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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 13, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 13, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S | L I ]] FOR SALE: 15 acres of alfalfa FOR SALE: Alfalfa and clover o|on r~ews -i in field. Eddie Pitlik, dial 3504, Mt. hay to be made on shares; 5 miles Mrs. Anna Zeller sI Vernon• 34, 35p northwest of Mt. Vernon. Edward .......... '" -F-OR--S-,~LE--2-1ots-an--d-small Kroeger. 35. 36p ~',~u~ ~++,~ah,~ ~,~ ', house. Phone 4432 Mt. VeI~on FOR SALE• 2 solid maple--t-oF - 34 36p cabinets solid ma le buffet, excel r religious vacation school in s ..... " ~ "' " " p • " ~itorium of St. Mary's parish. ]I WE HAVF, - TI=iE--Ai~SWER-S~ ! lent condition. Call Mrs. Rahn 3131 Marie Fluerette, Sister Mary . your questions on preserving Grass iMt. Vernon. 35p and Smter' Maly- Maura of Silage, contact us for STAY FRESH [ --F: ...... OR SALE: Late po~a~o,~ t t ........... ,~ ~A,J~ I - • . and a number of excellent PRE ty Order are in charge• She died at her borne early Thurs- ! Executive board members Mrs. J Saturday visitors of the Frank Ze-. frem Texas vmited with Mrs Pfaff's 39tf .......... SER- i of Ivanhoe. William Herman phone -- day June 6 after a long illness She Glen Frederick Mahnda Harapat, manN were the Robert Zeman fam- brother, Ray Jaynes and family IIPVTC)L~TEVtV ~TT~ ,~ r~,JJ~ vQl_lv~b, reasonaoiy priced. Hat-!801a, Solon. 35p R MRS ..... CERNY i was' a member of the Altar and'Ros Mrs Ernest Heinsius Mrs Arnold . ily of Ely. Friday Mrs. Antonietta . Thursday, June 6. c1,~"~-,~--~-~-~,~-~,-,:~, _ ,*~'~'-" h~'~, "~,~'t~° om .......... ~. ~mmer uisoon Iowa. 34, 35c ' "--KING - C A S T LE .......... LIVESTOC~ ;day evening Mrs. J. F. Cernyiary society of St Mary's church iHuber Antonietta Severs. Betty!Severs was a visitor. ] The Dick Cridels, Roxy anna and nroo}'ed as'cleaned"Phon':'~n2:"I):'-'i ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS, in-]MINERAL with molasses added An pleasantly surprised for her i here and a member of the Re al Urbanek will be installing officer at The Myron Nalle}s and Patrick [Richard Newhall spent Sunda af ~" " ...... " door and outdoor and columns of a 11 ur oNe i " ~- lay whe~'~ a number of celL-i Neighbors lodge 1799 Y the July meeting. Mrs. Frank Mattas, Mrs. Robert lternoon'with her'grandmother, YMrs %~A~--~n~LEA~eERS o~{ersa0f~e~ alrle:Y~eSoncWe~eal~:rc~el~tone-piece I pou~Pdsp BAC2M~q~ ~LE$4'~E1R00 and friends gathered• Cards Survivin~ are he1" husband a July hostesses will be Eulalia Burnhart, Marv Brock, Mrs. Lloyd Ella Grassfield .......... P p . ps. Iron-VICE " 25 2a,- played and the group present- [ daughter l~Irs Harold Shold of'E1 ] Reyhons Agnes Novotny Effie Hein- Kent and Paul~ the Frank Schleuter Mrs Gertrude Clymer and Julia piCK-Up ann aenvery oy cmlmg crafters Lisbon phone 4121 34tfc -L-%~-:~--~m~ • . ~ • - i ius Dori Conn 11 ' Fredei " ' . ' . ' Louise ann marry ~ml~n in Llsoon I ........... :.- .... ~rt ~2kL.!~: IWO nlltK COVVS. ~l'esll :S. Cerny with gifts and cards• kader a son Raymond of Grand : s , s e y; Maye "- I family and the Clyo Castle family i Olin, called on her daughter Mrs. Iowa Dial 2485 Prom--t and ex'-ert I JOIN ROBERTS Studm's Baby [ soon Lloyd Graver Lisbon 35n at were Mrs. Chester Fisber iRapids Minn• four grandchildren irk, publicity. Award of the eve- attend the Abrahamson-Carbonaro Lloyd Hunter Sunday afternoon ...... 1,' ~xr,~ o,m',,~+ ,,~,. ~,,o~:,~oo Club. $5•50 for 6 pictures one each =~_~_~_u_=,~:~ ~_:_-~_~'_~_=__~__~f our children, E1 Paso, Texas, and a sister Mrs. Josie Klema of J ning went to Annice Heinsius. wedding at St Thomas More I Th,~ Henr,, Kamm--m ....... + i~,.v:~. "~n ~'~':'-.~ ~.~.:.~.~'~'?~::~ year. Stop at studio for details. 13tf I .rur~..~'~: iual ~nevroie~ t~el- 0rrest Fishers and Sally. Mrs Plpestone Minn , ~ I church, Iowa City Saturday and at- ~, - . • ! ' . • , w .... i... "~ ...... i~..;o, I ' " I ROBERT KABELA WED JUNE I [+~.~ +~ ........ +;~. ~+ +~ ~+,,.~.~, I~unday with the Frank Johnsons in Cleaners, MechanlcsvIlle. 30tfc ~ Dvorak, 8132, evenings 35p ' ~-~, ~-~ ~'~ ~,~'~*o , -- i ....... ~ ~ ..... ~'~w ........... ~ ~"~'~"~,Ons~ow. in me evening me Kam- -- -- - " - " - Them son Ha ward Chemical Co I ......... -= .......... City, the William Leonard ! Richard Reyhons is attendin~ the]TO CLERMONT GIRL .... I Center following the wedding. I .......... i~ .... I- ................ I ELECTRICAL hpphance Service. I1 ,,.~ P.. _ y ...... • 1[ FOR SALE: Pan" girls Chicago , David Walker, Floyd Ber- IS.T.C. summer school at Cedar ~ Shlriey Ames_ uaugn~er of meI Mrs Elizabeth Kolda, Waubeek, l~'.~:.=-~.~':¼,~=~:.~?:~ ~::,~.'~ ~".~'JLeave at my home or Stanley TV, .~arm{esteu agricu}mra~nem- J shoe rolhu" skates, size 7 with case ..............................~a~o m,~.~, n;.~u] +,~.. x~,.~ ~ ~,~ ...... dacoo Ames' o~ ~iermont, anu ~oo-,~.n ............... ~,r.~ ~,.~..,,~s .......... r~arawa- Mt Vet ~vc~ ~,~,~ ~,~,.~, ~,~,, ,-,rove t Fred Siebels. , dial. 2841 day time orI, ] leniN, xour.oeaier., Ior. all Iarm J"in good condition .... $15 Ml's.s El'nest" eIt Kabela son of the Otto Kabelas ~ The Fred Kaufmans northwest of 3622 evenings Lisbon 14tfI cnemmais is Hotz hone 3%1 Lisbon l) and the Frank Millers• A'. Rita Leonard who is attending l ~ . , ........ non were Monday x isitors in the J " " I • • p -~ , " . 5p was brought bv the guests•, summer school' in Cedar Falls, is[ ot bolon, were marrieu in me west home of Mrs. Anna M. Kucera. Morley, spent Saturday evening in --PUIVIP-SERV-ICE" -Havi~-~ I I.I.ELLISON, MT. VERNON ! -PURINA~-IVE~0-C~ Cerny, Cedar Rapids, was a vis/tina her parents, the William ~mrmont Lumeran cnurcn in ~mr- Mrs. J. F. Unash attended the 25th ]the Hemy Kammerman home• I troubles? CalI Frank Hartl, dial. [ Also Walsh Sprayers. front mount j PROTECTOR -- pressurized c a n, mont on bamroay aune ±~ a~ z p m visitor of the Cernys. Leonards. i , , • " :I wedding anniversary of the HaroldI The Mervin Switzers. aceompani-17652, Mt. Vernon. 23tfcl[ or trailer. The favorite of more Ji sprav it on--gets screw worms on The bride IS a recent graauate Oil ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .une z w m t~ev ann Mrs Lagavre ~ v~,,o. 03 ~,~ " " , . i Fishers at Lisbon Sundav evening ~ ed bv Mr~ Roy Glick Anamosa and I ---OI~-B--URI