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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 26, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 26, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l~le lVomr THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RE(X)RD AND THE LISBON HERAId) Thursday, Jm~ I~ NEWS Mrs. Bert Highly of "lipton visit- ed with Mrs Fred Kohl last Fri- day afternoon. Jonathon Kohl of Cedar Rapids was an overnight guest Monday in the Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cork home Mrs. Ted Gibson of Low Moor visited several days this week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Gening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stoehr and Miss Abbe of Cedar Rapids called on Mrs. A. K. Runkle and Miss Hazel on Sunday. Mrs. J. Robert Miller and daugh- ter Judy returned Saturday to St. Louis, Me after a two weeks visit with the Albright relatives. Miss Velma O'Brien of Sigourney and Miss Mary O'Neil of Ames were Saturday and Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Darken. Perry Andreas of Westfield, N. J arrived Sunday to spend the summer in the home of his father A. M. Andreas and with Cedar Rapids relatives Sunday guests of Mrs Cora Doner were her sister, Mrs. George Stef- fy and Mr. Steffy of Cedar Rapids, and Miss Kate and Arthur Hamil- ton of Pasadena, Calif. Mr and Mrs. G. E Carpenter and son Dean of Mankato, Minn are guests this week in the Mr. and Mrs. E M. Franks home Mrs. Car- penter and Mrs. Franks are sisters Mr and Mrs. George Reid stop- ped Monday evening in the R. R. Reid home on their return to Ce- dar Rapids from their wedding trip into Canada and the New England states. The Couples Club, Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morningstar and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Puffer had a picnic Sun- day at Thomas Park in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Warner and Wallace of Davenport spent Thurs- day night with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonne and were dinner guests on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Earl War- ner. They were returning from a vacation trip to St. Louis, Me. Miss Ruth Reid of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday with her grandmoth- ii Mr and Mrs Ray Rails and I LISBON CHURCH NOTEfl LIsBoN LocAL ITEMS I ally invited. This is your invitation dinner, Roy's uncle and aunt, Rev. daughter Euia and her children of Stanwood visited on CENTENNIAL FEDER&T---~----CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buche, Dean to come out and join us and Mrs. J. Bruce Eyestone, Mr. Boothwin, Pc. Sunday in the Robert Leese home. ---- and Mrs. Vance Allyn and family, We take the privilege Rev. G. S. Hamilton, Pastor and Dale of Slater were overnight{ NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Mrs. J H Linsley of Riverside (Continued from page One) I Sunday School Teachers Prayer and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lauheadlcongratulations to two guests in the Theodore Light home IIAS GUEST DAY and children of Iowa City. who were recently mar was a week ena guest oi her aaugn- fellowshi atm "-er "~ " ~ p ospn. e. rmys ana~vleeung ~:la can. on Thursday. They were on a me- At the annual gueat day of the l Mr and Mrs. Bill Hoffman were remembered in this vii ter, mrs. w. ~. t~onKi]n aria Iam- girls of the Sunday School primary Sunday School 9:30 can. tor trip to the east, stopping at Chi- [ Needlecraft club held recently in ! Sunday evening callers in the home were employed at dif ny. classes appeared in native costumes Worship Service 10:30 a.m. cage, Detroit, Niagara Falls, and the home of Mrs. Lyall Bryant, 13 i of Mr and Mrs. Milton Koch for the Kenneth YeisleY Mr. and Mrs. Orville Crawford of many of the peoples of the world. Young Peoples Servme 7 p.m. Washington, D. C guests enjoyed an afternoon and W care glad to report Clarence They are Dale May, who and Bobby Dean spent Sunday withThe final tableau of the pageant Evening Service 8 p.m. Mrs. Margaret Field and son-in- prog.ram in their honor. There was Neal so improved that he was able ried last week, and Jame~ ms momer Mrs, ma ~rawiora m in which all characters parti~'ipat- Thursday Prayer and Bible studylaw, Walter Fisher of Des Moines musm oy me 9-rl girts WhOSe ! to drive the car and he with Mrs. field, on Sunday lwecnanicsville, ed was opened with the group sin~- service at 8 p m. spent Friday with the former's ers are club members. ~ reamng i Neal spent Friday afternoon in the Sam Koch writes his pa~ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whitlatch, ing the ~roat hymn. "t~'orwardFriday Prayer service at thehome sister, Mrs. W. S. Weirick. Tues- was g.ivenby Mr.s'B!!l H ffmanand:home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Neal.!Hong Kong that he was~ tmbby and Keith of Tipmn spent Through the Ages." foliow~.d by a of Mrs. Robert Leese. day visitors in the Weirick home a remtation Dy marnyn ~elsmy ~ Mr .and Mrs. Bill Hoffman en-!ing for Manila to be therv Sunday in the parental Howard pledge of reconseoratlon to the -- were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schlue- contest to see WhO coum recogmze tertained 14 relatives of Bill's ram-;eral weeks, d Whitlatch home. church by the father and tlle son. LISBON METHODIST CHURCH ter and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brink the most guests and members bY fly in their home on Sunday. Hisi Jeanne Techau is spe~ M, ~n~l Mr~ 14 l< 1~ nnd The pageant closed with th~ slug- Rev. Wm. D. Bostrom, Minister of Clarence their baby pictures was won by parents and sisters and their faro- i eral days in the home of ~e l,a'~'~h -A'n"~ n" -Ma-~uok"eta s-'nent'the tug of "We Would Be l ullding" by 9:30 a.m. Church School. Depart- ~a;oo ~1,~,~ ~ ~,oao,~o~, ~ a 1Mrs" Milton Koch. A contest and flies of West Branch were among lparents Mr. and Mrs. Milu week end in the narental Mr and i the entire group, mentahzed and Grad d. . social hour was followed by refresh- the guests Mrs Dorothy TechaU az lug the week in lwaywooa, in as men mmit ",I " - o mrs m l.~ee nom*'e. " I MIR~ G I~ HILLT 10:30 a m. WorshiPr and Preaching.e ,~+*, ~,~ ,~,~ ~,~io~o ,-,~,~,n"-~*~ ,~,~'~l I ments servedi by the f vorU co ere" ,~ Chaa'les Chuck Svoboda, son : June Ann Koch called t~ ]DIRECTF3D MI,~IC 6:30 p. m. Epwo th Leagu ~ P 11 f-i,~na ~ho s-on ao* t tee' for wh ch the a s w of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Svoboda, now former schoolmate Ar~ is lVl;eSn~iYgeat~we~l ~ t~e ~marl'ol~ t~hr: $:~:;ctlioba(vk~r ~vn;!vSftithe ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ,a ;,~,+ ~,~a ~,~,-~ ; ~ ~.;~o] donated by Mr. Heasty .f the Wal- residents of Ilhnols, Is being called Sunday morning to look her son-in-law and daughter, Mr 1en nature ~t"- ' (" Rev. L. J. Famler, Pastor ~,~' ~,%~ "~;'* ~'~'*~J,; ~*~'" *'~,~] green Drug .store. A large box of ifn the next draft. He has been gifts she has received at u I y,"tn organ mnmc ov ~:~,*:~,~=, s~-~ ,~ ~[~,~. ,~, ,] chocolates given the club members working for Roy Bowman. Reed'ers in her honor and to 0. and Mrs Tom Chalhs. Ravmon ~one- ^~ :. Sunday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00 - . ~lv " I d ~,~ w, co*i,n a h,~o [ by Mr. Meredith of the Rexall Drug i Needles son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. gratulations on her co ' Merlin Sailor of Marshalltownplayed songs which were a n week hay Mass: ~:ta ~ p ro- "*"" ~ ]'"~' ~. ,]st re was a treat. I Needles is also named among the riage on Wednesday. spent Monday and overmght rathe priate to each period. Contralto COON "~REEK--'-~UR~H NOTES ~v~r. aria mrs. ~. ~. xocum an~.t/ Guests pre~ent were Mrs. Ottis list" ~ ~ parental. George,Sailor e home call- t solos. ~by. Dorothy. Beqeh~ of Mount ~unaay" - '~ scnom v'aa a m'~ Earl, Mrs. Dan Caraway, and Mr. lEllison' Mrs. Harry Stinger, Mrs. i Rev C F. Hartzell will accom- ~.v~-v~AL NOTI~I$ ed by his fathers llin ss. IVernon. and Peggy Frink were hi- Ever'bed" cordialP invited and Mrs. Charles Engelkmg at-lRobert Leigh, Mrs. Carl Travis, ipany six Boy Scouts to Camp Wau-' ,a ~u~;~-~,~:,-T coURt.{ Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morningstar I so a significant part of the music ~ z at ' tendedthe funeral of Fred Kees-IMrs' Gaynor Stonebraker, Mrs. Arlo ~.beek on Sunday for a week's camp-~, II~'AlqI)*~F(~I~L?I~N COlJ~l~l~It,' with Mr. and Mrs. W. E MatthewsI of the pageant. All the music of ~ 7-~ ~ . ~ burg OI waver~y, need at t~mrence,~ Stinger, Mrs. Chas. Wickham, Mrs. ing. Equity. September Term, *"-: of Mount Vernon wsxted the Ma-I iamny aria L, en ose U ~ y e oI . ~v~r .aria ~v~rs uscar w~gg ann I Burt Neal, Mrs. Emil Mallie, and Mrs Roy Bowman gave a shower WINNIFRED WOODS, P ' the production was under the dl- ~ ~ "~ r ~"*'o 1 o Tuesday afternoon He was a I lamtin quoketa caves on Sunday. !rection of Mrs. G. l Hill, who was Long Grove visited last Friday in nephew of Mrs. Yocum, and a lMrs Rotert of Springville. Mrs. ]recent'Iv for a college friend who ~" d all unknO~ ," ~ranK v ~ooas an al~o responmbie for manv of the Mr. and Mrs. Everett York, Miss :'. ' ". ' the Mrs. Mary Cook home. Ruth cousin of Mr. Engelkmg. [Luther Plattenberger, Mrs. Albert was bein~ married soon in Well- of any interest in lots Oae au neIll:lc COat,lines woln ~)y 1~eln I I Marjorie and Lauren of Grim~ell," " ' " . ' : . -Twigg is remaining with her grand- Miss Mary Jane Seylar of Me- Fischer and Mrs P D Archibald . man. It was a reunion for tbe ~irls Block Five. PfautZ Additio were over Sunday guests in the Dr. ~)ers of the cast mother until Friday of this week. ehaniesville was a Sunday guest in/ t Io~a Defendants The program committee presented who were college class mates but ,- ;, - -- ~ ~ and t~ ,' IO ~ranK V. Wootts II ~v~r. A. ~. lxatnoun of C~inton - the J. S. Haak home. Marllyn Dean/ each guest w~th a corsage of sweet are now widely scattered Mrs claimants of Lots One. J, and Mrs. N. A. York home. ~ 'Mrs. George cook of T, pton was a Mr .and Mrs John E. McHugh ~ ag;a~rSs:nt~ ;tr't~:'S2:ge~ttn ::c~ visitor in the Cook home on Tues- of Mount Vernon stayed with her/peas as the members answered roll i Bowman and Roy attended the TBI~k oFi~e~sboPnfa~v2a~ h'~st,Spent :hetsi~ei~anddfC-l~cago~PenIldhna ~ 'E~ gna)2;~;::;eoSp ke brieflf i:day Coon Creek grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Haak ~ call, by introducing their guest. ] weddinzo at Wellman and Mrs. Bow- r xou" on ,p .are hereby no~,-ied the, r1 s Ythe gn:ae($::: of h while her pareats, Mr. and Mrs./~,~**uu,~t,~ **~,t, I man acted as one of the hostesses. I now, on file tin mtheandC'lerk Stor I~ Rex Dean and Deanne were in Iowa i Miss Mildred Hartzell of Ohio * District Cou t " ~ Falls for the week end DATE OF ARDIS STINGER x,r~ ~,~ ' i Iowa, the petition of WLn~I Mrs Carrie Hagen and Miss O|TT OF T()~VN VI~ITOR$ r,/l[~ ~,~t H,*v ' ! ~ar ana Mrs Arlo Stinoer are I "=~'~z~". ,~sp~m~ ~s spenmng her Plaintiff above named, in w~-~ r e -un Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. .'* . . s i vaaction in the home of her par-that she is the owner t.~ ~-] Myrtle of Ceda Rapids w re ~ - Among the out of town visitors in -- . . announcing me approacmng mar- Lots One and Two in Bloe~ ~ O. P. Wilson were Mrs. Katherine cuts, Mr and Mrs C. F. Hartzell ' f Lisboa day visitors in the Mrs T. J. Bick- attendance at the pageant were Mr. Scrap books, quilts, patchwork, . rmge ot their aaugmer ~rals ~oulse i i ~uoition to ~ne 1own ~, Daubenmmr and M~ss Jane Walton Needlecraft club was entertained ~ ra in. that the title there O~ ett and Charles Staab homes, and Mrs. O. C. Lusted. Leo. Keith cook books, pencils, flowers, and . . to hay wnsan ~orrance o~ t~eaar . r " ~ nd e.~a of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Ahce Carney m the home of Mrs. Lloyd Neal on lm her and that you a j f~ Miss Estelle Evers of Stanwood and Dean Lusted, Mrs. ~]mma Plat- poetry were among the hobbies . . rtapms on weunesaav oi m]s week i ri f barred and forever eatOPp~ of Sprmgvflle and Mrs. Harry Whtt- ;. ~. i. ~," ~. xxr~ i F day a tcrnoon.The business i (~tteor 1~ spent Friday with Miss Evelyn tenberg,~r. ~M:~)'V ('arol Pl'lttc, nborg- represented by the sixteen ladies ~ ~ ~, v, ,''-d '" or cm,m ng any r,gn~ ~.--- tl~! man of Whittler. On Monday Mrs . . . ~" . . meet ng was l~ charge of the Presl- ! to and you are also notified . Meyers. The girls are room mates er, B~tty. t=~al)eook Mr lnd Mrs who attended the "Hobby Show" Daubenmler" and Mms" Walton left" loin. .her many n len(~s m thiS v~cin-. ]dent. Mrs Roy Bowman and the!appear; thereto and def.ena ," at Monmouth College in Monmouth, P. W. Pet(,rson, Roy. and Mrs. M. of the West Linn Home makers at ]ty ]n extending heartiest eongra~- i of the Second day of tl~e *" for Bridgeport Conn. to spend two ~ !pk ns were completed for the an- *inn ~o Ill 1 ttill, Gloria Hedge, and Mr. and Coon Creek church last Wednesday ' ulatmns an(] vest w~snes . . . . ~ sam u~s*r;ct wour~ o, *~ Mr ^"~ ~-~ ~^~" Civet ~'~"e asMrs. t~ussell Bait Mr. and Mrs afternoon Some of the hobbies months m the Dr.and Mrs. Prach .~i'ms- has attenaect LirangeTA~ rml'" ~ Ii nual club picnic .which will. be held ~ ~,~a ~ opal. ~'-~dS~.D, 1941IoWas anu ~ ~v~ o *,av (~ ,q home. Mrs. Prach is a daughter of at Thomas Park in Marion on Sun-, day of September A. =nd ~. ,-, scfloolaDO aiter nnlsnlng e]gnttl,~=v "hd~ 12 . ~ ~. i beenteredagainstyoum . "L.~k~, :. : ,~ue,a~ Mr~ . W,tegall and Gee. W. Cox of were raising chickens and milking,v~vs. ~auoenmler. ,-~ y .~. w~m ~a:o~ as the oln- ecree $ a ~,~ ,u,v,~ ,~, o,*,*~, o. ' . grade graduated from Mount Ver- ] tier hour Gue * **': :-- I rendered thereon, and d : ~^^^ ,~i ~.~**~. ~,~^ ~. Mount Vernon Ellen Varnholt cows, so could not be exhibited ~ ~ o r, ~*~-'"in" -- ~'e- Dundee llhnois"Willard Bennett very well.Games were played and non nigh SChOOl wl[n me class el! 1" "~'~'~ D v" u~ .v.u*t~, o, ~,~uvv ~; uu,~ . ' ' ~ . . ~ were Mrs. voornees, wno is spen(1-,t,~ l r-" rn from visitin- asister in Amahs, ~ ,r. andMrs. E. A. John- refreshments of lemonade and Central Llnn 1940 She was m Des Momes the I Attat~*~. -- u,- .-- ,- past week end where taking her I t. r~ ~,t x~ a I On this lgth day of ~ ~.~ ~;~a~o ~ son, Rev. Charles a. Bready, Viana cookies were served. " " . ",mg severa, flays m me mznzsn, "un~ ~*~ )*YIX~. kY~l~][1 ]~.~l~][1 . ~ ! IIUIIJ~/, I~UIULII~ .~Nl~:~l~Oll ~tll(.lIVIPS, I . "" *---*:*~ion lU- " Dahn and Mrs. E. E. Fisher and Mr. and MIS, P. E Frink of Ce- state test to completener course i~ ~,f~.~ ~ m~ .~ ~ /aoove nouce anu pe~,~ ~,:~t~ ivl~- Ii g k~v, ulA y atllg IIU~L lltV~tl]rl S n I b pupil ,- ~ to .erve ot'ee Y b Mr and Mrs Rober~ l~.oleK aria lc r~ m the Paris Beauty Academy ln~ ehP~ . . ehi I n of Cedar R~pids" Miss dar Rapids spent Wednesday in the COMMUNITY CLUB will probably be in three weeks or panied by affidavit for s~, aaughterana ~vlrsL~maa~urmn I ceaarl~oleK~apmSianu Grace Bittle, Waterloo: ;Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Huey. Mount Zion community club's t~eaar ~tapms. I July 11 the place to be decided presented .tq. the I'Ionaor~e ~a . Mrs. Albert Rathbun, Clinton; Mrs. About sixty neighbors and friends next meeting date will be Fmday ~ t[ ~ i~ ~ H~N~ i later and the members will be not> [ by approved and ordered pub ] ~orma ~ean aria ~toger ~eynons o~ I flhan R hb ," ', at un tnd Mr. and Mrs. were entertained at a miscellane- evening, June 27. Everyone is Tel- ~-~'~a~v :~-'~'-*'~ i fled. [Mount Vernon Hawkeye .~k~ Mount Vernon were VlSll;Ors on Don R ~thb m f 31 ~vlJ~l~Jl.l~,~lu I I~ISDOn rleral(1 Ior iour w o .' arlon: Mrs. Edith ous shower Saturday afternoon m come to come and enjoy a good ~'~'~'~'~'~.~.~ r ~.~, ~ ~ ~,~ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Yeisley haveI ' ~has J Ha~, -rlaay m me ~ a ~o~eK nome I-Iigh, James High, Rev. and Mrs. honor of Miss Retha Baxa at the program and mingle with their ~'= *'*~*'f,~"~-~,~-** ~:~,i been enjoying a visit from their t June26Julya101~ " " Mr .and Mrs. I. V. Merriss with Ralph Supplee, and Phyllis and home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs hmu a m~e~m~ u. ~wunuay aiter- "' nmgnDors ~ewcomers are espem Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gustafson and Charles Supplee of Meehaniesville Joe Baxa. The bride-elect receiv- " - noon at the home of Carolyn Neal. er Mrs. Mary Smith. Callers on Virgil Stackhouse of Waterloo left ed many lovely and useful gifts. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. this morning for Indianapolis, Ind Lesta Jean and Rosemary Rion Refreshments were served by the Light of Davenport, Mrs. Jennie where they will visit the Leland of Marion are spending the week hostess, rr~*or ~l- Irdrkpatrick of Mount Vernon and Miller and Lendetl Merriss faro- with Mrs. Lloyd Staab and child- LaVerne Herbst, son of Mr. and Marvin Henderson of Great Lakes flies for a week. ren. Mrs. Wm. Herbst, returned Satur- Training Station. Miss Marjorie Wilson of Wauke- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Albertson of day from the Great Lakes Naval Mr. and Mr.~. C. M. Gustine and gun, Ill and Ben Stahl of Great Shellsburg were callers Sunday in Training Station for a ten day fur- daughter Patsy of Waukesha, Wis Lakes Training Station, were week the I. J. Nosley and James Tyson lough. are visiting with A. J. Ramsay end guests in the Mr. and Mrs. John homes. Friday evening visitors in the Frock, Step Into Our several days this week. On Sunday Miller home. Ben has passed his Mrs. J. B. Robinson of Mount Kenneth Kadlec home in Iowa City Frock Shop Mr. Ramsay enjoyed a picnic din- second yeoman test with an in- Vernon visited on Monday with were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Khmer- --- net at the Upper Pal with relatives crease in wages. Mrs. Earl Arbingast and Mrs. ling and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard New sheers for a dollar. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beasmore Mayme Dorcas. Achenbach. family from West Branch and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beasmoref Mr. and Mrs LeslieFrink, sons Mr. and Mrs. A'. F. Laing, Dar-Keep cool beautifully. The Loyal Women's class of the and Jimmy joined relatives Sunday IRollin and Bobby Dean of Cedar rell and Lillian were Thursday eve- It's easy. See the solu- Federated church Sunday school at the home of Mrs. Bob Beasmore's 1 Rapids spent Sunday in the parental ning visitors in the Joe Baxa home. lions here. Here also, met with Mi's. J. M. Bridges on parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohren]R. L. Frink home. Sunday visitors in the home of Guns for the boys and Tuesday evening. The ladies had in Coggon, as a surprise observ- Mr and Mrs Elwood Re.~ew~hr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krob in honor girls who think noise and of Mrs. Krob's brother, LaVerne ance of thmr 40th wedding anm [ a picnic supper, business session~ " land daughters of Stanwood spent tterbst, who is home from the navy, the 4th are identical. and program There were 23 pres- versary . I i Sunday with her parents, Mr. and i were: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Herbst Ammunition to keep the ent. Mrs. Mary Jehnek, wmtmg mI W. M. Bennett returned SundaY lMrs. Charles Beaver. her daughter, Mrs. Earl Warner's I from a ten day vacation and fishing r d rs h of and LaVerne, Miss Retha Baxa, Mr. day in the calendar. M . an M . Seth Ru 1 Ana- and Mrs. Joe Krob, sr and Edward, home, was a guest. 'trip In northern Minnesota, going traps~ ]~.qr ~nr] Mr~ Rnloiah .~hnnn Miss Blanche Walliek of Joliet, from Riverside, Ill with his son/o"i-i~art"e'lieand' 'M~rs-'lkl~m~a" ~/'ood*" Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krob, jr Mr. and l LE--I O-NS Ill returned 'lMesday after a week's Howard. A nice bunch of northern! ward of Cedar Rani'ds were Sun--IMrs'Mrs' HaroldBernard~atchelor,Achenbach'RalphMr" Me-and For Coolness and Health visit with her parents, Mr. and pike, wall-eyed pike and black, basS lday guests of the E'rnest Hotz ram-Cullough, Merle, Marvin and Shir-: Priced according to size, Mrs. E. F. Wallick. She took Nela- were orougnt home oy me ~.lsDon ~, lilY. ley, Mrs. Henry Fowler of Lisbon, i but all fancy and juicy vene Refiner with her and they nsnerman 1 In observance oI me~r slxm and Harold Studt of Mount Vernon. 25c, 30c and 35c a doz. will go on to Chicago for a sev- . MrS. Blanche Meyers Jump spent/wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs .Donald Kamerling eral day's sight seeing trip. A ms~ '~-nursaay with her aunt ~rs. i Theodore Light entertained at Sun- and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Achen- ORAN--GES week end guest of Miss Blanche J. m. ~-iau~z. ~ne came xrom ~oes day dinner Mr and Mrs Ralph bach were Saturday evening shop- was Miss Clella Lemmon of Terre Moines, where she was a n.urse at!Kuntz attd John, Stanley and DeTan pers in Cedar Rapids. 10C, 15C, 20C, 25C and 30c Haute, Ind. ~roamawns nosp~m~, stopping on Kuntz Forrest Huey was a Tuesday a dozen Arriving Saturday on a nine day her way to have similar work at Mr 'ana Mrs r~ R ~ri~k a~, ~, visitor in West Liberty ~t the Gee. Wesley hospital, where she had ~"" Steen home where a seed corn furlough from Great Lakes Train- ter Lois and Miss Cecelia Sherman Celery, Lettuce, Carrots, ing Station were Bill Mohn in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mohn; Marvin Henderson in the Dr. J R Gardner home; La- vern Herbst in the parental Will Herbst home and Elmer Cronkhite in his mother, Mrs. Charles Line- back's home. Mr. and Mrs. Rol~ert Carbee of Bellingham, Wash were guests Thursday and Friday in the C. W. Carbee home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs C. W. and J. M. Carbee join- ed relatives at the W. C. Carbee home in Rockford, Iowa, in honor of their brother and wife. LeT A1- baugh accompanied the Carbees to Nashua, where he stopped to spend the day with his brother Bert and family J. Dean Peterson had a party on Friday afternoon for Judy Miller of St. Louis, Me. Buddy Stanley, Lorraine Morningstar, Sarah Franks and Jane Miller were the little guests. The mothers were Mrs. John Peterson, Mrs. J. Robert Mill- er, Mrs. Ivan Stanley, Mrs. Leon Morningstar, Mrs. S. M. Franks, and Mrs. Buell Miller. Other guests were Mrs. Tom Challis, Mrs. Lyle G. Smith and Miss Nadine Stahl. taken her training. Mrs. Harlan Briggs is in Mar- shalltown today making plans for the department convention to be held there in August. On Sunday meeting. afternoon callers. of Waukesha, Wis were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoeft. They were enroute to Yel- lowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs Robert Hamilton III I iii Those are ordinary times. Tho pace events is ~aster. It is more than the average man can do to keep up with all the changes that are taking place. But the bank has certain advan- taqes in the way of hcflities, information, contacts. While we make no claim to "knowing it all," there have been many cases where we have been able to help with knotty financial problems We are ready to do our best to cooperate with you in similar fashion. meeting was held. Sunday evening visitors in the ,Wm. Herbst home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krob, Elaine and Rich- ard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krob, jr Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krob, sr and Edward, Miss Retha Baxa, Harold Studt of Mount Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davies of Cedar Rap- ids, Mrs. Henry Fowler and Mr. and Mrs Harold Batchelor of Lis- bon. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bloom and daughter Isabel of Rochester, Minn and Mrs. Nellie Brown and daugh- ter Grace of Kasson, Minn came Monday afternoon and are visiting in the Glenn Kamerling home un- til Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Butler of Mount Vernon visited in the Chas Jonston home last week. The next meeting of the Prairie Bell Homemakers will be held on Thursday afternoon, July 3, at the Joe Krob, sr. home. Mrs. Bernard Achenbach visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krob, sr Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Kob.1 and family were Thursday evening call- ers in the Glenn Kamerling home. White Oak Mrs. Glenn Slyer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Siver, Mr and Mrs. Otis Slyer and Mms Myrtle Manly attended the wedding of Miss Elaine Vanderbilt and Arthur High at South Bend, Ind on Saturday. They remained in South Bend over Saturday night and returned home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs .Leo Driscoll and family attended a dinner at the David Driscoll home Sunday. The occasion celebrated the 10th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. David Driscoll and the couple were presented with a baking set of py- rex by various members of the ram- fly. Mrs. Verlon Baker entertained the "Hi-He" Bridge Club on Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Ray Simp- son won high score and Mrs. Leo Crock low score Mrs. Max Work- man was awarded guest prize. Afternoon callers in the Ralph Wethington home included Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crock and Mary Rose, Eldora Koppenhaver and Ch~e Albaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thimmes and family took a picnic dinner Sunday and spent the day in the Sherril Baker home. Mrs. Baker is improv- ing but still in her mother's home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell were Sunday dinner guests in the Frank Hartman home. Mr. and Mrs. LeT Hartman, Ade- line Hartman and Leo Hartman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longerbeam of Mount Vernon. Miss Adeline Hartman is still visiting in the Frank Hartman home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aldrich and Mrs. Mary Fairbanks were Satur- day evening end Sunday guests in the Glenn Slyer home. Mrs. Fair- banks remained for a week's stay. Clifford Fairbanks spent the week in the Otis and Glenn Slyer homes and left this Wednesday morning for Maxwell Field at Montgomery, Ala. Petition--& document showing how many people ~cked the h~ok- })O~t~* ~(} .~av 110. -li~X, Bind Cherries, Tomatoes, and all essentials for good meals. Why not spend a delight- ful cool evennig at the Cornell Summer Thea- tre? "Ladies in Retire- ment" this Thurs Fri. and Saturday at 8:15 p.m. Cards here that will admit two for price of one. When in we will hand you one and send you on the way to a grand entertainment. JUNE AND ROSES Will go out this week, but our stores will re- main attractive in mer- chandise and prices. Your guess on the giant sack of flour may be the one that wins. Contest closes Saturday evening, July 5. Just for fun, guess. Somebody will win. There will be 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th prizes and a penny candy bar for each name besides. No. 5 Grapefruit Juice 18c No. 5 Grapefruit and Orange 25c Smoothie Salad Dress, Quart 25c LO.A. Quart Peanut Butter 25c Pork Chops, any cut, pound 23c Fresh Tomatoes, big and brite, pound 10c New Potatoes, white, peck 35c New Potatoes, Red, peck 35c Old Potatoes, Solid, peck 25c 5 pound bag Flour 17 In Syrup, Fancy Peach- es, 2 can 18c 28-oz Chicken-Noodle soup 10c Campbell's Chicken- Noodle Soup 10c 14 oz Mushroom Soup, can 10c Cracker Jack, 5e pkg. 3c Pure Lard, pkg 2 lbs 25e DIAMOND C FLOUR 49 pound bag $1.29 24 pound bag 65e While present supply lasts you buy for less than wholesale. Lisbon The club presented a gift to Mrs. Virgil Stoner, nee Jean Minish, a recent bride; and Ardis Stinger, a bride-to-be. The girls have both been very active in 4- Hwork and will be keenly missed. SIXTEEN CARLOADS CHARIVARI STONERS On last Monc~ay evening a cara- van of 16 carloads of neighbors mo- tored to the Glenn Stoner home to welcome and charivari Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stoner, who had re- turned from their honeymoon up into Wisconsin. The newlyweds gave treats to young and old. An unusual incident was the pres- ence of a former neighbor, Mrs. John Titler, her daughter Mrs. Earl Wain, her son Warren Waln, and his son Dickie Waln; a complete four generation group. Also Frank Stinger attended ,although on crutches. Heartiest congratulations were left by the group when they returned to their various homes. It was treats and more treats for Mr. and Mrs. Stoner, for on Thurs- day evening the Needlecraft club members and their families journ- eyed to the Stoner home and began a charivari that sounded real old- fashioned They took with them many nice gifts for the new home. Jean and Virgil extended their sin- cere thanks to the group, who left after a social evening, glad that! this worthy young couple will con- tinue to reside in our vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman en- tertained Wednesday evening at Fancy Large Red Tomatoes, per lb. Extra Large Lemons, per dozen Jumbo Iced Cantaloupe, 2 for Michigan Celery, per bunch Cucumbers, long, green New Carrots, per bunch Nice Juice Oranges, per doz New White Potatoes, 10 pounds for Draft Root Beer, 1/2 gal -: California Red Plums, per doz. QUALITY MEATS Sliced Bacon, Lean, per pound Extra Fancy Steak, Homemade BolO ' Fancy Rolled Beef Roast, per pound Assorted Cold Meats Free Delivery LISBON, IOWA We are planning on putting a locker plant in the Walmer Building at Lisbon if we can obtain 100 signed rental agreements for one year. For a reference as to our locker service ask any patron of the Mount Vernon Locker plant which has been in operation for a year and a half and has a wait" ing list for lockers now. A plant with a capacity of 150 lockers will be in- stalled in Lisbon if the 100 signers are obtained. Sign up at the Mount Vernon Locker plant or Johnston Furniture store in Lisbon Locker rental is $10 and $12.50 a year ::'=;: =ApPlY at 0ncef0r-: drawer type lockers as there ww be a limited supply. The sooner there are 100 signers, the quicker worg will be started.