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July 3, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 3, 1941 |
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#uly 8, 1941
]Pa~ rive
!Watchmaker Has Had Long
Experience In Europe Dr. A. W. Uerryman
! h:arl Weisse, watchmaker at the
Ginsberg jewelry store in Cedar
~i!i ~!~i~|Rapids' has had nearly 40 years News of the death of Dr. A. W.
i of experience in lJucharest, Vienna l~errynlan, a former resident of
land Breslau .before coming to theMount Vernon, on June 20th, has
United States two years ago. This been received from his daughter,
experience is very helpful in re- Mrs. Oda I)oner, of Glendale, Calif.
pairing of fine clocks. He was The Berrymans lived in Mount Ver-
confined in a Nazi concentration non from 1896 to 1905. The (~bit-
camp for three weeks before his uary follows:
:45 p. m. next Wednesday George. Dewayne, l,eland, and Bey- passport arrived at the American Ass Wilkins I~;erryman was born
()ctoher 3, 1852, at Cincinnati,
at the home of Mrs. ]rl erly of Tipton. Mr. and Mrs. consul at Breslau and the Nazis re- Ohio, -~nd died in Glendale, Calif
[er. Miss Alice Chamber- Charles Heick. Evelyn. Geraldine leased him.
be assistant hostess, and Junior of Bennett; ,Mrs. Bertha at I :30 p.m. Friday, June 20, 1941,
~l ~ Heick, Eloise, Harold and Edna, Cornellia ng aged 88 years, 8 months and 17
erlda Hedge was compli- and Fdwin Hartwig of New Liber- days.
.it a small dinner Monday ty; Mr. and Mrs. Aron Hein of Ben- In Tull Home For Summer His parents, Enos Johnson and
I~y Miss M'lryhelle Mason. nett" Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Perth, In a candlelight service Saturday, 1)cborah l,eaming Berryman, were
for the ta,ble was a Mr. and Mrs lake Blank of Wal-June 28, Miss Betty Mount of War- of sturdy pioneer American stock,
wedding %ell shaped cell; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heick, renville, Ill became the bride of and gave to their son and to his
with a corsage for the
elas~ of senior girls
church met for
atlDPer at the Palisades
last Thursday (,vening.
It. 'M. Rhoads was hostess
Lfternoon ,bridge club on
afternoon Cards were
[Frank Nelick of Walnut, Ill. The f~ur sisters and four brothers an
darNeVa'Valley.I) r thy' and Marian of Ce- ! wedding was at 8:30 p.m. in the heritage of sterling Christian char-
I mer while the groom is doing ad-tire p,'a(,tiee of m(,dicine when his
Miss Nellie Easton of Janesville, i vanced flying in Cedar Rapids. wife suffered a 1)aralytic stroke, for
Wis who left Wednesday for her Mrs. Nelick was graduated from over 2" years and until the time of
home, was a luncheon guest Tars-iCornell in 1939 and has been teach- her death four years "~go, he gave
day of Mrs. W. J. Flint and a din- Iing in the Clarence high school, himself wholly as her personal phy-
ner guest of Mrs. Pauline Young at Mr. Nelick was graduated with sici~n and nurse. No finer exam-
Bowman Hall. the class of '41. Among the four ple of service eouhi be given than
, attendants of the bride were two was exhii)ited in the devotion of
Mrs. Charles Roberts, mother of former CorneH students, Helen Deal those h)ng years.
Coon Creek
Mrs. Forrest Huey
Mrs. Dale Johnston, Darlene
Boxa, Ruth Ituey, Wilma Whitman,
and Mary Jean Rhoads, assistar/t
leader and members of Sunshine
Circle, 4-H club left Monday for
Camp Abe Lincoln near Davenport,
where they are spending a few
Mrs. Alton McNeil cf Decatur,
Ili arrived Wednesday afternoon
and is spending a few days in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kamerling
and family spent Sunday in the
home of Mrs. A. P. Kamerling in
The July meeting of the Cass-
Linn Farm Bureau will be held at
the Howard Rhoads home, Tuesday
evening, July 8.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Frink of Ce-
dar Rapids ~pent Sunday in the
Forrest Huey home.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Huey, Ruth
and Gaylen and their guest, Mrs.
Alton McNeil spent Saturday in
Iowa City and Amana, where Mr.
Huey had a seed corn meeting in
the Ox Yoke Inn. They also visit-
ed in the home of Prof. J. R. Nev-
elyn in Middle Amahs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxa and fam-
ily spent Thursday evening in the
A. F. Laing home at Ivanhoe.
Mrs. Jesse Gregory and Mrs. Coral and Phyllys Ann. Humbolt, Mich. He was 76 years of
Palmer attended the funeral Tars- Mrs. Frank Burger of Oregon, age and came to this vicinity 60
day morning at 9 a.m. in the Cath-[Ill spent a few days the past week i years ago and has resided here
olic church at Dougherty, of Mrs. l in the homes of O. J. Emmons and since.
George Murphy, sister of Samuel C. F. Butler. On January 14, 1903 he was mar-
Palmer, and former resident of this Mr .and Mrs. O. J. Emmons spent lried to Miss Mary Zajicek who
tdwn. Mrs. Murphy will be remem- Monday evening in Cedar Rapids, survives him, together with one
bered as Miss Lavinia Palmer where they were dinner guests in daughter, Mrs. Floyd Shinn of
Roy Heady and son Leroy of Mt. the home of their daughter Clara, Maywood, Ill and two sons, Amos
Vernon were Sunday afternoon who recently returned from New of Cedar Rapids, and Arthur of
callers in the home of the former's York, after attending a style clinic tDavenport. There are seven grand-
mother, Mrs. Mary Heady. We are Miss Jean Wells is visiting in the children. The deceased was a re-
glad to report Mrs. Heady improv- James Cornick homein Mount tired building contractor and has
ing slowly from her recent illness. Pleasant. I constructed many buildings thru-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Whitakcr Earl Wise of Cedar Rapids call- out a wide territory.
returned Sunday morning from ed Monday morning in the H.H. The funeral was held Sunday af-
Wapello, where they have been Lacock home. I ternoon at 2 o'clock from the F. A.
visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woods and]Brush funeral home, with services
Mrs. Oscar Kemper, the past week. family of Olin were recent callers conducted by the Rev. J. E. Michal-
In the afternoon, their daughter in the home of their aunt, Mrs. ek. Burial was made in Oakland
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lila Plattenberger. ~.cemetery.
Emerson of Delhi were visitors. The Royal Neighbors willmeet i
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brush and with Mrs. W. S. Palmer Thursday. iKADLEC REUNION
Roger of Cedar Rapids were week Misses Mildred Irons and Ber- The 13th annual Kadlec reunion
end callers in the home of their par- nice ' Palmer gave a weiner roast was held Sunday at the auditorium
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Merritt. and skating party in Cedar Rapids with about 60 in attendance. The
Miss Nellie Easton arrived Sun- Mrs. Malissa Moore of Central
day from Janesville, Wis for a City is spending the week in the
visit in the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Irons. She was ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs Forest
Pett and Mrs. Claudyce Gergweive
event was featured with a bounti-
ful picnic dinner served, after
which a business meeting was held
with minutes of the last reunion
given by the sercretary, Miss Doro-
thy Jandik. Officers were elected
with J. J. Kadlee, sr as permanent
president; Miss Dorothy Jandik,
secretary; John Kadlec, jr treas-
urer; and entertaining committee:
Mrs. F. J. Bittner, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Petska, and Joe Kadlec. These
were chosen for the reunion next
evening of last week
Of l)ows' employees enjoy-
hie Supper at the Itl)l)<,i'iMrs' j. H. Ennis will be honored Mount, '35, matron of honor, and1)r. lCerryman wren graduated SPRING LLE NILUS
Those attending w(re: at an afternoon tea Thursday from Dorothy Gibney Beakman, ex '38.from Cornell college in 1878, and of Whitewater, Wis who spent the Leedham and family of Washington, year.
Its. Harold Klinger and 3:30 to 5:30, given by Mrs. N. A. Don Lawson, Cornell, '39, was best fronl the Medical l)epartment of day in the Irons home. D. CI, Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith and The oldest man in attendance
Mr. and Mrs. James Miner and Mrs. E. J. Osgood at man; and John Mount, Cornell, '35, Iowa State University in 1884. For Evergreen Rebekah lodge 149 daughter of San Francisco, Calif was John J. Kadlec, sr of Cedar
initiated a class Wednesday eve- Dr. and Mrs. Merriam Gearhart of Rapids, and the oldest lady was
daughters, Judy and the home of Mrs. Osgood. was an usher. ~(I years he was ~ general pro c- MUSICIANS WANTED ning after the regular meeting. Philadelphia Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anna Beranek of Solon.
and Mrs. Robert Kins- Among the Cornellians attending titioner in Jews i,'or la years ne "~ e -" -raduation we have " ' '
: - . . .D~UU~ U~ ~ ' Steven Carver and family for- L. A. Johnston and David, spent Those present were: Rev. J. E.
iii'~aiiili;i~i~ ~ ~L 'Monte Mr ~n(l M)'s. ~~t.e~oi:i meet s( ryes as meolcal exanlmer ana " n'n i our school band '
~ "'"'~ ~ severm ope 1 gs n mer residents of Springville who Sunday in the home of Mr and Michalek, Mrs. Anna Beranek, J.
inspeetm for a prominent are m- n~.^ ~irector is interested in start
." "~ " " " ~,~ u - have lived in TiDton for the past Mrs. N. A. Gearhart at Hopkinton. J. Kadlec, sr Mr. and Mrs. John
suranee eompany, nm (lutios re- 2 e inners It is not neces ' - ' "
mg 0 b g . - year and a half returned to Spring- Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Beck and Kadlec jr and daughter Joan, Mr.
quirin~(2bTr t;fm~thYSt~i~t'hodlst sary to purchase an instrument, ville the first' of the week, and family of Clarence were Sunday tand Mrs. Joe Kadlec and children
A ~ ' School instruments are available are livin~ in the Briner house on afternoon visitors in the home of l Eugene, Bobby and Dolores, Mr.
church for fully 75 years he has ifnot interested in startin ~
"' " : "- 39 and g the south side. Mr. Carver is em- their mother Mrs. Althea Beck ]and Mrs. Joe Trachta, Mr. and Mrs.
left a recoraDy name or ~ne n,~ on~,~f +here new instruments - "
. ~ pmyea in Cedar Rapids. The Past Matrons of the O. E. S.]Joe Petska and sons Richard and
Methodist Ministers who werehis
d,~ha~les City, guests Mrs. Eugene Devereaux was host-land Jack Hartman. . can be rented. Our enrollment of Mr and Mrs Charles Meeks en- met with Mrs. H. C. Carbee Tues-lLeonard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
'' " "' l~u !i:~!)!~ in~ !i!dY'e~i~ m !demr 5!l~itY~e~in~i~b heTnl~{es~rmit! : " ' 7en ~BmUrriOu,a t,~ a Lake ~n~{~il~a~r ~:I~d" ~saahU~dl~ioeJidY 1c?r~
er ~v,:~leRosi2W;Tn(i~tl~tn~te:. e es~:ty adienTnrg at h:rhomweeTn ?:~dI[ Mrs. James Pitkin of E1 Monte, ~)~ait{~ I ; Ca J tmertnaIn~d pMara~2day~SalC. WwZ2ret:. daYi:Jt ghSrWaSthonor
r. and Mrs. ltol)ert Kms- ~ ,i~ht I Calif was a guest m the home of i
" ". g" g - day and Thursday of last week guest at a w' " g p y . ) P ,
0nte. " [Mrs. Aley Parsons from Friday tin- ~ t
Maud H :trl men ~ere unlteu in mar- --- r "-an-' lesson school an~ new
' ~ "' ' - " M me u u (1 Mr and Mrs Fred GraTe of near[McBride Saturday evening the[Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
~. .~ .~ .---7-- I til Tuesday Mrs. Pitkin and Mrs. riage at ~Montour, iowa, ~Tn Ady ones are comingeach week. The Paralta were Saturday evening t occasion being her birthday 'Those[A. Jandik and daughter Dorothy
Y dinne) ' The ~.:. L:. ClUD Wlll meet wire ~
e hen" " was enjoyed Sun- Mrs Mable Wlckham" Thursday af Parsons visited relatives m Cedarl 4th, 1881. One daughte',re band director is at the school house :visitors ] present were Adelaide Koenen ofl and son Elmer of Amana; Mr. and
le of Mrs. Hattie ",-iRapids and Mrs. Pitkin visited re a- .', . ' '" . ' v y y P ' Mr and Mrs Fred Duncan and. Evanston lll.' Eleanor Moire oflMrs. J. W. Zenishek, Mr. Charles
~Ien~bers of thefamilyternoon, July 10
and during recent years nas oeen every Frida, from 9 am to 5 --m l ' " .- - '- -- - I ' ' ' "
i tives l)onelcame to bless theil unione"er'" Tuesda-" from 1 to 5 -m and " [
. . "" ". ' -'. J ~ " " ~ "l t~onnie attenoeo a ~uncan xamily, Alburnett; Vernon Stevens, Wayne)Foote Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bittner,
'ere: Elmer Miller who --~ ~-~--'--: . nis eonst'mt conlpanlon ana lovingT i-*o-e~te~ in startin-come to - "~
' ' " * s i oinner ~unday in the home of Mr. lElder of Cedar Rapids; Carol Bur-[Guyann and Frank Bittner, Miss
tUrday from New Can:ran, Arlo M. Sanderson of Mount Ver- ! William Rogers, who IS station- ne~per, the school house and talk with him I and Mrs John Hackert at Albur- I roughs Gerald Hotchkiss and Ken- t Dorothy Demory Mrs Anna M
SPend the summer Mr.non is one of 123 officials for foot- ed at Camp Ft. Rmhardson, in Alas- I'( n y( ~rs ago Dr and Mrs Bet- bout i Ba d "s e " ' '
~ ~ .'" . =: ' a t. n 1 only on of the lnett. |neth Taylor ]Kucera, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ku-
RUSsell Winegarden and ball and basketball approved by lka, wrote his folks that the day ryman eeleh.rated their . ~olden !many activities sponsored by the l Miss Hester Bowles of Anamosa Junior Raft left Saturday fort cera, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dvorsky,
W light hours where he is lasted nine-
. ellman: Mr. andMrs.Iowa conference football coachesI . W(ddmg ~ . :~nnlve)saiy.':" . "lhelr nome I Springville schools. The trainingI and her three nieces of Partridge iMoline, Ill where he has employ-i Marcella, Eileen, Betty and Dolores,
) many of the pupils have received I Wis were Wednesday visitors in, ment. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zerbe and child-
~ ,' '~~ " ~" " " " ' ""- [ in the band has proven a valuable I the "home of Mr and Mrs. John I Mrs. Carrie Shanklin arrived last[ ren Joseph and Mary, Mrs. Anna
' "" ' I
when they went to college. Some ] ett of JesuD were Sunday visitors, t a visit with relatives in this vicin- I Mrs. Adolph Stransky, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Gil!ette
(" "~ -, ; " " |meant a college education. It lArnoid spent Sunday in the Lylet Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Roberts are iKueera. Afternoon guest was Mr.
"~ " ~, ~ ~ [help you get a college educatio . [Evans and Terry Wayne returned l Oakdale in the home of Dr. and, -------
('0~lnin to "~" n'ale 22 e~is a o ]PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ]visit. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wyman of I Vernon were Sunday afternoon
~,",~ i g ole (1 Y g r f Lafa ette were Sunda callers in visitors of Mr and Mrs John Kess
mvana ~lre i oe~o),erryman
1,ltlg( (ll(leOr lllendsIn tilen
}c arid 19c Sale ~i!!~[ri~ 7Iri:~s? ! r,(leaves nlSn aaugnter Mrs/~2SsUra~i~!i~:net~(~ ;hBv/pj bml uirMpntd~lnusdthwMii Rfwra~Pha;~7!~Lm~i! ~eS~ioi~afRj~fvCilr~i~rTa~sT~Ti!!~7~a!~YjieU~K!spDL~ GaM!~
~----7----. ;-:- /bined service 10:00Pl~o 11:30. I Inl StaaJds'Mrs A A Hardin of[mind on Monday afternoon, i son Edward,r Mrs. Frank Henry,
IDentrai lann / We should all attend the play aa.ri~,n w^re.~v 'Sunda-'z afternoon tbeAdditi nalfound Springvillesix. news will ~, and]recentMrS.visitorsFilomenaof Mrs.KuceraAnna wereKas.
lille ~ ~ It(tn hou)s and fmty five mmut(s family Clyde has not been here r Ma e ho
r of East ('hicago and athletic dirctors it was an-! ~ '. " " - '.'
li[( (luring a l)e~lod of over 56 years
I the day he wrot( H( has to 1)(
Miller of Cedar Rapidsnounced on Tuesday by Ed Moore, " ' ~' . ~ "" } ~x is l(mt)kH)h fm ,ts free hos
and r very c tleful shoutgiving out ~ny
er Mrs. Errol Miller ofJ conference commissioner, of ~ mform'~tmn" ('once ~ nmg camp ~c pit':.thty', ~md fro- th(~ r,'tdlatlon' ." of IPart of their high school training[Rickett" Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rick-] week from Los Angeles, Calif for[ Zeller, J. Roscoe Zeller, Mr. and
non. Waterloo. Estol K. West of Water-I' ~ ",~" ' ' t - loving helpfullness to neighbors
~ ------- loo, son of Mrs. Eva West, and for- tivities.
~u ~ . s ~,famous Cur / andrea, re(ted thelife needY.they ton'(Duringthe, their [havelead received scholarships that] Mr and "Mrs. DeVere Port andiity. IA. E. Holubar, and Miss Florence
~eats ~st on 'sunaay morn- OO~;OaL~ p.layer ~s one or ~ne[of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thompsou thr ugh, the Bible from .tienesls to [might mean as much to you and/ Evans home at Waterloo. Mrs. lspending a few days this week at!John Krob.
ltev(l~tmn 23 times ~no since ner n
t X~e)e f~nds of then approvea omcmls I
flea a "- . ~ " ' " ' fell out of a tree at the A1 ~Iorris-
nd inemded: Rohert ~ ! sey home, Tuesda of last week death he has read it through twice I ! - . " . ,~,t Mr and Mrs John Worrell of Mt
!a~2is vmmng in the home Mrs. Budd Duncan of Seneca, S. i ai d suffered identiYal fractures in more -------- |nome wire mere zor a zew oaysI wirs. oonn x-ec~
~) tev. W. (3- Rowley, D is spending this week with Mrs both arms just shove the wrists. .~ " ', -': ". "A"( ' t July 4, 1776---July 4 1941--165/ Burial services were held Thu s- i Y Y ' i " ' "
yet and Edwin Rogers. Nettle Duncan. i She fell ~bout ten feet
home ~,ltc( of 135 South Isabel years.How many more years are[day m the Sprmgwlle cemetery for the F a B b . t
tney snortiy arler meateo at tne ' " r nk e ber home ler
St "No'taF~hstandln 'the devotedIt be added to that number is a]Mrs. Hilda Barreson Carr 68 who Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer and[ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zenishek
. ' t " g. . . l very serious matter at this time.] died at Oak Park, Ill June 23.1Delila, with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill land children Mary, Evelyn and
!are gwen mgn~)a~m u#y to mSlThe liberty our country has en-/The Rev. C. S. Willming of thetGarrett of Linn Grove; Mr. andlRmhard of Waterlo2 were enter-
r( [ ~( " " (" i r hinls If " I joyed for these 165 years is threat- / Presbyterian church, officiated. She Mrs. Marvin Palmer of Cedar Rap- tainea a~ sinner ~unoay at the
Save o ,:,~,m en~e~ :e(, . .c~l tOlened as never before--and woe be|is survived by her husband, Horton}ids; molored to Wheatland Sundaylhome of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kral.
a It' ~ . . -[unto the great great grandsons ofiCarr, a daughter-in-law, Lucille|where they were joined by Mr. andt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartlett and
oa,e. . /the signers of the Declaration of[Butcher Carr, and three grand- I Mrs. Sam Slaymaker of Albany,I Mr andmrs. Armstrong marie a
l)on(~, tl~r two ;hildr(n M,'s AliceIIndependence if by our indiffer-[children. I Ill for a picnic, tr'p ~o Ames ~unaay where they
: i st n;lf :3th:; Yr elMa" C~ ~ ek e t
Save on All Summer Needs -- --lion Koch /by the young people at the highl Y ~ - on page
"~'-" "~ t t guests m me it. ~. rmme nome. I I"arek
--- /scnom auoltOrlum on Tuesoay, dUly I --~------------- ~" '
Needlecraft club will hold their| 8th at 8'00 n m I Rev. ana ~wrs. u. ~. ~oggm ana, t~ Mr. and Mrs George Worrell and
next meeting with--Mrs Milton[ .' " "" " I Nancy were Sunday guests in theei olon t children Richard, Ronald, Darlene
Hand-Painted Salad Bowls Koch Friday July 11. ",x~ ~h~rt ~ t d ~n/Arthur Pearson home near Whir-t ~ ,a.ann~ ZeHer land Arlene were Sunday dinner
,) ~ ~ l~ ) f
~X " ~'~ ~'~ ~-. oITr~I"ANDING 2.~' VALUE~! ~ Mrs Archie Minish and Ruth/~,n~, l~,~ ,Me; ,~ +~o] tier. I -- )guests o Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright
~~a~ ~ Thil)k bow pi~etty your summer ~l~l- motored to Cedar Falls on Saturday/ ~ome~of"h~er son~E'ar~ ~'~t" fami'ly] Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calvert enter-IANDREW J' MEYERS and also visited at the Paul Wright
taking Mrs. Voorhees to her home| at Davenport ' -] tained at a birthday dinner Satur-I Andrew J. Meyers, died at his lhome near ~'la~o.
~N~'~~[~ ~tJa(|s will h~)k ill the.~e ~)|orfuJ ~ "~-~ after several weeks visit in the| Dr and Mrs Frank Peasley and[ day evening as a courtesy to Ivan[home Friday at 7:15 p.m. from ai Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ketter an-
~~-f~ ~ beryls! Your choice of 4 beau- ~ J~--" Minish home. ]son of Pekin Iil, were guests in the[ Johnston on his birthday annivers- heart attack. The family resided nounce the birth of a son, Jerry
~xx ./~/~'~.~L~]~. ~ tiful haud-painted (lesigai.~--with ~tJ~2~ff--~ Marvin Mallie of Muscatine spentI home of Mr' and Mrs L J Rose[ary Those present besides the one half mile west of Solon. Mr. !Jerome, at .~aercy nospi~ai, iowa
-- .-- ~:l,v I~,rders in red, bh,e, or ~l[-~/ ~ " I i
several days last week helping his the hast week Dr. Peasley had/guest of honor, were Mrs. Johnston Meyers was born Sept. 17, 1865 at City, Friday, June 27th.
~~ green U) ,naU~h y<)ur coh)r -- ff ~ ~
ll|i,~x ~.~ ~dlein ! These bowls are, <'~mi- i l ~lll IA :~ father and Lloyd make hay. ]an office here a number of years[i ~~--~
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch had as]a~o ] 1
ICNIC SUPPLIES l~)r('ehline, 9~-in. size---with all 1~--~ ~'I ~' their guests on Tuesday afternoon,[ ~'1~iss Sally Hupp who has been][ lil~i~~~ii~~l~i]~$iiiiiiiuiiiiiii[liHllllii~lllillliHl~lii[[~$i$i~lili~~l~~l~~llllllllll 111111111111111111111 ~INilII~III:'IMIIII
~[I -- de(x)ratious 1, N I) E R T H E ~ ~ -.~ l
" Paper Plates (a~AZE to prevent (,btpplng Or ~~~L> Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Armstrong and/visiting relatives and friends here
,| theastweek u ed to her
thing for 1)icnk,'s andIo:~s of (~olor. Oue of our BIG- ~~!!~i ~," two cnILaren, ueiores ana unarms, p ret rn II
of BaltimoreMd who called m in ns Cit Monda
, home Ka as y, y.
White water-l)roof (IEST valuers----don't "[lil~l.~ ~'~~:~i the homes of Clyde's sister, Mrs./ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Waln spent]l ~ ~ f% r 1 1 Ill I
I~ted Illc ~, ~" Ted.Nels n and. family at Me- Sunday in the home of their par- I
cages z 'z [~t~ bath towel and wash cloth for cottage! 1)arable rubber bath I]and Mrs. A. C. Port, Mr. and Mrs. I ~ /~
tll~l dl~'ns, eax~h ~1~ a llan([~)|n~ n|att,hed ~ - ~l)ravs' with ni(*kel plated bra> ~ --" ~ I I. b [] Loren Port and family of near Wau- ! ~ ~ / tinlautlvt-un~t'v
I Sett "~ll~ heaci, and .5 ft. ribl~l tubing. ~ l~~, [Ibeek; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Port, ~ ~ Vlb'l~ "#*
-e iea poons v ,
All f, et I]and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Port of!
~.|ored 8 ~ -hi made of ~Ir-.~, t~nneetion. It.d o, l % I| Martelle.
'eight plastic~--not affeet- vv ~u t, lutll ~ I II~
,~1,~--~ ! ~l I I Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Houser of near o
leatoreold. IU~I, a Sturdy i2xl2 in. size" to nlateh ~;' Xlit ~~ ~ [|Whittier and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~r~r~il~ Be here early in order to
Yellow, white, 2 for C t~)~els. Complete yonr n "'^" ^l Pall
s rHp~l" Uwl~
.WOi; ~'T@~ nlHuth of near Marion were Sun- l~l~UlVl
with an lunlde siipply
-"~ ~ Ilday guests in the Albert Taylor O'~: tha halt electi,m fram
'acial Tissues . v 1,50 SHEETS IN ROIJ~
llox 6. o White Liouid Shinola Yon'il thld buI|dreds of u.~es for 2 $ g15 th of fine
"h ' *" a towel roll like this! Handy is choice stock
lit2eleansilig tla~ues---- I llllI ~tPl ll~llllL41~ LII|(~',~ rlllr, l% ,~t# 41 1---~ ----.~ . .! ,~Jleet~q.i
a," " " "~z2X '11, ]ll~l" " THE Re TO I
~n-xesibS rbent--lmd) nratOilsskinl,~ving'sBuyS v(.rYseVand ~lihiOlal)ri(~eBOIHofforCleanerthe leS,~polisli.andthanSh e, lL~etheSliini)lalat~S'--usual madewlli of fine flualitY.and absorb" embo~,~l RESULTS l/Bell; of P rtJameScedar RobertRapids andOtherDennYvisit. -- ~ll~lP ~hoes for we men,
ont? w bo, - a, e sy .oad re, low. t t ors during the week were Willard U p
sin when yol! need ~l m~tot all white sh(m,~--- ft. ers" A big ~11 for the ~[~. ' v
I~er box ~ ~ill not mnb off ~ ne ! ~ It leads straight to the Ha~k-,Stewart of Preston; Mr. and Mrs.
: l ~ ' " ~ me: y ~ eve Re(~rd ,m |/Vern Brockman of Marion. We are
. II pleaseo ~o report Mr. ~ell nom
wanl-a(z ~;uon. xou ean z |[from the hospital and improving
SaleEndsStartsa WeekSaturday From Morning miss Hawkeye - ]~eeordlt! Ola~i. ]/ta Jean spent Sunday in the heme slowlY.Dr, and Mrs. W. J. Pirie and Les- nA|| I m n[[~N i 0 [I n |}'
Satuday Night fi,will ~ell your livestock, I|of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K ~l l ~ ~ II ~ I~l
rult w,ture []Forest Allen in Iowa City OH II.I 1 Ijl O 0 IIOI
your f,yo| fu ~1 . " " "
Mr and Mrs Samuel Palmer
They will rent yonr lieut. ' / ' l
rnon % o They' nf''lhell) f rY U'/ll= ' = about
They'll perform Just MERCHANTS
m any type of service for you-- 220 2nd Street S.E. Dial 2-2289 Cedar Rapids," In.
If you'll let 'em, II WIbl: 1
Dial 24SI N Advettisel
Mount Vernon, Iowa
[" ~lllllllllllllllililllllllltllllllllllllllllU