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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 8, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 8, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4lille 8, 1939 THE MOENT VERNON, IOWA, ilAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON R~P, JklhD Pe~¢e Three Geraldine Heiek of Bennett was VERNON LOCAL AND PERSONAL w++k ,n t.o .omo of !her uncle and aunt, .Ms'. and Mrs. i George VVallick. Miss Florence Keve accompanied !by Miss Mary Margaret Chandler Mrs. Irl Hoodmaker and ! Mr. and Mrs. Clair Watson and iof Sioux City, motored to Danville, flatted tile stale park laug'hte,' Marilyn of (~arrison were~ Sunday. visitors la:~t Thursday in tile t]ome]11t'' on Tuesday to remain until l,q'iday gnnis presented the i°f Mrs. elite l)lmean. Miss Gwyneth Young e~pects to ent adlh'ess ,lalne:~ Kraner, xxho has been in { go to lowa City Saturday to enter ell lastThursday ~ihley on business for. several sumnler school in tile State Uni- w,,eks, spent tile week end ssith [ versity of Iowa. She will stay with Mrs. Kranor ill Mount Vernon and ] the t'rof. Wendall Smith family. LiRa Young and daugh- lefl tile livst of the, weel~ for Man- exlaeeted to leave this chester. Miss I,Hsie Gaide, who has lived a visit with relatives in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mr. and Mrs. la,on:trd Khqneck i ()sgood for two years while a stu- and Mrs. ('. ('. [(leinock m(itored to [ dent in (?ornell, was graduated on ~rs. Ellis Seobey of N,,~ I{oslon, Ill., Sunday and vis- i Monday and returned to her homt , are spending two it,.!t in tilt' M v. and Mrs. Hobert ! in I,aPorte (.'ity. hOrue of Mr. Scobey's lh.~'Rm:~n home. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mary Traey and grandson and Mrs. G. H. ~eo- B¢,ckman wer.e o.bse+'ving their sil- i Donahl I.eighr, motored to Red Jv,.r xteddi i1{' a+lllivtq'Stll'V ()~tk today a,ld ,,',rill be aceompan- We make automobile loans at at- tractive rates that will compare favor- ably with those quoted by any outside finance company. In addition, we can give you a kind of friendly service that you can not get from strangers. Let us help you to finance the pur- chase of a car. You can save money, build future credit, and benefit in other ways by dealing with this bank. Mount Vernon Bank and Trust Company CAPITAIJ AND SURPLUS $75,000 I]. C. Neal, Pres. It. B. M~Jonlogue, Vice Pres. b. U. Van Metre, Vice Pres. and Cashier J. A. Fordyee, Assistant Cashier illUnilliiililninnlninuillnluu• • | } U fancy table or Certified Potatoes, you Bugs, Blight, Leaf Hoppers and Just to kill the bugs is not enough, be controlled. + Potato Mix provides a control for both repeat applications to be applied as formula including a recent discovery ionize Bordeaux spraying. Lead Arsenate, Calcium Arsenate, :tare, Slug ShoL Garden Guard, Mildew Sulphur, Paris Green. Use Gypsy Cream for Sunburn and Minor Skin Irritations 49c Powder for Prickly tleat, Oak Irritation, large can 50c i.t home by Miss Ida Traey, who i]as taught ill the schools of Red Oak this year. Mr. and ,Mrs. Willard Hoffman, i.Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Ewart, of ,qpringville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i)uncan and family were dinner guests Sanday ill the heine of iMrs. Ollie Duncan. Miss Margaret ttedges, who was a menrber of the puhlic school faculty in Algona this year, arriv- ed home IOriday morning to spend the vacation in the home of her pa!'ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hedges• Roy. and Mrs. b'. C. Scott of Tel.ode were conm~eneenlent visit- ors Monday in the home of Mrs. Margaret Gormly. Their daughter, Miss Harriett Scott, who was en- rolled in Col'nell this year, return- ~.,t home with them, l Warren Sco~bey, who has had a reselling fellowship at Syracuse 1 niversity, in Syraeuse, N.Y., is expected to arrive today to spend a two weeks vaeation in the home lit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. S('obey. Asher Thomas of Rapids City, S. l)ak., was a dinner guest Mon- day ill the home of his cousin Mrs. l,]mma PlattenJberger. ,Mr. Asher livbd in fAsbon about thirty-eight years ago and will be remembered by "lnany. Mrs. Grace Rigby Cameron of tlglon Rouge, I,a., was a com- men*'ement visitm' ill Mount Ver- non and was a guest ill the Charles Hig%y home in Stanwood. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rigby of Conrad were also COlUlllenoenlent visitors in Mount Vernon. Charles Itigbie and John Mac- Gregor left Wednesdaj morning for New York City where they ex- pected to have employment at the \Vorld's Fair. They accompanied l l'rof, and Mrs. Eugene Devereaux [who were motoring to Rhinebeck, N.Y. for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dreibel*bis ;and daughters Dorothy and Mary ' Gleaner of Center Junction and Louis l)reibelbis of Anamosa at- [elided tile COUlnlencenlent exer- cises at Cornell on Monday and n: visited in tile home of Mr. and Mrs. 10red Mizaur. Merlin Dreibel- bis, a brother of Mrs. Mizaur, was a member of the Cornell graduat- ing class. REXALL DRUG STORE Prof. and Mrs. Chester Williams left Wednesday for Oberlin, Ohio, where they planned to attend the 10lh anniversary of Prof• Williams' ('lass at Oberlin college, and to visit in : the home of Prof. William's parents, in River Forest, Ill. Later they expect to go to New York 'ity for a visit with Mrs. Williams mother, Mrs. W.I~. Sprague and in the letters sumuler home in the Adriondaeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young, Elwood Young, and Don Krumm, who left three weeks ago for a motor trip south, have written Miss Gwyneth Young of some of the places they have Visited which included Marin- ers Museum. IIampton Roads, • Newport New~, Old Point Corn- If err, Fort Monroe, I~%ngtey Field, Williamsburg, Yorktown, James- • [ town, Lexington and Richmond. • They also toht of the very ,beauti- • l'ul~ flowers, I,aural, rhododendrom , and honeysuckle blooming in the Mount Vernon, Iowa • i Illl mountains. I,ast week end they illlllUmlllllllnlliHllllUl[i spent ill Washington, D.C. HYDRAULIC BRAKES- 162 sq. inches of braking surface; st ever used on a low-priced car. ADVANCED STYLING-Ford Ford V-8 are recognized style of 1939 low-price field. ENGI N E8 in any low-priced car. responsive~ more fun to drivel "8AS MIrEAGE-85 h.p. Ford V-8 Gilmore-Yos~elnite Economy Ran miledge among all lead- cars. : ; LIZ E D R I D E-only low-priced car• r- °rque-tube drive and radius rods front . ear i n other low 0,Qi, ,,u,,s, +.o. " tierd + Y - tpri,,~ ~ar; 12 5 inches beeween front and rear t "~glk ,ITill EQUIPMENT atno e=-. cos, ~'d in all Ford V-8 deliVered prices. ¢ ii EXCELS IN H lrNfN@S TIfAT COUNTI - Itm lm~QFAtt "RAI$...m "AND ~ A PORD V.II YOU CiK)~ IfOIM NiW CJUtl MARTIN SCHWAB • ; I, ISALES SERVICE Mount Vernon / Mrs. Oscar Wash'burn and ehil- Rev. Hillis Culver of Nashua was M:rs. J. F. Barrett left last Thurs- dren of Cedar Rapids were Sunday a comnleneement visitor in the day via the strea'mliner for a visit visitm.s in tile home of her mother, hmne of Mr. and Mrs. it. H. l,owe, of ten days or two weeks with re- Mrs. Jane West. Jim Caraway on ,Monmouth was latives in Carney and IAneoln, .Mr. and ,Mrs. R. M. Gunn of a visitor .Sunday in the home of Nebr. Buckingham were guests of Miss his brother 1.ester Caraway and Mrs. James Macaulay returned Mac Fairbanks during Cornell col-family. , Wednesday of last weekfrom La- lege commencement. 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rail- of nark, Ill., where she was called Mrs. Eliza*beth Bennett of Cedar Union were dinner guests Sunday Rapids was a eommeneement week in the home of Mr. Bair's sister end guest in the home of Prof. and Mrs. Mae Foster. Mrs. Charles Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson and Callers Monday in the home of family motored to Earlville Sun- 'Mrs. S. L. Chandler were: Rev. and day and spent the day visiting re- Mrs.' Jerrill, 'Mrs. T. W. Large and Mrs. Alice Large of DeWitt. Miss Hortense Hunt principal of sehools in Fulton, I'll., arrived Tuesday afternoon for a visit with her sister M~iss Mattie B. Hunt. Mrs. Mary Caraway is expecting her daughter, Miss Faith Johnson from Highland Park, Mich., soon to spend a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Frank Moynihan of 10airfax was a guest of her brother Miss l,klna Moynihan Monday and at- totaled Cornell commencement. latives and friends. Mrs. Carrie Pates and daughter Miss Suzanne left Saturday morn- inn by motor for Pasadena, Calif. to spend the summer. Mrs. Jessie Coleman, head resi- dent at Guild hall, moved Tuesday to her apartment on First street west, to spend the sunl+ner. Mr. and Mrs. ~V. J. lAttle and family of Belle Plaine were visitors over Cornell eommeneeulent in the home of tile former's mother, Mrs. H. F. IAttle. Mrs. Frances Bickle went to Iowa Mrs. J. F. Reach was a visitor City today to spend two weeks in over the week cod in the home of the home of her .brother-in-law and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. stone National park. Mrs. Need- sister, Mr. and Mrs. Art Winter. and Mrs. Clarence Bohlander, in ham of Cedar Rapids Is spending Sunday afternoon callers in the Jonathan Kohl home wore: Mr+ and ,Mrs. I. L. Cork of Lisbon, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Lester Caraway of M~)unt Vernon. Minear Sargeant and son Fred jr., of Ewmston spent last week end visitiug tile formers parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Sargeant, north of Mount Vernon. several weeks ago 'by the serious illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Landt. Miss Kate Skinner of Algeria and Galliard Reranek. 1,udwig Hedge, Mrs. Anne Smith Shelley of Ma- Donald Krumm, Donald Merritt kota, Minn., were over commence- and Robert Smith, Register carrier ment guests ill the home of Mrs. salesmen in .Wounl Vernon will go hia Haun Kettleson. to Des Moines next 'Monday 'morn- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maudlin and inn to attend a carrier's convention and frolic, daughter Eleanor of Aurora, Iowa, were guests Sunday anti Monday ill Roy. and Mrs. F. M. Swaney of tilt- honle of Mrs. Mac Foster. Miss Libertyville, Ill., were commence- l)orothy Maudlin, who was a fresh- ment week end guests in the home +lien ill Cornell last year, returned of Rev. and Mrs. J. J, Kidder. Their home with her parents and sister daughter Miss Elizabeth Swaney to spend the summer vacation. took part in the Sunday evening recital of tile conservatory of music students. Mr, and Mrs, Bradford .MaeGaw oceupylng the Prof. N. A. Miner residence during the absence of tile Miners who left this week to spend the su~n.mer at Yellow- Roy Beck who had spent three weeks at the home of his uncle John Klimo, went to M:aochester on Sun4ay where he has ,employ- nlent. INSURANCE Fire and Windstorm Automobile Health and Accident Life S. N. MERRITT Office in Bauman Bldg. Phones: Ofc. 65; Res. 169J Mount Vernon, Iowa Mrs. Ethel Jaynes of Parkers- burg came last week end and is spending several weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jaynes. Mrs. Bertha Hart of Central City was a guest from Friday until Sun- day in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hart. Prof. and Mrs. Harold Ennis motored to Tama Monday and spent the day visiting in the home of Prof. Ennis's mother, Mrs. Ed- na Ennis. Mrs. M. S. Jordan left Monday night to spend several days on business in Chicago, Ill. She ex- )eeted to return home Friday or Satu rday. Mrs. Frank Frick went to Mlar- ion on Wednesday to spend a week visiting in the home of her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ,Moothart. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Port and fam- ily of Springville were callers Sun- day afternoon in tile home of Mrs. Port's brother-in-taw and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bair. Miss Mary Jane Bird of Roches- ter, N.Y., was a visitor with for- mer college friends over com- mencement at Cornell last week end. She left for her home on Monday. Miss Laurene Frick is spending this week at the home of her par- ents, ~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frick. She returns to Iowa City next week wfiere she is a teacher in the Uni- versity high school. .Miss Maude Worral arrived last Saturday evening from Freneh- bu:rg, Ky., where she taught last year in a mission school, and will spend the summer with her mother Mrs. Grace Worral. :M~'. and.~Mrs. Lloyd Snyder and daughter Marilyn visited Sunday afternoon in the ,Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Beckman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mollie homes, in New Bos- ton, Ill. Marilyn remained for a visit. 'Mr. and M~rs. Hobart Bair who are living in the Williams apart- m0nts plan to move the first of next month to an apartment in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. :I~. Bair, north of Ash crossing. :Dr. H. C. Stanciift left Sunday for Chicago, Ill. He expected to spend two days there and go on to Niagara Falls, Ithaca and Spen- cer, N.Y., and other places in the east. He will return to Mount Vernon in Septem.ber. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dee of Sioux Falls, S.D. and ,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maxwell of Chevy Chase, Md. were commencement visitors on the Cornell campus last week end. They are visiting in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dee home near Me- c hart i e svill e. Louis West and his mother, Mrs. Jane West left Tuesday by motor for a visit in the south for two weeks. Mrs. West will visit her consin, Mrs. (?leo Martin, in Mus- kogee, Okla., and Louis will visit his daughter Miss Martha Ann West, at Ft. Worth, Texas. Mrs. E, J. Osgood and two daughters Katherine and Martha spent last week visiting in the home of Mrs. ,Osgood's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Roberts in Clarksville. Mr. Os- good motored to Oiarksvilte on Sunday and brought them home. Prof. and Mrs. F. M. McGaw entertained several guests last week end. Miss Ruth Eveland, mission- ary from India, was their com- mencement guest and on ,Monday evening they entertained at sue- per, Rev. and ,Mrs. Temple of Du- buque, and Mrs. Harriett Hogle Swanson of Rowley. Mrs. S. L. Chandler returned home last Thursday from a visit in Odeboit and in the home of her son Harry Chandler. ~he was ac- companied home by Mrs. Harry Chandler and Miss Mary M~rgaret Chandler who was graduated from the State University of Iowa at Iowa City last week. They will re- turn to their home in Sioux City on Saturday. ,. ,~lrs. Alice Scatliff, and daughter , Mrs. Alice Louise Kitterman and ,baby daughter Nama Lou of Chi- cago, Ill.; arrived last Thursday and were g, ue~ts in the G. A. Hunter home until today when they return- ed to their home. On Sunday the Hunter family and their guests en- joyed a visit to the fish hatchery at Manchester, the ice caves at Edge- wood, and to the Hunter farm in Delaware county. Mr. and Mrs. Seville Gaston and family of Naperv'iUe, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Sanl Gaston and family of i.ineus, Me., and Mr. and Mrs. Jo~hn Gaston and family of Cedar Rapids were guests over the week end in the •Mr. and M;rs. J. F. Gas- ton home. Seville Gaston and fam- ily expect to leave next Sunday for Lexington, Ky., where Mr. Gaston will be enrolled in the summer session at the University of Ken- tucky. Rev. E. G. IIunt went to Hawk- eye last Sutlday where he took part in the fiftteth anniversary service of the building of the church. Rev. Hunt was pastor at Hawkeye when the Methodist church was built fifty years ago, az~d was given cre- dit for much of the effort toward the new building. The chureh has grown from a membership of 26 ,members fifty years ago to a membership of 275, according to Rev. Hunt. Cedar Rapids. the summer with her cousin J. H. Mrs. Edna Masterman of Los Merritt. Angeles, Calif., arrived last Thurs- Marvin's grocery has added their day for a visit in the home of her own delivery service this week. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and They purchased a new l)odgo truck Mrs. Charles Ford and family, last week, and Harold Ehle and Miss Mary I,ittle, member of the Kenneth Edabarn will do th0 de- school faculty in Duluth, 'Minn,, Is livering of groceries. Refore, they expected to arrive Saturday eve- had shared delivery serviee with Add up the amount of money you have paid out in rent during the last few years. Quite a niug for the smllmer vacation in tile home of her mother, Mrs. tI. 1,:. L.i~tle. Mrs. Gusta Minott had as guests last Friday, Alibert Pal,mer, Mrs. Kitty "["Olman of Wichita, Kansas, M:rs. l,'annie Lemon of Cedar Rap- ids and Jesse Beeehley of Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Travis and family, and Mrs. Will Travis spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Travis and family near Marion, and called on ,Mrs. l,'lora Basenbark in Marion. Miss Ads Itodgson plans to ell- ter the su,mmer session at the State University of Iowa at Iowa City on Monday. She will spend tile week ends in the home of her sister, Miss Lillie Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Vreeman Current wlio had spent several weeks ill the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and M, rs. Herman Sehultz in Lost Nation, returned home on Sunday. Miss Florence Chambers return- ed last week end frmn Clinton where she was a member of the high school faculty and ex.peets to leave next week to attend summer school ill Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morrow of Audu'bon were guests Sunday in the home of the former's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Busenbark. ~Mr. and ,~rs. Wilson Morrow and family of Pale wore additional guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Obye of Ak- ron were eolnnleneelnent visitors in the Mrs. Lloyd MeCutehoon home. They expected to visit at theb" for- mer home at Tipton before ,'e- turning to Akron, wilere Mr. Obye is superintendent of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rogers o~ Burlington were visitors last week !in the home of Mrs. Rogers par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frick. The first of this week they left for I)etroit, Mich., where they expect- ed to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clair Neal and drive home a new car. Bruce Mullen joined Mrs. Mul- len, Ward and Kay at the T. I. Mitchell home last week end for visit of a week. They plan go re- turn to their home in University Park on Sunday. 'Miss Ethel Mc- Quown of Marion will aeeompany them home for a few days visit. Haold Baltz arrived home last evening from a year's graduate work at Columbia University. En- tente to Mount Vernon he visited his ,brothel', l)r. James Ballz, at Detroit andspent a day in Chi- cago. Prof.Baltz will teach dur- ing the Cornell sum,mer school ses- the Dilley grocery, and the City meat market. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Trleseh- man and daughters Lois and Mary Ann of Waynes.boro, Va., will ar- rive Sunday for a ten day visit In the home of Mrs. Triesehmann's )arents, Mr. and 'Mrs. T. I. Mitchell and with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MuD Ion at l'niversity Park, and with relatives ill Wellman. Prof. Leo Haak and son Avery of Tulsa, Oklahoma, were visiting this week in the Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrick home. Miss Bonnybel Kirkpatrick will return to Tulsa with them the last of the l week to spend several weeks. Miss Kirkpatriek will not enroll at Iowa State Teachers college in Ce- dar Falls until tile fall term. Prof. and Mrs. Al, bert Franklin Jollnson had as their guests over night, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross V4innie of Des Moines, where Mr. Ross is manager of the Com- munity theatre. They were enroute to Europe on their honeymoon where ti, ey plan to attend many :heatre festivals. Mr. Winnie was graduated from Cornell '36, and spent three summer sessions at the Cornell Little Theatre. Mrs. Odette Slyer ex~peets to leave Monday for a few days visit with her eousin Miss Louise Zi, mp- fer in Walker, and on Wednesday she will accompany ,Miss Hazel Midkiff and her mother, Mrs. Ger- trude Midkiff to Sioux Falls, S. I)ak., where the Midkiff's will visit in the home of Arehie and Cecil Midkiff, and Mrs. ,Slyer will go to Agar, S. ])ak., to spend the sum- mer with her sister, Mrs. J. H. RoL~bennolt and family. Mrs. Laura Hoffman, aeconvpan- ted by her niece Mrs. Viola Floyd Melsh of Cedar Rapids, will leave b'riday afternoon on the Pacific Lhnited for a trip to the west coast. They plan to visit Salt Lake City, Boulder I)am, and will visit rela- tives ill San Berne,dine, Calif. They will take the glass 'bottom boat trip to Catalina Islands, will visit Coro- nado Island, San Diego, in the home of their brother and uncle, Alvin Albeek. Other pleasures they expecting to enjoy will be pecan and mountain trips, a visit to iMex- tee and to the Worlds fair in San b'ranciseo, Calif. Mr. and ,Mrs. V. L. Beuter will be in charge of the hotel for three weeks during Mrs. Hoffman's absence. sum, isn't it? And the ion er you continue to pay rent, the larger the sum will become. Yet you have nothing tangible to show for it. Your rent mone.v will make it possible to have a home of your own in a few short years. Why not com in today for a free estimate? EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING PHONE 212 Mount Vernon 1938 V-8 Deluxe tudor with radio and heater, over- hauled and in first class condition. 1937 Dodge Deluxe tourin sedan 1937 V-8 85 Standard tudor 1936 V-8 Standard tudor 1936 V-8 Fordor sedan 1935 V-8 Tudor 1936 Chevrolet 1 Vz ton truck, sleeper cab, hydraulic brakes, 157-inch wheel base. 1 FORD SALES AND SERVICE Martin Sehwab Mount Vernon I Illll II I I Ill I Ill I I Ill I I Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Miller of Waterloo, iVQr. and Mrs. Paul Han- dle of Mason City, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Tschentke and daughter Mar- garet of Chicago, Ill., were com- mencement visitors in the home I of Mrs. Cynthia Belknap. Mrs. I Tschentke and daughter remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hart of Mount Vernon, Mrs. Bertha Hart of Central City; Mr. and Mrs. Don Price and 'Mr. and Mrs. Niel Blok and daughter Betty of Marion and M:r. and Mrs. Gordon Bridges of IAsbon were entertained last Sun- day in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gage home in Lisbon. Franklin Littell of New York City, who arrived Tuesday of last week for a visit over eom,menee- ment at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Littelt, left Tues- day morning for a visit with frienlls in Denver, Colo., and in Great Fails, .Mont. He will return to Mount Vernon next week before going east. ~Ir. and Mrs. C. J. Kramer and dahlghter Christo,bel of Li:bertyville, Ill., arrived last Friday for a ten d~y visit in the home of Mrs. Kra- mer's parents, Rev. and ,Mrs. J. J. Kidder. Sunday guests were Mr. ~n+d Mrs. Guy Macom,ber and fam- ily; and M, iss Esther Kidder of Olin who came to spend the day with the Kramers. Mrs. George Oakley, sister of Mi-s. 'Merrill Hugl]es, left Tuesday after several days visit in the H~ghes home. Mrs. Oakley was enroute to San Franciseo, Calif., where she expected to meet her daughter 'Miss Nancy Oakley who attended ,Mills college in San Fran- cisco. They plan to sail from San Francisco for their hmne in Hollo- lulu, Hawaii on June 17. Miss Priscilla Williams who was a mem~ber of the Cornell college graduating class had the pleasure of having her six sisters with her for commencement. Her mother, Mrs. H. R. Williams of Columbus Junction, a former resident of Mount Vernon, was ill and una.ble ire attend. Those of the family here were: Miss Marian Williams of Maquoketa; Miss Virgilia Wil- liams of Dayton; the M[iases Jean and Corita of Cedar Rapids; and Naomi and Aileen of Columbus Junction. Mrs. W~illiams has many friends in Mount Vernon who will be sorry to learn of her illness &nd will hope for her early recovery. --OF-- I will sell at public auction my oroperty at the corner of B Avenue and Second Street South, one from main street, just one block from the new high school building in Mount Vernon, Iowa. TIME---The first week in July at a date to be announced ia a later ad DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY--This home consisting of 7 rooms all strictly modern is one of the nicest located places in Mount Vernon, setting on perfectly level ground aad very close in to the business section. Nice large living room, dining room, kitchen, large down stairs bed room, 3 dandy bed rooms and nice bath t om sec- ond floor, and toilet on main floor. All rooms have nice closets and nearly all floors are hard wood. This home is in the best of repair and must be seen to be appre- ciated. The Heating System is of the best, being a rim fire Timken oil Imrner only used 2 seasons and installed at a cost of over $400.00. The house has new asphalt roof and has been ecently painted a beautiful white; there is a nice barn and garage which is in A-I repair, all newly shingled, and there is lots of fruit of all kinds and beautiful shade trees; large cistern; cement basement. The improvements are located on a lot 120 by 150 feet, which provides ample garden space; cement side walks, and a wonderful lawn. Possession can be had on or about September 1st. Terms to be announced in later ad v rtisement. If you are thinking of buying a home in Mount Vernon, eome and give this a gamd looking over, it will suit anyone wanting a nice home 4n a dandy neighborhood in as good a town as there is, where they have a fine tollege, wonderful schools and alice ehurehes. Don't forget this property will be sold at auctioa the Atst+ eek ia ,Iuiy. Wa ch+for the date. If interested see the owner or the auctioneer. W. E. Challis, Aaetione,r, ,P&one ta0, Lisbon, Iowa