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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 8, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 8, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two , , m rmm m u THE MOUNT VERNON. IOWA. HAWKEVE-RECORD AND THE LISBON H~I~kLD THE HAWKEYE-RECORD and THE LISBON HERAi~D 104 2nd Ave., North, Mount Vernon, Iowa Oftcial Newspaper MountVernon and Linn County Lloyd MeCutcheon Estate, Proprietor Jamm W. McCutehmn, Editor Published at Mount Vernon and Liatmu, in Linn County, Iowa, every Thursday. THE MOUNT VERNON HAWKEYE Founded in 1869 by 8. H. Bauman THE MOUNT VERNON REMARKER Founded in 1883 by Mil~srd Losier THE LISBON HERALD Faunded in 1898 by W. F. 8tshJ ~tto~ P~to One year, in Linn and adjoining counties, per y~ar ............... $1.50 One year, outside Linn and adjoining counties, but within the state, per year ......................... $1.75 Gne year, ot~ide th~ state .$2.00 Notices for entertainments or other gath- erings to which, a charge is m~de,nl~ cent~ per line, mlnlmul~ ch~A'ge ZD C~ tB. Card of thanks and resolutions of respect l0 centS a line, minimum charge $1.00 Disphty advertising rates furnished on ap- plication to responsible adv~tisera, Member, IoWa Press A~ociation. National Editorial Association, Foreign Advertis- ing Representative, Iowa Newspapers, Inc., 405 Shops Bldg. Den Moines, Iowa. Entered ~ second class mail matter at the peat office of Mount Vernon, Iowa, and Lislmn, Iowa. DRESSING IN COMJ~OBT IN THe" GOOD OLD sUMMER TIME The decision to outfit the Iowa ltighway patrol with slacks for use in the summer time displays an unusual amount of common sense. Why the men should have been in- flicted with hot uncomfortable leg- gings for summer wear is beyond human conkprehension. Comfort in dress during hot weather makes for efficiency in one's work. The style authorities are slowly coming to that position. The idea that to be properly dress- ed, one must be uncomfortable is gradually disa~ppearing~ Requiring hot formal clothing for the affairs in Washington, D.C. while the English king and queen are there shows how poor lnan is still bound by tradition. Anyone who has spent even one day in hot, sultry Washington dur- ing the smnmer will have a pro- found sympathy for the privileged few who will take part in the func- tions for the royalty. They will well earn any pleasure they may get out of seeing the king and queen. BEBGDOLL p~UEI~I~/~S pEN TO LIVING IN GEI~MANY Grocer Cleveland Bergdoll, no- torious draft evader, has spent six years in Nazi Germany and would rather spend his next few in a U. S. penitentiary than to remain in Germany. ~o~ne of the newspaper writers and some politicians believe it is popular to get tough with Berg- doll and demand that he be sent back to Germany. It is true that he did not appre- ciate the U. S. enough to fight for it during the war. But he wasn't the only one. Strong political pressure was brought and various ways used to keep others out of the trenches. Even Jack Dempsey worked in a ship yard. Bergdoll has suffered plenty for his mistaken ways, admits he was wrong and is willing to face the music. There would be nothing gained by sending him back to Germany after he has served a ~entenee for draft evasion. A NEWSPAPER CLA~41C Scott Snyder of the Dallas Coun- ty News of Adel wrote a newspaper classic the' other day. A ~couple of weel~ ago a group of journalism students from Drake University edited an issue of The News, and they forgot to announce the ~irth of a lovely little girl to a well known Adel family. When the omission was noted Scott sat down at his typewriter and wrote the following apology which he printed in his paper last 'week: "'To Miss Susan egg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald egg: Dear Sue--This column and everyone connected with the News office, owes you an apology, and a big one. Your arrival at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines on :May 4th : was a .big event and we all knew it, including the Drake University students who edited the p~per la~st week. But everyone thought every- one else was going to write the story and as usual, no one did it. ; That's the reason many people did not know ~bout what a fine little girl you are and how h~ppy the parents and grandparents and uncles and aunts are that you are with us. You have already been elected to mem,bership in the "Us Kids" crowd ~nd you'll get the place of honor formerly held by your mother. When you get to be a little older a photographer will be up and then the whole world ('an see just how nice looking you are. We're extremely sorry for the oversight.--Editor." ~HEN PUBLICATION sAVED THE PUBIAC Occasionally we hear a taxpay- er argue that publication of the claims allowed iby the county sup- ervisors (which is done at one- third to one-half what every~body else pays for space in newspapers) is a waste of money, as no,body reads it. It seems from the in- dictment of W. J. Brenda, Toledo, last week, that at least one man readg it. Brenda's brother saw in the Star-Clipper that his father had drawn nearly $100 for county work that he never performed. In- vestigation indicated that W. J. Brenda, patrolman, had "padded" ,his time book. The indictment fol- lowed. The crime would never have been discovered were the County warrants not made pu,blic. ~-Traer Star Clipper. D rees Conferred Cornell College At It's C mmtanceme t, June 5, 1939 ~Im" Or A~s bouis John Adolphsen, Chemistry; Biology .................... Woodstock, Ill. Ruth Lavonne Albright, Biology ....................................... Grundy Center Donald Agaton Anderson, Biology; Dentistry, l,oyola ........ Wilmette, Ill. Emil A. Anderson, Jr., Economics; Sociology .................... ~Vihnette, Ill. Stanley LeRoy Anderson, Political Science ................................ Stratford Albert S. Baker, Chemistry: Medicine, V. of Ill ................. Mt. Morris, Ill. no, bert ,Merrill Baker, Mathematics .................................... Mount Vernon Gordon DeForest Biehl, Economics .................................... Hinckley, :Ill. Draper Herbert Bishop, English ............................................ Marengo, :Ill. Ethel Jeanne Boecklen, Sociology ........................................ Oak Park, Ill. Ralph Samuel Bowman, Economics .................................... Mount Vernon F:thel Margaret Brown, Home Economics ........................ Oak Park, :I11. Geraldine G. Bryant, Music ............................................... Mount Vernon Harold Calkins, Political Science; Law, V. of Chl ............. Barrlngton, Ill. Edith Mary Carver, Music; Social Science .................................... Washta Thomas E. Caywood, Mathematics; Physics ............................ I,ake Park Olive Edith Chambers, Home Economics ........................ Oak Park, Ill. Catherine Ellen Coon. Home Economics; Nursing, N.W.U..._.Van Horne Mary Alice Crew, Elementary Education ........................... Mount Vernon *Norman E. Current, F:conomics ........................................ Mount Vernon Ellis Tyler Dickens, Economics: I,aw, Drake ................................ Toledo Merlin Drei.belbis, Mathematics ....................................... ('enter Junction F. l.ouise Dunham, English ........................................................ Manchester *Mary Fleanor Eitel, English ........................................................ Hawkeye Betty Los Evans, S'peech .............................................................. Goldfield Kelth L. Fate, Speech; Functional Journalism ............ Fargo. N. Dak. *Charles Elllott Fisher, Political Science ............................ Cedar Rapids Elsie Luellle Gaide, Home Economics ............................... La Porte City Vlorenee Althea Goodrlck. Home Economies ............................ Hazleton Kathrine Gene German, Economics ............................ Mitchell, S. Dak. Vernona Henrietta Harmsen, English .................................... Teeds Grove C. Re'bert Hartung, Speech .................................................... Mount Vernon Marvin Woodrow Heath, Political Science ........................ Rochelle. Ill. I.oren A. Hel*berg, Political Science; Economics ............................ Newton Phyllis Hoffman, Eeonomlcs ................................................... Freeport, Ill. l?harles Hokonson, History ............................................... St, Charles, Ill. Gertrude Ann Holmgren. English ................................................ Davenport Helen Faye Hunt, Home Economics .................................... Kirkwood, Me. Fmily Elizabeth lsaacs, English ............................................ Glllesple, Ill. *David Averill Jeffery, Political Sclen:'e .................... 1,o,~ Angeles, C'allf. Howard Albert Johnson, Education ....................................... Chicago, Ill. Margaret Naumann Keyes, Home Eco:mmlcs .................... Mount Vernon Raymond E. Knudson, Economics ........................................ Oak Park, Ill. l)onald Lawson, English ............................................... Downers Grove, Ill. Bethany Ann Lehrman, Home Economics ........................ Mechanlcsvllle Floyd l,. Leinbaugh, Economics ....................................................... Lisbon Merle lxdse, Physics: Electrical Engr., Iowa State ............ Marshalltown Helen Irene Livengood, Biology ....................................... Mllledgevillc, Ill. *Merton Banford Mch:end~y, History ................................ Gak Park. Ill. (qark Henry MeNeal, Political Science ........................................... Clarion Jeannette ~MacDonald, History .......................................... Iiinsdale, Ill. George Vernon Mann, Biology; Chemistry ........................................ Olin Jeanne Elizabeth Merrihew, Home Economics ................... Hinsdale, Ill. Edward Charles ,Mickey, Biology ............................................ Amboy, :Ill. *Lois P. Mills, Elementary Education .................................... Cedar Rapids Richard Wallace Moore, History ........................................................ Tipton Walter Sidney Morris, Economics ...................................................... Clinton Baymond V~il,bur Morrow, Chemistry ........................................ Hopkinton Betty Fay ,Mount, English .................................................... Warrenville, Ill. **William E. Owen Chemistry; Medicine, Columbia ~led. Sch ...... Osage Robert Dale Paul, Chemistry: Medicine, S. U. I ..................... Anamosa John Edwin Pauley, Economics ............................................... Mason ('ity Evelyn Catherine Perry, 'Sociology ........................................ Chicago, Ill. b'ranees May Porter, French ................................................ Oak Park, Ill. Martha Jane Post, English ................................................... Glen Ellyn, :ill. **Gwendolyn Putnam, English; Nursing, Northwestern ....... Rochelle, Ill. Sheldon IAoyd Rahn, Speech; Music ............................................... IAshon Roy B. Ralston, Economics, Geology ............................................ Alexis, Ill. B~heeea Emily, Reeves, English ........................................... l,'ort Madison l.ois Evelyn Reitze], English; Speech ................................... Sterling, Ill. Thomas Edwin Rogers, Biology .......................................... Mount Vernon Jack Robert Ruschmeyer, Chemistry ............................................... Boone Frederick P. Sehmidt, Biology ............................................ Evanston, Ill. George Re.bert Schroeder, Mathematics; Physics ............... Mount Vernon Don Albert Scott, Chemistry ........................................................... Norway James Carl Seever, History ........................................................ Chicago, Ill. **Rachel Anne 'Shaffer, Psychology ........................................ Manchester Betty Helena Shively, Elementary Education ................................ Toledo Janet l,ou Smith, Social Science ....................................... 'Mankato, Minn. Russell Eugene Spencer, Economies .................................... Freeport. Ill. Frances M. Spratt, History; Education ............................................ Monroe ~Marian Eliza.beth Stanek, English ........................................ Oak Park, Ill. Donald W. Stotler, Biology ......................................... West Branch Robe,'t Edwin Swenson, Economics ............................ .::::.:'..i'. ...... Ottumw-, C;~therine Eliza~0eth Thompson, Elementary Education.. Center Junction Delbert W. Tildesley, History ................................................ Syracuse, N. Y. Earl C. Toll, Che,mistry: Physics; Mathematics ................ I)eerfiehl, Ill. Charla Mae Warner, Economics ................................................ Fort l)odge Bichard C. West, Economics .............................................................. Elders Richard David ~,Viest, Political Science .................... Minneapolis, Minn. Priscilla Williams, Economics ....................................... Columbus Junetion Jeanne Ione Wilson, l,,Tementary Education ........................ Annawan, Ill. Lois 'Marie Wilson. English ....................................................... Fenton, :Ill. Mildred Mae Win~low, English ............................................ Grundy Center Bachelor Of School Music Marcella Jean Dunham ................................................................... Atlantic *Sara Manda Hiller. .................................................................... Muscatine *Reva I.eora Martens .................................................................... Wheatland *June Hilda Mathison ..................................................................... Nevada Phyllis Rath*bun ................................................................. Preemption, Ill Gladys Zabilka .................................................................................... Klemmc Ba(.heh)r Of 'Maisic Virginia Hughes Conrson, Piano ............... Des Moines * l)egree to be conferred following summer session. ** Degree to be conferred in absentia. ~$$$=$$=$=$= =$==$$~$$$$= 'WAY BACK WHEN Items of Interest in Mount Vernon And Lisbon 10, 20, 30 Years Ago TEN YEARS AGO June 13, 1929 The pavement at the end of First Avenne, south was strewn with chickens and eggs on Monday ~morning when the Kopf ice truck driven by Glenn McArtor coming from the east past the Joc Verbs place and the AnemoNe Produce truck driven by IAtwrenee Adams of ,qolon, going north with a toad eggs and chickens, collided. An airplane ,belonging to the Il- linois-Iowa Airways coral)any of Davenport made a forced landing in the Frank Dvorak pasture dur- ing a severe wind storm Tues- day. One wheel sunk into the naud up to the axle and turned upsid( down. The three passengers were unhurt. Adolph Biderman installed elec- tric lights at the Upper Palisade~ this week. this week. Last night Capt. Tooze took in four strangers and they all slept in one 'bed. This condition prevailed after the homes were fill- ed to their sleeping capacities. The ~tudents were all here as they should be for commencement. Cornell loses two musicians this year. Prof. Conrad and Miss Cline are planning on further study and are leaving Cornell for that pur- pose. The Misses Alice Heald, Edith Faweett and Ruth Coleman repre- sented the Epworth l,eague at the Marion league convention Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Franklin reached here b'riday on their wed- ding trip. THIRTY YEARS AGO June 15, 1909 Joe Papoucek a carpenter work- ink for Ja~mes Hartman on the Rid- lie barn was injured severely last week by ,being struck in the face by one of the timbers from the old roof. Cal Riddle also had a nar- row escape from injury. Dr. J. B. Albrook claims the The Misses Eliza;beth Cole, Essie honer of not having missed a Cor- Mac Thompson aml Winifred FOwl- nell commencement since 1866. er of Cedar Rapids left today for the Yellowstone park where they Mrs. Henry Bycrs and Helen, Misses Laura and Vlorence Spry will imve employment this sumxner. The Andre cemetery northeast and Miss Byrd Snyder leave Sat- urday for Hillsdale, Wyo., to visit of Lisbon has been beautified bY;Miss l.ou Spry. the addition of a new steel arch of appropriate design. Miss Eva Bear teacher of the John Kreinbring of Lisbon eele- Kepler School and Miss Virgie brated his 75th birthday on Sun- Wlrt, teacher of the Smyth school day. The marriage of Miss Alice Spen- cer to Karl Weiss will occur, in the home of Miss Speneer's grand- falher J. W. Eyestone. TWENTY YEARS AGO June 11, 1919 The head of the Mount Vernon public schools next year will 0e Prof. F. M. Ketehum. Rev. Dillon Smith, Corneli '94, made the formal presentation speech in handing over the splendid old home with its spacious grounds known as the Col. Rood hguse. The ~property was purchas- ed by this class. held a picnic of the two schools in the Wickham pasture, Saturday. The *leant Vernon high school alumni banquet was held Eriday evening in the M'ethodist church. Officers elected were: Harold Knight, president: Clark Man,gun, vice president: I.ois Howard, sec- retary: and Ruth Berryman, treas- urer. ?,Vill Alexander goes to Glen- wood this week, to work on a state building. Miss Ella Ellison and her mother returned Sunday from a ten days visit with relatives in Terre Haute, and /ndianapolis. Kenneth IAtts. son of Will lAtts, 'Corp. Luther Plattenberger is the new delivery boy for Gongh's. reached Des Moines, 'Monday night. He will give way in a week to The boys were on parade in Clin-i Charley Beach who is visiting at ton that same day. i Jay Reach's now. Three Mount Vernon people will ,be graduated from the Cornell high Castl~ of 14 Conturles school tomorrow, Included will be:.~[~h0 Loire Valley of France, Carl Sedlacek, .Mary Smith Cle- .mons and Lucile Casper. , qmtted generously with enchanting The extreme need of more eom- i ~tl~, !~ a ~tory In ~tone covering modious hotel facilities in Mount l t urteeu centuries of the country'~ Vernon has been very apparenti ~arly history. List Of Alumni Who Registered Saturday The following registered at the Alumni Office on Saturday: 1890 Mrs. Adelaide Mott Gunn, Buek- ingha nL Iowa 1887 May b'airbanks, Mount Vernon. 1884 Judge John Moffitt, Tipton. 1595 Win. L. Robinson, Hampton. 19t9 Vivian Jones-Blackburn, Wool- stock. Ex 1916 *h's.AliceFawcett-Emer- son, l.wa (Tty 1900 lrvin 1~. Seager. Deer River, Minn. i929C. Wayne Newell, Mollne, Ill. 1~19Mercy Aylesworth, Sheldon. 1921l)r, and Mrs. B. M. Hogle, '['1",)3", 0 h io. 1929 Pauline Davison Elhart, Aledo, Ill. 1929l~mh Ketzle, Reynolds, Ill. 1900Will A. Pye, Monroe. 1929J. M. Macaulay, Mt. Vernon l!~ll W. t~. Rowley, Mt. Vernon. 1905l.ida Updegraff Paulger, Wash- ington, D.C. 1905 l,eoH. Paulger, Washington, ]L (', 1901 S. V. Williams and Mrs., Toledo. Ex 11t22 (!harlotte ,Johnson Taylor, 1,.'ddyville. ./922 l~. C. Taylor, Eddyville. 1Sgl Mrs. Nettle i~:eph, r BeNNett, Mr. Vt, rnon 1891 1larry A. Bassett, Mt. Vernon. 18~90..I. Felton, ('edar Rapids. 1894 (L 1.. Rigby, Stanwood. 1.424 Ilarl'ietl |h)gh" SwIJnson, Row- Icy. 192tMrs. 1,2haa K. Sisler. Epworth. 1.~99 tl. H. P.eeder. Epworth, P300l)otha b'oote Ret.der, Epworth, 1938Henrietta IAndeluann, Epworth. 1938(]eorge Sharpe, ('hicago, Ill. 1894('harles it. Keyes, Mr, Vernon. 1911C. A, Doxsee, Monticello. 1901F. It, ~himanek, Oxford June- tion. Mrs. F. H, Shimanek, Oxford ,/un('tion. 1909 Dean N. Peisen, Eldora. lqx1~08 Marie West Berry, Cedar l-~apids. 1!115 IJertha ",\'eat. Mt. Vernon. 1.42~ ,lobs I{. (~ouison, Chicago, Ill. 1436 l.aura M. JoiH~son, Chicago. Ill. i911!} .Iosvph A. l,~'lliott, Wheatland, Wyo. Ex 1905 Pearl0 M~tskham Pauley, Mason City. Ex 1905 tiny E. P'auley, Mason City. 19 12 Itarrlet Iqehternach, Sterling, Ill. 191S Florence Brown Leo, Dysart. 1902 Alice lti~by Moore, Tipton. 1~99 (Ira(e It. kigby (7.1nlerolL Baton ltouge, i,a. 1906 C. S. Miller, Tipton. 1.409 Winifrt'd Warren Miller, Tip- ton. 1914Irma ~ildasin, Wilton. 1!t115 otis Moore, Tipton 1,420 Marorie I'L Ilough. Chicago, Ill. 19211~. Pauline t(oach, Plainfield. I!)P.) l,'rivda Page P, oach, Plainfield. FX 1920 iIoward L. Roach, Plainfield 1,433 I[elvn Von l~ehren Pritchard, Urbana. Ill. 1929 L. ,I. Pritchard, Urbana, Ill. 1,4~5 d, ~\', ~h'(!ut('ht~on, 31[. Vernon, 1916 %V. (I. Hunt, l(irkwood, Mo. 1916 Mrs. W. ~:. ttunt, Kirkwood, 3~o. 1905 Fred J. Miller. Watt, rloo. ]908 Mrs. Frpd .I. Miller, Waterloo. 1929 lttden Mc('leery, ('edar Rapids. 1924 H.uth ltorner, Cedar ltapids 1901 [3eS*~it' ]~.eeder (~arroll, Tipton. P.UlI:I I~. II. ].ott, ('arrol]. 1908 Edith Stockton Lott, Carroll. 1929 ('larice Miller York, IAsbon 1920 Ituth Barnett Livermore, Oska- lt~osa. (iilhert F. l,ivermc~re. Os- 1920 l)r. kaloosa. 1904 A. lq. Granger, Marion. Solon Mrs. Anna Zeller i Robert Boyler of Davenport was l a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers. Sun- 'day guests at the Meyers home were also Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holu- bar. In the afternoon the group visited Lake McBride Park. Mrs. Amelia Meyers and Mrs. Anna Kruocher were entertained at dinner and supper Sunday at the home of Mrs. Marcella neuter and Leo Umbdenstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Barta were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Slofer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe neuter and daughter of Walker visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krall. Mrs. F r a n k Schleuter and daughters Janice and Paula of Ce- dar Rapids is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph T. Krob. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heath and daughter Patricia Ann have moved from the Mrs. Mary K Zenisek residence to Iowa City. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Votroubek and daughter Linda Lou of Sig- ourney were Sunday guests at the home of the former's mother Mrs. Della Votroubek. Mr. and Mrs. John Worrell of Mount Vernon were Sunday after- noon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler. Mrs. Emma Parizek has been summoned to Sutherland by the death of her brother-in-law, Frank Klima. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson and family from near West Branch were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Worrell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyers and daughter Helen and sons Vernon and Rex were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeman. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bittner and daughter Guyanne attended a fam- ily dinner Sunday at the home of the latter's sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Joe George at Cedar Rapids, given in honor of BUSINESS F. F. EBERSOLE, M.D. First door east of Methodist churet Telephone 120 Mount Vernon, Iowa W. G. KRUCKENBERG, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office Gearhart ~esidence Mount Vernon, Iowa Office Phone 63-R2 Res. 63-R3 Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night their brother Jack Weldon, who is!lett visited at the home of Mr. and graduating this week. Mrs. Edd Reyhons near Mount Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of non, Sunday. Lowden, Miss Marian Claney and Germ Hutchrost of Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Penning- roth. The group enjoyed a picnic dinner at Lake McBride. Mrs. Anna M. Kucera, Miss Flor- ence Kucera and Mrs. Anna Zeller visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.~ Joe Ciha at West Branch Sunday. Mrs. Ciha continues in frail condi- tion after a several month's illness. Mrs. T. F. Flood and Mrs. John Hamann of Iowa City are caring for her. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Barbara Serovy were Mr. and Mrs. Preston McCall and daugh- ters Joan and Patsy of Lisbon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneberger and daughter Florence and son Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mottet of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs. Omar Mot- tet of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pavelka of Oxford Junction and Mrs. James Pavelka and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mottet and sons Dwight and John Oscar of Colum- bus, Ohio. Rn~alty W~mra Kilt~ The male members of the Eng- lish royal family when tn residence In Scotland adhere rlgldly to the lteottlsh custom of wearing kilts on all formal and semi-formal oc. easlons, while the women we~r ~carfs of appropriate plMds. E. C. PRALL, Dentist Phones Office -- 242 Home -- 204W Mount Vernon, Iowa DR. JOHN B. BRYANT Veterinarian Phones: Office 40-R2 Residence 40-R3 Mount Vernon, Iowa G. M. WILSON Attorney-At-Law Practice in state and federal courts Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub- lic. Office over DeLuxe Coffee Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Phones: Office 129 Home 43 JOHNSTON BROS. Funeral Directors C. B. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer H. R. Johnston, Licensed EnbalmerI Thursday, June 8, Miss Helen Zenisek has return- ed from a two weeks visit with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zenisek at Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyers of Davenport and Mrs. Margaret Bart- AT LAST! All Your .~napshots iu Natural Colors AmazinKly Beautiful-* Roll Developed, 8 Nntnral 25c t)oior Prints for Only.... Natural Color Reprints, 3e Eaeh MaM Ad With F"ilat to NA'IPUR&L COLOR PH0'i'O "A'* Jnue~ville, ~ri~. III Big Carnival Party SATURDAY I [ Everyo~ admitted to gz~mMl~1 t YB]BE I to 6 IP. m., ilatm=day. J ~R.EE AUTO laA.B~ING Cedar Park Show Grounds 0EDA~ ]gAPLDB SCOTT MclNTYRE & CO. Investments lowa Electric Light & Power Co. stock bought and sold. 303 Merchants National Bank Bldg., Cedar Rapids, In. HARLAN BRIGGS, Lisbon, Iowa COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE C. CHAMBERS.INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. Realize--Real Eyes On First and Second Avenues Cedar Rapids Pick Yourself a Wardrobe d Popularly Priced from | to % • Seer Suckers • Voiles • Dimities • Laces • Bembergs • Spun Rayons • Prints • Crepes We feature Nationally Advertised Georgianna Dresses In Every Size fro 12 to 52 Half Sizes 12V to Choose from Cedar Rapids lar est Showing 0! Summer DTesses! You're sure to rff:d just the dreSg' yea need for every summer occasion... Weeks and weeks of hot weather ahead you'll several of these cool, crisp dresses to keep looking very best. You'll like the smart styles---the terns--the fine fabrics--every one tubable, of Make your selection now! o./y $9 Your kitchen can be such a delightful room in which to work when you have the finest modern appliances to help you do things quicker and easier. The most efficient companions to your cooking skill are an Electric Refrigerator and Gas Range . . . with an automatic Gas Water Heater to supply instant hot water. Today's heautiful new ranges have everything to assure consistently perfect cookery. Uniform heat, dependability, heavily insulated oven for a cooler kitchen and many other features help you save your time, energy and worry. With f ods always kept healthfully and safely fresh and crisp in your gleaming new refrigerator •.. regardless of room or outside temperatures . . . you save money easily on quantity purchases and reduce the number of weekly shop in trips. Plenty of piping hot water for cooking, cleaning and refreshing, relaxing daily aths make living so much more enjoyable and carefree. Modernize your home with these time and money-saving appliances. For all 3 you pay as little as $16.50 down and $9.84 a month. I A marvel of eor economy . , • house Electric Fanlous for low tion. Assures that go its cost. ~e, today's modern Compare the Low Cost Group Purchase with Ordinary Single Purchases To buy the~, apldiances one at a time, yon lmy: l)own 12 Monthly Payment Payments Rol)~r CP Gas Range .......................... $10.00 $ 7.88 Vt'esthq~'hou.~e FJec. ltefrtg'erator .... $14.50 $11.82 Ruud Automatic Gas Water Heater $ 8.00 $ 5.86 $32.50 $25.56 But . . . You Get All 3 in u Combination Purchase for only: l)own Payment .................................................... $16.50 'Monthly Payments (311 Months) ............................................................ $9.84 Take advantage of these convenient terms now. This special offer is for a limited time only, so place your order today. In- stallation is Free. --2 First choice of thoUSa. ,Wj~,.I, n t~a preparing praise e a~-~ meaisl with new eaS , ~e~ The Iludd Automatic Gas economy ...... o ~,,autlfU~i4e,v..,,~ Water Heater provides all Roper CP Gas Range. ~oole~ the hot water you need the give you a cleaner, ~y 0* year 'round without fuss or kitchen that is the e~ bother at low cost. your friends. IOWA F LI:CTRIC LICIITANI] POWI:I:I COMPANY Lady Assisiant When Wanted Mount Vernon and Lisbon IOWA Phone 265 i L . • , , OWNED Mount Vernon