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of D Association and Richard Potter of l the homes, the charm of Prof. Eber- once in your lives of the federal
~O!e~ofTe l~a! es~)ro~wids i~n Banquet Program Onepeste . •sponse.the graduating class gave the re-1 solethe warmththe humorof Dr.°fDr'Betts,KeyeSto mentionand tackg°vernment;by a foreignSec°nd was an at-power.,,
A special ceremony was insti- a few," she said. "Although we hate to admit it,
g " Y I~ ~ ~ ..... tuted this year to recognize theShe recalled the days when the all of your interests now are
attended the coffee hour at Brackett twhich she did wit]: thumb-nail bright Miller, Lisbon; Ethel Roach 50 year members who had re- professors were released from teach- colored by fear. We are the first
House Saturday morning, and the ~ketches of their present status and Hribal, Rockford, Ill.; Genevieve turned for the reunion. As each ling in order to help raise money so generation of Americans whose
warmth of the coffee and friend~:hip delightful reminiscences of them as ] Strawson Thailing, South Charles- was called to the speaker's table I the college could operate, "The de- fareign policy is dictated by
soon dispelled thoughts of the chill students• ton, W. Va.; Dr. Robert Shaw, Way- Mr. Wessling presented him orI votion and interest of those teach- fear.
damp air outside. Pouring for the 1 50 YEAR CLASS erly; Arline Capper Mechtenberg, her with a class citation print- era is in a measure responsible for "If we can have 50 years of peace,
occasion were Miss Elizabeth l~aacs~Attending the 50 year classre- Mt. Clemens, Mich.; Florence Went- ed on white in a goldbacked the splendid rating Cornell has to- 50 years of Christian freedom, and
and Mmes. Joe Meade, Paul ~ cott union were Hal Bargelt, Pom- zel Wetzell, Sterling, Ill.; Helen Slat- folder, day. There is a continuity in the if communism retreats gracefully,
and Bernard Van Etten. Ethel I~van i pano Beach, Fla ; Etta Evans er Brubaker, Tulsa, Okla.; Pauline Mr. Bargelt brought many a loyalty and sentiment to asmallwhen this class returns in 2007 for
was in charge of the affair and ]'at- Hodgsan, Cedar Bapids; Col. I Wild Neville, Cedar Rapids; Max chuckle as he introduced the first school," she commented, its 50th reunion, we may have re-
sy Spangler and the student officeiLouis Field, Asheville, N.C.; Warner, Rockford, Ill.; Margaret ~ of three speakers from the class of In closing Miss Freer said, turned to the calmnessof 1907/'
assistants registered the guests. I Walter Henry Fret, Wagner, I Miller Keppler, Mattoon, Ill.; Faye '07, comely Miss Freer, daughter of "The tie that binds us results Bishop Hunt concluded.
Following the coffee hour special S.D.; H. H. Bennett, Cedar P~p- i Gardner Sizer, Lisbon; Louise Hut- Cornell's former disciplinary dean. ~ from our financial contributions FIELD ASKS WHAT I
1 s es moved to the colle e library ida" Clara Bate Giddings Paisa- I chinson Keele West Liberty. tBecause of her father's official ca- I which are a definite part in the WE EXPECT OF COLLEGE
cas g , , ,
and main hall for their reunions• Idean, Calif.; Bishop D u a n eCLASS OF 1937 pacity at Cornell, the toastmaster growth of the college, and our
Mrs Ruth Current acted as hos- Hunt, Salt I.~ke City,Utah; Introducin th returni
• . g ose ng for declared, there were many who hadgiving is a cause for rejoicing." Col. Louis M. Field, the last to
tess at Brackett House over the Besme Kern Regel, Charles City; the 1937 class was Glenn Bostrom not the courage to approach this HUNT CITES FEAR speak for his class, asked what we
week end. Charles Putnam, Dixon, I!1.; Dr. of Rockford Ill. On campus during beautiful young lady, but instead[ AS MOTIVATION [ expect from a college or university,
....... • .... ~.~_ an.3 ~ Grant Reeder and Wilda Chase the day were Velma Hill Creath Iwere admirers from a distance• Miss [ Second representative of the class I and then answered his question by
±ne oHmml ammm m.~,~u, ~ ....... • --" - " • ' Freer r~torted that she only wish- to s oak was Bi D I analyzing what Cornell did for the
business session were held at noonKeener, fremont, Ne?f., r~lpn Elgin, Ill.; Marllyn Ross Blum,.Elm- ~ [ p shop uane G. Hunt,~ 1907 graduates which they could not
in Pfeiffer Hall dining room withI~oaerm, _.umcago,.,mn.;. ~a.zel hurst, Ill.; Huldah Peet, Chicago; ed she had known aoout these who had been a member with Mr. have done for themselves in self
Richard Wessling of Evergreen ~unKle, LmaOn.; ,~l[rea ~mltn,Ed Wiederrecht, Wilmington, Del.;ll"many admirers" fifty years soonerT. IBargelt of the debating team m / education.
~t- Ill '37 n r e s i d e n t of function, ~anL; mLar g a r e tIrene Peterson Grimes, Marshall- LOUISE FREER SPEAKS 1907. I "One can secure a good educa-
............. n e ~orne, ~mmm' ,~,.,^ ~"" "i-~WoodardSt°°key' CedaO~kaloo~Rapids;GROSOaer a c e town', Elizabeth Bryant Moore, Ce- ON LOYALTY, SENTIMENT He referred to himself as prob-[ tional background at home through
charge About 165 attended. . , ; dar Rapids; Beth Baker Mast, Day- Her charm and wit captivated the ably the only Catholic bishop who[ a sound and well-planned study of
¢,~,~1 ~,~,~¢~ ~,*~nm~r~rt inclur~ wormer, iowa City; Winifred enport; Everett Laughlin, Freeport, audience Saturday evening. She had been invited to address an al- books. It has been done," said Col.
~-~ ~e college vice n~e~i,~en* R~v. Wormer Emerson, ~oledo; Jen- Ill.; Lowell Jeffrey, Freeport, Ill.;Iwho from 1915 to 1949 had headed umni reunion of a Protestant col- I Field" "But, in addition to book
Earle' Baker and Grace Terrill Bak- nie Rieke Pfingsten, Bl~h~stown; Anna Mary Wilson Pettit, Gales- the women's physical education de- lege. I study, a college offers something
er, DOra ........ ~o, u~ ~euar'~ .... r~;~-'- ~'r"s*~^u ~= lie~Y~VmasmithUm°n'Isaacsre°rm'Gllles ~n.;ie Ill'S- burg, Ill.," Kenneth Hammer, Morris, partment of one of the largest uni- "You have seen more changes in i more of great value. Here we rub-
C. O. Pauley, '01, and Maude Stro- , P , • Ill., and Mr. Wesshng, of course, versities in the nation, the Univer- your 70 years of life than were in lbed elbows with people whom we
bel Pauley'03 of Evanston, Ill.; Alice the previous 300 to 400 years," he'l would not have met at home; we
observed. "Among these are the auto, i exposed ourselves to those more
Gift of Class of 1907
The golden anniversary class
closed their program in great
style as Clara_ Bate Giddings
announced to Pres. Cole that
the class wished to give not
only a verbal but a tangible ex-
pression of their appreciation
for the privilege of being a Cor-
nellian. A gift of $800 minimum
would be sent to the college by
October of this year from
pledges by class members.
Mr. Bargelt preceded Dr. Cole's
remarks with an allusion to Christo-
pher Wren and the quotation in the
famous Abbey: "If you want to see
nay memorial look around you."
"Just so," said the toastmas-
ter, "if you want to get the
measure of your present presi-
dent of Cornell go out axed look
about you on this campus."
Dr. Cole commended the current
graduating class. Among t h e ir
achievements cited was that in
scholarship. This year the faculty
instituted an honors system, and, al-
though the present seniors had not
had that as a four year goal, about
10 per cent of the class met the
standard and were honored at corn-
mencement Monday.
R. Betts, '21, Mt. Vernon; Pres. Rus-
sell Cole, '22, and his daughters Mrs.
Patsy Rega, '48, Mr. Pleasant, Pa.,
and Mrs. Daniel Burke of Detroit,]
Mich.; Cornell's new dean, Howard
Troyer of Appleton, Wis.; head of
the development program Merle
Dennis of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs.
Dennis; two members of the staff,
admissions head Lowell Reed, '46,
and the Rev. Wm. Barrick; and two
other trustees, Leo Beranek, '36, of
Winchester, Mass., a n d Charles
Hedges, '12, Mt. Vernon.
radio, television, air conditioning learned than we. (Here he remin-
and the airplane. I'm sure we Raced concerning some of the great
wouldn't want to return to the good tmen of Cornell's past like Dr.
old days when these conveniences !Knight, Ham_line Freer and others
were not ours. t previously named.) These friends
"On the other hand, when you lamong classmates and professors
left Cornell, thinking you werehave meant a great deal to our
ma~ters of your own fate, two growth. At Cornell we absorbed
things had not occurred to you.tradition, and this is a part of our
First was the constant interfer- lives today.
The president referred to the story
of Edwin Markham riding his pony
to Oregon where he planned to be-
come a poet. With this ideal set, he
refused to be lured aside by the
promise of immediate material gain,
as offered by a roadside bandit, but
nudged his pony onward toward his
"If they too somehow see the light
beyond the closed horizon and go on
Mt Vernon, la, Hawkeye-Eec0r~ Mr. ant
" " " -- ~a famf
and The Lisbon Hernia .. _. ~ .
Thu , June 13, i9 7
Pe t
to that achievement it will reaI~_eks of
what we want for our graduate~aYS of
he declared. ,2=
Robert Kemper president of
student body, closed the pr0gr~
with a few carefully chosen w0r~ [~
W°bi:herra tht~ :~r~h ~en~gh~ ; gd :~C~l~ I ~1~
were not yet able to view their ~C, ,i~v
lege days in the perspective of ~ !~r
older alumni. ,~ i~
"We might refer to our days h~
like we would speak of an aPPr~
Ration course in art or music-]
orientation process. And we ~ I~
admit that among us are those ~ I~
haps who just 'don't dig Beeth0Ve~ 1 ~i]
"But as appreciation meanS ,~ I~
introduction to a new field, a~a~ [~
new outlook on living, we will ne~ [
to move out into the world bef~ [~
we really appreciate Cornell. ]]~
look forward to the time when~ [l~
do realize this, and to the day wa] -
with that realization, we come
gether again."
Janice Johnson of Humboldt, ] kl- '
led the alumni in closing with~ ~vd'.
singing of Cornell, Greater Be *~O~
The very fine luncheon and
ner were served under the
agement of Leo Thomas, dire
food service, and Mrs. Rita
eck, supervisor at Pfeiffer.
decorations were in charge
E. R. Hoidahl and Evelyn
Busenbark, Mt. Vernon.
Read The Ads
On campus for Alumni Day
were a number of "Pioneers":
L~ur~ Pascal,,'88, DeWitt; JoeCLASS OF 1927 . • led that contributions this year so
Bennett, Ac. 97 and R. P. Ink Gerald "Toot'~ HIll of Aberdeen, t far total nearly $32,000 with three
of ME. Vernon, noting the 60thS.D., spoke Ior me mass of 2Q ( weeks yet to go in the year.
anniversary of their class of ~7; cm~m ~ame as me groupwno ,,~roKeIDr. Cole revealed that the
Dr. Cha, rles Ellysan, '01,Water- through .the ffornell "no aance bar-I "anonymous" donor who had of_
loo; Mr. Pauley, "01; Dr. Johnher. w~n mm were ~orotnea.~n-I fered to m~teh amounts from
Day, '02, Woodward, Okla.; Mrs. aerson, .~a~ ~nse~mo, ~am.; ~oro- ] new contributors and al~amateh
Pauley, '03; A. E. Granger, '94, ~.ny rrelcmer Frencn, ~oggon; riar-I increases from previous donors
iu ke ' ms ann neten mc~une xnompson [ ,, 1 tohln amount
Marion; Luc s Dec r, 04, Se- . , u~. to a tota m~ g
~tfl,~ ~r~h. J,,nna Beadle '05Downers Grove Ill.; Myron Elhson of ~10 0~ was C O Pauley
Dallas, Tex~s; Irene Scofield Solon; Juhan and Florence Turn. erPres. Cole also emphasized
Hull, '05, Charles City; Florence J on.r~ston, ann ~nanotte t.:uJ,mmver the unusual significance of next
Keyes Mitchell, '05, Mt. Vernon; ~rKpa~mc.K, ~.w~:vernon; t~o~. lvlor- y e a r's commencement which
Mac Turner Mitchell, '05, Mt. i~ey ~aght, ~t. e'etersourg, ~la. will n~rk the centennial of the
, Mr Hill also prod a brmf tribute class of 1858 the hrst to be
Vernon; Clare Miller, 06, Tip- I - , "
ton; Harry Gillette, 06, Ce,d~.r ]to the memory of James Macaulay, graduated from Cornell. Plans
Rapids; Dr. J.T.Strawn, 06, Iormer memver of me mass. have been started to institute a
Vintan. 125 YEAR CLASS memorial service on Alumni
To Louise Freer of Urbana, Ill., I Those returning for the silver an- Day to commemorate those of
was given the pleasure of present- i niversary were introduced by Joe the Cornell family who have
ing the golden anniversary class, i Griffin of Ottumwa:Rachel A1- passed "beyond our sight." It is
---------~ --- planned for this to become an
~~p-,-- ~ annual affair.
- Re-Elect Wessling
Mr. Pauley chm. of the nominat-
~x ~$$~/ / ~ ........ ing committee, presented the follow-i
~ ~~ ~/ ~ ~.~/ ~| ing slate, all of whom were dulyI
---- ~ ~/I ~ | | |~ ~[ elected: Richard Wessling to succeed]
x ~' ~ himself for another term as presi-i
• -.fl~ ] | ~ O dent; Pauline Kelley, '2_,8, of Iowa
~ ~ J IIIIIl~l~l • City, whose term as regular board!
~- ~i~ii] • imember expired, to office of vice'i
I • ~JJ~JlllJllt ~11 [president; Arthur Lowell, '25, Kan-i
/ ~' ....... sas City, Mo. Dr. Lee Lusted '43 1
~.~.~/~" ~ II Chevy Chase, Md., and Florence
IP~ | I Chambers Hoidahl. '29, Mt. Vernon I
~'-~ | ~% ~ _JL_ _ n to the board for three-year terms.
s~ ~l~lltl ~ ll~l~||T~ II I During the afternoon tea was!
nun muu~ ~ ~..m[w, served at Brackett House to alumnii
"-" ---- | ~ ;and friends. Mrs. John E. Kirkpat-'
rick was in charge, i
~ isll~llllllll~ ~ o ~,
. A 'uflm b,]nque
..oL 7, we have a new class 1 07 st
]Victor " k power washing at the alumni banquet
Alumni Banquet i
The class of 1907 stole the showI
at the alumni banquet in Pfeiffer~
cream separator. Now, when Hall on Saturday evening• A grilled i
Dad finishes separating, I club steak dinner left the group inI
don't have to take the sep- proper mood for the sparkling pro-
arator apart. Instead, I just gram which followed. ~
pour clean water into the Dr. Earle A. Baker, '08, offeredI
~upply can. the invocation. Hal Bargelt had lost i
"In only 3 minutes the none of his ability as an orator as i
separator washes, sterilizes he kept ,the program rolling smooth- I
and dries itself. And, it's ly with delightful introductions. ]
cleaner and dryer than if I'd Joe Griffin, '32, Ottumwa, spoke j
scrubbed each disc by hand. for the 25 year class, who steppedI
So, now with no more hand- out into the world at the very depth i
scrubbing, I've lots more time of the nation's worst depression. I
for myself." He recalled that he was in debt to/
the college at time of graduationl
This is typical of state- and he was not alone. He had noti
ments made about the new attended the alumni banquet thatI
McCormick power washing /
cream separator by hundreds year because he did not have a de-I
of farm wives across the i cent coat to wear. He got through1
commencement because his cap andI
country. Come in and see the McCORMICK POWER WASHINg gown covered up a patch in his I
only cream separator that uses
its own power to wash irae~f GIIAM $|PARATOIg - pants, i
sparklin$ clcaal " ~ He expressed regret that those ofI
his period had perhaps not helped ]
people to learn how to live. "Cor-]
nell gave us inspiration," he said,
"but we haven't done much about it.
IMPLE ~EN Our age group has been too busy
IF[ getting all we can and canning all l
we get." i
Following Mr. Griffin's remarks, i
Mt. Vernon, Iowa Dick Wessling conducted induction/
of the class of 1,957 into the Alumni
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