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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 5, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 5, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 . J on MOUNT VERNON HAWKEYE,VOLUME LX Xi, NUMBER 37 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1951 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME LVil, NUMBER 46 Rev Gr )en lohn MacGregors !FlJe a D,ck Hoyt and Bud F,nal R,tes Held For Fifty ns Stewardess.W,th ELu bon B,)ard . i " " I v Mr L II Br ant u Eastern Anr Lunes i no mason .nt luavns mpro e s. ya y I Delnvers Hns Y !Re= Inl,i ,Are I H, ;Id l,nr,ual I Dr. and Mrs. John MacGregor i l- i Dick Hoy~ and Bud Davis con- Funeral services were conuucteai I~ " .: ;~ll I: and family are visitin in the ar = tinue to improve at St Luke's has- Saturday afternoon in the Metho- I I, g P - ~ I " - . i V ,nrsl Ser= non ental Dean and Mrs. J B Mac- S~h a [ pltal from the serious burns receiv- di t church for Mrs. Lyall .Bryant :At PI i l S( as=or Nlond Gre or home while theare m vin led in a flash fire at Ce-Mar roaceiwno eiea in St LuKe's nospkal L m C.~,--J, TL:, %A4AAI, ifrom Madison" W is to Mason Cityi Information about the Mt. Ver- track on Sunday, June 24. iBW:::e:d?Ya~ie~htaJun~e,27:lDr'f~ ~I Over fifty children are enrolledI & 1 ] Two New Boiler ' g" y o g~ ~,L t ~,p,~,u~ ~ ,w~,~ where ~,r. mact, regor will join non school was released at the an- Dick had his last transzusion, the i ~ '~ ~ "" .'~ I at the Lisbon Play~round Desnite ~ 1 i " ,- : : ; ~the J.Vlt vernon cemetery i "- " - At Yo th In titute ~,th Doctors West?n" Barg and nual meeting of the Mt Vernon,seventh, on Thursday of last week.i - " the cool rainy weather the children~ Recentl Bou ht U S !Brush zor me practiceoz surgery !school board held on Monoay July I rle was aoie to sit up in a chair! Pall bearers were Arlo Stmger,!are enjoying its advantages. ~l Y g They expect to go totheir new 2nd The Iowa school law rovides for a while on Monday and is look- Lee Stinger ulayton ~osJey ,~arl i 1 Rev Merton B Green delivered ~. ~^.~ : ~, j. . . P ^ ~.^ ~ F L~i.h Herbert Lei-h and ~rl~ Thursday was Backward Day. i ~l ! ~ne annum meeung oz me lsoon Sunday July I He was nam d as i Dr. MacGregor has completed ~ day thls year the meeting was held day: He is still on a hqu]od diet, Fern St g Y ' . g !wards. Tuesday will be Buddy Day !,school secretary Lee Crelly and ms nrst sermon as pastor oi me~ ' ~ Fri 'McConau h --" ' 1 - " - '- " City on July 6th. r July 1. As this date fell on Sun- ages possibly on Thursday or - g Y" ~. . . wards walked and la ed back- t Mt. Veil,on Method,~t church onI ] I in er *~r ant aau hter of' ' . p y l evemng, July 2. The reports of the nastor'h,r,*%, ',h~ ~nnual m~e;tina ]three years' residency in surgery on Mongay. ins ~ne oanoages are so s.un it is !Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sti nger, was !Each child will bring a buddy and i i treasurer, Martha Nosle,'were of e N~rth-Io'~a confe e ce -" l~ at the Wisconsin General hospital '1 The reports of A. J. Rogers, school ldinicu*t zor him to move his jaws Darn on ner .granuparems zarm a sack lunch for them The chil- i presented Y th w r n he ~ ~ . = . at Grace church, Waterloo the pre- !in Madison, Wls. During that time! secretary, and Mrs. A. J. Rogers, { Bud iS get~lng along fine H!s,l IOUroct miles181897nOrmShe I waslVlt vernOna life long n tI dren have done dek-all painting, [ :".~ I Mr Crellv WaS rehir ed L,~ vious week ' he has done ward and clinical : SChOOl treasurer, were presented to i bandages will probably be taken on "~ " ~, .L ~ ^. gimp braiding and made safety [ ~$~ seh~l mec~tarv Action ~n "~ " ' " ~ the boaru with a statement oz Dank i k',r~*u~nt u~ ~*n~ ~u* u*,~: =*,u ~- ~, :~,:~::,~ :.: - - The new numster used John IX as teaching at the hospital ~ on the same day as D c s. ,~ ~^a **.~ ,^^.~ o~ ~ ~, posters. Story telling dramatiza- i en,*t*.~t~t far inataJla.~in,* a tha ~. [Durances certineo oy me mr. ver t= =. = ,v~ ~ ~.o tion ball ames and races are a art' ' the text for his lnltml sermon, the Dr. MacGregor was graduated ~ ;~a z ~l~ T ~r-,a"* of Mt ~ . ' g P ~ two new boilers and hiring of story of the man who was blind 'from the college of physicians and non ~anK 6~ lrust uo. i Cll,~&.mL~,~ A ~, I V"%~:nU,~=Ma~=~4* 19~6 ;or each day's activities I ~: bus drivers was postlmned~gi from birth but who was healed by t surgeons of Columbia Unlversxtyl Mr. Rogers was reelected ,]~l~ll[,l|~ ~'~1~ i The Story Hour was held in the l : a meeUng on Thursday evening Chr ' ; school secre~ b the bo~rd ',~ne name was esLaonsnea on me, ',: " ~:~ ~ " st s hand. We may all be rid i and took his internship at Univer- ry Y " ~. m ~m~ ~ ;~ ,~. ,~ ~,v=~ new Legion Hall, Saturday at 4 :: " . l f r ax o v,~ ~ ,v -,' :: : ~i! : ~ne repor~ oz me secretary WhiCh of our bhndness through Hks help, I slty hospital, Iowa City. He served, The budget o the emming ye I[~w,~,~ ~41 1@ I ~ ~ liv d th re t of her o clock Thirty- three children at- ' 1 non where sue e e s ' ~ ::~.:; ::: I IS illeU wl[n me t=ounty ~up~ wal- the. Rev Green said. The Master ,21. . months in. the US Army having, was approved a~d the heating II-|~1~JJl~l~l ~' " ' rn a son [ tended. Playground and Story ~ :.~ ~ " ~s not to be with us only in the th~ rnnk nf eantaln whf*n h~ lf,ft* set for Jul~ ~3 it will be mint- { active llte. .to them was DO ~,= ~,~ =,n,~,;~,~,~ hv ~=- ~,~, ~:~. : %: ~ ter Shupp shows an enrollment of church but whereever we ~o in our,h ~o ;,~ ~aa~ A~*^. *~.^* I ed in new week s H~twkeve,I[~ J ~'% = ~ i Robert, now of Crete, III. Mrs. l~a w;o, ;~=a h, ,ha %, I' [ % ~ 328 as compared with 308 last year. dally lives anatom for a ear at the Univer The vacancies in fifth mad sixth [ rrop~a ~y[][] Bryant was devoted to her home Fire ~iris Any Camn Fire ~irl who~ BETTY STOUT t Enrollment by grades is as follows. ,:,Y Y- . -' ~ = - ano was a great lover ox zlowers. ; "~ " - ": - I I occasionally count off twelve;mty of Iowa he ~olned the staff of] grades were discussed but no I wishes to earn service hours mav~ ~ Kindergarten. 30 Fifth 29 in. the front rows, "he said, "and ~Wisconsin General hospital 1 action was taken. ! ~l i~ I~ T m,~--e i~ne was^s~l:ea~n nee~.~ecraz~^ana [get in touch with her " i,~v~iss ~e~y ,~out, yaugn:er of. i First 24 Sixth 26 them to Imagine t C ~ ~,A copy of the secretarys report ~ tS d 32 Seventh 26 were to ask them as he did thel :^ 1 =1 a . :+u 4.~ + --,~,t m mm R ~'~ ~ ;cratt ~luo norm oz mr. vernon ~,~ m, ~,ia stewaroess wlm me ~.astern Air[Third ,4~ l~;,~,+h ,o fishermen to be His Discinles /|nm~n~.w~ ~m~ ~ ; + Aa,~*. Wn]f~r Rh,nn I Dy[1 K ~ ~ Mrs. Bryant was a member of [LiSOOn .amp rite ~lrls i Lmes stationed at New Orleans, I Fourth 19 I,the P thian Sisters and also of the La She has been serving on planes TOT Who knows what latent posstbilitles, ~ . The local school district spent I Y I Are Off To Cam Hlta a i AL ther-- ---- --"-~- "--- ----n*;-^- of R / 1 R I I Prelumnary sketches for a new Pa~t Chiefs of that organization. P g ~between New Orleans and Hous- Ninth an*~ ,~, ~ = ~,= w,~**** ~,= ,;v ***~=~ ~1o0,~;~ Irom me general zunu, ~ I ~ . ~ i -~-~-~ - these very walls?" menlna =urrows I~5,332 from the schoolhouse fund~gymnasmm at Cornels college, have i She was baptized in the Presbyter- Camn Hita~a onened its 1951 sea- ton, Texas: When first ap.pomtediTenth 15Twelfth 16 ,~ 'Deen prepare~ ann presentea to me tan church and later joined the "- - "- *a zew weeks ago sue operatea De-, The sermon was very well re- I and $7420 from the special courses I w " son Sunday, June 24. All campers I TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL 86 ceiv B Etcher rovided or [ There was g r e a t excitement ~Board of Trustees by the Ha ard Methodist church where she main- . tween New Orleans and Atlanta. . ed. race p gun . I fund, for a total of $118,805.08 as, . . ] had a grand week helping solve the ! ' GRAND TOTAL music and Stewart Waller gave the ng the Mt. Vern.on-L ben Zun- comnared to 97-539.34 last year. R. Green Co engineers, of Cedar !tamed her membership. She was a mystery of the whereabouts of i Betty, was .graduated from Lisbon ! . 326 solo ~ lor J eglon ~au ooys ~unaay as I ~-% ;--~r"-~i~'divided as follows" "tmplas, accoramg to announcement I worker in church circles ana was ,~,:;,~== ~ wo,o o,a ~,= nign scnoot In 1946. She left is- ', Tnere are 273 pupils between the " " ='= "~ = ~ "' "d n D Cole ',* ---"'"'- " -- = e ~ During the service the Roy. Mr. Ithe team copped Its first v,etory ofI ~ ,a ~ ~.~m s.~ an ~ on~ial [by Pros, e t Russell . . l a member of the Ladies Aid So-',~- ~.~ oa ~,~ ,; ]ben a year ago where she was era-.~ages of 7 and 16 of which 136 are Ge~nMin~a?~10e~, an~nS:D~n4n;~d ~:finlla~y:3 ~t~efi;:yDsW ahlfo~w~t~ i urieisn ti~:t:~oo~l~'ls"e ~i/Pe~: ]b/S~!h:~het:;?d;::ng.e:o ;;e ~Ciarrt~h; yo:tY :~dfeisf ~r yearaS:ua~:~I:wg :;Mn~i;it{~V~i~hl:r.Mi~:ri~;tne%~ an i [e~e~e~o:~:s~Os~e~M~tiS!!aoC~ar~a;" i b r~rm:~r!d~;ilr!ghStm;:g;t:;:n:wdd:[l congregation. Din,m s, . . " $192 50 less than the previous year P gi " g "" ' " . I i a R" J ith in th [ " " P " ' " " [ g " was with friends the Glenn Brown cIded improvement and are whip- ~: + ~; ~o ;+ ~,~ ~ ~" ] tectural service will be done by She developed a rare conditmn the Apon t un and ud e She then attended the University of There are 82 tuition -'u--ils in **'-- ' I ~ '~=~* '"~'~ "~ = ~-", ' " ' h honda unit . v v -,= family, near Grundy Center. i ping into a nice outfit. Their school.- aries of e~3 754 81 which is a little ithe Green Co and fn'st sketches I which was recognized in 1946. ] S m . ! M~nnesota for a semester. ! grades and 43 in high school ule is rapidly filling up so tha~ it e~,~ :i :.: h ,1. ; ] are now in the nanas of the ex- i When her eye-sight became impair- This weeK, beginning JUly ~, .tn April sue oegan zour weeks of ~ Transnortation is nrovided for ~-~ ooks ow that ey will have a ecutxve committee, according to Dr. ed she kept in touch with farm and Marilyn Mornmgstar, Jackie Banl' special training with Eastern Air ; nuDils with three bus routes corn ,j,~a~,[ -- " game every Sunday the rest of the ~. " Cole s statement world news through the radio. She Mardell Mason and Kate Franks, Lines at Miami, Florida. After corn- : nrisin~ 93 miles The re~flar fae- I l~ecelptsin me generm ~unu ] ~ --- I season i The Cornell board also has up- i looked forward to the visits and ~ will be in the Aponita unit. In the ! pleting this she was assigned to ! ultv is made u~ of four'men and Sunday, July 8th, the local team .~$.~" ;;~+ ;.+ ~ e~ n~ ~o pointed a building committee com- cards from her friends and the Shahonda unit will be Sarah;New Orleans. She writes friends iten" wnrn,~n ~~~ will meet the newly organized ~^ ; ,; i Posed of Charles E. Hedges, Mt. [regular calls from her pastor. Two Franks, Lorraine Mornmgstar, Ca- in Lisbon that New Orleans is a~ Bonded ind=h~,~ ;~ e~.~ I Sprmgvllle Junior Legion nlne on i - - ~ n~o ~ i Vernon, chairman, Stephen H. Wild- of her grandchildren were baptized I rol Gunther, Jeanette Long, Janlce I very Interesting city. While on lay- ~ - 2 000 of the bon,~ ;a ^~ ; ~~~~ [the high school diamond at Spring- Ic,~'~ :/ ,9:?A===~=:. ~ [er, Cedar Rapids; Charles S. Hemp-!by her bedside at the nursing home.]Morningstar, Patricia Barteaux, [ over at Houston she has visited a [~entember each v'ear'~n*'t~t'~-~ft~'$ : L.~t ~L~:: ~IIU ~%a~lcaA 14u " n Me re ' " "~ *" ville. Game timeis 2.30 and there n r 1 7 385.78 stead, Cedar Falls, D. U. Va t,1 The constant vigxlance, of her de- ! Jane Miller, Nancy Clark and Jud- cousin, Charles Elliott, in that city. the payment this year $14,000 will" ] i IS no admission. [ ge~e2~ L ,~,~ 4'nvna~ Mt Vernon; Otto A. Kohl, Cedar{voted husband and family gave heriith Miller. The Watanopa unit con- She hkes her work very much. !remain to be oaid. Accordin~t to l~- ~ : 1 There is ,*lent~ of ,~,4t in the ["~:;~==v:~,~='~::a 3{~'4i3"~ ]l~p.*ds; Sutherl.and. Daws, t=eaar i the will to withs~nd the discom- sits of Patsy Albright and Sharon ! ~ I this schedule the final payrnent~wi'll ll:" = I u, 1 : --.~,;'.',~. .~-=.~-.~-. ] 2-~,:~ "'~ ~ "~.~: ~' )l~apias ann ~'resIaent-~ole. I forts of her affliction Her never-IKruse. Janet Bowers, ~.iale Hansen, [[~ ~ I'=~,~ I[~,m.I be made in September 1958 - ~ ,u ,~-~,~= ~ = ,~,~ I ~,~r ,-=v=~u= ~,~-~ ~ The maximum cost of the new "- ld return I n= =~ i--ir~lr l~Fnnm , I ]zaning xalm ma~ sne wou mary mzuer ana ~nita ~m,m wIu II~@~ l~l /V~I f ' " good ~ by Hnnger, good In comparison with the previous, =~,~ d,~ ~ ~n ~ ~nn nnn a~cord I I O expenditures from the general ',~, -~--,~ ~ " ! ~o ner active nze remalneu cun~a.~- ~ De In me 2~xgatln unlL 1 ~ coaching by Everett Freemma i year, the district tax was down. . rag" to action" of the board of trus-~ ly with he~-- " . . fund salaries totalled $34,889 Total ~[ and John LyferdL The e~iy l$1,g00 and state and federa] ald up '. ,= Ther-i-in~nd attheDres J -- Who knows wnat wll, un,ol~jl~rlV~ hchnn !expenditures were $66,88304 Tul- I worry the fellows h=ve righ* i$1810. The semi-annual apportion-i nt"time to annlv on' the nr ect urv ng her nus anoh. ]with a week of "Yankee u oodle I v. tion collected amounted to $32 H.- : ~l [ now is "%Wn~t will we do for ! ment is up $330. e216 864 Dr Cole stated Plans'are I ~u. ~u.~.~= u. ~=~o~.~ -~,~,;~, ~ ] Dandy"! The swimming, nanacraz~, j 4,% ~ .* n 1 56, state aid $4,951.75, transportation ,I "~ granacnl,uren" ,~ ~ - #~, lmts mad balls when the~e ire i The report made to the County bein'~ made" by President Cole and ~.~'~'." .~ "C ' :""'- i canoeing, archery, riaing and ~rips ! ~,~ ~l m .~t~ ~t ~ml~ml%B 157,257.88 and other state aid $2,447.- ,~ '~ cla virginia aria ~anlel rtuue~t ~ r rd to v ~ m ~,~= ~=,=~ , ~~ I geae1~ Three bl4~ were brok- ! Superintendent, W a 1 t e r Shupp,*h~ l~ard to raise the rest of the I " I are all worth looking zo wa 1 39 for a total of $14,657.02 i = " s I =for a most successful week i en Sunday mad there are onlyI shows the enrollment bygrade I funds needed. ~ . --. n --,] I BW~V ~ffi.~v m~.~== FE K; a r ten ;t4:::t:s fonows38 eaceuTtn:owG e t: :a ynd d :,iig: Ex-Cornellian Is Feature C /biirdT o w e :sPUr:ha ditWd ' lt~~ might bring around a used bat First "" 41 Sixth 31 ibuilding committee They are being Vodicka took o~ice on Man Of West Branch Program ^ ~ sp,~ Dy .~ ed o era to replacethe two old boil- - . . ~ ~uu~ - ~.ross ano the ueaar ~aplas ~ec-~ers wnicn were oeyona repair 1 still good ball or an extr~ lint ' and 37 'studied by these groups and by the, . 1 . ~~ ,ho~ ~=~ ~. I, ~ S ec . " .~ Seventh 34! ;~ ~ ~ ~o ~. day evening as president of the I A former Cornellian will be one !reation Commlssion, are held at El- The boiler. will he nn~r~ m, k ; * !zmro ~ . ~.~a~ =.~.~=~ : ,-=v Rotary club and passed out booK- tr tion at the Sis Park pool ] -----. .7 --" ~ to school or to service. TheyFourth 30 Eighth 38 Co=nell with a vlew to such re- ~ i.o of the featured at ac s,- tomatically. The controls will he ~ ,~t~ w*t ~= ~==* ~ p*us~o-, ~" "" W -.the DUS Will leave me ,ISDOn ~l~ : i would surely be a--reci~d ! LY ~= ~ visions as ma~ be necessary before ~ '. Centennial celebration at eat ~ . . set so that one boiler w~ll be used he=~p0rtunity to be'with you," ]eight walked two and allowed i Total high school 125] ~," ]cent experiences at Boys State He l a ni'stol shootin~ exhibition Satur i come and learn to swim ]r vo ~,o~ ~, :;;a=a ;: ,~,o said ~'This was entirely unandci-] ~o,~' ~,~ T~v~l ,~ ,ha 1,~;n~,iGrand total 470 .minea, it wul s~ana norm uz u.o. ~ . ^.~ ~.~ ,~.~ ~ ~ ,- " = "~ " i ~ r~: qPI~ ln~,*hie ,h,n~h ! ~"?~.~ ""~" . "~" ""~. ".-~ "Z"T"~ ! ~ i"::=:~.:" ::,-.~'"'?~'-".~o Highway 30. in a eneral north west ~ ExP~.~'.'=u .u~ ,= . ~,-~ ! day at 6 p.m. Allstot was captain ' ~---------'----- I size of the boilers One boiler is v ,- pitcher striking ou~ eight, watwang ; x =,~ = ~ = =s g ' aiviaea into ~eaerahst and Na-, ] i " has a great reputatmn I am, look ~,one and allowing one hit Barta grades was 333 high school 130 and relation to the presentAlumni ~tmnahst parties and city and state I of the frosh football team when at ~ I",expected to carry the load except ing forward to the fel'lowship with! " i total enrollment 463 ' :gymnasium. i " " . " . " i Cornell, and member of the wrest- O I CO, Is Pl tumd 'in unusually cold weather ,;relieved in the 5th and he struck~ ,government organizeo, e'arty plat-~ you here,' he concluded + ~a a ~ .~' The secretary's and treasurer's i ~ Jr I ~ rl ~'~'~ ~mnai~'ns I-1Lng squad. He has been on the a ,~;~, ,ha ,)~o~o ~ cm P, Included in the contract for in- '~'~ "V"' ~='~'~'~ "'= ~ ill rinted in the nexti " *"~*~ ": ~" = '" l ivlason t=ity police zorce ~or many~ "~ '~ : Y' 'sallation is a new smoke stack Rev. Green.explained that their ~ two. h~ts. . . ~-rep rts w be p o Drainage Into took place before elections John l years. Marksmanship is his hobbyI plant at Bettendorf ~s featured. ,n wni will be built outsI goods had arrived Saturday after-i Simmons, Vlgg, Kamerhng and issue of the Hawkeye zor the m-: . was elected a representative from .~ ~ .; -~';^nal titles in' full page ads of the American Pe- . .cn -. . he.or me noon and the household would, be!Burrows collected hits for the i formation" of all taxpayers andl~ewer Reaulated ibis city and took part in preparing!r~i'~eancl'~isto~*s~ho~o~t~n'~ His wife!tr leum Institute in eight leadingl~un mg" .tne presem stack goes In a state of disruption zor a time. locals Two runs were made in the i SChOOl patrons . . . "~ ]and passing of bills. Robert's rules ;~ ~n ~,n~'~t ~ar~ot ~hn~ter magazines this month The Paraland mrougn a room wn]cn has been I ~ = o usea as a general storeroom as they were leaving zol]owing me top of the third Neubauer struck Tl~ ere were tuitiongraae [ ,~.a; ~o ~,i~h ,rohibits i of order were followed so that the ~ "~'" ~'" ~-" ""- .~- ~. ~" iCo. furnishes gas and oil for the I " Y servl u i]s and 57 tuition hl h school ' "-'"~" '~ "~" --" ~ v ~ ~ageanzs a e p I c t In g historical I ion in ban I ro removal oz me stack mlS room can "ce. : Out and Semelroth was thrown out, p P g a.~ ; ~ ~, +or ~round I boy~ had good experience in parlia- I ~West-N-Stat" " Lis . ts p - 1 - ; " " " "' --"~ ~* ~"'-' "='~,o," ' e r nistor oz oael " He will attend the Youth Feuow- center to first VI singled, fol-. pupils. Transportation was provided .~ ~-^=,~,~n,~ mentarv nrocedure and real lessons scenes irom me ltrO y a Y ducts are brought up the Mississippi oe rem ea rata a classroom ship Institute at Clear Lake duringlowed- by a double by Simmons l for 147 pupils with 5 bus routesI . t'on drains'm " government I West Branch, famous as blrthp,ace river to the plant by boat. A new . which the. board plans to do. This this week teach a daily class on -,~;~h cored him Kamerlin~'sttotalling 105 miles There are 22 cisterns, roofs, founda?c '~-- Frid~-, the bo,s were all~of Herbert Hoover, will include a boat the M-V Funua sunnlements space will enable one of the grade - .',~""" - ana SUD-SOII oralns into ~ne samtary i x ~ a,y j -a r*- I " A Christian Serves, and have the. ~ ln-~" ~le scored Simmons and Kam- .: teaching posltion~, 18 filled by worn- ] r- :~aken~ in 36 army trucks with Police i cast of 250. They will be drama- the M-V Laquna m carrying 2 rooms to be divided so there will ,sewer was aaop~ea vy me iv1[ ve morning watch Friday on "A Chris- ~ ~rl~n= was thrown out trying to en and 7 by men. Buildings are ~ ' - o~cort to the state ea~itol for a trin hzed under hghts on the athletic i million gallons of gas a year to the, be a teacher for each grade, except . ", I ,- ~ " " ' non ~ounc)l on ~vlonuay evening. ,-~ *~ -- ] : . - - t Ian Serves His World The Clear ! ~tretch it to an extra base,worth $160,000. . I ', through it The renresentatives met ~ field Prominent speakers, crown- i terminal docks. An ad appears on ! the kindergarten, first and second Lake program was set up many ~ xn~o ~,~ ~,~ home nlate a~ain in RETIRE $5 000 OF BONDS i ~ complete copy o~ ~ae atom- ~.~ ~,= *,~,~o ~er Later the ing of a centennial queen, paraaes, na~e 4 I which have two teachers for the months ago and I feel a respons- ~ ~ ~,~. ~* ~lkina he stole Out,landing bonded indebtedness mace IS printed on page 8. You! ~ ~,~,~,~ ;,~ ~,~ center ofhvest ck shows, and marching ~ three grades The ldindergarten ~bility to carry out my part of it, i:~.'~.a'~.'.~" n::~,~n"i~ hv .qim is $25-000 $5 000 will be raid in' should read it so you will be i~'~,~'~" i bands will round out a full three~ 'class meets for only a half da ~,~ ~.u w -! . . P nai ~ I Y. : although it means commg her and ,~;,~1, November leaving a balance ofl famfli~trwath|tsterms, ety,~,o,~,m~w, '~*~, valu. ldayprogram. [, hnn RmeJs 1 fleeing almost unmedmtely from v,'ale,~r~ thrf~tfmPd in the last of i $20 ~)00 %~ ith $5,00~ payments made I for violation is a $100. I ~h]~ #~Yn~ri~n~o for which he I 'Brothers of the Brush and Sis- i I ~ R */ . "' you he explained. ,h~ ~venth when they collected two during November of each year the ; Erection of an industrial fence thanked the Le~ion Post who snort- !ters of the Swish are now common l.ll= I &l ~ 11-. I-armer Keslaen~ Mrs. Green and the boys will hits off Burrows Pubishar singled bonds will be retired by November around the new sewage treatment i~ored him i sights on the streets Gents appear-~laKe ~ar]relle !r~. ~,~ ~ l~ . spent . Y L i and Van Metre, If. ' ' !Lisbon operated by Mr. and M . Meyers, ." ' i to begin moving dirt the middle of i Game Day. i the 8th, and 2 in the 9th; a total of I taught school prior to her marriage ~o 1935, as a smoent at ~orneu. ne Summary" Wm. Holtz is featured in a page the east sine oz me highway near!,~ ~ ~. wonthor nermittin~ t ~ i 12 runs on 14 base hits. They cam- to Louis Wilson in 1898 He died d" ! LJ] 1 W ~= [= 1"~ z. ~, [ : entered: from West Branch where ~ Mt. Vernon'. 002 010 {)---3 6 3 i~ ad m eight, of the leading tonga- . this end of Ivanhoe bridge. Is. about. ,~* w~=~.--'~^t- ~.~, ;~ r. ~;,~ was I .-~v~v ! ~-*,-[e J~e~e~|nel I mitred 5 errors, in March 1923. Mrs. W'llson was a ms father the Rev. Harry D. Green, i ~o~a- fma 000 1 1 3 1 i zines d u r i n g June and July ! ready for Mr. Meyers and h~s bride. I ~ .~ ^~, xz~ ~, i ~"'~ ; Martelle scored 1 run in the 2rid i ,~ ~.~ ~.~. ~; z,~ ~ was.minister. The family moved the ~ i Sponsor of the ad ~s the American ! A service station and garage is I~v~s pulling the blade and Mr. ! Planned Far July 13! 2 }n the 6th; a total of 3 runs on 4 I, ian church for 75 years. Some time next year to Anamosa. i = i Petroleum Institute which is puo-]under construction by Mr. Meyerslc~rawav was o~eratin~ the blade i i hits They miscued 5 times l a~o she lived in Lisbon for several The Rev. Mr. Green was gradu-!~"~It~;I n~'~'~'~Flt~~'~ i licizing the 15,000 small oil com-lbetween the highway and thehouse i Dart of the time~ "~ i Yes Friday July 13th will be a i Loren Johnson newly acquired ~ years ated from Cornell in 1935, with a l~l 11 It,~l~l I~ parties. The Paraland Co. head-:The building will be 50 by 96 feet l~ Roy Heady, Bernal Walmer and l lucky day for some young re!low jchucker for the "Reds" went thei Surviving are a son, Carl, Long major in history While here he . quarters is at Bettendorf. Its pro- with the ~ervice station in the front Dan Carawa "oined them this who wins the 2rid annual livestock distance allowing 3 runs, 4 hits ;Beach Calif a dau hter Mrs Earl , - . .~ ~ . . Y J I. . ~ ,I g was active in many phases of call- i I~'@%~ll~lllql~ ,= ducts are brought up the M~ssis~ppi ; The foundatmn has been completed !week when they began to use the ]judging contest sponsoreO Dy .~acn.- 'struck out 8, allowed 8 bases on i Wilson; three grandchildren; Mrs ego life. He participated in men'sil|%~l~t~ss ~" lby boat. Two boats bring 2 land about 1,000 blocks have beente]evating grader This road williman Feed Service and Don M. ml-iballs and hit two batters '~Charles Hendrickson, Cedar Rap- glee club, in theatre work and in I 1 { million gallons of gas a year to the fluid robabl take two week~ ef good nert Purina salesman. ', Bill Sailor, peppery shortstop for ida" Mrs Henry DeFo "er Indian- football He was a member of the i[=,Vl~l~lll~mMpI H~l~'~ i terminal. The company was estab-! ~LTl~e Frank Meyer's sand and[~eathe~Yto complete " This contest is open to any FFA the "Reds" was the big gun at the apolis, Ind and Cpl. ~Ynald Gray- Oxford fellowship group and of thel="~'# ~ '~%'~ ="=* "~ ilished in 1940 at Omaha but haslgraveI plant at Ivanhoe has beenI The road extends south for two]member 4-Hmember, Young Farm- lplate getting 4 blows in 6 trips;~er, Ft. Hood, Texas; and one great A.X.E. social organization, of which ! ! moved to Bettendorf. I busy with big orders recently. It I miles from the east and west road i er Class' students and GI Veteran's i one a one-on homer in the 8th 1 granddaughter Margaret DeFoyer ~earhe was vice-president, hiSnmanSeniOrne i ramPlanS~orf rmt acIv]hanvernon we2;:e~S-euPr2di-e ~ . ~. t furnishes themixgraveliantfOr t:oralviuethe Stun- ia ouarter, of a mile west oi the t training class students. Adults are i frame, t Funeral services' and burial were When he was a ~res g " - ' Dr. Robert croaaJe lw d Ready P,I Roseda]e school Iwelcome to attend and judge, but i Phil Sailor, bespectacled slugger at Marion Saturday served his class as treasurer. His ! with local leaaers at a meeting n.eia i --,~ .~." [ and the CedarRapids Brickcrete i .---~.---~ [ will not be eligible for the prizes. ] drove in 5 runs with a bases-loaded t -- two sisters also: attended Cornell. fat the City Hall on ~rlaay even.mgi eoeives vrommlon (Co west of Cedar Rapids. RoofI [ First nlace winner will receive(single in the first inning and hi=, ,~e =, t Evelyn was graduated in 1931 and by S. R H.a.nkins, director oz ~nn [ . i gravel has been hauled for.the ad- ! Buimd Transmisslan ! an all expense trip to the Research i bases-loaded double in the 6th. This ~. News Ut ~erwloe Men , s now 1 n fl ld Ill Mildred, Count3 Clwl Dexense oz ~=eaar ua Dr R A Scroggle has been trans I d~tIon to the Oakdale hospital and,' 1 ' -'- 'n Spri g e," i . " "i " " . . ", " ' II.-- It, I--,~l, #'%g Here ~Farm near St Louis this fal. Sec-iblow was the one that broke the l now Mrs Hanson of Detroit, Mich, pins. ferred from Kirkwood Mo to ex-[to Amana recently A 2,000 gallon ,-,l~ ~'~u~ ~,~ i,~,~,~ nl~ a 100 lb ba~ of Purina ibacks of the Martelle club {HOWARD CIHA IN KOREA finished i'n 1934. ii Pre~ent~ at the meeting were I ington, Ky where, his position will . gasoline storage tank was buried i / ~"~"-.~ ~uw ,1[:'~'~;/ ~ow and-3rd nlace a i Summary'. ~ " ; Pvt Howard ~ih~ h~ writ+,m hi~ Mayor Arthur Kudart, Mrs. George be Dental Offmer -in the U. S. i last week to store fuel for the I Poles were set as ~ar east as me I ~ ~a -- ~ket knife I Lisb"-- ~ n n n o n, ~ ~ = +~ +~.^ ~ t. ,~;*.~ ~;o* THER APPOIN~tw~.~*S iUthoff representing the Woman s, Public Health Serwce hospital. This )trucks and gravel plant. Lee Wll- [Merrill Kleineck farm on .Monday ,v~= ~ill be classes of beef ] Martelle" 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-- 3- 4-5 that he landed in Pusan Korea on etev. Green received his S.T.B. in i club Mrs. Don Pringle for the Le- hospital serves as a rehabilitation :liams and Charles Waldorf assist on 1he 115,000 volt transmission line ~ ~:+~-~ ~,~'~-din~ ~wine market i Batteries" L Johnson a r'h~m.' Jun- 18th and was ~oin~, right to 1938 from Boston umver~ty School lgion" Auxflmry, Dr.F.F. Ebersole, i center for confirmed dope addicts. :Mr. Meyer at the plant !under oonstru.ction north of Nit. !swine market lambs, and dairy !berlain; Martelle: C. May, Pruell, !the front He sailed from Seattle '~- ~neology ano his ~.T.~VL zrom me : heao oz the puoiic health program ~ It is the largest center oz its sort in i -------------- i vernon anu ~lsuun. ,~ ~ v, ,= ~,~,~ ~, h, ~ud~ed Graver Mieho Dar. ee i Wash ~arlv in .Tune The transnort arae institution m 39. He was ~ Ro~s Clark for the Farm Bureau, the U S ~'--e[e,v I~|v~v ~r~ t ~t ~ Penmngroth farm east of Bertram ~ ^~ ~A advisor and Don M Mi I ~ d'~ck~a at Yokohama J~nan After ~aken into full membership of the!and Mrs. Don Baxter i Dr. Scroggie has just returnedt~ ~--.''' "" --;--:" "'~ iand crosses U.S. 30 at the R.OYln"er~'a~einehargeofliningunclass.! ,h~ ,un~y ,~x~mrnoo, n, ~u~y ,~n, a"few'~davs there a 'Japanese shin ,u?per I,owa .conference in Septem-. Mr. Hankins gave a resume of the i from a conference ?f Chief DentalI ] 31/2 ~oot Mark ~unaay i Stoneking. an.o harry .~-mne~):ngles of livestock to be judged'. Full'. en~e C'~; ~tna~s'ln~'leo~-,:e ,'~am'e t took the men to Korea= They ha(i =:[ oz 39, became an eJuer ma~ progress thus far in a county civil-i Officers at .Washington, D.C ! !~arms;.l~ne l?ne win conunue ea~!details will appear in next week's i at Butler ]Park, lLis'~o~,~ *2"0@ t their packs and equipment and ~.=~, anti was appointea to me ~ ;o ,q,~,~,~,~ wrnar~m and exnlained ~ This hospital was puDiicizea in The theoar river reacnea a la./~ zrom l~lelneeK s across tn ~ neruvxt ; ~,o nl~ ~, ha ,i~; oA ~ a ----: " J n +~ o ~,+ ~ ~,o fr,nt enwood Methodist church ~'~+ i+ ro~n~ to each individualLife June 11 The story says that]foot mark on the electric high line.Leigh and Kenneth K~rkpatrlc l^' to be ~ud,ed ) ." " xz;o ~nn ~ T~ ~n~8295 8068 ' the do e u~er's best hope is treat-I ale back of the Frank Meyer re-s-farms to the Owen E1]iott farm, ~ " ' From June 1943 to Febru~.ry i All churches ~chools and colleges i P ~ P " th The tour and judging contest will, 1Repl Bn 25th Division APO 27 c/o 1 - ~ merit as given in a hospital nKe 'iuence at lvannoe early ~unaay (where it Wlll turn a]agonany nor " i ~,~r+ tl ~+ ~ ~ m Fria~-" T ~ ~ne "x~eus scneaule lncluoes a ~ .-. . : .~ " : ~ 946 he s~w mH,tary serwce in ! have been surveyed for their facfl- - .: ~+ I ;~ ~ ml,;~ ;o ~w~r,~-~w~+~lv .~ i ,~.+ +,~ th~ P.p~ra~ Mnlli,~ farm It ) ~" ~ v ""~" =~. 2" ~ ?'. ' '~ ~' ~"~ : ~ame with Walford on the afternoon i ~ostmaster, ~an rranc~sco, ~a~Iz. - : m]~ ne Is assls~eu mruu~n me &ll~ilzluz***Ji~. ~.o .o u~,l d .-, ~ ~v ~ - ----~v--e~ " I ~-" World W~r II, concluding his }ties to care for feeding and hous-, :" 1 " " tral Iowa ~ 13, at the lvnio wolrab farm 1 /z ~ J 1 4 t B ~ -------- ~ leeri ~l w~th the rank of rim jar ing: A complete hat o: farmers lTe;c inl.0ad ~YSh:nf isWi~hd;:~v~1 f~o~ freetchU~di~i:hepr?:;k ~tfe:8;/z rafee~ ~ob:jfgb:p)tcf:ratnh; wCi~fextend to l~VXi~s ::ut~:fthMet'luVc~rn n nTM ~teTtYe ~hm:a jUtlre:e?~rkN:r~di Donald Ciha son of the John = w~s chaplain o[ ~ae -~m i wim IrUCKS cr tractors Wnlcn coula ; ' a' ' ~,~ ~ u. i En li~h for a holida ni h ] ' fi=,~ chiatric guidance He ]s taught a lln the Mason City and Allison are Wyoming. i~'~i~v th~ t-~th~ ' g ~ y g t game Cihas who was recently here on ~=~ aru.ery group ana ir~m !be usea in evacuauon has ueen~ " ; ] . ~ - i ' Feb 10 1944. ntil Nov 22. 1945. !~:,~,~il,~r] trade whereby he can earn a decent;last week caused the Cedar river ~ ( i ;furlough, has sent in his new ad- he ~ ' . u " - - i - living in the outside world Dr. ',to rise sharply and go out of its] " i " ---" ) i dress. Don reported the 23rd of ~ "as in the European The&tre i However a more thoroughandI ~a~+~o~osnital Even '~ banks in nlaces I 13 Hags Are Killed By Lisbon Hello World Society Harse Shaw Is ij +'~ Port Hueneme on the Cal- Tn- . . . i complete survey, should be ~ made ]with such care the relapse rate at! Corn fields of Howard Kroul .and I l|el~#n|nel N,r B@rtram I ~,~,1 PI-n,ed On July 1St}, ' ifornia coast above Los Angeles. ~/" . t' ne cecame as~oc]a~epas-i.~ ~-" Lexington is 39 6 per cent. I William Longerbeam on the omer]--~ ~ "" i.a ;~'~.~:~ ~i~ ~-~ ~ ~ ,'~ ~-=;" : ~' ]He will have 13 weeks' of C.B. --- Cl lzeo 1or acuOn In case ol an atL~C~ a ,=-s ~,~,~ ,~u~,~ ~ Ra--= ~t. Paul's church in ~eaar]. . " rses' aides orI ~ side.of.the river .were.flooaea 2y[ E F. Hartl who lives a half mile i hosnita~'on ~V~ond%= .l','lv ' ! Clear Creek Saddle club society!builderssch l. Mrs. C]ha, the . and in 1947 was appointed, .tnis woum mcmue .u. Pm F m ~------ the nigh water. Tne river s~ar~ea = h, ~ ~.; ~ ~,~ ~a hn ~ ,n i .= . ."- --"' 7-" 2. i~ o ~ m ~,o ~oM o+ +~ (zormer uoromy Morehouse is lo- ~hti~ G:U:odrnYcsC~nt~;t c~u:::oJrOm, thos~,u ~hoo=?Ulat::::. ::::ijr?'~onge i ~[[~ .eor. :i.Jay~l).lw~t[. tcO:e~OPa ~lya2~n:~Yl~%d [ ~:"June 24 when l!ght~ng~" stru:ck ian~ l~I1;.ght:l~n WsaSe~:rnn t w~P:r' Fair' ~ grounds,""" "-'Tipton,'~ "~="on Sunday," """ ~ ~rat~ t~t O:r~ard,- about four' miles" " ~---.- ~-- and man" others iru[m ~uw|~ ,#u~,~ ,~--,ia zree unaer wmcn y Reed hosnital Washin~,ton DC on:July l~, starting at I p.m. ~rlzesl . I~ ~ i s ~ ; 1~ I ~ m i crowded Three sows and 13 pigs]~ .~aa =,~.=' ~; +o, ~'= = la will be awarded for 10 elasses v~th! Address. Dona!a ' tnna, .~.A. x avate eor House i Two films,entitled "The At- :i~s~eew~armhP:C~U[enag4n;~; ~Ur:an~!lSSUe .awKeye ,-arly ]weighing around 30 pounds werei~au';l~er has=been~n th~ same h~s~-ifive placings in each class TrDphyi324-09-72 U.S.N.-alC~nCia Trainee ewdc Bomb and Survival - ",I killed - -" : and ribbon will be awarded for each ) Port Hueneme, ~ On O.a Fisher Farm ~ ~ a=, a*,m;~ am,~" will he Mrs. Elmer E. James, one mile south ] 'rh,~ ~aw] eve s been vrinted on I " I pxtal for throat surgery Capt. S~- ~ ,: ~ .~ ;~ ^ ~. ha ,of Martelle. Marflyn James. t e," r distribution l nets is at Fort BennIng, Ga. Mrs. Ex - . shown to the puhhc a~ the Mr.~ Tuesday this week fo,CAR TURNS OVER ~ of the other four. c,~vatlon ~'a~ ~ta~ted by M~kei ~, - daughter xdentified it and claimed=. a ,== h ~'i . Slvets is the former Betty Sankot. ; ~Ne~ Band Canoert At ~chi~t- ~ .~. - -. " i ~ ernon senoo| auux~m'xnm on ~.~.~ ~ +.' ~ ~,~ ~.a on me nur o~ "C'-"~ -- I T r containin~ an Ohio C0UDle 1 Alan l%uten Will oe )uuge, ~nester ( ---- ~- ~.~t ~rloay Ior a house on[ m = w,~u,~ - ~ : holida on Weunesaa I he ca . .~ ------ . . ~ . th ~ Thursday, July 12, at S p,~ the July 4th y Y r d 1 d W Paul f New York Cit Noble ringmaster, and Bud Rowser e Mr. and Mrs Otto Fisher farm -,ur eu m =**on='u. " '. The James have lived on this ~ !. turned over on its slde when c ow - .F oy . . o :Yl :.' v. 'i' Lnsbon Wed July 4th ~ rth of Mt. Vernon. The site of i ~130 acre place about 18 years Both ! mm [ed off the highway Monuay morning will arr. e ~atur~.ay ~o via ~ n s i :: me hou~.e is on ~he northwest car-i Each club will" be asked to g',ve i~ Mr. and Mrs. James. are nat,yes' of ]He.a woru [ about 8:15 a.m. by a semi" on me mother, mrs. walter *~aul, at me ~u~a, s. ~ There wnl' not De a vana concert nor of th~ ---,- ~ .-~ " ,' ~.~a~.~ ;,~ ,~,~*~,~,~ to their member~ in ~h~ area and ~raduates of Martelle I J Clair Watson curve west of Mr. Ver- home of his sister and brother-in- ~ I in Lisbon on Wednesday evening l:ttt~r ecuun at ,vo~,~= ~ - . ~ ~,-,( school wh~,~ ~ ~. ~. a *he near future A,~nlication blank~ [ There are two children in the Born to Mr and Mrs. Richard M. ] non on U. S. 30. The car was towed law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wiggins. FEDERATED FELLOWSB1]P l July 4th, as the Lisbon school band number of years a~o The buildin~ i for duties in the county defense James family Marilyn, 16, who will IPrice, a son, Roger Alan, on June] in by Murphy Motors and the Mr. Paul is president of McCrory I ]Members and friends of the Fed- fwlll play with the massed bands at will be 30 ~- = : "~ ram will lso be distributed to ~ enter her senior year at Martelle 29 at Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids I fenders straightened so the couple Stores He will visit stores at Can- ' crated church will meet for the ' Hawkeye Downs The next concert dug for a ti~ey :;tl~e~ef~rei~C%:sas ~l~e~pub]ic through the~ clubs and this fail Lyle, 11, who will be in weighing 7 lbs 7oz. Grandpal"ents could continue on their way. Their ton, Ohio, and Chicago, lll en- quarterly fellowship supper this at Lisbon will be on Wednesday i; merit excavation was started organizations. 7th grade. are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Franta. names were not learned. route to Mt. Vernon Friday evening. The hour is 6:30. evening, July llth. --X