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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 3, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 3, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8/X THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA. ]IAWKEYE-RECOP.D AND THE I.IESON HERA/A} Thurs~y, Jlfllt & Lee McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dee and fam- ily moved from the Lena Mann W a t~ e ~,l~ apartment to Anamosa on Friday morning. The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist ,m- T ~, ,~ h --^, xXredneo~, church met Friday afternoon at the evemng'w~tll ~l Irs "Bertha Stinger. church with Mrs. C. D. Boggie, . " " Mrs. Howard Briner and Miss Nelle ~wasplC~l?o ~:2P~; ~d $OCU~ evening i JY " Davis as hostesses. After the bus- -" o" E -r " o Mrs he ~'ast ~ome ~ranas i ve - ne~ meeung, ec naucma oy ~" green Rebekah lodge met Friday mary Yocum, me lesson ~or me az- ~ ~,~, ,~th Mrs F C Roberts ternoon was taken up. The d v " ~,ho~,~ ~,-o 13 members and one tionl were led by Mrs. 1~xsey G a- [guest present. The following offi- sam. me lesson xor. smay was en- ,~,~o ,~i~,~I. prp~ IVlr~ .Tohn tiffed, 'Our Stewardship Fo Chr st- I ~r:,~,~,':. ~ ~n,~ p~,~ Mr~ w " i di " inn Serviee, wh ch was vided [ r~o,~. ~o, ~-~ ~ Carnah~n" into two groups. "nlegal Use of]~:Uy~'~'~':"d:'~:~,~r~ck~n "' Narcotics," by Helen Pearson, and l*'~"f'' ~'~"~'l~rs"~Darrell Manle- Ltquo,by Lenna Whitcomb. ' d L Virginia Hurtle and Anita Cal-e,~]called Sunday m the Howar ea- "a duet A silver follow':lc x and Jack King homes in Ce- sang . wa ea . +ho meetin- I dar Rapids. a" ! Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gramling EIENRY-WOOD~TH and Mrs. Eva Gramling of Central Mr and Mrs Fred Henry are an- City left Monday evening for a nouncing the "marriage of their week's fishing trip in Minnesota. daughter Marian to John Wood- Mrs. Nettie Duncan of Mt. Ver- worth, son of Mr. and Mrs Frank lnon, was a Wednesday guest in the Woodworth, The wedding took l W. C. Hoffman home place at Kirksville, Mo, June 22 ~ Misses ~.eta ann mabel ~ac~nane ~--~ "- ' t were entertained in the Fred Me- CONCERT WELL A~NDED /Shane home near Marion Sunday. The first band concert was play-I Mrs. Anna Harm spent Sunday ed Saturday evening in Buffer park/in the John Harm and Fred Hann by the High School band, rmder~homes in Cedar Rapids. the direction of R. T. Schwab, with/ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank, Cleo, a good crowd present. All eoncerts]Daryl, Geraldine and Pauline were this season will be played in the[Sunday guests in the Albert Stone- park from 8 to 9 o'clock each Sat-[king home at Mount Vernon. , urday evening. / Mrs. Anna Duncan of Seneca, S. pr, IJ~,= ~A~----~ ~ /Dak was a house guest in the W. y ~u v=~ .~:--~ ~,~,~ [C. Hoffman home from Thursday Tne ~'OUOCK ramify nela a picnic/until Saturday. Sunday at the Albert Pollock home/ Mrs Sarah Pearson and Miss in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helen" were Sunday dinner guests Smith's wedding anniversary, and at the Ralph Pearson home near Mrs. T. W. Pollock's birthday, i Whittier. Present were.~ Dr, and Mrs. G eo. ] Tuesday evening Mrs. Mae Van 'earson ann warren or ,~urHngton; !Fossen of Sheffield was honored at Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pollock anda picnic supper in Butler Park. family of ,Bennett;. Mr=. and Mrs. Those extending the courtesy were: ray I-'OUOCK OI t~eaar Rapids; Mr. Mesdames Susan Shellhammer and Mrs. Tom Pollock and June of :Nira Smith, and Bess Newland; and Whittier; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coo- the Missees Leta McShane, Mabel per and Carolyn, Stanley Smith, McShane, Elh Fount and Alma lmogene Cnrisdan, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Harry Smith and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Mr " and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan, T. W. Pollock, Mrs. I. S. Pearson A A" Benton and Mrs. Nira Smith and M ~. Bess Newland. a[tended the funeral of Frank Ben- Mrs "iF ~ . ton in Anamosa Saturday. .- . w k our ~zearns was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Loren Brown moved vmay armrnoon ~o me members into their new home Saturday ~.e~heterl~issionary Society o~ the Mrs. Paul Ewart and baby son ~s y 'ran cnurcm Mrs. ~t ~ came from Mercy hospital at Ana- wuey ann .Mrs. ,~. t; ~toaman nan mosa to the W. C. Hoffman home charge o~ me lesson. Wednesday, where they will spend Mr. and Mrs. Norman Monkman a cou"le of weeks returned to their home in Kansas Bill; Fuerste of'Dubuque came CityC Mo:, extended v}sit Friday to spend a week with his w~n ~nell cousins, mr. anu mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ~ [ Brown. I ]~]H ~NV]fl ~1~] U~0~ 119 1] Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker and ~ family who have been living in a llOU.I@A ltmoI~ T~,O. ~ r~ trailer house at the Reynold Mor- ~x, #~ ~,~ ~v-u ,ris home left Monday for Illinois, "~|~']~ nN'~] ~ ~u~a where they will make their home. J~|~,]@ U]:I] Ot~|||H~|~ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown spent Sunday evening at the Fred Ford :~amoD a~ ~d ,~omo~nD home, north of town. ~ldzn]q~u~ pus !s~a~aldmOa osaq~ Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Copping of m41 pu~u! ~mo:) "sp~} mr~ u! gu~a~I ~I i Pasadena, Calif spent from Wed- "Pm~s~qns~u!ss!m0gXIddnssa~ nesday to Saturday in the R. C. -mmuo~ s,Zqd~mi~I "p~au .~aq~ sff.zamm i Wilson home pm~ ~mi~oad '~u~me~ aq~ ~o IIs aA~q Mrs. Marvin Bailey and son ua ~ aI ~ssod,l~s~a s~ ~ql ~qmaa~ ~ Lq q- Crm~ and Mrs Mary H~tchcock of m~ un~z ~o ,aanpoad "aauq~ ~oo op aUOl~ "e- ~'r "~ i- wer "Frida lun - luo!i~ ~re; .o li~ LnI~od pu~ ,I~unuv ~ ca llap as- ,eye . ay cn- tics guests wl~n ivtr. ann virs. ~. t~. tOlll:l ( 9"]ROH ldllU04 [Bailey. li~i llnl i u~IAii#lll e llldl#llll ! Mr .and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan, lili 1111111111Ulllll "~"~l-""ill ~Mrs. Nira Smith and A. A. Benton q~n~ 00"~ L6# o~ 00"f $ moz~quo~'saZU, d called Thursday . in .the. John Ben- ~/I~o l~!I P!pU~ldS ~aHo az~ '~zanal ~aq ton home, near wauoee~. aqlioszm!z~0gioJ.~aaua!zadxa~upi~m Missese Hattie and Minnie Wil- -lauom $$aq: ~o ~u!iIa$ (~p~o~ 0 o$ l;~) son returned home Thursday from ~l/a!zq~m!z~o~maq$$u~a~'~oNI a trip to Cherry Land in Wiscon- Sl~l s,lqd~l~I mo~ m]n$az alqmgo~d sin. They drove from Milwaukee ~.m~$~!unmmoas!~ n!~anpozd along the lake shore around the /mlaoa pu~ s~paa~ ~ao:sa~.q ~o sa~oa~ Wisconsin peninsula to Green Bay, then to Appleton, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien and home They report ~[1~?~ this country cool, and vegetation abundant. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Newman of i ll~l|L~l Des Moines spent from Friday to i Monday in the parental A. C. New- man home. ~,'~ Mrs. Geo. Copping of Pasadena, ~/- ~, Calif motored here with her son ~! and wife, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Cop- ~-'r~'. ping. They arrived Wednesday af- ~t~ ter spending only four days en- route. Mrs. Copping is in the Dil- "~"" man Hampton home in Whittier at .o - present. Mrs. Cordelia Trimble is a guest in the Dale Gramling home in Cen- tral City this week Sunday Mrs. Vend Greenawalt and Lee Wilson were dinner guests in the R. C. Wilson home. After- noon and evening callers in the Wilson home were Mr. and Mrs. by International "ERE'S the sweetest little outfit that ever hummed through a harvest field--Har- velter's brand-new 4-foot Mc- Cormick-Deering combine for power-drive operation behind a l-plow tractor. It has every- thing its big brothers in the Harvester llne have, plus new features for work on small farms. And here's the best part --you can get it at a price that's easy on your pockethook! O~e man can harvest and thresh in surprisingly quick time with this baby combine-- stepping along at the rate of 8 to 15 acres a day And it's a money-maker. It saves on equipment, twine, and thresh- ing expense. It saves grain by doing the job in one operation --eliminating loss that comes with shocking, stacking, pitch- ing, and hauling. It gets rid oi extra help--saving food and work in the kitchen. Come in and see us about this latest ad- dition to Harvester's line of equipment for the small farm In Mmm Ver, to,t Ei ve 1914 Hardware -- Imldement -- Appliances Chris Dircks and Sue of Cedar =:::----::::::::::::::: ::::: :: Southeast Franklin Rapids and Mr and Cecil Wil-Linn No. 2 Dairy Herd Improvement son and Beth of Anamosa. Mrs, Will~rd Light Sgt Leslie Hopkins of Camp " " " I ) Association Has Annual Meetln v Av STORM ~lalDorne, x~a armveu nome~un- ~i ~,~-S r~aa~a~ day for a 10 day furlough -- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - : : : : : - e - : : : : t "~ M'i~ ?qo~.r~.n r~*,rno,~ n - - The storm which came through h,'~"~,~,~ t~"~"~'~" i~:"~':~,~ The annual meeting of Linn No. 2 1 lbs. of milk and 28 Ibs of butter fat. thie vicinity on Friday afternoon - a Dair erd I v m amzly o llpton are moving into Ca~ i l( d " " :~ ~ atio y H repro e ent assocla-tEighty-five cows produced from 40 proved to be quite a twisterCon- a~er a ~wo weeks vac n. ti n h l r" " ' e " " " o was e d on F lday evening at I to 50 ,pounds of butterfat 30 from siderable damage was done to corn mrs J ~. rappen w n~ m iowa tl m B L " ~e Ear ureau office.C. E. ] 50 to 60 lbs and six from 60 to 70 and small grains Several build- t;l~y ~unaay m spend a zew nays N S ~i " c eal of p " ngvfllc was ele .ted I lbs. of butter fat Sixteen cows ings were ,blown over or twisted and wtm her son, ueo, WhO is in me . presidentJ. F Bowers of Insbon]were culled and 10 heifers fresh-shade and fruit trees ruined to say [ nospll, al mere v" '" ' " ~ce premdent and Mervm Zeller ened, aeco 'ding to the report of nothing of the buckets full of water l an~" ~.' ~ ~Tsgo2~ca~S~UE?~aya~ of Marion director. Newly elected [Dwight Moser, supervisor, which fell, making creeks look like =~ " ~. officers are Orville Rose of Marion Highest producing cow was No rivers sending fences qnd flood lVl~ubVve~ae 7:e~Iaal;ion s en the secretary and treasurer and Bob 11,6 owned by Dows Maniti Dairy gates with them This kind of - y ey p nt . Smith of ,Marion director, ii =roduced 63 lbs of butter fat 'thing is something which we do week ena in me Herman Icnucl- ' . . " zinski home. The 586 cows on test, 527 in milk The six high herds were as fol- no;il:are to nave repeated for a Mrs. Dennis Taylor and Mrs. Lon an(t 59 dry, had an average of 6691lows: Hagerman spent Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs.--'~enr- W~i~ht and in the Harold Ta"lor home at Todd ~ows ]n ~ows AV.m mill: Av. to BV ~ # - Ownez" Breed Milk dry her cow ,~er cnw Ernest visited at the Willard IAght vll~ -- Schoonover & Neal G.H. 18 O 1273 36:6 home on Thursday evening. MISS l~llllan thnuQznL~K1 was a,--- ,~ 'r. Mr and Mrs Ehner Bri.~-s call ~,~. w. ~ewart t~.&tt.x-x. 29 0 1140 36.0 " ~, - ~usmess visitor m ~ectar ltapzus on Ralph Smith & Son G.J 17 0 739 35 4 ed at the George Briggs home on Tnursuay. W twer & Hank O G &H 31 2 965 34'7 Saturday. Charles Wagaman and Mrs. James Burrough of T~pton Graver's Dairy G.G. 10 2 665 32:4 Dorothy visited there on Friday was a ~aturc~ay ~uncneon ann a?.n- E. C. Irorest .G.&R.H. 27 0 962 31.1 afternoon. At this writing George her gues~, or ner mo~ner, wits. l~inz- * IMilked three time a day is somewhat tin.proved ~but will aDe~n L~rltman. ~~ have to rest quietly fo" several Mr .and Mrs1 Jesse Stiller of weeks. Whittier were Sunday visitors inhome of George, Robert, and Miss Bert Onstott, in this place, June Frank Blinks h~m been on ~ the Dennis Taylor home. Tillie Kramer. Mr. Brown is a 23rd. The little Miss will answer sick list the past week and is un" Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagor of Jor- former resident of this neighbor- to the name of Sandra Kay. Mrs. der a doctor's care dan's Grove and G. L. Dyke were hood. Wagner was Merle Onstott before Mr 'tnd Mrs ~.~Ia-]q~e (~ ),~, -- - "" "~ r ~" rr an- " " "" " ' Sunday droner guests m the D.V. lwr. ann w~rs. ~eo ge ~e y u her marriage picnicked with relatives at Ellio Peterson home. family were Sunday visitors in the Mrs. Katherine Toher Dunn andt'ark in Cedar Rapids Sunday ~ o Mrs. Etta Avis has returned to home o~ Mrs. Berry's sister, Mrs. two children of Los Angeles, Calif Five of'the ladies who ,mrt,-,k the Sarah Pearson home. Mary Sadler m Cedar Rap ds. who has been wsltmg with rela- in the nlav "It's a Woman's Privi Mr. and 'Mrs. D. V. Peterson spent Mr .and Mrs. Floyd Kitchen, Dar- tires in West Branch, Hills, and lcge" " took' their f'unilies to Ellis Friday in Rock Island, IlL ~'ell and Doris, Mr. andMrs George Iowa City, returned here to con- Park on Sunday for a picnic din- Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Peterson were~mg were ~unuay caners ox ~v~r. tinue her visit and is a guest in the ner. Those who enioved the da- Thursday evening dinner guests in and Mrs. Frank Letner. Ray Puffer home. w~, "c Mr* and ~M~s~ Roy i" ight. the parental J. F. Wagor home near Mrs. Jessie Canfield and Mrs. On Sunday morning, July 6th, Helen lraye Rah)h" and Doroth-' Central City in honor of Mrs. Peter- John Blaine, both of Cedar Rapids, Rev. C. W. Tyrrell, pastor of the Mr ~and Mrs Jacl~ Ciha Jackie' son's birthday, were v mitors Monday evening of Presbyterian church will take for ,lorraine, Donald, and Joyce, Mr herman ~nudzinski, Lillian andMr. ann vixs George ~ his sermon topic at 11 o'clock, and Mrs. Ray Kohl and John, Mrl Arthur attended the Weineke re- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Berry called "This Is The Victory." A continu- and Mrs. Willard l.ight, Dale and union Sunday in Cedar Rapids. I Thursday evening at the home of ation of the review of the book l)oris, Vernon Burge and Wayne / Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White and!Mrs. Laura Dabbinett in Cedar written by Leslie Weatherhead, an Anderson family spent Sunday in the John Rapids. English writer At the services atMr at~'d ~Mrs Harold Fisch-- Dircks home at Amber. Mrs. C. C. Berry on Friday at-iNew Olivet church Sunday morn- were'Sunday afternoon visito',s-a't Margaret Laeock, district deputy tended the all county Girls' 4-H ing, in addition to the music fur- the ('lair Stout homo ' of the Rebekeah lodge, and her!club meeting at the Y. W. C.A. nished by the young people from Mr. and Mrs. Homer IAght and I staff met Monday evening in the ~ this church, Mrs Tyrrell and Pa-Mrs. George I.ight were ('c,~" )" q~ ilodge rooms for a practice. [ ~PWh~l~'~ll I ~" tricia Herring each gave a read-ids shoppers on Saturday - Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Port and] Hll~jlg.lrll]l~]~]lU~, ling, and Donald Ropa of Stan- Richard Bohr visited from Thurs- iArnold visited in the Lyle Evans] wood played a cornet solo. The in- day until Saturday ni~'ht with his home at Waterloo Sunday. Mrs.!WIND STORM FRIDAY clement weather kept a goodly aunt and uncle Mr. a~ii Mrs }l~;i.- ]Evans and Terry returned home l KNOCKS OATS TREES DOWN number at home who otherwise old Fischer . ~ ' . with them for a few day's vmit. t h heavy rain and wind storm would have been there. Mr. and Mrs. Homer IAght en- ~vlr. anu mrs. ~naries Sterner of visited this Dart of the country on Elmer Gamble, who has not been tcrtained at d nncr on Sand v ~h" Cedar Rapids spent the week end] Friday afternoon and night. Oats so well as usual of late, is con-[and Mrs. George Light. "' inthe P. W. Sterner home. .Iwere laid flat in some fields and tem plating going to a. sanitarium[ Comet Where?--To Dickey ~up~ ann tvlrs Ivan ~mtman anu 1 to a~ ~avannah lwo He nas oeen to I' t, k Wh ", F~ ' I several large trees were b own . I ~" . en .--"iday, July 4th son o~ WinKer were ~unaay oinner] the ~round Some hail fell in mis pzace several times and has l'What~--To the Good ('h(er club and supper guests of Mrs. Elizabeth places and corn fields were cover- received much benefit from their]picnic" of course! Grab a sand: Grltman. .~ led with water, treatment, lwich, plate, fork and glmss. Throw Additional ~pringville newsonI -- A number of old time friends lsome food in the old picnic basket liege five LIGHTNING STRIKES HOUSE went from here to Cedar Rapids[ and join the club in Roy Dickey's ----~. I The McVille fire company, was Monday morning to. attend the fu pastme~ . Fun sprats, games, con- Palisada called to the Chet Baird home on neral of Mr. Dawn husband of tests p izes ever~tbin~ ]," e ' . .*,- ~. ,v ry- ~,~ ~w,~o ~ a ]South street, Fmday evemng about Llzzle McAlhster of thin place one invited no "estr ctions mado i -~,u [6 o'clock, where lightning had iBurial was at Lisbon in St. John s [See you then. - i Clair Milholin returned on Thurs-, struck the house and demolished' cemetery. ] i dawell,y frOmOkla.a business trip to Black- I thewas telephone.done. No other damage iKathermeMr and. DunnMrS' wentJ hn toKerwinIowa Cityand (;O! NCIL. PRO~'F']'EDINGS' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Weber and -- I Monday morning to attend the wed- Mount Ve'non, Iowa. daughter of Muscatine moved into VERONICA REBEKAH LODGE I ding of Mrs. Dunn's cousin, Colito June 16. 1941 the cottage near the Chas. Meyers INITIATES NINE I Lynch. It was a beautiful churchThe Council of the Town of home. Mr. Weber is the naturalist There was a special meeting of I ceremony and a large crowd of rel- I Mount Vernon. Iowa. met in spe- at the Palisades state park, and Veronica Rebekah Lodge Friday atives and friends were present eial session at the call of the Mayor. will conduct tours each Sunday, night, for the purpose of initiating ~ Members present: Roy A. Nelson, startin from the lod e Tours maylnine new members and re-instat- Mayor" Councilmen. Lloyd Snyder arrangegd at other t~gmees - ing one. After the work was com- Morley A 1,: "~.dart c ~. ich, E c: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. "Ford and pleted, refreshments were served by t Mrs. EII~ F. Austin I Prall and John B. Bryant. [David attended the Linn County!the committee: Mesdames Frank L.I ~ [ The meeting was called for the i Farm Bureau Dicnic at Central City Miller, Peter Skenke, Earl Hatcher,] 'p .of onsidcring scv ral mat- on last Wednesday Minme Ward, Dora Johnson, Mag- dental to the complehon - " The ~eorge ~'ayne samiiy wno tins inci i Wallace Darling! a~ent manacerlgie Scott, Everette Puffer, Johnny nave oeen nwng m me hunter tof ll~c paving pro':r:~= an l s'~ocial :" " "- ~'-ICarrand Harold Hatcher estate co~mge While meir nouse on tss(~sm(nts fm ax~ ent of s ox tmn~ers Llie insurance t~o, ann .~ ,~ "'" "' *~ ~ ' p, .* r. .'ame. Arthur Goebel sky writer for'Phil- -- me xoung mrm, was nezng omit,I Movc(l by l~)'yant sero~dcd t)y i lips Petroleum Co called on Ben/MRS. JOHN CONE DIES I~v~rV.e tnm~Vea to~ne new nouse, anal l