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June 22, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 22, 1939 |
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g~ ~'~f ~,ffi On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec- approximately one-fourth the cost of[cial ass ..... ncnts proposed to be levied[ary Rnad District as petltioned for andlGrant Township, bd nf review 18.001Sunshine Food Shop, poor prov 6.38
..- ~- ~-aa~. ended by Supervisor Stirnl, the written surfacing of the road within Second-[on all parts and parcels of reai estate]Provided for iu Section 4746, 1935 Code l(~ardner. Mrs. W tt, In)or rent .. 6.95]Spalln & Rose l~br Co., Co Honle
~14~ ~ ....... .*~.-~ report of .Earl Miller, Chief Court ary Road District No. 106 is appor-[within Secondary Road District No 117, i~)f h)wa. All members voting "Aye",(~runcwald ~V J, poor rent .... 10,001 rprs ........................ 39.05
~* oupt l'Vl [- House Janitor, stating reasons for the tinned to the several parts and par-ICliliton Township and ' ~thereon. 1(3ill John "~!, AsscsSOl', Marion ']Standard l~rands Inc, Co tlonle
present surplus of soaps and other eels of real estate within said district, ~VHEB.EA .... e' Boar-~ " X rtion I A petition having been filed by hi. A. I township ......... 552.24 prey ....................... 31.25
~n~tffir l,~u,~ An~.~i chemicals in the Court House and rea- and ~ r.~ ..... ~, tn . ~) ~. o~ p, po . ~- ~ Kirk et al asking for the establishment I Gazette Co., pull Sec. Road no- i Sect(st ~Vnl P, appraisers fees . . 39.30
~.~v~j.%y~ .t.~ xxla. aa sons for the undue delay in approving WHEREAS due notice of hearin ~,~,,L ~ons,stlng o. ~. ~L. ~avls¢. ~. +.Tt. I of a Secondary Road District for the ] tices ........................ 84.51 Shell I:"etroleum, diesel fuel .... 473.80
,~QQ|nn |Q_~Q bills for same coming to the attention .~. .id n. n~,~.~,~ .......... g]~cnaum anq VVl)~, ~'. ~ecr,s~, nere~o-]purpose of surfacing the following de- Heefner D L Assessor Monroe !State of Iowa gas tax .......... 709,14
.... ~. . . • Y t 1939,,~1 a [r,~...~ n...~.~ ~.~ ....... ~,~. o~t~ 1~ .~,,1,,!scribed to~nsh p road, to-wit I [~P ........... 30000 She 1 1 etroleum (orp motor oll 10043
~ovu~ ~.~.. of the Board since Januar ls ~.. s-... ~..o~...o.~.. ..~es~H~eut has neen [ore appointeu Oy resolu~.on o. ~a,,s . • . , . ,. . ' . . ) ' .
Wa, ~2ounty of Ltnn• ss. aecompanled by his written resignation ........... ~commiss'~oned"and ualifie(i "~f'i{ed" its] Beginning at the Junction with[Hart Marfuerlte & Martin liart ]S & ~V 10tll St Scr,,uce Eng car
Cedar Rapids, Iowa effective this date, and accompanied by .. wn~r~.~, there being no oojectlons ] r ............ ~" "q~ ...... ' ......... ~.. [ County Trunk Road "W" at the SE I cigarette refund ........... ~ 12.50 [ & equip rprs ..... . ~ ......... 205.95
u .... uerlek April~' .... 4th 06193908 ] ] |] flledthe CountYln wrltlngAUdit°r'Son orrep°rtbeforeSUbmittingnoon of ] tiled in. writing on or neiore noon or|]l . u...?ttve,, _'Y" /~o~. w.~? ~,,~][/OnelAreor (I~Sect on D.6-85-7 . and runnin u'~, thence[][I Hense. T 1 ~,' ou'lr., ~nl)~t. ne'~ not ( eu~ r.4 ....... ~li//i!I] S'lndu \V T,.shon.~ .sunni. ............... o~ 5 ~1
y~lnued From Last Week) the same to the Board for their de- this uate, " [auPrPf:Xllma~oeflYth~ner~°grt~)it~ne ~°So~n~t]North on Section lille between Sections[Hubbard Ice & Fuel C .... O'seer lS'tnford ('o, Morris Eng, oft
W F, Tress blanks & Shrf ceptance, for inefficiency in purchasing On motion by Supervisor Beeson, tar D ,~n r~, + ic+ "~ ~" ' ...... r" i 5 & 6-85-7 and Section 31 and 32 and J ice service .................. 3.51 ] supplies .................... 2.55
~ol ery ........... 28.75 janitors supplies for the Court House, seconded by Supervisor Stirm, there is I.. y ,~oau .~,,str ~ ~o. ~. ,s ~.~., -129 and 30-86-7 to the NE cor said Sec-]Hasek Dr. V O, pear /led a d ,. 4.00]Truesdell 1. G., Assessor Pbg .. 64,48
~.lmer M per diem and stating that his ability as a mechanic hereby finally determined and levied ldone... ~o ~.e .several, v,~.~s ,~na .~[]tion 30-86-7, being 2.90 miles in length]ttonie Oil & Gas Co. pear gas & ]Tale Mrs Sidney, depend( nt chil-
~a havln ver ce,so~yea,escape WltUln salu ulS~..e~
8e .................... ' 195.75 " g. ne been in' question, was ac- against the. several lots, parcels and]anu~ " 'land lying in Otter Creek and Springl kerosene .................... 1,631 dren ....... : ................ 17.14
,ames H expense ac- cepted as provided by resolution of the parts of real estate within Secondary[ tGrove Townships, IHedges Co,, 1)oar rent .......... 50.00tTravis. Mrs, H., sol relief rent.. 10.00
It .. ' 30152 Board on April 4th 1939.All members Road District No 106 special assess-] WHEREAS, due notice of hearing And the said petition having been]I~Iunimer Mrs. Letha, poor rent ~10,00ITro b t Gr()eery, sol relief
• James H, exl)ense" "Rc'- " voting "Aye" thereon, ments and all installments thereof, ~on said proposed assessment has been i found to have the required number of~tterrmann Max H, poor rent .. , 10, )0t pray. ................ 5.51
]~.. .....................66.82 This being the date heretofore set in the aggregate sum of $862.50. That ]given, and ]signatures as required by law, on me-]Hedges IN)., sol relief rent ..... 22.001Ta.vlor (:pal (,o., sol relief fuel . .15.30
ell 1 G, dog enumeration 2.20for hearing objections to the spe-all of said assessments and all install-] WHEREAS, there being no objections it(on by. Supervisor Stirm, seconded by [Holland Andrew, sol relief rent 14.001Turner & Son John B,, poor bur-
i~'ve Virginia D C Jurors cial assessments proposed to be levied]taunts thereof be and are now due and ]filed in writing on or before noon of [Superwsor Seevell, thepet!tion was re-]Hatch & l~rookman Ce., sol re- ] ial .......................... 20,25
~.; ..................... 6,63 on all parts and parcels of real estatelpayable and shall bear interest at thelthls date, iferreo to tne (ounty rmglneer for re-I lie( fuel .................... 3,001Nsher Mary, poor rent ......... 10.00
.. ~tdred, Bd Soc Welfare within Secondary Road District No. 97, [ rate of six per cent per annum, corn- ] On motion by Supervisor Beeson, ] port and. plat of the pr.o.psed Secondary ]Hollis(~ Airs. James, poor rent . 6.00 \:an Meter Co,, jail supplies . .. 3.67
~LtRg - ................... 12.20Otter Creek and Maine Townships, and lmencing twenty days from date here-[seconded by Supervisor Stirm, there is lIleal. t)lstric.t as p.etitloneu f~r and ]_mines ~tary. poor rent ......... 10.0Ol\avra I~r(/s, poor prov . ........ 22.95
ms ~talr J, fox bounty ....8.00 WHEREAS, the Board of Apportion-Iof, and the County Auditor be and he[hereby finally determined and levied[provided for in Section 4746,.193o Code|Eoldcn - Kahler (,o., ofe sup- ]Vyhanek Rudolph, poor rent ... 10.00
OR Mrs. E A, dependent meat consisting of P. M. Davis, J. H. Iis hereby directed to inlmediate~y ]against the several lots, parcels and [of Iowa. All members voting "Aye"[ p.hes stock .................. l l.221Vondra('ek, l)airy, jail prov .... 16.48
~en . .................. 66.54Schaum and Win. P. Secrlst, hereto-]certify a list of assessments herein [ parts of real estate within Secendary I thereon. . . . . I t~ell Cot Th,e., equiP rllrs ....... 52261Varner A. M., prob ofc supplies . 9.95
1 ranl{, poor rent ........ 10.00fore appointed by resolution of this[levied to the County Treasurer for[Road District No 117, special assess-] On motion oy Supervisor Stlrm, see-|rtaegg txoofing Co. Ct Hse rprs51,001VVashington Township, ld of re-
-red C, D C Bailiff sal- Board dated January 6th, 1939, duly collection as provided by law'. All |meats and all installments thereof, ~onded hy Sullerv*sor Beeson, the pet(-|Holden,- Ixahler Co., Eng nfc[ view . ............... 16.00
~'~ ...................... 35.00commissioned and qualified, filed its i members voting "Aye" thereon, tin the aggregate sum of $431.25. That[lion of ~V.n~. Higgins et al asking for[. supphes .................... 48.051Wilkinson, Mrs, A.E,, poor rent 10.00
S ~ardner, poor fuel ....41.07report on March 14th, 1939, wherein ] This being the date heretofore set fall of said assessments and all install- ~ the estabhsnment of.a Secondary Road [Harper & Mc[ntire Co., ttdwe & ] V(illialns Charles S, poor rent . . 7.50
, Ca ool Grocery, poor prey 9.331approximately one-fourth the cost of~for hearing objections to the spe-(meats thereof be and are now due and [District lying" in Township was ]Flt~(/lSb ........................ 52,21 [Whitings l)airy, poor prov ..... 6,61
,~rs. Sarah poor nursing 6.00[surfacing of the road within Second-Icial assessments proposed to be levied[payable and shall bear interest at the[°rdered placed on file. All menlbers];;, n$ .s J B, grading ........7007]Wilitney, (;~orge P, sol relief
7~. agner Co. poor rent 5001ary Road DistrictNo 97 is apnor-I°n all parts and parcels of real estate Irate of six per cent per annum corn-I voting "Aye" thereon. [Hacn pros Co jail & Ct IIse fuel ................. 345
airs • • " - - " ~ ' , " " • • ~ . , " • . .... " .....
• Will, dependent ch]l- ! tinned to the several parts and par- [ '~ lthln Secondary Road District No. 107, | meneing twenty days from date here- I On motion by Supervisor Se~'~ell, see- [. ~upph~s ..................... ~0.92 ix,% bit~ng~,~ Dairy, sol relief prov . 3.31
Laun" ....................10.001eels of real estate within said distrlct, iLinn Township, and ]of, and the County Auditor be and he| Supe.rvlsor Beeson, the fol- |tn~el)enoe~t Meat & Crocery, /Walbrand A lt, S R ('olnnl'r sal-
ary Co., Ct Hse sup- , and ] WHEREAS, the Board of Apportion- ] is hereby directed to immediately[lowing resol.ution was adopted, all [. ! per prey ................ 8.161 dry & mileage .............. .. J2~50
.. ~ .....................1.93 ] ~VT-~b'~A~ a .....ti~ ,~e h~.~.~,~ ] ment consisting of P. M Davis, J H. ]certify a list of assess nents herein ]members voting ' Aye thereon: |~graln & txalell, poor prey , , . 97 [ \Vslker, Will starl ng bounty 3~20
• ~.u',Ven, poor rent ....... 12.00 ] ,~n'~*i~*~,~,~" -",~2~ "~'~"-"~'"s ]Schaunl and Win.P. Seer(st,hereto- [levied to the County Treasurer for ] RIqSOLUTION [Ire(ann Coal Co., sol relief fuel. 3.32 ] Wi!wer (~roc~ry Co. jail pro~, ' ' 1789
• u - asses men as een loxesIron& ( o~l (o sol r( \\
ag poor rent ........... 12.00l=]',~.7"~,~ .......... ]fore appointed byresolutionof this ]collection as provided hy law All ] ol~ l,p ~SOI xrh~l) ~v m~x~ ....... [ "" " ' t ' . ," 'lief I 'aeits Mrs l,'r;~(1, p~, )r rent .. ~i 10100
~'" , Criminal invest .... 33.141 ' ]Board dated January 6th, 1939, duly Imembers voting "Aye" thereon. |OF SUPEnVISO~)° ~" ............ ~'"'" [ ttlel .,, ...................... ,20.65 [X~orlnley ,i M, poor rent ........ 10,00
~eter Co., Co Home repairs 58.24J . WHEREA.S: there being no objections ]commissioned and qualified, filed its] This being the date heretofore set ]IO\VA t~ ,~ uv ~.~u t.vt ~ ix, ]la Elect,rio IAght & Power ¢?o.. ]~¢Vineke M aude, poor rent ..... 9.60
w P, Door rent .......... 10.00 ] filed in writing on or before noon of ] report on March 7th, 1939, wherein [for hearing objections to the spe- [ , - "~ . ] poor h~'ht ser .............. 2,04 [ Wilson & Co,, I~o Home Prey . . . 36.55
or R F sol relief reed aid250 this date, l approximately one-fourth the cost of |cial assessnlents proposed to be levied [ WHEREAS, this count.',, holds title ]la Electric Ligllt & Power Co., ] Ward Iqlevrolet Co., equip rprs. 4.78
gd, ._Poor rent .......... 10.00] On motion by Supervisor Beeson ]surfacing of the road within Second-ion all parts and parcels of real estate ]acqui,red by tax deed to th.e following l~ Ct tlse ,light & heat) ........ 309.09 ]Ya~'~,r Co Inc, Jack, poor shoes. 6,00
. rz R F, poor mud aid.. 7.50 i seconded by Supervisor Stlrm there is [ary Road District No. 107 is appor- ]within Secondary Road District No, 118, /¢lescrioe° rea/ estate In ~ann County, I la V, lectrlc I..lght & I ower Co,. [ Yanaeek James, Assessor, Fair-
t ti E D C Bailiff salar 9450 tl Ioua to ~lt West 20 btet )f Iot rtad SUplhes ))00 fix
r ~" ~ ~ " , Y • [hereby finally determined and levied[ 'oned to the several parts and par-]Spring Grove and Otter Creek Town-[.., "_, .7 "[ .. ~ . "~ • [_ • .. ... ............. 25. | ": ........................ 72.00
s ~v~artha, C R Den_ Asses- I against th,~ u~v~.~l ~,~*~ v"~'~'~l° ...... ,~.,.""'~ reels of real estate ~ithin said district, ships, and t• gnt (~) ann all Iot~ N le (9), in Block. loV, a ,2"lfg CO~ .......... equip rprs 20241 [Z/(h ' ~ 1 ~ros', ssol relief prlv .... 38" .76
slaty 13000lnarts of real estate ~Phi" Seco"'~---[and WHEREAS the Board of An,)ortion (1) Dan els Reserve to the City I la Builders Supply ('o po )r fuel 714 Wll)OW~ PEN$11ONU
rlllT W, starling bounty 12.801Road District No. 97, special assess-I WHEREAS, due notice of hearing]ment consisting of P. M. Davis, J. H.[°f.~la~°n,,and ........ ]. poor h,g~ilt service ...: .... .... 3,65 Period End|rig" April Y, la:'t~
~rocery Co., Co Home, Iments and all instalhnents thereof, ]on said proposed assessment has been |Sehaum and W~m. P. Seer(st hereto-i_ ~.rl~•l~P~..:~Htureq l,~. /:'apes has of-]JaeKson lo~,vnslHp, hd el review 16,00 Adams, Margaret .............. $40.00
I & ,4 ..................... 88.361in the aggregate sum of $631.25. That ]given, and ]fore appointed by resolution of this ][~re~ to p u~c(nasesalu real. estate for [.~.arbo(~I/avld L,, s(d rchef rent 8.00 [ Allen, Esll|a .. ................... 30.00
~O., CO Home, prey .... 36.55 l all of said assessments and all install- ] WHEREAS, there being no objections ]Board dated November 29th, 1938, duly [~..::~ ~,uHI,°t ely, ~oHars ~,aomo.),casn, ]~lrsa ~Z~,~rufi~.. p(~(!r .r~l!t .!...10'00 ] Anderson, 1,Alzaheth ............ 10.00
on*-., poor rent .......... 12.00iments thereof be and are now due and ]filed in writing on or before noon of ]COulmissloned and qualified, filed its |."'~... a.. ~ax, ~-yin~. ant* tax certhymg /Justen *x~, ,~ o i,~ng orange rprs ~ 1(i.32 ~aonltt, Bertha ................ 10.00
,- aohn, poor rent ......15.00 payable and shall bear interest at the Ithis date, ]report on March 7th, 1939, wherein ]l)ooles navlng an interest in tne gen-|~xrlzeK, ~v~,rs. Charles J., dueks ~t~arrott, Frances ............. 1429
'en John, poor rent ....... 10.00irate of six per cent per annum, com-] On motion by Supervisor Beeson, [approximately one-fourth the cost of ]~ral taxes })ave g'lven written a.pproval ]. killed C. _ ................... 2.00]I3e Miller, Nellie ................ 10.00
~ xvlaude, poor rent ...... 12.00 I mencing twenty days from date here- [seconded by Supervisor Stirm, there is |surfacing of the road within Second- /~.°r sucn sale, ann tams ~oar? oelng sat- [lxiillpl, , lauue 11, dog enumera- .. I !~rague, fi.~ela . ................ 20.00
an~ A .H, S R Comm'r sal- ] of, and the County Auditor be and he ]herehy finally determined and levied ]ary Road District No. 118 is appor- /~s''e~ ula~ ~.e sal~ sa.e is auvantag- |~. Hen.... _.._ ................ ll.10 I iarown, MHdred ................ 10.00
-u mile 0 5 t he se r ots arcels nd s eou~ Knss t ou s j Ass( sst r Putn till Burger 1 eona 40
I B- age ............. 7 ]is hereby directed to immediately[agailst t ve al l , p a ]tinned to the several part and par-]' Nt~W THFREFf~I. D~. v,. ~.~ ] ~;~s.~ . , ~ ~'' ~ ,),-9 ~- ['- , %. • ................. 00
r~- etty, sol relief rent13001certify a list of assessments herein I parts of real estate within Secondary /cels of real estate within said district [o.~ ....... ;~.. ~ ..... ~L~ ~, ~:~?~..L.. ~r~-] .- )~ t~ .. • ............... : ....... 1.,20 |~urrows, ~wartna ............. 10.00
~enr. John, sol relief rent 12.00 ,~,=~""~-~ ~.*'~ ~.~+~'^ ,~.u.ty'~ ..... L *re.surer" .... (or 'RoadDistrict No. 107, snecial, assess- /~.~,~..u ' /'~'~v, , r,~) ~ t MP.;~Vat~,t),. (;P ,~,uPEI{.-| I~.n gnt. l~av. Assessor ( ~nter , ,, ~. Car. e, Mable • • : ................ 10.00
Y~hnnetta, poor rent ....10.00[collectionas provided hy law All]ments and all installments thereof,| WHEREAS, due notice of hearing]~ISORS OF, LIN COfl~NIY, IOWA, that], p ..... t ; ..... _ ........ ; ....... 232.,)0]Cavanaugh, Nellie .............. 30.00
~ames on + of 0 1" t sa u o~er oe accepted ann the t hair ixnap| I ( rl v x_ssessol 1] rtr t n ( al ke I ( ( na 10 00
, p i' rent ....... 10.00 me i bers votinu" "A~ .... hereon " l in the aggregate sum $525.0 . " ha |on said proposed assessment has been ] " ? -| • • "-', : :: '~'" " • ( [ : " ,~ ...............
s Cash Grocery noor nrov 765 { "~ " ' " " | n|l t,f ~nid fl~.u~u~n~nt(4 nnd all inf~tfl]l- |~iv#an ~nd | nan of th s Board Fred St rm, is auth- { twp ....... 30030 I Cook Lueille ~a aa
Grocer., oor"r~v "~ 3'98 I This being the date heretoforeset I-'" ~'t~s ther --~W-"'-:~"£re"n~w'£"~-Zn-'~ I~'~G~;°-~:"~'~ +~-~-~ ~t ..... H^~+~^.... /prized and directed to execute a deed [ Kent smarl Stank x X~st ss(')~ "' ' C )( k' Marie ........................
~' P P ....... for he " " nlent s~, eo~ ~e ann a v ,~u~ ,~ u ~. r~r~.,.~..~., ~,,~.~ .~,.~ .,.--a~,--- .... ~s " ,," • " "/, • "'" '"'" " ; ...................... 16.00
e C M poor urov 1020[ armg objeetlons to the spe-|n~v~ble and shall h,~nr interest at the ]fllad in wrtt(n,~ on ov h~f,,~ ..... ,~ ,~f [of e nveyance on behalf ~ f this coun-] College wp . ~7633 (') k N( ll
trey ~eor,~e p .~oor fuel 3053] 1 as ess nents proposed to be levied ]" ; of six "~er cent -~er annum corn ]thi~ ,q~*e ]tY conveying said real estate to Mil-]Ixuhi ,l~ \,er )ni " u ~elai ned fces 1845 '()on Millie
.......... cia s l ....................................... ' - . . • ............... . ~ • ................... 30.00
' P on ra~e v v , - .. ...... - , , • . ..... ~ .................... 20.00
men .......... T J riper rent 1666] w" all ......... parts and parcels of ~eal estate [ ...... ein'~ t~,entv., . .~'~a'so from dat,~.. here- | ...... (in motion h.~ S,,,~e-.,io.~-..~ .............. ~,~,~ [dred 1,.. Papes . upon receipt of. .said [Kub= t Mrs. . Alb(rt, , p t r lursing .... '500 ] Cnonrod; . , l'dith ................. 30.00
Line Grocery Co, poor, IO~tehin2reeC~ndaryR~ad DallS~rlct N°" 98,}of and the County Auditor be and he|seconded by Supervisor Stirm there is]SU2n of $40.00 in c.ash, the fiaid oon-[!x!loke Shoe Store, poor sh ....... 8.08tt~ralg. Betty ......... 16.00
• 944 " P I ,~' hereby dir,~ot,~d tO immediately /h~h~r finnllv d~,tavmlna~ ~.q la~ ,~,q /SlueratlOn tO De UlSpOsed Ot as pro- /ix nn v { ) (] 1~ po(tr sn )( s 2 ( 2 ( t rtt ght Mar
i ........................ W A ............................ " ....... ~ ,.e ....................... r, " ,' ' " ' ...... • " ' ' ~' Y • .............. 10.00
,g James M, dependent ] nenpE2n~isS'~the.B°ard,°fA.pp°rtl°ntr- ]certify a list of assessments herein |against the several lots, parcels and ]v[ded by Seetlon 10260,G1, 193~ (,ode [.Kesslers (,r(?e,'ry, po,,r prov ... 9.38 ]l)avr.. tIarriet ............ 16.00
tren . 1329 '~.,~ ~.,,~ u~ .. ,~.. ~J~vtS .. *'" 'levied to the Count-" Treasurer for (parts of real estate within Secondar., let iowa |l~aun nan (lyue, |)~ r rent ..... 10,001i)onovan, l'2nllll~t ........... 10.00
COok'B ais'do"rdaci'suW ' Schaum and Win. P. Seer(st, hereto-]collection as ~rovid~dby law All[Road District No 1i8 s ecial se sess~ On motion by Supervisor Seevell see Krejci Bros Door l)rov 24681I)oo~an Iqora 2000
; ' ~" 1224 fore appo nted by resolution of this ira-tubers votin~ A.~e' thereon " ]ments an~ ~ll "inst~ll~nPen .... Sr~e tended hv Supervisor Beeson the fol-]Kope( ky F E S R C)nm'r s ll )o~s y 'Golden ............ 0"
• ...................... • , ~ ~, ~ ................. . . . . , . ' " ' " -" ~ , * .................. 1 .00
ns Mrs Albert dependent B( ard dated November 29th 1938 duly ] "Phi~ h~ino th~ dat~ h~v~tc~fnr#~~#at [in th~ ~r~-r~#rnt~ u,~r~ ~¢ ¢l'~tn ~(} 'Phnt ]lowing resolution was adopted all ] ary & lnlle l~'e 1515 Douu'herty Cladvs le tiff
[ren ..................... .....26 58 ]commissionedre and qualified, filed its[f, "i ear n' ..... ._ s" -a se'ss le'nts'a n', ' iV/ GL'ff l_ uembers voting..... "Aye" thereon ' [Nrej'ti Br,s s l reli(f piny . ..... 5"5i: ' , X|'i e .................. ..................
OR John riper rent 6 001 port on February 28th 1939 wherein ],.i~l ~o~n~nt~ n~,~n~S~d to h~ levied ]m~nt~ tl~,~.~e h~ n d ~r. ,~,~,,, .~,,~ nnd [ RI'.SOIATTION [lx llh In (o sol re h( f (b th ng" 4 20 1iv( rak Ann t
.......... ' " e .............................................. n .............. r, - ' V ' ~ ! ~ . )- . • . i .................. 10.00
Dan, Co Home Misc exp. 5.70 at)prox.imately one-fourth, the cost of on all parts and parcels of real estate ~avable and shall bear interest at the BII~ Iq REsOIA El) BY THE BOARD lx ntehera F uel to., sol rehef ftiel 6,12 b~nlery, Virginia ................ 10.00
~&Grocery, poor prov 7.03[sur.fa~nagd°~)its~ei~a~oWlthiTsSeC°nd-]within Secondary Road District No. 110,|ra/e of six per cent per annum con~-[(~)~',.S,UPI/;.RVISOI~S.OF. LI,.NN COUNTY. i~%n~:o,,d Park Fuel C .... poor Ferreter Margaret ............ 10.01
?=mtrui.tlon Pay_ R011 No. 3 I , y ~ appor-I,,.,ll-o-e~ .... ~ , and.. Putnam Townshin,~, and /mencin," ..... twe-t-~ da-s ............. from a tZ ~,..~_ /*t)~vA, (nat the (leen ni . conveyano(• [ . IUel ...................... . , , , . 79.86 | F.nn, Anetta. ................... 40.00
~ters0n ~ 512 I tinned to the several parts and par- | U:~E°EAS th Board of A-nortion ]of and the Count" Auditor h. ~.~a h~ [executed on hehalf of Lmn County ]Kenw led 1 ark I~ uel ( o liner [ Fisher Juha M 0
'd E Burl'in'o:t:2,:~ .......... 4"0u I cels of real estate with n said district ] "'~'~,~ ~ ~t '~.~ e ¢ D ~ tl~v~'~ J ~- |~' h.~t~., ~l.~t~d t~ n~,~'~'t,'.~, ]h wa. by Fred Stirnl Chairman of th s | fuel .............. 27986 role ' Mar ................ 10.0
i " ~ ................ an ,men~ ..... ~ o ........... , ........... ~ ............................ - , " . ........... Y, • Y ............... ~000
rt 408 d • . • ." 13 lard ( onveymg K ehn Gr leery l)o)r l)r)v 18~ Free nan Fran(es B
' Hurt 408I V ERE S, due noticeof hearlngl ...... solutionof t~'is/l-"ie~ "o"h- "ou-t'" T ............. West lwenty (20)Feet of Lot Eight lxol)penhaver r(ace poor rent 10 ,0 l~ren(h Olve 8
...... ~ H A . Schaum and -Win. P. Secrlst, hereto- certify alist of assessnlents herein ' , .... . ,. ........ ~ ........... 20.00
................... .. Iore appointed oy re u e~ u t t e ~.. ~, y vea~uvvv *or .... ) ~ ' " ~ ~ , ................... 00
~IOrgan 408 [ on sa~d proposed assessment has been [~.._~.~ .~_.~, ~...~ ')8th 1938 duly [collectionas nrovidea by ln~x All ](8) and all of Lot Nine (9) n Block ]Kh, in 1 ]' poor r(nt 1( 00 /b'uller Flalne 000
(2 Youn~ 4081given and [.... i~i,~nad and a~t~lifiad filed it~]m~mi,~r~ ..*i.~" "A.~'" th...,,. DOne (1) I)'tniels I.eserve to the City of[K II ai (') l't 1 supplies 748t Fuller Ph lena lnlla
earles 2736 ] WHEREAS there being no objections [ . -- . ~_a 1938 wherein | "Phi~ b~ ..,. ~.~ ~.'t~ ~... + .¢ ...... . [Marion [h:rcjc Cloth ng ('7 sewing proj 4'/ 8O Ci i r 1 nuts( " 86
a ................... filedin writi'n on reporL on x~tugust aru, , --•..s ~,t,~ t.,~ ,~,~t~ t,, ~L . • , ...... • ' • ................. -.
ker ~a aR ] g or before noon of ] • .~tal ....... fr~t, vth (ha on~t nf ]f,~, h~.~.,~ ,,n~ *,~ *h,~ ~... [for a cons duration )f Forty Dollars /I•lnn C( linty Far 1 Bare lu 1st ] Green Margaret 2000
......................... approxln.a....~ .... - ...........c ................. t~ ..~.# ............. ...~ ot...- . . • " . • _ . . , ..................
IVoorhies .............. 9.12 ]th~. date: ........... [surfacing" of the road within Second-]cial assessments proposed to be levied ]($40.00) is. hereby ,approved. . ] tlr. approp ........ :.,,; ..... 12~)0.00 ](,fin ..... Margaret ................ 16.00
-aVer. ................... 3200 I ~. .~u~. oy ~upervlsoc ~eeson., /ary ..~oa"~,. Distrie*~ No. 110 is annor~v - "on all ~"arts and ~.,~arcels of real estate. ! t/ i motmn oy, Sut;erv ~s )r Beeson• , 1LeClere penn 1I,, .st rl ng I nl n- ~ (Croat, : ................ Marg'uer te 2000
rlelbi~ 408 |seconded by Supervisor Stirm there is ],,~ , th ~.oi ,~t~ ~nd n~v |~It~i. ~o.,~..~ I~,~d I)i~t.i~t ~,, ~9n ]seconded by Supervisor Seevell the tv ..... )0 1tamhng M'try 60
t Ell~oti" .'i:i~i~:~:'~''i6132]hereby finally determined and levied[c~neof tr°ea~neth~e~v~ihTn's~tid-'~lTstT~ct~]~Ti~7~Vit("a~h ................. [County Auditor was authorized"and/I.ei'di~'l'l i;r'l'('l~.''l;(;(;r'mcd'ai(l~ 81(;0]ltan~ba~', ~;era ;i.~:~:. 40;07
O against the severallots arcels and " dire( ted r.
liphant * 1632 ] P ]~.~ ' ] WHEWEAS th~'Board of Armor(ion- ] ~ to draw a refund warrant 1,endingStar Grocery li-or pray 1 ) Harden, Itazel ...... 800
alatenanee Pa~ l~all No 3 i parts of real estatewithin Secondary | '.'~'~*~ "1"- notice of hearin~ taunt consist(n-" of P M r'-'"s J ~ ]m the anlount of $200 in favor of I~llnhae'k (o garden sup- Harper Hattie 1000
~Ynch " " 13056 ] Road District" " No. 98 special assess- [ ,v ~=,~.~.~oo~,~ .,ro,~sed"U~assessment has been~ [Schaum• and" ~-m~ P" Seer" ~.,~V*.St i~r~t,~' ........ ]Wllhaln H Bain for erroneous' assess- t)hes' . "' 44'~ Hatt FA" 'zaheth ................... l000
.................... men s • ' on s,...~ ,. ~ ....... "~, ....... - " ' . .................... . .... . ' , ................
Seevell 9600 ] t and all installments thereof ] ~nd ]fore an,)ointed by resolution oe thi~ ]nlent of Old Age Pens on Tax for the Le bs hn Grocery s)l rehef t,atter Addle l000
rrague ..................97.92 ] in the a.ggregate sun3 of $893:75. That ] WHEREAS there being no objections [Board dated November 29th 1938 duly [year 1936: assessed in Chnton Town- [. f r(iv......: ...... . .... ..... ..... 14.89 i l~ayes, Chtra ................. 20.00
,~vis ..... 130.56 iaH o~ sale assessments and all install- |fii.n in writin~ on or before noon of ieommissioned and ~ualifiec1 filed its |snip. All meml)ers voting "Aye" i~agn ~larcHlo Grape CO, Jail prov 2'J,5~ Hen(linger, Ceva .............. 31.{17
~terson ............... 11776 ]ments thereof be and are now due and ]~'i~",~t~ = ]renort on M~roh l~th I~R'~ wh'~r~in ]thereon ] L'lyard Airs. Amy hd & renal 2500i ftorsky, Pearl Mae ....... 10.00
d ................... a bl ........... " .................. ' .............
E Burlin~-ham 8976 [P ya e and shall bear interest at ths I ,~ .... 7".~,.. ~, ~,,-.ervisor Beeson I'~,~nr,,~I.~o*~l ..... e ..... H. +~ .,~t ,~f ] On not on hy Supervisor Beeson b tts Grocery poor prov 78 Jayne I,ueille 1000
rt . 9384 [rate of six per cent per antrum corn-l ....... ded b- ~unervisor Stirm there is [sUrfacin-" of the road within Second-]seconded by Supervisor Seevell the I• mback Lbr C / grading sup- I lobnson En~n)a ..... 3006
.Hurt .................. 89.75 [ eneing twenty days from date here-~h..~hv finally determined and levied ]arv Road District No 120 t~ n*~nor-[County Preasurer was authorized and plies ........................ ..61Jol,nson. Irene ........... 10.00
MOrgan 8976]of, and the County Auditor be and he[~'~:,~,~ th. s'everal tots narcels and[t,,~a t,~ ch~ ~everal "n~.t~ "7,.~,~._[direeted to cancel the taxes suspended Lincoln O'l Co ~qu'p rprs 2q 4 It's I.'la .... 2000
C Young" 8976 | is hereby directed to iv~amedlately ] .... .~ ,,f ~i ~st~t,~ within Secondary ~,~l~ ,,f ~l .~*~t. ~.i.hi,~ ~i,~ ~t~iot [for the years 1927 1928 1930 131 [ 1.( wes G lrage equ II rprs 827 Kaiser Anna ....... 679
(CUries . ~ .............. 82:081certify a list of assessments herein]~'~'~ ~'•'~;~t'~'t ~,-'l~n" snecial assess'-[~'~" ................................ ~1!32 and 1133 (n the NW'70 ft NE10ft[I~efthure (:or|), Assesslrs sup- [l(ent, Olive ........ ~'" 30"00
~ker . 7344 [levied to the County Treasurer for [ ..... ~ ~.~l all instalhnents thereof ~ ~rX=~E~EA~ d.e notic~ ,~f h~nrln~- ]I•(t 20 and the NW70ft Lot 21 Audit( r's t)l ~ s 16:q 0 ) I Kl nball, Mertle ......... 2000
VOorhies ............. 1003, Icicles?on a~inPrOvided ~by law. All[in the aggregat sum of $1075.00. That|on said proposed assessment has been]Plat 37 to the City of Cedar Rapids,]Layton Dr C 1, ponr nlcd aid .. 4.o011~ind~g Josephine ....... 10.00
-~lexander 10816 I s v g '~ye" tnereon. I ll ¢ ,=~id n~u~lit~nt~ and all install I~'iv~n nnd /Iowa 'l ld assessed to Nellie A (" rn-I Matheny ('lenn Assessor Wash- {KoniK Frances 1000
Ih Anderson'ii~i~ii~ii~ 86170] This being the date heretoforeset]alel t s t ereof be-an i-are now due andW'~I~'~AS there being no objections|well. All members voting "Aye"] ingtn~l Twp ................240,00]Kotek, Minnie .............. ~iii 10100
~l~artosh ...............99,96 ]for hearing objections to ,the spe-[ ...... hi. ~nd ~h~il bear interest at the If(led in writi'n~" on or b~f,,. .... n ~,f [thereon. Marl)bY G C, Assessor Walker 184.,,0(Low, A|ice S ............. 12.00
Onnan ......... 101.49 /cial assessments proposed tO be levied I.-.~ ,.f six ,~r cen* .~er annum eom-[this date ] On motion l y Supervisor Beeson I,M, lles ,lea S, Assess( r B( h ns . .1.0.0 ) Luettjohann, Minnie .......... 30.00
Jordan . . 9486 [on all parts and parcels of real estate [ .... ~,,in~, twenty days from date here-] On motion by Sunervis,~r ~n ]seconded by Supervisor Seevell, can- Ma ne 1 ownshlll lid of review . 1(,,00 Mol)onald Win(fred . 1000
LOckwood 9792 {x~lthln Secondary Road District No 99 ] . a°~h *~,(,.~t.,'~,,ait0r be ~nd he / ..... .~,~ t,., ~,,.,,~- ~t~ .... +~ .,~ ~/eellatlon is herehy authorized for tax }Marion T( wnshlp hd of rew 'w ]600[ Mel,m'lny M'lrgaret 1000
il'a ............. ~ ri " " ' o,an., ~,,e ...... z ............... z ,~v ............. ~.e .... • • ) v. ~ " .'. " • ' ' " ' ..............
t the(son ...............4.00 | i i To ,sthl P, (nd ..... [ is' hereby directed to immediately ]]lereby finally deterlnined and levied [sale certificate No, 1 B 152.-A, sold at_the / lodern Bakery, Jail prey ...... .4.89 !ar fetz: Pauline ............. 50.90
" a~Urphy ............ 101.49 I r~.J~ e .t~ aru oi ~pporuon-|o~.tif~ n li~t ~f n~u#a~n~nt~ h~rein I n~'ni~t th*~ ~xr~Pni h~tu ~tnrool~ nnd |regalar tax sale on 1)eeelnDer 'ltn | Mt,r(v riospltal, poor nosp ..... 0",Linl 2darLln, -~ngelllle .......... 4o.oH
aubry 104 04 ]ment eonsistlng of 1, M. Dlivls J H i i~.,i~H t,, th~ O,~,,nt~Treasurer for [laurt~ ,~f r~nl .utnta u-lthlll ~. ..... a~PV [1936 on the NE20 feet of I~)t 9 Bloc k ~ Morniogstar (~ H po )r re nt .... 12.00~Melend3 Juanlta .. 30 00
~2 .................... 93.84 [fSoCrileaUa~.a~lndteTl~L IresoSpC~:oSt, ohfereto- l eoliection as provided by law. All/Road District No. 120 special assesS- |11, Carpenters 2rid Addition: Cedar/Miekel Mrs. Jennie, poor rent ,. 20.00 I ~¢endel, J(lan ................... 10.00
.~ Ver ................. 101.710 / ' PlJ y tl l LIIIS I ........ i~a~.o ~.*~ti.~ ' A~.~ thereon /l~l~.t~ ~ ~ll i.~t.~il.~.~o ÷k.~p#a~f /t~al)ius lo~va, assesseu in thena ne | M(Jr se I)a rv p n r l)r )v t ,16 :vleyers Olive .......... 30.00
~araway ...... 97.92 /Board dated November 29th,, 1938, duly ] rrhi~ h,~in~ th~ d~t#• heretoforeset [in th,~ ~'rep'nt~ uHm ,~f s:ln~n (}fi That ]of Anna Harman and sold for the taxes t Moen Funeral ~-|OlllC poor burial 6,).30 Miller 1)elht ................ 1600
" conlnllSSiO e .... ~ ......................... on ~ ..........................
Gaines 9894 /' n d and quahfied~filedlts[~ ~e~r~'~ "~b%-*i..ns to the s'~e I:~'ll of sata -sse~'omen*o .~a .H ~o+.H lof the years 1933 1934 and 1935 for/M'iriou Wat(r Co sol relief wat- Miller Josel)hlne 2400
ra .................. , . .or - a .. - .. "" • a.. , . , • ¢ ." , , " , , ..................
Ver .................. 97 92 ]report on February 28th 1939 wherein /oi~ ~ ........ t~ n~,~n,,~d l~ b~ l~vi~d ]' .... t~ th ..... f l~,~ ~na ......... d,,,~ ~nd ]reason of erroneous des(r ption and [ er st rvl e ........... 87] Miller, Laura ................ 30.00
ly Heady ............... 114,24/approximately one-fourth tlie cost of |~,'~'~,'=i"~,~r~'~'~o"~l ~rcel's~of'rea'l esta'{e /.~:.~-''-'~l,~''~t''~h~'H'~'~'i~-,'~7~x/anl°unt and the County Auditor and~MHlos Grocery sol r(,lief prey ,. 49,47 Newkirk, Ruth ................ 60.00
. Holub .............. 76.80 | u facing f the road within Second-/w, Secon.~r Roa,~ District No 113 irate of six cent .-er annum corn ]the County Treasurer were authorized IMitvalskv Jns J. sol rehef prov 13.87/ Newhn Wands ................ 20.00
~,ehr . " . ] .97.92 ]ary Road District No 99is aDDer-]~s~t/'~,e Towns iy -uh" ' '|mencin- twenty davsVfr,~m d~t.' h~-e-[and d rected to correct their books ac- Maeh Fr~lnees s tl relief rent ,, 10.00] Norris Elizabeth ............. 24.00
es .....................97.92 [tinned tothe several parts: and par-] ~'~h..~.~ th~ l-t,mrd ~f Annortiono ],~f o.~.~ *~ ~- ..... t., a,,H~t,,, h~ ~,~,~ ~ |eordinglv. All nlelnl)ers voting 'Aye ~Merrltt S N Assessor Mt. \ er- ] O Brien, Virginia ............... 12.00
,tairmer .................. 97.92]ce1~ of real estate V¢lthln said dlstrlct,]ment conslsti'ng of P. ~.-bavq~, 5. H |is' herehy directed to immediately|thereon.. .............. non .! ............... .: ..... 369,10] [~ar:sons. Yvonne ............... 10.00
' -- *~ oo r er t - C**,-.,...~ ~.,.,~,***~D Merritt S N d~)g enu ~t ral ion 11t Iv vatte n Euna 30 00
i~a ................... - . • Schaum and Wnl. P. Sec 1st h e o- certify a list of assessnlents herein , • ' , '' ' , , . .......................
, Ssett .................9792] WHEREAS, due notice of hearing[ ................................. of this] ..................................... |Aelle Chemcal Co. (t Hse sup- IMt Vernon Ave (:roet,rv po r tIollet (,race ............ 4000
SSatt ................. 25.60|on said proposed assessment has been]o~._.~ a_+.~ j ....r" ~*h 1939 dulv].',,,ll~oH ......... o.,ia~ h.~ ~ .... AH] plies ....................... $ 8274] preY ..... ~82]ie~unip Maxlne 2000
lark 99.96 |g v and [,~.,.~.4 _.~.~ .,,,~,li#l.~l filed its ])~,~mh..~ ~.~ti~o. Av,~ th~P.,~ |Armstrong lulevator ( o poor Mint r C tear rent 120( i ltaft s ttazel 1000
~rad 10455 ] WHEREAS there being no objections ] ...... rt on M~rch ~4"" 1939 wherein ] phi~ h~I.,~ *~.~ a~te heretof,~r,~ sat ] fuel . 13.87 ] Mikulas Miss 1 liner rent ...... 1(t.01] l{ablk Frances ......... 2000
............... ~1 , | ] ..... r,,xim~tel~, one fo-rth the cost of ]f,~- h~.~..,~ ,,t,~ecti.,,~ to t~ she ] n ld Agt anlel poor rent .. :) 00 Malik Mrs I p i( r r nt ~ 00 Reed Bertha 1600
• lblg ............. 94.35 ]this date, ]~,,~t'~ctn~ of th,~ ro~d within Second Icinl n~se~ment~ ~)ro,~osed to be levied ]Anth( ny Leshe l) )or rent ..... 10.{}0 Me Too Food She ) po//r prov 4333 i Heilly Beatrice 2000
• Ssler ............... 10608 ] On motion by Supervisor Beeson, J,~Pw I~,,~d ltt~trlot M~, 11:¢ i~ nnnor-|.~ hi! nort~ ~d n~vo~lu of P~! ~tnt~ [A & P lea (,o., poor prov . o891 ]Miller ,l W, ('o Hoalegram & [BIon, lane ..................... 10.00
," ~ee 2000 ]seconded by Supervisor Stirm, there is/_. ~ .... - , "orts an.~".~ar ] ~*~-" ~" -.-,.~-~ t~.~ ~qotrict N,. 121 }A & P 'Pea Co sol relief prov o 51 I seed 2250 [ Robinson I end 1000
llere .. ~i.i~i~..i .... 107.10[hereby finally determined and leviedl c ne f °a[neesta VeralhTn said l st tct [ 'r ol n l?Cw'ns 'iY an"d........ [Ambulan~,e Sel"~,ice Co., poor an - " IMauhlin'C'(;istr'u(:(iUn"'C'(;.,"'r;," " iHYan, Catherine "5:'::::::::::i: 60:0O
~:rOshek. .. 109.14 ]against the several lots p~trcels and i nnh~ ' [WHEREAS th~'e Board of Annortion- ] balance ....... 43.50 I surfacing , ................... 353.10 Ryan Emily .............. 1000
,~rris 9792 parts ot real estate ~ithin Secondar - -" ' .... ' ......
................... / " Y I ~rHEREAS due notlee of hearln~ |lnent eonsistin-~ of P M Davis J H lAments I)ry Goods, sewing room 62.23 ] Maudlin Construction('o,, sur- ] ltyan, Frances ............... 28.00
~terson . 136.32 [Road District No. 99, spec!al assess-i,~.*~i.~ nro,~se~ assessment has bee~]~"~h~-i~ ~.~a ~r.l P' Seer(st ~ereto']A Ave Gr)cery poor prey ....15,80 facing ......... 63758 S(hneider Marion 1000
~YJs 6375 / s and all installment;s thereof . n~ Ff r int~d by resolution of this [Baldwin Frank B Judge Ring i M.irtin-Roasa Tractor Co equlI/ [ Sehultz lrma 1000
~l~-~liott ................ Sl.60/ ag.gregate sum of $2.375=OO: That]gl /Ea ,AS there being no obJections lB°o]~rdaPdPa°tecl'~'January 6th 1939 duly] enwqop .................... 27.16 rprs ............... : ...... 31~,65 Shea. A'rarian ~'[*.[~::~:~'.~[[~[" 30~00
'~ln 10353~|all o~ sale assessments and Bll mstall-(et ~ i .... riti'n~ on or before noon of[commissione~ end "ualified filed its[Brewer George Assessor Jackson ]Martin Hoasa Tractor Co (quip ]Shelton Bessie 1000
Pee ." .................. 100"47 ments thereof be and are ndw due and .he ..... V • ~.: a ,~ ..... ,~i~ ~. in / Twp " 25308 I" 're nta-l ....... ' 125 oo ~ ,~h0nk,l' H.~;~ ................ on'an
t, artsell'::'::::::i::::::: 97:92[payable and shall bear interest at the]th nda2et tion by Supervisor Beeson ]rp~rtxi°nte~yrCneff~ou'~th~[le Wos eo'f/Blaine Vera. Assessor Bertram.. 64,00 iMerey Hospital, 1),)or hosll .... 23i.18 ISnyder, 5iae ............ 20[00
r~endryx 9792/rate of sx per cent per antrum eom- ~ ~ ~ ~" ervisor Stirm there i l' r~ocin,~ of +he road within Seeond /Beranek AI Assessor Boulder I,Mt V(rnon [lixxkt~( R~((ird ].qi~ln~ling" Fnid 4000
!Is ... " ..............108"t2|mencing twenty days from date here-[Sec°naeai~Yll~vUP~etermined and leviedlSU..'~t~oa~d District Nil 121 is a,mor-[Bates Arthur C R Dep Assessor I I)ub Set Road not'ce .. 5640/S mniers Marie ...... 40"00
Ol ................... • • , .ere~,y * "'~ ~ "~*~ ..... *"~ " ' ' I ' ' ........ ~ ....................
_. lphant 8160]of, and the County Auditor be and hel o. ........ i lots narcels andi'~i~,~.~ t,~ .h~ ~-veral harts and oar i salary , . 1000 M(Cann(n C l] po(r rent 1200[Steggall Alma 1800
U I-talnsey 9792/Is hereby directed to immediatelyl - * -..-~ ~s*~*e within Secondar"j,~-~- .~f -e-~ est',te within said district ]Boulder Township bd of review 1200]Mel)onn(1 Hal pier r(nt 7 01S~itzer l~ena 1000
ihks .. " ............ ] 100.47 ]certify a list of assessmer/ts herein ] parts ~fis~r~c't ~i~o.~113 special assesS- [an'd ....... ]Bertram Township, bd of review 16,00 ]M :i :esson & i~e,hbins Co ltoll~e ITitus i ertrude . " ......... 20"00
Conniy"Pa / t ii" ,i"3" /levied to the County Treasurer forI ...... and all installments thereof ]' WHEREAS due notice of hearing[Buffal° Township hd of review. 18.o0 I" drug's ' 2133iT)nipkins Mary ............... 20'00
~ liabbitt ........ :.." .... 70.00/collection as provided by law. Alll.'~'/.~,~ ................ f Iln0750 Thail,~.~ ~.~id ...... ~,~,~ assessment h~ been|Br°wn q'ownship,'hd of revicw. 16,00 N W 'B('q'l ";F'e'l(~i)'h'(;n¢~''C .... Co ' Vavra, ~Ittry .... ~iiiiiii~ii: 10~00
r~ Dyrland .............. 70.00 (members voting "Aye" thereon. I ln, L"? l~stan- ........ /Bnston Store, poor sewing pro[ 48.47 I H ...... Tel Servie .............. 16.22 i Wells, Luia .................... 8.0~
tr Glllett 8000 | This being the date heretofore set Ia'" o~ ~.~.~7~e ~nd ~re now due and I~ W)~IEREAS there being no obiections ]Bednar Mrs. Frank poor rent .. 10.00 I Nassif & Son I~ poor prey 14 qq I Wenger Blan(he 2000
) P. Hart~an'~'~'.ii~ 115~00]for hearing ob'jections to the spe'lmen. s, " £ 'shan"bea7 interest at the]filed in wrlti'n~ on or before boon of/Beadle J 'rl poor re'at .......... 10.00 Near'comer ii: R~ llonr rent ii~ii 2010ii]Wheeler Pansy ..~i~ ~ i~ 1000
-nob "240/cial assessments proposed to be levied I payauie ~.,,,~ - eent -er annum com [this date ~ ]Baldwin Frank B O'seer postage 1000 I N W Dell Telephone C~ sewing i \Vheeler Winona 4000
iRgland .................. ~00(} ton all parts and parcels of real estate rate p* sl+x per ~a~from date' here- / '~n lnot on I)- Sunervisor Beeson |Briners Grocery sol relief prov. 1149 I pro 520 I Wtlite )alia ............... 27'71
iC Vavr~" ~'~i~i~iii~i 70~00/wlthin Sec°ndary Read Distr~lct N°" 101'ln~encll~lgtl~eWe~o~un~v~.uditor be and helseconded by Sul~ervis~)r Stirm there is[Butters Gr°cery~s°l relie~ pr°v • 25:551Naiher't'i;r'X',i.'i;o',;l:W ,h'ai;l":: 3:001Wilford: H~ei" .::::::;i::::: " 40"OO
rk • o* an z r
- []teller Pay lhlll No. 7"-" ]Grant Township, and ~ ~ ' .... ~-. .~rected +o immediately Ihereb-, finall'v determined and levied ]Block Co \~ G, sol relief fuel . . 16.48 ( Nassif. Sam, Door rent .......... 10,00 i Willlts, Irene ............... ~ ~ ~ ~0
~airies $ 9 60 ] WHEREAS the Board of ~Apportion- ,s ~.'Y'=~,. "*-" ~" .~" .... .~ ~i.~ I'.'.~-~ +~ ~,,~.~l lots narcels and ]Baldwin Frank B old age pen I N W Bell Tolel)hone Co. shrf tel ' W lson Emma 20 00
9:60/meat consisting of P. M. Davis, J. It. lf?r t'2" e wit(ha Seeondary] postage ....... : ............. 21.00 ]" servic ...................... 42.46I Wood, 'Jessie .:::::::::::::':'" 10:00
rvey 9 60 [Schaum and Win. P. Seer(St h~re~= ~ .... - J ........ ,. | ............... 1Ol sneelal assess ]Blauls Sons Co John Jail prov 93 o3 Nash Finch Co road supplies 2 74 I " " "
s Henry '.'. ]]::::]::::::9:60]fore appointe~d by resolution of this{C°ltecU°nva~inPr°~l¢aee,,a tl~Yreon ..... / °a s" s ":ali"ins ailm' nts thereof 1Big Shoe Store, poor shoes .... 5.06tOtter Creek Township, bd of re- [ WOltK HELIEF PAY HeLL No. T3
¢avae James 6401Board dated November 29th 1938 duly m ein~ s . g~ ~Y~ "- heretof'ore set |i- the a-"~re"ate sum of $61250 "('hat ]Butters Store poor prey ....... 3.57 I view ........................ 17.00 t Akcrs Jan es $ 960
~HOWard .. ~.]:~i::i::: 9:60]comnlissioned and qualified,filed its[ This oeing tn.e u.atc . .~ |['~" * ~'~ g ......... -~ "'ll install /Rriners Crocery poor prov 684 IOakllnd Groc(ry poor prov 27351Uro~n ltowar(l ................ 3"20
da for hearing oojec~lons tO tile spe- all OI saiu assessm~.~ ~,,u ,~ - • ' .... ~" " ' ...... I ..........
Wm .. 9.60 [report on March 7th,1939, wherein I • - - ~.d t.~ h,~ l~vi~d ~ .t~ thava~f h~ ~nd nPt~ noW dU° and [Barge Anson, poor rent ........ 19,00 ] Powell (tarry (I, dog cnumera- ~ Bol)th 11arvey • • • 640
A .... ' Clal assessnlents propo ........................... 1 0I ................
rthur ............... 4.80/appr0xlmately one-fourth the cost of [ ............ .~.^ / ......... "' ~-~- ''*.,rest at the /Balster V H poor rent 1500 [ tion .... 0.4 ~ Bcren&t 14( nry 640
Uge ' on all parts ann parcels ot felt* ~t~tt~ payable alHl ~ll~.lL u~at slit( • " ............................ • • ...............
Fay 800 ]surfacing of the road within Second- [ ................... [ , f | .... i, ..... t n,~. anntH~ eon~ [Briners Grocery poor rent . 1000 ( Pox~ ell Harry G Ass(ssor Spring t Burlinganle James 640
}rt C ............. r Dis ri N ls a witnin Seeonuary lxoau l~lstrict ,~o. t*~, ra.e o. s... v ....... .- ............. - .... " Cro r " " ' 271 00 ' ' .............
. harles ............. 4.80 /a y Road t ct o. !01 poor-{ ............. ~hi,.~ ~nd / , .i.o- t ..... t., dnv~ t'Pe-;rn dnt~ here-]Batschelets • ce y, Door prov. 12.24t Grove l wp .................. IBu,(dltella, %Vnl ................ 9.60
~eo ................... 4.80[tinned to the several parts and par-/JaCKL°,,~l.aine,*°wn~?'~'~..'_~'_','~.~.- |n~ene"£e',,_~--'~7": ~'Z~'_~r ~)e-~nd--he/Borscbel Mrs Ed poor bd & |Phelps SailorAssessor Franklin IBarrett Arthur 640
Mien • WI-II~IT~EA~ the L~oaru el. d'lppvILtvsi- OI ann the ~ounty .-tu~a ~ " ' ' r. ' * ' .... r, r. ' ........
rge ................ 9.60 |eels of real estate within said district, [ ............. • ~[ |. ' ~ ................ ~,~+..~., ] room and nursing 1403o] Townshil) ..2o2.4,)iBrundidge F iv 640
Jo nlentconslsung o[Jr" ,vi. L'avIs, ~. ~* (IS ..ereoy ulre( t~u ~v ,...~u~t~.~ / ........... ' ....................... f' 'r: 'v'le.A 000 " ~ " .......
Seph 9 60 land ~,. I ' " - --- ~'~ i~t h~. t.~ + ¢ I" t e n~u,~u,im',~ntu h~rain |lsuii(lers Material lnc grading [ Putn'lln "'( wnsh 11 hd e "' " 1 " ] Bammert (~harles 6"40
', Joe .. ".'..::::::::::::: 6:40] WHEnEAS, due notiee of hearlng/Sehau'n a:lu ?or | supplies .................... 14.29 /t'rochaska Bealty Co., poor rent 8.00 tBarnes Leo ............... ~i 3120
~e tore app01nted Dy res le u ~ ) o r.
te " 960 lon said proposed assessment has been | _ .......... | ............. " --.~/Babbitt Eugene Eng extra hell) 777 t eoples (Jr leery poor pr v o738 Berry George 960
0 .................... • " Board dateo January ~tn *~a~ uU~y (collection as provIueu Uy ~ttw. ~** /.~ . ~•~ • ~ - ' . * ' • ' ' *~ " - ..................
rt Gas ................ 8.00[given, aBd [ .... ...,'~ .,,'~ ~*