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June 12, 1941 |
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June 12, 1941
Page Three
IMrs. I,loyd Kent and sons ,Jim- IMrs. M. M. Vhile of Chicago, Ill
VE. ON LOCAL AND """ '"" "+'" ,h ,o o,
untilSunday visitingrelativesill i Iql'fie Keediek.
'1 IAluranee Mel( ly of I)es Moines
[spent the week en(t in the home of
Herring is spending
Ls tlle guest of Miss
in Davenport.
W. Bloom spent last week
of her son-in-law and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Knolls
Peggy Herring expects to
Week from 1,'riday for
Mich where she will
for the SUUIUler at
:limp left Sunday for In-
Ind to attend the
Onvention this week. He
the Cedar Rapids
on a special train.
Hodgson returned to
on Saturday, and
Position ~u reference
at the Kansas State
College following a brief
home of her sister, Miss
Pates, who was
from ('ornell ell Monday,
a position with I)unn
feet in C'hieago, and be-
dew duties next Monday
Miss ()ales and her
Carrie Pates, expected
SOlOelinm this week for
and Portrait
after 6 o'clock
card to Box 493
Vernon, Iowa
Miss Margaret Keyes went to
Anies Tuesday to enter the bulinuler
session at Iowa State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith of
Detroit, Mich were guests in the
.I.M. Thomas home from Sunday
until Vtednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. l)iek Kleineck of
(,edar Rapids sp(,nt Sunday evening
with the fornler's motller, Mrs.
Charles Kleineek.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. barge, and
Rev. and Mrs. R. (!. Jerrell of l)e-
Wdtt were visitors Monday in the
Mrs. S. L. Chandler home.
Mrs. Bessie Wallis left Tuesday
to spend the smnmer with her son-
in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs.
Allan I)arling, in Caledonia, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heiss, of Be- [
loit, Vis were guests fronl Thurs-
day until Sunday in the home of
Mrs. Heiss's father, F. W. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. XVernimont
and family, who were visitors the
first of the week in the hmne of
Mrs. Wernimont's sister, Miss Ber-
tha Baldwin, left on Tuesday for
their houle in Riverside, Ill.
])r. and Mrs. Glenn ('unningham
and two daughters, Sara and San-
,dra left Vednese-
(!aUl() SO pl)pular with the road Mrs. I,'ranl l'earson and Miss at Iowa City. He will accolnpany
couipani(!s, touring the IJnited )l)rothy Sie~el's of }Vesl ]lralleha group of graduatc students to the
States, that it was preseni(,d by for- were hlncheon gliests Monday in l{laek llills ell a field trip.
ty different companies siniultan-lhe hollte of .~ll'. and Mrs. MurtonMiss Mary Courtney of Long
eously, l~el)h~r. ]{eat!b, ('&lif who was a Cor-
It w'as not until a generation "lgo, l.ox~ell ,Jeffery of [,'r(.eporl, Ill n(,ll eomnlencenlent visitor ill
when the el(1 steer i'll p tny 1lingan ~,~,:l~ a wee]< <,nd visii<)r ill |he honl(! ~lOUl/t Vernon was a guest on Tues-
to disappear from the eily and vil- of l)r. and Mrs. ('. I,'. I,iltell and at- :day ill the home of her long time
lage, that "('il,trlics Aunt" sanR into t,mh,d lhe ,('ormdl comnwneenlent frienll, Mrs. Emma I'lattenberger.
oblivion, exel'cis+'s. Miss Cath'u'ine Keyes, of Ober-
But this year a revival of "Char- Mr. and Mrs. ttaroh] Fisher re- lin college, Ohio, wa.u a visitor fronl
lies Aunt" grew to he New Yi)rk's turned Satm'day fronl a visit withFriday evening until Wednesday af-
favorite conledy when Joes ieerrerrelatives in I'owell, S. l)'lk anll a ternoon in the honle of +her parents,
l)resented it at the Courl Thealre, tl'ip through tlle Had I,ands "~nd the l)r. and Mrs. Charles Keyes. She
in New York. Local aultiences willBlack ltills.They were gone ten will return in August for a longer
renieullter a skit taken from "Char- days. visit.
lie's Aunt" "rod presented in the ]'rof. and Mrs. 1,'. M. MeGaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snlyth of
1940 sunlnler theatre production of (~xI)eet lo leave lhis evening forFt. l)odge wore week end guests in
"Auteriea Vas Song and ]Atugh- [)cnver, (,elo where l>rof. McGaw the honle of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
ter." will attend the ltotary convention. Travis. Their daughter Margaret,
And now the nlovies, not to be freshulan student in Cornell, re-
outdone, will l'eleave "t motion pic- They ldan to relnain ill Denver two turned home with them to spend
ture versien of this hilarious farce the sununer vacation.
soon. ,hlnet Gustafson, llaughter of
Vtlen llle curlain of the <'l)rmql t~cv. and Mrs. Lloyd Gustafson of Mrs. Mary Jean Alexander who
SllUtlller Theatre parI~ on "Charlies (~lin|oll, is spen(]ing lhis week with had ~xpeeted to arrivc last Friday
Aunt, Thursday, Jun(~ 19. i{en her frielld Nancy iAlinK in the honle frmn New York City, for % visit in
ltoov<~r, v+q+,l'al t~oi'n~ql troiJl)er will of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. the honie of her lnother, Mrs. Lloyd
be pl lying the title role of "('~hal'- Ix/trig. MeCutcheon changed her plans and
will niotor through with some
lies Annt." Other menfl)ers of thel)r. and Mrs. Victor Martin, for- friends expecting to reach Mount
cast "tr+,: l)ale Jefferi(~s, Craig Has- merly of Japan, who were e<)m- ~rerllon about June 16.
ton. Don ,lohannsen, Belty Bogue, nmnetqnent visilors ill Mount Ver-
Barbara Brier, Bernice Gough, i)ale non, were dinner guests Sunday in Mrs. H. Wyman V(ilson and son
I)odds, l~ussell Bidlaek, l,aura the home of Prof. qnd Mrs. le. M. Hi)bert, who had been visiting in
Aehera, Martha (~hiidres~, anll Bet- Me(law. the parental home of Rev. and Mrs.
M. l Hill for the past six weeks,
ty Chiquei. Prof. and Mrs. S. J. MeLaughlin left Tuesday nlorning for a visit
Guest director, l~.otmrt Hartung, and St(q)hen expert to le'lVC Sat-wiith relatives in Marathon, Storm
former Cornellian and Mount V(:r- ur/lay for Athens, Ohio, where 1)rof. l,ake and Sioux City. They exi)eet
non resident, will direct this popu- Melmughlin will teach in the edu- to return in about two weeks.
lar eoInedy, while Howard l,~ln(!r- cation ilepartment of Ohio Uni-
son, i,'ormer Mount Vernon resid,mt wwsily during the sumnler, line Paul, janitor at the Mount
Vernon high school, expects to go
will design the three sels th'tt ave Miss Hortense Hunt finished the to Anles, Tuesday to attend a foul"
to be used in this production, school Year at Fultou, Ill last l,'ri- day schooling for custodians. Mr.
(lay and with her sister Miss Mat-Paul will receive a certificate at
Mr. and Mrs. %Villiam Pralhcr tic I-I. Hunt, who has been hea(l the (!lose of the school whtch gives
and son llruee moved last week endresident at (luihl llall, are loe'tted him a credited rating of expcr-
fronl the Harry Jordan home to for lhe suulml~r in lheir O~A'n honle, ieneed janitor. Thts is the fourth
an apartnient in the Byron Jones S(i(i (~ollege Blvd. ;ear he has attended.
home. (In Sunday afternoon, June 8th, ])r. and Mrs. Nicholas Knight en-
t)r. and Mrs. Burton IIogle of the l~ev. ,lan/es Ballz conducted the joyed a call last Thursday from
"'roy, Ohit), were conlmencement funeral service of Mrs. Ins B. t'rof. Gordon Beel)e, of Rapids City,
visilors ill Mount Vernon. On Fri-I,'reenmn of Olin, Iowa. Her has- S. Dak. Prof. Beebe taught civil
day evening they were dinner guests ', b,tnd V. E. I,'reenlan survives her. engineering in Cornell in 1915-16
in the honle of MI'. llll(i 5Ii's ~lllr- Theil" Inarried life had revered a and is teaching in the School of
toll Kepler. period ef Inore than fifty-three Mines at Rapids City. He w'~L~ en-
3,1iss l)orothy Sel'oggie a lUali- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
lege f'tculty, :it l~ozenlan, M~)nl sades I,odge. (-)ther guests at the Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr Putor
is expected to arrive the first any on Minehart and d'lughter during t,heir Choir.
l,ake Iqri~. Miss (;v,'yuelh Yollng llrief visit were: Mr. and Mrs. An- The Epworth League meets next
left last week for a trip to Salt Sl)U Barge, Mrs. Gusts Mtnott and Sunday evening at the E. G. Hunt
l,'tke City, Seattle, Yellowstone Mrs. Imlu Blaine, Miss Bertha home. The hour is 6:30 and Don
l"lrk an/l will silt'nil several week, ~est, Miss Geraldine Hughes an