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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 29, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 29, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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29, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA%VKEYE-RECORD AND T]TE LISBON HERALD Page Five SOCIALLY IN MOUNT VERNON ~"~+++++.~'. ~ ,++4 ":'~~4 C5 :',': iSg° : !ii2i'! at theh- cottage at the[ es. l Mrs. D. IT. Van Metre will enter- L, tion tonight at a dinner party in I(epler will entertain honor of tile birthday of Mrs. G. L. ~rd club on Thursday Hill of Lis'l)on. Covors will be laid I for ton. e, en ] The Past Nobl-~G;and¢ will meet ' ng, Mrs. R. A. I , ° ,~, , tined in her home in]with Miss Mae Yeisley wnursaay C. E. F, aker hous~ afternoon, July 6, from 2:00 until Ru,by ~Vade ' [ 4"00 ocloek. For and Saturday %getable Shortening, 3 pound tin .............. 53c, Regular or Drip, 2 pound tin 53c Stuart, 1 pound tall Red ................ 23c Kellogg's, 2 large pkgs ................ 19c Baby Stuart, Unsweetened, 2 tins 22e CK COLA bBeverage, 2 bottles .................... 5c Baby Stuart, 2 tins and brush 35e Tid Bit, Golden Bantam 2 tins 29c Baby Stuart Tiny Whole, 2 tins 33c gallon jar .................................. 32c & CHEESE, Heinze, 2 tins .................. 25c }ERS, Richelieu, heavy red, 3 pkgs ........ 10c Atlas Mason, 2 dozen ............................ 39c Richelieu Silver Thread, 2 No. 2 tins ........ 18c Richelieu, Pimento Stuffed, large jar .... 29c CHIPS. Stay Krisp, 2 large packages .... 35c KLENZER 2 for 13c; Light H use 3 for 10c Richelieu Concord grape, quart 32c JUICE, Richelieu, 20-oz tins .................... 19c We Close at 10 A. M. Tuesday, July 4th Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132 Your Ice $1.05 per gallon Cup Cakes Free with each Quart of Cream, Saturday, Sunday and July 4 This offer applies only to quart sales. I AT OUR HOME MADE BREAD 257 John H. Yeisley, Prop. Mount Vernon, Iowa Mrs. Robert Bauman entertained The Friendship Club will meet l as luncheon guests Tuesday several at the home of Mrs. Charles Ford, out of town guests. Included were: Wednesday, July 5. Mrs. Fred Tur- Mrs. Harold Near of Glasgow, ner and Mrs. Ben Neal will be the I Mont., Mrs. Raymond Caffrey of assisting hostesses. A program will ',Kansas City, Mo•; Mrs. Howard be presented in the afternoon. Fletcher of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. A. A. hipster, Mrs. R. D. Ryan and The Linn and Franklin Corn Mrs. H. S. Miller of Durant. Club and their families will meet for a picnic. Tuesday, July 4, at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Heller and the Mr. and Mrs. George Uthoff Mrs. J. P. Hainen entertained at home. There will be a picnic din- dinner at their home on Tuesday ner at noon. evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Mackey and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bair were Miss Gladys Mackey of Aberdeen, honored on their first wedding an- Wash., who were guests the first of niversary, at a dinner given Moo- the week in the Elmer Burge home. day evening by Mrs. W. H. Crew, Other guests included were Elmer mother of Mrs, hair. Guests pres- Burge, J. R. Burge and Russell ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey and hair, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bail Mrs. daughter left Wednesday afternoon Ann Garrett, and Miss Mary Alice for New York City to attend the' Crew. worlds fair and planned to return to their home via the southern route and visit the fair in San Fran- cisco, Calif. Mrs. Jerry Walters entertained her afternoon bridge club on Tues- day afternoon. Invited guests were: Mrs. Hazel Estes of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Ruth Avery and Mrs. Violet Lodge. High score was received by Mrs. Frank Young. Delicious re- freshments were served by the host- ess. Miss Huby Wade entertained at a supper party Sunday evening in honor of her house guest, ~Mrs. Ch.wles t,2. Baker of Lewis:town, Montana. :,lL'~s Iola Sayles and Miss Dor- othy Baker of Jackson, ~Minn. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Baker of l,cai:Kown, Montana, were dinner guests of rMiss Ruby Wade on Tues- day evening. Franklin Littell Division No. 2 of the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will Wed To Harriett meet this evening at the home of Miss Mac Fairbanks for a picnic Lewis At Great Falls supper• Harriet l,ewis, daughter of Air. The meeting place for the R.~& and Mrs. A. L. Lewis, of Great N. Circle which was to have met Palls, Montana, and b'ranklin It. in the home of Mrs. Ren Sivers, has Littell son of Prof. and Mrs. C. F. been changed and will meet Friday Littell, of Mount Vernon, wereI evening, June 30, in the Odd Fel- united in marriage on Thursday l low hall• The husbands of the evening, June 15, at the Firsl members will be guests at a picnic LMethodist church of Great Falls. Rev. Cecil F. Ristow, an uncle of the bride performed the double ring ceremony. The bride is a graduate of the University of Denver, class of 1939, having been an honor student, and president of the Independent Worn- Students. She has been for sev- eral years, president of the Na- tional Council of ,Methodist Youth, of which the groom has been chair- man of the conlmittee for social action. He was graduated frmn Cornell with the class of ! 937, with TKA and Phi Beta Kappa honors. He was a winner of the meu's Sen- ate honor key, a member of the Men's Senate, and a C man in track. ~ince graduation he has been, for two years, a graduate stu- dent in Union Theological 'Semin- ary in New York City. supper. The following group enjoyed a picnic Wednesday evening at the Wapsipinicon State Park at Ana- mosa: Mr. and Mrs. Hobart hair, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lindsley, Miss Louise Hang, and Miss Helen Bauer- )ach. The Junior Industrial society of :he Presbyterian church will meet Monday evening, July 3, at the home of Mrs. Harold Ehle. Dr. and Mrs. C• F. Littell have invited the high school Epworth League to their home on Sunday 'evening, July 2, at 6:15 o'clock, for the regular league service. The Home Social Club will meet The happy couple spent last l:ri- at the home of Mrs. Merrill Burge day with his parents in ,Mount Ver- next Thursday afternoon, July 6.non, and sailed on Wednesday from Members of the West End Clan New York on the Aquitania for a and their families will enjoy their wedding trip to Europe, where they annual Fourth of July picnic in will represent the :Methodist Ash Park next Tuesday. Picnic Church as delegates to the Uniting Conference at Copenhagen, Den- dinner at noon. dy Kilowatt unces Improved and Fled Service Facilities Mt. Vernon-lisbon Area nstant efforts to provide you with the most t service facilities as well as to keep today's ' lectricity dependable and always ready to We feel that some changes in our service t are to the best advantage of everyone in unity. Effective at once, the following sor- and recommendations will apply to the and Lisbon Area: Services Available from This aha In the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Area, two men are available for electric service work. In case of service interruption after office hours, q~e Call : Alvin Butler, Supervmor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Area . Phone 98W or rank Woolridge Lisbon Phone 3 or 90 iron Should your Electric service be interrupted due to burning out of v; mrmer fuses, replacement will be made in either rural or urban areas "umut charge to customers. On service calls after hours, either in urban or rural areas, involving ation of service in your home by replacing burned out fuses . . . caused by defective appliances or otherwise.., a charge of $1.50 will be made. A minimum charge of 75c will be made on trips minutes or less. Any new materials used will be billed along with Service charge on the next succeeding electric service bill. Now Available ron Local Merchants and Contractors feel that all wiring, materials and repair for whlch we make can be handled more and to better ad- by Mount Vernon and merchants and con- This part of our ser- therefore, being dim- Appliance Repair Service Major appliances, such as ranges, refrigerators, water heaters, washers, ironers, etc., sold by this Company which carry a service guarantee will be serviced without charge in accord- ance with the terms of the guarantee. mark, and the World (?bristian Youth conference at Amsterdanl, Netherlands. Their trip will also take tbent through 1`'rance, Switz- erland, Germany, Belgium, 1`lug- land, Scotland and Ireland. They will return to New York in August, and each will take work in the Union Theological Seminary, as well as doing part time work with the Methodist Board of For- eign Missions, at 150 5th Ave N. Y. Their home will ,be in apartment 613, 99 Claremont Avenue. MARGARET FUSSELL AND RALPH OLDBERG TO 1VED Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of 'Miss 'Margaret Fussell, daughter of ,Mr. aud 'Mrs. ~M. W. Fussell of Ce- dar Rapids, former residents of Mount Vernon, to Ralph Old'berg of Chicago, Ill., on August 20. Both Miss Fussell and Mr. Oldberg' are Cornell alumni who are well known in Mount Vernon• Miss Fussell was graduated front Cornell in '36. She was a member of the Delphi social group and Phi Beta Kappa. She taught in the schools of Hart- wick one year and for the last two years has taught in the Algona schools. :Mr. Oldberg was graduated from Cornell, and is a chemist in the em- ploy of the Universal Products company in .Chicago, Ill. When in Cornell he was a member of the A.X.E. social group. Miss Fussell has been honored at several part- ies since the announcement of her marriage was ntade. Wiring materials we purchasing from ff the following mer- s Johnson Hardware ,ranek Hardware in t Vernon... Frank ii! Radio Shop, F rink s t)l g Shop and Hoeft and l ardware Store in Lis- ' Wiring and repair work, iggest that you call any e following : ipPle ..... Mount Vernon Phone 155W Westcott. Mount Vernon J - Phone Son Hdwe . Mt. Vernon Phone 124 l aak Woolridge . Lisbon Phone 2 or 90 } ank Woolridge. Mt. Vernon Phone 4000 Southeast Franklin Mrs. Wilton Gunn Howard Stork Builds New Hog House Because of the highly specialized training and tools required to do gen- Fourth of July Picnic eral refrigerator repair work, it is our policy to offer repair service only on refrigerators sold by this Com- pany. church. Don't forget the fried chicken and lemonade• Howard Stork is erecting a new hog house 24 ft. by 42 ft. in size. The work is progressing rapidly and at this writing, it is being shingled under the direction of Varnholt and Stabenow, carpenters. A large feeding floor of cement has been made in front, 36 ft. by 48 ft. Cement posts have been made on this floor so a creep can be made to feed little pigs. The members of the Good Cheer Club are requested not to forget the July 4th picnic, rain or shine• In case of rain it will be at the Convenient New After-Hours Warren Carney of Lisbon has Bill PayinB Service been spending the past week at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lilts. Frequently our customers find that Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stork and because of their own working hours family spent Friday evening at the and for other reasons, it is ineonven- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Litts. lent to come to the Mount Vernon The evening was spent making and office during regular hours... 8 a.m. eating strawberry ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light and to 12 and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m .... to pay family were callers Saturday eve- electric service bills. For your con- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. venience we are providing a slot in Henry Wright in Mount Vernon. the front door through which your Mr. and Mrs. Nell Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Gunn of Mechanicsville remittance may be dropped. A sup- were dinner guests Sunday at the ply of envelopes is provided for use in home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn. sealing your bill and money. Your Mr. and Mrs, Willard Light, Dale receipted bill will be mailed to you, and Doris, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. showing the full amount of cash re- :ceived. If you do not have the exact change, any amount paid in excess of your bill will be credited to your next month's bill or may be called for at our office. IOWA [-L[CTfllC LlgflTAND POW[-fl COMPANY Novak Sunday. Mrs. Cora Stork had as her guests for Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs Howard Stork and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander and Win. Brown were callers Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn. A large number of'peopIe from this community attended the funeral for Mr. and Mrs. Hoover on Mon- day afternoon• Mrs. Carmen Albright, Susan and David, Mrs. Jennie Litts and Mrs. Lena Kohl were guests Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Litts. IOWA OWNED Happy Birthlaz ..... Washington Relatives Visited Elmer IBurge Here I,ast Week Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Mackey and daughter, ,3,liss (lladys Macl,:ey of Aberdeen, \Vtash., arrived last Thursday aud visited until \Vednes- day ill tile Ehner Hurgc Imme and with other friends and relatives. They arc ou :In extended trip. They expected to stop ill ('hicago, Ill., Itnd at several places ill ()hie, and then on to New York to attend the \Vorh]'s fah'. I,'rmn Chicago tbey )binned to follow a southern route home lind stop ill Sau l#rant'isco for the Fair in that city. lOor n/any years ~lr. 'Mackey was salesnlan for the (,all'he Woolen Mills but now lie operates a busi- ness of his own, l{uown as the Mar'key Garment comp,any, in Aberdeen. Miss M'I('h(w ]ILls ;taught for three years Ill the eon- solidated schuol at ()costa, but will I)c a member of the school faculty il1 Abcrdeou next year. Mr. and .Mrs. Maekey's other daughter, l~ois, is married and is now Mrs. EIo Sale, and lives at 1102 East 2nd street, in Aherdeen. She has a position as bookReeper with the Sallle firln with whh'h her hnsbaud Is associated. POPITI,AI{ C()I'I'i,F, ~VEi) AT CHI:IICH ClqlHqMONY SUNDAY The following cl ppinv," was tql~- en from the Wray, Ctllorado, paper concerning a. wedding of local in- terest, The bride is tile daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chu'en('e Rmnbh~ and attended the gTade school in Mouul Vernou. On Sunday afternoon, June l I at 2:'10 o'clock, Miss I{lllh Anna l{UlU- [de, daughter of ,~ll'. and Mrs. Clar- ence t~.umhle of Mount Vernon, Iowa, qml (~corgo t{obertson Short, uou of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Short of this ('it)" were united in nlar- riage. The (fillet, but inll)rcssive, eeremon,v look place at the Meth- odist church which was decorated for the occasion with pahns, ferns an(1 hasl¢ots of po(}nies. The dou- ble ring ceI'cuIouy /yes l)erforlned by Rev. William Brown. The entry was ulado Its ,,\{rS• lqarl M. Hedriek played M endelsohn's "Wedding March" and continued pl~ying soft illusic (luring the sat'- vice. All itlmninated cross served as "t lovely spirituql background. Tile ,bride was gowued in all (.n- senlhle of dusty Dinl< 'with l)lacl¢ accessories, and wore "L corsage of gardenias autl sweetheart roses. For her traveling she chose a suit of navy I)hle with accents of white, ~Irs. Pflul l{uss(.]l, sister of tile bride, was nlatPon of honor. She wore (telphiniun/ hlue and cycla- men with a corsage of tea roses and bachelor Imttons. 'The 1)t'idcgroonl "was all ended by Mr. Short's cousin, Chn'enee Mc- Neil. 1Tshcrs were l),aynlond ~Short and Palll Ilusse]l. On y ch-)so rc- lalives and ('lost. friends attended the wed(lin~T, whi('h was followed }ty a r('(*oplion :it the new hon/e of the hride an(l hridegroonl in the 500 block on b]ulorsoo street. Mrs. Short is a graduate of Colo- rado State college at Vort (~ollins and :1 ltloBibor of I)plta I)elta [)ella sororily, b'or lhe past year and a half s]le has Ill,on holllC dcu/on- straIion agout for Yulua county Mr. Shorl is a graduate of the local hiKb school and has lived in tbis city most of his life where he is ~ell ](nown, li'Of the past few years he has hecn in the ~ lnph)v of the COllllty {lnd lUCre recently has been asso('iat(!d with the counly welfare departu/ent where hc is a. case w()rker. Guesls c/t the wedding were Mr. and M, rs. A. V. Short, Miss Barbara Short, ]{ayulond Short, l{etty Short of l)ellver, \Vi]]ialu Tilll pte, ,Mr. REA Demonstration Will Be Held At Marion Next Week Plans for a two day (>Io~Iric:ll ,'x position ill conne(,tion with 1lie al]- nual meeting of the 1.tun County t{urql l,,'h'('lric ('cop. Associalion for 3uly l 1 "H~d l 2 had been an- neunced by tho P;oard of Ilire('h)rs tit' tbc (~o()perative. The annual hasin~,ss nleeting \,,'ill he held on Tuesday, July l I, start- ing at 9 a.m., when the 475 mcnl- hers of the Cooperalive will hear the reports of officials and enl- ployees and will elect 7 dire'tors. The afterIlooo aud eveuing' pl'o- g'rauls OU "l~uesday au(t ~Vedncsthly, J uly I l and l 2 will hc 1)reseuled by H.Iq.A• and lowa State Collo;t(' ExteIlsion Specialists tin t lit! IIS(' of tile electricp_l equipment wilh uulnerous deutonstr:llions s('hodul- cd. Door prizes of useful electrical equiplnent will be presented. Deal- ers ttnd distributors of eloctrical equipment will cooperate witil an extensive display of the latest types of e(luipmenl suitable for farm us(~ on ILE.A. lines. The exhibits will be beld in a large tenl to /)o ere('tc(t in fl'()l/l of the City IIall on 1 lth ,~trcet ill Marion and all t)rotframs will l)e held in the 'M:i:'ion High S('hool Auditorium. The Mariou (:ham- la?r of (~O lit Inel'('e is cooperating with the R.E.A. organization in staging the 2 day show. Among the speakers will be Mr. Lee IAoyd, lqlectrical 1`]xlensiou Specia.list, and Miss I,ouisa Ma]uer, 1tome Equil)- ment Specialist of the ILE.A. at \Vashington, and Mr. Harohl ]-h,al- ty, Extension Agricultural I- ~ . congratulations. F;oo k lets e outaining ttc c lu bp r o- ~~" ~~ granl for the erlsuing year Coon Creek I distributed to tbe nlembers l,y tit('! " s Jak Ciha : president. ivlr C I • ' l,('causc next Tuesday is tbe I I Mr and Mrs-,~ohn l iuht and/1,'ourth of July, a legal l',oliday, I Save on the,~e Otltin~ and slay-at-home f,mds! The I family "were Sunday dil~ner guests lthe club will not meet next week. I independently owned Clover Farm Stores celebrate I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thee- - ................ [I wilh sensational bargains in true Clover Farm quality I dore Light Sevcral Mount Veruou r,,!;idenl~, I o'roceries II Mr. and" Mrs. Claire Stout at-iwho are on extensive s,,mmv,' vaII " '" / tended the funeral services of John I caliou trips have relll~qnbered lhoso n ___ _ , --- -.,~,~m~m he nf .~ n M nd'y ' g less fortunate with cards which is1=--7-"~7-~7~- -~---~-~~~ Sta.A .... olo...._o....a mornmo. / ' " ' " ...... Mr Stable was an uncle of Mrs ;tlpreciatcd. Mrs. ].aur:t ttoffnlan] Stout " who is visiting relalives and si~d(t | ,atl-'h and Relax At Mai~v families from this commun- I seeing on th,~ west coast sonl oar,ls [ • " " • " " fronl ['oahler l)',nt lb. ("l|'tlin'l ~ ity attendedthe funeral servwes ....... [ ~ ~lTilITilT|O~) for Mr and Mrs Clyde tIooverat lslauds and f,'on, Mexico saying sheI VV,| WINI IbI Lisbon Monday afternoon. ~as enjoying lhe sights gre:ltly, A { *,~.~a • " s n an (.'(rd from Mrs I F Bi--,or who M~. and Mls. Gffford Hame d ........... ,,, ......... . ........... r. family of near Morley were Sun- wiih l)r Bigger, Alive ~larie and 'IllllrS(lllV ,'In(| Prl(lav r, venlngs, ,l|inc ,*;t anti au, a[ ~:la day guests at the parental Glenn Kamberling home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ciha and fam- ily spent Sunday afternoon in Ce- dar Rapids. Good Cheer Club members and friends please note: In case of rain on July 4th, the picnic will be held at the Coon Creek church instead of the Dickey pasture• Mrs. Carl Lowe, Shirley and Jan- ice and Mrs. Lizzie Walrob visit- ed at the Jack Ciha home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lizzie Brown and Alice Brown of Tipton visited on Sunday at the C. C. Kerslake home. !.ois are Iravcling through tile east iUfOFUlS US they have 1)con oujoyill~? :l lovely trip lhrough easlcru Mas- !:~t('h usetts, Maine, Verluont, an(1 New Hampshire. Tbe.v also visited, the worlds fair in New York andi visited Boston. They pl;in to reach home the last of this week. Missi Alice ,Marie will ~top al Ca]up ] ,qaugantucl(, Mich., to remain Ill(,~ii rest of the suntnler. 3,1rs. }P. I). Merritt who has spent several months in the home of hcF son ])OU Merritt, in San 1,'ranciscn, Calif., has writteu she intend~ to return to her home ill ~Mount Vcr- !l non, the first part of July. t and Saturday Aflernoon, Joly l, at 2:,']0 "You Can't Take It With S:llilrd ly . ~v(ning, July l, al 8:15 mmer In I,;l{le Theatre, Armslrong ttall Mo.n| Vernon, Iowa