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July 6, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 6, 1939 |
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Mr. and Mrs. Willard Yeisle;-i~-~---:::~-:-----: ....... :--::::?~-~--_:::- ..........-" ......1 Max S ...... " " ....
visited Wednesda with friends in .................. F tam ana ~:ugene ttmger guests. THe pmasant evening was
~111~t~g'l g~lt~ ~||]tl l|Trrll'T ![!k|![ |l[11~dr~1LT .... Y Iv|sited Sunday at Dubuque and Ma- closed with dainty refreshments.
|H||N|," [|~ |HF Wr_r_~ |[I |_|.~Kt|N {~lalrst°wn. I PROGRAM OF ELECTRICAL EXHIBIT AND DEMONSTRATION lquoketa Miss Mary Rose Crock spent Fri-
i/V|JLIUkJ ~g lll~ WlLI~'g'L IA1 a,~L#anvA~ Mrs Lee Sullivan of Maline Ill I " " .........
I " • ' " Si)ONSORED BY Mr and Mrs Carl Sherrets spent lay wim Mrs. ~rancis t~rocK wHim
John E MeHngh Representative Phone 1o5 spent the Fourth ~n the Dr. and THE LINK COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC I,-~ ~ .... 7 ...... the men wer^ bu~" i ...... " .....
~" " ' ~ " ' "' I lairs J ~ ,= r n , |LIlt fourtH Wl[nrelfluves at~uas- ~ ~y n m~ .ay ~ciu.
Mrs. Fr~I Bittle, News Reporter, Phone 135 ..... ~a a e r name.... , COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION AT MARION IOWA queton. Mrs. Chas. Dr|scull enjoyed a visit
I mr. ana tars. t:narles ~torK re-[ , , E ,, from her "mrents Frida,, "yen|n-
. . ., o ..., . o °. °,.,, .... wmry Ahce Wilson of Manchest- ~ ~ ' J ~ . s.
~S, spen g "I I=[ P Davis and sister Mrs H R' I Kansas, returned to her home last JUL ....... 2 ........... ! ,, Mr. and Mrs: Henry Pfautz and i president. All members were pres-
l~aary t~ameron. .... !Ostrander of hlnha " • •]Thursday after a short visit with| ..... ~,~u ,~tn, z~ ~i~allyA. nn at ,,aurens were weeK|cut' Reports were fully accepted
Evangelical wnssmnary socmty * '~ ' Rev and Mrs Hu¢,h Robinson enu noJmay guests o| relatives, in ~ood condition A lea" of ¢120~
Tuesday afternoon July 11 with',Mrs Mary Cork and Miss Edith _' _ .. • ,-. b ~. -. ' . i ~1~nav ..~,~ ,,~,u I Mr and Mrs Harold Davi~ -~,~ ~" - ~ "~ ~-
' ' ........ , lv~r anu Mrs ~uane ~i~nton anti ' ,,,,~ ,,~." ' ........ i was maue mr next year scnom ex-
i rs Maude Bittle opent ~aturaay an~ ~unuay at me • • s ........... - ........ *
~I . • ~:~ ........... I famil,, of Co~,~on were ~,,,,,~,. I I cmiuren vlmteu ~unuay at the H. ! penditures. Mrs. John Fry was elect-
" " " edar name oz wzrs. t~ooK S uaugnter, mrs. ~ b~, ~,,,u~z . E Vanderai ' "
Miss LouiseEtdrldge of C I ........... ,~ .... I guests inthehome of Mrs Dish ]10:00a.m.Special Cooperative Membershin Meetiua ] . nden home m Marion. fed secretary and Mrs. Will Robin-
i a- uest of Dr ~uscar xw|gg m Ltn,~ ~uv~ - .-
was a h'old ........ • ..... "**,~**'~ * "*. ~'I ' ° ~'" 'm " "
Rap ds Y g ........... ]ton s grandmother Mrs Rosa Light. ! 1:50Introduction of Mr. Stoner President Linn ~ ...... ~;.,~ I Mr. and Mrs. R J. Kidder of son, treasurer.
and Mrs. N. A. York. ~ Mr. aria wirs. o. t~arvey bmym ........ -- ................ ' ......... "" "~-~v ........ ]Mason City were overnight guests i Leonard Kline of Davenport spent
" nesda [and children spent Tuesday at the l mr anu ~v~rs. ~ouert wxmy otl ~ t~~ooperauon mr. Lee LlOyU utmzauon Representative REA I last Wednesda u] the holida season with relahves
A. J. Ramsay returned Wed Y .......... Marion and daughter Mrs Glenn ........ '* ~ y " the Dr• E• P. Y • " "
• _ . .._:, _:_~_ Ou_~a.. ~nome m Her parents lwr ana wlrs ~ b " I washington ~ t: ~Bi~er home. laud was a caller in the neighbor-
~:~i}rl;~us; ~:e;iieYDR°~;Hi:!~t~eiaiii;sM:rYrnll~i!i~Hi:l!~'°~Ida~i:k~f'°e~Dii~il ::: :a!il~g°:R:!! ;fd~rh!:i~t~:D :C::!i~:H°Lh:eunFRdi~fi:::]: = ~i~ii: ~~:d'?i]emet! ;~n~!i d~R!~Mi:?:t
e h ,rVang ;[
: a , l
' ' - ,Warner several days this week [C . were week end holiday • I " i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker were
Eugene Mather of Iowa City was ' |guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. 2:45 Ironing Contest--Mrs Old Fashion Mrs New Fashion and Mrs i Mr and Mrs Howard Blessing ]Marion c'dlers Sunday
a guest of Mrs G J Albright and I Mr and Mrs Ray Kamerling and !E F Wallick ~ " ' " and 'Bobb " " "
. ." " : ......... " _ ..' ...... ~ ' • • Ultra-Modern ] y Mrs Maude Blessing] Miss Martha Becker entertained
1/Iiss ~aargaret over me ~ourtn t~my anu w~" anu mrs ~narms / Mr and Mrs P E Frink of ~ ...... ' land El--- " ..... ' ......
• : - •: ...... • .... ,~- 6'tro zntelmission ~ ,Her r~nlg were ~unaay guests over me week enu young lauy
Mr. and Mrs. George Flowers of]Mamen, a!{cnoeu t2# q mjt~rurt~iat [dar Rapids were Sunday guests of 310 Entertain "~ ~" "~ lin the J. S. Kohl home. guests from Iowa City and Cedar
y • - races a~ ~)uouque [ . ' Visit • ~ ment ttogers sisters accordion selectmns ~ Rapids
I/Iount Vernon were Sunda am,t-[ |Mr. and" Mrs. R. L. Frmk. - , . I A • ....... oun " " "
ors of Mr and Mrs James Tyson ~ Mrs Delmar Ireland Jo ce and ors were Mr and Mrs Edwin 3:30Running Water on the Farm--Mr Lloyd REA I,~ ~2 p ~u oaugnter, . tlemn The neighbors assisted Lester
• • . . I .~. ' .Y " • , " ' ~rance~ was oorn ~unua to Mrs °
Ins .... Platner of Mechanmsvflle IJumol of McFarland, Win,. came [Tlusty of Cedar Rapids. 4:00 Let s Taste It--Miss Mimer, REA. [ vwgu~" " ~'viynn at• tHe name" Y of her i Meyers .... with corn shelling the last
~pent several days last week with i Saturday to spend the week in the ] Mr and Mrs Ralph Williams had 8"00"Introduction Mr H A W Kock Tre ............ a -* ............. (u me weeK.
• ! • • " .... , a~u~er ~lnn lxr,/-t i l~ * ~ It.q, lilY. aIlU lairs. ~.mory~onl air an" Mro ~-~or"~ F~oh~- ,.~a
her grandmother Mrs. Ada Hempy. home of her mother Mrs. Bert as Sunday guests her sister Mrs 8'10 Electrical (~o~¢ ~, • ~, ,~ v~^ in M,~,,n~ ~r ..... • ........ s .........
Clark son and John Mutchler and family
Mr and Mrs J A Mulick of " Marm Heinz of Davenport, and 8.~- .... - ..........
~,...~.~..... ~o~÷~'.~ ~, ~.'a~,, ~,, ~h,~ i .......... Icousin Mrs Olga Voss and son Ar- .ou ,~mlng me flume---Miss Wlamer, REA. ] Mr. and Mrs Harry Whitman, : were Sunday callers in the Frank
w a~c~ v*~,~u ~***~.~ ..... MISS lwary t~ourutey o| ,,aug • 9'00 Farm aiahfino ~- ~,~ ~ ~.,^ i gathleen ~,~,~ ~t.., ~ ~r~'." ~ ...... ~ ....
home of her aunt Mrs O H Stab- I Beaeh Calif called on friends last thur of Rock Island Ill. • . . . ~ .. ~.-~- ........ yu, ~. .. ~ .y.... j_.v~..~ ~,~ .... L~de.r; .,v~ ....... .] ..... ~. .....
CHOW. ' " " " ~week 'among' them Miss Eva Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dean and ~.~a znolv,uua, t:onterences with those wishing help with wiring ~r~:r2£1 a~lS'M~rs ~llaW2'~l~t~o°~ ;o~t" so~V~,e;n~su~Sa ~tun:sts~ro~K~vlW aan~
suMn~aynddinMnrSr" gWueMs Obt~to~I2;re Mr~oE~y?beth Bunkle and Mrs I D:~i :seIrO~h~aeFa)~ith:*i~ethSU;d:y ~ightMg• Be2:her electrmal problems• Mms Mimer, Mr. Lloyd, E~.g~eeransduM$:yOni:iftoNeTn BiP!~' Mr~leDOnald B;Y#aw northwest of
Andre home south of Mechanics-] ~v~ o~.,~h,. ~¢-,qor aecomnn,~ [enta " " , and with Intermission p "'worn,~ h,~,~ ", ~- " .......
""'~ "'"~ ~ *~""- .... 11 ...... " ............. "'~' I ~lmer uverilelo was uown irom
ville ........ .,. ... ..... line urv~ e t~rawtoru tamny. 9 40 ....... i ..........
• lied' a group irom t:eaar Jxaplas to, ... ........... : sHe ~rooI of tHe Pudding. Tu"~a~''c~uay uumc~'~:........ guests in' me'~ : Ceoar . t~aplus, to spenu me week
Mr and Mrs T M Lee went to|Cedar Falls last week to attend a miss wmrma ~osmy at umca- . .__ ~._..,. • ....... • ...... i end w~th hm parents, Mr. and Mrs.
..... " ........ -_~,L. " . ,. .... ~._. i United Brethren conference of go came Saturday to visit untilWEDNESDAY, JULY 12TH: ~*~,~ ~voomrmge name were Mrs. ~ Sam Overfield
lylaquo~eta .tvloliuuy, wnvic L~Jc..v I ~Tuesda'" ni"htwith her -arcH's o.t~~tevensonand Mary Louise~ . ~. ." .......
• ] Y ~ P ~ . . . , . .
th H K Lee home young people 1 50 Introductmn Mm ~eo urmcon assmteo ms oromer
were. guests n e . . - ,! ' IMr .... and Mrs I J Noslev_ and i~ " -- ' s Gave, Linn County Home Demonstration t-'°f .~Philadelphia~ ........ Pa. Roswell Camp I ~Jave ............ umscon at ms name me nrst•'
unuz weanesaay. . • I- Legl°n.AuxdlarYun~eets W;tvhe2rS' Iher brother Clayton Nosley's home. 2"-- ~gent. I ~oy~Uas~2aP~s~ a:#d w~i:?u l~V~ i of the week• I
Harold Hoover of Mechanlcswlle i~', M:. u~sn on ~.~ esa y ..... g' I Mrs. Jack Schulte of Waterloo .00Cook it Hot or Cold--Miss Mimer, using Electric Range, small I Ste-e ..... • ~o ~a,~;,,,. t I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson I
spent Wednesday and Thursoayijmy .[J. ~nere wm ve ms[mmuon !came last Thursda to s end ten appliances and refri~eratnr ................. =~. I h..,d tholr infnn~ dn~]ahtor hnnti¢~dl
w,th' h's" grandparents Mr. and Mrs. I.ot .off~.cers,' _M~s.- Brlggs - serving as ]days with her parers Mr .... Pand Mrs 2"45EnteriainmentJunior°Farm Bureau ~uartet'-" . . I Mr. and Mrs Ralph Roberts and I a's-Juditl~ A'nn"'las~Sun~lay-. .... !
rles En elkin msmmng orncer • . ' p
Cha g g" I' " I I. V. Merrlss, while her husband is 3"00. I"~*~-'~'~-,,~=.,.,~,.n. I aul of La Grange, Ill., and Rev. ]1 Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Baker en-!
~1 Mr and Mrs Waltermeir Cutz ]in Minnesota on a fishing trip at ....... ... . land Mrs. Ralph Hindman of Lafay-i joyed a visit Sunday flora thmrl
¢~~:':"'~:*':":°°:":'¢"*'*:° and ctaughters of Chicago, Mr and Lake LaHomme Dieu ~:zu ~emcnng an ~aectric Refrigerator--Mr. Lloyd and Miss Mamer ette were Tuesday guests in the lrelatives from Cedar Rapids i
T • ~ *~ " - ]Mrs Herman Rix of Lowden were The Loyal Womens Class of the REA " ' Mrs. Lydia Sherk home The Rob- Mr. and Mrs. John Becker had as]
bmo.on ~usmess ITuesday visitors in the Charles Federated Sunday School tl'ad their 4:00 Award of prizes, erts~a~inlYs~emained overnight, go-/their guests last week for dinner:
l~,~.~o~-~*~r i Engelking home ]quarterly meeting in the church 8"00Introduction Mr Rex ~ ............. g (1 y to visit his relatives iMr. and Mrs. Ralph Becker and
~L~..~V~J . . . ' ----, ,~,,,m, ~oumy ~grlcultural A~ent 'in ~,.... ~.... ~, .........
~.~.~.,,.~**,**,...0 ] Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Bovey of lparlors on Fmday evemng. 8:15Fun on the Range--Miss Mamer REA ............ i rm~enee ano mrs. marina ~rown.!
"*"~*~'°"°"°"°"°"°*°*°° ...... * .... lima Ohio and Miss Ada M Bo ~mc supper preceflea me business ~.~a^ o^. • . ~. ' ' _ _ ~ ......
J M CARBEE vey'of Beach N D came Friday to I session and social hour• Twenty- o ......tter ~amp ,or t~etter Seeing--Miss Mimer or Mr. Lloyd, ~ISBON CHURCH NOTES ] °-"*h---* Fr-nkl:-
sevc n o REA ~.DOU~ ~ ~I ll|
• ........ spend a week visiting their cousin * 'n e j yed the gathering. ~ ...... " .... ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH/ . w-*o-
. ~*'""_~"~.. Mrs. Amanda Runkle. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Calkins, u.uu w~aKmg ~lectmmty troy Its Way--Mr. Beaty, Eng. Ia. State U. Father George Stemm, Pastor ] M~s. Wilton Gunn
No~ry l~umic ......... [Jeanette and Kent returned Friday Ext. Service Schedule effective May 7th GOOD CIIEER CLUB HAD
......... Mrs. Gera[a warner anu wmmce from Lake Okobo'i wher ...... "
~none lg*i ~snon, iowa .............. ,~ Delbert ' J, e mey u:30Award of prizes Sunday Masses 7"00 and 9'00 am. [BIG PICNIC ON JULY 4TH
• " ' " " ' " • • • The Sacrament of The Lord's Sup ] , .....
__ Lisbon, I0wa L nJe~i~e~Mgu~72~n;:fMIMW2~v~l~SgcVeonr~ daUgnhterwM/: sEum*ndlayRgYuheOt: ;,[ M:: ............................ : ........... pc; w,tlltbe ~d..~;n~t?ed??torsS~;: ca~e:n~h~,etsb]gsi2~:?~an~eng the
,~ ~ ~a~Tqe P , • ..... and Mrs. Robert Kolek in Cedar - , The Communion ~a_,:~.. : ..... ~ following program prepared by Mrs. !
• " ............. " ntil toda • ~,~u,~auu, ~ ~ne . i
Li,h,m Iowa Mrs. Bergman remained u Y"Rapids. Thursday of last week Mrs [ 41 Mr and ~--~ - ............ Refiner's Fire' / Hazel Gunn was given: Song
...... ,~ • " ] . lvltl b. J-~2Ollar{.l White • ,, . ,, • . . ' [
Real Estate and Insurance Mrs. W. C. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Kolek. and daughter Mrs. Joe l[ H' spent the week end at the Wayne We trust that a special effort will! Amerma, by all, Om Varmus
Farms for Sale John Carson of Oxford, and Mrs. ~asKal spent me flay m Cedar Rap- l ~'Jh~ ~ IliHamilton home in BaldwinThe,, be maintained for regular church!Flags' wirs. Marvin Andre Drill
Houses for Sale or Rent Oliver Burlingame, Wallace and las. H .... .FI ~** I] were accompanied home by Miss attendance through the warm sum- "Why we Love Our Flag," by nine
I I guls Joyee and aorraule Clha
Office Phone---146 Joan Kay of Cedar Rapids spent Mrs. Ben Lake and Miss Helen of l| II Margaret Harding, their guest for er months. Church activities are'...' ~' _ , ~ ~, ~ m~' 'i
...... Sunday in the W. S. We|rick home. Marion and Don Meter ,~¢ ~,.--^-- Ik ' |the week• naturally at low ebb in hot weath- xvmry Ann an(] ~oromy Jean Tneu-
THE BRIGGS MONUMENT CO ....... ~;~, ~,~,~+,~ ~-,~,~ ber~ snent Sund-~- h, ~ ~'~2 ! Mr ............. er but the snirit of religion n,~ao jrauf, Betty Stout, Esther Phelps
Lisbon, Iowa and "Eleanor of ~hi'£g;'U;n'd*'~V}r Till~a ~lomc. The TiiTia~'};mily are ~ guests arriviug Monday for a two to be at flood tide. We shall en- Marlin Loulse Slat?r, Rlta Randall
• , • • . i ..... deavor to maint-i- "-" ...... l anu wlaurene Jonnston' musm ~onn
Dealers m and Mrs. D. A. Stoflet and Mrs. lc~ wng today for their new home in ! week s wszt their daughter-in-law ..... a n nigh stanoaros IClark. r~-;~'; .... ~. 'o...~" ,, ~..
~y Memorials Agnes Miller of Cedar Rapids vis- Eagle Grove, central location for ! Mrs. Charles Stone and two sons at worsmp mrough this period. /.. . ~,,~.~, .... ~:~ ~2L~=:,, o~
......... |ted Tuesday in the C. M. Gish Mr. Till|a, salesman for the Honey- i George Lee and Howard of San CHurch school convenes at 9:30]~°r°tny ~gnt; reaumg, ".wHat uiris
6EOROE B. SAIl.OR LAWYER home " mead company " I Diego Calif with J. Harvey Smyth as Superin- are .Marie Of," Wfllard L~ght; "Why
' " " ' " tendent A s"ecial call ~,~=o ~-~- :~ ~iKe to Live in the U S A" Hazel
~m~x~l Practice • - Mr and Mrs Earl F i • ~ ~, ......... i ....
~,~*o,-~ ~,~lio n,~,~d, Wills Mrs. Maree Van Meter, M~sses Mr. and Mrs. Don Frmk and fam- . . • , .. • ,, a rley enter- to our teachers and ~-,~ ~,, Gunn. Fortunes were then read by
....... "7;:,~,,~ ...... Olivene and Margaret came re- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonne and tamea a~ cimner ~unaay for the church school work forToval':,,~,~ Ieach member. Guests of the club
(~|¢~ 't~ Jnce corner Wash cently from Clinton to spend the Mrs Mary Snyder visited Sunday seconu oirthday of their daughter through the summer .......... who were present were: Miss Mar-
1,,--*7~"~ket St., Phone 80 ~rtne~!( ~ntther, h~mela~f Mr:. V~ln ~aaiid~l~r~i~sSP!:S~inr hh~c eciiai i}ZhilSfM~,~a!~ w~ire" W~aSv~dal~luey£s chWuec~h~lclh::~1 #oarm#etmgTgfrsth; garet #l:l~k ~a#a~r?i;gOof Ccaliwf-
evening, July 6, to be at the church• gill, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Boer-
DR. ALBERT YORK and Tonne homes from Saturday Miss Jennie Spangler returned on Let all members respond, gerhoff and daughters of Chicago,
A group who meet annually on until Wednesday. Van ("m sell itl Just slip Tuesday from California, going on -i---- I11.; Rita Randall, Maurene John-
the Fourth had their picnic dinner around to the offi(n, and the three week's trip with Mr. and FEDERATED CHURCH ston of Tipton; Misses Ethel and
Physician and Surgeon
Corner Main and Jackson Streets
Telephone 36
Physician and Surgeon
Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-91
aca ion
and supper Tuesday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Swomley,
Mrs. J. F. Bowers, including Mr. Betty and Milton of Cedar Rapids,
and Mrs. Milo Kaliban and family, spent Sunday in the Mrs. Mayme
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frink, Mr. and Dorcas home. Alice Swomley re-
Mrs. Don Frink and family, Mr. turned home with them after two
and Mrs. Fred Tonne and Mrs. Mary weeks with Mrs. Dorcas. A Friday
Snyder. guest of Mrs. Dorcas was Miss Mary
Courtney of Long Beach, Calif•
When you go on your vacation, attend the
World's Fair, or take a business trip, carry
your money in the form of our Travelers
Cheques. They are safe, convenient, and
inexpensive. Ask for furt her information.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Poling,
Robert and Gloria, after a two
week's visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Poling, went to New-
'ton Saturday to visit the farmer's
sister, Mrs Oliver Ingraham, then
:on to Stuart to visit another sister,
Mrs. James Lynch. They plan to
leave today for their home in Po-
mona, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gutmann
had as week end guests his parents
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Gut-
mann and Miss Viola of St. Ansgar.
They were enroute home from
three weeks in the east, where they
attended the World's Fair, also vis-
ited with relatives and friends in
New York City. Providence, R. I.,
and Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kohl re-
turned Monday to their home in
Rockford, Ill., after a week with
relatives visiting in the home of
his sister, Mrs. Henry Pieper and
in the Mrs. D. W. Kohl and J. F.
j Bowers homes. They came with
]Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bowers, who
had spent the previous week end
with them in Rockford•
Mrs. T. A. Moore, sr., Mrs. Helen
Luercher and Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Moore, jr., of West Branch, were
recent visitors of Mrs. Henry Fow-
ler, and Mrs. Moore, sr., past 92,
especially enjoyed the trip. Fri-
day visitors in Mrs. Fowldrs home
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sauter
of Palo. Sunday guests were Mr.
You will not need to worry about your valu-
ables while you are away, if you keep them
here in a Safe Deposit Box. Burglars are
busy during the vacation season and fire is
a hazard. Arrange now to protect all val-
uables before the last-minute rush in prepar-
ation for your trip.
and Mrs. Ralph McCullough and
].IS ON BANK family of Alburnett.
Mrs. G. L. Hill, George and Tom-
my, went into Chicago Sunday af-
17| JST :,D]MP ternoon, with her brother Harris
Thompson and family. The family
visiting Lisbon and Mount Vernon
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $75,000 relatives the past week were joined
by Mr. Thompson for the week end.
John Auracher, R.B. McConlogue, Mrs. Hill and the boys will return
President Vice President next Sunday with Mr. Hill and Mrs.
W. H. Thompson who will join them
G. L. Hill, Cashier in Chicago on Saturday.
HOURS: Daily Except Saturday Mrs. Frank Wooldridge entertain-
9 t~) 12 a.m., I 1~ 3 pan.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ed Monday afternoon in honor of
her sister. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson of
at days in the Woo dridge home.
'~ ~ ~:** ~*¢**:~: "~*':*':*':*¢*¢*':°°;°°:°°:*¢'¢°°:° :°'~:*':' ,~:'¢*¢**:°°: ° Those present were Mrs. Steven-
--""=~~---~-~'_ ~ son and Mary Louise, Mrs. Orville
Crawford and Bobby, Mrs, Don
Bowers, Donna Mac and Betty Ann,
Harvest ~ John Peterson and Don. Mrs.
G. L. Albright and Patsy, Mrs. Rex
Dean and Deanne of Iowa Falls,
"--a~ Her Mrs. Merle Long and Mrs. Roy
The Combine is the modern machine to use for
harvesting your grain.
We have three sizes in Combines. Let us show
you where you can save by using a Combine Harvester.
Chrysler and Plymouth Sales and Service
Massey Harris and Allis Chalmers
Farm Equipment
Phone 71 Lisbon, Iowa
run a Want-ml. BeUeve Mrs. R. B. Stahl, Margaret and Ruth Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor
hi.-, you'n get results. Ann of Cedar Rapids. They attend- Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
ed the World's Fair and visited in Worship service 10:30 a.m.
San Diego with Whitney Stahl and Young People's meeting 7 p.m.
Phone 73 Mrs. A. E. Kline. Evening service 8 p,m.
Mrs. Nina Skinkle of Blanca, Bible Study and Prayer Service
Colo., and her daughter Mrs. Elmira on Thursday at 8 p.m.
i ...... Phelps, and son and daughter of The Sacrament of tbe Lord's Sup-
-------I-- -------------- Colorado Springs, Colo., visited on )er will be observed at the Sun-
................. Tuesday with their cousin Miss day morning service
~v~r. an~ lairs. ~onalu wnluatcn, 'Eva Flu d The ' • ......... " • - -
Bobby and Keith of Tipton and , . y " y were enroute ~ curtain mvztauon m extenued
........ . i. .' .._ name Irom attending the World's to all.
±vtrs. mary rlasKlns oi lVlOUn[ vv[- Fair in New Yor .... "'~- ,,- ,-.
non were Sunday guests in the K ~]ty. tar me preacHing of the cross ~s
Howard Whitlatch home Mrs. John Parson of Iowa City" to them that perish foolishness; but
. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and unto us which are saved it is the
D/~r~ a.n.d Lulls, .E. M~. Franks and daughters of Tipton, and Mr and power of God." 1Cur. 1:13.
an~'~i.~V~ a']~r2Vll~S" ~tt~:r~i:drant~~ Mrs. John Conner, from souih of ~-------~--. ~-~.--
'. . . ulsoon were Saturday visitors in IJrooKslOe
Frank~a~:r~lYkP~Cgmhat Wap+~plnl- the Robert Leese home. Miss Car- Mrs. Will Robinson
...... - .... 7 ' rm L.eese of Cedar Rapids is spend- . -----_ - ....
~v~r• an(] Mrs. C. W. Gain of Chi- mg this week in her brother's hom~ M~ss Mary Merritt left last week
cago were guests of her sister Mrs The Campfire girls met at three for an extended visit in Minneapo-
Rebecca Richard over the week end" oclock Monday afternoon, with Mrs lis with her sister Mrs. Bridget
Miss Frances Alfasso accompanied N A York Handcraft~ was dis" Fairley and other relatives. She
them to visit in the W. E Bear cussed with 'Ethel Johnson who is expects to visit several western
home. to be their instructor in this line points before returning.
Messrs. and Mesdames John Mil ~fa work. They will meet next Man- fi2~rn~a~heR°bins°n returned the
ler C W c'~,.~, .... ~ r, .... - y with Catherine and Eleanor • week ~rom a ten day
~+- • • -~--:~ ~,)~, ~uy oonn- Briggs and plan to hem an stentrip through Nebraska, Wyomin ,
~u,~ ~mrneu weanesaay ~r°mlcil dish towel° ..d and Colorado. g
W;t~r~all~eshMmn where they en Mr and MTs W E Mrs Perry Russell spent Monday
end holida g trip over the week tertained at dinner S" Chalhs en- evening with Mrs. Ida Andre.
Y. I atur~ay eve- Mrs Asa Roh~,, .....o ~.-.~,..-~
• I nmg Mr: and Mrs• Charles Tflha to the" Rose Bow'l-car'd elWub o'nV~'Fr~'-~
Mrs. S. S. Dunn and children of, and family as a farewell courtesy day even|n,, an,~ ~¢,~ ~ ~ .... ;--..;,~-,
Chicago came Saturday to remain before leaving for their now hn,-~,~ " ~, ...............~,.,
forsome time in the parental Dr. in Eagle Grove. A week-end guest
o. ~. t.iaroner nome. Mr Dunn in the Challis home was his sister
came out with the family, return-
ing home Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shaler of
Cedar Rapids were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reid on the
Fourth. On Sunday the four en-
joyed a motor trip to points of in-
terest in northeastern Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hansen and!
Robert of Buffalo, N. Y., arrived on i
Saturday for a two week's vacation!
with relatives. Mrs. Hansen's
father, John E. Kohl, returned with
them after a visit of two and one-
half weeks in Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Esto Echternacht
of near Minneapolis, Minn., were
Saturday guests of Mrs. Elizabeth
Runkle and Miss Hazel. Mrs.
Echternacht will be remembered as
Miss Nelda Fry, primary teacher
in the Lisbon school.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kingan of
Angola, N. Y., were over night
guests Saturday in the Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Johnston home. They were
enroute home from Wyoming where
they had visited the parents of Mrs.
Kingan. the former Ruth Bowman•
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Bigger and
family were Sunday guests at the
home of his brother Charles Big-
ger near Springy|lie. On the Fourth
the two families spent the day with
their mother Mrs. M. C. Bigger and
- - .~ brother Harry at New Boston Ill
On Friuay evening Mrs. ~eorge , •
Graver was hostess at a benefit Dillon Fr'mks is home from a
~aldtYr ~di~:yc.rl~ian~rS?mCialnf(~ut~e !wo week's "trip east, accompanied
.... g oy Earl Sievers of Avoca, Iowa.
t~rP6s2 mD°n2:rds Gr?~rc;Sp~lnlea°f They attended the National Alpha
- Tau umega convention in Rich-
ltng July:iSr ~Prs~nte2gh~d;Yb:a~:s~! mond, Va., and visited Washington,
• P -]D. C., and the World's Fair in New
burgh, where they compete as rep-[York City
resentativcs of ~he Eastern Iowa
Amanda Dickey, Mr• and Mrs. Rook
Emerson and family; Ina Hutton
of Marion; Mr. Dwyer of Oxford;
Mrs. Lewis Schott, Ohio, mother of
Arthur Schott; Miss Lena Krum-
mel of Mechanicsville.
The next meeting of the club will
be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sailor Phelps in August.
] Haying between showers is the
men's occupation now, while can-
ning peas, beans and berries is the
ladies fancy work these days.
The first grain to be cut in this
community was a field of wheat
belonging to George Light•
Miss Margaret Clark of San Diego,
Calif., and her cousin Miss Evelyn
Van Trump of Cowgill, Mo., came
to spend an extended vacation in
the home of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kettering. Miss
Margaret Clark is a sister of John
Manser and Mike Clark.
Mr. and Mrs• Wilton Gunn and
Jimmy were Sunday dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chag.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kettering
and house guests spent Sunday at
Lake McBride•
Quite a number from this com-
munity attended the celebration at
Springy|lie Tuesday evening•
Mrs. Elizabeth Runkle and Mrs.
Hugh Robinson were hostesses on
Wednesday at a noon luncheon at
the Runkle home. Seven guests
shared the courtesy, Mrs. J. B. Rob-
inson, Mrs. Emma Plattenberger,
and Miss Olive of Mount Vernon,
from out of town.
[,ions Club at the Lions Club In-
ternational convention. They will
play on the Capitol steps at Wash-
ington, D. C., and at the New York
Worlds Fair. They are to spend
a day on the Hudson, going by boat
to Buffalo and will see the beauty
of Niagara Falls by night.
Mrs. Ed Hobstetter of Tipton. Tom
Challis of Des Moines was home for
the Fourth•
Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Hill had as
guests from Saturday until Tues-
day morning their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hill of De-
trait, Mich• Monday visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill of Mount
Thursday, July I{115
State of Iowa Linn Coanty'-~.,~
NOTI(~F: IS' HI,~RF:BY ~!~:i
that the
inid~q'siglled has laee;.,~
this 27111 dav of June, 1939,;~
appoinled "m'd qualified ~ts :~ 0.
islrato," of 1he estate of Cl'~e0a
Hoover late (f inn CountY, .-
,h,eease'd All .)(:,.sons indebted ~
,,,',o aestoa ,o:';
immediate payment thereto ~.~a~s
undersigned. Those having t~;$,
;tgainst th~ same will file ~e0f
duly aulll~,nlic'Hed ia the ofhC,~,a
the ~'h!rk of 1h¢' IAnn Coant~, *~
l)istriet ('ourt. ~,o
JoHN H, MILL~'r~t0r,
Geo 1) Sail)• AttorneY• ~7.6.1,~
• " ' 6:-,'; '
Day to
Notice and Reme Sa
This Saturday, JulY
Two Big Racks of
Deanne Durbin, D°r e
Gordon and Lenore
Will be on Sale at
Regular $1.95 and $ lri
values in the new taul
in the late styles.--
invite you to stoP,
and save. Sale is
minute of the mg
day. onl - -"
One day Y .
enough for y OUc
several nice Ira
save a day's wage.
Same Day--Same |laSs
Orange Slices, P°u d
ranulated Sugar,
10 ib bag ....... '7"
8-oz Popped wheat;£
Tip-Top can Meat, ]u
Peaberry Coffee,
3 Ibs .................. ='"2
Ground to your ta ,
Pork & Beans, 1 ib car
2 lb Box Crackers ....
Sandwich Cookies,
2 lbs ............... ib .....
Special Cookies,
Many Regulars t.ha: look
Equal SpeCla"
Lisbon, IoWa
_-----.: = ==_
The More Folks
The More Good9
Vernon and Mrs. D. W. Hill of
Davenport• Rev. W. G. Rowley of
Mount Vernon was a Tuesday
morning caller.
At the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Graver, Everett
Graver gave a farewell party and
picnic supper Friday for Marc Til- A V A I L A B L E Q U I C K LY
tia. In the party were the boys
who had been in second grade,
Charles Nosley, Glenn Hartong, AND ECONOMICALLY TO
George Hill, Martin Davis, and
Bobby Burkhart. Margaret Davis
was Eleanor Graver's guest dur- LISBON CUSTOMERS
ing the party.
Miss Eleanor Rieger, with Miss
Vil Meyer and Miss Wilma Stein-
metz, co-teachers in the Stanwood This printing office has the best equipped plant ir~
school, returned Saturday from a
!wo weeks tour west by train The this part of the state, outside of the large cities, and is
~rip took them to California where
they attended the World's Fair at always ready to serve you.
San Francisco, and visited Los An-
geles. Jaurez, Old Mexico, and
Carlsbadwere otherCavernpoints inof interest.New Mexico, Modern machinery, latest type faces, expert work
Spending the Fourth with R.P. men and a large line of papers make it possible for this
Andreas and Lowell, and the Har-
lan Sober family the occasion also ~
to celebrate the' first birthday of O ce to render a very high type of printing service.
Sue Sober, were a group of some
twenty relatives• The party in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Her-
rick of Muscatine; Mrs. Russell Phone 125 sbon Information
Jones of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Henry
Hey and Bernard Stoltz of Dixon,
Ill.; Miss Marion Duffy of Crystal
Lake Ill•; Perry Andreas of Oak
JudyPark' of Ill'; Richard Stoltz of Joliet, ~__ ,, ke e ecor
Ill.; Mr• and Mrs. Steve Yetter and
Tipton; Mr. and Mrs. A1 rl 1
Stoltz and Carl of Mount Vernon;
Miss Bernice Belanek; Messrs. and
Mesdames G. A., D. O., and Albert
Andreas, Betty Jo Ann and Mar-
tin, and Osborne Andreas, all of
Cedar Rapids.