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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 10, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 10, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Bond Is proof that you to the Untt~ natlon~! do- Prmidmt durins the F----.r~ t6,8~L~8 Btatement af fire, Condition of Contact AAA Office n. e Mall/coat, who had spent ~a.00 the past weak with her grandpar- MOLq~T VERNON ~SANK & TRUST ~7.u ~ returned ormm~ the laws ef~a, ~ Ittmmt Vwwn. ta home with them Sun- U J= at ~ ~tme~of btminm .~m ~ amt]ktmIF of~iilanR~A. D. 1941. M~. and Mrs. ~ W~toa Gunn and Jfl~my were supper guests Sunday Loans mad Dlkmnta Recent revisions in the 1941 A.AA evening at the home of Mr. and unlts~lm~, Bon6 .u ~~ .$I~ program allowing increased s~c rea~ Mrs Ray Koh/, southeast of Lis- ~ ~--t~d I GM~ramm*t as to interest annoy "*~ ~f soybesms for harvest as grain this ben. The occasion was celebrating year to meet defense needs4hould UZe birthdays of Mr. Gunn and Ovm~raft6 not be interpreted as meaning that Mrs. Kohl, which were on Sat- Due treat Imalm an4 ~kea~, ~uda and cash ~ ~~ W~~ ON ~ "*the sky's the Hmlt" on soybeans, urday. Total Rgou~o ~ ~I ~ l~as John F. Wa~or, chairman of the Oats cutting was stewed Monday. C~pitol ~to~k~: Common Z,0~0.01 ~ Home fund Na~ Linn COunty AAA committee, cau- Kaplans, Hofhnan, and Cook, and su,~lu, fund farmsr~ Golden Miller started cutting for Undtvid~ proflt~ and R~mrv~ New provide that no ~I Pifl/k. Individual d~osits sub~t to sleek Savi~ 4~ito from l)aymento will be Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cook of Time eertlflcat~ ~ deposit WITH EI]K~Y incurred 'by farmers on acreages of Cedar ~ era]led M~mda~, aft@~ ~ ~M/~sl, e~a~/fl~l ~zk&,~lh~r's ~ a~4n- k~o4~ ~ ~: : : me SO, I~I: ~ soybeans harvested for grain this noon et the Walter Cook home. ~ul divg&~d ~ Homo~ fuad year in excess of the acreages her- Other llabtlit~ . vested for ,beans in 1940. An ex- Mr. and Mrs. Wiltot~.Gulm add ~ fund e~n4~-------"~ June 80, 1941. Gene~ Total Lt~bil~i~ Creme $ %008,~9 ~ ~ ~ ception will 'be made in some Sl~- Jimmy were callers Tuesday eve- stat, of lows, Linn County, u. of t~ao Bakm~ on ~ ~ ftmd $10.~; School ciaa cases where the 1940 acreage nine at the home of Mr. and Mrs.We, B. C. Neal, Pr~ldent; D. U. Van Metre, Viee.P~l H~mm fund, N~a is not considered representative for Atl~lll ~.~l~ltrong J'foz~ot~A" Fordyc~,atat~mm~t~t.kC~mhl~fuli, true /az~the cornet,bank aboveto thenamed'beat ~d~af oarm~ Total kmmmt of warrants not imid by the farm. In such cases, the county Steve V~tl and C. W. Sp~rky B.C. N~I, Pr~i~mt ftm~,$10A~; ~$d~ool KAA committee will establish a rap- Brando~ of Cedar Rapld~ roofed(S~g&L) D.U. Va~ MetN J.A. resentative soybean acreage over the barn on the Jennie Hunter farm Sworn to Im~mm mud mt~erib~ l~ m~ pr~emm which increased harvesting may be OCCUPied by Wflte~ Gtinn~ Wed- aml J. A. Fea~i~ ti~ ~th day o~ July. 1941. belief, made this year without deductions, nesda~. The ~ter, Dick Bond ETHEL F. line of Second Street South-- Mrs. Waid Lentz of Osceola was More Standardization from Evanston, Ill and is visiting Maude Sin~er. teacher . .: : : : 900.00 Third Avenue South from the North line an overnight guest Saturday at the friends in town. She is on her way Jeanette C, oadjohn 900.00 of Fourth Street South to the South line Kaplan home. Marthu Laing, teacher 496.55of Second Street South-- Would Be A Good Thin~ to Los Angeles, Calif which will be Helen Colon, teacher 575.00 Third Street South from the East side of Mr. and Mrs. John Mentzer and ------ the new home of the Betts family. Bert Avery 16.00Fifth Avenue South to the West line of Mrs. Joe Blesch of Chicago called .Manufacturers have been asked Ross Russell has the contract for L. E. Sipp]e 290.05 First Avenue South-- Bertha West 4.44 That the property, lots and parcels of Saturday afternoon at the Fred Al- to reduce the number of "fashions,the building of the new filling sta- ITeMn Colon 2.~0 ground, abutting on said permanent ira- exander home. They also calledI styles, models~ colors, shapes andtieR on the corner east of the R. A. H. Levy, hauling 1.00 provement by "black top" paving and curb at the Mrs. Mary Alexander home Travis garage. C.R. Boiler Works, boiler 481.80 and gutter, as also property, lots and par- G|en Herman, radio rep 1.50 eels of ground adjacent to said permanent in Mount Vernon. brands" of goods offered in the ha- Thirty miles an hour is now the Universal Chair Co chairs ]6.00,~mprovements constructed as aforesaid, as Mrs. Golden Miller and her moth- tion's salesrooms so as to increase limit of speed allowed on the court- McCormick Mater, supplies 5.02 by law provided, and specifically by virtue er, Mrs. Collier of Marion, were the productive capacity for defense try roads of Iowa. The new law W. A. Hixenbau~h. books 24.27of the provisions of Chapter 308 of the 1939 Educational Muslc Co music 12.80Code of the State of Iowa and laws of Iowa visitors Saturday at Center June- by from twenty-~lve per cent to went into effect on July 4. Pyrmid Paper Co paper 41.60pertaining thereto, will be assessed sub- tieR. Ellsworth Burgs took the place Wilcox Follit Co books 44.99stantially as set out in said plat and sched- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook call- possibly one third. Standardizing of a mail elerk on a train leaving W'hee]er Pub Co books 6.14ule, and that the hearing of objections to Allyn & Bacon, books 9.57said plat and schedule and assessments, if ed on Mrs. Cook's brother, Herbert models and reducing the variety of Cedar Rapids Tuesday night for Reckely Cady Co books 10.43 any be made, has been fixed at the hour LaBarge, Sunday morning at the civilian goods has a great deal of Omaha. L.M. Thomoson, Inst. Sup 16.79 of 7:30 P. M. on the 31st day of July, A. Anamosa hospital. Mr. LaBarge Bou~hton Mifflin, book 23.05 D 1941, at the Council Chambers in The merit regardless of the desperate ------- McMil]ian. books .93 Town Hall in said Town of Mount Yer- has been in the hospital for the defense need. Such standardize- THIRTY YEARS AGO Newson Co snpp]ies 12.84non, Iowa, and that all objections to all past week. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have George Puh. Co mdse 4.00 prior proceedings on account of errors, it- tier could cut productive costs and July 18, 1911. Win. 0vermeger, book 5.00 regularities or inequalities, must he made made several visits to see him this Rufus Parsons ts a recent addi- Reder Radio CO radio 182.26 in writing and filed with the Town Clerk week. They were Sunday dinner might be carried out without work-tier to the working force in the P. W. Peterson. insurance 190.50 of said Town within twenty days from the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. N. Merritt, insurance 41.65posting and the first publication of this tng a hardship on anyone. Byers restaurant. Univ. Press, tests 7.78notice. At said time and place, upen a Cook of Anamosa. ~. E. Goodhue has purchased a Follett Book Co books 82.77hearing had of objections as above provid- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitlik and tam- Irving Finger, repairs 82 ed, if there be any objections filed, the ily attended a picnic Sunday at the new covered delivery wagon to be Quarre Carp, tee. to eq 66.20Gouncil will make uny necessary" und just REGIMENqPING BUSINESS used in connection with his grow- W. M. Miller, labor 14.40corrections requisite by law, and the assess- home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell. ing grocery business. Burgess Pub Co printing 1.48 ments as shown in said plat and schedule, Mrs. Russell Mallieoat entertain- Beck, edc. sup 3.86 Paved Streets, Paved Avenues And Paved mended him to stop selling coal atnear Mount Vernon. Bailey & Hignes, edc. sup 16.89 Public Places Within Mount Vernon, less than the minimum prices fixed John Bryant has arrived from Dilley Groc ~'roceries 3.83 Iowa. Lane Campbell, supplie,~ 51.43 by the commission. He has to tel-Colorado, where he has been home-Blind Products Co blinds 21.48 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN low this command even though he steading for several months. J.A. Hoodmaker, freight 8.75COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MOUNT ,gets no business and those who de- Prof. and Mrs. Chas. R. Keyes Hawkeye-Record, printing 94.01 VERNON, IOWA: Mrs. L. Paul, laundry 9.90See. I. Traction engines and sharp shod have deferred their trip west.Dr. R. E. Sanderson, piano tun 9.00animals. No traction engine or tructor pend on his sales for work let their Keyes is taking treatments iu the i I~on~'man Greene, mdse 2.45having mud lugs or ice spurs attached to families go hungry. It is interesting in considering the hospital in Iowa City. PuMie Office Com suppltes 2.00its wheels, and no sharp shod animal or dictatorship which rules in this Hall Prof. P. W. Paterson and Dr. T. Sanford Co supplies 6.12animals, shall be moved over any paved Munkres, books 9.82streets, or paved avenues or paved public Ginn & CO books 20.07 as corrected, if corrections there be, will be ed in honor of Mr. Mallicoat's birth- Walter Hall, a Cincinnati, Iowa, Mrs D. B. Washburn is a recent Me. & Ken. Chem. Co Chem 8.67approved, and levy made in accordance day, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mal- e el producer, has discovered that arrival from Hudson and will take F~lucationa] Phything Co Kinder. 2.82therewith. he is not running his own ,business. charge of her grandchildren, James, C. & N. W freight 597.56 Dated this 7th day of July, A.D. 1941. licoat and Flossie of Wyoming and Standard Station, oil 6.80 T. L Mitchell, Clerk, Miss Dorothy Reynolds of Lisbon. He has found that he cannot placeLloyd and ~Mary Jean, during the gas. Gro groceries 9.45 of the Incorporated Town of a value on something which he has absence of their parents in Cole- D. O. Pringle, groceries 13.31 Mount Vernon, Iowa. 7:1~}-17 a~quired by toil or investment andredo. Earl DeCamp, oil 90 ~'."~'-,%'~.:.*;~,~,*:*,;,*;o; ~ 3a!o Bloom, books P.4.18 ORDINANCE NO." 140 sell it to someone who is willing to Miss Jennie LeGuire and Eugene Webster Pub Co book 2.66 --- BUS[N CARDS take lt:at the price he asks. TheBrown were married Thursday ev- Hammond Co.: books 6.59An Ordinance Of The Town Of Mount bituminous coal division, a dictator- enlng by Rev. S. R. Beatty. They Hopkins Sporting Goods Co spt. Vernon, Iowa, Governing Moving Traction ial bureau in Washington, has cam- will make their home on a farm ~ds 8.58 Enzines And Sharp Shod Animals Over ~--:-:********--**--:--:--****** ~.~o~.$.~:~:.~:~ ~ that these men might again 'be put 'back to work." Men begging for work! Producers willing to sell! A government agency blocking the way to an honest living! Here is a subject not only for Fourth of July orators, but also for others who l glorify American freedom and the opportunities springing from our liberties -- some of which have been fading fast under the New Deal. -- Lou Gardner in "Left to Write." F. F. EBERF~OLE, M.D. Dial 5412 l,'irst door east of Methodist Church Mount Vernon, ~owa case to turn to a statement recently M. Williams on last Friday accom- Mfg Co repair' : : : : : ] : : : : : ]' 7.85 I places or any part thereof in the Town of made by the Iowa Legislative Coal partied Masters Warner Peterson, Decker Deiry, mtlk 2.80Mount Vernon, Iowa, at any time. Gillian Book Co books 2.11 See. II. Penalty for violation. Any per- Committee which says: "Hundreds Corlyn Bauman and Craig Boyd to Iowa Pupils Circle, registration 11.28son, firm or corporation violating this of miners in the state are unem- the Palisades for a day's outing. Haasen Beruett, books 42.00dinance or an~ part thereof, shall be Office Phone 3021 played, and it is the hope of the Lightning struck the Benesh shoe Metropolitan Co supplies 301.23 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, und upon Cedar Rapids Pump Co Furu. Rep. 29.84conviction, shah be fined a sum not ex- Committee that a sufficient demand store last Saturday afternoon. The G. L He]comb Co mdse 50.01seeding Cue Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or for Iowa coal will be made not only fire smouldered for about a half Hillyard Sales Co Jan. Sup 422.82 imprisoned for a term not exceeding thirty ,by the state and the local govern- hour before it was detected. Little L. W. Singer Co mdse 8.82 (30) days. Gee. Lake, hauling 8.75 See. III. Repeal of conflicting ordin- merits and industries in Iowa, but damage wmu done to the building. Dewitt Kohl, stoker 610.47 aRes. Any ordinance, or part thereof, of also by domestic consumers in order School Service CO paper 64 this town in conflict with this ordinance or mpx--a-'e National School Service, Supplies . 9.40 uny part thereof is hereby r~ealed. rove Alice Crew, sup. Teacher 12.96 See. IV. Effective date. This ordinance Frank Runkie, labor 1.00 shall be in full force and effect immediate- ~l~n ~ Allen Bradley, supplies 2.84 ly, upon publication thereof as by law re- O. G. Waffle, books 77.55 quired. Buston Cook School, supplies 4.05 Passed and adopted this 7th day of July, Mt. Vernon Water Works, water 94.18 A.D. 1941. T. B. Robertson, books 26.20 Town of Mount Vernon, Iowa, World Book Co books 4.42 By A. E. Kudart, Acting Mayor. Remington Rand, Typewriters 840.12Attest: T. I. Mitchell, Strathmore Co supplies Clerk. 7:10 (Too late for last week) Visitors in the Josephine Vislisel home last W~.ednesday were Dolores and Darlene Visllsel, Mrs. Edward Broulik and Henrietta and ,Mrs. Ed- win Becicka. Stella Klonda is assisting with work in the John Wolrab, sr. home in Mount Vernon. Mr. and ~Mrs. MIle Erenberger and family were visitors Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Becieka. Several trees were broken and some uprooted in this vicinity due to the high winds Monday after- noon. Relatives and friends of Mrs. Victor Lawrence of Prairieburg are glad to hear she is getting better after her recent operation. She is in St. Mary's hospital in Roches- ter, Minnesota. .Mr. and ,Mrs. Clarence Dvorak and family were visitors Sunday evening in the Joseph Pavelka home. Happiness consists in being and in doing good; only what God gives, and what we give ourselves and others through His tenure, eonfers happiness: conscious worth satisfies the hungry heart, and nothing else cam--Mary Baker Eddy. "Playing Safe beats playing a Harp"--Llnn County Safety Coun- cil. 15.16 Mid-con. Pet. Co oil 8.08 Klipto CO supplies 19.01 Bureau of Pub supplies 8.48 Educational Supply CO supplies 12.04 N. Palmer, supplies 2.80 A" C. Dill CO Mdse 15.02 J.' B. MacGregor, COm. Spk 10.00 R. D. Cole, Com. Spk 10.00 Mt. Vernon Bakery, bread 84 South Calif. Book Dept books 1.23 School House Fund DISBURSEMENTS Is. Des Moines Nat'l Bank, Bonds and interest $ 402.25 Mt, Vernon Bank & Trust 578.75 White Phillips Carp 255.00 Vinton St. Bank 185.00 St. Central Mus 236.25 Ft. Madison Lee CO. Savings 127.50 Bellevue First National 21.25 Boone State Bank 85.00 First Trust & Savin~c~'iii~i~i 191.25 Davenport Trust & Savinge 1048.75 W. Logan, Huiskany 68.75 Union Bank Trust 2066.25 Dubuque National Bank 1022.50 Peoples Savings 42.50 Merchants National 85.00 Muscatine State 90.00 Houghton State Bank 42.50 ~ttumwa Union 21.25 a ley Savings Des Moines 42.50 Edna Reu]ing 340.00 Leo L. Mach Inc 21.25 Keokuk National 106.25 First State Chariton 21.25 Central National 21.25 W. D. Hanna 42.50 $7098.75 TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT of the Mount Vernon Independent School District, Linn County, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941. GENERAL FUND Balance on hand July 1, I940 $ 2,095.22 Generally speaking, there prob- ably isn't a single article In your attic that is absolutely useless. Everything has some value to someone. Make a list of your dis- carded articles and turn them into cash with a Hawkeye-Record and Lisbon Herald want ad. Men of the noblest dispositions think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them.--Jeremy Taylor. NOTI~E OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISWRATPJX No. 15302 State of Iowa, IAnn County, ss: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has ~been on this 26th day of June, 1941, duly appointed and qualified as Admin- istratrix of t}~e estate of Robert K. Davis, h~te of IAnn Country, low:t, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment thereof to the undersigned. Those having elaims against the same will file them, duly authenticated in the office of the Clerk of the Linn County, Iowa District Court. BLANCHE C. DAVIS Administratrix G. M. Wilson, Attorney. July3,10,17 %V. G. KRUCKENBERG, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Offioe Gcarhart Rcsidenec Mount Vernon, Iowa Res. 3451 Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night E. C. PHALI~, l)eutist Phoues Office --- 5712 Home -- 4841 Mount Vernon, Iowa JOHN B. BI~YANT Veterinarian Phones: Offioe 276l R~idence 2763 Mount Vernou, Iowa G. M. WILSON Attorney-At-Law Practice in state and federal courts. Counselor-at-I,aw and Notary Pub- lic. Office over i)el,uxe Coffee Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa. ~boncs: Office 5612 Home 2871 SMASHING WINDOWS One of the speakers at the Iowa- Des MoiRes Conference of the Methodist church at Atlantic sailed right into the profit system and the theory that men in little or big business have to make some money. The speaker and others ~lke him remind us of small boys who find fun in throwing stones or brick- 'bats through the windows of empty ,buildings. The smashing hit and the tinkling glass provide pleasing excitement. We wonder what the Methodist church and other churches would have done in the years gone by if they had not had the generous support of men who made some money through the profit system? These men gave freely to found and support colleges and universi- ties and hospitals and foreign mis- sions and churches and other insti- tutions that gave church a far and useful outreach. But then! Neither men nor in- stitutions are very consistent-- Knoxville Journal. JOHN,~FON BROS. Funeral Directors C. B. Johnston, IAeensed Embalmer H. R. Johnston, Licensed Em.balmer Lady Assistant When Wanted Mount Vernon and Lisbon IMrl 111 and, same ime, m;nimizing the restr;c- We e ec( of defense needs upon telephone Imrvice genera|iy is Eremendous undertak|ng. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY AEk about our OOnvenient, easy- to-budget terms. jUST immune simply grand it wottl " cook a complete, healthfullv-au etizing at once -- right on your owl%'bac~k" l~orch! A W~, inghouse Electr/c l oaster-Oven is 1/ght aria able. Just. move it out on the porch, plug/ tO.c,A convemence outlet, and your entire meal automat/cally. Yes, you can cook everythi complete oven meah to del/c/ous an el food Low cost operat/on . . . large 18-quart oafI . . . fiberglas/nsulat/on self-bast/rig alu. s 1 / 1/d and exclus/ve True-Temp heat co those are just a few of the many featur /a:b new West/nghouse Roaster Oven featUre save you time, money, and help make food better. Don't delay! Visit our display room a the 1941 West/nghouse Electric Roaster-Or NEW PRK]i SAVES YOU $5.OO With a free mi~wr cha.~ z, this is th~ sama tric Roaster that ~ yextr cost $z4.9~. ~o~ it ~ 7ours for just $z9.9~, complete with dish . " IOWA I:L[C]IE IJCI]TANi] IJI]WI I IJI]MIJANY " IOWA OWNED Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012 Lisbon Office Phone 202