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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 13, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 13, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~.Re¢0r~Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peet were hosts Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeRette re- ••. am s I ~ ...... ~a family dinner at Holiday House I turned to their home in Kenosha, l~t. vernon Loca|s tHelenBeckman And parle_ ~nday. Guests were the N. J. Wis., Monday morning after being l ~ Coldwell ]eet jr. family of Salem, Ore. Hul- ]called here last Tuesday by the Allen Reyhons, a student at SUI, ]Pot Win Honors Peet of Chicago, the Late Huda- ]death of Mrs. LeRette's sister, Mrs. I spent the week end at his home. I ill reaIIi~.eeks of Mechamcsville, the James lEd Clark of Martelle. They visit- I Mrs. Frank Boxwell entered thor iraduate{taYS of Anamosa and the Clarence [ ed Mr. LeRette's sister, Mrs. Nettle McGuire ......... ~mr~mg name last Weo-.- ' • telsmans. ]Duncan, and other relatives. [nesday t Week end guests in the Harold l Moore home were the Kenneth! ~~~ ~ Flemings of Marseilles Ill. I '.::'..:~:~::~:~ ~>.,,~ .. ~~" # X~ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lutz plan to 1 I~ ~ ,~ leave Saturday for a two weeks' va- t ' ~ ~~/~'/ /l~ff cation at Fort Walton Beach, Fla. I '~ .~v~.~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. A1 Stoneking spent] II To Commem, rate Sunday with the latter's brother, i . v ~,v......,.,... v _~-~?. Fred Daubenmier, and his family on H~.'~ Pr~r|e~l I~ ~t~ryl--L- "-~%,~b~ Blairs Ferry road near Marion. i I~ r|l~f~l(JU~ /VlU|||I~|II~ c) Guests at the home of Mrs. Wil-' I~ liam Wooff Sunday w e r e the I~ Held dear in the memory are the moments of William Wooffs of Solon and Mrs. • . Mary Anna Smid of Cedar Rapids. I~[ earthly parting, made forever comfortung by a ............ l~ ,. ..'. ",: me rrea Lette~tes o[ ~enosna, j~ beautiful service. Wis., Mrs. Nettle Duncan, Mrs. Roy [~ Burge, Mrs. Hiram Emerson and I~ I'~¢~kl Alklr~ r~t'~Df~TI-IV I~hYTi=D Lucille were dinner guests Sunday I ~ ...................... of Mrs. Ross Clark. ~---:--- Mrs. James MacMurray of Ar- Baxter Mortuary 1bold', I • , with~Mt. Vernon Dial 6171 Lisbon Dial 8-6171 'el" Be Preferred By The Most Particular The more particular you are about what you eat, the better you'll appreciate our really superior food . . . first choice among the most discriminating eaters-out at prices that make sense to the value-minded. Dial 8611 Junction 30 and 261, Mt. Vernon -- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS cadia, Calif., has been a guest in the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Lane since Friday• She is a mem- ber of the Cornell Board of Trus- tees. Gene Hinman, instructor in the geology department at Cornell, will be employed at the Bear Creek Mining company near Eureka, Utah, for the summer. He and Mrs. Hin- man left for Utah Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Butler attended com- mencement exercises at the Musca- tine high school last Wednesday evening. Barbara Staab, daughter of Mrs. Butler's cousin Lloyd Staab was one of the graduates. Mrs. F. A. Hunter, head resident i at Olin hall, left Tuesday for Bell- flower, California to spend the sum- mer with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Hay,, and her family. Two Cornell students accompanied her and help- ed drive her car, F. C. Horton of Yucapia, Calif.,l is visiting his brother and family, i the Ward Hortons. Arriving Fri- day to be weekend guests in the Hurrah home are Mrs. Jordan Kell- ing, George Kelling and Mrs. H. B. Commerford, all of Waverly, Mo. [~LTZ CLEANERS HELEN BECKMAN i .... ;! MEN'S SLACKS look "band-box" fresh and neat thanks to our thorough cleaning. ZIP JACK- ETS also get a new lease on looks here. STOLTZ CLEANERS I 6 I t.) 6 o% I L) o% I 3LTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS /hen you're rushed i r e You Right. Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily Closed Sundays M idrit: n \ PAT CALDWELL " Music Camp IMorrnlls Escape Church • t I Formosa Rnots Opens On June 16 Dr. and Mrs. Miron Morrill form- William Lemonds, minister of er residents, have written from lmusie at the Second Presbyterian Taipe,i Formosa, now known as Church in Kansas CRy" , will" be • ow a e d rin director of the choir for the Church Tmwan, of a narr esc p u g . the April riots. Dr. Morrill teaches Music Camp to be held on the Cur- English in Soochow University. nell Campus June 16-23. The Morrills. w ith Methodist He will direct the choir in two Bisho)p Ward and Mrs Ward and rehearsals daily and will conduct two ,~merican women, were aided the Charles Wesley Hymn festival in escaping from the Taipei rail- and a final choral concert.,, wa_v station b_v a Chinese gentleman Others on tHe ~aculty wm recluse who took some risk in protecting Dr. Paul Beckhelm, V. Earle Copes: th~.,.^~- ~.~'~t- ........ w~.~* thr^""huu~ a rear the ttev. r, enneth Plummer, ann door and entered a train• Miss Rachel Yeisley, Director of Dr. Morrill says, "I do not think Recreation. . there is any deep anti-American . Enrollment in the camp program feeling . . . The exchange rate is ~s. l}ml~ea m young people or senior officially 26.40 Taiwan dollars to mgn SCHOOl or couege age. one U.S. dollar so we all look like millionaires to the local population. Dr, KoHman Will Teach The mission board adjusts our sal- A~ ~ ~ ~ • .Ft. .,. aries down accordingly." /~T r41.3.U. InlS :rammer In his opinion the riot was not as l spontaneous as appeared, as the Dr. E. C. Kollman will leave Fri- rioters knew where to find "high priority secret documents and the code" in the U.S. embassy• The Morrill home was guarded for several days. PAUL SCOTT ON PROGRAM AT OMAHA Paul Scott, Cornell Alumni direc- tor, will preside over a panel dis- cussion on "The Development Pro- gram and the Alumni Annual Fund" :at the 41st annual convention of the American College Public Relations Assn. at Omaha, Nebr., from June 24 to 27. HAVE REUNION AT JULIAN JOHNSTON HOME Commencement visitors at the Julian Johnston home on Saturday were Col. Morley Slaght, the G. L. Hills of Aberdeen, S.D., Harris Thompsons of Downer's Grove, Ill., and the Myron Ellisons of Solon. Col. Slaght, who came from St. Petersburg, Fla., Monday left Sun- day with his trailer for Yellowstone National park and the Puget Sound area. Mr. and Mrs. Hill spent Friday night with Mrs. Hill's sister, Mrs. Julius High in Mechanicsville. They day morning via the Rocket and the Olympian Hiawatha for Missoula Mont., where he will be visiting professor of history at Montana State University during the sum- mer session which begins Monday. He will teach a graduate course in 20th century European history and a course in 19th century European: history for undergraduates. Two former Cornell professors are on the faculty of M.S.U., Prof. Lloyd Oakland in the music depart- ment and Prof. Seth Fessenden in the speech department. BACCALAUREATE GUESTS Guests at the home of Mrs. Levi Neuenswander and Leila and at- tending baccalaureate services at Cornell Sunday were the farmer's daughter and sons and their fami- lies, the L. J. Washburn and L. J. Neuenswander families of Cedar Rapids and the Gale Neuenswan- der family of Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Washburn of Au- gusta, Wis., and Miss Mary Mapes of Des Moines. Mrs. Neuenswan- der's granddaughter, Sharon Angus, of Cedar Rapids came for com- mencement on Monday. Miss Mapes was a houseguest in the Neuen- Helen Beckman, daughter of the left Sunday for Cambridge, Mass., swander home and attended both Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Fouke and Bruno Beckmans, was announced as to attend the graduation of their baccalaureate and commencement. oldest son, George, from Harvard Mrs. Neuenswander's son, was a their daughter Betty drove to Chi- valedictorian of the Mt. Vern°nIMedical College. member of the graduating class. cago Thursday for the commence- high senior class at the graduation men, exercises of the University of exercises on May 28. Salutatorian Chionan Tho'r ~ ~ o l was Pat Caldwell daughter of the ...... ~, ...... 1_ _on, ~ame~ W., . , j B Gilbert Caldwells Fouke, received a degree of ache-I . • . : Both g~rls ha~e not only mare lor of Divinity from the Divinity .... "~ .... ~ School [~ainectnignscnolasticstanctardst~uti Sign Up For • /have also been active in students! The Emil Brouliks are planning~affairs such as music dramatics and i to rebuild the former Rosedale I h .... at'; ......;~" ~- ...."-" ! schoolhouse southeast of town into i th'e*~nse-'lv'es~nd~"c're'd~t "~f°'r"'*~:'~:l I I I ' , I' "I' a home after moving it to a differ- [¢oh~,,1 ....... i ent rote on the same plot. TheirI .... son Richard and his bride will Dick Thompson and Clarence occupy the present home of the t Bergman returned Thursday from a Brouliks. J six day vacation at Leech Lake in Minnesota where they caught thmr Geneva Meers, assistant professor l .. f hm~t of wall eyes and nor,horns of English at Cornell let Monday l " . Friday, June 14, from 10 to 2 p.m. ..... a = ' ul Minn 'Mrs Thompson and children visited ~ ~, .....month at St. Pa , . ' "h~r~o o ~h~ - ..w'lll ~.t~t and the workshon~. II her parents, at Northwood. while the , men were m Minnesota of the North Central Association After that she will go to the homeI The Wendell Creath family all Loomls Produce Co. of her mother Mrs. Walter Meers Elgin Ill are visitin~ Mrs Creath'si at 1410 E. Grove St., Bloomington,,moth'cr, ~Irs. J. W. ~I~ll. Ti~ey came Ill. 'ito attend the Cornell Alumni Day Mount Vernon, Iowa and Mrs. Creaflfs class reunion. Mr. Creath plans to return with the l i gl R Ity Iho,,sthem ddleo thisweek, uthis: Must be 13 years old. Prn e ea i,vi~o wiil remab] here fora louger : ] visit. to start about / I__ 10th Service Kruse, a fresl m n at -xeec, Ju,y st'bmitted to an emergency appen- dectomy at an Ames hospital Sat- Mrs. D. O. Pringle noon. His parents, the Har- old Kruscs, \vent to Ames Satur- Licensed Real Estate Broker day end 'e.,rned ho, e United-Hagie Hybrid Seed Co. when Dick's condition was very sat- isfaetory. M~s. Kruse plans to rc- I turn to Ames later in the week. Anamosa, Iowa 601 First Ave. So. Phone 6891 i Mrs. Helen Schroeder and Mrs. i John Bryant attended funeral serv- ! rues for Mrs. Augusta King of 'Davenport Monday at 10 a.m. in Davenport and graveside services in Preston at neon. Mrs. King, who had frequently visited in the All the latest home of Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. I G. E. Barthelomew, passed away in I St. Luke's hospital in Davenport tunes on HJl Friday• II!1 M.V.H.S on0r Roll' ~~t ~ • tl ll }S ,Pred°m'nately B ijlll The final seholastie honors report Jill [for the last nine weeks of the year I||lland for the second semester has IIIIibeen released from the Mr. Vernon |ill I principal's office. Jlll l 12th grade: Listed on the "B" IHI honor roll for both the last nine S IIIl!weeks and the semester are Helen IlJltBeckman, Mary Bowman, Myrtle Illl Clark, Ilene Harris, Judy Kohl and IIII Elaine Mulherin. In addition Pat Caldwell and Karen Clark are on the semester "B" roll; Pauline Lin- i coln on the nine weeks "B" roll. llth grade: Listed on "'B" roll both for nine weeks and semester: Harold Clements, Bob Kruse, Thiara Bys, 1 Marilyn Dean, Janis Glattly, Mary Hartenberger. On for the nine 1 weeks: Barbara Schick. Gaff Yeisley t is on the "A" roll for nine weeks, l on "B" for semester. ] 1¢th grade: Listed on "B" roll forI nine weeks and semester: Byron l Dennis, Ri c h a r d Hoidahl, Jan Swanberg, Marghi Bair, Kay Car- nahan, Jane Cos,ella, Gerda Koll- man, Connie Meyer, Sharon Neal, Nancy Pisarik, Linda Schick, Lin- da Shearer, Marie Sippola, Karen Wolrab. Linda Lens is listed on the semester "B" roll. 9th grade: Listed on the "A" roll for both nine weeks and semester: Tom Bergmann and Mary Ann Ellison. On the "B" roll for both nine weeks and semester: David Neal, Lumir Nezerka, Ed Saathoff, Susan Dye, Carolyn Lens, Shirley S.hover, i ]Dorothy Wolfe. Heather Brisbin is on "A" roll for nine weeks, "B" for semester; Ro- bert Achenbach and Bob Beckmar on "B" for nine weeks, "A" for semester. ELEMENTARY ATTENDANCE Mrs. Myrtle Staley, elementary school principal, has announced the following students as having a per- fect attendance record for the school year. Kindergarten: Joseph ..V i k t o r, Wendy Ellison. First gra4ie: Pat Pisarik, Delores iI~artl. ,'~Second grade: Keith Burge, Larry FHER more than merits his lofty position on his special day. In fact, he may deserve a bit'more deference all through the year. Let's think this over on Father's Day. ,s cu ,c. oo UpR,O :,. only FREEZER Marshek, Larry Pisarik, B a r r y Jamison, Pamela Pitlik, Steven Clark, Roger Pitlik, John Havill, Mike Seller, Mary Evans, Nancy Lynott. Third grade: John Sehick, Jack Werling, Douglas Colon, Jeri Neal, Vance Rahn, Pamela Ellison, Vicky Wolrab. I Fourth Grade" Anthony Cantrick, 1 Larry Copes, Dean Tesar, TeresaI Pisarik, Leroy Bair, Gary Knutsen, n William Lighthall, Ramona Bys. [ Fifth Grade: William Mufti,, Ly- man Stoneking, Gary Kaplan, Jane Maxson.. Features Galore: ,, • 454-pound capacityl • Ice cream conditioner--holds • Juice-can dispenser; holds 20 canal 4 half-gallon packagesl • Hcndy door shelvesl a New straight line styling • Famous G-E Dependability • In G-E "Mix-or-Match'colorM G.£ BRII $ rou THE BEST FOR LINS- E US Dial 8291 Mt. Vernon NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Mt. Vernon, Is., H~wkeye-Reeord state o, Iowa .. .d The . In the District Court Y' " j Thurs., June 13, 1957 rage To all whom it may concern ~ Notice is hereby given th'at on the 17tht The Harold Planks and Jimmy day of June A D 1957 at 9 o'clock A M an ' s--~nt Frida-- an~ ~ " ~ " "'" instr , . - -, ' ~'~ y u ~atur~ay in way- ument purporting to be the last Wilt lzata Minn vial,in** i,~ *h~ h,~m,~ ,,~ and Testament of William W. Stewart late ' "' ¢" ............ of said county, deceased, will come on for !.Mrs. Plank's sister, Mrs. Frank Hay- hearing before the said District Court at i licek. They brought Jean home with the Court House in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for j them after her week's visit with the the proof and admission of same to pro,- ............. bate. { r~avilceK Iamlly, ann also DrougHt Dated, Cedar R~pids, Iowa, June 5, 1957.i Jane Havlicek to visit here until ARTHUR AXMEAR' I Friday when her.folks will arrive c ~JerK uistrict ~Jourt from "'" ......... " ~ lvlmnesota en route to a wed- ~nltn ~ vernon, .A~u)rneys . June 13, 19571dmg at Iowa City. To float you out of this world.., our breeze-weight waltzer with bands of Schiffli embroidery on an d0ngating stitch-gathered bodice. Vicky Vaughn keeps you party-fresh, always, in Brookhaven's gossamer tissue chambray that resists wrinkles, washes beautifully. Blue, red, avocado, brown or grey. Sizes 7 to 15. $8.98 Mount Vernon, Iowa Now/Enjoy a II ONLY $11.10 per month after down payment Westinghouse Deluxe Air Conditioner cools this much more area than ordinary units. No loss of efficiency on extra- hot days.., cools even crowded rooms. Deluxe Air Conditioners HP, 1 HP, and 1½ HP Models ~¢ Power to spare! High-capacity eompressor, extra large cooling coils cool more efficiently• Yet Westinghouse units cost no more to own and operate than other leading makes. ~C Fingertip control gives 8 eomfort zones on a patented single dial. Built-in thermostat you jtmt ~et •.. and forget., True flush mount wlth modern styling blends beautifully in any room. Full width cooling lets air flow smoothly, quietly through adjust- able no-draft grilles. Heavy duty Fiberglas filter re- moves allergy-irritating pollen mad dust from air, keeps your home cleaner, nester. ~ou ~,. ,, su~_j...,, ~ Vv~stinghouse I IOWA ELE rRIC LIGHT- POW]glt MT. VERNON, IOWA I I1