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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 20, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 20, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t l I Ill t t I n_l_.__J__ Harris home• On Sunday the Harris- iweek end to attend the wedding of ~ Mrs. Robert Barnes was taken to ] FOR SALE: Hand lawnmower; 2 ACRE OF RYE to combine a • •l rallr~lau5 [es and Gary Potters joined the Don Mrs Haver's grandson Kenneth~ St. Luke's hospital by Baxter am- ; slin cover~ for T ~-~hi,m ~h~i~" 3: shares. James McLaughlin, Mt. Vet | I• ~e= • • = |] Mrs. Frank Stelmnek /Steeles at a family plcmc at the Dlttmer on Saturday June 15. [ bulance early Sunday morning suf- size 9 formals" ,,irl'~ birv~l,~, air]'~ non 5421. • Pal Sunday evening the Potters l Mrs A G Achenbach and family fermg from a severe heart attack • • • | ~ d ~.,.|~ ~a~r |l ~,v,_..~,~ ........ ÷~ ,~, ~o r. .... .,~./ • _ , • • . . ....... "L slacks and blue gabardine skirt, slzel CUSTOM WEE~~~ • "-- r ~"" • ...... • / .. "*. ..... a ~?~M "" :"~;'=-%~ --.'7 ! vLsited the Merrill Garretts. rzne Ed- ! of Webster Ernest Dvorskys and She is responomg to ~rea~men~ very 111" ~,irl'~ whit~ hioh ¢.rh,~nl 1~. ' ¢~m,~ ...... ,~¢in~ r-on r ~-is geP | .......... |[ n selis, were me rrancm nom.a zamuy ~win Harrises called on Mrs. Ethel tBobby Richard Achenbachs of', favorably and hopes to be able to i sweater'Call 7~631 ~Vi't V'ernon "~36c ler:'~814~. ~I'~.'~Vernon.~ .... 36, 3~ I HELLO, ~EI{~%S:s OF QUAL,TY I! S~!:ifr~°h~s~st'~i?::~neg~:~t~id~! I ~h ~umnd~Hn?rn at f~h~l~rat~nd" PC~..°m~:~il::°!ac~I°~!~:~np:en~£~.c:[¢~cak ~~;Srn~i:rtsd:~om~a~e~! M:m~. sneWeAs~oirTaEat~lDa°:dP~oneat~e:kt:pf'' jnFO:suRt~rbal~:ef°U~ I .__. ,. ¢-..-.i,.. u., a ¢~. ,.. l[day were the Ed Popelkas of Cedar i ~unaay. I ~ I ....... '; ............. -~.:,'Iporary or occasional employment. !nished: Ralph Buscnbark, ph i •! "............ I B_._~_~_~. I I.BY g l~n~ i-~-~n --f Prim-har Th--- w-r- _~ ;z-none ~z~, ,w~. vernon ~bc,ooa,, ±vz(. vernon. Don ~eal, me Aoolpn ~laermans D~I'IWUm o u.= u . s • =~ ~ = a~-. ~~.~~....~_ I You Name The Cut - We Can Produce I!and Roger took the FFA tour June ] Mm. l~nlk ]~thry~ Worley companled here by the Hlllmans' ~~--- I nL___ V~'~ Ken Baile,, |112" ]FINA]LSEP~ION Mrs. Loren Wilde returned home daughterr~ris~enwn°na.dbeenvts"I~~ | r,,~,,~ .~. ~ 7 |I Joan Biderman has been attend-] ......... l Monday from St. Luke's hospital in!nmg her granoparen~s in Sheldon.I ~ ~ r~ ~ lib L| =r R ~ ing Bible school at the vresoyzerian ] The Rev. Jonn wunams pastor oz ! " . where she underwent Mrs Rosie Walton who was in-', PLJK' K'Pli%I/ THESE SPEC|AL~ ARE ~{~ND~}~y church in Mt Vernon Susan Elli~ the Methodist church for the past l Cned:I~erRatPidS" ]ured In a fall from her sons car on! w v .~, w, iT, = FRIDAY, SATURDAY an son was an overnight guest of Joan three years, gave his last sermon Linda Trp'kosh a junior student June 9, was released from St. Luke's~ __. __ | |Ion Tuesday• /Sunday before leaving, forthe annu- at Mt. Vernon high school, left|hospital Sunday• Her daughter, Mrs. ! White Tuxedoes | ~ | t Dennis James Taylor of Cedar / al North Iowa Methodls~ ~onzerence ! Sunday morning for Hawkeye Girls' ~ Allan Thompson of Aledo, Ill., is __ Rapids is spending a few days with ] now in session at Waterloo Rev I ..... i% .~ ....~1~ ~sta.,in., with her The Thorn"sons ~" •" • ~" ~ e. r ....... " " ! for weoolngs ono ummer rormols ! ~ ~[~ ,,~"~'~ -- I his grandparents theBen Nea!s. lWflhamswillbeass.lgnedtoanothert Henry Kloudas entertained alargeland thelr son Eugene spent Sunday: | ~ ~ ~ |lSunday, June .z~. a_~lar~ will,nile/church for the coming year•Igroup of relatives and friends Sun-lin town visiting Mrs. Walton and | ~1~:~'~~..~11 ,~ ll.reunlon.ano pl.cmc omn r ~ Pail- Vacati~le school startstday at the ZBCJ. park• Mr. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Belle hal IRAAkl g. t't't • ,,$w'~ "~J~-- "~ .../' ~ •]nem a~ me l~eals. . .... I._ .Y ........ I The George Lorenc family reun-]Thompson. &&I~IL~JIVIJ~III Ir~ q~q~'e I J • L1 I Sunday dinner guests oz me .~us- I Monoay, wire mines. ~. ~J. ~erry , was held Sunda at the E1 Le t ..... • -- ............. =~ ....... ean'-- --'1 Swanson and Murra-- FaT' ~ ion y y - [Mrs lsel ~oroon and Mrs Rudolf •,. • • , I un .,~rms~rongs were me ~ ~.owe~ Y " • ' ' m " " mT vernon iowa | ~ | ~]~.]v~ , • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ | "~,V,o,-,~ ~o,.~,1,, 'rh~ C'1 ...... C-ard-t ~,~*t nlnnnin~ the work of the sehnnl Igl°n hall. Lorenc s children fro I Vodlcka returned Monday from, " ' I A~ ~'~ --" _ • , | ! n"ersof'~I"t:'Verno'n~ca'lleYt"l~a~t a-fter-'Se'ssio'ns each day will be from 9-30'ChanuteiFleld'. IF~ai:fnd thweeSrteatetl~efl Pa, ris, Me:, where they had gone to . -..~ ., _r_,.~x.~ ~r.m..~.m~m m~ ' -- "- ° -m Children -r~ *^ ~'-:n"l~anI°r a and ]taKe Pauline xoung name after a • "IAR~'/~,\~ ~l-afd|~lli~ • noon• am. ~u o v. • " = ~ ~*~ ~' " " ' " Others included' • " ~[,C/BI% BI~'IF;•,I~IglI| " • I ~ .... ,~,. ,~.,,minathe Mines I ÷h,~;~ ,~w- lunches For furth~- ;,, ! special guests. I visit here• In addition to going to! .- -.,~.-~.--a ~-~ ~ " -'~ ............. " " " he cam .... | ~r"Yl~ ~-~L~'~'~~ ~- |t~,,.~.t- ~n,,,l~sh*er Anton Novak I, .... *~ .... n*a*t the abe ..... m~nlfrzendsand relatives in t - Paris the ladies visl.ted Florida, | ~r ~/~--" -,~--~ ~ | I ~'o~'~%~---~h"~r~'r ' Miss Mary :~"~;*~,~'~ ........... munity. Both dinner and supper lMexico and Vienna--Missouri that .................. and ..................... hall '" | ~ -- |tTichy of Cedar Rapids called on I Mrs. heRoy Berry is at her own!were enjoyed a~ ~ne "~-'r "- o. n l is" llMrs. Frank Stepanek. S u n d a y home but takes daily treatments for ~irs~ rrtmuy~ermn ~nu on: ~u - I W. ~..h,v. ~.I~a Ilvisitors were the M. C. Van Slykelher throat disorder at Mercy has- day, June 23, 9~30 .a.m. Worship; I CARD OF THANKS JUNI: ?0 - 91 - ?? • .............. 1 llfamily and the Frank Krejcis of pital in Cedar Rapids 10:30 a.m. Churcn SChOOl. I I wish to express my sincere ........... | I| ~ ~=*~/IT ~A~n ~ |l Cedar Rapids• l Mrs. Vernon Barrett underwent t . Wednesday'. June 26;• 7:00_ p.m. lthanks to everyone who remember- • ve ~'0 vvw m v.~r'~ ~/~, l~ The Melvin Conleys and Lorenlsur-e--. ^, ""^-c-- hos"ital in CedarI°unl°r ooys' cnolr pracuce; "#:a~ p.m. led me with cards gifts visits and .... i |returned Monday from a week end Ra ids on Saturda Junior hlgh cho~r practice, in prayer during my stay In the has- COFFEE, Folger s, drip, fine or reg........... 95 ..... P Y' " "~ s • PIus Jim Mmneapohs .wh:renthei~aV~iotned] ~'~ .......~ v ....... ' '" ' ' " " C A picnic was held Friday evening te:~rl°maYs °a~n~v~m~tearm~h~rr~bYn pita.1, and after my return home. All ............... " "' I" 1" ~" • Dr.DC~.~I~IAII?Crl ¢CD~II/~C lithe R. D. Conley _ __ Y [at the Fred Feller home• Attending[_ 'y " "~" ...... i n[°z m ese acts oz ~lnoness were very r~'A~,M~'~, rreesrone, ~-ar-well, NO. :~Y2 ...... oo~, I rLl~#Vllr~l-l~-Ll~ ~i-I~Vl~Ii I Casswells. Tney report tnere was ...... t~o ~o,~mo~ ,~ ,h,~ Bill Yileks i¢-;eaar ttapms ~o conoucz oralna~ o mucn appreciazea. .... n "'~'~ -'~ "'"'~° " ..... ' ' ' " rew I . ~,. u i lqulte a storm In Minneapolis Su - Dave Meli-ko Wes McKavs Philin[examlnatlons. Francis R. La , Mrs. Karl Kettering ADDI/"~T¢ /|l~l~,,°e kl,~ ~)1~ ~YQc • /O ~,YlVe TOU El day with raln wind and haft. ] ......... t pastor. I ............... • • I I ' n wilcox ano ~. ~. ~errys. ~,,~u ~r zn.~ , The Denny Neals attendedfu er- • re Ely Lutheran Church Ne~-s: Wor- T a k I TOPS IN BEEF ROASTS - T-BONE |lal servlees on Tuesday at the Sts............. ship at 10:30 a.m." Sunday school at .............. 1~,, .... w,¢ o.. LUMS, urple, No. .............................. • Mrs. Howard Curtis of San Ped , . h n you, each and everyone, p p 1 27c • • ~ ~" -- ~ Paul church near Solon It..allI., ana nor sister anu niece ~vxr~. I o o,~ ~ m ' I ~or u** ua~ c~rus, ....... , ~ ........ i iii!i .......... • * P Y "'' g • " • Y " " ~ Hercules English built, green with I A flavor you Ii always enloy) 1 lb. pkg. 49c ilman's sister and her family the[friends and relatives from WestMrs S E B~ir is spending this gold trim, has Her-eu-matle 3-s~.~ A~PARA~'II~ I:~t W~II 25¢ ....... n o te home , ........... , " • " t e'~'~'~ n~ n w-~vvv, .~.'..~.~.. ................................ • _ _. • i ~tay ~:maers, e r u . t ~rancn ~unoay: .me ~ranK ~usneKs, I ,.,oot~ ,,,~,h Mrs Ida Crew in Cedar t huh &~I ~r shl¢* tl,h, ~,~n ho,~i, their .............. -~- -----, --s .......... I Docker's (All Meat) MINCED HAM ........ 39c lb. II. The Don Dolezals celebrated [the.Burdette Ru and the I Rapids. I gril SWEET POTATOES 29c I IJ °° .... ....... • ' n r tulations " Mrs. F. W. Kreizenbeek en~er~ln- ~e~mer ~m'~ ~ag on I~ek of ...................................... day by dmmg out. Co g a • The Ike Aehenbachs were called l . in at saddleTh~ bike was taken from • Docker's (All Meat) Skinless WIENERS 39c lb. . ed informally Thursday morn g • 6C We hope they celebrate many more. ]to Cedar Rapids Tuesday to care for I ............. r- mai~ ~ t~nt of th~ mwke~e ~o~ SOUP, Chicken Noodle ................................ 1 I FANCY FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS ~ !~d/tpd~:uih[egrar,:Ms~.h:~ukre~~ G~sl!i!!~ W~h:;il~tCaMtrsC:;:~!~a[l~:Arkoz "'w ;- :vee TUNA, Van Camp ........................................ 23' i {We cutupchickens at the time you purchase) i/trip to California. They will eisit [returned Frictav evening and theirt teacher in the Bertrazn school wahich Mt Vernon Clt~ Hall ~61$ Mt Ver I~AT¢IIP I;hh~•¢ I • • - ' ' ' a con- " ° t " " ~IIW~I~ V l' II~ ~ ..................... -- ,., A . i4 friends and relatives at Santa Ana |dauohter was to return to her home I closed thls spring, has slgnea I non Ii~wke-,- ~4~I A. ~...,~o..~ ~ l ...................... we u rare ~and Burbank " tract for rural elementary teaching, ~ ....... a ...... pe • . Sunday. . . Owens, 335:$ Lisbon. 36-37-38 . 1 ¢ .. . .. . .. _ -- , . II The Jim Neals and Michael of/ ...o n^.. s, .... ~....n ~ovio ,-" in the first school west of Anamosal ~ PORK & BEANS, Eat Well, No. 2½ ............ 21 I une or me few /vmat MarKets I1Burlington and Mrs. Percy Taylor/Ma"~t'eiles'~en~'t~he week e"ndwit~,°n highway 151. t~ .r. ,.,. ......... P ..... . .o . ,A,. i till ~ ~ ~.*11 IF~ I I]of DeWitt were week end guests |h,~r n~r~ts th~ I L Kramers I Mrs Charles Easker and children'~ KPU ~,lUmll:T Dl~.O, nl:), "aT-Well, ~O. -I .......... I~" I ii :m:°ta~°t~a:d:!r::eSorf f~r: ~-~ ............... wnere ou. f urcnase lc : tieBn~rY~ Waga~.a~-ha~ob;7~I, al2:a ~mer~hS~nday gu~S2arl~th;s" J~? I Horton's Quahty I CAKE MIX, Betty Crocker ............................ 33c I I I............ i"er Mrs |City, for two weeks for observation]next Sunday they will join a faro- i . i .......................... ~eal s ana ~zrs ~aylor s s s~ I ..... - o - I] ....... " ' "]and treatment, lily group at Ellis park to observe I meats are I POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR 2 for 2Yc Z ,-e~e Wllson I IMor rre-I~acKagea or |=re en I| .... | Mrs. Mary Haver and Mrs. Hattie lthe 7th birthday of Miss Jackie I I ........ I - .. II ".. __ |Kassel went to Davenport for t.he I Easker. i available I CRISCO- 3 Ibs. 95c / Iowana Brand Pure Vegetable il Linn rove |._ ....... , . ..... • • • - ............................................. Mrs E41.wt~ Hmrrl~ o 4 c ONLY SUGAR, Cane, 10 Ibs $1 05 / OLEOMARGARINE ..... 2 Ibs. f r 5 II " ii ...... FI w r---=tahl ...... I I .............................. I . " ............ II CHURCH NEEDS WATER |~ O e S Dy • i i / Fresh Shced Young PORK LIVER 29c Ib II The ladies of the church review-I| Everything in flowers--wired to all parts of the world I throuah our I EGGS, Grade A ............................................ 35c I ............. IIed the improvements at the cnurcn i I e~.~u,,e ~F~P~ILIU~I .e~e I " I I Genuine CHOPPED HAM, Lar e S uare, I the past few years: interior decor-]I =KI:clxnvu © • • BUTTER Lisbon 62c I g q • ating; the electric organ; two add|-II Dial 3911 Lisbon, Iowa I own Retail Dept. I ' ............................................ i Sliced or in the piece 59c ~b. |I tional electric stoves; refrigerator;II , I - I I . _ __ "----"-"--" ..... -":'" ........--- IInew shades for the auditorium andl:~ -- ::---..... :-- ------" -~=---- I I I bsbon Sweet Cream BUTTER .... 1 lb. carton 59c I/drapes for dining room. Now we [ ........ I I I -- I / I • I I I F 04N dl~ IF I~ I~ F need water at the church. The big/i I norTon LOCKers ' HOME MADE WIENERS - BOLOGNA |] uestion "Can we. raise [ |Imoney?' The laoies nave ST-ar~ea|l|II ll Dial 3912 1 JI Ir ,) ~l ~KI: I A Ug,~&Ar, g,~lMklrr~ UAOVr, T |/the water fund at $100.00. Let's get ii I ......... I Dial 8441 tat Vorn@P ..... 1 mT v~rnon ~-LIS~n 1 * I ~ I[1%~|V|1~ %,~V1~|11~1~ |VU'~I%I%I~,| |tbehind them. /i " " " i " i i We Offer You I/ In of the we------ather the ice i -- -- -'cream festival was well attended"= ~ ~ ~--~ ~ I qPUI~ I~I~IPqP ILl ~IIAiIqFV Aq~ iJMondayevening II i i IIi I .no ,,=a..r. ,*- II Mrs Ivan Reedand Keith Mrs/I , • • • .... , I P%/P~V~AV I@~IA/ ~r~l~P~ |lGareth Reed and two children were/I . ~ili!iiii!~,. I I~VI~I~I m,.vvv ~r~l%~i~ IIrecent visitors at Mrs. Bonnie L~r- I 0 ,. t .-:.,...:.:%.e I ":::: :: " i we Reserve The Right To Limit Quantifies On Specials IIS° e James Harrises of Des Moinestl .................... I_ ---~--~--~u '/ were week end guests in the Edwin Ill ~,~w~m"~ e ! ! ! I II I It Phone 3212 ! • I I e ! costs no more to shop an S&H Deliveries Tuesday and Friday e e Store. I I I Mt. Vernon !/ ! ! It's possible you to wear a suit in hot weath- er and be comfortable . . . It's possible for you to wear a suit in hot weath- er and have it hold its shape . . . THE REASON for it... New Blends of Wool . . . Rayon . . . Dacron . . . Cotton . . . Silk . . . Acrilan. Wash 'N' Wear suits of Dacron-Rayon-Cotton $39.75 Dacron and Wool Blends $49.50, $55, $59.50, $69.50 S zes 36 to 50 . . . Regulars, Shorts, Longs e Quality Since 1909 ! ...... ~,.. ::::iiiii~!ii~ii!ii: .... i~!!!~iiii!;iiii 69c 3 for $2.05 \ BOXER-GRIPPER SHORTS Newest idea in men's shorts, combines the comfort of all- round elastic waist with the con- venience of the gripper fastener front. Smart regimental stripes, solid• colors and white, sizes 28 to 44. • BRIEFS Has exclusive two-fold construe- tion for two-fold strength. Indi- vidually packaged in cellophane. Small, medium, large and extra- Iorge. Men's 69c 3 for $2.05 Boys' 49c TEE SHIRTS These heavy duty, hlghly absorbent tees'are easy on ~, your eye, light on your bud- get. Buy 'em by the box in white or solid colors. Small medium, large and jF extra-large, f Men's 49c ' / 3 for $1.4S Men's 69c Boys' 39c 3 for $2.05 3 for $1.15 Boys' 49c 3 for $1.45 ATHLETIC SHIRTS. t Knit of corefully selected cotton 3 for $1.45 yarn for added I rength. to 54. e Open Saturday Evening 'til Nine