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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 26, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 26, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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F gbt M MOIYNT VERNON, IOWA, HAI*VKEYE-RE(X)RD AND THE LISDON Thursday, jmae J6 J. L. Papes and and Mrs. A rllN N]7 'I'WN M " REGISTRATION MOUNT VERNON SOCIAL I LISBON NEWS Division No 1 of W.S.G.S. of B Vernon of Marion i rs. Nlehol " [abi;&i4A&.w&Alat.i; IJrJiL |I~ lt7 .~ tx~. a i the Methodist church will meet at Mr. and Mrs. Durward Sadler .writes uI Anclen the home of Mrs. Warner Peterson, who were recently married were DNAI Z IM DD"PDAM . "'" "" .NI: -.All MEN .71 i Friday afternoon, June 27. honored last Priday evening at a ]l~l~l~ |1~ |l~l~'~l~l ] remn WlVlilZauon Re(ha Be William charivari given by families in the T~ u~uswlv~ uxw t lvlvu.qwx The]~mmaLeighCirelewillmeet neighborhood. After the serenad- |~ R*l~|, ~|~[~-" Mrs. ,>,:n ~,~o,~on BEFORE ELY lST Herbs( Wed Monday with Mrs. H. N. Rhoads, Friday ing treats of candy bars and eigars lAU ~k~JLl~l /IJIIAIIILIJLI wife of Bishop Thom,~s Nicholsou, afternoon, June 27. The meeting were presented to the guests. The ]retired Bishop of the Methodist was the advice The nmrria~e of Mi~s Re(ha was postponed from last week. evening was spent socially. T,~n ~ ~ga~*~'r~m Church, who resides in Mount Ver- Boxa. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Junior Industrial society of a-4~atat ~atu x ~.~z~au non, has written an article about] Register eaZJ Joe Boxa and Imverne Herbst, son the Presbyterian church will meet Mrs. Fred Sadter entertained in of Mr. and Mrs. ~Vm. Herbst, took in the Butler cottage, Upper PMi- honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Durward Sadler, at her home on place "it noon, Monday in Kahoka, sades, Tuesday evening, July 2. Tuesday afternoon of last week. Me. Attending the couple were Mrs. L. E. Bigger entertained Guests included ladies and friends th~ hride's brother-in-law and sis- a ~mall group at a luncheon, at her in the neighborhood. The guest of tel', Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell of home on Wednesday, honoring Mrs. honor received many lovely and Cedar F~luffs. The bride wore a Roberts, mother of 'Mrs. J. Harold useful gifts for her new home. floor length white dr,ss of not over Ennls. Dainty refreshments were served to sill< with yoke and short M ew,s of lace. A silvtq" (,town hehl IhJ, waist The Friendship clu~b will meet twenty-four ladies and children, length veil nnd she veto, a covsa~-e Oetc~ber 16 reKistration or who are of Talisman ros(,s, delphinium and wlith Mrs. Esther Siggins, Wednes- .Miss Abbie ero,basco, of Dele- the Joe 1)ripps farm, known as the"An/Pc(can travelers seldom visit 21 on July 1 must enroll on that swnn~onia. Mrs. Mileh !l yore n day afternoon, July 2, instead of ware', Ohio. was honored on several Dripps road. All of the fences have Crete. This island is off the main with Mrs. Anna Gormly as an- occasions during her brief visit in been set baok except on the eastline of traffic, has pool' accommoda- day. Federal law prescribes strict blue sill< floor h,n~th dr, ss nnd a nouneed last week. Assisting hos- Mount Vernon. IVIiss Alice Betts end of the road, Supervisor Ehner lions, worse connections, and some penalty of fine or imprisonment shouhlor 1,m~th bhw ':-il hebl hy a or both for failure to comply. Any silver crnwn. ]Tot ('orsnao was tesses will ,be Mrs. Elizabeth Rus- entertained in her honor on Monday Seevell stat,d the first of the week. sort of revolution is usually in pro- men who did not register last Pc- chiffon daisie~ and white ('arna- ell, and Mrs. Mary Caraway. evening. Dr. and Mrs. Jay B. Mac-The road is expected to be graded eess there. But (7rote was once the tother when between the ages of /ions. "l'):e men wore while en)n:t- Saturday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Gregor entertained her at a din- this summer and probably surfaced gateway of traffic between Egypt,21 and 36 will also ibe carded next lion hnulonnioros. E. T. Gough will 'be hosts at a pie- net on Tuesday evening and she during the coining winter. Gravel Adriatic ports and the Black Sea. ntc supper at their home. Others was a guest Wednesday evening of for it will likely be obtained front "It is a small island, only 160 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H~q-I)st lvs. I),o~:~. in the group will :be: Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Hi,hie and Miss Maryt~e gravel pit on the Armstrong miles long, and seven to thirty-iiw~ The estimated 180 reKistrants Mrs. Ih,nry ICowler. Mrs. Harold L. E. Bigger and Lois; ~Mr. and Parsons at a musical in Armstrongfarm, northwest of Martelle. wide. But in this small 'cradle' outside the city of Cedar Rapids Baleholor and Mrs. Vrank Krob and in the county will report at Board (.hildr(,n w(,ro pvo:~(,nt :li the (',q'e- Mrs. ,M. H. Biddick, Mr. and Mrs. hall. 44TH STRI~]ET WILL BE Aegean civilization began. It be- i No" 3 headquarters at 650 Twelfthrepay. A w(,ddiu~z dance was hold -- ---~-- --- -- ------: - --- -~-~- ~---- -- -- ----~'-" 0I~1RST BERTAM PRO, IFXTP ca/uP the mother of Grecian culture street in Marion. Men are advised in Ih~. lA.~.hon I,emion hall on >don- The first road to ~)e improved in and long afterward of our own. Theto register early to save themselves 98 Bertram township under the new Greeks acknowledged Crete as the (lay even(n:-. Tb ~room. who is possibh, waiting in line later in the al Gre:,t l,akos 'Prainin~" School. is County three year road program sourer of their law, arts, and re-day. About 10 to 12 minutes are ]letup ou a nine day furlough, and will be 44th street, south from No. listen." required to enroll each nlan. will r,~u]'n to i'(!),*~'~ for du~y on 30 at the east edge of Cedar Rapids. In explaining the recent exeava- The registration law applies ?o Men,lay.Tb bride h,s h,'(,n hen- PHONE 4312 MOUNT VERNON W~ile this road is No. 2 on the pro- tions in Cr(:te, Mrs. Nicholson's ar- hoth citizens ,ud aliens, except for orud at two nlis,'oll'(ne, ous show- gram it will probably be improved tieh stales that facts have been exemption from registration for all ers. ore,I:~M Saturday :,flu'moon Deliveries at 9 and 11 a.m.; 2 and 5 p.m. first because of the number of iliseovered which prove ulany of the men who :,re now already in some :(1 ll~ . home of l/,r !,:~,','~lt~. an,1 lh, houses it serves and the fact th:tt il ancienl myths :~bout Crete, partieu- branch of the rail t ry. nqval oroil)or at llle lh,vbM homo mi Vod- .u,is desired both for city bus and larly concerning its early sport of nl lrine (,siablishments, in the active flernoon. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES school bus routcs. This will havebull fighting. She concludes withreserves or ill the coast guard coasl nowiay ~, to be a c6ntraet job because of the this paragraph: and geo,leii(" S,l'Vey o, puldie health, Begin Conducted Grapefruit, large, 4 for 2rx~" Homegrown Beets, Cabh~ge, steed sand hills on it which will '%re eondeum the cruel sport of service. LemonS, Juicy, dot 29cGreen Beans, Green PepI~rs, require considerable g,'ad ng a l, agan ag What wiil be future BeKist,'a,s ,il, have ready the Tours Of Palisades The No. 1 road on the Bertram civilization's verdict on the wanton answers for the following questions, of Callf. Oranges t0c, 25e, 33c, 45e Avocados, Plums, mmanas, program, south and east from th. wa,ste of life in the Crete of out" Name, address, n/ailing a,ldro ~. On Next Sunday ~,Vln~p Apples, 4 lbs 25e Ring Cherries. Happy Valley station and con(in- day'? Five thousand struggling, te~t~phone, age in years, date of R.A. "Wol)et of Mus~':ttim pavl< Pas~tl Celery, laxge bunch 12e uing into Franklin township near screaming nlen drowned in the l/irth, place o( ~)irth, person who Tomatoes, fancy, lb pkg I5c BIRI)SEYI~] the Merrill Hoffman place, will sinking of one ship! Thousands will always know your address, era- park, and is lo'atvd for th,' no'l pro'bably not be improved first tic- UlOl.(2 droppcd from the skies to ployer's name. place of cnlployment sox rat ,~', ~ks i,~ ,( ,oU:,~, ,~,':, ~, SPENCER TRACY Cauliflower, head, 19e to 25c PROPEl) FOOD SPECIALS muse additional right-of-way will witi~'('ling brokenlike apeSbonestO treCinto topS,'mountainfell or hnsiness and occupation. ~h, euslo(li:~n. Charh,s My rs. CAlrrot% 2 bunche~ 15c Peas, p~tekage 21e have to be obtained for a relocation ravines, or were attacked with shot m] ~l~r ~r . Next Stlllday MF. Vet)or will I),'- MICKEY ROONEY New Potatoes, Red or White, I~ounder [,31lets, lb 32e at the Mevers hlll. ' and shell as they descended. Thus tinree lore lVl0Un ~hl 1 lin~ his k,y i r~ I)e~k 43c Peaches, Sliced, pkg' 22c IVORK PROGRES,~ES ON do(,s Mars devour our youth." of the park. lte a(]~i.~e.~ the toursIf ym] st':, any Mio~v this sum- Idaho Russets, I0 lbs 37e Strawberries. pkj~ 25e FAR~[ TO ]~[ARKET ROAD ------ Vernon Men Drafted ,ll~s ye,(," ,i, he ~,~('n,~e,t~nu ,ol,~. ,e,' ~, ,~ .',en ,f Workmen from the Maintenance Bertram ,'e, nh,~ idant lifo and bir,is I~o.v's "1'o,~ district under foreman Kenneth 1 Three Mona'S-Vet-non men are atou~" lho lrails, I'atht,r than ](,(.- WEEK END GROCERY SPECIALS Graver have been cutting trees and Mrs. Frmak Letner included in the 13 called to report ~ure hml's, in the park. The tours grubbing stumps on the Farm to -----" to Linn Draft Board No 3 at Mar- ,re fr(,c and(.vervo,~.irll~.r~,st t COMMUNITY PROGRAM ion ," . - = "' Sundav - Monday Market rend two miles north of ~, ~ pm r,~,unclnv /uiy 6th toi~ cordiall-.' invih,d |o ioin them. FRIDAY EVENING l b~ ' " ' ' " SpringviIle and west two nllles to Divisions No. 1 and 2 presented: ~ sent to an induction station for Three tour~' will I -As presented the SOAP, P & G Laundry Giant Bars, 10 for 39c CHEESE, Kraft American, 2 pound box 55c RITZ CRACKERS, N.B.C Large Box 21e BEANS, Heinze Baked Plain or Tom. Sauce, 2 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE Cross & Blaekwell 12 oz tins, 3 for 25c COFFEE, Butternut Regular or Drip, 2 pound tins 57e TEA, Rich Ice Tea Blend, pound with 2 glasses 48c OLIVES, Ripe California Brand, Jumbo size, lge tin 23e FLIT Fly Spray, Pint Tins 23c PICKLES, Richelieu Dainty Sliced, 12 oz jars 22c SHRIMP, Richelieu large size wet pack, 2 tins 39e KREMEL, Chocolate Mint Flavor Pudding, 3 pkgs 13c PINEAPPLE, Richelieu Raggedy Ann, 2 large tins 53c PEACHES, Richelieu, Raggedy Ann, 2 large tins 53c ORANGES, California Valencias, 252 size, 2 dozen 39c LEMONS, California Sunkist, 300 size, dozen 29c LIMA BEANS, Baby Stuart, Garden Pack, 2 tins 27c SWEET POTATOES, Rich. Maryland Golden, 2 tins 27c JAR RUBBERS, Heavy Red with Lip, 3 dozen 11c FRESH AND FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES it;lYe1 tO 12,]~lej l]orKtn&ilrl, new pro- sident of the Mount Vernon-TAsbon l{o|ary chit), at ltle ']'u(~sday eve- ning n/retina, at the Goudy Tea room. Mr. Bergman was elect~,d in April :~nd assumes offie0 on .Iulv 1. Dr. Ennis ex'pressed his thanks for the unusually fine 0ooperation he has had and wished the new president well. Dr. John R. Gardner spoke of the last session of the ~eneral assem- ~bly in whie'h he served ms a repre- sentative from l,inn county. Credit for acconlplishing so much in the 89 day session wns attributed to naming of an efficiency committee by the Republicans soon after the election last fall. The recommen- dations of lhc committee were fol- lowed and bills were passed on the third day. In the previous session it was ,~ month 'before any bills were 'passed. 'tELLS OP "~t~*{~)RrK OF D li: PIll N ,'SE CO313[ITEI,] T)r. Gardner spoke on the work of the logislative National Defens~ eommittec of which he is a mem- ber. Until his reth'en}ent he was t Colonel in the medical reserve. The originql idea was to protect /O~VIL fronl an inf]nx of lln(](,sirablo -"------- -~- ~-=~--~ -~--- ~ -~ citizens who mighl be bore when ~ho nexl bubble breaks. The com- mittee has nh'eady helped estab- )r iished lowa businesses ohtain de- : fense cont rar'tswhere Present equipment and personnel could be used wilh littl(~ ('hange on various defense contracts. We Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Dial 4012 tlo pr(.dicted that the sheil load- ing plant nt Burlim, ton, which ts a mammouth thing, will be a big head-~che to Iow~t for SOme time A large mushroom population liv- ing in tra,ilers without sanitary fa- ci]ities offers a big problem. School facilities for this large population will be very difficult this fall. The time a person must reside in Iowa before becoming a citizen: was increased froin one to two years to guard against undesira~bles. ITI{Gi,]N TI{AIN[NG PI~ANE SP(YI'I'I,~RS lvOi{ IOWA The committee nrg'ed that air- plane spotters be trained in Iowa to recognize and report on any plane in the air. Dr. Gardner said i this training was harmless and should be given, as from three to six months was required to train a ,person and If there should be a need for spotters there would not 'be time to train them. He urged that they be trained and ready for use if needed. orchestral accompaniment opened the program. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Eyestone; Miss Iris Platner of Me- chanicsville gave two groups of ac- cordion numbers; Leonard Zaycek of the Great Lakes Naval Station gave an interesting account of the life of the boys in camp. Rev. J. B. Eyestone gave a group of read- ings; Miss Velma Anderson, soprano gave as a solo, 'Tm The Child of a King," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Floyd Kitchen. Announce- ments and dismissal were given by Rev. J. B. Eyestone. METHODIST NOTES Dr. and MIs. Russell Cole of Cor-! nell college, Mount Vernon, and Mrs. Vance AUyn of New London, N. H were guests at the Methodist church on Sunday. Dr. Cole gave the invocation during the worship service. Rev. J. Bruce Eyestone, pastor, gave the address using as his subject, "The Place of War in the World." Floyd Kitchen read Galations 4:1-8 for the scripture les- I son during the church school houri and F. G. Anderson gave the pray-I er;rhe hour of the church school l opening is 10 a.m and the worship! service is at 11 a.m. All are wel-I come to attend and share in the l services of the church. Division No. 3 under the direc- tion of Mrs. Herman Nebiker and Mrs. Harold Porter will present an interesting program Friday evening in the Methodist church. All are welcome. Marvin Zeller, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Zeller, had the misfortune to fall from his tri- cycle and fracture his arm in two places Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George King had as guests Wednesday, Mrs. King's sister, Mrs. Venie Lehans and son George; her nieces, Mrs. Ralph Hershey and Mrs. Vergil Limpinby all of Chicago; also Mr. and Mrs. John Cabalka and son John Lau- rance. The occasion was the 77th birthday anniversary of Mrs. King. Mrs. Belle Thompson of Mount Vernon was a dinner guest Satur- day evening of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. An- derson. 359 John l~raxion Wqlden. I m touoil ~ith Mr. Veb,r. 825 Ross Theodore Romer, Con-[ ter Point. [ 845 Gilber! lmslio Hubler, Mt. Vernon. ~66 Raymond George ttrunlnL Mt. Vernon. 869 Ralph Eugene Mcl)onald, Pair fax. 882 Verle Vietm" Masterhan. Cen- tral City. 884 Richard Dee Williams, Mt. Vernon. 890 Vernon Lawrence Akers. (~en tral City. 893 Willis Prank Richardson, Marion. 901 Lloyd Villiam Bcnesh. I{.[,'.1). Cedar Rapids. The following men may be re- quired as replacements: 913 Elson Reed Needles. 9]5 Edward Marshall Conrad 931 Prank Melvin Hulshizer 956 Ed Thomas Merrill. 969 William John Matus. Letter From Ristines In Pa. Describes Conditions There In a letter from '.McKcesport. Pa written bv Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ris- tine to Bishop and Mrs. Nieholson, a very interesting description is given of the war pre*parations In the factories of that disrtrict. The letter stated in part: "We are ~bout !2 miles south of Pitts- burg, located on the ~brow of a hill. ---almost worthy of the name of foothills to a mountain--we can see up "/nd down the Monongahelo river for n]any miles. As far as the eye can reach, huge smoke stacks towering high are sending forih dense clouds of smoke and fire sug'gesting a veritable hlferno. Tens of thousands of men, working" in three shifts of eight hours n day each, seven days in a week. produc- ing destructive material and death- dealing machinery. Such condi- tions prevail over 50 miles north, soutll and west of Pittsburg. One shudders wheu he contemplates the si~nificance of it all----day and ni~ht this scene is before us. Ve are on a point so high the smoke never reaches us, 1)at there is an invisible graphite dust in the air which set- tles over everything. Sweeping a 1~1 porch will make a little pile of it r. ana ~v*rs. ~ene ~awason ana " - , resenlDung Kiln powue" TIle Meet family, Mr. ana Mrs. 1-1. E. ~KOW, . -- - "" ~ . ~ II~II[S uavo a "aw 1 her( peopl~ O[ aria iamny on /~rlaayV1sI eUlvlrs. { " " . lnany nationalities ~as ~C ]~e(i Skow's parentsat Clinton ' . ' ~. '~', P- :, Perr Kna and son I Ire see the Stars and Strips flo ttin~ Y PP van aspo~e~ ~ t ": ' " " '~ -- - -- I " " I illS and FIonles ou flag Billy FairbanKs oz Anamosa were d~y " dinner guests Sunday in the home~ ~ " ' of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butterfield. i Mr. and Mrs. Claire Booth, Mr. Ho~"Tvne Parley and Mrs. Harold Fernow, Miss ~r '=', ~r -- ~ - Catherine Berry and Bill Barnhart ~viee~s In Uedar l anlds of Marion drove to Keokuk, Daven- The "ho,~ [vpe" eonference~-n ('e port, and Rock Island, Ill on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stoneking entertained the members of the Zenith Club and their families at dinner on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel and daughters Pauline and Ira Mac were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. George King. Court Boxwell of New York City is spending the summer on his father's farm, occupied by Argene Allbee. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Caldwell entertained the township Farm Bureau at their home on Tuesday evening. i Visitors Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George 'dar l{apids, today and Friday is exDeetod [O ati vact {t UlllllbOr of farmers from this ,k'!~,ity. To- day tbI'ee pen:~ of })~!rrows, three ('T tsSf's (11' SO V.~ lind t~vo (']/Isstq4 ()f boars will he judged at tlle All- Iowa ~{l'OlllldN alld o]1 Igli(]:!~. ~,]lol/ Nash and I,'red Boa]'d will Ct)llt]llt'[ a meat demonstration using" the e;tl'(~asses of ille barrows. Tile bar- rows will I)e slaughtered Thursday and taken lO the dolllOllStFation in refrigerated trucks. Thursday evening at Hotel Men- (rose Delmar H. l,aVoi of the Na- tional livestock and meat Iioard will discuss. "pork and htrd in the diet of civilian and soldier," and A. L. Anderson will lead a discus- ]~i~g] sips on "evaluation of defects in were Rev. James Baltz and son, Poland Chinas." Prof. Harold Baltz of Mount Ver. non; Mr. and Mrs. HenryCassidy Nancy Laing, (laughter of Mr. of Cedar Rapids. and Mrs. J. B. Laing is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Letner,MissJan(re Gustafson, daughter of Rev. Tillie Kramer, George and and Mrs. Robert L.A. Gustafson, in Clin- and will erect a home there this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Andre de LeVarre of Croton, N.Y were guests Thurs- day night of ,Mrs. Lloyd Mc Cuteh- will be accompanied by Mr. Reih- n/an's mother, Mrs. Rose Relhman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoover re- turned home Wednesday noon from a delightful l0 day vacation visit with Mrs. IAly Williams and Mr. The next meeting of the club eon. Mrs. Mary Alexander aecom- -- -'~----~ - -~-~ ~--~ ~: ~---~-- ---~--" ~--- ----~-~--~ will ~l)e a picnic at the George Wil panied them here from New York ,son residence - Mr de I eVarre makes tlavel pic STAHi. S C.ICRF.NHO! 1RITR I, --- lures for Columbia l'ietures and is ~--- ---- ----- "--~-, ~--~-~ -,= .~v -~-- m a~,~ Mrs Iam Z---- kno~n |] es B Hodgson of Cedar,they w:r~ enTrohet2t;eAla 'aUVjhe:re I IRaplds wan an Over mght guest of " " . Flowers w red everywhere Ml lJ~ "ss Lillie Hodgson on Tuesday /a travel picture will be made. [ .*.-t -- t She was a dlnner guest in the J M Phone I 1 " ",: /-- ------- -- |Ii:; YdiUnd Rev Hodgson is "Men of Boys Town," Strand, Prt- ---= -- --:-~=-- - ---- -=-- -- =~----~-- ~--- -'--- --O'~: g Y (nAmes. /day - Saturday. and Mrs. Allan Weston, in 'Madison, Wis. A part of the time was spent in the Williams-Weston cottage on Green Imke. Side trips were taken to Green Bay, Oshkosh, Fond-Du LaP, Baraboo and through the Dells. They returned home by way of Monroe, Wis. and 1)ubuque. Miss 1Allic Hodgson was in charge of the jewelry store during their ~bsenee. MI'S. Vera .1 oi~ ~-s ofI)asadena, ('alif arrivod Sai~lrday in the ]lnllle of hcl' cousin, MI'S, J. F. Bowers. ()n Tuesday 51rs. ,Ionos, Mrs. Bowers and Jonathon Kohl of Cedar Rapids went to Reek- Cord, Ill to visit until today in lhe t{euben Kohl hmne. For Friday-Saturday JUNE 27 - 28 Royal Ruby Pitcher and 2 pkgs J.S. Wheat Puffs all for 29c Coupon HERSHEY COCOA 1 lb can 13c JAR RINGS, 4 doz 15c Jar Lids, Ball Mason, dozen 21c Parowax, pound 14c Sunbrite Cleanser, can 5c Salt, 2 2 lb boxes 17c Black Pepper, J.S. 1 lb box 19c COCOANUT, Shredded, pound 15c Candy, Big Ben Jellies pound 10c Jelly Beans, pound 10c Cherries, No. 2 can 10 c Pork & Beans, Red Beans, Lima Beans, all J. S 3 tall cans 25c Pineapple, can 21c Josephine's Grocery Dial 6212 We Deliver Mount Vernon, lowa MOST people who use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills say that one pill usually relieves their head- aches. In the regular package, Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills cost one penny each. In the economy packages, one penny buys 11/4 pills. Why Don'tYou Try Dr. M;le Ant;- Pa;n P;lls? They taste good, act promptly, do not upset the stomach, con- lain no opiates or laxative medi- cines. You may be miles away from a drug store when you are suffer- ing from a Headache, Neuralgia, or Muscular Aches and Pains. not get a package of Dr. s Anti-Pain Pills today and be prepared for emergencies? Regular Package, 25 Pills, 25 IKeonon~y Package, 125 Pills, $1.00 Read fall di- rections in package. Mrs. C. ~V. Neff is i'eeovel'hlg i l'OI)l ]l'q' I'o (Ktt il]lD SS &lid is able' '.o :it lll) 5ellis. eacll day. First Show 7:30 Friday - Saturday The out.standiu;~,' pi(,tul~e of ill(" shin inel'. Metro's great ~e(lt]{'l l~l "l~oy's To~;n.'" g JOEL McCREA ELLEN DREW Laughing, loving, fight- ing Fast Entertainment. Coming--- "Caught in the Draft" Workers Everywh Both to Spare in Work Shoe with pers and Even Genuine SHELL No OtherWorkSh Hol OF all tanners on Wolverine tanners secret Wolverine makes shell horse buckskin for uppe ble as bamboo for losing one iota of its trength and wear But millions of ,what that means to means work dry that way yet wear like your size ! 6pen CO. A Big Store in a small That first Fourth of July must have been a honey but this Fourth is just as important and since you weren't here for the first one and are here for this we don't want you to miss a single thrill. Celebrate . . . if ever a mortal had reason to thank his stars and stripes, it's this year. Be glad you're an American and that you can have these American cool clothes at these typical American cool savings. Palm Beach Suits $17.75 Tropical Worsted Suits $21.50, $24.75, $29.50 Dark Colored Straw Hats 98c to $3.50 Genuine Panama Hats $2.95 to $3.95 Cool Sport Shirts 98c to $2 Cool Mesh Dress Shirts by Arrow $2 Cool Ventilated Oxfords $3.95 and $5 Cool Slack Suits for Men $2.95 to $8.50 Cool Slack Suits for Boys Ages 4 years to 18 $1.95 to $3.95 Cool Underwear and Hosiery Your Appearance Is Our BusineSS