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July 5, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 5, 1951 |
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Pro 68 ing Ol Th8 L d e . 44.6Q L. b N L. b F FA p jB t ,h he Robert Kramers and Mary, SERVICE: Refriger&tion. Both Mh V roan, I aawkeye-Reco d
po Grup c . >! & C re .l]a IS on ews . IS on . . . rO Calvin Robinsons and Mrs Ed commercial and d mestic Ray's Re 'and Tb. Ltsbon Her [d
L.nn oun up&rvi or a`' "a' Bis'u' c . Diet &
C ty S Care . . . ' .46 Mohe Trip To Scout . ' . . . ', . h Robinson had dinner at lar Prigerati n Service. Mart lle. Ph n TbuB. ol g, 19s1 p g8 7
(Continued rom last week, e" " Baklng L >. Dlet & ;.o,' r ' ',nce Sunday. ' 538. 35tP |
- - .aIgr. . iic .D et. &. ar T3: h . . .' ' ' . . " .' ! .Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Downs o SOFTWAT VICEAvail
keep '.'. g'` mount Ph,ct. Pri . . Ronc ln New Mexlco .',', . ; o Marsh lltown visited the irst oP able noN'. No equipment to buy. PIONEER SEED CORN. Strong
| Citieg Service oil Co. E lel 3. wp l . 3 / ' . the veek with th'eir son in law and No work or you to do Neal's So t er llnatlon Hlgh Vleldlng Order
r . Slmer Bailey Dept. Chil-,James. jj: ji . h. jh rif ytle- 2 6 . . . . .
drenC jj. D `: 132.00 ' ` . : 6,a pread out among the mountains ag . .+ ',' ' | d u hter, the Don Ni lls. Vater Ser 'ice. Dial 5i01. Mt. Ver-,no . Stanle Vislisel RR j Cedar
Thebi,dTen . . . . . H Sml h LJ3t f Com- BU ico sas of northern New Mex-, '
! g. Harold Hand Dept. chil- ,J, |,' ` miles south o Cimarro,is . ,m Lee Taylors attended a ram-,non. 29t,Rapids, Ia. Dial 340j, Mt ernon.
' mdren -,iTlgpr l alnI L . Shop Im-,Philmont Scout Ranch, 12T,000 acres Mr.'"i' `u"day a` Bu"i ` " nd RIC L E r 34-35-36-3 -38-39-40c
m`g j: j hri .i D pt. B ruvement . 16"."9 of challeging adventure for the Boy, 'Alic "d M'`. Ha' 'd N`' ` nes- an ' 'k' a` d`"' d'aina8e d"'he,ECIAL allowance tor your old
Chlldren . .iji j hi' ? . s '3 Paint d E r l! aper IScouts or this country. Scout funds ,' ' ' day a, nt Tuesday and W e has Gg,ne ellars excavated. Geor8 atch in trade on a 8u1ova W. H.
brg. Leo ,I >, o> I T mentPr,i i . .w realized through such activities as ' ' .'. ' l accep,ed herville, where A n ,or oon & Son, dial 3831| t. ` IHoover 38-3T-38-39c
dren . . '- !. . s. L!Collk ie . g, paper and scrap drives bake sales ' l ' next year 'ea'hi"g pDsit l |
e rg. Paul . : j .i. . Dzpt. `' D?i'.S. :
Ch ldren . 6]. r "`hL`'. ` 'k '`'e " BO W and the like, are use to defraj " . ' ' + ',' ' The M ke Sturms and son ang ,DITCHWG and basement ex ava. -` U aler is
Lutheran Homeg Dept ChildrPn ]. e'd . c .ri !lr . : l l,part f a sc ut's expenses to this, L,the Edward Sturms, a? of Chica c,th drag ne. . For estimate,l di I2l, .Lisbo
n 'g. ' geph D ' "` '. % !? ' .w ' u ' `. ' - - . . . '
lo a oe ed Ald,en " `h `' ' `"'` "e"` 6 ' 'a"' bon ExplDrer Scout James,ent the week end ln the J ed Vernon nk leyer, dlal 630,Mt 38 3 c
S ^. c. l CLt N `'D' p 4B.0g B` more in company with oth,`,ho h me. 'a" ' k 'etur . 41tt rOR SALE. 1950 Pontlac door
Dr. Robert J. .KuT h. Med. .nid : blg a'd "' e.i Pui. BJJTd ,o, g scou,s fr m this aubeek area a o, l v,s, ,n,them or a two weeksl APPLIANCE REp G. Our' `'eamliner, like new. SI7oo. Call
Dr. Frederic Sloan med. Aid . rlDn Scm, . . . . . .
or. J. J. Keith med. Aid . g s d j ui nc . A eric .- Scoutmaster Laverne Kerkma '. ' Mr. and %wa'd 'hrm h me. 'epa" ?h p 's at p ur gervlce. 9'2 Mt. Vernon. 36, 3 p
Berlln's Grocery Prov. 6. 5 C nsurance . 4.0 Van Horne has just returned r the week end atHugh ?am "' 'pe"` Y u'.` ' e u' w 'k d ' "'eg. .' R `'A`': West-N-Station in
Cammunity GTocery PTo lw. ntral Church op L hri3t RYnt ,o,o Philmont. With Scourmaster Ke - /,M" Norman etrolt. House wlrlng. Hot-Po nt dlstrlbutor. Llsbon. Includes filling station,
d urkBIB Clover Farm Store,4 PO lec,iu . man driving the group left Cedar ', * rrf dic or Bedford Clark AppUance Ser cel Dial 23g1, shoP store and living quarters
" ' i i :::.:::.:.:: '8?:g0 .R B el . ent . 25. Rapids June' 9 and arrived at the r iD, .who came last week to at Mt. Vernon. 2WIF, H ltz, phone 30, Lisbon. 3
ton H. Bgllard galary . IO . G
Vrs. Dan Steele Cgre &nd keep TS. er Jog. kota R n ". lranch aune 11 . They ound evide ho m Neo, son o, ,h& Howord N o,w,o, M, Varnon, Mr 'u e'al ?ervices r aunt SAWS FILED: By machlne Cut' FOR SALE: Cabin. P u
r- .COURT XPE SE rU D- 25 00 p nton? ehm '. .' 'k ': 99.2jres op heavy rains and floods, e wilh his self eed&r, wh ch ha co ,truc,6d n V Ag shop her.h '`'a w'`' "' 'e" "`da' ' ' '`e e" h '.' 'a'`e" A` k'^d& sades. Electricity, water, Bas. Fur-
Florence Gouldin sgl&ry ij. a . ,6 er p ye o a lgL Exp 10.00 washed out roads and des`' A, coss ,H& hos ,wo Duroc morhat,Na, w th I4 whlch a ,a"e . qulcker gervlce. Lee Pau &oa Col-, nished or unPurnished. Inquire o
r Evelyn miel Salary. . og a',expe"geenpDri ,O bridges in much or Kansas,| ly eM n e Pa'k a"e^ded 'ege Blvd Mt. Vernon UtllA Biderman 37p
g Expenge gg c .ia,ori .i ,i pN rge Ho l Dav . .
e rence PrB ea . Co jieag ,; E ,o g Hogpit& .`a'n ende . e . La Junta.+ Colo they visited. with one his FFA ond 4 H projBc, m wos g,oduo,ad ,h pr,ng Mrs arks er in Sunday lor .-------------i - ii-- ----------- sALi: Re rlgerators, Mont-
nk ugpital 9.8j the Koshare Indians, a troop o Bo ,rom M, Varnon hi h choo ond p,on, ,o owand ,owo S, ,& ,er he Ca,reddei aw and sis- y Ward apt. size g3o; General
Patit Ju' ' 'ee9al i ::: :::.: : 3 :g e Nu'se ov. 76.95 Scouts in La Junta wh are wi" c collaga,;t foll He s o gre&nhond n tha Lisbon FFA obierving thelr 25th ' w we'e -- -- -- i--i .- i : ectric m nitor toR S3o; General
' ho F. Ream, har' 'e" p . . . . - | . . .
Geo. E. Lee Sal . . . p ocery Pr v . '` ' natlonal renown or thelr authe . eddlng an nace wi,h,in po, A,so near,o tr c cu. Pt. gg.gS; rIlgldalre,
p&rl Bailey 'a &lar . 1.20 J H We a' cery Prav. '.' interpretation of American Indian . niversa ,e, Ph,p Sorensen andl b,ower com ,e,e.wi,h con,ro c new months old $50 less thafl
Jose h Tlugt ney De y Pru. g.6, S n mD a,a" `' p & 'p 61.20,Dances. John a rer s e,er,day ,sh,ng,a Hun, r Dia, ,2,B.IKa,ba Many mDre easy terms
Viol& . Del,- a. PrOv. . . .
b&tlon O ficer Expen9eg . 31 .00 Con :"k G' 'ery Prov. . 34.9 The Iowa Scouts spent their first Deon Brown Write stitute at Clear Lake this wee . . ckbone S,a,e park' near.M n a ,DGET PR,GHr ,AN im .VernAppliance c dial 42g1i
hrthur L. Bye Salar,j . p,t or Gol>d Shepherd ,o,oa night at Philmont ln spirited arg ctio n oreo,rs. Melcher wil' a" as 'p "s ' chester. ' -' ke new. Ba'8ai^ p? 'e c R .OR s iE. Baby ed baby b "
IInogen B. Emery ees l . g.C hi'd'e^E eL . :::: :: :: i:6Tlmenl with a vociPerous group Of A n,K,one of the cabins and Rev. Melche,' r O
artin Roemig Att . &l c in Pd Aid w i Texas Scouts who maintained in the will edit and print the "Breeze'. Mr. and Mrs. R bert Rave" p ' '` '`. 'a ee b' ""` " c dai gies high chalr and stroller ln veg
nank F. Beteg CD. Treag. G i ,6.40 ate Sanatori . . . .
ury itnes feeg & Pet. oyal Laundry p,d. hid . .' lorthodox Texas manner, that their In a recent letter from Dean camp newspaper and act as mod- Cedar'Rapldg were ndap guests Piano Co 322-1st Ave NE,
uror ree %iTE, NcE curity Laboratorleq M d. hid l. ols,a,e ,eads ,he wor,d in g, manner Brown received by his paren,s Mr lerator o a core unit Other dele or the latterts parents, the Allen Rapids, Iowa. 33,f c good conditlon. Mrs. Leo KaLban,
qECO!fDAR .T . r . rg. Cliff rd KP,nddLL Rent ' .oo o grand ways manks however and Mrs Cliff Brown or L sbo h gateg Prom here are J an Thumma Jacksoog,SLIGHTLY used nice Walnu,'dial 4331| Mt. Vernon. 3Sc
FUN . JL ryme Krau3 ent l . |
Pauline A. Hayeg Salary . 6qM BroDk ield Pe3t C ntrol Co. to our Qlodest Waubeek represent- writes: "Our company was just re Mary Jane Stout, Joan A baugh, Mr. and Mrs. . N. Walters spentlSpinet Piano, located near here.| rOR SAEE: 100 capons. F lr
'ity Rater Works Ro&d Idinj : Xi9c. Eh . . . ' . tives, the Texans now understand lieved by another company while' Frances Green and Douglas Brown. Wednesday with relati .es at Ma- ,Can be re-purchased with S4S.QO ' pounds or more. 35c a pound, Phofle
rh B. F Goudrich Co. Road Baker Paper ". 'upp!'e . . hat ow Iowa top soil is the r chest we rest for one day then'we go Twins a boy and a girl were quoketa ldown and &1750 per month Write'I2 Eal.l rilson Lisbon no
alnt : . . . . . . 93.88 r . E Trachta Car
I ern tion l H r .z t r c>. ,g,eep . . . . .OO'and blackest in the world and is into nother attack ar d if we take born M nday, July 2, to r. and Billd .Meltzer ol Cedar Rapids C. R. Piano C 322 rirst A e. N.E -i - L - ur na R
oad aillt . ?cS' H pi l ;| ! !*|) -,o g ,o at least ten eet deep. the hill we are making the attack Mrs. Leo Miller at Mercy hospital,visite lasf week with his uncle,Cedar Rapids, Ia. 2gt c f . er . Don Minert. Phone O ts-
: I,) .d lectric L ht q p r '` Ll Pj Hoi .i; ui jz .2 ' At Ponil, a base camp Dn the on we stay there and let the U.N. Cedar Rapids and aunt, the Harry Iacksons. EAVE SPOUTING nd sheet met- b n. 3 .
lle,ggad aint . . . + '.'9 'Haspital . . . . 133.s5 ranch. ttle sc u's we'e give" i"- 'a`k 'hi"gs ve' "'i`h 'he 'hi"e i LIaRAR DO NS spMrs. Harold Davis e Durant,al ,vork Estimates gladly given i .--rOR SAL . fri l
r o achine CD. Ru d I lnL 4.34 . . . ,
RoL k 'd`" ' . Road - in! l 53 Dr. Jenn!ng9 C!a f rd ed. ,structlons in burro packing, axe- I Rot a transfer to a 5 recoil.r Library Boaid me, Wednesday, her hursday and Frldal. v 'lth IBob Hansen, phone 186, Lisbon. 24t,ne*v ick-up for InternationaL No,
Ruad d t r Tr n i . Aid ?". manship, Dutch Dven cooking, and rifle squad, and am now a gunneujigven ng a, ,he ,ibrary ,or a regu, r Mr a er Mrs. Anna Sc t,and,c, O S - d set - 2 cGmbiflY; Fertilizer attachment
.St,dndgrd nt . . . l >r. E. B. I Cl>n E? IY . %l .oo ,E,ere generally briefed on the ex- We have sure lost a lot of men gke ',iness meeting It was reported Mr ndd M". ' "e'` M 'were bs Used fe ' time Three vuod,f r J hn Deere odel B cultivatar;
She l Oil C ' ` . ' r E P `ll Dr . G rdner Il r ed nld l .
`u a tate . '. 'a' E en? : 4 rY tern L.nil]n Iu . hi . .6 peditiD s they utere to make over don't worry about me. I can e c,a $,O dona,io ,rDm ,he Garden m n hM s. Glen Woo e boa,x iion and bag. ayne Grady' Ward's 16 ft. grain auger; Mig ty
lghqd . um li - - XT . Helen RaDd ll C re dnd this vast property The e"'ui^g da?' 'a'e ' m??e`'. ' have 'e" ' 'atr b and a g5 anonymous dona,ion cc, Sund y ttending p,ds,ial 3621. Mt. Vernon 37i E1 in UllmD j ck. Clhrence Beltz, '
slon Orfice Supplie 1.3s keeP 3 . found them travellng over m un`a'" t m.v credlt. We went " a gugh, ' were made toward the library und. L t Cedar R . GOOD rurnaces, spouti,'e M.e'` ' Par lt,Rt. 2, S rin
STA p I SrIT TIO rL %D (ate UniL er itS' Hugpltal trails and desert sands with camP yesterday and six o us ' ' W C Licensed l utters urnace repalr and lnst "e 3s 3 c
Pine Knoll SIIlat rium [l t . urse d Hu pit L . 22.y . .
E P. 4% ) nmerican . oc t n oP SlwiaE stops made at such descriptive back ten prisoners. They ju came, John Martin o was graduat- ew #r,tion iee Dri>coll Heating Co. r r -T R-S L :---- reb ed r y ar
F. Forbes lbei t fiz . l . WorkeI.s i3c. ExD. . j.g'pDints as the Devils Wash Basin out when we saw them with a white ed ,rom ,owa S,a,e co,ege Am,oseph M Pospi,hi, .E,y. Mer |,ree es,ima,es c, Solon, ,owa hn us bulls. C. w. Sm th, 4 mil&g
D'. R I. Kcech Commissiun . Dr. aurice E e I . Aid ' .oo gb of a pond resting in hot sandylshirt wavinP and hollering s me- in June and received his PP, cury. Donal R Bedell' .`Spri vlll ' 2 :,nurth nd ne east oP lisbon.
Eeeg - g 5,) Dr. w. J. rogter e . Aid .co,t), the Bench, Cyphers Mine,thing in Chinese We shot two of men, as ,nd Lieu,enan, ,n ,h nu,O,d mDb,e r,Dyd c and ri, s FORTHE BEST sned Sand ,or B ARNER eARM RECORO
Q ST.I . i AL FL%D- . Dr. C. t. oe Ied. Aid . . . . ,
ho p Williams Daml e3 3nnn Dr. r. J. Sl n IP,d. -4id . l s.5o and C narron Cito. th m and took the rest in." Force, lelt Monday fDr Ch tel My . i . . r . ' a ' OKS. Vith inslructiona and sh8
Charles. Volz Damage9 . 6 : 6 Dr. E. G. Kieck ed. ALd T. Nor was all their time spe"' '" His ' mDa"'.'e'eived `he ' " w- 'ie'd' j Colby wh enllsted ' uc 'a"e De'` u" "'b "' ' 'd ' u' ' ""e'e 'k. Dia' 6' T f ' s cial security &1.50 Hawk
Chgrleg EuTger Refund Dll mbylance rL. . Tr " - >, o ! riding or hiking Beasmore reports in commendatlon Darr o ' ord " Ha'gh` M` Vern " rrank Meyer 38 t,Of lce hIt Vernon
oi j . D g T . c i Pi% E iu D- . - . that several dajs were devoted to Company c :,s, ,n,an,ry ;s ,he Navy wen,' ,o Des .Moin ,csv, e de E. wilii ms; Mechan
p rl D. Raln Damageg . . o . J. Dahmg AttS f?eg . l') ature studies and work on c - co, mended ,or i,j exce,en, comba, Thursday',or his physica os,ess ,o, ies .Th m vrolet; J. Paul or Fr - ` ' `. ` `
r. B. ERADICATIO rL D- . . B. R R ell.Atty i% ' . ' ervation projects. At Cima' " operations on 30 May 1951. Mrs. John Cook wasc, b Thurs ac. ,ames,lechanicsville, Pu .-|
Petrlck & Bezdek Indemni 3' 41. `'a` U"".e' '`' H 'p'`a` rnm. l OO Cit `he `a'pe'` ba'e 'amp " `he 2 Th,s company was assalled ln the Delta Dek b"dgear ha crusei Ch rolet igh Mechanic ville '
ROQD .CLEARING FV D- In es. . . . . . . . . .
`l r R. Stutt Salgry g ecuri y Ldbon, Jrie Crim. ranch, the scouts had c mplete a'i he.ear,y morning ho rs by approx day evening Miss M t - 'ev ' ' '
Ollver T. ggker S&lary . . . T: D "veg. . 4 . e? e r pist L and rifle shootin
O9car B. grtin Sglary X. V r R?staurlnt Juror eal3 . hlng, horseback riding, and na- imately two battalions Df the Chi- held high sc re. Mrs. Paul Horner ------- --r-- ~-------- --------------- . .
Plin E Wellg g lar5 . o p lic Dept. W ltprr i"e' 'i`',g5 ture hikes nese Army from the north west 'was a guest and received guest CQRD O THANKS
couNiY ASSESSOR F %D . Tre . Crim. Inves. . . . .
arold . right ileage j? T Schmidt T r e rit r Exchange In addition to working for and and south. prize. . . . . . .
b G. Llnklatter ileage & B 4, G achine aint. '." winning the Philmont Naturz, CDn- Displaying ski?l and Ra?'a""y e 's. H '. M" rm`'k e"`e'`a`"- 'AR F THANR'the Priend eor TTne ' l rr ,
8'. . i .i D[. j. cr igjrg g%'ea' 'e'v"e . ?`%' . ?&' 4. 'e'vati nuh Camper and N8turallst this splendid umt defended lts po- i the plnochle club at her home I wlsh to thank W '
Oo Inotlo penge
ad]ourned untll Apr l tO. 1951. Jag. H. Smith, h rif,ar- Awards, Scout Beasmore estimates sitions and repelled the Chinese ag- IFriday a ternoon. Scores were held the nowerg and cards ihe .
Henry J. Hood. rn rmanri nt Ser ice . . : 13'. ,t t th group blked some 8D miles sault maintaining the integrity orl by Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Asa hospital. .
oard or Super .i oru. .Lin SEC PublighinB c . lgc. E p oP ranch.kails and consumed many the regimental de ensive area Atl Robinson. ' Mrg. R chard James
tto p, unty. Io a. RY OAD AIN LVA nes ,heir weigh, in good ,ood ,he conc,usion o,he a,ack,en,Mrs rlora Wilson entertaine n
Coun,y nzll . FU . -
. Auditor a ntenance p y R Ll y. Their return home was made via emy dead were counted in rrontlMrs. Glen Woods, Mrs. John Lync We wish to,ex ress our i.ncere !,'
: Salarieg . . . $ I13'.9 Taos, N. and Denver of one platoon o C Company and itland Mrs. Paul H rner at 'unche n thanks t the ,kindnesses shown . .
.p eedmgg of che Board o Super- c & N .W RY Co. Road al t a5l. .
lgo Drtin Roaga Tractor & Equip- is estimated that many the' 'hi-j Thu?'da'. 'he a"e'" " was 'pe^'| du'i" u' ie e"` be'eaveme" mily ` . `
St&t or Iuwa, County E Linn g : 3m nt Cn. Road N int . 2,1v.90 Mr . HO 8| Smith nese dead resulted. playlng canast d,e ,am,y were, Mrs. Walter B. Strong and f |
rhe Board,suFe g'il . i9 r ,g otDr SuP ly R ad s, g n. . 3. I am proud ot the accomplish me Cass R '
tD djourn en, org !n t - . Be.ll i I : . . E loyt Or8gon Tnp I ents o Company C. its otricers, Sunday supper guests o Mrs. Mar- . . ' ! ` :.: .
& ot: supervigoig Hood Beegoo ,g lnt 'e'9.^ Mn. Hazel Smith o Ligbon writes " "-' m" "i "ed "i'e"' a"d ' `- Ba'e' 'e'e ner guests o the J c,#"' 'e . ' .` i . . a
od 8ole a. ' . . Bell Co. In . Ro&d 4, o, her recen, visit with her daugh dlers Sunday d ` : : . ,
. Oo Inotlon by nper .igor Beeg B i" g.Ro&d aiot :: :: : 11:83 ter and son-in-law. Mr. and r% 4 copy o this commenda,ion oules were Mr. and Mrs. Ge rg -------- --------i i-- --- ---------- ` ` :. .:.: i i. . . .: . !! .
beconded by Supervigor su`e i, ,nd Bitu . . . . . r . . . . .
: lnutea o, ,he mee,ingg o Aga a, c R g mtl Co. Raad alnt 104.6SIAINn Swartz, ln Oregon. wlll be read to the troops at th ll n or Central Clty and the,!" . . : .: .: . : h . : :.: .::? : :.
B ere appro d ag rnBe gon C in, To el Service Ro&d "My vacation in the Northwe t first opportunity and a copy will b ' "ddaugh'e' Ba'ba'a A'"e'ri, -- j - i j j.-i - i n ! : .?o . . . .? . !
go moti " "A'e `he'e . tleg . ii. . eiv c '.4' with Ione and tamily, the Alvin iled with the next ef iciency re-| loo 'ha"' w" a" M". R e"as and coat was ta en by stake at thel .:.:.: % . ! : ::.` " : : : ?:: !'
. eco ded by s '"'g ,era ,h Road maint 2.a5 Swartzes was one big thrill atter port oe the CDmpany Commander. ,heii '" 'he eve"`"g 'he HDU` M Cornell college graduation, June ll. ` . . . . .:;.j! : %.
tltloo od cong"v" ' igh y or Central City Tele bo e c . ,g, another 'I le t on the City o Port- William J. McCallrey Benne ests called on Mrs. . . Mrs John Hohensee oP PomerD,`m . :.:.:.
. J. Brlney, et g ` ' ' Bccepted gnd Road melnt . . . . . . . . . j :.:, .
`he ' &d egt&bli9he g&gpetitloned; &Ll neet Equlpment Co. Ro&d 'land June 8th. Colone Inrantry CommandinB,The ,ber, Conners and C,ay,on Iowa, would appreciate it i the r he ` " :. ::: : : .
melnberg votlng .IQye'. thereon. aint . . . . . 63.9S y Rrst thrill was seeing Mt. PFC R D Brown RA 1 2g43S5 spen, Sunday a, C,egr Lake mey owner would cDntact her and
On motlon by Su ervlgDr Beegoo. Goodye&r Service Store9 Ro&d 11,245 w. snDw-capped peak, Co c j,si Inf Reg P j c/o Posi were accompanied by a gr up o, exchanee ot c ats could be arrang- `
,ggd b 'Supar aor Sutera th Hm&'" ei i . in.i : :. .l: which I could view Timber- M ster, San iranc sco, Calit. delegates attendtng the YDuth Fel- ed. She regretg the r. 37p
o Wm. Mlen amP klng g Ke &ll Hard &re Co Road line Lodge magniRcent resort lod g, . lowship Instihte held there this -.---- ---?-- - -------------- ------ `
j eatabllabmeot o e g aclal geco - |,
road dlBtrlct beina SOqn ap &int 32. built at a cDst o $2,000,000 and er &Qn Ann Word Wlll B8 iweek R RENr r v
&'cepted and order d placed on !ll%; H8 d'y `D' ' . R d 8'"' '. icated by the late F. g.R he,d B o o,B,o n on ary Alice Littlg ig gpending this -- - - - ii - r .
,N &ll ber voting '.Aye'' the'eD". '"du `"&` T e' 'e'v`'e R ad 2'.`' i"`erna`i "a` sk' mee rovldLn ari w d ' ' ' h we k ln I wa c"y w"h he' g'a"d ^ '8' ed m' buae's e non 8 ' r M D dgD
n motlon by Supervisor Suler&U N alnt . . . . . . . .
aecoodbd by Bu ervlgDr BeegDn A K,onea Heating Co. Road ,6 a ile long gki chair . . j MEcRANIcsvaLE - Mr. and m 'he" N's. 'e' p'um ,eve,and Kal an DOrl & . e % . U R O
6| l l &t lo: D'clDck A. . e y:. . i . . . . . . ri B. E ay to the togje m,nded ou, Mrs RusseU Ward,s, S, SE IO s. W. M. Glbbs o .-- ---------.---- -- - - ------- -----,p W r ' `
|- e d&te gnd tlme set fDr recei o nBer Palnt Co. RDad &lnt 99: ryone is,ar g are ac c d r Rapids an ounte the. n. came Saturdap ror a visit in wQNno
d on the congtructlDn ol bridggn,ei rt,n Roaaa Tr&CtDr Pqulp. there and most a - egement and approach,ng marr, e h me her brother in law
"63. loceted north eat D C ,
p '"`: ell member9 voting ''Aye'. ACo. Road aint : 8 . cented by beautiful roses, all seem- . ge o, ,he,r daugh,er,anoe An - ' w, sister, the Harry JacSso s,-and -- - j - i;i& - i- i! ',^`
'bg D. llla & Co. Road alnt ing to bloom at once me rose o rores, ohnson son o, Mrs relatives ln Cedar R pids TWD or our do r n Dlckl 4
ba ,o& ollo ln& nemed corpor&tioo llla Chevrolet Road m&lot . .
ci&&re,e de &gpllc&tlon ror the gele o w. B. mullin Road m&lnt B.IT test gardens in WashinBton Par Graydon w ohnson,echanica. ,e nd Mrs. ester Nicoli at- Pence. Dial 5771, Mt. Verno . . 37cl .
requlred o " h8v'"g ?urmghed the Paul myerg Ro&d alnt 96.4 with hundreds t `h u' "d' vi,e me edding will take plac d picnic at WeMan Sunday. WANTED. goyls junior si bi- ( . ` ,
by gu rv,gg Bnd reeg. lt &s moved N. . Be'` Te'eph "e ' . R &d ,5 Q6 blooms is beyond descrlptlon. . . .
SuPerv r H o Beegon, 9ec0nded b p glnt . . . .
granted BB. d that the permlt b r. Calmengoo & Co. .R. . "I was also interested in the open Aug. 5th in the Mechanicsville cycle and child's gmaU tricycle,
`M St&te Thea,re Corp d,b Cedar R & nt . 4,5U.Q air grotto, Sanctuary of Our Sor- Methodist church. ss Ward at- both in good condition. Di l O2 O
o `dg Drlve In Theatre onceggiong ort Auto p&rtg. Inc. Road, row ul Mother erected by the Ser- tended Coe colleBe and the Univer- Mrs. Eric Kollman, Mt. Vernon. 37
`' o high &y9 149 and 30. Ced s & . . h i.: j i . d . vite Fathers. it comprises &l acres sity op Iowa. M. Jobngon attended -W NT Clean co ra %
pTda &lnt . l. and is cLmaxed by the grotto Cornell college and Iowa State COl- m# r Hawkeye-RecQrd.
`nemberg voUng "Aye.' thereon. The Schlmber& Co. Inc. Road a6, carved out o so d rock at the top lege and is now engaged in farming. -W N E T R l '
n motlon by Supervtgor Bees s '"` . .j . . i . . . a ' '` '` . .'` make' "e A END m c Melcher t. Vernon or LisbDn. Floyd Lein-
gecooded b Supervlgor Sut ;ep,ed mg t l 436.3 realize h w '"'e" ' " ma umbia The Rev and Mrs. . . au h. Call !? i ? ?,
ollo lng o ,c,&, bondg werea, mem,Genere,or i ' 4.6T DrivinB along the o . ee s ` ------ -`--
#aod ordered pl&ced 00 [i : - rnon OtDrS Road alnt ." River highway the maBniRcent wa are httend ng the Youth rellowshlp SFRVICE .
berg votioB "Aye'' 'he'e S eriPf Zeidler ncre e o V
p. J. Reepte, Depu ank,n .TDwn ,er,a, Con Pr d. & terfalls are easily seen and also
CbBa PBu Clerk . - . tructlon R . ' . . - ---- --------------- -------------! - ' h '. '
gh . . ' ' eint . . 641.j0 lumber mills turmng out mllllDns EXCAVATING and constructlon
To cla p. eber, Clerk, Gr&nt u'rls . San rd c . "ice,B of Peet o the Rnest lumber in the t Sewer, water pipe, septic tanks, . '
'p. suppll . . . . . i,cT, v world, much ot which is at presen U Pla P8ns sements or what have you Mike
b . r Smlth. Clerk. College To n- SECO D
motlon by Supervigor Beegon J. D? being 9hipped abroad. My interes y hick, Mt. Vernon. Dial 47 1 35tP
gecooded by Supervigor Su,Pra ,h STATE '"8ham R ad ""9`. '9'. in shiPping and treight docks led Q
"'` g re orts ere accepie &n F. JamegNST'TU" N PUN . to a trip to the Presh water world S .
ordere ,aced on ,e a, memberg Thomag HBradl y Atty reeg
v g ' ye'. thereon : JaIneg H . '"'e A"y 'eeg . port on the Willamette River, where Doorwoy wlngs ' Qulckly dl olvN ornith, h lloc, wox, locqu r ond plottic
lth. Sherl Cog 6, uge foreign boats were docked .
ter . B&teg. Co Treag. lgt qugr- ot Commitment & arr&n or loading with lumber and other w on o an n l i oi Rni h fr Roo 5 urnitur o inloid l
" P. Hanzllk CQ Auditur lgt J'e'?"e . n N
qu&rter. 1961. . . . DO Severa Atty eea T.SO supplles or overseas. t -F H T g . H gh Ch rS . . .
ea H. Smi,h Sher,g, quar,er rg c ANIb AL PUN NENb d tly p r carrl . .
' aithur A megr' C,erk',Dig,Tici R g % u' g Re? " %% l.o bo ts ln s i -
Court, l qu&rter l l. Ke "AR'NG FUN Con me ot ' ' "I but oot b - Youth Choirs,
!'e .- d&mg, Jugtice f Peace ,ro, Hard re Co. - countrp. Row ver. .
RaD`dg To oshlP. lst quarter, 1951. ' Ollver . : . i ry .:.:: . oo caurb our attenhoo Ol Flrst AV8. SO.
ar ln p&tka Congtable R ptds Ogc&r B. grtiIl Sal&ry :: 36. ra lp m a ug op n our yes > Exponding Gotes PNONE
o nehtp lgt q &rter 1951. . Plin E. VVel g Salary :::.::: 36:S0 d moutbg wb n we tbe
HD est ad credlt pplicatlon No . Juhn P. Reig r S l&ry . T g mbl m ' 'am opped as w St ollers 89,
g8B to 5g64, both lnclus[ 'e. zxcept the J h" 'u"e" 'a'a" . . . . "." " u' ea" a"d e'e op Larch M r . .
' " g ere epprDved. COUNTY ASSESSOR FU D- ,66, ,drove to the tops M . aM . D- . p' g ' D,8,M v |
' 3144 h-17 4017 4915 5194 5503 Gladyg . Torrence Sa'a'y 6 g,Council Crest Rocky Butte and r rS rln & i# t. wnon, OWO
ug 684 11 46 302 4 4 6T 534 845 1085 Don Pringle Saluy . . . . ,
FDr aaT3 5 7. &[0 <6 p y Boll No Mt. Tabor, visited the beach o the
`' clal ' a'` wed 'e'e""'e ig madz c. E. Sprague Salarr . . & "'. Pacific and the Seaside Beach re- COr Seots
clugive B, q. 1656 to 1811. bl>th n. W egley Bartogh Salary . ' .go sort with a amous marine dispLay `
under jhlg gg " "'e i" c' im re igter Lloyd Davi Saldry . . . l .
e. W. L. Kaagler Salary . . . 123.20 "hcres and acres of apples, pears,
IOUNTY owba R. L. Lynch Sallry . ' .g peaches, filberts and English 'aL- Nurs&ry ChQi
Lino Coun,y Fgrm Bureau Ap S arles Salary . ' nuts berries and vegetable re a rS F R E E,| R E E,| .
Dro riation -S2 joo N IPn g ghek,"a". . . . l . ee
Clarence L e. gon B r d . 4;gQ e i,h Boy tt Sdl ry . . sight! Methods of display at the You can slenderize th urs8r e#ts omnt r mo l d v n Qrf 1 v les
' mm. ileage . loyd K,upg Salary 123.'2n markets show care and art s" n althy way with low-Pa,W y S o n oor
Frank F Ba,eg Co. Tre q. S &rd LongS"d" "'. '` "Famous Bonneville Dam l e,TA S IMtor it now co ' ` . . .
r, ao. m n . . j . s laiy . 2. ndrew ei,go e m J L ry ln.6n . .
'a'a g"'e Ser ice Co un. 7. ' " Well l "`" . . from the hlghw '.bu' a` p?eJo 8 9 e"e"`ial vit mi M b Dl b a #n l#llon upp les
ambu ,nveg,me,Co C, n,ltPr Hurt g lar . :.; ' closed to a`. v"" " r e W.l -' lnerals needed daiLy . 8don l `
trac ' . - ward Ament Salary . suspension b?`dge eart of Por - or Bood health. Yes, pou'll . L o S l
a'm enge . .j . . . . .lo Dvor k Sala y . . . 3. D mette River ln thg op ocean oin our waist and your B R N EK S F4RMERS RENDERING Purln We&d ond Bru h Klllers Gordan Dusls
D is s . c : . Ci i,i n T.5O e Kerghner S l ry .: 1:6c land allows pa'?ag while all oth ow cos d8e' by drinking
k"'efens i j. . la .40 enn'd '. M'AtPY S,ry "":' ?'e`' u"de' 'bridges. The d - day VITA-SKIM every COMPAN Doiry Fl Sproy - Hous& Fly .Sproy-- Disinl ctont
`. `yPe riteT & dd. 3 De e `h B'S s S l ry la9 ldges are d gge resembles a lece Order VITA SKIM ln the Mt V rnon, lowo 8oPCr1or B r l Louse Powder Sulpho Nox lor Coccldlosls Blockheod
Herv . p ul L A'ex'""' Salary . ,6p
a i"e Exchange civi,i ,i,i kzr S l ry . : 142:10 sign o the b er R,igree when jee amber bo,t e erom your 8 Llo ' ' '8'z
r Defenge clan 'e' Salary :::.::: l . f de cate siwi,h no supports unde,routeman, or in the handy . IOR Cltp, . Control or Turk&ys - Pigtob G onulej ior.w rmy pigs
rt ch BroB . . jj . . . L % g .o a a'a" 152. o ar aw'ay
lioger P irit Co j pi . 13. a g jord alary . . . l . .
Dr. Hgro,d A iockhor, Pr g on arry,d, Salary . 142.10 lt. Two eeks simp,y Rew A, and lastic - coated carton Tom - Chek-R-Ton for poullrY flock worming.
ExPens6 . . . . . . r S a'a'y l . o e say He,D, ,o all ,he r friends i n ocer. Pe y for pen-
polehnala i .i o D,e, ,g rS ord 3 " :. . 9 ",-cost VITA-S II is
& `a' l . . .j ng .4.n0 L ra ay a" :.::: :: ' 6:B0 and neighbors back in Iowa.",yow best ood buy today! p ultry Feeders ond Woterers.
"!"e. eranek Trug,ce Xee,ny 4. nc, ra ay lary l ,
a 'y G. Cgme C,erk T,u ,e . o . He:i"eg 'a' " : :.:.::: '":4 Lisbon Group AN8nds ' Clear Creek S#ddle Club
H eet erm n. T us e e 40 r Ho y Salar u7 4 .
. . .:.:: : ' ': CIBor Lahe lnstitute ',Semi Solid Buttermilk in borreTs, drums ond 50 lb.
E ll B a . r . g.g Ea Sheehyb Sal ry 129
.'" i. e .n '. m . a'me a`a" :: :: : ' : The Rev. and Mrs. M. c. Melcher, ' boxe - Stock-Gro Conden &d Whey - Solt Block -
a Salary l
. `. B e'g Truqtee Pe,iny B.00 Cr elblg Salary . . ' .30 sons Vernon and James Miss Doris lodized 8locks - Sock Solt,Woter So t&ner S,-
lharleg pau, C,erk T ug,ee B. O o. he ad S?l ry l . ,
e'!'" " !. . . jj. . . 4. Ajmer. L g ede"'k > ??' ::: '^: g `i h` a"d Miss Sandra Reynolds,| Troce Minerol Solt - Feed lngr6di8nt .
nd Butz Trugtee eeting 4. leC, r n glary ' 40 are at Clear Lake this week to at- ' ,
' Strang Trugtee eetin& 4. ,rRi, Long t Sal ry . 3:20 tend the Methodist Youth Fellow- '
rpa .S l ry .::::::.:: l o hip IMtitute me Rev Melcher is,Gono Complete Minerol or Liv6 tock
Francig Weber C,er.k Trug,e. 4.DQ ck Norr,s rbe
ee` g, .i . i m e,ng 400 ru,d Va,ary . : : :.::: ' : "g ' e `he 'amp newspaper,S d J,I5 7g51
'?' Secrig, rus,ee 4:00 . bur Oltphanta i.ry 32.0n eeze . me young people are ' un #y, u l Purino Checkerboord F&ed lor Your Liv& tock ond
W . S l .
Harol.d Wr ,ye Trugtee eztin .oo c "e g S lary . . . 140.00 delegates rom the local sDciety. ,
F. Bailey. C,erk Tr ,pp . Frgn lkln lary . . 125.3g PrDceedioSq o, ,he aoaTd oE Super- i ' Poull y . . Ge Purino Hog Chows or those 5prinq p gs
keetln . .i . l g. . ,o Frq k e Salary . 119.7 |
`. . tchlng Trug,ee ,ee,ing 4: &,neg ,g"dryx S,ry . . 123.2 v'ignry. l Slorting ot |:OO p.m. for the best in nulriti n ond on eorly trip to morket . . .
Fay H, He,er Trugtec Mee`- . g 'd ' .`a'&" . . 117.6n nate oP Iuw,Coun(y r Linn. :,i
' r .:.i ,v * l R'`zp9e' h' " . 140.00 ADril,L95L. !
ln d B S ^'a" "'.M `hp B"'d 'E Supervlqorg oE gai ' . Purino Poultry a&d r&olly do tha job . . .Gat more for
Rl . . . derq S l ry . 1 3. n cnunty dn tat met at the. COUr
`ee eeiingeg ' Clerk Trug- . L. Tunkg Salary . . 123.M Houge in Cedar Ra idg, Iowa, April | #t t e #i rOU s your money - Buy Purino or your liyestock ond poultry.
Drr San ord : upplie . .T9 m`. "eg "'a'y . . ISl.25 1951. in regul r segqlon. ,
Wach Broa. SuDplleg R. w. Hgrtgell Salary 33.70 Present ; Supervi org Ho d and,',h F rg nd
, Pioncer Lltho Co Civilien. D i . . HD'ub ' "'y . . 1 .9n Pe g n. . '
tenge . err[tt S ary . . 1 %.3n On l ti n by upervigor Beegnn. l
ke' p&p i . : u. .lieg . y SchN i`9e" 'B'&'y . 12g.5) 9cc nded by Superviqor H d. the mi ARM OOtRl S Tipton, IOWQ r .
S ^ ug. lean T we, seivic ,;, hn Souku Salary . 114.10 uteg a[ th meetin of rch w .
8 oo eg . i i.i l . . oy J So a" 123. ere ap roved g re&d: all member9 |
I9c H e e R ord,ad,ou=oi,on,P Salhry 12 . votin& ''Aye.' thelEun.
Board oP Supervigory rm ml ion the Bo Td o gupervlaorg
`. Ve'n . . k y PL` . . until Aprll IT, 1951. ddjourne.d ynti' Ap'i' " '9'`.rnair.nan FOr H me Deli y Public lnvit6d -- Smoll Admission Chorg& Diol ph mm nt prop.
p`b. Bo&rd Prg,ephone Co,4, gu '. H d. . h&"ma". "e"" '. H ivigorR Lln o ver Tl - Mount V.rnon, lowo
N. in ll T . . . . . . Co rd of Super,org, L nn Board o[ SuP
Cln B,ua renge . . 20.rm tto p H&n y, Io a. Coun?y. Io a.
Jyh Son Co Diet & Co nty A l r Ottn F. a""'. .itor C#ll 32|
. . t . CounLy, A