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July 10, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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10, 1941
Pm&~, qtlaa'e$
Frank Blinks went to the Uni- Mrs. John Klimo spent Saturday t Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Smith went to i
i vcrsity hospital at IowaCity on ]in Clinton visiting friends I Manchester on Monday to spend
~D~ I fl~Ai A~B P~RqflNal l'l'uesday for observation. Joe Pospisil, jr submitted to anlsev(ral days in the hom.e of their
Wi alll L1 IAv nL ~lv /a~a~al~ Laurance McKay of Des Moines appendectomy at Mercy h.ospital, I son, I)ean Smlthandfamuy:- ;
------------- s,~ent the Fourth in the home of l Cedar Rapins, btmaay evemng. Mr. ana mrs. rranK verwieoe anu
~.-.-.o,~.-o-4 -o-o-~0-o-o-o~ ~ ~ v ' 11 ar
his mother Mrs. B. A. McKay Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hoover of Ce-fson Leshe, of Charleston, I -
WMI went to t;mcago, I Miss Helen oI ~alrnela Mr. and Mrs. Matt l)iek of (:hi-]dar Rapids were week end v!sitors !rived on Wednesday,for a VlSlt ~n
~a on Tuesday. spent the Fourth m the home. oI (:ago Ill spent the week end in the m the Mr. and Mrs. Lester J:aymr !the ~OmerOI l)r. anu mrs. pay .
ru---mDaugn- was an over I her sister, Mrs. mac T. mltcneu home of ,Mrs Dick's sister, Mrs. l imme. i"~'=s " i
0f July visitor with ! Mrs. Richard Barker of Cedar ( harles Kleineck Dale Travis, son of Mr and Mrs. Week end guests in the home of
,~leago Ill Rapids was a guest Wednesday of Mr and Mrs Harohl Siders and Carl Travis, went to Chicago Ill l Miss Nellie Hartung were Mrs. W.
' " '~ ." * " -- -~- 'on Sunda'" for a visitwith rein I H Hartung Mrs Bert S. Ebernar~
[la Burke of Mill~ .~1,-~ I Mrs. Mary Jean Amxanoer, an(1 l~nl fatuity and Elmer Sioers ot uarm- .Y - ] ' : ' '
e~d visitor in the'ho'~'le and Ann spent the day visiting with son were Sunday dinner guests in [fives. I and Mr. an(l xtrs. uus arleen oI l)es
~t !friends. the home of Mr. "tnd Mrs. Joe Sed-I Miss Marian Scott of Chicago,
a~. Lynn u?o~mve] ! Prof. and Mrs. Earl Kirkpatricklacek. I lli was an over the Fourth VlSit-
r ~oyer .spent t nc ~Cnd t and f'lmilv of Sioux City were over Miss Gwen Smyth leaves today]Or m the home of her mother, Mrs.
t~rirlenus vlr. a ~ ' " ' * *
It B"" 2 ur {theFourth visitors in the home of {
early in ~ncllsog. ( i." ~.
ib- .~ { the former'smotner, x/rs.Houer~
'~. Roy Johnson of t;e-] Kirkpatriek'
Were guests Sunclay ev- ] i n and
he d Mls ' Mr and Mrs E F Nat'o
ule or ~lr. an " " " I
,family spent the latter part of last
I week visitingwith relatives at
O. Hepner andMrs. Buckingham.
Rapids werevisi-iSat day eveninThey returned home
in the home of] Raymond Krumm and Charles
I Svoboda, who were recently called
and Miss Emma I in the draft, did not pass their final
Sunday in the home examination taken in Des Moines
brother, George iand have returned home.
! Mrs Angeline Gordon of North
of Burlington was a ' "'
~. " . [,O)ertv spent the week end in the
/'ollrth of July weeK'
- hm c of M. and Mrs Emerson
' ' " r i
of hls parents, M .1 Shotwell and in fhe home of her
,(2. Boyer. I .
ulster. Miss Lydia Bishop.
Nr~. C. M. Cumberland i Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blaine and Mr.
Sl~ent Sunday in the iand Mrs. John Neff joined a group
(2Umberland s p u ents
- "" ~ " " ;of Rural I,~tter Carriers from the
Steve ~Vrlght ~t P tlo I
' : ~ '1 second district for a boat trip on
Son, who was recover- I the Mississippi on Sunday
Cent illness fell at his
d " " i John Gilmore, his son and (laugh-
aesda of last w.eek ter of Joliet, Ill called on former
SeVeral fractured mhs. Mount Vernon friends on Monday.
C. l (Hark and~t.Mr. Gilmore was in the photo-
left last Friday for lgraphy business in Mount Vernon
Clark's parents, Mr. I lhivty years ago.
in New YorkI Mrs. ])irwin Mason, Cornell '91,
Ralph Yeisley and
rst, I11 were week
n the home of Mr.
", Mrs. Susan Yeis-
r, danghier of Mr.
Qoodyear, is visiting
f her grandpareuls,
C H. Freeman, at
rs. Glenn Stinger of
Were visitors lmst
he home of Mrs.
ts, Mr. and Mrs. F.
ir. Stinger returned
r .but Mrs. Stinger
a longer visit.
iand daughter, Elizabeth, of Tuseon,
Ariz were visitors on Wednesday of
i last week in the home of Mrs. Alcy
['arsons. They also visited rela-
tives in Marion.
Mrs. H. M. Kelly of Columbia,
Mo and her daught(n', Miss Kath-
leen Kelly of Kansas City, M'o ar-
rived last week to spend several
weeks in the home of Mrs. John
Blair Robinson.
Don Krumm, who is employed in
Kenmore, N. Y was called to Mt.
Vernon the lirst of last week by the
critical illness and death of his
mother, Mrs. Jessie Krumm. He
expects to return east the last of
this week.
for Thermo Jugs,
$1.19 to $2.95
Reels, Lines, Floats, Tackle Boxes and
Paper Towels -- Ice Cream Freezers
Built Bikes -- own one with a small payment
down and as low as $1.00 per week.
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Blinks and Miss Gertrude Cowan
h o Ill es.
Mr. and Mrs. I,L 2. Woods of
Washington, 1). C arrived last Sat-
urday for "t two weeks vacation
period ~dth her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Burge, and his mother,
Mrs. Emma Woods.
Mrs. Fred D. Mcrritt received en-
couraging word this week from her
son Donald, who has been ill for
several weeks in a hospital in San
b'rancisco. He is recovering from
an iilne~ of pneumonia.
Mrs. Fred D. Merritt and her
guests, I)r. and Mrs. Ralph Byrne~
of Los Angeles, Calif who are
spending the summer with Mrs.
Merritt, were Sunday guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. (~. S. Meardon
at Iowa City.
l)r. and Mrs. Russell Cole and
daughtcrs, Betty and Nancy, re-
turned home Tucsday from Black-
berry, Minn where they visited for
soveral weeks with Dr. and Mrs.
I,'rank Cole, who are spending the
Nillnnler on their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jones and
children, Barbara lx)u and Jackie,
spent the Fourth visiting with
friends in Vaverly and h.ft Satur-
day for Two Harbors, Minn for a
few days visit with relatives. Mr.
Jones is enjoying a ten day vacation
from his duties "tt the lIawkeye-
Record office.
William (loudy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Goudy, who has just
completed a course in electrical re-
frigeration at Chicago Technical
college in Chicago, Ill visited over
the Fourth and the week end in the
home of his parents. He has a posi-
tion with a refrigerator company in
~'hi('ago and returned there Sunday
Miss Maria Aguirre, Rev. and
Mrs. Walter Carhart, and Prof.
Beck, all of Santiago, Chile, were
guests on Wednesday of last week
in the home of Bishop and Mrs.
Thomas Nleholson. They were en
route to conference in Mexico City.
key. and .Mrs. C. F. Hartzell wore
additional guests In the Bishop
Nieholson home.
Mrs. Charles Paul received a card
from .Mrs. Nicholas Knight on
Tu~day telling of their safe arriv-
al in Sylvan Beach, N. Y. She said
the trip was very tiresome and
very hot. Their dog was lost in
Handusky, Ohio. They did not dis-
~over he was not with them until
they had traveled about 35 miles,
but when they returned to Sand-
~:sky they found no trace of him.
Recent visitors in the home of
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Hartzell were:
Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Carhart of
Santiago, Chile; Senorita Marie
Aguerrie, of Northwestern Univers-
ity. E'vanston, Ill.; G. J. Beck of
Vheatou, IlL They were en route
to Mexico City, where Mrs. Carhart
and Miss Aguerrie will each address
a meeting of the International Con-
~ress of ('hristian Education.
land Mrs. Jay B. MacGregor. Handel of Mason City. They came
Miss Ruth Messenger and Miss to attend the play at the Little
Dorothy Ann Flint spent the week Theatre at Cornell, in which Mrs.
end visiting in the Dr. and Mrs. Paul Handel was one of the par-
Greener home in Alton, Ill. ~ ticipants.
Verne Jaynes, proprietor of the
Jaynes Soap and Chemical works,
in Mount Vernon, is speuding a /ew METHODIST CHURCH
days on business in LaPorte, Ind. Rev. W. G. l~wley, Past~r
Miss Nell Steinbrermer of Cedar'The Sunday School in the church
Rapids was a week end visitor in ! every Sunday at 9:45.
Hill. Mrs. Brandau and Mrs. Hill icapacity" Next Sunday the pastor
are sisters. :of this church brings the third in
~a series of sermons on the general
Opal Paul, daughter of Mr. and l
Mrs. Lee Paul, expects to go to question "What has the church to
,say to a world at war?" The sub-
Rock Island, Ill on Sunday to1
spend a week with her aunt, Mrs. iject
John Penney. i The young people meet in the
Mr. and Mrs. John Carbee andI Methodist parsonage next Sunday
the Misses Carrie and Bertha Kylelevening at 6:30. The Rev. Joseph
were dinner guests Sunday in the ! Gray will lead the discussion. There
home of Mrs. Isaiah Pearson in lwill be a time of fellowship after
days. disturbing to
muthm d ~e.
bank n~na~
We ~R oon-
lind meet yo~u~
needs d today.
Springville. the devotional meeting. Unless
Mr. and Mrs. James Kraner and lthere is a decision to continue the
son, Mrs. J. F. Keve, Miss LuciUe!union Sunday evening meeting for
Keve and Vincent Keve spent Sun- youth, this will be the last for the
day in Clinton in the C. A. Crum-]summer. The young people of
baugh home. i both churches are invited.
I Plan now to take time to attend
~wr. ana Mrs. rorres~ DlgglnS anuj ~ ~ " ~ e more in
cnuren anu, m ao ev n
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Busen-i . .-
t vile omers
bark and daughter Judy picnickedI
at Fejervary park in Davenport~ PRE .~ YTERIAN.~ -- ~.t~lJ~ tt
on the Fourth. Rev. Joseph W. Gray, jr Pastor
Guests in the home of Mrs. Gusts, Thursday (tonight)--
Minnott on Wednesday of last week l 6:30 Guild picnie at the Lower
were: Mrs. Fannie Lemmon of Ce- Palisades.
dar Rapids and W. H. Tallman of Sunday--
Wichita, Kansas. 1
Mrs. C. V. Anderson and daugh- 9:45 Church School.
10:45 Union Service of worship.
ter Jane of Chicago, IlL, are guests iSermon by Rev. W. Glenn Rowley.
this week in the home of Mr. and l 6:30 Young Peoples meeting at
Mrs. Verne Jaynes. Mrs. Ander-Ithe home of the Sipples.
son is Mr. Jaynes' aunt.
ed on Friday evening at the Sam
Kohi home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ciha and fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Light and children enjoyed an ice
cream supper at the John Light
home the night of the 4th.
Mr. find Mrs Roy Light, Helen,
Faye, Ralph and Dorothy, Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Light and Glenn
Dean were Sunday dinner guests
in the George Light home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blessing, Mar-
jorie Bob.r, Joyce and Richard, Mr.
and Mrs. John Light, Marvin, Mar-
garet, Rose Marie, Mary and Nor-
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bohr, Har-
old Bohr, Dean and Don drove to
Crystal Lake near DeWitt on Sun-
day for a family picnic. They were
met there by relatives who joined
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stoneking
picnicked with relatives at Ana-
mesa on the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kohl were din-
ner guests on Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Lehr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer
visited with Mrs. Carrie Fischer
iast Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wagaman
called at the George Briggs home
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stout, Betty
and Bob visited Sunday afternoon
at the Edd Lahman home near
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Seivers of
Mechanicsville were Sunday callers
at the Charles Bailey home.
Miss Betty Stout and Joyee Ann
Bohr are spending a week's vaca-
tion with their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer call-
ed on Audrey Stout who is working
in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. WiUard Light, Dale
and Doris called on Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Novak on Monday evening.
Mra. John Wain
Mr. and Mrs. emir Vrooman and
son, Miss Helen Wood of Olin; Earl
Phillips of Oxford Junction; Misses
Irma and Elizabeth Wood of Wa-
terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cruise
of Hale; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Deere
of Davenport, Miss Mary Dorothy
Pospishel, and Edward Mallie were
Sunday dinner guests in the Jerry
Blythe home.
The W. S. C. S.-~ill meet Thurs-
day afternoon. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Eva Peek, Mrs. Verdi Peder-
sen, Mrs. Ira May and Mrs. Vlvian
May. -- *:~n "d Soclet met
The cnrisu--. Ai " y
last Thursday afternoon. Hostesses
were Mrs. Dora Holcomb and Mrs.
Evelyn Brown.
Mrs. Julia Branchflower enter-
mined her niece and family from
Washington, Iowa on the 4th of
Miss Helen Risser and room-mate
Miss Martha Wenstrand, of CedarI 'Sacrament" will be the subJee! Harvey Barber family spent Sun-
Falls were visitors over the Fourth l of the Lesson-Sermon In all day in the Luther McQuerry home
in the home of Miss Risser's moth- Churches of Christ, Scientist, oll at Williamsburg.
er, Mrs. Grace Risser. I Sunday, July 13. [ Mrs. Millie Hurt spent the week
Mrs. L. B. Steinbrenner went to~ The Golden Text Is from Jolmlend with relatives in Anamosa.
Anawan, Ill last week to spend aI 13: 34, 35, "A new eommandment i Mr. and Mrs. Tony Metz and Lin-
give unto you, That ye lova on~ da of Indianapolis, Ind spent the
week end in the Lolen Remington
and A. L. Hoffman homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gordon,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moffitt and "Science and Health with Key tc
son Dickie, and Mrs. Moffitt's lath-, the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
er, August Sander of Clinton, spent Eddy " -- -"- tatlons r~d~
the week end visiting with the One or tar ~ule cl
Delbert Sander family in South "And by the hands of the apostl~
Mrs. P. W. Peterson spent sev-
eral days last week at her former
home, Belle Plaine. Mr. Peterson
were many signs and wonderl
wrought among the people; Ther~
came also a multitude out of th~
cities round about unto Jerusalen~
bringing sick folks, and them which
were vexed with unclean spirits:
and they were healed every one"
(Acts 5:12, 16).
~tmong the selections from th,
Christian Science textbook Is th~
"We walk in the footsteps o!
pmnic in Cedar Rapids. I Truth and Love by following th~
Mr. and Mrs. S. Yaeger of Me-I example of our Master in the un
derstanding of divine metaphysics
line, Ill were dinner guests Sun-I Christianity is the basis of tru~
'| day in the home of Mrs. H. W. I
Scott. Robert Scott of Moline wast healing. Whatever holds humat
a week end visitor in the home of/ thought in line with unselfed love
his mother, Mrs. Scott. t receiveS(p. 192). directly the divine power'
Mrs. Catherine Clinch, mother of!
Mrs. W. G. Kruckenberg, and Mrs. 311 First Avenue North
OF C0NBITION H.G. Nelson, aunt of Mrs. Kruck-Soll~~~--~klill
enberg expect to leave Saturday
for their home in Elgin, I11 after Mrs. Will~rd Light
a two weeks visit in Mour~t Vernon. GOOD CHEER CLUB HAS
Mr. and Mrs. E. R Ristine re- FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC
turned home on Tuesday from a The Good Cheer club held its
visit of a month with Mrs. Flora annual Fourth of July picnic at
Smediey and Miss Dorothy Smed-IDickey Park, last Friday. A fair-
U. S. Government
Bonds $ 50,600.00
Other Bonds 34,800.00
Cash and Due from
Banks 284,617.81
l,oans and Discounts 547,797.80
Overdrafts 85.47
Capital $ 50,000.00
Surplus 25,000.00
Undivided Profits and Reserves 49,131.62
Unearned Discount 2,857.05
DEPOSITS 790,912.41
Mount Vernon Bank and
ley in McKeesport, Pa. They spent
the week end visiting in Cleveland,
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Yates, of
Lime Spring, Mrs. Glenn Andreas
and son Peter of Cedar Rapids,
were visitors Tuesday in the home
of Rev. and Mrs. Yates' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
ltev. C. 1,'. Hartzell accompanied
a group of Boy Scouts to camp at
~Vaubeek last week. All the boys
were advanced one rank during
their week's stay. Included were:
Daic Stinger, Jack Lorenee, Junior
Koch, l)avid Fischer, George Mln-
ish and Darrell Stoner.
Work of redecorating ann re-
modeling the Ellison house, recent-
ly purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Verne i
I Jaynes, is progressing rapidly. Be-:
sides these improvements a new
heating system will be installed.
When it is finished the Jaynes ex-
to rent the upper apartment.
An enjoyable picnic was held on
he Fourth, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Lahman. Included in
the group were: Mrs. W. J. Flint
Mrs. W. R. Wilder, Mrs. Grace
Risser, Mrs. B. A. McKay, Miss Mir-
iam Freer, Miss Doris Montgomery,
Miss Martha Lahman, G. L. Franks,
Laurance McKay, and Bob Lindsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Maybauer
and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quinn of
Chicago, Ill were brief visitors in
the home of Mr. Maybauer's moth-
l er Mrs. Charles Maybauer on the
Fourth. They were enroute home
I from a three weeks motor trip to
California, the Grand Canyon
Boulder Dam, Yellowstone park,
Seattle, Wash and Portland, Ore.
H. Wyman Wilson, of Syracuse,
N. Y arrived Friday afternoon for
a brief visit in the home of Rev.
and Mrs. M. L. Hill. He returned
on Sunday forenoon accompanied
by his wife and son Robert, who
had spent several weeks in the~
home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs.
Hill. They went by way of De-
troit, Mich for a brief visit with
Mrs. Wilson's brother David L. Hill
and Mrs. Hill, then to Niagara Falls,
N.Y. They expected to arrive at
their new home, 935 Ackerman
Ave in Syracuse on Wednesday.
dzed crowd came to enjoy the
quietness and splendor of a lovely
day, one that could not have been
more perfect. After doing great
justice to the hayrack load of food
the crowd seated themselves to
enjoy a short program in charge of
Mrs. Wilton Gunn, Vice-Pres.; Wlll-
ard Light, Pres.; and the secretary,
Mrs. Harry Gritton. The woods
rang with the opening number,
"America," by the crowd.
A very meaningful talk was giv-
en by the Rev. G. S. Hamilton on
the meaning of the 4th of July and
what it should mean to us. At
this point at 3 o'clock the group
joined in the national hook-up in
celebration of July 4th, brought
there by means of a car radio.
President Roosevelt's speech being
heard, the crowd joined in with
the program in repeating the Pledge
to the Flag.
After this event a music stunt
was given by all the old school
teachers present, in charge of Will-
ard Light. Mrs. Willard Light then
picked a men's quartet from the
audience. Without any practice
they sang, "Sweet Adeline,"; and a
women's quartet picked at ran-
dom, sang a hymn. The men's
quartet was made up of: John and
Theodore Light, Frank Ciha and
C.O. Anderson. The women's
quartet was Mrs. George Light,
Mrs. C. O. Anderson, Mrs. C. M.
Stout, and Mrs. Wilton Gunn. Mr.
and Mrs. C. O. Anderson were
chosen to sing a duet. The children
also sang a popular piece in a
group. The remainder of the day
was spent in games and contests.
A song sketching contest, rainy day
race, Turtle race, Hoop race, and
necktie race. Prizes were given to
the winning teams.
The menu committee was an-
nounced for the next six months.
They are the Mesdames Wilton
Gunn, Charles Johnston, Dale John-
ston, C. C. Kerslake and Ray Kohl.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf
Mrs. Willard Light, Dale and
Doris called on Wednesday after-
noon at the Anton Novak and Roy
Light homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Light call-
B. O. Noel, President
D. U. Van Metre, Vice President and Cashier
J. A. Fordyce, Assistant Cashier
Bob and Roger spent Sunday in the
Frank Gordon home at Tipton. Bob
remained in the Gordon home for
a week's visit.
Vic Miller and family of Colfax
were dinner guests in the A.L.
Hoffman home on Saturday.
Roger Gordon went to the Per-
ry White home on Monday evening,
where he will spend several days.
Mrs. S. H. Ellison and Miss Ev-
elyn Dragoo of Martelle and Violet
Burman of Chicago, Ill spent Mon-
day afternoon in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Walters, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Lake, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Belknap and Mrs. Anna Pren-
tice were supper guests Friday eve-
ning of Mrs. Evelyn Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mitchell and
Mose Mitchell called in Olin Sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Roberts and Edna of Marion
were dinner guests last Saturday in
the Mrs. Chloe Newman home.
They were supper guests that eve-
ning of Mrs. Katherine Peer.
Carl Drach family of Lisbon call-
ed at the Allen Mitchell home Sun-
day evening.
Mrs. Carrie Bell and children of
Davenport spent several days in
the Dewey Peterson and Herbert
Thomas home. Mrs. Bell is a sis-
ter of Mrs. Thomas and Dewey
Rex Brady and Melvin Deeious
were business callers in Lowden
Miss Vivian Ann Bobst and Patsy
Myers were guests of Violet Bur-
man of Chicago in the Sam Ellison
home on Saturday afternoon. In
the evening they accompanied Mrs.
Ellison to Anamosa.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kohl and
Rena and Jackie Sue Moenck spent!
Thursday and Friday in the John
Lamb home at Rock Fall, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas
and children spent Friday in the Al-
bert Thomas home near Anamosa.
Mrs. Claude Peet and Merle call-
ed at the Mrs. Evelyn Brown and
Jennie McConaughy home on Men-
Arlo Stinger of Mount Vernon
was a caller in town on Tuesday
George Fetter of Cedar Rapids
spent several days with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Albert Bobst.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bobst of
Anamosa called at the Phil Bebst
and L. R. Bobst homes, Monday af-
Albert Bobst is decorating the
Farmers Savings Bank this week.
The C. J. Darsee and A. L. Heft-
man houses are being painted this
Rev. and Mrs. Maule had as their
guests several days his parents
from East St. Louis, Me.
Argus and Merle McConaughy
had as their guests over the week
end, their sister, Ann Etta, with
her husband, Vincent Dawson, and
their six children from Detroit
Mrs. Anna Nosley of Lisbon call-
ed at the Mrs. Chloe Newman home
on Saturday. and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Decious
Melvin were dinner guests of Mrs.
Anna Richard at Lisbon on Sun-
d~I~rs.-'" Wears spent Sunday with
her brother at Center Junction.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kuhn of Mar-
ion called at the Albert Bobst home
on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Anna Nosley, Miss Agnes
Baird and Mrs. Nellie Plattenber-
ger, all of Lisbon, called on Mrs.
Katherine Peet on Saturday.
Mrs. A. C. Port of Springville
called on Mrs. Callie Newman on
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Port and
Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Port
were Sunday dinner guests in the
Clelland Port home.
Rev. Robert McDonald and fam-
ily of Prairie City, Iowa, were call-
ing on friends in town Saturday.
They are also visiting in the Add
Rich home near Springville.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Rock
Island spent Sunday in the Will
May home.
Mrs. Floyd May and Charles, Bob,
Rose Marie returned home Satur-
day from a visit with relatives at
Moline and Quincy, Ill. I
Mrs. Earl Peet called in the Low- I
ell Kohl home, Sunday morning. I
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McCoy andI
Rev. and Mrs. Hewitt were dinnert
guests in the Will Frantz home on
Misses Laura May of Omaha,
Nebr and Agnes May of Cedar
Rapids, are visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Will May.
Mrs. Mae Slyer and children call-
ed at the Mrs. Evelyn Brown and
Jennie McConaughy home on Sat-
Mrs. Iven Reed has been quite
sick for several days, but is getting
Mr. and Mrs. John Ricketts of
Springville were Wednesday din-
ner guests of Mrs. Martha Barber.
Mrs. Anna Smith called on Mrs.
Mina Mitchell on Wednesday a~er-
Mrs. Anna James and the Dick
James family called in the Claire
Newlin home in Marion on the
4th, and spent the evening in the
Wands Newlin home in Viola.
of yours going into another
season with worn and broke~
soles? Brini them in for ~-
pairl~. ~
Shoe Service
Shoe Repairing
Mount Vernon
Have reached increased importance during the
last few years.
With decreased farm profit it becomes more
necessary to avoid losses through improper housing.
A slump in milk or egg production, or the need to
replace expensive machines through lack of proper
care, may mean the difference between a small profit
and no profit on a whole year's operation.
Consult us about new or modernized old farm
structures which pay for themselves in very few
Mount Vernon
Every careful buyinq homo owner
should seo the Winklor Stoker
before buyinq any form of
automatic hoatinq equip
The Winkles Sicken
with ira many refined
feature~ is today THE
standin0 product.
It m savinq money
and labor fm thou
sands of property own
ers from coast to coast.
lnvostiqate the Eet-Ais
control The fully uto
matic transmission which
has no shear pinl Pressur~
S~ded Hoppel "/'he Econo
miser Burner and many othox
exclusive Wlnklor features The $
Year Warranty Plan See the Winldm crush rocks bite
into a stsel pipe withoul damaqin~ o~ stoppinq the stoker.
Factory Representative
Telephone 4291 Mount Vernon
Seminole Barn Paint
$1.49 Gallon
So heavy bodied that two
or tbree quarts of linseed
oil may be added to each
All Star Quick Dry Spar
85c Quart
C. P. W. Floor Enamel
Durable --- Economical
85c Quart
White Seal Flat Wall
An Ideal Dull Finish
75c Quart
Tom Thumb Paints, Var-
nishes, Enamels, Stains
and many specialties
10c Each
Du Kwick Quick To Dry
75c Pint
Chief Inside Gloss
Easy To Apply
85c Quart
Dry Casein Paint
Water Mixed Interior Wall
Finish of Soft Beauty
$1.19 Gallon