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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 12, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 12, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1941 THE MOlffN~ VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RFA:)ORD AND THE LISBON HE~ i i ing for their western home. The Clarence Tenley and Clar- ence Hartley families were Monday evening visitors in the John Beck- er home. Little Janette Crock was quite sick on Monday. NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINN COUNTY, IOWA. IN PROBATE. IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE (Z) FACKLFA~, DECEASED. NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION OF AD- MINISTRATOR FOR AUTHORITY OF COURT TO SELL REAL ESTAT~ TO PAY D~BTS. TO RUTH CHARLOTTE COLLINS, RACHEL M. RENNICK, WALTER DAVID FACKLER, JOICE B. FACKLER AND JAMES WESLEY FACKLER, SOLE HEIRS AT LAW OF JOSEPHINE (Z) FACKLER, Dec'd STATE BOARD (OF IOWA) SOCIAL WELFARE, LINN COUNTY IOWA, OLD AGE ASSISTANCE BOARD OF COMMISSION OF SAID COUNTY, AND STATE, AND TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HERE- BY NOTIFIED. that heretofore, Anson S. Burke as Administrator of estate of Jose- phine (Z) Fackler, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Linn County, Iowa an application in which among other things he alleged that the only real estate owned by the estate of said decedent was lot eight, Irregular Sur- sung by a group of St. Paul. The were Father T. E. Farley; Father Win. Father Stephen Father Edw. Father Carl F. Clems Father M. J. Din- parish, Morse; pastor here church and also two Edward Greer and of Iowa City. The at mass were and James Bart- were J. J. Dvorsky Kucera. of the Blessed followed the mass and by Father Kuncl, gave individual an endless number of During this Mae Hog, an aunt sang sacred selec- Rev. J. E. Michalek and 149 Other Prizes North s5,500 - JUST FOR WRITING A 25WORD LETTER ABOUT Clinic, E300 Elms Springs, Me is an up-to-the-minute on Piles (Hemor- istula, related ailments You can have book by asking for it scat to the above ad- charge. It may save you ering aml money. Write FREE copy. 32-4t 214-/6 lrlrst Ave E, Cedar Rapids festivities which followed. Those in attendance besides the clergy mentioned above were: Jo- seph Baglio, William Fenelon, Fred- erick Reece, Richard Williams and Richard Schuler, seminarians of St. Pauls Seminary; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kuncl of St. Paul; Miss Florence Hyland of Tulsa, Okla.; Robert Hog of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Mary Mossman of Vinton; Miss McGovern of Monti; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hyland and daughter Mary Rae, Mrs. Anna Mae Hog and daughter Mary Margaret, Miss Mar- garet Halpin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kadlec and daughter Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trachta, all of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shima, Joe Shima, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holu- day and Mrs. Emma Parizek, whoMr" and Mrs. Anton Novak, and has been visiting them for someMr- and Mrs. Henry Wright, Dora- time accompanied them here to her thy and Ernest, from Mount Ver- home. Mrs. Parizek visited dur- non; and Mr. and Mrs. Willard ing the winter with relatives at Light, Dale and Doris. This re- Sutherland and other points and is just returning to her home. Mrs. Rose Dvorak of Mount Vernon also accompanied them here for a visit. Frank Healy and Miss Marguerite Healy of Iowa City visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary K. Zenishek. Southeast Franklin Mrs. Willard Light 70 ATTEND MEETING OF GOOD CHEER CLUB The Good Cheer Club met on Fri- union also honored the birthdays of Joseph Hruby and Ralph Light, and the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stoneking. Mrs. George Light had quite a surprise on Thursday morning when her cousin Arthur Ballard of Los Angeles, Calif dropped in to see them. He had been in Detroit and was returning with a new V8 car, having gone east by airplane. He is a jeweler by trade and makes several trips to New York City by plane from California. He left on Zenishek, Mrs. Anna M. Kucera, Mrs. Anna Seller, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dvorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zerbe, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kucera, Mrs. Anna Snyder, Mrs. Charles Gill, Charles Feats, Joe Marshek, Mrs. Vernon Kent, Bill Zenishek, J. Ros- coe Zeller, Jack Beranek, and Flor- ence Kucera, and Mr. and Mrs. John Beranek. CORPUS CHRISTI The annual Corpus Christi cele- bration will be held at St. Peter and Paul's church Sunday, June 15th with procession of the Blessed Sacrament at out of door erected altars, where benediction will be sung. Mass will be conducted at 9:30 o'clock and after the services dinner will be served in the base- ment of the church. JUNE JUBILEE The program for the annual June Jubilee celebration sponsored by the American Legion is nearin completion and the two day affair on Saturday and Sunday, June 14th and 15th will be made attractive by an entertainment of Pearl City rides, the live pony merry-go-round, midget motor cars, ferris wheel and various concessions and other attractions. The chief feature will your present indebtedness or purchase a a low interest, long time Federal Land Bank For details see: B. McTavish, Secretary-Treasurer Avenue SE Cedar Rapids Band Played On," "Daisy Bell," and "The More We Get Together." A recitation was given by Joan l Gritton; Mrs. G. S. Hamilton of i Lisbon sang, "Oh Believe Me If All! Those Endearing Young Charms,"I accompanied by Rev. Hamilton, who then presented a piano solo, "Dream Garden"; Mrs. Willard Light gave a vocal solo, "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen," with Mrs. Heston Phelps at the piano; Jackie and Lorrain Ciha and Doro- thy Light gave a short playlet, "A Waiter's Worries"; a vocal duet was given by Mary and Virginia Cole, "Toil Testing Time." The play, "It's a Woman's Privi- lege," was given by seven ladies of the club: Mrs. Roy Light took the part of Mrs. Lewis; Marjy, her daughter, was played by Miss Helen Light; Mrs. Ray Kohl as Mrs. Law-, ton; Mrs. Jack Ciha as Mrs. Rob- son; Mrs. Willard Light as Kate The little Misses Jean and Joan Simmons visited on Friday at the Earl Leigh home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Light, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Light and Glenn Dean were Sunday dinner guests at the John Light home. Mr. and Mrs. George Light, and Mr. and Mrs. Eri Light of Daven- port were guests of Mrs. Jennie Kirkpatrick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Simmons were Cedar Rapids callers on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leigh and fam- ily were Sunday dinner guests in the Herbert Leigh home north of Mount Vernon. Abbey Creek Mrs. Nathanlel Dean 5 OTHER GOOD OILS OUTDISTANCED 74% TO 161% Impartial test in Death Valley Desert. 6 cars Destroyed to give you Economy data beyond any Quibbles. U. S. Patent No. 2,218,132 tells exactly What is new about the new Conoco motor oil named CONOCO Nt, i MOTOR OIL quarts of this same new Conoco Nth oil that you can buy today, lasted 13,398.8 ~iles in a stock coupe--under lock and Under scrutiny every minute. 13,398 miles up and down Death Valley. Sand and sagebrush. Lowest land and highest extremes of heat in our 5 other well known oils got the same chance as new Conoco Nth oil. 6 identi- Cal new cars were used. Tune-ups, tire Pressures, speeds, and all other factors Were the same for all--impartially. En- gines were under lock. Qualified authori- ties eyed everything. The test was simple and stern Each ear got its 5-quart fill of some one com- Peting oil and was run at a 57-mile speed, The reasons are straight and simple l ew, patented Conoco ]qth motor oil contains Thialkene inhibitor, a new syn- thetic man-made by Conoco. Now an inhibition is something that re- strains you--checks you. And Thialkene inhibitor checks the effect of poisons al- ways formed in normal engine operation. Instead of "festering," weakening, and passing out, this oil is scientifically pre- pared to keep its health, so that the engine can do the same--a good way to keep up the oil-level. Mr. and Mrs. Than Dean spent Saturday evening in Cedar Rapids. ! 200 Attend 4-H Girls Rally Day On Thursday The annual 4-H girls rally day was held last Thursday in the Mar- ion high school with 200 4-H girls, leaders, parents and friends in at- tendance. The morning session was devoted to music and picture tests :which culmin.~ted the years study. The Clinton Climbers club was awarded first place in the music test. Four clubs had a perfect score in the picture test. Included were: Banner Valley Boosters, Clinton Climbers, Indian Creek Bluebirds, and the Merry Lou's. Mrs. A. I). i~rennaman, ],inn county Home i'roject chairman and Forrest Fur- resister, ],inn county Farm .Bureau, president, spoke briefly before the picnic luncheon "It noon. Ilighlights of the afternoon ses- sion were. discussion of club work. the presentation of a play, "Meet Miss IAnn" by Fairfax Jolly Jrs.; a pageant, "Good Citizcn ~---Good Neighbors" and the initiation of 'Miss Lucille Gave, home demon- stration as an honorary member. The following girls who have reached the age limit for 4-H club work were presented certificates: Dorothy Quass, Alburnett; Jean Minisb, Mount Vernon; Arlene Q uass, of Marion; Julia Bena, Ce- dar Rapids and Murlel Warnock of Coggon. The program was in charge of Mrs. Aria Stinger, Linn county chairman, assisted by Mrs. Clifford Henderson, Toddville; Mrs. Robert Sloan, Marion; Mrs. Donald Ashby, Coggon, 'Mrs. A. J. Nelson, Walker; Good Cheer Club will gather at a picnic supper at the Than Dean: of music and an address by Francis Dickey Park for its annual 4th of home Sunday evening, i Johnson, Iowa Bureau President July meeting. The grounds cam-] Francis Gaines called at the Than will be presented in front of the mittee previously appointed were Dean home Sunday evening, grand stand after the picnic dinner Mr. Fuhrmeister is chairman of the general committee which in- cludes John L. Weber of Anamosa, S. F. Emerson of IAsbon, Gary Railsback of Pale and Harold Thomas, Alburnett, county 4-H Boys' Club President and Lois Fred- erick of Marion, County 4-H Girls' Club president. Sports events sche- duled include baseball, soft ball, and horse shoe pitching for the boys and men, and chair quoits, clock golf, dart throwing and nail driving for the women. Winners in the sports events will be eligible to reprosent IAnn County in the State Farm Bureau Sports Festival in Ames in September. IANN CATI'LE SFJ-I~ HIGH Linn county cattle were listed among the high selling droves in the mid-week trade at the Chicago stock yards last week. Orval Quass, of Marion, marketed 26 prime beeves that averaged 1267 pounds each and sold straight at $10.50 per cwt and his neighbor, Henry Gurdes, received $9.00 per cwt. for a bull weighing 1690 pounds. This was the highest price paid on the SINGLE 5-QT. FILL While you use Conoco lqth, this OIZ,- PLATING stays on guard against wear in ad/R2nce? By OIL-PLATING the engine and inhibiting the worst effect of oil pollu- tion, one fill of new Conoco Nth lasted 13,398 miles. Certified. You'll not put your car through such a thlrd-degree--any more than you keep starting in high gear just because you could. You'll certainly never want to ex- ceed the recommended distance between crankcase drains. Bu~ knowing that new Conoco Nth oil lasted 74% to 161~ longer than other oils tested, see how bull market in ten yeans. Palisades Mrs. Charles Ford Billy Milholin--'-~ntertained twelve friends on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Milholin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heady and son from Mount Vernon, and Mrs. Mary Heady from Springville spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Petrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal attended Corn Club meeting at the home of R. H. Bowman on Saturday eve- ning. Mrs. Anton Biderman and Ruth Ann attended a shower on Thursday for Miss Louise Nechville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nechville of Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Charles Ford and Mary en- tertained Monday afternoon hon- oring Miss Jean Minish with a mis- cellaneous shower. There were 18 present and a nice shower of gifts were presented to Jean, who is to become the bride of Virgil Stoner, next Thursday. of Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball, Wednes- day afternoon, June 18th. Assist- ing hostesses will be Mrs. Ren Sivers and Mrs. James Petrick.i Mrs. C. F. Hartzell will take us on] a trip through South America, forI our program. J Mrs. I. N. Spawn is spending sev- eral weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reyhons en- tertained on Sunday honoring the birthdays of two daughters, Doro- thy and Marie, Ruthie baked the large birthday cake which deco- rated the dining table. Guests were Joe Pavelka and daughter Char- lotte, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brickner of Solon; Mrs. Clarence Dvorak and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tellin and son James from Iowa City; Bill Maro- sek from Cedar Rapids; and Evelyn Jiroutek from Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Biderman and Mrs. Josseph Michalek, Sr at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph- ine Klinger at Cedar Rapids on Tuesday. Guests at the Warner Peterson home on Sunday were Mrs. Peter- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chamberlin, her sister and family l !Mr. and Mrs. A. F. White of Iowa City and a niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hirt from River- side. On Tuesday, June 2, Mrs. Anton Biderman and Ruth Ann attended a shower in Cedar Rapids for Miss Dorothy Ellison who is soon to be- come the bride of Marvin Nemecek. Brookside Mrs. Will Robinson !MISS WISE AND MR. KLINE ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wise of Cedar Rapids have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Mil- dred, to Leonard Kline of Daven- port. Mr. Kline is employed by Investors Syndicate and a member of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce of Davenport. Miss Wise is employed in Cedar Rapids. The wedding date has been set for June 28th. The home will be established in Grand Island, Nebr. I Sincere congratulations. Mr. Kline is a son of William Kline, whose early life was spent in the Brook- side neighborhood L- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson were Tipton callers on Wednesday evening. Francis Crock, Claire Scott, Ir- vin Spencer, and Will Robinson were among those attending the Anamosa stock sale, Saturday. A large number of relatives gath- ered at the home of John Becker vey Southeast quarter of Northwest quart- er of Section ten (10). Township Eighty- two, North. Range Five West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Linn County. Iowa, that Linn County Iowa has filed claim against this estate in sum of $285.83 and State Board (of Iowa) Social Welfare, has filed claim in sum of $961.00 and that in addition to above claims claimed to be a, lien, there is the cost of Administration i and other expenses to be paid and that this I administrator does not have sufficient I funds from which to pay same and ex-! ccpt from proceeds of the sale of above reaRy will not come into possession of sufficient funds to make such payments ar, d in said application asked authority of Court to sell said realty, and on such ap- Thls 2-plow Tractor, plus aa All* Crop Harvester made by Allis Chal- mers--Nash Sedan--Riding Horse-- Shetland Poay--blg Frigidaire ; ; these are only 6 of the 150 valuable Free Prizes offered in Murphy's 5th Annual Customers' Contest. Come in this week and let us tell you how Murphy Products will cut your feeding costs, and increase your results with all livestock and poultry. Ask us about the Prize Rules, and see how easily you can enter this big Free Prize Contest. BAGHMAN'S FEED SERVIGE DIAL 5471 Mount Vernon Page Seven last week for a reunion and cour- tesy to their son, Carl Beeker, who left Tuesday for Des Moines for his year's army training. Mrs. Will Robinson was hostess for Priscilla class of which she is the teacher, at her home on Tues- day. 20 ladies were present. "Patriotism," was the topic of the day. A picnic supper was enjoyed in the home, as rain prevented a lawn party. The hostess was as- sisted by Mrs. Myrtle DeForest and Mrs. Grace Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kohl spent Friday at their farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Embree left for California Monday from where they will go to New Mexico for government aerial photography work. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Fisher were among those attending the Rodeo in Ce- dar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pulver were Cedar Rapids callers in the home of Mrs. Amanda Smith and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Russell were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Embree as a goodbye compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Embree before leav- gt s[r Eg CiRDS F. F. EBERSOLE, M.D. Dial 5412 First door east of Methodist church Mount Vernon. Iowa I iii plication, the District Court of Linn County, Iowa set the heering on such ap- plication at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on the 16th day el June. A.D. 1941, at the Court House in ,Cedar Rapids, Iowa at which time and place you are required to ap- pear and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said administrator for authority to sell said realty for purpose of procuring money from which to make pay- ment of above claims and others filed against this estate, should not be granted. ANSON S. BURGE, Administrator of estate of Josephine (Z) Fackler, Dec'd. G.W. WILSON, 6-5,12-41 Attorney. IWOAJ AN0 IN THE HOOSE Free Prompt Removal of aH DEAD STOCK Call Our Nearest Phone Collect Cedar Rapids 4612 Anamosa 542 Stanwood 800 Mt. Vernon 11000 SANITARY RENDERING CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Iowa Dept of Agriculture 1Acense No. 1 AP 0nly lc Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charge. Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning To Appear On This Page. Classified Ads Bring Results WANTED W. G. KRUCKENBERG, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office Gearhart Residence Mount Vernon, Iowa Office Phone 3021 Res. 3451 Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night WANTED: Furniture to recon- dition and upholster J. M. Thomas, Mount Vernon. 32-33c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two room furnish- e(l apartment, close in, gas stove, adults. Dial 525I. 33p ],'OR RENT: 5 room furnished or unfurnished apartment with hath. Dial 4271. 33c FOR RENT: ltooms furnished MISCELLANEOUS Without added oil, till the engine smashed i~p. New Conoco Nth motor oil went I3,398 miles. Certified. Not another oil Came within 5,683 miles of that and one Was outlasted 8,268 miles by new Conoco l~th oil. Certified. OIL-PLATING, t00 L Long the keystone of Conoeo success, OIL-PLATING come~ from another Conoeo synthetic (U. S. Patent 1,944,941). Magnet-like action bonds OIL-PLATING to engine parts, so it can't all drain down~not even overnight. seldom you add a quart. At Your Mile- age Merchant's Conoco station today change to your correct Summer grade of popular-priced new Conoco Nth oil. Continental Oil Company--Pioneers in Bettering America's oil with Synthetics m .coT,CICn ~ hereby certify that the ufin/ll lieu Death Valley Test and related work were thoroughly and fairly conducted. Engine Destruction occurred in each case at the mileage stated. Consulting Engineer, who during Academic year is Professor of Automotive Engineering, Purdue University BEST OIL COMPANY W' Carbee, Operator Truck No. W.E. Kohl, Operator Truck No. 2 On Sale at the Following Service Stations:J. F. Cooper & Son Garage, Mount Vernon; Zimmer Garage, Lisbon; G. A. Kohl, Mechanicsvflle; Bowers & Schoor, Mechanicsville Mr. and Mrs. Jay Milholin en- E.C. PRAtt. Dentist tertained Mrs. Milholin's father, W. W. McClintock and her brotherI Phmaes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Me-I~-. vnlce Clintock and Elsie Jean Hagen from / -- 5712 l~ome -- 4841 near Shellsburg, at the Biderman Mount Vernon. Iowa Hotel at dinner on Sunday. Mrs. Ben Neal, Mrs. Leonard Henik, and Mrs. Emil Dolezal en- JOHN B. BRYANT tertained the Friendship Club at Veterinarian the Neal home last Thursday. The next meeting will be at the home Phones: Office 2761 Residence 2763 Mount Vernon, Iowa i G.M. WILSON Attorney-At-Law Practice in state and federal courts Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub- lic. Office over DeLuxe Coffee Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Phones: Office 5612 Home 2871 JOHNSTON BROS. Funeral Directors C. B. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer H. R. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant When Wanted Mount Vernon and Lisbon FREE GI I,~TS FROM SAR- GENTS!--Be sure to save those valuable gift ,coupons found in ev- ery bag of Sargent Feed. They will be accepted as each on any gift you select. Electric clock, wrist watch, shaving equipment, or use- ful gift for the farm or home. Get gift list and full information from !F. J. Peterson local representative, Sargent & Company, Des Moines. MEN'S WORK SHOES $1.79 and up. Ladies Shoes 98c and up. Also first class shoe repairing at Eddie's East End Shoe Shop. In the Baser Bldg Mt, Vernon, Is. lp-30tf PIANO TUNING, usual charge $2.50; cane seating and chair wrap- ping. R. E. Sanderson, 319 Third Street North, Dial 2622. 9 If. or unfurnished. Inquire of Mrs. C. A. Hank, M)t. Vernon. 33-2Ip FOR RENT: Furnished apart- ment, three rooms and bath. J.M. ~Thomas, Mr. Vernon. 32-33e SERVICE FOR SALE ~ ' AI~rOMATIC HEAT.--IT IS NO ]~OR SAI I" 1'i36 Dod ~ coupe longer expensive Green Colonial cheap' ' Dial''~:4812'" g~ 33c' stokers, or oil and' gas firing' " instal- ~" ~"llations are now within the reach FOR SAId,l: Easy Why hay load- of all home owners who want the er, John Cordes, Mt. Vernon, ])iallconveniences and economies of 6403. 33p aatomatie equipment. Consult Dale F. Johnson, local dealer. Learn FOR 'SAIA~h Good Holstein bull I how emsy it is to have Green Colon- calf, 6 months old. ~rillard E. ~ial equipment installed. 1,ow first IAght, lAsbon, Iowa. 33p cost, with terms to suit your budget. ~~----~ Green Colonial Furnace Co. Des [~O]=t,A1,E: l)uroc ~oar, wayne I Moines Clark, Phone 3703. 33pI --------------------. i I~EPAIRS FOR ALL MAKF~ OF FOR SAI,E: Modern house on i bicycles. Hall Bicycle Co 109 Sec- large lot, chicken house, garden, fruit, t3argain to close estate. Chill0nd Aw~: S.E: Cedar I~apid~ 32: 4tp 178 Marion. 32-tfc. FOR SALE: Sand and gravel. Ashes hauled, gardens plowed. Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides, Iron Rags and Metals. D. Burgess i& 'Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Ver- non. 28tfe DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED Free. Call nearest phone by No. i collect, Mr. Vernon, 307; Marion 77; !Anamosa, 74F21, for dean fast l courteott~ service. ]b~rancls Payton, Agent, Anamosa, Iowa, for Farm- ers Rendering Works. State Li- cerise No. 7, Iowa City, In. 17-tf. Classified Ads Bring Results ( ,I House of a Million Auto Parts West End 16th Ave. Bridge Cedar Rapids, Iowa Open Evenings to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE C. CHAMBERS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. Realize---Real Eyes 221 3rd St. S.E Cedar Rapids, Iowa