National Sponsors
June 13, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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Among our very best foods are the dairy products, milk, ice
cream, butter etc. Accept no substitutes.
Milk delivered in Mount Vernon is approved by the U.S. Public
Health Service ordinance because producers maintain milking
herds of high health standards and observe strict sanitation in
their dairy plants.
We hereby pay our respects to the dairy producer.
Office Phone 2761 Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Dr. Bryant Res. Phone 2763 Dr. Lenz Res. Phone 2765
rnaI:e POWER
your partner
rFHE network of power
lines throughout iowa
has helped make today's
dairy farms as modern as
today's factories.
Yes, Electricity is always
on tile job -4 ready to
serve tile dairy farmer economically -
at the flick o[ a switch. Milkers, coolers,
separators, cleaners, ventilators --
these and many other electrically.
operated items help build
greater dairy profits,
To Iowa's Dairy Industry,
we say "More power to
you!" Let's all observe
Dairy Month by using
plenty of Iowa's fine
dairy foods.
• •
Your family will love Duncan Hines Mixed
with Fresh Chopped Chives
How dairy foods give
your family better tastmg meals
Dairy foods complement each other . . . add their
fresh, extra good taste to your meals. In cooking or
baking, for instance, butter adds its naturally de-
licious flavor in a way that imitations can't match.
(Nothing adds as much good taste to food as
butter.) Substitute for dairy foods and you substi-
tute for flavor. Serve nutritious dairy loods often.
333 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Des Moines
• • •
• • •
Iowa Bossies
Placid dairy cows munching con-
tentedly in Iowa's lush green pas-
tures deserve the salute they will
receive during June, Dairy Month,
says the Iowa Development Com-
Although they are the picture of
indolence to the casual eye, the
more-than-a-million bossies on Iowa
farms are responsible for Iowa's
ranking as one of the nation's top
dairy states.
For, the Commission says, on a 10-
year average Iowa ranks second in
the nation in production of cream-
ery butter and places fourth in the
U.S. in milk production. Last year
the Hawkeye state ranked ninth in
the production of American cheese,
and 19th in ice cream production.
Iowa's dairy herds consistent-
ly supply almost 14% of the
nation's total butter supply each
year; and over 5% of all the
milk in the nation (a yearly
average of more than six billion
pounds of milk)•
Not only is Bossy busy, but she
keeps a lot of people busy, too, the
Commission claims. Approximately
7,1}110 Iowan-s are employed in Iowa's
500 dairy processing firms, earning
annual payrolls of almost $22 mil-
The estimated value of Iowa dairy
products is about $15,000,000 and
included in the nutritious dairy
foods on thousands of American
dinner tables are Iowa-made but-
ter, milk, whey, ice cream, frozen
desserts and dozens of varieties of
cheese such as cottage cheese, ched-
dar cheese, brick cheese, blue
cheese, Swiss cheese, beer cheese,
etc. These products will be pro-
rooted especially this month.
So, Iowa's bossies will go on
chewing their cuds, quite unaware
of the huge Iowa industry that de-
pends on them. and ignorant of the
fact that they started all this!
Nomination of candidates for ASC
community committeemen for one-
year terms beginning August 1 is
under way in all townships of Linn
county. I
The annual ASC election of COI~-i '
munity committees will take place
in July but nominations by com-
munity election bom'ds must be
completed by June 12 and nomina-
tions by petitions of farmers by,
June 21. ]
[ Because of the growin~ inhn'est
in farm program activitiesl the vote
]in the comine~a ASC ole0'Lions
expected to be heavier than in any
recent year.
June 12, 1947
MVIIS'rs make good at Cornelh
~;allace Littell earns history award,
Don Minnick the awm'd for best
English thesis. Lois Bi~;gcr, Mm'k
I Hutchinson jr, Wallace and Don:
elected to Phi Beta Kappa . . .
Slmnglers buy Pieper house in L s-
boll; move from Anamosa.
June 10, 1937
Jack Yeisley buys John Kennedy
residence . . , Toppy Tull honored l
by De Pauw university with degree
of Doctor of Literature . . . Bruce
Mullens move to Knoxville; Bruce
transferred there from Chariton . . .
Cornell issues alumni register, first
one published in 12 years, for a
buck each. Jim McCutcheon elected]
president of Alumni Council . . "i
Eva Kadera entertains Round Table/
club, organization for women em-]
ployees of Iowa Electric Light and
Power Co. "I
June 9, 1927
Former Cornellian from Marion
admits robbery of Citizens Bank in
Mt. Vernon, desiring to buy equip-
ment for magician's act. Since the
holdup he had a $2,800 rnagician's
set made in California and was pre-
paring to open act at Strand in C. R,
• . . Charlotte Cullumber and Vera
i Dyson get diplomas from Cornell
Dept. of Expression .. Caroline
Kelly says "I do" to ISaul Bowman.
Deputy Sheriff Larry Condon re-
cently returned a tool box and tools
to Tom McIntosh which were stolen
from his saw mill south of U.S,. 30
on April 7. The tool box was found
along Squaw Creek, north of old
highway 30. Squaw. Creek is the
creek a short distance east of Wendy
Oaks. While some of the tools were
missing, part of them were in the
tool box.
Wheat Referendum
Wheat growers in Linn county
will vote Thursday, June 20, on
whether marking quotas will be in
effect on 1958 crop wheat. All voting
will be done at the county A.S.C.
office in Cedar Rapids from 8 a.m
to 7 p.m. Last year there was one
vote for quotas and none against.
Traffic Violations
Mark Johnson, Newton, Cornell
senior, was fined $50 and costs on
June 5 for reckless driving on the
Vittitoe Lane near Lisbon.
Myrtle Caldwell, 118 9th St. N.E.
Cedar Rapids, was fined $10 and
costs on June 5 for improper passing
a mile east of Mt. Vernon on 30.
Patrolman Ward filed the charge.
Gordon Stickley, Anamosa, was
fined $15 and costs on June 4 for
speeding with a truck north of Mt.
Vernon on 261. Patrolman Dickin-
son filed the charge.
Paul J. Robinson, 822, E Palm,
Burbank, Cal., was fined $15 and
costs on June 3 for exceeding the
speed limit while pulling a trailer
7 miles west of Cedar Rapids. Pa-
trolman James Gildroy filed the
William E. Pippert, 212 3rd Ave.,
Rock Island, Ill. was fined $10 and
costs for not having a valid oper-
ator's license on 30 east of Lisbon.
~Patrolman Lyle Dickinson filed the
Edwin D. Haldeman Rt. 3, Har-
vard, Ill., was fined $15 and costs
for failure to give proper signal
when changing course in Putnam
twp. on 30.
Marvin Trachta, 1018 I St., SW,
Cedar Rapids, was fined $15 and
costs on June 6 for failure to have
vehicle under control. Patrolman
James Gildroy filed both of the
above charges, which resulted from
an accident involving the two cars.
Leonard O. Rigel, Rt. 2, Cedar
Rapids, was fined $12 and costs on
June 7 for operating an unsafe
vehicle at the 30 and 261 intersec-
tion. Patrolman Gildroy filed the
Mt. Vernon, la., Itawkeye-Record I standing senior in civil engineering.
~nd The Lisbon Herald ~ _ ~ ! Charles Barry Morrissey son of the
znurs, June 13 1957 r e Y ' •
• , {~ A1 Morrlsseys received an army air
force commission.
I Larry Ringer has been elected
Local Students Win" treasurer of Delta Upsilon, social
• . . fraternity at Iowa State college
Honors At University ]Ames.
Students from t~is area - " i MT ZION RANGERS VISIT
at the University of Iowa ,-. , Y i Mt. Zion Rangers visited projects
include Colleen Marcia l~l:::ll,,!of 15 boys Sunday beginning at
ofdaughterEly, who°f receivedthe Wiliamfrom the AsS lthe home of the Wilkinson broth-
sociated Women Students a $25 bond t ors. Eight boys have baby beef
projects, four sheep, four market
awarded to the woman attaining the I pig litters and one a dairy project.
highest scholastic record in her col-iThe tour ended at Gaylord Bowers'
i lege as well as the D.A.R. medal in iwith a lunch and games. The next
American history. !
',meeting will be at Gaylord Bowers'
Clyde Maulson of Lisbon wh°se'~on July 8. Pat Lynott, reporter.
wife taught music in the' Lisboni
school, was awarded the Law Club iFRANKIJN CA-RD-i-NA-~
contestant plaque for participation Franklin Cardinals met with
in junior arguments and also the,Diane Richardson at her home with
Johnson Memorial prize to the I Marilyn Schnittjer as co-hostess on
Liberal Arts senior with the second'June 3. Joan Kroul gave a demon-
highest academic rating. ~ "
i stratmn on drawer dividers. Next
Glen Ellis Rockwell of Springville i meeting will be on June 17 with
received the Master Builders of l Linda Peterson. Sheryl Hansel, re-
Iowa scholarship of $500 to an out-',porter.
It's Real Food
Mt. Vernon Ice Cream Headquarters
We are equipped to take care of your
special orders for weddings, anniversaries, par-
ties, reunions, dinners and banquets.
Packers and dippers furnished for ice
cream for large groups, picnics etc.
RENT A LOCKER--Now is the time to rent
a locker for your frozen strawberries, cherries
and peas.
Mt. Vernon Phone 3912 -- Lisbon Phone 2121
to all the Dairy Farmers of the community
for their activities in supplying the products
that contribute to the health and wealth of
our great nation.
and . . may we pledge ourselves to help
achieve an even greater standard of prosperity
for this industry, which supplies so much of
our vital health foods.
Dial 2211
Mount Vernon
Use More
Dairy Products
they're good
for you
Now during
Dairy Week
and the whole
year thru.
See us about
Jamesway and Clay
Dairy Equipment
of all kinds.
Silo Unloaders
Watering Equipment
Manure Loaders Milk Coolers
Milking Parlors Ventilation
Barn Equipment Crop Dryers .... ,,
Power Feeding Equipmeat
Use more dairy products during
June Dairy Month and every month.
Dial 2821
Mt. Vernon, Iowa