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June 8, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 8, 1939 |
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rage Four
. ~../~*w****.**'***..', The Legion Auxiliary meets on
~,.~W**e~'~ . . ] "a m " [St. John s Church
Tuesa y eve "ng, June 13, with Mrs. l
I Harley Robertson " "
" IT° Have Rehglous
Celebration SundaYJohnE. Represcntath'e, Phone 125 I ' "-]
on 135 ter Mrs. Agnes Baird.
bits. Fhred Dittle, News Reporter, Ph e --, ~,,~ M,~ ~,,,~t n,,,i,, ~,~,~,~,1 (Continued from page one )
• . • • ° ° • • • • • • • • • •. . . . . . o ~-~ Tentative plans call for a ser-
f. ~,..~.:**,*~.-oI.,:***.o~:~.'**:**:-****:.~.~;~;-:-;**;**~-;o~o Fmday with thew daughter Mrs. i,~,~, i~,, *h~ xr .... ~,~,, ~ i ~
P'#&~*~ ............ ['Pod C'.ih~nn in Lnw Moor ' ...... a ..... J ................ "
• -- ............. in P i L
Evangelical Missionary Socmtyl Supt. L. N. Rahn attended the ........... t , res dent of oras College.
meets Tuesday afternoon, June 13, Smith-Hughes Agricultural conven- ~ lwrs. riarmn ~ooer ann mrs. u: Other prominent clergymen expect-
with Mrs Robert Leese tion at Ames Wednesday. u• ~nureas spem me week ena ed to attend are Rt. Rev. Monsig-
Blairstown. Mrs. Biekerstaff was
enticed by her son Harlan to make
a motor trip Sunday morning and
on arriving at the Lane home was
much surprised to find a company
of relatives assembled. A pleasant
day followed and Mrs. Lane served
a sumptuous dinner to the follow-
ing people: Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Bickerstaff, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Bickerstaff and Lorraine, Mr. and
Mrs• H. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Grove, May 29, 1859 and has con-
tinued to live in Linn and Brown
townships, Linn county, all his life.
He is now a retired farmer. He,
with Mrs. Pollock, enjoy good
health and their family and friends.
Present at the dinner were Dr.
and Mrs. George Pearson, Harriett,
Helen, Warren, and George, Jr., of
Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Young, Ruth and David of Des
Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pol-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman and
Mary Ann Bruger attended a birth-
day dinner in the home of Gifford
Millard at Central City, honoring
Lynn Millard.
i Mrs. Amy Crew of Keota and
Janet Crew of West Liberty have
[been guests of Mrs. Anna Hodgin
i for the past week. Janet accom-
panied her father Glenn Crew to
West Liberty Monday. Mr. and
Busch and family,
Raymon Stearns and
Charlie Kuntz, Mr.
Beighle, jr., Mr. and
Beighle attended the
graduation exercises at
Saturday. Dona BusCh
ley Stearns were mere
graduating class. .
Mr. and Mrs• A. J.
and Mrs. Arthur Sivers
Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Isaac Fetterman of Marion visit- Mr. and Mrs. John Finney of Ce- with relatives in Chicago. nor John Malloy, Rt. Rev. August
ed with his sister Mrs. Rebecca dar Rapids were visittors SundayThe Methodist Missionary society Vojacek and the Very Rev. D. V.
Richard from Friday until Mort- with Mrs. F. S. Armstrong. meets with Mrs. W. S. Wierick on Foley, Chancellor of the Diocese
day. John Meyers and Mrs. Carrie Thursday afternoon, June 15. of Dubuque. Immediately follow-
Mrs. E. R. Finson of Central City :Hartung went to Sioux Falls, S.D., Mrs. George Keith of Cedar Rap- ing the Mass, Solemn Benediction
visited several days last week with to visit a few days in the home of ids spent Sunday at the home of of the Blessed Sacrament will take
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J• M. their sister Mrs. C. C. Harlan.
Pfautz. [ Mr. and Mrs. Will Simonds, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macaulay of i John Crumbaugh, Mrs. Frank Hahn
Dayton spent the week end with:and Mrs. Tracy of Mount Vernon
her parents Mr. and Mrs• C. B. visited Sunday in the Robert Leese Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Costello of
Johnston. [home, Cedar Rapids were Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simmons, Jo-I Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek with visitors in the R. R. Reid home.
seph and Ralph of Monticello were i Mr. and Mrs. Emil Reyhons and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weirick visit-
Sunday guests in the Milo Kali- Mr• and Mrs. Joe Staskal of Mount ed last week with relatives, the
ban home. ]Vernon had Sunday dinner at the D. T. Wilson family in Davenport.
Mrs. Mayme Rieger spent several Amanas. Sharon Sober spent the week end
days last week with her daughterI Mrs. C. R. Yocum, Mrs. J R. with her uncle and aunt Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Kynett and family iGardner and Mrs G. W. Sturges of Mrs• G. A• Andreas in Cedar Rap-
in Clinton • Cedar Rapids spent Thursday and ids.
..... Mc
fanny ..... Lou ~anKo~ went [o" Le-~l Friday.with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. - Mr and Mrs. Charles Dodd and
land Friday to spend several weeks Aleer m Waterloo. Mrs. Fanny Pfaff of Tipton visited
in the home of her sister Mrs. Her- E.E. Stahl took his greenhouseSunday with their sister Mrs• Fred
bert Holland force to the Amanas last Thursday Kohl•
Evel-'n and John Kuntz areevening for dinner at Kitchen Mrs. Robert McCoy and Tommy
• .~ ...... f ] House A company of twelve en-of Cedar Rapids spent Tuesday with
spenaing mis week in me home o . '._ .
tkeir aunt Mrs. Theodore Light joyecl me courtesy, her parents Mr• and Mrs. Charles
south of Lisbon. Mrs. Donald Whitlatch, Bobby Long.
Mrs Robert Beasmore and Jim and Keith, Mrs. Ray Challis, Mrs. Virgil b~tackhouse of Waterloo
• . ...... ~ r Ralph Becker and Mary Louise Ar- came Friday to spend the summer
.'wy visitea uurlng me week en i .......... with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
with relatives in Langworthy, Mort-in°leas~sa'~n °tth~'P~i°nwW~rew~U~;a~aY I. V. Merriss.
ticello, and Prairieburg. I~ome
Mrs. D. W. Meyer and daughter " ~ " Mrs. A. L. Fry went to Keota on
Mrs. Will Venenga and husband of [ mM:eda,~deMdr:~ DfroW' tM:r~rngSt~r Friday to spend several weeks with
Hampton called Sunday on Mrs. Y
Rosa Light a sister in law of Mrs ]their new home in town, the late A.herL.childrenFry, jr.Mrs" James Evans and
Meyer ' - " " Mrs Emma Lee property on East Phyllis, Dean and Junior Tucker
• , .. I Main street which they recently of Marion are spending the week
Mrs Audis Bennett and enimren - • ' with their grandparents, Mr. and
(t~eWaal~°rda~%nt theK~eekt e~d2: I PUMcnay:d Mrs. F, obert McNeil of Mrs. Oscar Hall.
• ..P. ~. "-- " .... o'[West Branch Miss Stella McCune Mrs. G. K. Frink was in Tipton
wnue mr ~enne~t was m ~nlcag . . ~. , ' ......
Sunday Laurence Kynett and~O~ unsmw, anu miss l~um met=une
~" •-' " of Clin'onvisited i of Council Bluffs were Sunday eve- several times the past week with
uoromry Joan t I . her mother, Mrs. Ed Deardorf,
his narents , ning supper guests of Mmses Aman- :who was quite ill.
" " . ida and Ethel Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast and
Mrs Fred Strothers and Freddm .......... K-tterin- of
came Sunday to spend two weeks ~, mr. ann `mrs. ~ar~ :c__ s _ t Mary Lou were Sunday guests of
in the-arentalW E Challis home re]m ws~ea me ~rst o~ me week relatives, the F. D. Ridenour fam-
.~ P ..... ",,:: ....... ~n/with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John ily in West Liberty.
~v~r. and mrs ~nalll~ lilt21. Llll~|ll ~ ~z- .• " - "-e former an instruc
Fondu, s~tpp~v~rg andh/~IrWa~. ~ hl~ive I ~oTttiem~gent/a~' College, will do ex- Mrs. W. C. Stuckslager went to
dknner w u . ". " " " "[ecutive work for the college dur- Winnetka, Ill., Tuesday for an in-
etieer in waterloo, ling the summer, definite visit with her daughter,
Mr and Mrs E R Calkins Jean-
.. ' . . " :" -.'.. - ' forI Mr and Mrs. Charles Busch and Mrs. Lanning Macfarland and fam-
e~[eann l,~.ent felt bunaay ~. -: ................ ily.
northern Wisconsin,where the1 f:ga~r:~ToWmmt~uUnaKo~'~nc~n~c:- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Johnston,
family will spend several weeks in •• ." ......... Kenneth and Eddie, and Mrs. J. E.
the lake region, while Mr. Calkins ] aV~i~e~irlV~rs~) ~v~at~tabeWn~Sw°nw%nea dYnr- Johnston were Sunday guests at
is working that territory forthe ". ' o'* - - - the Charles Meek home in Spring-
Sumner Grass Seed Co her guesls ol Mr. ann mrs.
• I rence Stabenow on Sunday. ville.
D. Smith and Richard, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lane and Bobby.
Jackie Switzer has been laid up
with a badly cut heel caused by
stepping on a broken glass jar.
place with Rev. Duane A• Brady as Mr. and Mrs. Pat Filter, Marga-
celebrant, rot Doyle and Duane Smith were
As soon as the benediction is corn- Cedar Rapids callers Saturday eve-
pleted the newly ordained priests ning.
will give their individual blessings Mrs. Gratz of DeWitt has been
to visitors and members of the con- visiting her daughter Mrs. T. A.
gregation. Peters. .
CLERGY WILL BE Mrs. RuthSmRh spent Tuesday
GUESTS AT BANQUET at the H. D. Miller home east of
When the services are completed town•
the visiting clergy will be the Ben Mowers of DeWitt spent
guests of the pastor, Father Stemm, Sunday at H. P. Smith's. Mrs•
at a dinner served in the Church Mowers and daughter Marlene, who
parlors by ladies of the parish. The had been visiting in the Smith
following ladies will act as host- home, returned home with him.
esses for the banquet: Mrs. John Mrs. Audrey Walker was a din-
E. McHugh, Chairman, Mrs. H. C. her guest Wednesday evening at
Parker, Mrs. Rudolph Vodicka, :the Chas. Hoppe home.
Mrs. Ludwig Zinkula, Mrs. G.A. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reed and
Beranek, Mrs. L. Gouchee and Mrs. Meredith Ann spent the week end
Arthur Schott. The banquet will with relatives in Springville and
be served by Miss Stella Born, Le- Cedar Rapids.
titia Beranek, Jeanne Macklin, A1- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hunter and
ice Vodicka, Dorothy Russell and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hunter and ram-
Margaret Pitlik. ily spent Sunday in the O. A. Hun-
The pastor and the people invite ter home at ..Oxford Mills..
all their friends to attend this beau- uate rte~texmger, younges~ son ox
tiful and inspiring ceremony. For Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hefflefinger,
the ceremony new Gothic Vest- underwent an appendectomy at
ments and a new gold Monstrance Mercy hospital, Anamosa Monday
have been donated by parishoners, night.
the Monstrance being the gift of the Mrs. Mildred Uhr spent several
children of Mr. and Mrs. Martin days last week with her parents,
Zinkula, honoring their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ladd at Mar-
The new gold Holy Water Sprinkler ion.
used in the procession was donated Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson of
by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vislisel in Mechanicsville and Mr. and Mrs.
honor of their deceased parents. Wes Dayhoff of Cedar Rapids were
The Benediction Cope and Veil Sunday guests in the Richard Jack-
were donated by Mrs. Mary Mar- son home.
shek and her children. Roy Easterly of Olin spent Sun-
The procession will leave the par- day with Walker Hart.
ish rectory promptly at 10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoppe and
on Sunday morning, June llth, and Harold spent Monday at Cedar Rap-
nm:Vfy ~Pcth:te~enct~ruraihs.le/~f1 the ::~r~lt:fdj2r:e Wylie Parks and
asked to make a special attempt to g " spent Sunday in
be on time so that the church aisles the parental Bert Wink home near
will be clear when the procession Anamosa. o de
begins. This community will sol-Frank Robinson of Bro ksi
h v an o ortumt called on Chas Miller Monda
dom, if ever, a e pp 'y . ' y.
to witness such an elaborate or Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake are the
of a urel parents of a ten ound son
colorful ceremony p y spir- p , horn
hrmtmn e at Mercy hos Ral Anamosa S
itual nature and the C " " p o- P" , , at-
o and Lm n urday June 3 Con ratulatmn
ple ~of Mount Vern n " bo , • g " s.
are urged to avail themselves of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hora of Co-
lock and family of Bennett; Mr. Mrs. Glenn Crew, former local rest- Mrs. Glen Sivers and
and Mrs• Raymond Pollock and dents have recently moved from ed the 25th wedding~
sons Jim and Jerry of Cedar Rap- Anamosa to West Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Ed siverS
ids; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollock Mrs• Warner Kerlin and Joan home in Cedar Rapid,'
and June of Whittier; Mr. and Mrs. Williams departed Friday for their Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mi
Albert Pollock and family and Mrs. homes in Sutherland, after several ion, Mr• and Mrs. LoW
Bess Newland, Mr. and Mrs. H. H• days' visit in the Harry Whitman Sunday fishing at
Cooper and family, Mrs. R. C. Wil- home. Mrs Glen Sivers
son and Minnie, Stanley and Leta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holmes of shower Wednesday at
Smith and Imogene Christian. Davenport were Sunday evening Robert Poet home g:
.. ------- callers in the P. E. Ballou home. of Mrs Katherine Peet
rmv. and Mrs. L. C. Smithand Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle Ira ~Iempy spent Su:
Arleta attended Cornell Commence- were overnight guests in the H. L. Merle Clifton home.
ment Monday morning. Methven home in Tipton. Mrs. El- Florence Pieper spent
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson len Cashman is still very ill there. Iowa City where she
spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Rev. R. A. Badger was called to in English Correctness.
Dowagiac, Mich. Colgate, N. D., last Wednesday by Mr and Mrs. Bert
Mrs• Bess Newland and daughter the death of his mother Mrs. E. H. and lVlrs. Ernest JohnSO~
Doris of Cedar Rapids are spending Badger. Funeral services were Mr. and Mrs George
several days m their home here. held Friday and Mr. Badger is still Mr and Mrs. Lyle l~
Mrs. Newland has been employed out of town. Bei'uhle sr were dinn
for some time in the Albert Pol- Mr. and Mrs• Frank Able of Wa- the" Ch'as. "'Ktmtz holt
lock home. terloo were week end guests of Afternoon callers were
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitman. ler of Marion, Mr. and
and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Armstrong Miss Beulah Armstrong and Joan Stearns and family.
motored to the Back Bone State Davenport were guests of ArletaDona and Carl Bu
Park Sunday afternoon and report Smith last week x ..... z o,,rerne DorcaS
it to be one of Iowa's beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood and lnicnic at the State Fa
spots. Bessie Decker of Clarence were re- [mosa Sunday.
Mrs. Rhetta Jenson and daugh-cent callers in the W. A. Shaffer[
ter, Carmen Boxwell~ Chris Net]son and T. L. Samuels homes. [ ....
and James Brownfield visited Lloyd Harold Palmer, local Scout Mas- / l er ralI,
Boxwell at Ames Sunday. ter will be waterfront director at lM~ ~rlnk ILl'met
Lorraine Dolan entered A. I. B. the Waubeek Boy Scout Camp forI ...... ~--^I~
college in Des Moines Monday• the coming season. [FATHER & SON BAN~
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Armstrong at- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rotert and ;TO BE HELD TUESD,~
tended the funeral of N. J. Clark daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Merle[ Dwight KrumbholtZ,
at Delmar Tuesday. Long and family motored to Stan- ids attorney will be the
Dr. Andrews, Chicago, 111., was Icy for a visit with friends Sun-Ithe Father-Son banquet
calling on friends Sunday morning day I Tuesda-" evening June
He practiced here 45 years ago. Richard Van Fossen has gone to!community hall and s~
The J. V. Patten, Earl Lehr, Law- Sheffield to spend the summer in i the Men's Brotherhood o[
renee Begley, A. C. Rodman, Fred the home of his brother Robert and I odist church.
Leaf families enjoyed a fish fry at family. 1 _.__---
Bellevue Sunday. Mrs. Mae Van Fossen was honor c,~,~ ~, ,~aav in tb
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bates and Bar- guest at a pmmc m Thomas Park [ Mr ~nci Mr~ Willard ~i
bara departed Sunday for theirFriday evening. Guests attending ['l~r'-an-d"1~/Irs_"William :
home in Glendale, Calif., follow- were Misses Ella Faust, Mabel and Ti~)'ton Mr and Mrs L.
ing a two week's visit with rela-Leta McShane Mrs Nira Smith ]~ -'*- " ....... ~
tives here and at St. Paul, Minn. Miss Alma Miller l~;Irs. Susan Shell-' ~o°~.m°un~can*d'"Le~
Boy Scout Troop NO. 52 went hammer, Mrs. Bess NewLand. al'l"o~Ce~ar"~a,ids.
n an overmght h~ke Tuesday and Mrs. J. C. Patten ~s very dl in m .... ard has b
had early breakfast in Ballou's her home with influenza, on~necnurcn Yhis week
timber. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Patten enter- :i;~c~;o;"o'i ~orge Kil
Mary Newhard, Bert Jordan, Mr tained at dinner Sunday• Mr and ......... h has l
an • . • • ~:mme~ ~mau$
d Mrs. James C• L• Clark attend- Mrs. Merle Murfleld and Beth Ann, "ast week
ed the Gordon reunion held in Ce- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Murfield and v . _-~-~
dar Rapids Sunday. Doris Carolyn of Martelle. -----~'~IN
Mrs. Mae Gunnison has returned Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erickson NOTICE OF ~r~ V
from a visit in the home of her and Mary Jean were Wednesday ADMINIST _RA_'~°~,
son George Gunnison at Stanley. evening dinner guests of Mr. and ANNEXI~V ~""
A gathering was held in the G. B. Mrs. Milo Lacock near Whittier. Sta~e of Iowa, Linn
Dillon Franks came home Mort- i ~ ....^..a .... i~ "~ut from Oak Mrs• Ed Sheeber and children are this unusual opportunity. The sub- dar Rapids spent Sunday with Mr Bowdish home known as the Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and NOTICE IS .
• r it for' --~r~ .-~.,~.~,.~ ~ v
day from the State Umve s y I v,.t. ql to snend the summer in Spending several days this week lime Gregorian Chant of the choir, and Mrs. F. L. Shankland. dish homestead near Waubeek in Leta, Mrs. Wilton Pollock, Mr. and that the undersignea
the summer vacation. Mrs. Sarah i~h~e"~ "~' Andreas home and with in the home of her parents, Mr. composed in the Middle Ages, is in Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shumaker honor of the 90th birthday of Jack- Mrs. Harry Freeman and Ivaogene this 22rid day of 'Ma
Rhodes, fraternity house mother, his father A M Andreas in Cedarland Mrs. Irvin Spencer near Me- itself a rare treat and brings back and Rosemary of Walnut Grove son W. Bowdish, now of Marion, Christian were among those attend- appointed and qua!
came with him, remaining over- t u~n~ ~." o~m, ~,~,~a~, ~ i chanicsville, a fragrant memory of the Christian vicinity and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hay formerly of this vicinity. 45 at- ing Coe College Commencement on ministrator Wibh W~
ni ht in the E. M. Franks home, t,~. ...... . \- .............. ~-.- . . .
g:?nng Tuesday to her home in Wy-i ~Ilitshs ~I/di:~(~i~grS" aG~yoAe~fr~?" : andMrMr%ndAnMnrS BeOl~:llBl?ttlCera~tef°~td worship of centuries past. and Kathleen of Forest spent Sun- tended. Monday morning in T. M. Sinclair the estate of ,Mary1
--- day with Mrs. Halite Shumaker. Miss Nellie Easton returned to Memorial Chapel in Cedar Rapids, of Linn County, Iowa,
pining. ]dreas who went in for him on Mon-ed the annual alumni banquet ofLISBON CHURCH NOTE8 Miss Audrey Barrett of Cedar Janesville, Wis., after a visit in when Stanley P. Smith received persons indebted to
Mr and Mrs John E McHugh !day morning i the Mechanicsville school on last ...... N,~ ,~A~L,,~ CH~rO,~ Rapids is spending a few days with the home of her sister Mrs Frank his B.A. degree, requested to make im
o~ ~ra ~ ~ I., a~ ,~ the
attended Father Albert Zachar's I Miss Bernice Ringer came homeruesday evening. Fa~,~ ~-~o~,,- St,*m,,, Po~'-- her sister, Mrs. W. B. Pye. Irons and family. " Willing WorkersJune 14 in the ment ~hereof to
solemn high mass at St. Wences- I Sunday from Fairfield, where sheMrs. Anna Belle Bittle is havingo~,,~uuc-~'^-~-l^~ ~,,~^'*^~ti"'^w ~,,,~'" 7P".. Mrs. Ruth. Smith and Gene. spent Mr. and Mrs.. Delbert Callicot of !church.. Hostesses, Mrs. George T~hose having claimc,
~,,.,a,,, ~ ..... . ~m ~,,a a ~m , ,,, Sunday m the Fred Austin home.Denver and Vzrginia Tehl of Omaha ;Ohnger Mrs. Carl Lundeen same will file them,
edar Ra ~ds on
laus church in C P" I completed her fourth year as sec- her vacation as night operator at ...... ~ ...... , ........... ,, ......... , ' • . f
de the ban
last Sunday and atten d -loud grade teacher in the public the telephone office and spending o~,,~,~,i~,~ ~a.e~ ~, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pye and have arrayed for a.vsmt m the Wil-Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moss and rated in the offwe o
ed also the re
quet which follow , - ]school. She was re-elected but has the week with her daughters, Mrs. ~ Byrdena, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pye bur Stearns home. ,family of Mount Vernon were Sun- the Llnn CountY,
ception for friendsand relatives l given up her teaching career to be Harold Gardner and Miss Grace METHODIST CHURCH and Arn~ld:n~da Miss Audrey Bar- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ralston visit-day guests in the Walter Ellison Court. A~
The theme for our consideration and Mrs. Lute Byers near Newport. home near Ely Sunday. i Mrs. L. A. Johnston entertained AdministratOr
n x Sunda ~s mr and Mrs Joe Hora Bobb Mr and Mrs Lester Kell her bmdge club Tuesda m ht hexed
Mrs Everett Koppenhaver near Mrs Tom Olson of Lake Okoho dreauS D for the summer vaca
hx arents in the h~ ents at Lowlla thin week m Burl v v au~,~ ~m~
at the home of "s p ' [married next week. Mrs. L. S. Bittle in Waterloo. Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor P y even'rig with Mr. ed in the parental E. A. Ralston !home. O.J. ELSENB
evening. Wright of Davenport came Tues- Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Baldridge and
Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Scott and [dayto rema!n in her mother's home Bobby of Vinton, and Mrs. Richard in morning worship e t y " . .:. • , Y - • y of Ce- ] ' y 'g • An • -]
Stewardship, the sermon is, "The Iann ~arre!l and Arlene Smith were dar Rapids spent Sunday afternoon [ Lesta Jean Pirie has returned i O. J. Elsenbast, Attor
daughter Harriett of Toledo,and[uml[ a~ter me weaomg. Kolek of Springville were visitors Stewardship of Possessions". ~unaay amner guests of Mr. and in the Jas. Kelly home. [from her teaching duties at Flan-!
r Gorml and Miss~ Mr and Mrs C A Johnson of Tuesday in the F J Kolek home
Mrs. Marga et y ] .... .. ' ' " Vacation Church School will be. • • |i[ , • -, -,
Dessie Sommerville of Mount Ver- Reynolds, Ill., spent Saturday and Monday ws~tors were Mr. and session this week and next. l~ewp°rt- and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bye of Ann- l tion to ne spent in the parental Dr. ~
non were Monday evening supper [ Sunday in the Mrs. Nellie Platten- Joe Pavel and Dorothy of Solon. Children from the Kindergarten ont~ev. and Mrs. Harold Kmght" , mosa were wmtor' " s ]'n the A• L. [ W. J. P~rm• ' home.
guests of Mrs. Amanda Runkle. berger home. On their return they Misses Ruth and Hope Sherk haduv'"~ ............ *~ ~"-~;--~ ~sh .... ,,,= h.w~e,,'-" "* "~ to '~hlBernard-and Rchard are spending Little home Fridav,. l ~ ~ ~l
Callers on Monday were Mrs. Ma- ]were accompanied by their daugh- Sunday dinner in the home of their attend. On Thursday afternoon of l r e week with Mrs. Knight's par- Mary Jean Cooper ~s" spendln"g l l]Jh. A"
rie Diekison and mother Mrs. Tyler [ter Mrs. Roy Plattenberger and sister Mrs Kenneth Kirknatriokt's week arrangements have been l . " • " " ington in the Dr. I ~UJLI~; ii
Mrs Wflda Sw~tzer spent theGeo Rearson home Mn Raymon Ste~r,m
of Toledo. t Mrs. Merle Long to visit in their near Martelle. Other guests-were made with Rabbi Irving Klibansky • " .... " • " • I " _ •
........... raver and , home until next Sunday, when they friends Mr. and Mrs. Thore Olson ~d~? ~ndh ~inn :::~ra :~ghm~r~s aM emnetB°r~? Sc:2
mr. ann mrs. ~,oy~ u . .~ l will return with their husbands and four dau-hters of Grand ?:h C;:aplRaPT~Se tfioV~Se]to~h~aJe~'~ rs t ~r;oPMNasOo52c W~lodb: B2 ¢:d MrnSnCh u
Helen and Mr. ann mrs. ~.ennem inn .............. " 7ul~esty s:th ~d I ~.~ke' ]l~
, ....... ~ fl lvlrs, luellle Fla~mnnerger Mound
~raver, ~:verett ann ~:manor, rasp i planning to spend the day in Rey'" A demonstration of the work in[ .... Mar- e s in their hall Thursday La ...... l~Cil]~ Ll$
.......... • • . . l wrence ~moenow home m Lis-
r ver of Ce Mr and Mrs George D Sailor
Mr. and Mrs. Irving G a - [....i.~~ " . . , " Vacation Church Schoolwillbe Imn ann mr. ann mrs. ~am L,aao evening at an me cream ann s~raw- bon Sunday •
....... of Chicago spent Tuesday afternoon berry socml
......................,~o~ ~nicl .... o gnndav dinner]~ " 1 r" r and grandson. Carroll. went ,t° Con- gs~? :n~ thellC e Chas. Miller home. The Queen Esther Girls and their' s spem ~rom Wednes¢layJidMrs. Emma stear'n-s °f Ce-dar ~il a~}h
guests in the Frank Graver home .. Mrs: G:.J. A b .~gh~ M. and Mrs. neaut, Ohm, Friday to be wRh Car- l°lSsiggeSU::/~/2:a~ at~h
in Cedar Rapids. The occasion was r~o~ert mmLer," ~v~ss `mary ,~r~gnt, roll's father and two brothers for Children's Day• l . d Mrs. Dale Greenawald sponsor Mrs. Harry Jacobs enjoyed~sat ....... ~J~ Ik ;!
uraay a~me maymon ~marns
a surprise for Mrs. Lloyd Graver an(/ mrs. l~..l.. lw~cn~ ann mrs. a couple of weeks. They will en- ____ [and Janet spent Monday at Iowa a picnic in Thomas Park Monday thorne ~
in honor of her birthday. ~=armen ~lDr)gnt ot l~.ounz v er- joy the vacation in a cottage on FEDERATED CHURCH City. evening. I Mrs Ira Hem s nt Sunda at • II. |]~
~inon attenoeo me graauauon oz m~ss the lake. Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor Mrs EllaGrassfield and Mrs Mrs Bess Foust and so'- ts--~---I• PY pe Y •
....... [Margaret Albright from the State Mr nnd MPc l-I .... ~ l~" ...... f l~'veninr Se'r"~Sundaynsch°°l~ B :!fr:~OsU:n~!l!~eii:u~Oyt~i~ h~m~/2mhelyp' Ca~of~: l~]~lig~~lk
University at Iowa City on Mort-t-Zi--" li:."'='~'~'~£::-~- ~'-"-~'~^~: 9. 1
• . M. on, I .............. s .... ~ " g vie 8 p.m. [ Miss Thais Ward is recovering vices held for Mrs. H. P Barber in] -- -~ " --. ~[
I Ilday• Mr. and Mrs. Miller, mstruc- in *h,~ Mr~ W J ~,~w,~,~r h¢~r,,~ 30:~0m~.m. Gra~onS~:gerf~erereonA.namosa call-i~rndnMrS.atAtlenbedr:d ~hb:O~k
i ............................
I c~'L~"";'~'-' •/tors n Penn .... College at Oskaloosa, Four da-ys- last ........ weez mrs. ~owoer\"~' Bible Study and Prayer Service [from a tonsilectomy_ at the home of Wyoming_ .. Satur__,.dnv " I mrs.. ~mma ~tearnsof Cedar. Whan,, ,.,... v~u.._. Call .'--~t ~|
tare remaining for some hme with • - ....... ,- x,,-' • • - ' ". ...... - .... rum,,
I ~r~°~n~u:~'~ ZSC I ......... Henmetta and G ................ on Thursday at 8 p m. her parents Dr and Mrs Thomas Mr and Mrs P .... wh,,o ~,.~ [Rapids, Mr• and Mrs. Charhe __ a~ ~.., ,~ |
Vacatmn B~ble School daffy ex- Ward at Arnolds Park. family of Palo were Thur~,~v ~,n ] *~-~_**,***-~._**~,e_,e~,_.*~_~,~.~*,-,-~,_-. Donne , I ]
Mrs z~tomght Mtss mary return [ cabin in th [ James and son ~1 ...... xasoon, sowa llO
I N~l prlu~', 3c Each Ill " ' _ . "Iton for the reunions at the School ce-t S-tur~ " " . ....... , . 0----~ .... -,-- - • .-~, .--. • .-~.-.-~-.~--.--.-~ev-.--.--.--.--~. ~.*~!1 • I
I 1 ed to Chicago on Tuesoay morning l¢,~. ,ho m;..n op . a~ nay ak v a.m. - ....[. mr. ann m. rs. "1) .~,. Peters and lers m the Mrs. Bessie Foust home. [ v • , ~ . Temple or .
~amraay evening at ~:;~U. all Imrs. ~..el. tiicKersmr~ and Lorraine I Charles Eye and grandsons Jim-/ LlSDOn uslness ..... -.n~ d ~
I ~ ~,.rv ~,, ~.~,~,,~.., ..... • [ to resume her school work which " .......... ~'"
1 "A" Jane~v,He, w,~. • ........ ' I Mr and Mrs J M Pfautz had young people of the commumty as lspent Fmday at Davenport [my and James of W"omin" ..~o"---~/ . Din, charm, i~l~
-- --lCiOSeS me las~ o~ auiy. as guests on Tuesday and Wednes- well as those interested in young[ Sunday callers at Mrs. Ella Grass-[in the Bessie Foust home Friday ~ Dwectory 15 h urs,
• . s ..... o and ,
day their daughter-in-law Mrs. peoples work and desiring to at- field's were Mr. and Mrs Harlan Miss Ethel Burkett of Roscoe, S"/~J~.~.~~~~:~:**~ .-~ o --L:--e all{] "-
[Elizabeth Pfautz and her son For- tend will" enjoy" a fellowship' sup- l Russell and Everett Lois $'erguson D,. enroute from New York, .,,io~*o~|~.~,, . OI sunsn.-,
1 J U ~ I~l II~ rest of Rochester, N. Y. They stop- , g " g . [i~ he W. S. Palmer and other rela-] $. M. CARBEE and attrae " "
per program and messa e from our and Elaine See er t tire
ped enroute to Ames where the visiting speaker Mr. Gephart of[ Mrs. Gertrude Clymer and daugh-[tires' homes and alao in Marion] lnsurlnce
!!!:~::~!:~:i:~::::::::~:~. ......................... ~ ......... daughter Louise will be graduated Chicago. Mr. Gephart has had a [ ter Julia of Ilin were Monday eve- I during the past week. ] ............ t~
next Monday from Iowa State col- wide• range of experience in young lning callers at L. E. Hunter's. I Mr and Mrs Willard Hoffman | .... r~ v,.,r individU$ ,~
i i i ii i i ii ~'i!:::: :: ii lege.
peoples work in Chicago and will,_ ----~-----~------ I Mrand Mrs "Pm,l ~ ..... • • ..-=| Phone 127 Lisbon ;,~u 2''. , ~hat
• . . . .... ,,- ,~.~ wcsc , ..... e s i~t~,-
;i~ The Campfire girls met with Mrs have many interesting things to I DDIMPI/ll ! !? ldUIUe[dmner guests Sunday in the M,, [ l undr a ,.~
:ii:::.::i:::.:i:::::::::i::::!i:.:::::::::i::i: York on Monday evening Election present. This meeting will be heldIOll~l|~[~][il~ll~r, l~r,~l~lOllie Duncan home" near Mountie----- from our rac .
[::ii[!~iii!iiii~ilili of officers resulted in: president, at the Federated Church ParlorsMrs Ha - [Vernon. | ........ ~ffi ~ ,
I Barbara Boyd; vice-president, El- He will also be our guest speaker[ . rrF Irreeman [ J W Brown and son L ..... ",] Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring _ (!
_anor Briggs; secretary, Donna Lou saetr:he Sunday morning worship I CAMPFIRE GIRLS AT CAMPl attend the Harness Malcers" £~.~[ Res. 94 PHONES Office I10 Those 3-1b y.oU t)
Esterbrook; and scribe, Catherine --. e= .. . . The Springville Camp Fire group ventmn in Marshalltown Thursday Lisbon, Iowa ens ~ Ill ~[
[Briggs.The group discussed plans~ me ~unaay evening service spent from Wednesday, May 31st [ana also visit in the C. W. weeks from _ |
~ .......................... ..................... Mr. Chester Ainsworth of Cedaruntil Saturda-, June 3rd at th~ B--- Ihome ~ -- -- . ~,,r|i
~:~!~ ........ I monthf°r a tea the latter part of the Rapids wdl be our speaker at whwh [Scout• . . ~, c oy I Samuel" | W-.~. BENNETT Pep anti -u--- ,¢
.......... ,:~::: • . . e State Park at .......... ~ ~
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Robinson hme the d~plomas will be present- Anamosa. Several of the girls are spending several days in Des[ .......... er chow, are . ,
~~:! [ had as guests on Friday and Sat- ed to members of the Bible Cor- ] worked on Nature honors bv tak [ Moines this week ] xtem ~sm~e aria .insurance l~a,l,~
.hat not '
respondence Class which has been in bird ic ur . r. • " Mr and Mrs Fred Mc~han~ aft .. ~arms ~or ~a~e , ,.~/~, .... ,- ~h~ J ~
I~-:~~'~ ":.: urday Mrs. A. G. Wilson of Hebron, meeting each Monday night at the ~-~ ,~p .~:~.~s .and ldentlfymg[Marion a"~'~ ~.:~ ~ ~ _~,;. ....... ":/ r~ouses for Sale or Rent ry Inem w
" ~ i t*C¢:O. All~ 111~1| ll~n~ OI the ex- / ,,u ,,--~. ~• r. v~rome o~! n~i,,o Dh~'~r~LIA~ 4~.
~~: ...... ~ Nebr. and Miss Margaret Greer of parsonage. [p edition was the trip through the [Cedar Rapids were Sunday droner[ .....
~~ IMont;cello. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. • ................ t~ u~a ......
Everyone ~s mwtedto attend all reformator as uests of r guests of Misses Leta and Ma
~~ 2obinson were classmates at Len- of the above servi ] Y g Wa den [ .... belt THE BRIGGS MONUMENT CO. ..a :
~~ ox college in Hopkinton and at- Vacation .... e_es. _ I Framer and the Board of Control./mc~ne= . . . [ Lisbon, Iowa ...... o. ~lilw
.. . m~u~e ~cnooi openea on I Visitors at the camp included" Mr ! x~. ~. ~a~r motored to Iowa Citv/ .-. . . 1 ID t'orK o~
~~ tended the fiftieth anniversary of ........ 19eaiers m
Ithe class at the alumni banquet last monaay morning wRh a very good land Mrs. Harold Ramsey Max and [M°nday to wsR h~s aged father,[ ........ ~ork ~
Wednesday evening, attendance and splendid interest ]Kenneth Taylor Mrs M,~,~;o~ '~,~a [wno some weeks ago suffered se,, ! t=emetery Memoriam 51-OZ can - ...
ShOwn in the work.It is not too/man and Wanda' Mr and~Mrs Rob-~eral broken ribs. Rob reports h'is |~- Beans ...............
Mrs. Charles Tillia had a group 1 . ' • ' • " " !father is feeling fine ~ ~" m~l~O~, ~wx-:~ ..,
a~ to enroll ..... [ert Dudek, Archle Whlte, James . " ] Ge ....... h .....
........ [of boys come in Monday to cele- , ~ermonet: l! one mon could/C L Clark Harold Palm,~r ~m mr. and Mrs W H Doner ,,~/ . enerat rr~uee 1 21/, lb l'er~,"
KNOWI [OR ITS D[P[NDAB[[ WBRli/ := i nave earned heaven by his deeds'7'-~---- ~,~" ....... "'== .... ":Pasadena Calif L:.~= .... "~,~/ Nomry l~ublic, Deeds, Wills '" __.1,
brate wlth her son Tommy on hls . . ,,, ~,.~m,.,, ~uw~ru ~uoeK, mr. and , ., v,~,cu ~rlenas . U~" :
ninth bwthday It was a surpmseChmst would not have died. [Mrs. Henry Cooper and Carolyn, here Sunday and are visiting rela-[O-" " Licenses o- gal. Grapeff .....
td Tom y an(1 his guests w~ e COON CRE"~KCH,m~-- [and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gatewo0d ~ives in Cedar Rapids. They plan [ ?Ice inn r es~aence;, coroner w asn- Juice .................
m~aa~,, l~lr~'l~l~ ~n~'~ ~l'rl4 [Glenn Hartong, Ralph Peterson 945 Sunday school "~*"~" ~ The campers were: Mary Jean [o v}s~t.i!" in Iowa for about two]" .... s ,*,,,. ~,*,*-~.~- ~ t-none ~o _..¢,.nlt
Jll~ll'll~l l~l~r-nr- ~a~w~--n ~=--'" IDonald Kaliban, Wayne Hummel' 1045 Churc'h --• ]Cooper, Virginia White, Patrieia ~ontns. and it is hoped they will[ ~~-- I uint Grape*-- ..
..... IVE GEARS Orvin Frink, Floyd Gouchee, Jack _ " ]Gatewood Edith Jacobs, Mary o~dn~Crket° make longer visits with[ DR. ALBERT YORK ~luice,
glass .....
ENCLOSED DK land Marc Tflha Game r
t ed and refreshments' " " served.S we e play- ~ /Dudek, Mary Elizabeth Reed June former" ds. Rev. Doner was a ] Physician and Surgeon
THERE has been such a big improve- i The John .... Morley [Pollock, Elaine Leaf, Carol' Rod- . . pastor of the Methodist [ Corner Main and Jackson Str~t~
Mrs Ella F Austin I man, Dorothy Boxwell Grace church. / .... ---"--
~.. mcnugn residence -------- [Clark, Lida Mae Haworth and the - " e x)arrow atcenaea a I ~|~
merit in the construction of the i is being remodeled by G. L. A1- " " ' Dr Clarenc ..... i 'reiepnone m} mR
BAND CONCERTS WILL BE assistant guardian Mrs ~lames C dinner of the St. Luke's hospital | ~ ~UdP~
.... Binder -ou will bright, local contractor• The porch GIVEN EACH THURSDAY EVEL Clark ' " ' staff in Cedar Rapids Thursday. [ DR. J. R. GARDNER - 11 |0~
latest Jonn eere , y
[was removed and a sun room is be- T e The rou ~ The Dorcas class of th I)O
want to come in and see it at your
ing built in its place. A new en- h first band concert ofthe g p w'shes to thank all the , , e M.E. P~ sie~ _ . ~ Lis
............... trance will be at the front of the season was given on Main street Iparents for their co-proration in cnurcn was entertained in the home ~.. ayA~m.n ami ~urgton ...
first opportunity. Air arlve geo.o r
- trash are F g ~ T U R [ $ !house and wood shingles will re- Thursday evening and was greatly making this trip possib~'e~ of .Mrs. Capitola Gunn Friday. vnones: umce z-ul. ~e~. a-I¢l
now enclosed--dirt and
enjoyed by a large crowd A fi~L _ ~ . miss Alice Decker of Clarence, a
~place the old siding. The plaster-fry sponsored by the Band Par~ METHODIST NOTES ~:emerateacher, called in the Harry
• Accurate fitting m lS done
kept out of the gears; excessive wear ~onger" -• - wearing" ' !'lbe g ready" forandthein ainteriorfeW daySfinishWill ents Club was well attended These Church school at 10 a m h me Tuesday.,
is eliminated; smoother, quieter cutting parts lwhich will be modern in design c°ncerts sponsored by the business Children's Dayprogramat 11. Miss NevaMaierspenttheweek IIOUIltS lllAn'"""-'""
!and when finished will be a home men of Morley will be given each An offering will be received for end in Chicago with her sister Ir-
more efficient operation is assured. • Free-runninf ]of the Cape Cod pattern. Thursday night during the summer the educational loan fund of the ma Mater and uncle and aunt, Mr.
In addition, the John Deere Binder non-sagging ree , season, church. Children may be presented and Mrs. Ivan Mater. I Have Purehased The .,
! Mrs. Karl Runkle and Billie of _____. for baptism• Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss vis-
gives you dozens of other outstand- • Non-cloggin¢. Schnectady, N. Y. and Mrs. Claude The United Brethren L " • ited friends in Monticello r~! voll~J~_~
ing features you want in your new no-waste elevatt,,. ] ..... ad]es A~d VIOLA METHODIST
BRtle of Mad~sonvflle Ky armved socmty met at the church
, ' '.,.. Wednes- Public worship at 10 a.m. follow- cade Monday.
.... y ed by the eburch school. EDWARD KENT
binder. Some o| these are listed at • Durable, accu Fmday for a ten day wsR w~th day afternoon Mrs Ellen P e and
the rll ht. Be sure your new binder rate knotter i thew parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. i Mrs• Evah Bennett served lunch _ Mrs. E. McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs.
i Ehresman and with Mrs W H' The Loyal Circle Class o~'-";: .... L. C.Smith James McKinstry and son of Ana-
.... - me PRESBYTERIA..~._NOTES _mosa were recent visitors in theAnd have taken ,possession of the Stock of
has all of these quality features. • E a s y - t o - o p- Runkle and Misses Maude and Le- United Brethren Sunday School en- Kenneth Butler home•
crate, non-ucatter- Ilia Bittle. This afternoon Mrs. ~joyed a weiner roast in the Shu- Sunday school 10 }a.m. I will do Shoe Repairing at reasonable prices,
Available in 6-, 7-, and 8-foot sizes, ing bundle carrier !Runkle goes to Ames for ber son [maker timber Monday evening. Al- i Children's Day pr~j[ram at 11. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Meek and Mr. a complete line of shoes and Findings.
and Mrs. J. W. Brown were Sun- I invite your patronage, will appreciate it
! Karl Jr., finishing his first year/th°ugh the crowd was small, a good i mother-Daughter b~Jlquet June 9. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
H- ]~ home!at Iowa State college to return throe was reported by the memberswith her for the summer. A. present. I ~v" R" A" Badger J°hnston at Linn Grove. same by turning out Satisfactory Repair
er Ehresman of Evanston Ill, ~ MR. POLLOC~'~'NORED Mrs. Anna Hodgin, Mrs. Mae Van Quality Merchandise.
I comes Friday to join his sisters for MRS. BICKERsTAFF :ON 80TH Bl~THDAY Fossen and son Wallace, Mrs. Amy
i the week end. Last Sunday Mr. [SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY [ Mr. T. W. Poliock was honored Crew visited Mrs. Sadie Roberts in ~ STi lIT'
Lisbon, low8 land Mrs. Ehresman,. Misses Maude[ Mrs. J. R.. Bickerstaff....-~wu~ ,~.~,~_,~oo, ]at a family dinner in observance of Cedar Rapids, Sunday.
and Leha B~ttle, Mrs. W. H. Runklel~ntly surpmsed on her birthday, his 80th birthday Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank and
and Charles and their guests enjoy-[ nday June 4 at the home of LISBON, IOWA
, . . . , , her home of ~dr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. family were Sunday evening din-
ed a p~cmc droner at Sever Park. 'daughter, Mrs. Frank Lane at Mr. Pollock was born near Linn net guests of Mrs. Ruby Loes in