National Sponsors
June 13, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 13, 1957 |
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of all4
The series of eight summer band
by the Mt. Vernon Munici-
Band will begin on Saturday
June 15, in the City Park
Director will be Kenneth
8~ykil, director of the Mr. Ver-
non high school band. The Juni-
tr high and high school band
~ffimberm will be assisted by
•any former players, making a
e~nd of around IO0 pieces.
~t-nyone who can play an instru-
ent is invited to join the band•
%earsals are held at the high
h0ol building on Wednesday
~nings. "'-----nt on a e
In an advertlscmc p g
I Mt. Vernon business and
~ofesmional men extend an In-
vitation to attend the weekly
~'~rmgT?CertS'oury . folding chair or a
aket and mt on the park lawn.
e concerts are over by 9 p.m.
ce cream socials are planned for
ae concert nights.
Ne- Teaeachers
ired By Board
~Wo teachers have recently sign-
contracts with the board of the
Vernon school to teach next
mantha Svoboda of Cedar Rap-
will take the position of in-
;or of vocal music which was
by Mrs. Nichols• A graduate
anklin High in Cedar Rapids
Svoboda received her degree!
the State University last week. i
Wickey has been hired for
of one of the first grades•
Wickey is a four year graduate
ra e and has taught one year
the Des Moines schools• The
home will be established
and Mr. Wickey will attend
school at the University of
Elect R. B.
unanimous vote of the entire
club Monday the following
rs were elected for the coming
Dr. R. B. Tuberty, pres.; L.
'ans, vice-pres.; Harold Plank,
twister; and Frank Rhoads,
e to the dampness of the eve-
the club decided to postpone
colossal broom sale until next
lay evening at which time all
bers will conduct their house to
.~ canvass~
• Walton Is Injured
Fall From Car
rs. Rosle Walton suffered a dis-
ted shoulder, bruised knee and
rations on her face Sunday af-
don when she fell from her son's
at the junction of highways 30
131 near Belle Plaine. Mrs.
ton was accompanying her son
daughter-in-law the Raymond
tons to Belle Plaine when the
door suddenly flew open as
raond was turning a corner and
~fell out, landing on her should-
was given first aid by a Belle
)ctor and taken to St. Luke's
in Cedar Rapids where she
a satisfactory recovery.
to be able to be released
of the week.
Deskin, Prof• Copes
Lots And Will Build
William Deskin has purchased
of Arnold Brawner on the
side of South Fourth St., Mr.
between the Riehard Ross
the Lee Paul residences• Mr.
has sold one lot to Prof. V.
Both men plan to build
as soon as possible• Wayne
will be the contractor•
chmans Sell House,
II Build Near By
W• Gaines and Son began ex-
Monday of the basement
2-bedroom ranch style home
and Mrs. Ralph Bachman on
just north of their present
The Bachmans have sold
home to Ivan Powers of Des
a salesman for a physicians
hospital supplies firm. The
have three small children,
~f whom will enter school in
ernon this fall.
lid World
On Spirit
Trustees Consider
Relation Of College
And The Church
Will Extend Sewer
On S. Fifth Ave.
The Mt. Vernon Council voted in
special session on June 5 to extend
ment exercises of the University of iFree Inquiry" he discussed the ira- college to the Methodist church.
Chicago• Their son, James W. ditional "American conscience" in President Russell D. Cole, in his ~=~ ,, m
Fouke, received a degree of Bache-,regard to the freedoms guaranteed report to the trustees• told of a self Get Yi~Jbur Pree
lor of Divinity from the Divinity by the. Constitution,. the violations, study just completed on this sub'ectj v
School. of this conscience at periods of which takes up the following ques-
crisis, and certain contemporary a`t-tions: mission of the college, pre- ch~ X-I~ ov
~I~P~ T- -- It, | ___ [titudes toward the problem• sent moral and legal relationship in ........... U
m'=l~It~l lWO |Jew [ ~Ph~ enh-it ~ f~#,p ! .... ii-~ n~ relation to the church, opportunities LI = IAI |
. - I ........ l.r,~a ............ or service to the church optimum ~X~ W~K
• •__.~_ II ..... ~[ ] ................... size of the restitution m relation to
&vm ,uuu~rve,©~scrinme ....
mvlemoers vl the predicted heavy increases m
I search for evidence, patient to ......... I Those 21 years old and over of the
college enrollments ana physical - •
g~ / I I~ / J evaluate evidence, willing to ........ ' ! Mt. Vernon-Ltsbon communities and
zmanmaL anct personnel neeus m l l t t ke
.~lb/ml~l~l ]~C'~d[~lr~ [ believe evidence. But this spirit ....... rural areas are rem'nded o a
,~,~m mvvm ~v~m~ ~ withers unless men are free to remuon to the zuncuon proposed. I advantage of the mobile x-ray unit
Fi ........... l communicate their findings and Copies of the President's Report lwhen it comes to the two towns
.. ve ol.reczorsoi me. l~. vernon ] to discusstheirconclusions,including the results of the self- [ next Wednesday, June 19.
t.ommum~y ~cnoo~ eiszrmz were stud Wl
..... l whether or not they conform to y "ll be released at the annual Hours in Lisbon will be from
elected ±vion~ay. in one. of. the clos-! commonly held views." meeting of the North Iowa Con-[9:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon and in Mt.
e.s~ scnoot ei.ecuons nero m a zongI ..... ference of the Methodist church lVernon from 1:30 to 5 p.m. In Lis-
time. margin, of victory was notThis ideal .spirit of inquiry . and whl•ch opens at First Methodist bon the unit' will• park behm' d the
over o votes in any case•. Ithe right to dissent, however, nave church in Waterloo on June 1~.i bank; in Mt. Vernon in front of the
~umber of voters .the[been sometimes,abrogated by "l~s Cornell is and always has been a ~lhigh school•
poim .was .ztnL ~mnara woize naa~savory episoaes,' me speaker aua- college related to the Methodist l These chest x-rays are given free
me mgnes~ vote xor mrector of 189. led. "After each of our major wars church Dr Cole said [as dart of the ~reat TB orevention
ni .......
Cou t ng of the ballots took much lthere has been a trial of our nation- This -,ear an Advisor,~ Board to tprogram in the county, the cost of
longer than usual. Because of the l al sense of fair play to dissenters, the President was established to re-l operation of the unit coming from
closeness of the vote, the ballots I periods testing the fai`th in civil lib- present the faculty trustees and| the sale of the Christmas seals•
were counted twice to be certain erties which is so much of the ~:tnsr~ nf W,d,tostinn' nf tha ~n~-~hI It ~lram h, • tt mi., f* eat-*.ha,
ae uecies:" It was!Amer!can.conseience.. ~wa Conference• Its purpose is toI aettmix-rgytobe taken and the
y •lv:~o p.. oezore ~ms was :Touowmg the American rend: recommend ways and means ofI picture is taken right through
compie~ea, lmion, uncter me ~eaition 2~cz, aiz strengthening the religious life of l regular clothing. How better
A recount of the ballots was criticism of the national govern- the college. I could you use time tha~ for
maae on "x~esaay evemng utterment was punishable as sedition. The immediate task faced I such a physlc~l checkup.
consulting with County Supt• In Vermont a newspaper publisher~ .......~ o,..,..~ ,. ,.. ...~_' [ As soon as the x-rays are read
Walter Shupp regarding the and its editors were convicted and ..... ~'~'" "*'~" *" " ~" l a matter of several weeks at least
markings on some ballots which jailed. Thomas Jefferson redeemed qu~tely undergird the college
on the basis of its present size. cards will be mailed to inform
were discarded. Although the the American conscience by pardon- people of the results• Watch for
Needed for this purpose will be~yours" If the picture shows a con-
recount changed the number ofing those who were convicted under annual gifts for current operationsi dition that should have a more
votes for each candidate fromthis statute•"
the original count, the same five After the Civil War when there of $200,000• ' thorough check this information is
WTnh fered:LnY~srtdr i~:ution oftl~evot26e: f°~y d~l ia }!~c~t ~{?~aemt~r! s: }~ yt
~a~!eS~eymt~eSipg:b;Yc aV°at~l °cfaC~n- S;~u~le!)ath~mr~p:oZonha~ghplaYt ::
• Of the five members of the new !and demagogues" as negligible,r Dr.
ooard, four restore outsiae of the lKharas exnressed his belief that
C:rmP°:n~tieol~r~lt:n~.f ~c:u::°t~-eThreiSi"there were people who sincerely
Y " ,felt that disloyal persons were an
mark was made several years ago n ho
factual danger to the state a d w
when reorganization was under con- ] were willing albeit reluctant to put
sideration that some feared a con-I civil liberties nrincioles temoorar-
:~hdatt~lheSCh°°lyt t would be dommat-lily on the shJf ,to make the state
• I more secure but in each instance l
• The newly elected board mem-lthere came a time when people rea-:
oers ixoy ~owman ana l--aul thalcl h n er d be n x
., .... "l liKed t at the da g ha e e -
wen. , wno. serve until the nex~ emc- ~' aggerated and that disregard for
hon• Richard Wolfe and George Pe- I civil liberties had been too high a
trick, whose terms expire March lnrice to van for security.
1959, and Lawrence Hunter, whose ....
term runs until March 1960, will "The formula of the United
take office at the annual schoolI States Supreme Court is that
meeting on July 1. freedom may be impaired by
Newly elected members of the the government when exercise
board have been invited to attend of that freedom represents a
the next meeting of the present cle~tr and present etmager. And
consolidated board to be held on this means, of course, that the
Monday evening and .to include an extent to which civil liberties
inspection of the buildings to de- will be protected will depend
termine what work needs to be
done on them this summer•
upan how cleacly our people see
an imminent danger--or how
vividly they imagine it. The
burden upon the American con-
, science is to face that question
and to make an accurate deter-
Referring to civil liberties since
World War II, Dr. Kharas comment-
ed, "I think we are already begin-
ram Will
Start June 17
Hi Kids! Good news for young
people in Mt. Vernon! We don't
need to tell you summer is here but
we do need to tell you about the
C McCague . .
',~ . . . 7'_ ,,._ ~.,L ~^. _ ,-~_ ~by tram bus and perhaps bicycle
fe~:neC~:e~a~soneI~urns~ Rl[har~U~ ~hr°ugwhll Ital~t'fS[n~Ze~andceWhee~e
Raines G Dempster Yinger I . y ....... ' . '.... "
• ~ . '. : ..... " .. ... I glum ~ne l~emerlanos parts oI ~er-
L:we~re~:: ~yR~U~n~a~nS~ne~tU. w. many and England• Bud's interest!
..~ ' : " its in famous battlefields of Worldi
xne executive committee as elect- j War II and he ulans to visit as many
ed from the nominations by the i as possible. -
nominating committee is SutherlandI They are scheduled to sail from
.I)ows, ChasL. E. Hedges, Charles I Southampton, England, o n t he
rlemps~eaa, u. w. l.,awrence, S. ~. i Italia on Sept. 3, arriving in New
Coquillette, Glenn S. Hartong, Earl JYork on Sent 15
Elijah and Russell Landis. Bu~ the son 'of Mayor and Mrs
The following nominating c°m-iA. E. Kudart, is a law student at
mittee was elected, S. E. Coquillette, I SUI His wife is a nurse at Univer-
Sutherland Dows, Chas. E. Hedges, lsitv'hosnital
Charles Hempstead and C. O•I 13ud's-sister and brother-in-law,
Pauley. the Willard Johnsons of Cedar Rap-
ENDOWMENT UP $166,427 lids, entertained at a family dinner
The financial report of R. W. in their honor Tuesday evening of
Sippola, business manager, show's last week.
additions to endowment funds from
July 1, 1956 to April 30, 1957 as fol- I COMMENCEMENT GUESTS
lows: I Week end guests in the Lester
Ford Foundation ................ $110,000.001 Caraway home who came especially
Williams Estate .................... 25,427.00 1 to see the Caraways' granddaughter,
Annuities .............................. 7,000.001 Barbara Solma, receive her diploma
Kelley Endowment for I from Cornell college Monday morn-
Salaries .............................. 8,378.00 i ing were Barbara's parents, the Earl
Scholarship Funds ............ 5,117.00 1Solmas, her fiance, Ronald Verdoorn
Other ........................................ 10,505.001and his parents, the Henry Ver-
doorns, all of Albert Lea, Minn. On
Book value of the endowment in-
vestments on April 30, 1957 was
$3,356,297.78 which with current cash
on hand totals $3,495,238.23.
Additional endowment invest-
ments made since July I, 1956:
Stock of public ulitities .$ 14,500.00
Common stocks of
industrials ........................ 115,328.27
!ning to be ashamed of the vulgari- Real Estate ............................ 50,982.00
!ties and excesses to which we have [Mortgages 41,109.80
resorted, in ferreting out .cases of[. Land- (~ontractsand ............
disloyalty, or suspected d~sloyalty, Miscellaneous .................. 43,500.00
or doubtful loyalty, or persons who
are, or might be, security risks• II
suspect that few Americans are now
being converted to the communist
cause• In terms of presen~ danger i
from communists at home there is
reason to agree with Supreme
Court Justice Douglas who charac-
terized the American communists
"as the miserable merchants of un-
wanted ideas•' "
(Continued on page 2)
Lions Club summer recreation pro-
Sunday they were joined for din-
ner by Dr. and Mrs. Dean Caraway
and Jane of Monticello, the Merrill
Burges and Mrs. Irvin Lacock and
Christine. Miss Solma and Ronald
Verdoorn will be married on June
30. She has signed a contract to
teach English in the Albert Lea
~high school. Mr. Verdoorn is en-
gaged in the printing business at
gram which will begin Monday,
June 17, at 9 a.m.
On this day those who wish to
participate should appear for regis-
tration, both for the activities at
Ward school and for midget base-
ball. There will not be any super-
vised play period the first day.
Harold Tuttle will be supervisor
assisted by an excellent staff con-
sisting of Mrs. Clyde Norton, Jane
and Janet Johnston, Barbara Neal
and Jean Cookes.
The summer program this year,
as in the past, will be limited
Plan 6-Weeks Day Camp
For Local Children
Ann was born to Mr. and]to those from the age who have
John Decious Thursday, June already attended kindergarten up Chuck Bryant and Jim Dutcher
are announcing the opening at Mt.
hospital in Cedar Rap- I thru those who have finished eighth ~t Vernon of the B & D Day Camp for
are Mrs. Ruth grade. Hours at Ward school will boys and girls from 8 to 13, which
of Marion and Mr. and Mrs. be from 9 to 11 a•m. daily. Midget will start June 24 and last six
$70,000 in government bonds
matured between July I, 1956 and
April 30, 1957.
Mrs. Kenneth Plummer is a pa-
tient at Sherman Hospital in Eagin,
Albert Lea.
J. H. Whittaker went Tuesday to
St• Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids,
for observation.
Mrs. Royal Parks and little daugh-
ter Deborah left by plane Sunday
night for their home in Cleveland,
Ohio, after a visit in the parental
Glenn Stoner home• The Rev. and
Mrs. Clyde Wilson of Oak Park, i
Ill•, the Earl Solmas of Albert Lea,
Ill., with pneumonia contracted lMinn., Mrs. Myrtle Staley and Ar-
during a trip there last week to at-I lynn called at the Stoner home Sun-
tend a funeral• ]day.
Decious. The Decious' have baseball activities in charge of
er daughter Joan Lynn• David Thomson, will be held on the weeks.
cs Thomas,'weight 9 lbs. 1 oz., elementary school diamond daily The program of activities to be
orn to Mr and Mrs. Vincent from 3 to 5 p.m. offered as listed in the ad on page
.~h of Downey, Ill. The Per- If enthusiasm is any criterion to:4 includes individual sports, team
~, who are former local rest- prejudge a program, summer base-sports, horseback riding, swimming,
have two daughters• ball for you young folks should be nature hikes and outings. Parents
a "doozy!" Dave has a lot of good are showing considerable interest in
Alan, weight 8 lbs. 6 oz. ideas and has already started lin- the camp. Turn to the ad for corn-
to Mr and Mrs Mull plete details
~.. ." . ~ '~ . " lng up games with surrounding ' •
~amr~ay June ~ a~ ±wer .....
~1 in Cedar Rapids Grand- communi.ues. . ......... 'FAMILY ARRIVES FROM INDIA
• ,~ varm~y oz ac£ivi~ies Will oe. _. .....................
are Frank Thomson of offered this veal wit~ -a--a~-I~ in ;IN 'rIME }uix qL, UI¥11¥1JE, LNtL;]E, WJJPhN'I"
:svllle and t h e H e n r y structors an~*it ;s the desire of the i Mahadeo Verma, x~ ho had left his
ans of Licbon ..... ~"~ ~ " - ~ r i wife and two small children in his ! CHARLES M. COCHRAN, new Cornel[ business manager, and
" £AOnS ~JUO ma~ a large numoe ~ . .
------------- will ~'arti-i'~te ¢or all ~ ...... '~s i native India when he came to Mt. { his family will move to Mr. Vernon about July 1 5.
• S CONVENTION .... v ~ V~m .......... i Vernon to attend Cornell last fall I
• oz ~ne progra i . '
Nlederhauser owner of .._ _ "a little shorte- this had the pleasure of hawng them Charles M. Cochran. business! Mrs. Cochran was graduated from
Su ' ±ne program r ~ ~ . .
per Valu store at Mt Ver ..... '~ "'1 ~ 1 12 "'" arrive ,unday by plane in time to i manager of Franklin college, Frank- ] James Millikin University in 1944.
. : year wnl operate unu ou y • we i ~ - • line Ind has been named business i The Cochrans have four children:
attending the convention of I h v ' had to dro recreational swim ' see him receive h~s diploma from [ , ., , . • .
ational Association of Retail l nave ~ ....... )~P¢ ÷~ .... t ~nv~lve~- Cornell Monday morning. Their]manager of Cornell college succeed- i Charles jr. 10, Richard, 6, and twin
" • • I ...... s ...................... . . ' ing R. W. Sippola who has resigned. ! daughters, Jacqueline and Jeanette
s at Chicago Ill. this week.,you kids can ~et "'our folks to take ic°mmg was made possible through.
~lSaturday night by train from l you swimmin~ iny the afternoons ]the assistance of Mrs. Muriel Crock ' Mr. Cochran was graduated from 4.
oland, Ill. in company with I ~, t kee~" ,,our mornin=s free so ,,ou ~ of Mechanicsville in whose apart- i Albion college, Albion Mich., in i Mr. Cochran has been past presi-
Other Jerry and Bud Waugh .'.~ ...~,~i.~.¢~ in this fun ,~acked'merit they will reside ;1942, majoring in economics and ldent of the Indiana Group of Col-
~ton and Carroll Vaughn Of lprogram:"~ v~= -v " ........... business administration• Soon afterilege and University Purchasing Ag-
-'ello i • " graduation he entered military ser- i ents and the area representative for
• [ All costs of this program except CLARK REUNION !
• R~~~ i the cost of the material used in the The Ben Nealz \v:ll be hosts to!vice and attended an advanced ad-the E & I Cooperative. In 1955 he
I~ls~--s~n-of ~he~*I~aroldicrafts' will be paid by the Lions the Clark family reunion at their !ministration course at the Univer-iwas one of the first group selected
~. was 'elected to the corn-ClVbh Ea;htf%S~enri~lfll£%e:nly ,home Sunday, June 23. !sity of Mississippi. During most of to receive a Carnegie grant to at-
' c ..... ' Ior e c .... ] his four years in the service he was tend t h e Business Management
i, ~mmlss~on cn ~ne z~atlonaJ- In case you haven't heard The BUYS KEPLER HOUSE ;a Personnel Sergeant Major in pay-!Workshop at the Univers: :y of ()m-
~..~ at ~oys' ~ta~e an~ matte i Lions Chlb is having a broom sale Mrs. Robert Stahl has purchased roll work for which he received the aha. , He is a member of he Ro ary
- o[ tne grou l-le and h se osses ~Army recommendation ribbon. ! club and has served thre year, on
~'~ ~. ~ ~P" ~. ." " i next Monday, June 17, to help pay the Isa Kepler estate ou , P - iUpon his discharge he became as- the board of directors o: the l)cal
tun con o[ [ne l~oy ~via ~ olks 1on A I l
_',~ ..... r-} for this program. Urge your f s" by ug. .
nea nom e ~aturoay azter- i to buy a broom to help pay for your _ .. -,L~~Z- . .~ 'sistant business manager of Frank- '. Chamber of Commerce. Last ]'eb-
¢ came Irom camp Dodge[nro~,ram and we will see you at William ~reuooise, Iatner oI t~or- ]in college and gradually assumed ruary he was appointed t, serv~ on
Rapids by bus and were ~V-~rct June 17 at 9 a m for' regis- nelia Hirtzler, entered the McGuire the full responsibilities of the bust-]a committee established by the
Haskell Sargent of Lis- 'lra'~%n for the ]a activities and nursing home Wednesday aiter be- 'ness office as the secretary of the~ Franklin school board to study the
P Y • ~.
brought them home. midget baseball, ing discharged from St. Luke's. college board retired. ]needs of the public schools.
In cooperation with the Iowa D.J. Hoagland, Davenport, put in
Dairy Industry Commission, the a few terrifying seconds about 3:45
Hawkeye-Record and Herald this First
p.m. Wednesday when his car was
week carries its annual June Dairy struck on the left side a few inches
Month advertising on pages 8 and 9. Presented Tuesday back of the driver's seat by a large
Purpose of June Dairy Month semi-trailer on U.S. 30 just west
on Sunday, June 16, according to E.
H. Knudsen, local manager of the
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.
With new equipment at Cedar
Rapids and elsewhere, telephones in
is to imprees on the puMie the First summer concert by the Lis- of the west driveway at the Pete
greet importance of the dairybon school band was presented in .Greiner farm, two miles east of IAs-
ind~mtry to this community a~the hark on Tuesday- ev~nin=, n,~- bon•
we 1 as to the natron, direction of Wendal Jones instru- The semi-trader outfit, going west,
Largest local branch of the dairy mental music instructor Concer~ pulled out from behind another
industry is the Lisbon Cooperative will be ~resented on Tuesday eve truck as Mr. Hoagland was oin
r m " " ~ " g g
c ea ery which makes the deh- nin~ ~t a n m - east• He went towards the .~hn,,ld~
cious, h e a 1 t h f u 1 Lisbon Sweet ............. [ and avoided the tractor bu-t -t'l~-~-
Cream butter, a. / ~~ [of the trailer struck the-rea-r-door
The ereamery is one of the larg- L|s~on ~en|ors iof his car. The car spun around
est employers in Lisbon, with a staff m- • m- . m . [and came to aston in th~ mi,~mo ,~
of 12. Besides the manager Lyle ©nloy ~astern/rJp [the pavement headed West ........
Capper, five men are .employed in ] ~. ............. " ....
• *,,~ r~uugxana salu ne pusnea wire
the plant, two ladies ~n ,the office Friday afternoon 18 tired seniors!his foot as hard as possible trying
ana zour men as cream nauiers and two exhausted cha erone ....
• . p s re- I to szop me car. He discovered later
• Joining in this salute to the dairy turned to Lisbon from a jaunt to lthat he had been jolted out of posi-
mauszry are: ...... l~ew xorK t:i[y and Washington, D. J tion and his foot was pushing on the
Bryant ana t,enz veterinarians C Making the trip were Pats-- A1 'fl .......
• ~ ". Y -I oorooara$ ruiner man the brake.
Buresh Implement .Co.._ . I bmght, Jean Bednashek, Ellen Bieb-i Two cars following the truck for-
Jim ~ye, ~oruen oistrmumr ]er, ularilyn Blood, Betty Bowers I tunately were able to avoid the
Horton LocKers "~o I Joanne Burlingame, Lela Emerson, I Hoagland car One turned to one
~a. Elaectrl~nLigsth: %oPmO%eL~n t Myra and Martha Greiner, Jo Anne I side and the second car to the other
~a. .IT - ~y I lurun~eIA ~naron ~ruse, Judy Mill-I side. Hoagland was conscious of the
~ruse L,umver ~o. . j er, ~a~ ixesewenr, Joan Warner, [two cars coming toward him while
Llsbo.n Co-op t~reamery me. Nancy Zearing, David Hoagland, A1. I his car was spinning around and he
l~oomis ~roauce . [ len lxeynolds, ~enneth Whitman ;was pushing on the floorboards
Sanitary Farm Dairms . . ]and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell. :wondering why he couldn't stop it
l)r. ix. ix. voe~oerg, ve~ermaman [ Leaving nere May 30, the group Two men were with the semi"
arrived in New York Friday eve- trailer ,~ ' • "
|~-~m.t~ r~4b~.~.z~ ning. On Saturday their adventures ation ~tfsit°wn~e2 by the R~fr~ger.
n~Vi I~ ~1~1~1 n~=~ started with - '- ........... v,,-- ,~,, ...... .~,.,, ~=o.
a uu~ ~our o[ me city The-- are W R. Wai ...........
~. I- ~- -- ~" ]to see such well ' ......... "-~ - ~ " z~rlgn~ ~ uni-
~.uwu points oI versit Ave
Ulallng :)tarts 3un. interest as Chinatown, Central ton ~th of'AStw-and~Charles-B-ean-
• • , anna. iney naa nam-
Telephone operators who serve~ .Park. the U.N. bulldmg, and vat- ed a load of frozen chickens from
Mt Vernon will be dialing long dis- I mus mrge cnurcnes ana monuments. F1ori.~ ,~ ,~t. .....
• . .. ua tu ,~mcago anti were en-
tance calls d~rect to telephones m! That afternoon the girls shopped route to Waterloo to pick up a load
many additional places commencing at the Rath Packin
g Co. to take
back south•
Des Moines and other Iowa places
will be reached within seconds as
operators direct the automatic
switching equipment by punching a
series of buttons that resemble a
Witnesses of the accident were
F. M. Witt of Shell Rock and James
Carter of Clarksville.
Patrolman Dickinson covered the
accident• A traffic violation charge
was probably filed in Cedar county
against the truck driver•
10-key adding machine at their A " " "
vacation trip ~o Denver Cold
switchboard w " ' "
• as interrupted for Mr and Mrs
With the new plan an operator Cone.. Island but rain cu" ~h ..... "
il 1 one of the 31 ~ ~ ~ e party ~ari J~. l~rown, 2110 Belle Plaine
selects an ava able. - -i " I sh°rt" That evening the group din- Ave. Chicago and Mrs Brown's
circuits to Jges taomes ana a ats ided some oin .......... ' ~ '" "
letters and flgure' s In case the call ~ h m' g g ~o near J~my ~ra- i sls~er Mrs. Olive Pierce, 20 Bash
...... • ........ ] a , others viewing the city from|Lane Houston Texas Monday
is ~o J3es iVlolnes 2~me~ or uu~r 'ato the Em ir ......... '" ' '
..... '... _ i~ ~ p p e ~tate ouuomg morning when their car collided
places in me v~mm~y, she wou o~ Monda-- th ...... L ...........
...... , y ~ ~ezllors movea to neao-on wl~n a ~rUCK ariven ny
dial only the two ze~ers anu rive Philadel-hia and sto ....... ~E .................
...... " ~ "ele hone ~ v ppea ~o see me i u ~ora, ~au l,t~n Ave• ixOCK lslancl
ngures oi me oeslreu ~ p famed Inde n The i "
.......... I pe dence Square Betsy I acc dent occurred near the
numoer ana me cauea ~empnone ' .
"- "' ...... 1 st[R°ss' houseand the Liberty Bell !Wayne Schoff drive-way just east
~: ~linge,~g a,mos~ as me a as they were en route to the na"lof Lisbon on U.S• 30 about 11:30 a.m.
• I tion's capital cit,- The Brown car, driven by Mrs
In case the call were to another .~ ~' t Bro " "
,~ ,~ T,~w~ -~ ¢- ~ ,~n¢ ~tate ] iuesday was Washington, D.C., wn, was going w e s t. The
~" ............................... ch 1
a three figure code would be dialed 1 day, including visits to Mount Ver- I S u ze-Burch truck was headed
to innicate the area in which the non, the Curtis-Lee mansion Smith- east• The driver was slowly fol-
called'~ telenhone is located This !sonian Institute, Arlington' ceme- I 1.owing an H & W semi-trailer out-
. • - = ..... " - •. i ter,, th,~ W,~hino~nn mOn,,m,~n÷ on,~ Ii~ wnich mrnea in at the Schoff
coae lnlorma~lon is nanny a~ me, ~, ....... ¢, ............. - --,- . •
o-'erator's fin"erti'~s and only a[the tomb of the Unknown SoldierI drive. His truck apparently was
s~cond or two would be added in [where they witnessed changing oft ~erf~hetcen:~r l!n~hen~gh to hit
th r I - • , e o e a oI rown car
e gua d n the evenm cmerama s
the time to complete the call • g I .............
" V ,, Wnlle ne was wa~cnlng me la ~ w
The new equl ment lnst~lled i Se en Wonders of the World af-J .............
- P oun~ ~o see lI l~ woula make me
at Cedar Rapids is associatedforded great pleasure [ •
with a new automatic long dis- DespRe beating rain on Wednes-~turn successfully. • - ..
da the v n . . ~ax~er amomance ~o OK lvirs.
tmaee switching center at Des y y e tured forth to visit the P;e ..... n ~rs Brown ÷,, ~* T, ke'~
Moines, costing $2,000,000, which White House and Capitol, and also ~o~'~'"~"a~'~" D; ...... ~.,~.~.,~ o
"" -o sat in on a essi ....... ,,,ov.-~,. ,,, ..... ~-~ ~,-=,, ,,~--
~pere~t:rt' ~i's~nce dialing is not the Senate.STh~ns~a;%~;U~ea~n~ ations ?out, [he m outL and Mr~
entirely new here, since for some for Iowa and home. ~.;;ween th~ eves ................
time Cedar Rapids operators have ~ ~e~,~nes ...... i-~:'r, ...........
............... LISBON FIREMEN MEET ,,, .~ ~=~ w=~= ~,u,, x-~u~u, o~
alalea calls olrecuy ~0 als~an~ .............. ' -
.... H w " w. ~ta~e b~• wlarsnall~own ana
places in which switching centers o ard Mason retired from the ~h ~i~t~.-n' a,~ xu ~,~ ,r~.~,,~.
were established earlier, especially Lisbon fire dept. at the May 27 "~" "~.~'~' .~.,.",...°~"' t~o~'~'
Chicago. meeting. Drill nights will be the ~ruck.~'~au~oTx"'~i~'~;e~s~w°'°t'l~e
With completion of the Des first Tuesday and second Thursday tr' ck" slowl-- eree--in- t'-wa--~ --
Moines center, about half of the of each month. Turkey sandwiches ". . :< . .v: ~ ,, \u me
1,,~ '~" ...... 11- in ~"wa will *'e and "ot~*^ o~1..~ ..........~cemer oi me nlgnway ana was
.,.~-e, d.~-,.~= ~,~,~ ~u u v =~,, ~., ,,,~ w=~= ~=~v=u afraid there would be an accident
handled by dialing directly, courtesy of Eldon Stahl and Harry .............. "
-- Sizer furnished the lemonade. J. M. t~tt~ ~u wtt~ ,
~=~#,t~Av#,,~#,, ~Pt~-~ Carbee was made an honoraryTANK COLLIDE
~vmla~a~a a~,~ v~t~a a~ member• Mrs. Thomas Rouse and children
At Waterloo Sun.
The 102d session of the North-
Iowa Annual Conference will con-
vene at the First Methodist church,
Waterloo, June 16. It will continue
until Friday noon, when the ap-
pointments will be read to the 427
preaching places of the conference.
Dr. and Mrs. Fouke will attend
from .the local Methodist church and
Richard Thompson will go as lay-
member. Featured as speakers will
be Bishop F. Gerald Ensley, resi-
dent bishop of the Iowa Area; re-
tute; and Dr. John R. Gross, execu-
tive secretary of the Methodist
Board of Education• The Rev. Fred
E. Miller is host pastor of the Wa-
terloo church•
Crowd of 400 Attends
State Hampshire Picnic
An estimated 400 people from
Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin,
an Minnesota attended the annual
picnic of the Iowa State Hampshire
Breeders' Association at the C. W.
Smith Angus-Shire farm outside
Lisbon yesterday•
The program included hog judg-
ing contests, discussions, and a
noon picnic lunch.
Bernard Ebbing of the Rath Pack-
ing Co. was principal speaker• Mr.
Smith is a director in the associa-
New hours announced for the
Lisbon pos~ office window, effective
next Monday, are 8:30 a.m. to 12 and
12:30 to 5 p.m.
for the vacan~ Lisbon Glass, Paint
and Appliance store adjacent to the
Despite Kristan's statement that
dancing would "bring people into
town . . . be good for the town,"
the Council took no further action
on his request•
At one time there were 14 Lisbon
citizens present, in addition to the
!council and junior council•
Mayor Plattenberger asked those
present for their opinions on the re-
"I do not think dancing in any
form would be an asset to our busi-
ness," said Rev. Ralph Schenck of
the Federated church•
Councilman Radl said, "Any kind
of disturbance here in town would
attract and involve other people.
We don't have the police force to
handle this."
Kathy and Christie, were shaken up
and bruised when the Rouse car,
driven by Mrs. Rouse, collided with
the rear of Pete Greiner's water
tank at 10:30 a.m. Monday near the
driveway to the Staab farm, this
side of the Greiner farm.
Mrs. Rouse was following a west-
bound truck, which pulled out
quickly and went around the water
tank being pulled by a tractor and
operated by Ray Wendler. Mrs.
Rouse did not know that the tractor
and water tank were ahead of the
truck and so collided with the water
The front of the Rouse car was
damaged and the tongtm and axle
of the water tank were broken. Mr.
Wendler was en route to fill the
tank with water from the creek on
the Staab farm, which Mr. Greiner
operates, and haul it to hogs on the
Greiner farm.
W. C. Maynard Buys
Howard Mason Business
W. C. Maynard of Oquawka, Ill.,
has purchased the bulk station
equipment of Howard Mason and
taken over his tank truck business
at Lisbon. Mr. Maynard, who has
had 12 years experience in this
:work, plans to move his family to
Lisbon when he can find living
quarters• The family consists of
Mrs. Maynard, a daughter 10, and
son 17.
Mr. Mason will be employed by
Robert Hansen. He has operated
the oil truck for 12 years•
"It would not," commented Steve Eleven host off~ce boxes at Lis-
Lisbon Hello World McQuown, .iunlor councilman, con- bon were opened the other evening
............... tribute to the progress of Lisoon." b,, ~hildren If this hannens a~ain
2~nurea lvi lc, ~elgn~ l lOS 11~/2 ,, • . . .
~z was born to Mr and Mrs Joe It: s not all r~ght here on Main the post office lobby wltl be locked
o., , .. ~ ". • Street," said Otto Weber. ~t ~ n m each day when the win-
Jilovec Frlaay, June 7, at Mercy • ~ • . -- ~ ~" ......- . .
hospital in Cedar Rapids Mrs WilRichard C. Carbec, replesenting dow is closed and boxes will remain
~i~m ~e~mer of Lisbon isthe mater- Rev. Eugene Miller of the Methodist closed until the office is opened the
~. ~ ". ., ~ ...... -church stated "I think he (Miller~ ,,~,,÷ ,~ornin~
nal granctmotner. Ll~le Anarea no~ • ' . " "="~ "" ~"
• ," ........ wonld be m general accord w~th the
on!y nas Iour oromers anti mree Council's action at its last meeting." BUYS GRAVER ACREAGE
sisters PUt a iour-monm-ola nepn-
' . ........ No one present supported the re-Walter Burgess has purchased the
ew the son oI ~ne i~ei~n duovecs, ouest " ~
' __________._ - • I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graver acreage
MARILYN KROB WINS I In unanimous action, the Council lsoutheast of Lisbon and will take
HONOR AT MOUNT MERCY I amendeci part of an existing ordin.- !possession on July 1. The place has
~ance passec~ m 1935 wmcn reau cres The G~a~ers mo~ed to Lis
Marilyn Krob, daughter of Mr. ! .~ ...... -" , ,115 a .. " " ' "-
~anc ng is pronlDlteO in any place n a fcw weeks a o
and Mrs. Mild Krob of Solon, was " i , " " ,, i bo g .
awarded a gold bar at the honor]where bee~: is sold," by add!ng theI _ _
convocation ceremony of Mount]clause "unless tne. proprie}or of !DEGREE FROM ISTC,
Mere colle eCedar Ra lds for said plem ses has first obtained an l~s E
Y g' P" ' L " '- . ~ ~ , ,,! Do •" . Light, daughter of the
extensive arhcl atlonin extra appropriate hcense fiom the town ~ 1 1
• p :'p " ' -:,~ .... ". .. . WI ard Lights, of Lisbon was a-
curricular activities in addition toi The council aumor~zed hu:lng .Ol!mong the 263 candidates for a B,A.
an excellent academic record l~aymond Plower to operate the dis I
. " . ! - degree at Iowa State Teachers col-
.-. ,~ i posal plant and assist Street Supt. i lege graduation Cedar Falls, on
~r. ana ~virs. ~. ~:. J~lggerare :Joe Zbanek Salary will be $250 per~Frida,, D*vi~ A Beuter of Solon
leaving Friday for a two weeks' ~'month with $10 a month increase ', ~lso re~-~v"od'~ R'A de~ree
trip to Ann Arbor, Mich., and Tena- ',beginning Sept. 1 and effective un- ! ........... ~ "
fly, N.J. to visit their daughters and ! til July 1 1958. i Earl Warner is recovering saris-
families. The Fred Gehrings are at A class B beer permit was issued factorily from surgery performed
~Ann Arbor and the Oscar Serbein to R. E. Clark, Cedar Rapids, who at St Luke's hospital several weeks
family is at Tenafly. has purchased Charlie's Tavern. ago.