renlained the sa,me un- til in the sixth inning, when New- ;hard led off with a walk. After a few hils and errors the score look- ed bad and promised to look worse, for Anaulosa players ran across the )late five fillieS, making the score 5to 1. Mount Vernon inanagcd to make a come 1lack ill the last: half of the sixth inning. Counting two runs which advanced the score to 5 to 3. In lhe first of the seventh inning Ananlosa nlade five nlore runs. The last of the seventh, ('onkiin caule ill for Yhirchfield and got a hit, advanced to second on a walk anti on an overthrow to sec- ond and a wihl heave to third, ma(le honte iiasc. In the begin- ning of the eighth inning Benesh went on the hill, with Beck taking over lhe keystone position and Sk:llsky going llehind the bat. Ben- esh held the opponeuts frown scor- ing any |p.ore. }Mount Vernon caule back with the phi detcrnlblation bul prod}Iced only one run. The ninlh inniug closed with a short rally but no seores. Mount Vernon will play IAsbon at I,ishon next Sunday. Following was lhe lineup for Monnt Vernon: Beck, C; Crunl- ~baugh, ms; [,yneh 3rd; Benesh 2nd and p; Kolll cf; Ellison lf; Skal- sky. p and c; P, urchfield, rf; Pit- Ilk" ll) ; Conklin rf. Mr. and ,Xlrs. Andrew Moe of Leroy, 'Minn., were callers Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Avery. President Sends His Name To The Sen- ate The aPDointmcut of John E. Me- Hugh, lAsbon post nlastor ;;iucc Nov. t933, for a fotlr yoav 1,q'lU ~%:ts subnlitted to the Irnilcd .qtal,,s Senate for confirmation tly Presi- dent Franklin t). }~oosevell on Monday with 46 other postlnaslers of Iowa. This is the fourth iilnc Mr..Me ITug'h's naalo has b{,en su']llili|[od to the Senate for conlirln:llion, he having served "iS pos|'ln:lsl er :it I~isbon, for a total of 14 yv:lrs I'Olll" nionths, froui October I 914 If) Scpl. 1.q2a and frunl No,,'. 1933 Io date. In a recent inspc('tiou (if IIlO I,iabou office, it was given lhe highest possi,t)le rating. Air. Me- ]{ugh is a very aCColnnlnd,lting postmaster as well as an efficienl one fronL }he standpoint of lnect- ing all of the requirenlcnts of the post office department. Lisbon Pupils Win 3 Times In Brain Derby I,i.~bo n students placed three times in the high honors nt the Braiu ])erby at Iowa City Tues- day evening. Peggy Frink received a scholarship kcv for phtcing s~,o- end ill I,inglish Correeluess I I and also ranRed eighlh in l,atiu 1. E've- lyn Meyers r,inked sixth in I,atiu 1. Idxh'a activitivs of the l,ishou groul) while at Iowa City Mond:ty and Tuesday incluii~!d a fil's| hand look qt the television outfit of lho university,,'hing }}if l.:leault l'euduhlnl swing w]iile thc c:lrl]t rotaled under il, inspecting }he state hospital, vhdting Mr. ~.'arn- holt, and piloting a euh airllI:ln,, ow~r Iowa City. There were twelve I,isbon pcot)h, "it the hanquet, the contcstanls, Peggy Frink, Katherine K ruse, F.'velyn Meyers, Otto Kruse, Gordon Bahrt and M!arvin }leynolds; ill- st)'uetors, - Miss Bowley ,'tnd Mr. Rahn, and mothers. Mrs. I,'rinl~, Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Kruse and Mrs. R qh n. Marriage Of Mary Spear and Irwin Zimmer Announced AllnOlLncenLent is /icing lna(te of the marriage of ,Mary Evclyrl >qpcar of Cedar Bapids, daughter of 'Mar- ion Spear of Toledo and Erwin Zimmer, son of :Mr. and Mrs. I{er- man Zimmer of Marion. The eero- lnony was Derl'ortned by llle Rev. Joseph Bandolph at the parson:,ge of the Methodist church in Mexico M'o,, on SeDteniber 17, 193S. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krueger of New Boston, Ill,, attended the couple. Mrs. Zimuier was graduated from the Toledo putHic schools and St. 1,ul~.e's school of nursiug ill SCl>- tenl,her 193g. Mr. Zinlmcr owns and operates the Zilnnl(~r ~lIF:lgO ill Lisbon where the couple will nlak,, their home in the near future. Weddings J OII N SO N - LI(ff~ I,YPT The niarriage of Maxine Ro~c Johnson and Verne IAggelt took place on the afternoon of May 2:', in Marshalltown. Mrs. IA~gelt is the daughter of D. It. Johnson. Mr. Liggett recently was a barb,,r in lies Moines. hn niedial ely after their marriage the couple went fo l)enver, Colo., to ,ulake their home. Has Party on 9th Birthday To celebrate" her uinth birth \V~arner, Miss H.uth Kohl, Miss Buth tIall, Mrs. May ne 1)press, Miss lqliz:~heth 1,N'ederick and Ilev. I tamilton. (hlests in the ]Iousc of l?ouse, Coulnlel)cen/ent Sunday wel'e ~lr and Mrs. Will Downer, Mrs. Nich- ols and Misses Jean iSle~.%al'i tllhl IAlrraine Raub of Muscatiue; },outs I)owner, Miss ]~]ul:l and Mr. and ~'l rs. C]oycc ]')owner slid son of I,etts, l)r. aud Mrs. }[. F. l,]ch- tt,rnacht and Miss Calhcrine of Marshalllov,'n. Mr. :!nd Mrs. I,ouis and son of Newton: Miss Alice l,u,b,bocl,: of Cedar llal:,ids: Misses Carolyn and Sara tIiller of Cornell aud lternlau Meier of Mel- hourne. Nine of the gllest~; wcrc Cornell graduates. The Girls Guild of the Federated church will meet with Mrs. tIamil- ton at the parsonage at 2:15 Fri- day afternoon. MOl;NT Ifl.;llNI)N I{I,;('(IBI), V(lla;Mil,,~ XIAI,.'NUMBER 41 ....................... PLAN RELIGIOUS Wed Last Week .... CELEBRATION AT ST. JOHN,S CHURCH Mils. I),%illll; 'l'ilt" ~ll'i,lt.)~'r()()lll ~%HS :ll[tlldl,i] li3 I::l\i',lolId t'Hffol' of M,'ch:l ni;';4\ illo. T]io bride DIl,1 '. lot)H/ :ll'C :~rNil- II:l 11L~ C) I" 1}h) I .iS}}Ill! hi2h :u'}inol \\ilh lho cl:ls:~ or 19?,l. lind the i)rid,, \v~ls Iho l}r:d (If :t lh]rd t4t.ll- t'l'~ili(itl |O lit' .~{l':l,llli[[l'd. ~'~]lo :ll- lt'lilicd sulillii~,r sc'lioo] :It ('Ol'llC, l| :iild fol' lhrcl' v(':iis l:iulthlin ('li¢lll ; 'l't'el4 ~cho(ll. ,.\11'. :llL,I Mi'F.. M(Irnh/ , :lrl> :it 1Ollh' I)11 }iiS f:ll}lIH":: I';lt'lil (':lb4t (If ,i:d)on. Miss Bernice Ringer To Be Wed On June 15 .",Ir>;. IL t':. I[iil:~'er o1' [,isl)on ~lli- U(tllllOt~,% 1]1,' ~' P l.~l' ' ~illd ~ill- I,l•(i;i(']liil:t• IHF'j Ul' Of hl'l' ( ; 1 R - h'r, ~,li:~:~ |~i,rnicl, I[h/;4t'r, |o \Vil- fl'l'hl II. lli.I.; (ll" I,'airfi,qd, SOli ill' 3,11'. :illd -MI'S. l,'r,,d Ili('l,;llOSo of t,'i':lil]~rori, ,~,olilb ]);il~01:i. Xlis~; ],'iHj_'>(,l" h;is f.]iosou .lunc I[~ :iS l}it, ,]:it,' of hor \\ed,lhlg, \~lticb ~ill l:il.;c l)]:l~u, ill lho ]/OlilO ~li" h~,r ui()| hci'. Mildred Tank And Ralph Moeller Wed "l'li~' holiiO of ,\li'. ;lll~l Ml'fL ,Io]/n "['all[; in \\':11t'l)l I \,,':is Ilio sot!ue ,q:illil'd:ly ;ir{i,iiiOl)li o1 ltii, ili:li'ri~l:{c ()I ll~ii' d:lll'.'~hl,,r Mihlrod io Ih~lph I']. ),looll,q', son ()1' \li. :lll,] ),lrs. I,oili:~ il. M,)oih,r of \Va],'oll. The I{t'\'. [IOilald ll,,hl/ of IQ'illtqon ~')l'- lh'i:lt,d :ll lh,, >:(.1"\i~',~. )db~s Mar- iOU T;lll]-;, yOt !~;(.s s]slor of 1he bride ;ill(] llow:ird Mo~qlt, r (if l,i,~= ])l'Ui, yo liig't>S liro|}ioi' IIr lho In'hlo- ~4TOOIU, :lll,'lll'i('(I ti/o ('oUDle. llOIl= qllt:1>i (d' ~Hl'd('U f]o\vt'r:i Hlld [erus l'Orl/ll,d l}it, solih!>" for lhe nnpli:il. Violin ',ll/i| lihll!() :telecli(iF~s \\t>rc llro/e!lh'd by Mr. :ind ,Mrs. I{ot)erl 'l':ili]-:, lirother ai'H1 sister-in-law of i]ie liri,l,,, :tilt} Miss l,:L';io Nit!]son s:ln~(. The bridc'!~ fh)or h,n~llh ~n\vn \v:t.% :l ltolly\\ood ni'erlil) lcr~l~'lll veil of thc .~'AlillC liiatl,r]al, lhcsc woi'e }lohl \%ilh ',1 })l':l hlo,1 S;llill lind I1Ot ('()rOlhq. II, r frilly .ict~oll'y was a he:lrt- sliatlod hlcli a '41:i,]li;llt' of l}le l[t