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June 15, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 15, 1939 |
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Juae 15, 1939
l*a*c* Hubbard Ice & Fuel Co., Ct Hse i Marx Edward ................ 6.40[ On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec-T. leyers Sam, starling bounty .. 6.00 amount shown on the Superior Court Maricm ................. 138
tO ~O'£ JLl|~ supplies ..................... 19.88 Norris, Nornlan C ............. 9.60]ended by Supervisor Bceson, the pay-IMlnor Eidon, starling bounty .. 22.30 Order to Edith (:oonrod, Louise (;thin)r, [.Mt. V(,rmm ...................... 92
Of ~|11r~*~l[r~a ttanson Dr. H. E., poor reed aid 4.00Newland, DeClaude ............ 9.60 ] ment of bounties on European Starlings i 51illard Lewis, fox bounty ...... 2.00 F"earl May ttorsky, and llessie Shelton, I Paid ............................. 13
- uF ava ull" Harris Lure E, poor nursing .. 15.00 Noble, Sani ............ 9 601is hereby discontinued and the bounty lMerey Hospital, poor hosp ... 27.00 as grant~ed by Judg~ Thomas B. l'o~x( II. [tqaiti* burg ...................... 16
lr~ ~ Hodgin C E, poor fuel ........ 7.00Owens, Robert ................ 9.60 paid on adult foxes and cull foxes to he lMays Drug Store sewing proj .. 1.04 All meml)ers voting "Aye" ther( on. ] Hobin~ ........................... 30
Count-, Tnu,,..-J ]unnurv tiermanek Frank po r rent l0 00Phelps Carl .. " 9 60 One Dollar ($1 (0) each both effe( t ve Maresh D1 P poor ned a d °0 O) On mot)( n b~ SUl) rx s~, $1 ~ st( |~ lu~ \,11
, c* "7. P -~ Harrison R J poor rent ....... 10.00Pappas, Harry ................. 6.40 I at twelve o clock noon Saturday, Aprll ] Marshall Mrs1 heresa poor ended by Superv,sln- l'eeson tilt pe] V¢'tikt r 46
esslon, 1939 Hedges Co. sol rel rent ....... 10.001Perry, Grant ................. 9.60[ 1st 1939.All niembe~'s votin~ "Aye"[ board & room 10 00 tit)on of" Fra k ('. l)ut(.1, r asking for I)n moi/ol'l'l)y'Sup'e'r~,;ih~:,r'S~,ex'ei/'see-
'] __ Hadsell Ada, sol rel rent 10 O0 Plgman, Jesse ................. 9 60 thereon [5[:e To() Grocerypoor pro',, 23,20 a Sold ers' Exem )lion I r th* 3ear| Idcd by Superxisor Beeson, the tel-
o: Iowa, County of Linn ss Hill Oil Co, sol rel kerosene .. 1.02 Phillips, I sh .................. 9.60] CI, AIMS AI,I,O'*VED !Moore Albert poor rent 10 00 19 8 taxes i)ayat)h, in 193 , was m t |h wing resolution was adopted, all
Cedar Rapids, 'Iowa Handy Food Mkt, sol rel prey .. 18.161Randall, "[o~n . ............... 9.60 ]Alexander Food Mkt, poor prov.$ 7.96 Messner Mrs Nellie. poor rent .. 15.0(} granted. All members voting "Aye" |re.tubers v,,til Ig' "Aye" tbereon:
• Mareh 21st 1939 Holden-Kahler Co., Ct Hse & ] ~omnson, t-lariey ............ 9.60 I Armstrong Elevator, i)oor fuel 6 68 I Mear Mrs Mary, poor rent .... ll.O0 thereon. " l R1,2801 IlTION
)C atiuued fro n Last Wee'k) ofe supplies ................ 51.00]Root,. Ralph .................. 9.60 r Anthony Leslie, poor rent ...... 2.881Mann Mrs. Mary, poor rent 4 80 "()n I lotion I53" Supervisor Seevell, | VVtt b:REAS, 1.inn County, h)wa now
~Y,iowa, to A. L. Barngrover for Heverly O Jay poor rent ...... 7.001R.odrlq_uez, John .............. 9.60]Ashby J H, poor rent .......... 10.O01Mosburg Mrs. Lillian, poor rent 5 00 seconded by Supervisor Siirm the fol-]holds certificates of pur(:hase a~'quir-
~s eration of Fifty Dollars Handy Foods poor prey 12 34 Rme Roy . .... 9 60 Ayash Nick poor rent 1000 Merritt 1 (" pool" rent 9 00 low ng res)lut on w~s ~do~ttd ",u/td ,; t~." s*l- h-]~"] .... .~..d.~,-., e*~.*a,~¢.
• )Cash is hereby approved Hessemu,s Waldo, *ox bounty .. 2.00]Szlls, Cliff ....................9,60 ~ Arnold Agy Daniel, poor rent ..6.501M,yers Frank, poor rent ........ 9.23 members vot,ng "Ayc' thcreol~: Imade under the provisions of Section
I I1 ~tion.. ..~l.., ~*~-~--': ........ ,....~ .... o~v~.~;[~"~ Hendrvx. _ Dick. , starling., bounty~ 13.50 Senermerhorn. . . .............. Bud 9 60 i Anspoker Martha, poor rent 24 00 ~Maeh Frances, sol relief rent 10.00 . . B.J~.SOi~I? FI(IN I "l~, ~ ..... 1 . ),0 Code• of Iowa, for the foi-
~e L by Supervisor Stirm, the Henmng W C, criminal invest .. 15.00 I Splcer George .................6.40 I Adams Elmer, poor rcnt ........ 22.00 I Mitvalsky tlrocery, sol relief YVIIERI,(AS, Linn County, h)wa, now I lowing descrii)ed I)remises, to-wit
'Y Auditor was authorized to Hedges Co., poor rent ........ 10.001,~voood.a, Jerry ................9.60]Andrle Dr P M., poor reed aid .. 2.00I prey ....................... 27.74 holds certH'icates ,)f purchase :~cquir,,d] la 1. Co's lot. I, Bik 5, Town of Lis-
t.rrants once each four weeks Hunte Ralph, poor rent ....... 8.00 J o npKms, Merle ............. 9.60 ] Aden s Dr F W, p or nl( d a d . . /.00 I Matteson James E, sol relief rent 4.00 ~t tax sale held on January 6th, 19;~6, ben, Certificate No. 183-PB.
e ~ridows P%nuic, n h',~nd i .... ~., Hodg n C le hd~e su lies 2721Tobin Olle ....... 640]Al~utt Sam sol relief trans . . 200 Mt "leo tlrocerv sol relief prey 8798 mtdt un(hi the p]ox~sn) ls )f St((,on \ud ll~t lo o
o, Widows pensions as provided Heefner & Newman poor prov 14 28 1 reacleHarry 9 60 ] A & t Tea (?o.sol rehef prov.. 21) 50 5 alloy Mrs Jpoor rent 12 00 72~ 0 19 ) C( d¢ f low / t't ] 1he f l- ( ( ~ if ( 'ltt No 1R.l Pl¢ '
-- ..............v-~ ..... PD ..... ., ) . . .' "" ,'I-" . • c ,~ ~ ~' . 'l 1, , t 3, T wn of Lisbon
tl ,n 3641 1935 Code of Iowa in Ia Emergency Relief Admr work Van Alst Alva ................ 9 60 J A & P ea (o , poor pro v . . 26.575hner Gertrude poor rent ...... 22.00 t x~ ng described l)remiscs to-wit" | < & S F55ft Lot 5 & Lot 6 Blk 3
!~ Unt as 'shown on the Superior relief ' 35 44Van Voltenburg D F . ......... 3.20 I Adal ~S Mrs. l~hner, poor rent . 10 00Me T o Grocery, poor prey .... 16.00 Orchard lie)gilts, 1.ol 1 Bh)ck 5 City Tow, of l. st on Ceitifieate No' 185-PB
t ~ rder in Ceva Heddin~er and Ia F11ectri'e 'Ligid" k:" b'ow;V '5o" " i Varner George 6 40 IAinents l)ry Goods sewing pro- Mens l¢.efor uatory road signs 23 87 of Mar on C~rtifi( 't( Nt 4 lq 'B " t K ¢ S ~ ~.~ "~ ~ ....... Du. "~ q .....
. n ed by Judge Thou]as B Powell sol rel light ser 8 87 I Whitney, Roy C 9 60 I ~ect ........................ 109.24 I Martin Roasa Tractor iN) equq) Orchard H*.lAt, t~ 1 (it o llh (,P 5 /~l" r isl.m t ~ rt ifi( ite N i l~lt~ pl~
let bets voting "A'e" thereon " Ia Electre Iight "&-'ig£w'e'r''Co" " Wilkin ,John . 640/Blaine Vera dog enumerat )n 80 rprs "' 40615 ( ty f ~arion'C,'i:t t'i~"lte"~4, 4'0"1 l'i'/ li~'' ' '..'', ~!:~ 4.',;.~.'~'~-~sT"i,.1 ,..
, [ tion by Supervisor Seevell see-sol rel light ser .......... 4.90 I Wood, Herbert ................ 9.60 ] l:rown Fred, starhng bounty . 40.90Mt Vernon Ave (lrocery poor ()r~gmal Town N~/~ l.ot 7 & 8 [H . ~ I " ,r ~ cate N 189-t;'P; '
• t r Supervisor Stirm tile fo'llow- 1gram & Kalell, poor rent .... 10.00 I'.Z.unmerman, Carl ..............3.20 ] Blaine (;lenn A, starling bounty ~6.80 I prey ....................... 22.50: 29, tHly of M;arion. (N,rtil'icatc No. ] l'fautz' all "ex 'Sli)0f't 1 ~) & Iot 3
es lution was adopted all mere- Tzer G S, poor rent ............ 10.0O jCarroll, Joseph ............... 6.40 |Browning E H, starling bounty 6 1O|M )othart 1 H, Co H )me rprs .. 67.201 325-PB. ]lHk (' "" )~v~ .,e , ~h,,n ~"~.~'ie~ ,...~ ~"
VO [ng "Aye" thereon' Ill)no s Auto Truck Co equip Davis, Keever ................. 6.4t} |Burger Myr m starl g boul ty 32.80 McQueen Dale starling bounty 5 30 \VfIERF~AS n( tice of 'xl 'at) n ( f |I' -t-l'i" ................. . t ..... ~ ...* .~o.
.~- RESOLUTION rprs ............. i . .' ....... 64.98 I Brown, Howard .............. 9.60 ] Barta l)onald 1., starling I)ounty 3.4(} i McKesson & Robbins poor drug's 46.81 ] time for redemption from s ~ d sales | ' bit,:, l'~ot 1t} irr sur S~,r Sl,~ & SF I~r
. ~/~i tEAS, the Congress of the Tgram & Kalell poor prey .. 6 73 On motion the Board of Supervisors ]B1 ss Harold C, starling bounty 5.20]Mc(h wan poor rent 12.(0 evidenced I)y sa d 'ert "catcs i~ ~s l)~cn |1 )-8b'-5 '" ,wn of~ ~ t• X'o'~n]~n ~'~t e~'
e~ tates of America has appro- Jones, Dempsy, Co Rec., record- ]adjourned to March 28th, 1939. |Br]ggs, (,eorgc, fox bounty .... 2.00 MeShane Nora, t)oor rent ...... 10.00]duly served as provnlcd by law. and|(':lte No. 200-PB
;,~ Unds to assist in the construe-ing deeds ............ 30 60 j -- ]Best Oil & Fuel Co., l)oor kero- . i Mcl)aniels Mrs. Mabel poor rent 5.00 ] m.rc than .mncty flays from thc ' ) n- I Mt Ver] m N W'ly 66ft L)t 8 Blk 8
"~ a secondary system of high- Johnston. Mrs. George, poor rent 7.00 March 28th, 1939 ( sene ......................... 6?iM(.l(esson & Robblns, Co Florae I![h'ted servn:e t.l~¢'~:(',,[" i)ave expired and]T.wn of Mt. Vern )n, Certificate Nol
~ ~ Jaeobs George, poor rent ...... 10.00 The Board of Supervisors met pur-|Butters Store, p!)or t)rov . ....... 10.7~I drugs ...................... 5.7511[ ]s l~ow uemrcu timt tax th,cds In, 1213-151L
~ ~AS, the certain portion of .]el)son W G, poor rent ........ 10.00 t suant to adjournment, all members be- |Blue Valley l)airy, l)oor prey .. 29.69 ! McDonald Charles, sol relief rent 12.75 t al(en ~sfl)r,,v~dcd I55' Seetmu 7284, 1935 ] Saxby's 1st l, 2 & Lot 3, Blk 3,
-~'~ , ~ ederal ,apnronriation. . will be IKnapn. ~ Perry. . . dog enumeration 11.80 ing present. . . Bolton. & Co., Mall )ira, )( r rmt 10.00 M(Shane Ho~ard, starhng; bount~ ,).20 t m( o~ ,ox~.; ,;,1 . . . , , .. I(~x~' f ~Mt. V(~rn(]n, t'ertifleate No.
., for sach work in the State Kna.p Howard stariin hounty 5.80/ On mot,on by Su0erv,sor Beeson sec /B,rdsali Mrs ,).Dries poor rent 10001McNa. ,Iach Supply ( ..... ] Nt,W llf,.l l lOl.. L,. II Resole /-'lt 1'i
, , as Soon as suitable state leg)s- Keller Co ~ralton A. Treas ore ~onded by Supervisor Stirm, the follow- |H, hmn~ J W, poor rent ......... 9.00I equip rental ................ 550.00led hy the (/:pard .of Supervisors of lAnn / Mr. Vernon (all N~,V of Penn St.)
~ ~s been enacted, and, supplies .................... 1.43 |ing resolution was adopted, all nienl-]Blazek John, poor rent ........ 5.001Newland Victor, star!ing bounty 15.40|( om)tY, I~)x~a, .In ~'eg'uiar a(ljDurned~l,.t 5 fr t',lk 7, Town of Mr. Vernon',
~ ~AS, the Board of Supervisors Kens Refrigeration Co. Jail trig- ]bers voting "Aye" thereon: |Blaylock, Harold, poor rent .... 115.00 INewmans poor clothing ....... 2.02~sessmu, lna[ the ( ounty Aud~t,w is|t'ertifieate No. 229-PlL
e " t:ounty desires to secure for ida)re ser ................... 71.29 ] RESOLUTION I Butterfield Ed , la)or rent ...... 12.00 I Nass f & Son, R, poor prov, . 7.24 ] hereby .~luth~)r!zed and dirccted t~) re- | . \Vtl b]i~I,LAS, no(it( of cxpiration of
tno~ nty auy funds that might ac-Kobovec V ncent poor rent . 8 00 t BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD Baba Grocery, poor l)rov ...... 27.77 / Naxera (leorge, poor rent ...... 10.(}0 ] tu!.'u sa~d ecrtH,('ates el )urt,imse uimve ~ (u~)F f-r r 'dcmpt on froni said sales
2"~ ;aid county's credit under such Knbia Hdwe Co sol rel gas [ OF SUPERVISORS OF LINN COUNTY, Be Right Service (1'seer car ex- Norris Mrs. Harriet Door rent ,. 10.00 I ret,,rrru to, now hcld l,.v IAnn Cou ~ty! o\'~d(, .. ,d y sat 1 certificates has been
~1 In, and w cks ..... . ................ 51 IO\VA. that [ pense ....................... 2.58 Nelsou Mrs. l.eonard, poor rent 12.00[ h)wa, to the (ounty / rcasurcr and take duly servcd is provided by law, and
: ~, ,EAs, the Federal rules and Kopeeky, F E S R Comm'r sal- I WHEREAS, claim No. 3314 against Bidd (k Lbr Co sol relief fuel . 13.261Nassif Sa 1, sol rel ef rent .... 1!).00 t~x deeds for sa!d proper1 es .1 lAnn ,rr than ninety days fron/ the eom-
l~,~l°ns require that only the moreare a~ld mileage ............ 13.70 I Linn County, Iowa, filed with the Audi- ~ Bindlers Dairy sol relief prov.. 7.86 I Ncwmans, poor sliDes .......... 2.02 ] ! Dun(y: ~owa, to -e !It:hi by ~a]d Cm~n- ] ph,ted service thereof i~ave expired and
,~ traveled portions of the sec- Kopeeky Donald, starl ng boun- tor of this county March 31) 1939 was Book Bert, sol relief rent ..... 10.00 IN \V Bell Telephone Co. shop tel j ty uno(~r tt~ )]rovlsmns ol Sc,'t h)n ~ ,I Is now dcsired that tax deeds be
id ~oad system shall be included ty .." ........................ 14,401for premiums due from the C,)unty on[Bluski Mrs. \Vm, poor rel)t .... 42.00/ service ..................... 11,68|~u~uu-G~,.~m~o (:Due of. Iowu. ]tak,.n as provided by Section 7284 1933
r~. ~eueral seeondary systemand, Kaliban Grocery poor prov . . 76 20 I policy V¢C212057 issued by the Iowa I Burchfield M,otor Co., e(lmP rprs z.4v ()liphant C W, starling bounty . . 22.70 I On motmn oy Suln'rv,sor I~ces()n sec- ] (h~(Ic of h)~a,
"~,~.EAS, due consideration has Kriz Emma pool" rent ......... 16 66 I Mutual Liability Insurance Company of ] Baker & Patton, surfacing .... 7129,90 ]{)i)er C L. poor rent ............ 12.015 |!re(lid by Sul)e!'visor Seevell, the tel- ] N()~V, " tl']l~EFOI:t.E, BE IT RE-
I~lVen to the information as to Koch George starling bounty 30'10 | Cedar Rapids Iowa and was verified ]Becicka et al Lunlir starling Piicber Charles starling t)ounty 5 00 |oxwng r'~s dutmn was adopt(d all ~Ol Vt'l) 15~ th( lh trd of Su )cruisers
:~ of traffic, developed in the Kesslers Gr0eery poor Drov'.~ 11:63Iand filed by'Irene'Marousek for and] bounty. .................... 68.30/Paramount Pharmacy, poor reed / ........ I ...... vet)n g "A~.~," lherc,m: [~)f I.inn ,'Dun(y, h]\va, in regtular ad-
n,~'; ue Highway. Planning Surveys, Keller Co, ~Valt~)n A, Fn~'~ ~. ofc Ion behalf of the estate of Charles A. Chlassen George. C, atty fees,, d~ - , aid ................... 10 ,00| ...... l,loSt,lt;, ION ..... |l ulncd ,' .... ,.,:ion. thlt~ th( ((, 7 unty Audi-
,~ THEREFOtt.E, Be It ...... ~e~,d.,ed s_~.u~ 1~ .~ J. Marousek, deceased. ., .and. the . war- fending, pmsoners. . ~ . ••.. . 20.00, I Peppiest, Grocery,. poor. pr)v 448 ~,5/ ) ]jb,s lq, I~1-St)l,\ I~,i) i~'~ I 1IF, |~O \R1)] t.r ]s I (. '~. y authorized and directed
~" BOard of Supervisors of Linn Krejci Bros., poor prov ........124.15 rant No. 48941 issued ]n sat,sfactton of Cusak t,Aect]ic Serve(e, ja]! rprs2.49 I l ttt3 i)a~rj~, pool prey ........ 7.37 ( b : I t I,A~\ ISORN t)F I,INN C()UNTY, to return said certifivates of pur-
7," [ ~OV~a .... on this 21st day of Klinsky. ('roeery, , poor prov ..... ~40 41 I sa d cla. m was drawn In favor of C It Auto Supply Co. ( ) Ho ,e Poses 9tb, St Grocery. poor piov 11.88. |~()~A,. , . , . ] has(, ' • Lal ,v(, r(ferr(d~ ' , to, no~* h~ld~ by
939 reconnends that t l ~-(has A I Marousek 1state c o Irenel rprs 94 f( phs ( r((~ry po)r prey 126 ] ~nlt ~ s ol(hrtd ~.t ( t) d 1 it/ ~l ( Ilt~ I ~ to th( ()unty
, he tel-Kadec & James poor prov .... 2.43 ? .... ~', , / . ' .. .. ..... . ................. '~ s , '~ . ..... '. ; : . * ~' ' ,'(~ , )~' : ", ,. ". *." ~ ? .
Project or nroiect ~ ;~ n Marousek and ] C t es S(r~ ce O]1 ( po ~r full Phi lps (a lI) ]or rtnt 10 00t ~s ~ (h d 1 ~ C ~ ~11 r ~ ( (h t t t ~ I t kt tax d~eds for sa
• , . . s, be firstKrt.(] Food Sho~, ..per prov ... 2.81 , '.' ~ " '., ' , ~ v ". ~ ......... '' , , ' ' " , .' "; ', ' ''; ~ ~"" : .: ~ , - ~ ". , "d
)e led by the State Highway Conl-Kenwood Park Fuel Co., poor WHEREAS, said warrant has been o~l .......................... 3,77Parker Walter A, Door rent .... 10.00 ot I o\~a, to .pre\ent the actl/nruig el a m'operth,s to IAnn ('purity, Iowa to be
ti;'] and the United States Bureau fuel ........................ 153.66]returned to the Auditor of this county|Castle Bros, poor fuel .......... 3!).99 Pusateri Frank, poor rent ..... 10.00 j sett,ement l!l .1ms ,('oupty, I., served ~l~eld hy said County under the provi-
a(,~e Roads for iml)rovement un- Kenwood Park Fuel Co.,poor l for cancellation because the said prem-]Coreys Grocery, poor prey .... 3.2611,erpctual Savs& Loan Ass'n, |Ul)On eaen .el tno tou,)wm~- named per-|st.ns of Section 10260-G1, 1935 Code of
~"~ -ederal appropriations' fuel 401 34!ium was payable to tbe said Iowa Mu-[Cruml)acker Mrs. Noble poor [ p ~r rent . ,, 10 00 |sons, t.-w~t: |Iowa
' ' .......... • " • " rent 19 00 Pol o( T V mo re t ~ ) iH0('K ('h u 1¢ s k 1 uth I ol ~mt lh ()n motmn l) Su )(
SCH~r~ ............. Imrimer lIdwe Co E K Ct Hse I tual L ablhty Insurance Company and | .......................... I 1 ~k ~ , t r n . . . 8 o( |, . . ~ ' ~L" ~'., ~ ' ' "~ " ~, '-- | ' Y S I q'visor Seevctl. see-
, ~.u~w ()v PRt)J]~(;T~ vnr e~. ]the said insurance comnanv has filed | Capaducas Steve poor rent 5 ()0~ Phel )s Fd )per rent 5 00 iDleS l l( 1lid 1 t tt3 l,~\t rl~ Jo~ ~ 1 nd d b~ Sup( ix ls,)l Beeson h
~*IN ' _.~_s ................ 0 ~ _ . ~ ........ 1 • , l ........... . ~', ,' ~ " ,. ~. . ', ' ..', ;':'', " ' ..*~ ' '" " t e Coun-
,. .N COUNTY, IOWA I vnott Al rider rent 10 00 l its claim therefor ~ Conway & Co., W J, poor rent .. 10-001 l)hillil)s Petroleum Corp. Door ] (13J!) 22nd Ave SF., ( odar Hapnis) W cb- i v Au(l~t ,r was directed to inform Earl
[aelng with (?rushed Stone 2 25~'i'.~.. r..~ o" ~.. cm }-;.. .~.~.~.~'.~.~£-' ' I NOW THEREFORE be it resolved | ('hase Mrs Rena poor rent 10 00I fuel oil 11.84/3 78 stet C unt~ 3 I t r ( t i~ f ( ( u] t Hous( Jamto
t:° ,, ,, ' ~ ........ .~..-vv v...~v, ....~u ~.~v- , ~ ~ ,• . • • , - ..... ...................... , - • ~ , , .' , ) . " .~ ' ' ' r, that
unty Trunk Road C , corn- line 56746]that the allowance of said claim No.]Colton J E, poor rent .......... 8.001Peoples (Irocery, sol relief prey !A)N(,, 1lay, lIelcn, Charh~s, Roi)crt, hc file a written report with tile Coun-
~at East ~A corner Section Miles dten''S''(l'o'g'enunleration" 2"50]3:]]4 is hereby rescinded and cancelled ]C R BldL" & Loan Ass'n, poor II'eol)les (]roccry sol relief prov 218.]|(422 6ti~ Ave Sl" Cedar l'qpids) Mus ~v ~udilor inuxv(ting the follo~,~in
-- ' thence South 2 25 miles ..... " ~.W_ - ~ ~" " ..'~'.~ _--~ ~L.... ~. a~-u~..; ~a "_.~21 .i~'~ I rent ~" 10 00 I Pit )er'H(~r nnn" 're l n be " ']eatine. {xvo questions as t ) ti e e~i g
fac' " " " 2darouseK ~st ~_:nas ~ ~ worK- a.u ~aau ~aa.. ,S ,...~.~..u,,'~,. .~.u ~..~ ........ 1 , ad u 1 r . . . 6.12 . . . . ,), ,, . • l unty's sur-
el.|~gV, ltl~ Crushed Stone ap-men's eomp ins ' 2806 27 Auditor of this county is directed to [Carpenter Mrs. Taylor, poor rent 12.001Peoples Grocery. poor I)rov .... 21,89 ~, \ANI)b.N BIlling, ]!ora (,L20 'A Ave plus supply ,)f s.ft soap and other
;,. .~onutes ot County ~'runKMoravec Dr E L ~po(~r'l~ae~l'a'l~l''' 5"00 Icancel the said warrant No 48941 is- ]Carney \V J, sol rciief prey .... 9.131 Pratt Frank. t)oor rent ........ 10.0(1 iN\\, t'eoar Bap~ds) S.)ux City. lelicmb'als and unpaid bills:
nk e()mmencing. ~,, . at ~ / junct. .in ...e-./~r~ro" ..... ,i~,~snlt~-.~l ..... v'~'~" ......... h,,~,~. ........... '" ~v'nesued " thereon. ~ . " |( )l~ & Wilson. sol . relief• prov . . 10.71. Paul F~ It., ('o IIone, grain, and [ ()u n,ou,on, b',. .SU])t I X tsor. ' , .St(X(,' ~ l, ~ ~s ('-I 1. ~¢~ II It; Is/ th(' r qls(n• for the pres.-
;. Road E ]n NF.~/~ Section M'~.~ V~r,,,~ ~t;,,.,~ ~,~,,. .-.,,,-,~ On motion bv Sunervisor Beeson ]Castle Bros sol rehef fuel ..... 6.90] s~cd 469 60] n( ed v SUl 'r\ls r B¢tsl,n th( ~ l-~ nt sl rp us f s tps ~nd other eh¢ ni
• ,, • encc Souti~easterly 2.25 nroi 80 seconded by Supervisor Seevell the [C R Investment (.o, sol rehef Patterson James F atty fees de- h)wuig reports were apl)r,~vcd and ,)l'- ('als m thc county's store house"
~eetion 4,3,10 a ~d 11 all in ..Matv~.. ¢~; -~---,'~"'n" ~__ ....... sewm~'n' ' ~' ''- re .. .,..~a~'~g County~ - Auditor Was ,author zeal 'to ,as-[ rent ..... . ' ..... r.10'00I f(nding~ z prisoners ............ " ~o0 60 /dered. ,, pl.;,~( ,'(1 on t , ,'/ t t r~. \, ,t- `)-. "vVh'tt. , .s the~ re'~son., for the undue
f'acing with Crushed Stone a" 'Mitvalsky Grocery poor kerosene .86sign the following tax sale certificates [Coreys. Grocery, sol r ehcf p.rov ~1.22 tQuality Wood & Coal Yard. poor ]m~. A~,e .......... ~tclay u~ al)Dr,)vmg for .Board aetlon
~,.. ,~ - " ~'" Me Too Fopa Store riDer nrov 1~ 02and in the anlount of taxes due with it a nDrluge, **~rs ** ~,, star~lng fuel 20 66 ~', J 1~ c hi4, t nsl -i, i ~ 1[~] ) os 1 ' S ap an{I ('he n eal bills that Ilave
(':unty q runk Mefferd George poO r re;t . .. 10.00 interest and penalty thereon on the] bounty .; ................... 20.40[Quahty l,a,ry, sol relief prov .'. 1.63[,!)\,nslp1). the quart .r vnd,ng .... to (1), Boards attention slnee
h' t~ • ~ g at tne june- Maresh Rudolnh noor rent 10 00 date of assignment all members voting ]Cut Rate ~ood Shop, poor prey lo.11 [ lt.ock Island IAnes, poor trans . 4.15 |Marci~ 31, 193,). January 1, 19397
au"" ~rnnarYT " ~ tt.oau~ ~o. 261. in ~..le.c~.~., ..~-~ .ov'~'~ ~... ~'*~ '.~7..~..v........oh"';n . .... . .~'~n~ .... ' .Ave~ thereon'. ' [Carlih~ . Adrain, poor rent ...... 10.00, ,/, ncr "'ore, poor nurs Tlg ..... 16 00 / It. 1" l:unyan., . .Justice. of tl ( Pcac. ~,. and• further,., that . wben this written
^ 82N-RoVe, thence South- M q" ~] 1 r 1 .. 22.80 Certificate N) 1411PB, Tax Sale of]("onkhn Roy, poo.r rent ........ 12.00 1(.check Mrs. J \V poor rent 6.0}[Jacks°n ~ox~nshuL l,)r year ~'n(hng ~1)ort it,is heen t,h,d, 1t is the duty
z-6t7 I - . ~ : . , . . .e . DO . roeery, so e prov 6 1936 Ass) n to Edwin Chandlcr C( , equ 15 rprs 3.32 ~ Bobertson Paul, starl ng bounty 8.00 )el'( filer 31, I i ;18. (~1 tl~c C )un(y Auditor to recomnlend
~le~thrtUoS:¢~]o°~UtylOi~n1. Ma(ia(~nr Watere Works ,sol rel 184 ~o~arYngt~hn' an£i 'Aniv ~ 1tethering-]C t¢ (]as Co, shell gas servicc ..2.04 ] Reb(ler Wencil. dog' enumeration 780. t)n ..... lion by Supervis(,r Stirm• sec- t,, !he B-ard whether or not Earl Mill-
~'~ruction of Twin 12' x 12' "~-u'b''n'r'oe **'~-' ...... *" ......2967 Certificat- No 1582PB Tax Saie 'of[Cogg"°n Monitor, Eng oft ex- iRush "F M, p,)or rcnt".:.l..ll,.1 ~ 10"i)(t]°f tt. F. Runyan, Justice of thc Peace, ,,lnploy. All nlemhers voting "Ave"
_-ROW. xa~ xr~;2 .... ki~.,',~-~/~ .... ~;-~,;~" " ton or Survivor of either of them |('Doper J M gravel . . ll21Rll)lds (he~rol(t (o elm) r)rs 1 ~2 reded b5 Sup~l~sor l¢(son (hi 1,on(i (, ~s to }, letun(d m th( tount s
Calvert on County Trunk Road ~ff~n.2..o ~.' " ~M.;.L;L' '~'.~A£.2' " 9"aaJ~n~,~r,. t:|?n- lq:t~ Au~iwn tt~ I~ntt,h ,~- | pense 7 40 Scr nger et "tl Elmer starli'i(,~ " l i( kson T wnship x~ as il)lU~ \ ed • ~tt t ~er~ on '
n 9-q86N-R8W aPt)rex]mate- a~ ~ n~ Y,: n~ i. ~. "" u'~ Brookn~an ' ]Cach ('lass & Paint Co Frank ] bounty 66 601-rdcrt'd l)h]ced on fde All membcr~ For ttomcstead tax credits allowed
atdN~rt)h ~f Ja~noet'°lr~a~]i~h P';¢.~ ~treehYl'l'~I~ecanti'l'er57po°°prov 43:43 CertificateNo 721PB, Tax Sale of ] car and equil.) rprs ....... . .; 4.].64 ]Sigmund ttenry, starling b.unty 9.40 ]vt,t}ng ':,Xye" !h,:r ....... . • [*;llL'rene-is m ad,~ t,i) applications No.
or- ' * • g . g a .......~Sorio'~.. *~--.-~r~"" ~--.-~,~* ............ v.-.-- .-..* ...... 9 ~aJanuary. 6th, 1936, Assign.. to The Nvere.. |Concretc ~ua[erlals (2o crusnen ,. ., [ ,Stalhnan (' W..starl. ng bounty. 12.,50 I A I rt t 1 navln*.r, l e(,n flied 1 .Y ~¢~ n. /a.. ~ . tO ~u~. I !n InClusive, a|su on
.. approaches ~,,rra- ~- ..... n... ~u ~.u Anartments Ine ] stone .... ],]6.9,, St 1 ukes Metit Hosp rider h)sn 170 8' iP 13! ss et al asking f( r tiic estab- 1 ~' I i Ih( l[onl(stead Tax Credit Reg-
sir - ( ...... ., ............... ,~ t),. ,~ , . •. . ~ , • ~ ~ . , . .. . o ~ . , ....
ealUtet~oi) of !,51 foot cent]n: Mineel~ Bros l)oor prov .. . 6.36 On motion bv Supervisor Stirm, sec-|Concrete Matermls to., resur- i ~ Stahl Co, The, poor prov . .... 7.75]hshment of a Sec.ndary goad 1),sir.'1 ]ster under th~s date.
_ rmge on r~asts]ue or ~. xr ...... "A..~ ~ ....... "--22. ended h" Su,.erv sor Beeson the Corm- / facing ................... 108.13Streets Grocery I)( or nr ~v 6 12 for the purpose of sl rf c ]g th ' t" II )w- CI, AIM~ AIA, O~VI~.'I)
'-US3N-R6W also grading and "~.,.~,~ ................ ~' ~'~"" ~ tv "Prea~sure~ was autho'rized nnd|(on(rete Materials Co., surfae- Shunk 5rs Ien'ni(~ suri~lus co'n'~l]l " ing described township road to-wit Aldcrnmn Newell F C R. Dep
apPloxinlately~ nile road ..~'";" ~.''..'''J'" ;'-- ...... " ......Z'Zg~i-eLt^~ to suun~nd th,~ ~q~7"t~o ..'~.. | ing ...497.28] rent of hide' ' " " ,~, 0fi~ F, egu)~ 'ng tt the S I (' rncr S(et )n 1(;- Asscssor salary . .$130.00
lk .... " .. lvlareK ~ter[er llnpl L:O., equlD rpr lv.ulu . vu .... ................. " ..................... . ................. """ i . . , • • , , . • ,
Road B to Plnnary Road M~.iils Co A D hdwe & tools 6 71able in 1938 as provided in Section ]4 ady Mrs. George, poor rent .. 36.00 Sunshine Miss on, poor rent .. 6.00 8b-7, thcnee West on the Section hne A(I,uns i t l, W, po.r lucd aid .. 3.00
. ~s'~ ..... ~.]~:.~..~...~ xs.~. "~" " 5960~1 Cha'nter 330 19R5 Code ot /l)rexler Donald st,trlino" bouni5. 7.:]0 [ Sloan A I n )or rent 10 00 between Sc(qions 16 and ')1 and St,('- Anderson Emil poor rent 5 00
~,nstruetion and surfacing ap- " ...... ~. "~'~'~..~ .... ~ ............ ~ ....T,.u-~-°e~,~ ~,,,~ th-~*' ~-.~n..G~.... ~ [I)el an() Dr (" ~( p , r ned aid 5 50 Sharn' 5Irs'~ " ~)~ r'''~,t ..... ~ ,aa t ns 17 and 20 to the SI,] corner 0f Xl "1 s Sa n po r rent 5 00
ly r. . mae. ren~a, aUu . o~ Do .... , ...................., .... ~ ........ ~" , . ' , , ~ . . . , ume, . )o_ re ............. , , • , . . . , , • • • : .....
~].2.a nuh s front junction x.~ q..... ]~.....~ ~t .............. ~a nua recipient of Old A~'e Assistance us- ]Dew 1)rI, C poor reed aid .... 4.00 I Stickel tIarvv noor rent 10 0( S3,V S]~ ot said Sect,ou 1 i, terll/Inatlng" .\n(h'h* l)r I M poor uled a,d . . 2 00
• "~. Road "R" on North side ~.~'~.'~.~" ~.'~'~"~' ~'~" ~'~' ..... sessed" aza nst the f(~'llo~ in~ described |Dennis L J poor fuel .. 42 08 I Sunshine Miss'ion noor rent ..... 5"00 'it the C( untv Trunl" I'oqd "T" bpin~ \ . ~s 1•rocery poor prov 3 30
t ~o T82N-R7W thence West ......... ~ ..................... o ..... ro,~ertv'" all members ~o~in~ 'A..t'']i)ectar Cr(;cerY I,O r p"(;x;''" 1491181r~ Iill an' noo~: r(nt .... 6'00 25 lt~s in icng(h •lud lying in'Sprin~: A Xv~ Gr)ccr,,; I) or pr v 3050
Liles to • ' . . supp.les .................... ou.~. v v ~, ~. -~ ' • ' "':' 'r,* ' ' •" ' * l ......... ; ' , ' . ' " ' " • ........
~ junctionw,th Prnnary MoT ~a T~. ~ A ~,~, . .1 'a ~ nnthereon" ]De I an() I)r C A poor nted aid 17.~0 [ Sells Fred noor rent 6 ( 0 (~i'ove rownshH~ \rills(r( ng I,.](,vttt()l" poor fuel 8 47
• ,str' " • • xfoC?ann~,_e ........... put, .~-=-n°~r .-nrnv ............... ~ ea PALO, TOWN OF. |Duster. Bros.., poor prov ........ 19.70 ] Sebetka• . Br(s. .n )or .orov . ....... 15 30 And said petition, h'lVlng, be, n found. .\l(lerllu, n Newell F, C F l)ep
, •UCtlon andsurfaclt g ap- oh..] .......... * ~ na McV~v Mary M W1/ Lot 1 & Wu |l)illon lames poor rent .... 10.00[SladekCharles do " enu hera to have the rcqulrtd number of sign [- Assessor s dary . ....... 5 00
,0 ntlles colnlnenclng at~a.~a~h,~ C~.n ~..~ .~, --~. .... I , t 4 Block 2 Ori~ Town of p~l.~ ]Duster Bros poor prov . 3,88 "it)on an turfs as requlrcd bv law on lnotl~H )V Alb ugt 1tq nie r md gravel 7 28
,her Sect on 10-T84N-R7W ~.~.~, ..... ~.~. ~o..Z uh ..... ~....t.,~ ~n~ I'he County En~neer havn~ filed]))arrow Chemical Co Ct tIse [~carlesl)a rv no]r nrov 4q0a Supervisor Stir~ secoidcd ~y Su r- Anth(mv B W po~r rent 1200
~_~l,8~On~tles to the SE corner McDonal¢i Wm l)oor rent o.. ,10"00plans and estimated cost of construe- | supplies .................... 61.17 ]SimonFrank S R C ...... n'r sal- visor Socvcll, the petit) ...... 'as re- l',al(lwm Frank I{ t) seer l)ostage 60.00
~ - " -1"" *~. xr~]~ .... n L~'~ .... * .......e'antion of the follow n~," )ridv-e" 1Elson Mild starling bounty . ~ 8u ar~ and it lca~'o ~" 00 ferred to the County ~ngin ~er f r r ,- ;(,r tn ,k A f d g ~nunleration 12 10
,. FURPHluR RESOL¥'ED ~ ~xr ~n .p,.~..*.~.. ~. '~- - Bridge No 836 Sect ,~- ~'~ ~n 7 ~1 ]Fills Bl\d ('r(cery I)O, r 1roy 14 7~ 'Sob~hart X ! ,~ ,,r r~nt ~ean . rl ' ~tl I 'it t tht, |rop sed st,(( d'~rv I, rrel l~oxv star ng I unty 500
• te H,gh~ ay Conintisslon be t~l ~r ' ' 1~ ~7048 52 [Fastburn All e po )r rent . . . 30.00 I Scarles Dairy noor nrov 3 14 rt ad thstr.'t s pet t () ed for q ~ 1 pr - ¢ trt I 1t star nv ountv . . . . 9 10
e_vs nl~,~°ce,~d ~'th the neces- Newmans poor clothing 2 02 On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec- |Ellis B1vd Grocery, poor prov.. 14.79 i Sanders Louis. starling bounty 5 00 v]ded h,r m Se(.tmn t746, 1935 Code of I~ronld~ \\ m. 1)-or rent ......... 10.00
~'a .p'ans on such WORK, ...~......~.~°*~ .... ~ .~,~h'~" ~.o° ...... re..- ~..v.'~'"' ..... .~'u~o. ended by_ Sunervisor= Seevell, the ..,qans. tF'lvs... 1,'( od Shop, po tr prey.. ..... 7 6518~ &- XV, la*h.~....~.~¢ ~e..'.ce~... i~..,._gT', ...... c... ' OW, ..... Al e ~ *rs ~ )t nla" '" ~.vt. " l,ook...Mrs.. Bert, poor rtnt ...... 5 00
• ~ t the nnprovements reeom- ~,-,~t,~,,~,~ q~,=,,~ o.." ~ ..... "''" A~'auwele annroved and ordered nlaeed on |Fegley Mrs J W poor nursing 35 001 ~xn o ,)~. tit~ reon l~rouhk \\ m sol relief rent 10 00
eaeliP2 tced)sUndler c°t struc'' Newc°mbp ua Mrs. 'Thomas, , laoor " file and the work authorized to be |First Ave Potato Mkt poor l)rox '31.12 ]stones" Truck Ser,uee" ' Co., equip ()n n,ot,on, by Supe,'visor' St,rm scc- lhu'i, hohler Marvin 1., sol relief
~-- ~ " ' " nursin~ tt 20done All members voting '"Aye" Feverv Grocery, poor pr )v 12 04 rnrs 1 43 o lded by SI a rvtst r Ih* s n t}lc r '- r It ]0 00
Y Supervisor Stlrm sec- N "~- ~ ..... thereon I Faulkes Mrs F W poor rent 20 00 J Security I "tboratorv n0or (h'u,.'s ')6 port ,,t thc (ountv I ,c,~rder "h~ win ' Htur m~liu kddin~ Math Co
~Upervisor Beeson the (~o,*n asslr~ ;~anl poor rent: ........ :~tLo~ . " ..._ ' . ": ..'^. • ~ ~, ~, ~ o ...... ) ~ _ b ~ ~ • , , .~ ~ .~ s • ! .,
- , ." "* "~r...,.~. T--...~ ......... * oaaa On n)otion bv Sunervisor Beeson IFreestonc £vlrs l~arolu poor rent 10,00 iSt~(ker N C noor rent o00 te S alll)ua!ln~ to $2~74 , ('l r~t 1 and ~t It x l/ r(rs (x 2350
• authorizedto assign the~v.oo~¢ ~ .... ~al r~l r.nt In aa seconded by Supervisor Stirm the tel-French Mrs. b rank,poor rent.. 12.00Shrecve Fred )perrent 0 collected lor thc lllt)nlhs (~ J n l~ rx, I1co~on (' I wr diem and mile-
tax salee ' • .. . . : ~ 1 ..... 3 0 . . , ~, l ,
ertiflcateand in 10 00 1 hi i ! q
~tof taxes due \~ithinte-estNotbohm Leo H starling bounty 8.60 lowing resolution was adopted all[Ferguson Newt, poor rent ....... Sikora Otto, poor rent 10 00 ~c ~l;t "y and March, 1, ?,9, having been ~'c . ..... 198 30
.... - - - - ~-~--oh_~.i..~h O.~ '...~.~ o,....];.~o ")a ~ members votin~ "Ave" thereon" I received ,'lcconlpal, icd I)y the (~ounly [~a)'bcr I,]sthcr, Trees extra hel 75.(}0
Y thereon on the date of as "" v, ~ It ( s t P
allI~ttmbers oti ,,. : National i~efini'ng Co road sul~" .... RESOLUTION [ .... a.'lirq"s receipts for lhc full i:rutsman M',dclinc, Treas, extra
• v ng .~ye plies ............"'. .......... 29.74 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD] am()unt, was ; 1)proved ~l d orde "e I fil- h 'l. . ...................... 75.00
Fisher & Fisher, poor rent .... 10.0!i SJt'ckel] Harvey, poor rent .. 5.0t)
Farmers Exchange, sol relief Sebetka Bros, poor prov ....... 18.36
l)rov ........................ 4.44I Sauers (Iroeery poor prov 3.!56
No. 1613PB, Tax Sale of N W Bell Telephone Co., shop tel OF SUPERVISORS OF LINN COUNTY [ Fladiy (Iroc, sol tel, prov ...... 12.65 St. l•ukcs Meti~' Hosp, poor" "t((~s1~ 40.00 ed. All members voting "Aye" !hcrcon. 1),aib,v l'-'dna if., Sup. Ct. Rep.
service ..................... 17.52IOWA: '} First Ave Potato Mkt, sol relief Stepanek .los J ct al gopher ()n motion by Supcrvis,)r Seevell. sec- "
19"]6, Assign to Mrs. Ber- O'Connell John J.. sheep killed ..8.00 That it is ordered notice to depart, prov ........................ " bounty .. ",..' ..... ........ 15.30 ended ~v Supervis,,r Stir .... ...... I.,rt
by Supervisor Stirm sec- Overhead Door Co., shop rprs . 27.51as provided by Chapter 267 of the 1935 [ Frys Dairy, sol relief prov .....9 q'edemans Grocery, I)oor prov . . 9A9 of lh(, Clerk o1' the 1)is(rift (',)urt sbow-
' Peterson Baking Co., all prov . .45.12 : Code of Iowa, to present the acquiring Fladiy Grocery, poor prey & . ~,,] Tvrdik Dora, !mor rent ........ 10.0(} l',ates
kerosene ................... ~.oo q'ravis Mrs. Wihna, poor rent . 18.00
French Fay I) & Mabel French 81 43Thomas ()wen, poor rent ...... 10.(}0
right of way .. "::::::::::: 102'27 ITru Arts Engravers Eng oft ex-
Gazette Co. pub p~)c
Beeson, the County
:~as authorized and directed
: e suspended taxes for the
and 1933 assessed against
ot 2 and all Lot 3 Block 7,
alp, and as provided in Sec,-
935 Code of Iowa. All mem-
,~ "Aye" thereon.
n by Supervisor Seevell, see-
"Upervisor Beeson, the Coun-
'er was authorized and di-
Cancel the following home-
Credits granted for the year
~01nbers voting "Aye" there-
& A. Koslna, Cedar Rapids,
L. Garrison, Marion, Iowa
'~ by Supervisor Seevoil, sec-
~Upervlsor Stirm, the Deti-
a. H. Bleakley for a Soldiers
for the year 1938 taxes pay-
s32, Was- not granted. All
otlng "Aye" thereon,
CL&IMS AL ~OWn~el)r
state examin _rs. $2364.92
poor prov ...... 15.75
poor fuel ........ 5.10
Door rent .......... 6.24
~:ander, poor rent..10,00
p fuel ,, 7.40
Door ambl 14.00
Door reed aid ,. 2,00
~ry, poor prov ..... 16.78
poor prey ....... 11.91
)()or rent ..... 10.00
Door rood aid 10.50
poor prov .... 3,30
rank B, ()'seer post-
B, O'seer postage 10.40
(3, T B insp sal- fl7.70
,. ,,.,,,.,,,
starling hounty 5,40
sewing Droj .. 18.50
)or m0d aid .... II0.00
poor med aid ,, 3.00
'y, poor prey., 14,9~
Door prov ....... 13.05
Y, Door Drov .... 6.12
poor rent ........ 5.60
Door rent ....... 12,00
)Per rent .........10.00
Mry, sol tel prey..17.4~
sol tel rent .... 12.00
G, aol rel fuel. 10.48
poor prey .... 5.61
Door rent., 12.00
Starling bounty 22.50
aewing DroJ.. 26.32
Door rent 7.00
erviee, Eng car &
equiD rDrs .... 23.12
repair materials 56.91
Eng, car and 128.93'
' l°'°° i
; " u piy' C'o,'6"( ilse
Gvi& .701
Works, Door water
3.80 !
.......... lO.OOl
jl., W J, poor rent 10.001
works, aol tel water
ei/ oi' ; f 2. ooi
.Co M, Ct Hse furni-11 '2S'
axtures ............
oil Spring Oo, Enff, :
PQor gas service.. 1 021
Nellie, poor rent ..8.001
Ass'n. poor reilt 10.00i
~, poor rent .... 10,00
Letter, Dub
ee .............. 23.00
o., Door prey ....4.71
rent ........ 10.00i
H, starlipg ~1.80
Door med aid .. 4,00
Door reilt ....12.00
Poor prov ....... 18.36
poor rent ......10.00
starliilg bounty 9.70
~Y, Door rent .... 10.00
ore, Door shoes .. 2.02
Door Drov .... 12.43
prov .......... 0.78
Oo, poor fuel 18.36
~change, Door
,:.., .............. 46.48
Door reilt ........10.00
~or rent ........ 4.00
lo Mkt, sol tel
Drov .......... 6.78
or prov .... 1.57
to Mkt, 'prov 22.25
Peshek Dr F S, poor reed aid .. 13.00
Peoples Grocery, poor prov ..... 93.87
Pfaff E E, poor rent .......... 10.00
Perpetual Says & Loan Ass'n
poor rent ................... 13.00
Fratt Ethel, poor rent ......... 12.00
Peoples Grocery, sol rel prov .. 106.49
Peoples Grocery, sol rel prov .. 49.17
Peoples Grocery, Door prov ..... 116.67
Plnneys Grocery, poor prey .... 5.74
Peterson Oscar, poor rent ...... 6.00
Prairieburg Maeh ShoD, equip
rprs ........................ 5.75
Pratt Frank, poor rent ........ 10.00
Peoples Grocery, poor prey .... 52.33
Quality Dairy, poor prey ........ 79
Russel Jr John, starling bounty 28.30
Rathje Grocery, poor prov .... 13.40
Rean)er Mac, poor nursing .... 3.81
Rathje Grocery, sol tel prov .. 14.69
Reamer Mac, poor nursing ..... 35.00
Redies F W, poor rent ......... 10.00
Rapid Chevrolet Co., equip rprs. 40.87
Risk, W A, poor Drov .......... 10.92
Shupp Walter, fee refund ....... 20
ScrimDer et al Ehner, starling
bounty ...................... 55.50
Sanford Co Morris, Ct Hse sup-
plies ........................ 16.93
Stepanek Jos J., fox bounty .... 2.00
Searles Dairy, Door prey ........ 36.90
Sunsiflne Mlssion, Door bd and
room ....................... 30.00
Sovereign Louis, poor rent ..... 4.00
Stolba F, poor rent ............ 10.00
Staid A G, poor rent ........... 10.00
Smith Norman D. poor rent .... 7.50
Stickle Port, Door rent ......... 8.00
Stodola Leo. sol rel rent ........ 10.00
Searles Dairy. sol rel prov ..... 17.68
Simon Frank S R Commr salary
& mileage ................. 13.00
Stoner John V, starling bounty.. 11.50
Searles Dairy, poor prey ....... 25.99
Sopousek Julia O, poor rent .... 10.00
Sterners Gen Store, poor prey .. 37.19
Sunshine Food Shop, poor pro,,, 6.38
Sayles Mary, poor rent ........ 3.00
Service Press Co,, Eng oft sup-
plies ........................ 69.36
Security Laboratory Co Home
drugs ...................... 48.98
Srack F M, Co Home rprs ..... 67.20
Slyer H W, Co Home grain and
seed ........................ 289.20
Standard Brands Inc, Co Home
prey ........................ 58.94
Schminkey John, poor rent .... 10.00
Tate Mrs Sidney, Door nursing., 12.60
Taylor Ed, sol rol rent 12.50
Taylor Harold, starling' i)'o'unty 9.60
Taylor Sarah poor nursing ..... 6.00
Tait & Wagner Co,, Door rent .. 20.00
Taylor Fred, poor prey ........ 6.22
Tommys Food ShoD, Door prey.. 7.30
of a settlement in this county, I)e serv-
ed upon each of the following named
persons, to-wit:
John Mally, Janesville, Wisconsin.
Sankey, Edward, Jan, Betty, Walter
(brother), Albert (brother), Buchanan
rphe Board having eompleted the
anpuai report of the Linn County
Home, on motion by Supervisor Seevell,
seconded by Supervisor Stirm, the
same was ordered filed and made a part
of the minutes for publication under
r. v.
the provisions of Section o340, 1933
Code of Iowa, all membGrs voting
"Aye" thereon:
i HOME, JANUARY 1st, 1939
Number of Aeres in Property, 385.
i Value of Land, $46,000; Value of Build-
ings, $160,000.
Total Valuation of Lands and Build-
ings, $206,000.
Average Number of Insane Inmates, 76.
Average Number of Inmates, exclu-
sive of Insane, 122.
Total Average Nuntber of Inmates dur-
tng year, 198.
Salary of Steward ............ $1,800.00
Paid for other help ......... 7,041.10
Paid for repairs ............. 3,567.00
Paid for fuel ................ 5,029.41
Paid for light .............. 580.57
Paid for provisions .......... 7,029.98
Paid for clothing ............ 399.74
Paid for supplies ............ 1,668.67
Paid for medical aid ........ 393.21
Paid for burial expenses ...... 520.65
Paid for furniture & fixtures. 2,036.84
Paid for ntachinery and tools. 441.60
Paid for grain purchased .... 3,429.84
Paid for stock purchased .... 106.25
Paid for rent ................ 150.00
Paid for other expense ...... 909.95
. . -$35
inventory January 1st, 1938
(beginning of year, less
farm and permanent im-
provements) ............. $28,185.28
Expenditures for year (do
not include permanent im-
provements) .............. 35,104.81
Live Stock .................. $11,265.05
J Farm Machinery and tools .. 2,948.40
Laundry Equipment ........ 323.25
Household Furniture 11,486.35
Hay & Grain ................ 3,194.45
Produce Supply & Canned
i Goods .................... 3,203.70
Fuel ........................ 1,690.00
Tyler .School Grocery, Door prov 23.29
Van Meter Co., Ct Hse rprs .... 1.10 $34,111.20
Vyhanek Rudolph, poor rent .... 10.00Miscellaneous ............... 75.80
Wilkinson T J, poor rent ....... 10.00Collections for Care and Keep 2,638.45
Waffle O G~ poor rent . , . 10.00Sale of Produce Stock ...... 4,273.98
Witherall Anna, poor rent ...... 8.00Inventory January 1st, 1939
Wick Executor B L, poor rent .. 5.67 (end of year, less farm &
Whitney George P, sol tel fuel .. 6.90 permanent improvements) . 34,111,20
Waffle O G, sol tel rent ........ 8.00 ;Net Cost above receipts for
VChiting Dairy, A E, sol rel prey 3.14 I year ..................... 22,190.66
Walbrand A H S R Comm'r sal-
ary and mileage ............ 4.50 $63,290.09
Zobac Edward starling bounty 42.00 Net Cost per Inmate, $112.07.
Work Hellef I~ayroll No. TO, 1~ !Net Cost per Inmate per week, $2.15.
Aueutt Irwin .................. 9.60 On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-
Akers, James .................. 9.60 ended by Supervisor Stirm, the folh)w-
Booth, Harvey ................ 9.60ling resolution was adopted, all mem-
Berends, Henry ................ 9.60 bets voting "Aye" thereon:
Burlingame, James ............ 6.40 RESOLUTION
Brem0r. Howard .............. 6.40 WHEREAS, on-August 30, 1938, the
Buehtella, Wm ................ -9.60Board of Supervisors, Llnn County
Barrett, Arthur .............. 9.60 Iowa, by resolution accepted the offer
Brundldge, Pay .............. 9.60
Bammert, Chas ................ 9.60
Barnes, Leo ................... 9.60
Camp, Joseph ........ ? ....... 9.60
Corum, Edward .............. 6.40
Chavez, Joe .................. 9.60
Cortez, Pete .................. 9.60
Corporon, Gus ................ 9.60
Dunek, Louis ................ 9.60
Decker, Freeman .............. 9.60
Dinnell, Clifford 9.60
Fuller, Clellon ................. 6.40
Franks, James H .............. 6.40
Foarde0 Joseph ................ 9.60
Frank, Lyle ................... 9.60
Franks. Harry ................ 3.20
Griswold. Leo ................ 960
Harford. Lawrence ............ 9.60
Holla day, Melvin .............. 9.00
Hutchins. Wayne W ........... 6.40
Hanson. Howard .............. 9.60
Holsinger. Donald ............ 9.60
Hughes, Cecil .................. 6.40
Hartman, Chas ............... 3.20
Jones, Lester .................. 9.60
Johnson. Carl ................ 3.20
Knotts, Jesse 9.60
.]ones. Walter 9.60
~oor shoes .. 2.02 t£ruse, Orval .................. 9.60
bd & room 35.00 Krotz, Wesley ............... 6.40
y Shop. equip 4.04 i Lyons, Ed~'ar ..................3.20
.................. Lingard. Wm .................. 9.60
poor prov ...... 17.22 ~ Loseau, Harry ................ 6.40
trees, poor rent .. 13.60 '~ Miller. Chas .................. 9.60
Starling bounty 9.90 Murphy. Edward .............. 9.60
poor rent ......10.00 McDaniel. Wm ................ 9.60
equip rprs 390.18~,~cMahon, Joseph .............. 9.60
of the United States of America to
aid by way of grant in financing the
surfacing of Secondary Roads, said
project to be known as Docket No.
Iowa 1228-F, and
WHEREAS, on October 11, 1938, the
Board of Supervisors awarded contracts
amounting to $34,633.88 in connection
with the above desig'nated project, and
WHEREAS, under date of October
24, 1938, a copy of memorandum for di-
vision of Control of the Docket was
received from the District Engineer,
Bureau of Public Roads, Omaha, Ne-
braska, showing the estimated cost of
the construction to be $34,633.88, said
costs being based on the contract
amount as awarded, and
WHEREAS, on January 31, 1939, con-
struetion work was completed under
the above docket and final cost of con-
struction amounted to $36,613.45.
ED by the Board of Supervisors, of
Linn County, Iowa, convened in regu-
lar adjourned, session, that the amount
of $36,613.45 being the final cost of
construction under the doe.ket is here-
by considered to be the final estimate
of cost and that requisition for final
grant be based on the total cost of the
construction, and the County Auditor
is directed to forward, duplicate copies
of this resolution to Mr. Clifford Shoe-
maker, District Engineer, Bureau of
Public Roads, Omaha, Nebraska, for
his approval.
pense . .............. 9.50
(:ray Dr L B. poor mcd aid .... 2.00*Unger Mrs. hla, p(;,~r'r(,nt ..... 12.00
Gallagher Grocery, poor prov .. lo.93Vlach R J, criminal invest .... 1',].0(}
(lilliland Coal Co., poor fuel .... 14.28Vondra lohn F st'l.rl ng I)( unty12.60
(H'iffin Ij A, poor rent ......... 10.00Vavra Bros, po~')r 1)roy ........ ". 47.3q
Gorseh Albert, poor rent ...... 8.0 Vernier (qmrlcs sol relief rent .. 8.00
Gaffey James, poor rent ....... 4.0(~V.troubek. Ben starling bounty 5.00
Gray Dr L B, poor reed hid .... ~.u~ Visek Enlil, prisoners exl)ense.'. 14.10
Goldstein K, poor 1)rov ......... 7 Wenger Ehner starling bounty 11.50
Goodridge F2va, poor rent ....... 59.0(} Whitings Dairy. poor prov ...'. 4.41
Grow I, W, poor rent .......... 10.00W'chber Mrs. Anna, poor nursing 6.0!)
Gregory, Mrs Wut, poor rent .. 16.00 VVhitney, George P., poor fuel.. 3{;.98
Goldstein Grocery, poor kero-
sene ......................... 72
ttorsley D L, starling bounty .. 22.00
Herring VVebb, starling bounty. 5.60
Haeh Bros, Co., sewing & sur-
plus colum supplies ........ 7.09
Home Oil & Gas Co, gas & kero-
sene ........................ 1.61
Hruska Dr Wm F, poor reed aid 3.(}0
11arvey Dr T A, poor med aid .. 18.50
ttomsey Grocery, 1)oor prov .... 10.60
tfeefner & Nev/nlan, poor prov.. 3.67
Huttons Grocery, poor I)rov .. 14.17
Harrington B, l)oor rent .... 16.00
IIelman M~rs. F L, poor rent ....20.00
Henderson Mrs. Mary, poor rent 10.00
ttavadie I J, poor fuel ........ 5.61
Hedges Co, poor rent .......... 15.00
llodgin CE. poor fuel ......... 7.14
ttansonE • O, refund on collee-
tions ....................... 17.19
Holden - Kahler Co., ofc sup-
plies & Stock ............... 22.09
tIaegg Coal Co., sol relief fuel 49.23
Husky J, sol relief rent ........ 7.00
Harper Rose, sol relief rent .... 8.00
Hollywood Care, sol relief meal
tickets ...................... 6.12
Hunt YV J, poor rent .......... 10.00
Hronik Frank, poor rent ...... 10.00
Hedges Co, poor rent .......... 40.!50
Hart Samuel, poor rcnt ........ 3.60
tIart, Mrs. Samuel, poor rent .. 10.00
Hurka Frank, poor rent ........ 10.00
Hunter Elmer, poor rent ....... 5.00
fIcdges Lbr & Coal Co., poor
fuel ........................ 17.84
Hach Bros Co., poor surplus
eomm ....................... 1•63
Home Oil & Gas Co., equip sup-
plies ...................... 6.12
Harper & McIntire Co., hdwe &
tools ....................... 21.95
Heinze Electric Co, blasting sup-
l,iies .......................
Howe Mrs. Sarah, poor rent .....
Iowa State Enlployment Service,
county share of exp ........ 35.00
Ia Electric Light & Power Co.,
poor light service ............3.74
--- Ia Builders Supply Co., poor
fuel ........................ 14.28
Irving Kate, poor rent ........5.00
la Electric IAght & Power Co.,
sewing proJ. & poor light
ser . ........................ 21.06
Iowa Iron & Coal Co., sol relief
fuel ........................ 9.95
Ia Mutual Liability Ins Co.,
werkmen's colnp ............ 2806.27
Johnson Stanley tI.. starling
hounty ...................... 10.10
Jones Mary Anna, poor cash al-
h)w ........................ 17.12
Jaxon Arturo, sol relief trans.. 5.00
Jarl)oe, David, sol relief rent .. 8.00
Knight Ray, dog" enumeration.. 6.50
Keller Co., Walton A, aud ofc
supplies ..................... 4.08
Keller Wayne starling bounty 10.a0
Krejci Clothing Co., sewlng proj 166.90
Kenwood Park Fuel Co., poor
fuel ........................ 494.38
Kenwood Park Fuel Co., poor
fuel ........................ 131.71
Kacere Sam. pour rent ........ 6.00
Kelsey Mrs L It, poor rent .....10.00
Kutrules Frances, poor rent ....12.00
Kinney Co., ('I R, poor shoes .... 2.02
Krall Shoe Co., sol relief shoes. 6.01
Kinneys Shoe Store, sol relief
shoes 3.03
ary & expense .............. t5.35
Krejci Bros, Grocery, sol relief
prey ........................ 3.67
Kaders Charles, starling bounty 7.80
Kula Store, poor prov .......... 6.12
King (] E. poor rent ..... . ......t0.00
Kaliban Grocery, poor prey .... 4.94
Lorene et al John, starling boun-
ty .......................... 66.40
Lnenicka Edwin, starling boun-
ty .......................... 9.10
I~tyton, 1)r C l,, poor reed aid .. 6.00
Leehey Dr Paul J, poor med aid 48,75
Lilts Grocery, poor prov .......78
Lcibsohn Food Mkt, poor prey .. 15.51
Lobenstein I M, poor rent ..... 5.00
Lord Mrs Jessie, poor rent .... 5.00
Lovell Ida, poor rent ........... 6.00
Leach Frank, poor rent ........ 8.0(}
Le Van Mxs Arlo, poor rent .....12.00
Lltts Grocery, poor prov .......15.50
Lyons Arthur R, shop drawings 124.00
Lobenstein, I M, poor rent .... 10.00
Mt. Vernon ltawkeye - Record
pub proc .................... 44.73
Morris Ivan, starling bounty ..
V¢itousek W WL p.or rent ...... 5.00
Wiaarton John, poor rent ...... 10.00
Waffle O C, poor rent .......... 20.00
We.drum Mrs. J J, 1)per rent ... 6.00
White (~harh.s, poor rent ...... 12.015
Wells Mrs Josie, sol relief rent. 8.00
White Mrs. Charles, poor rent .. 12.00
Wilson, M, rs. Earl, I)oor rent .. 12.00
YVinters Mrs. C M poor nursing" 19.28
Walbrand A H, S R Comm'r sal-
ary and mileage ............ 4.50
Williams Gregg, starling hounty 37.10
Yanccek .James, dog" enumera-
tion ........................ 1.70
Yeisley Kenneth, dog enumera-
tion ........................ 12.20
Work lCellef Payrol~ No. TI, t930
Akcrs, ,lamcs ..................$ 9.60
Booth. Harvey ................ ,(}.60
Berends, ltenry ............... 9.60
Burlingame. James .......... 6.40
Bremer. Howard .............. 9.60
Buchtella, Wm ............... 9.60
Barrett, Arthur ............... 9.60
Brnndidge, Fay ............... 9.60
l),amwert, Chas ................ 6.40
Barnes. Leo ................... 9 60
Berry, George ................. 9.60 i
(?amp. Joseph ................. 6.40'
Corum, Edward .............. 3.20 i
Cortez, Pete ................... 9.60
(,orporon. Gus ................ 9.60
Dunck, Louis .................. 9.60 1
Davis, Kcever ................ 6.40
l)ecker, Freeman ............. 9.60
1)innell, Clifford .............. 9.60
Fuller. Clelhm ................ 6.40
Foa rde, Lyle .................. 9.60
Franks, Harry ................ 6.40
Griswold. Leo ................ 9.60
IIughes, Ralph ................ 9.60
Harford, Lawrence ............ 9.60
ltolladay, Melvin .............. 9.60
11ut('.hins, Wayne ~7 ........... 6.40
Hanson, Howard E ............ 9.60
Holsingcr, 1)onald ............ 9.60
Jones, Lester ................. 6.40
Johnson, Carl ................ 6.40
Jones, Walter M .............. 9.60
Knotts, Jesse ................. 9.60
Kruse, Orval .................. 9.6})
Lingard, Wm ................. 9.60
.%f, ill e r, Chas ................. 9.60
Murphy, Edward .............. 9.60
McDaniel, Wm ................ 9.60
McMahon, Joseph ............ 9.60
Marx. Edward ............... 6.40
Norris, Norman C ............ 9.60
Newland, DeClaud~ .......... 9.60
Noble, Sam .................. 9.60
Owens, Robert ................ 9.60
Phelps, Carl .................. 9.60
Pappas, Harry ................ 6.40
Pigman. Jesse ................. 6.40
Perry, Grant .................. 9.60
Ph illil)s, Ish .................. 9.60
Randall, T(tm ................. 9.60
Rol)inson, Harley .............. 9.60
Rodriquez, John ............... 9.60
Rico, Roy .................... 9.60
Sills, Cliff .................... 9.60
Schermerhorn, Bud ........... 9.60
States. Richard ............... 9.60
Sanders. Louis W ............ 3.20
Spicer, George ................ 6.40
Svoi)oda, Jerry ................ 9.60
Ton]pkins. Merle .............. 9.60
Tobin. Ollie ................... 6.40
Trca(.le, Harry ............... (;.40
Van Alst, Alva ................. 9.60
Varner. George .............. ,(}.6})
\Vhitney. Roy (2 ............... ,(}.60
Wilkin, John .................. 3.20
Wood, tterber t ................ 9.60
Zimmerman, Carl ............. :}.60
Carroll, Joseph ............... 9.60
Brown. Itoward ............... 9.60
Pearson. Frank ............... "L20
Long, Clato O ................ 6.40
On niotion the Board of Supervisors
adjourned Sine Die. having been in ses-
sion January 3rd 6th, lCqh, 17th, 24th
31st, Fei)ruary 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
March 2nd, 7th. 10th, 14th, 21st aml
March 28th, 1939.
Cedar Rapids, I ~w.q
April 4th, 1939
State of Towa, County of Linn, ss.
The Board of Supervisors met pur-
uuant to adjournment, all members be-
in~" present.
On motbm by Supervisor Beeson. see-
ended by Supervisor Scevell, the C,mn-
ty Auditor was authorized to draw
warrants once each four v/eeks on the
:Widow's Pension Fund in payn/ent of
I Wido\vs Pensions as provided in Sec-
11.00 tion 3641, 1935 Code of Iowa, in the
ing !'t'CS anmunting to $6,92!).27, ('har~-
ed and t'ldlet'(ed f~)r lhe ,lit)lit|Is of Jail~
Uill'y, ]gebruarv and l~|ar¢.]t, l!}:{!l, )laving
been reeeix ed a(!cl)nll,a nictl })y 1he
I/l(,I,li)(,rs Vt)ting ""' therc(~n.
t)n II t)1 liT] IV SI |)l!rv sot t{t' 'So , S' '-
ended 1).~ Supc'rvisor S(,evell, the Coun-
I 3 TI'CaSUrt, F 'J/as authorized :lnd
dircctcd to (.ancol the 193S taxes pav-
able ill 19:/}. as I~rovi(h,d ill So('ti~'m
6950, 1935 I ;o(]e (If h)wa, assesspd
against the follov,'ing (h,scribed IO'O-
porty, all lnelulleI'S voting "Ayc" lilerc-
on :
(]itdin, Margare{ l,, NE72ft Lot 12.
1Hock 41, Barm, y's l~(,piat Hrowns Add
On ,uoti,~lq I)y Supervisor Boeson,sec-
()nded l)y Supervisor Seev(,ll, 1befol-
lowing resolution was adoptcd, all
|llelu])crs voting "'Ayc" thereon:
It is resolw,d by the IIoard of SUp-
crvisors of l~inn ('ounty that the Iowa
b]nlergellcy llelief Administration is re-
quested to procure ('ronl W.P.A. Sew- :
|rig i{I}OIllS lhe garn,ellts indicated oa
the attachcd fornl for distribution
within l,inn County;
Tbat the said ~armenls arc needcd
for use betwet!u now and SPl)tellll)~'r
30, 1939, and the Board agrct,s that
all of said garments will hc distributed
by the end of that period. The Board
further agrees that the (listril)ui i,,n
of these garnleuts \\'ill n~t l)e :tllowed
to interfcre witil or dhninish tile pro-
duction (,f the local scxving roolo \vhi(!h
IS no\v opcra ting•
()n O]OllOn by Supervisor 1;ceson, sec-
onded by Supervisor S*'cvcll, thc (?CUll-
ty Audit,)r was authorized to assign tbc
foih)v¢ing lax sah. ('t,rlifi(':]to and in
tit(' alnount of taxes due ;vith interest
and pcnaliy thereon ()n thc date of HS-
si~4'nlncnt, all lUeOlbers votinF~ "Aye"
thereon :