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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 10, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 10, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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> :~2 1 ~NON HAWKEYE, VOLUME LXXI NUMBER 37 THTURSDAY, JULY 10, 1941 MOUNT VERNON l~l~3ORD, VOLM XIAV, NUMRElg 46 HERE TOP OCAL=BOYS:iNGROUPCOMGLETIN SCHOOL BOARDT0 EXPECTT0 PAVE ADVANCED FLYING COURSE LEASE LAND EAST261 TO MT. VERNON '""" DURING NEXT YEAR Adopts A n Keeping Off Paving black top lmV, m-nt in- this wn~ tile wain at tho Town le~titlg on Mo!l(lav cvtci- ]','O. 1,ll} WaS D;u;S'd for a $I00 fine for :lily traction en'~int,s otLl a~imais over any of the; here. Of assessment was filed Hawkeye-Record Photo Plan To Make It A Parking Lo t For St.dents' Cars r, ~, 3",::.q ",rnoq qcbool l{o'ard i u I ;~ h~ '7 i,r"! 1,:~sc with lhe '!: ~1 ,11 1~!' I H'F[ ,' k "il)) :}- ~'r()]l~l~2(' Of furl7 I" 'q'l ~)It ,XI~!DI str~,I'| oasi of lhe t,i:'h ~: ',~,)r~l 1,uihli ~:' .I 111, ~chool !~l,;IF ] "!~" !itJ;' Oil Tl~.sdav (!VCtJillg. 1"hi'rrftuil will urad. the tl"qct and a f.nue will l of'coted along llu, o;lst /mundry ~hich will be at improvement by Harlan Nelson. in the front ~at. 'tlw st,l)S l-adni/ up to the Jake 1Saving and curb and and befell I)uffy, in the rear seat, -- : : ,~iudt place. HawkeyelS reprinted in this is- f the 'Vats)Trainer' with a 220on page two. [ ~]~;ung=Xct;r Ciosis The tract will 1)c used :,s a park- horsepower motor, are shown at the ins tdacc for cars of students who drive to sohool. This will relieve VlerkOn files platin theandOffiCesched Of etlC rn'"the u,~,rt.~on~rywher~c, in Theatre Work Here ,l, pa rking sl,aee on Main street l~roposed assessments for (x)ur~e given at CornelL Standing in fronl of the school house. The Which shows the detailedat the right ale lke Dunn, in- tmrking si.tee will also be very ,eh property These are stm~etor, and Dan Ilunter, pro- convenient for use during public el- green and au orange printer of the Cedar ]Rapids Airport fairs in lhe high school auditorium. U~es, and will give the The tn'oposed 1)u(lgtt for the en- for property will be sub- Set out in this plat and assessments in ex- I~er cent of the value of will be paid by the of objections to this and assessments meeting to be held Ill. on Thursday, July 31, chambers in the Besides IIarlan and l,oren. Bob Crumbamzh and Flmer Moots jr of Mr. Vernon. Fr'xnk Nclick of ~V~alm]t. I11 and Diek Van Tuyle of Orion, Ill Cornell students, have completed the seeondary course. Hayes Hines and Keith McHugh, special students, have also eomplet- ed it. The first six enrolled for the pri- mary (~.A.A. training course at Col All objections to all nell last fall which was completed on account of er- in January and began the secondary or inequalities, course following completion of the in writing and tiled primary. Eaeh has a priw~te pilot's of Mount Ver- lic'ensc and with the eon~l)lclion of the next twenty days, the secondary (.purse a 2-S rating given a hearing at this which permits them to fly shipv weighing from 1.300 to 4,000 lbs. passed concerning Each one of the gronp has at lSllitlg" iiseal year WaS adopted and is i)rinh,d on pa/e live in this issue. I'roposed expeuditures for the ~,nmdng fiscal year are $36,560, Ltlld the tllllount necessary to be raised by taxation is $32,130. l.Nlimated taxes per $1,000 of assessed value wilt be $28, number of perseus of school age is 343, tax- able wth)o of real alia personal prolmrty in 1940, $1,147,510, and lllon(:ys ~tnd credits, $576,373. I IT. VE ON HAS FLAG FOR PARK The flqg which was flown from ibe writer lower in Mmmt Vernon's Highway Commiss- ion Member Is Visit- or Here Today l.r's Eioher, n,v~!d)(,r of th Iowa ]ti.",ll ay (~tltnllliSSiou of V~a~l/ing- If)n, V;tS :i isi{tlr i!l Motlnl Vcrnon lhis morning. Ho had just come ovor lhe n('xv n:(vettleut on No. 261 tntrlh of Solou alld lhe site for the tv.'.v b,{dff:" al lvahhoo. Mr. lqicher ,~taicd lh:d the con- tractor, A. Olson of Waterloo, had becn given a year's lime 1o complete the Ivanhoe bridge because of the uncertainty of obtaining steel He reported the Olson firm as one of their best bridge eontraetors. Unless defense plans interfere with highway construction work, it is expected that No. 26l from the Johnson county line to Mount Ver- non will be paved in 1942, Mr. Etcher stated. Workmen for the Olson firm be- ~'an cutting trees to elear a place for the approach to the new Ivan- hoe bridge on the southwest end last week amt most of the trees are now felled. Start Grading Linn- Brown Twp. Road First work under the present county three-year road prograln in this vicinity was started on Monday on the east-west road on the 1Ann- Brown township line a, half mile north of I'aralia. A bull-dozer was used to tcar down the 1)anks. It wqs followed up by :~ No. 12 Cat- erpill'u" 1)atrol which further tore ;down the hanks. An elevator will : tie used lahq" to throw up the grade WRECKER LIFTED OFF GROUND AS IT PULLS AT SMASHED TRUCK Hawkeye-Record Photo Even ~4th four good-sized men loading down the wrecker, the front wheels were lifted off the gTouml as an attempt was made to pull up the ~eavy truck which smashed at the cemetery corner between Iashon and ~lount Vernon on Tuesday, July 1. The cab of the truck was acoovd- Deed so that the steering wheel almost touched the back ctmhion when ffm driver dozed for a moment and his truck went off the road. The aeavy load of tractors threw the trailer off balance and plowed the' ~rnck ahead, pulling the telephone pole about ten feet as is shown in the ~icture. No one was seriously injured. ======================= Stars In Musical Fantasy This Week ====================== LISBON AUXILIARY INSTALLATION Mrs. Gish Will Begin Fourth Y e a r As President The Ameriean I,egion Auxiliary met at the home of 'Mrs. Nelavene I)ahn on Tuesday evening. Harry Bigger gave an interesting talk on engines "md sharp least 75 hours of time in the air now lmrk on 1i" "iday, the 10ourih of OVer the paved streets and several have a few extra hours. "no traction eugine or l'hirty-five hours were gained in the July. was hoisted over the Vorld's ' nlud lugs or ice spurs primary course and 40 hours in the b'air ffroumls, at SI. l,ouis, Me in wheels and no shar; advanced course. 19e4 the (.at it. duraiion of the fair. or anln;als shail be'GRO'UND COURSES Smith Plu)to "l'Iw lisa" is 8 by 14 feet and wa;pre- ' SClttcd tO ,'~l()tlnt Vernon by I r. J. any paved streets, or Dr. Roy Nelson head of the ('or- DOIrGI,AN |II;IIII;I~SON IL Bryant, fornler mayor. It is a es or paved public nell physics department, taught the -- -' c~ b(,;lllli}lll flag made of mohair. After ,a.ny part thereof In the ~'round ;lasses Which eon.qisted of wnon rno pr:~,le, showut.~ of ,~OUnt Vernon Iowa at ~ + ,t, P","r Plant N--,i=a "Tinder Canvas. hv Robert Down- it has been eh~ancd aud mended it ' ' e e gv ~ x','~ s, ~ - . ~. 5~ will Ily in the new park every day. " " " " O i ins "ln l lioot-~e t~r(*onDorD nas tMh" . . hon, Regulatmns, Radm, Awplan . '. - L " "9 . II is hoped soon there may be toT" v,omtmn of th,sConstruction, and Areo Dynamics. ip'nye~' n's'Huvet~ 1/:, ls~ an'a'stimanaht, r~, ,honey enough front SOT,(, source to ~e~ a fine not exceedingand R. W. Cook was flight instruc- ~ve"YOn~5 ]:; r t,r. ;: to .' ~"erect a flag staff. a'~. uonars, or ~mprison- toT" dnrtng the secondary course un- ! [,on~" ttuoels.on "~ lll ttAV l. TIle tern, not exceeding 30 tll two weeks ago when Ike Dunn !fat'thest 10 h,: n :w hon:~,n ,t'te;Local--=-=----=- - Citizens Head "= Ordinance is effective " -- ~ SOtltn He Vill ~rO TO /Pier (l~ TO I1VC b- " becaute instruelo- .vtr J~tlnn ,'lnq ~ '" on publication It s'r " ~with hi< lmrents who have pro-[Navy Committee ~,~ " ~ay /~noerson VOte IHJL noLors (IU "- [ two. ,ng tne pr, marv u'aining coarse ee,e(1 hi, thor, wi, t,o re- For Recruits Now ~ -- fii Whittth t~'et thePhe:dl anr ~fa~h~sfina] } ::tclti~be;ed-t]ni,~?;:::~t iX;(~, ?f:;r~:,111 g UW TAglNI: port "training Courses at' 'tho I IAtth Theat,'e and ,qmnnte," Theatrei htfo,-nmtion on how to receive ~1 /Kl~llkill~ll - ' " " ":'' -" e work ~ uornell ~irport wm oe on-, 1)o; s l jtraining lhat is worih $1500, free, ~ ha t so been active in loeal =DirtlIltIl~liTIM~l~ eluded until fall when a new i r ,a.[ ." .]. is ~zivcn in an advertisement on hc r]l~'ll sPnoo! (lrHtl]atlOS Ma 'ln~- ap- aUUI~V WU~,~ group will be organized for t, . liege seven of this week's Hawkeye. T-e a' . astt poaro(/ in "dune :vlad Relnenlttor The answer to this great offer is primary eourse, n ~rport e ." I :. " ~ i " h( the /)aV " an(1 '"[line In " ~nt Vernon la roundlOf TAsbon will be open dnrm~ t ~ ~. ~ - . . . . . o found in the United States navy, - P Y~ I ' " / llllT IIOll~ naa l~lffcn a lv,tJliagc oi which offers frce training in a, man's ean] we n am with isunlmer Vlr~n lion~lglnllnfl, oi,vii " n o e g e / - 'c ~ Ibis talent before coming here to own chosen field, with good pay ,u and lostone to them vernon meenanl in enarge I ' t . ' -- . .~ ,' 'lount ~rernorl.~%rneu 11o "~vas 111U '11 wbi]c he learns. Week Games are bein~" 1 In tne mgnt test tne su acnt pt- ",' . s i ~ : ~ vom]gerno ,~c~, d ()v(q, radio ST t- Says Secretary of the Navy Frank With Solon and other lots take tnestop tnru all ot " ' r "- ' ~ e v( "-o hav 1)~ c~ " t ht I lion KeY in 1 hoenix Ariz. Re- Knox, "The Navy has never laeked ~Yl Than ,U ~I'STn V ! 1 la g i ' punt Vernon Dates -,i o(ntlv he work~ d '18 "~ radio eom- ~llies will be announced duringthe coarse It meludes ootn for volunteers. Enlietments are " " . / mc, nlator over radio stations K SO now coming in at far al)ove normal acrobatics andpreemlon nylng ~. "" and KRNT in l),s Moines and ap- rates. But new ships are being Street sho~er has not Fq[NTSH PRIMARY COURSE ' o ~, '. . ' ~l~cqrod with tho Nnook Scbool f /auoehcd at the raie of one in ten ". but iS expected to l)e Those takin~r the ]lrhn ;t "y course I)ran t . tlso in Des Moines days monihs ahe'~d of schedule ~ew days. It is to be in who pqssed their written e'xamina- ] Two years ago hc nl'tde his dcbul Therefore, the Navv needs to double ro~ 3:30 to 4:00 in the tion on the ground school we "k in on th ~ (?ornell siage when he play- ils quota of recruits in the shortest ~,ch day just east of the M,a~ and completed their flight tests od onv of the leading roles in "The possible time. The ships c'~nnot ~l ~ last week are: Rieha,'d C.lrbee ofRomanc,rs," and minor parts in wait months or even days, for the , ass been closed for the lAsbon, Pat Dreibelhis of Mt. Ver-"'What A I,ifc" and "Family POT'- men w'ho are to man lhi's first line ' as there wasn't enough no;~ John Granger and John Titus trait." of an impre/n'tl)le American de- disinfect the pool Tt of Marion, Eugene Forri:~ and BillIn last y(,ar's summer season he lense." his trip to Boys State at Des Molnes Estimated Tax Per $1,000 Assessed Val- ue To Be $18.59 The I,isbon Town Council, at its regular monthly meeting on July 7, 0assed three resolutions to permit the County to sell three Iota that had been taken over by the County by tax deed. The annual budget wa~ given its first hearing and ia published tn this paper. The date for public hearing is set for July 21st. The usual bills were read and allowed. Proposed expenditures are $10,- 325, and the amount necessary to be raised by taxation Is $9,525. Esti- mated taxes per $1,000 of assessed value are $18.594. Taxable valua- tion for 1940 ts $512,262 and mon- eys and credits $323.180. Mary Stuckslager Van Metre Married To Dr. Frank Shaw m The marriage of Mary Stuckslag- er Van ,Metre, formerly of LisbOn, and Dr. Frank Shaw of Oberlin, Ohio, occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lanning Ma~farland at Winnetka, Ill on Saturday after- noon at four o'clock. Mrs. Mac- farland is a sister of Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. ,Shaw has been assistant dean of women at Oberlin since 1937. She is a graduate of Vassar college in Poughke~psie, N. Y where she was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa honors. Dr. Shaw, hsad of the conservatory of music of ;Oberlin college, was director of the Cornell conservatory of music from 1915 to 1924. Beginning in 1910 after the banks have been knocked down. and the new offieers were installed he was instructor in pipe organ and Completion of the three miles with Mrs. Wilton Briggs, Depart- theory and in 1911 and 1912, a~cting east and west and the mile north meat President, acting a~ installing director. Dr. Shaw attended Ober- and south past the Joe Dripps officer. Mrs. Blanche Gish will en-tin and studied in Stuttgart and place, will probably take several ter her fourth year as president, i Paris. weeks, depending on the weather having served In that office for a Dr. and ,Mrs. Shaw left Saturday and the amount of equipment avail- two year and a one year term. Oth- evening for the Gordon ranch neax able for construetion work. er officers are: [ Seeley Lake, ~Montana, where they First Vice President, Jennie Big-will join Mrs. Shaw's mother, Mrs. It is the present policy of the ger; Second Vice President, Irene Seth Thomas of Fort Dodge. board of supervisors, according to Supervisor Elmer Seevell, to sur- Andre; Secretary, Loretta Kamer-i RowenaStuckslager of Lisbon at- faec roads the same year they are ling; Treasurer, Thressa Robertson; tended the wedding and accompga- Chaplain, Anna Reid; Historian, ted the Macfarland family to ~Mack- graded, so it is likely that this road Elizabeth Frederick; Sergeant-at- inac Island, Mich where they axe wtll be surfaced before next spring Arms, Mildred D~vis. ]spending the week. at the latest. The unit voted to "adopt" a child J Name erts .E~ LAUGHI~IN tbrough Department headquarters, [~T ~ ~ I I~ Ill; and will provide for its needs. This I rll lt lgtUal ~it ':AeM~::;~mlrl~grttls ~eas~e~1 is a very worthy cause and the unit Head Resident Of Sh,- .p, L,is to be congratulated upon this de- KIIL'r RAi I KI,'A~iiN Altoona Hall f~ntasy will be presented as the ' " "" "l~ ~,u* tJVl YJI'I~ IJ~VII fourth production of the uorne, The r tir" r m . . e lng p esluent, Mrs. ~on- ~m~am ~ ~l~ olaMrS~hasGe rgebeen nam edT' RobertSthe newel Indian-house SU in. nl erday, Frldaytheatreand eea~OnsaturdaytmSevenings,Tnurs- stanceM r s. BDavisl anehe' an('Glsh,~ t*h ewlllnewbePremue?,:sent'-~-- ~ff~12111 It" "1"1 I ll'! l~ ~TI;II I; July 10 11 and 12 at 8 15 in the mother at Altoona hall for the eom : . . delegates to the Department Con- a~r cooled Summer Theatre in Arm ins school year, it was announced '' " " " vention to be held at ,Marshalltown The soft ,ball games this evening today by Pres. J. B. Magee. Mrs. strong hall. on August 6 7 and 8. Mrs. Wllma will end the first half of the sea.on Rob 'wts, the mother of ,Mrs. J. Hat- The entire summer theatre corn ' 7 , - . ,~rlggs, ~epartmen~ ~'restaent, wiIl Peterson Produce vs. Commercial an of 30 people will appear m old Ennis, has been house mother P, Y ' . [ be the presiding officer, club is the first game, and the sec- ~ and is ~eterson Produce vs. John- in a women's dormitory at Simpson this production Leading voea~ so- ~- feints with the eompany wet oe college for the past four years. ' . t lJ&ll ~M {HIMI~AV son County Creamery of Iowa City. rcsidentI'revi us teat that.a StmpsonShe acted sororityas head ~i~V {c~a:T~L~r:~ F~ii~@t:lmIl~lt. Wa~!i llt~llJ ~L~I, OOl']~t~ 1 chair n' tn d~ve ~he:g?:~ During:heev~ning W ~ Conkltn{ house for three years and at a men's' " P 1 IIAM,ItPi~ ADI~A team managers a ' " I ysandet respectively Miss Laugh dormitm'y for four years. ~" l l~l~'~l~ ~l~l;'~L mit an eligibility list of 13 men. hn will be remembered in other Mrs. Jessie Coleman, who has " " - ~ = A--= ~ ~ ~A.~. Last Thursday evening Honey- musicals such as "America Was I L'A~'I" ilL" I I~RliN mead won from FFA and su,bstl- been head resident at. Altoona for Son and I aughter and Professor many years, will be transferred to g " '" " Ii~'l~i ~a tutlng for Collins Ra~:llo of Cedar Bowman hall. Mrs. Earl C. Wright, Johnson's spring show, "Don't Spur l Rapids won from John Deere e rses She has played many i --'----" ' " formerly of Bowman, will bc house tt~ . He ~, ." i In in the rain storm of late Sun- In the Tuesday evening games of le ~dmg acting roles in Cornell pro mother to the Pfeiffer residents ~ ' . " " -day afternoon hall did damage to this week, Best Oil won from Hen- next year :duettons. The latest has been her crops covering a two mile section eymead, and FFA from John Deere. that it will he opened Towner of Des Moines, Eleanor Hall . played Dill in "XVhat A TAle." Lal- l~nrner due to repairs to of Joliet, Ill Helen I,angenbaeh of er in ih(, same season he aeicd the dressing rooms. Blue Island, Ill Eugene ,luhrend of part of Billy in "Sta~'c Door." nnd was introduced Highland I'ark. Ill James Imndy,was in the cast of the musical pro- this week It will Cedar Rapids, Floyd Piper, Du- duetion. "America V:,s Song and for two weeks so that mont, Panl Roberts, l;t(Irange, Ill L:tnghter." When the, later drama ; haskets will have an~harles Warden. XVoreestcr, Mass t was repe'dcd in the frill, he n~ain to make one Several and Harold ~re~d, I)ccorah. took the part. reeds are on hand and ~ 1)omr has not only i:~b,nt for ,qct- he ordered if needed, lr~;.- J 1"~ ~A41- --~IIA T ing and sfaffocraft, bet also for )r Small baskets and 14-r |II~:~(l l'l~rt:~ k~i:[LU][-~[i:~ are available for those--!On . nr-nkenness, writing plays. I a,-'t year the mat- ]ince audience had tho pleasm'e of ] sc~inF: ono of his phl:'s producod on ties eontinued from Reckless Driving I the U.le Thea,r t;,ge. "Fro tb, antimaeassors, eoast- -- -- English to the Yanl~'ees." directe,1 ~g, sl)ray-painting, Justioe T. I. Mitchell held eourt by ('atbcrine T,illey. This summer and stationery de- last Saturday morning" and found tbc ,xperimeninl th,atvo i,r(,senlcd two men who had been eonfine