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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 12, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 12, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. Vernon, ]a ]~wkeye-Record and The Lisbon Herald n -. 6 Thurs July 12, 1951 rage Gilbert Caldwell Farm Pictured The Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cald- well farm was pictured in the aerial farm photograph last week. The Ca]dwells claimed the picture on Thursday. The farm is located a half mile south of U. S. 30 at the first road beyond the Midway. Mr. Caldwell in 1946 bought the farm of his father who moved to a 40 acre place near Bertram. Gil- bert's grandfather, Joseph Caldwell. bo'aght the farm just before the ~urn of the century. He sold it to his son, Sherwin Caldwell. in 1915 vJho in turn sold it to Gilbert. He was born on the farm. The farm has 140 acres. Mr. Caldwell also farms 8@ acres of the Gerald Scott land. Twenty acres of it is in soy beans, 42 in corn and 16 in oats. Of the 105 acres of crop land on the home farm he has about a third in corn, a third in hay and a third in oats. He was fortunate enough to put up his alfalfa last week with- out it being rained on. He got 585 bales from seven acres. Of the hay ground about 10 acres is in alfalfa and the balance in clover. Some of the land is farmed on the contour. The Cherokee oats look pretty good They are especially good on theI ground on which 300 pounds of 6-24-0 fertilizer was broadcasted to the acre. All of the corn was knee high by the 4th except four acres which was planted after June 1 because it was too wet to plant earlier, i The Caldwells are milking from 14 to 15 grade Ayrshire cows and l ',sell the cream to the Lisbon Coop Creamery. Two crops of pigs of'~ We have .5 new 34 foot trailer units for hauling live- stock from Mt. Vernon and Martelle to Chicago. Phone collect. John Middlekauff, Phone 6561, Martelle Mt. Vernon Phone 5811, Larson Produce CALL MT. VERNON Larson's Produce 5811 Lisbon, Produce Doily ,Service For Removal of Dead or Disabled Livestock CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. PERMIT NO. 1 For More Weight and More Profit Feed Your pigs get the necessary proteins . . . Minerals . . Vitamins, including B-12 and Antibiotic Feed Sup- plements. Tl~is helps to reduce death losses, increase gains and insure greater profits. Consult us the next time you are in town and learn about Leco enriched protein fe~ds. tECO " Pig* & Sow Meal Leco Mineralized Hog Balancer Leco Cattle Feed Leco Mash Maker teco teyinu Mmh Lesa Special Sow Supplement Phone 4- Lisbon, Iowa II II II I I II III I I II / EASTERN IOWA LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. U. S. Highway No. 30 MECHANICSVILLE, IOWA at 11:00 o'clock We have three packer buyers besides the shippers and local trade to buy your fat cattle, butcher cattle, veal calves and fat hogs. We sell over 1,000 head of livestock at Public Auction every Wednesday. Buyers from Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois to buy all classes of stock cattle and hogs. Commission, 3% on first $1,000; 2% on second $1,000; and 1% after that. The larger the consignment, the lower the commission. Always a reliable market with competition. Truck your stock in anytime Sale Day or the day before the sale. Veal Calves, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, Stock Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Fat Cattle and Butcher Cattle sold in order named. We are buying fat hogs every day for the big packers paying more monoy net to the farmer. Call for our market prices on fat hogs before you sell. Business Phone No. 259 II II III WILBUR COLBY Residence Phone Mechanicsville, Iowa No. 53 II I Illl III I III I I ,Do. you Uvaon this farm? If you do, come to this office and claim an 8x10 inch enlargement of this picture without cost. Watch this space each week for an aerial picture of a fcwm in the Mt. Vernon4isbon community. The picture in the last weeks issue has been identified as the Gilbert Caldwell farm 1,~ mile south of Highway 30 by Midway. around 70 head each are raised each ] Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Link of The Clair Renfer family, the War- year. The September pigs wereI Peru, Ill were week end visitors lay Pollock family and Roley Pad- ;old the last of February weighing f of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cummings.arson were Sunday dinner guests 228 pounds each. This, year Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle at- in the Ivan Neilson home. Caldwell used Duroc ~o~s out of 1 tended the funeral service for Mrs. The Edwin Robert family of Wa- a sow from the Bert Miller herd, [Sarah Decker at Clarence Saturday seca, Minn were Sunday visitors which were crossed with a Poland afternoon. boar. He likes the type of hogs The Fred Wahls of Santa Ana, in the Kendall Gibson home. Donna Jo Workman was a Thurs- from. this cross very. much. Pre-. t Calif were. dinner guests .~ of Leta day overnight guest and Mary Lou wously he had. rinsed Hampshlres. "t and. Maoel MeShane rrloay eve- McShane a Saturday overmght' The 70 spring pigs are coming along I nlng. guest of Twila Pederson. I g d" f The Chris Pedersens and Stanley The Morris Minors were Sunday .Mrs. Caldwell has 200 Hy-llne land Mrs. Jens Pedersen returned i evening callers in the Sam Johnston c mcxens, Ivy p u 1 ~ eta aria 1up 1 Saturday from a visit in Lansing, ihome strmgnt run vougnt oi me ~oraon[Mich " ' l virginia L, ee ~nuuzlnsKi was non ~mcnery, ~arlon. ~ne will Keep The Louie Jensens of f'1~el,~' ' ored on Saturday with a party the the pullets as a laying flock. She .- { , were Monday ws~tors m the Jens,oceasion being her 8th birthday says they are lne Deal nGCK sue nas ~o,~o~o,~ h~,~,~ " l--, ~:o ~. ,~vpr h~,~ --%~-~" -'.-'---~& 1here were z~ present. U 1 I ne ~: w n ~ooer~s Ol waneca, Sh ro l a n ~cnwamz is spenaing a Mr. Caldwell is Bertram town- Minn were Monday callers of the ~wo weeks vacauon in waterloo ship Farm Bureau director. The Gene Reeds. two children of the Caldwells, Patty The T. B. Andersons of Pasadena 11 and Roy 7, attend the Mr. Vernon Calif were Monday callers in the school. Patty will be in 7th grade Ralph Frank home. and Roy in 3rd grade this fall. Mrs. G. W. Gearhart, Mrs. J. V. Smith and Mrs. L. A. Johnston were I luncheon guests at, Belle Plaine Thursday. Twil~ Pedes~oB The Henry Carbees visited the -~ ~.~ m. ~r ~,t. ~ ~ m.~ [ John Carbees~ at Mr. Vernon Friday --.2. v. I afternoon The George Durhams and Leroy I Wileys of Louisville, Ky spent last v.y- ~ X - ! week in the Orville Gaster home :Circle will meet Wednesday, July [,r~,~ r~, ~, .o ^~ x ~.o lu, wim mrs. ~.ugene eel; ms G~ ter ~nd ~-o WP--, ~- ~'e-- o'-'~r ~ao t~,~, ~,~,~e ~r,~.~ ; ,~ o ~.o. ,~j .o ~o~,~ . Preaching Viola I0"~) a.m, Spring- in'~'~e" ~ome ,f'her'-,=~'~=~r ::a " ~" Mr Dovi~ i" w o~,v'n,~ Ill " i m V . S U 1,~ . Springy lie l0 00 a iola 10 45 Springville Rebek~h lodge No, 99 a.m. will install officers Wednesday Presbyterlan~h--Charles B. Willml~L l~tStor. Sunday School at I0. Worship at II. CLOVER CHUMS Clover Chum~ met Saturday, July 7, at Peggy Hampton's with Peggy and Karen Tharp as ho~s. Roll call "A fun game at home" was answered by 14 members. There] were 4 guests. Plans were made for local Achievement day. The pro-! gram: talk, "Convention", by Vir- ginia Pollock; talk, "Curtains for My Windows," Charlene Pederson; team demos, "Freezing Peas," Wava Palmer and Sharon Kelly; "Making Curtains," Sharon Kelly and Mary "Doing Dishes," Kathlene vnd Mary Lotto, and poem Kathy Kelly. Recreation was led by Ver]ynne Vernon. Refresh- manta were served by the hostess. ANNUAL I.O.O.F. PICNIC Sunday, July 8, I.O.O.F. members and Rebekahs journeyed to the an- nual picnic at the I.O.O.F. Home at Mason City. In the afternoon a soft-ball game was played between the I.O.O.F. lodge of Iowa City and the Springville lodge. Springville won 8 to 6. GUESTS FROM CANADA House guests in the G. L. Dyke home last week were the Thomas Parsons' of Indian Head, Saskatch- ewan and Misses Dorothy Powell and Helen and Dorothy Law, all of Moose Jaw, Sask. PAST MATRONS O.E.S. Mrs. L. J. Miller entertained the Elizabeth Stewart Circle Past Ma- trons O.E.S. on Tuesday. Mrs. Sara Whitaker will be hostess for the next meeting on August 7th. RE-SHARP 4-H CLUB Be-Sharp 4-H club held an all day meeting with Doris Hiner Thurs- day, July 5th. A picnic dinner was enjoyed by seven members, four visitors and two leaders. Roll call was answered by "Improvements I want to make in the yard." Beverly Heald demonstrated arranging flow- ers. Portfolios were made after the business meeting. We will have our achievement show with the Clover Chums at the Whittier hall July 27. We will meet Thursday, July 12th, to make bulletin boards and to study matting of pictures. The Ray. Charles B. Willming and children were Sunday dinner guests of the Tom Pollocks. Rev. Willming and Virginia at- tended a meeting of young people of the Larger Parish at Onslow Sunday night and on Thursday. A meeting of the Amber Ladies' Aid at the Carl Husman home in Mon- ticello. The A. R. Pearsons entertained at dinner Monday evening. Guests; were Mrs. Mary Stanley of Paso- dena, Calif Mrs. Eloise Gatewood of Whittier and Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest McGrew. The Clinton Waltons had as din- I ner guests Sunday evening, the Marvin Pearsons and Barbara of Mason City, George Minishes and sons of Whittier and Arthur Pear- sons. J l~Ir. and Mrs. Glen Arnold and ]Mrs. Irwin Renfer went to Roehes- ter, Minn last Monday where Mr. Arnold will be under clinical ob- servation. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bowdish and Charles and Mrs. Ida Bowdish at- tended the Masonic Federal em- ployees picnic at the George E. Smith's in Cedar Rapids Sunday evening. The Robert Roses spent the week end with her parents, the Vance Peters' at Delmar. Nancy Lou Carnahan returned Saturday from St. Luke's where she was a surgical patient. ' Mrs. Minnie Wilson accompanied by her daughter, Miss Hattie Wil- son visited over the week ena in Burhngton in the Dr. George Pear- son borne. They helped Mrs. I. S. Pearson celebrate her birthday an- niversary. F. G. Irons and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burr and daughter of Guttenberg were Sunday dinner guests of the Vernon Bartletts in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart and Naomi were Thursday evening din- ner guests of the L. J. Roses and daughter. night, July 18th. Laura Anderson and staff of Mt. Vernon will install. Mrs. L. James returned from Des Moines last week accompanied by Mrs. Albert Thompson and children who remained with Mrs. James until Wednesday when they returned to Des Moines, The Roy Jermings family attend-! ed the family picnic at the Frank Hartzell home near Mt. Vernon Friday evening. The Dr. Hanna family and Mrs. Eleanor Kline and Steven vacation- ed at Maples Resort at Delhi over the week end. The Arnold Burkstads and daugh- ter of Armstrong are spending a few days in the Ernest Johnson with her grandmother. Mrs. Sara Whitaker and Mrs. R. M. Emerson were Friday dinner guests with the Glen Brewers in Martelle. They also called on the Byfords and Mrs. Frank Emerson. The George Finns and Connie Sue were Sunday dinner guests in the Carl Calvert home. The L. P. Club will meet with Mrs. Sara Whitaker Friday after- noon, July 20th. The Fred Henrys entertained at i Wednesday dinner in honor of the' Fourth. Present were the A. C. Shiermans and Bob of Waubeek, the John Woodworth family, the Ralph Pederson family, and Ray- mond Wyman. Mrs. Mary Heady of Anamosa is visiting Leana Mann. Mrs. J. V. Smith and Margaret, Mrs. G. W. Gearhart and Mrs. L. A. Johnston were luncheon guests of Mrs. Clifford Nebel of Belle Plaine Thursday. Joan Thoma has been visiting two weeks at Clear Lake and Clermont. The L. A. Johnstons and Mrs. J. V. Smith were dinner guests in the J. N. Smith home Sunday in Hazelton. Mrs. Lesta Jean Darsee spent a week in Iowa City for a shop course. I The Donald Ratekins spent Wed-1 nesday in Des Moines. Dave Johnston spent the week1 end in Chicago where he ushered, home. He is Mrs. Johnson's broth-tat the wedding of a fraternity er. brother. [ The Norman Purintons spent The Norman Grahams and Hazel] Sunday in Des Moines visiting the Kennedy attended a family picnic Port Idsos. Friday evening at the F. C. Hart- Mrs. Anna Larson and Junior at- zell home at Mr. Vernon in honor tended the Danish reunion at I of Don Hartzell of San Francisco.] Thomas Park Sunday. Lesta Jean Parsee returned from The G. J. Bittners, Mrs. J. C. Flandraw, S. D and Sioux Falls. Ernst and the J. C. Wills, jr of The F. H. Bunnells of Chicago Bellevue were Sunday callers in the were week end guestsin the N. A. E. Ernst home, celebrating Jim- C. Graham home. roy's 4th birthday. The Wilbur Stearns spent Sun-I Mrs. Alma McShane, the Cecil day in Dubuque visiting withI Bennetts and the Howard McShane, friends. Guy McKee, Clem McGown, and Faye Oakley lost a truck wheel i Aubrey McShane families were Saturday in Whittier. It hit a gas! Sunday dinner guests in the Mar- pump and knocked it sideways. I ion McShane home at Waubeek, The Frank Palmers spent Sunday honoring Marion's birthday. [in the Merrill Garretthome atI Betty Johnson was a Friday din-tLinn Grove. / ner guest in the Floyd Raft home. I The Royal Neighbors held their The Dillon Athertons spent the lregular meeting with Evelyn Per- past week at Lake Okoboji. It was kins. Ten members responded to the annual Sanderson family reun- roll call. One new member was voted into the camp. Next regular meeting will be with Mrs. Inez Switzer August 2. The Irvin Lacocks of Mr. Vernon and Don Hartzell of San Francisco called Saturday on Mrs. Effie Ken- nedy. The Russell Reeds attended the Odd Fellows picnic at Mason City Sunday. Bonnie Leigh Kelley was a week- / end guest in Cedar Rapids withI Carol Jans Ralston. I Miss Janet Choate of Washington I visited Saturday in the Russell Reed I I home. The Bill Reeds were Wednesday callers in the Russell Reed home. The Richard Reeds of Cedar Rap- !ida called that evening. iCar Registrations [ k hn Ruth or Anton Wis us, Mec a ies- ville, Plymouth; Dr. F. F. Ebersole, t Oldsmobile; Rudolph F. or Eloise ; Notbohm, Chevrolet truck; Lloyd C. !or Anna Kent, Chevrolet; Harry .Decious, Ford truck, all of Mt. ! Vernon. Ralph Atherton, Ford, Springville; L. L. Peiper, Chevrolet truck, Lisbon. Read W-aant Ads ion. Other members of the family came from Murdo, S.D. The Charles Hart family of Viola were visitors in the parental For- rest Hart home Sunday. i The Lawrence Pritchards spent the week end with the Stuart Leg- getts of Scotch Grove. The J. E. Archibalds, Tom Hard- ensons, Chris Hardensons of De- Witt, Phil Hardensons and baby spent Sunday at Back Bone State park. Mrs. Clarence Weaver of Vallejo, Calif and Jesse Gregory were sup- per guests of the Samuel Palmers. Mrs. Clarence Weaver and Jess Gregory were Saturday evening dinner guests in the Fred Duncan home. The Archie Torsons and son, the i Lester Archibalds and son, the J. E. Archibalds, and the Phil Harden- sons spent Wednesday at Ellis park in Cedar Rapids. The C. Taylors and girls of Ana- mosa were Friday evening callers in the George Dirks home, celebrating Mrs. Dirks' birthday. The Frank Bebbers entertained at a birthday dinner honoring Charles Bebber. Mrs. Donald Flockhart, Gloria Jean Bebber and Larry Beb- ber. Those attending were the James Longs, the Howard Mescher family of Davenport, Mrs. Clarence Weaver of Vallejo, Calif Jess I Gregory, the Donald Flockhart family of Stanwood, Mrs. Ida Crew of Stanwood. and the Louie Beb- ber and Charles Bebber families, i Mrs. Gurena Neilson was a Fri- day callers in the Mildred Sutliff home at Mr. Vernon. Mrs. Hea~y of Mt. Vernon was a Monday visitor of Mrs. Sara Whit- aker. Mrs. Sarah Whitaker was a din- FARMERS REND[RING ner guest in the Wid Scarbrough COMPANY home Wednesday. Superior Service Jim Pollock of Cedar Rapids is Since 1912 spending the week in the Ivan Neff- St. Lie No. ? Iowa CBy, Is. son home. BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ESTIMATE NOTICE--The County Board of Education of Llnn County, Iowa, will meet July 27, ]951, at 8 P.M at Roosevelt Hotel, Cedar Rapids. Taxpayers will be heard for or against the following estimate of expenditures for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1952. This is in accordance with Chapter 273, (?:ode of Iowa, creating a county school system. WALTER A. SHUPP. County Superintendent and Secretary of the Board. t ~u~ FUNDS County Board of Education .$21,145.59 $21,430.59 $30,650.00 $ $ $30,650.00 TOTAL . .$21,145.59 $21,430,59 $30t650,00 $ $ $30,650.00 -FOR THE- er , Iowa Everyone living in IS I I [ I |" W ma, e~ II I I The purpose of this research is to determine the percentage of people who have more than one hospital plan; the number of people who are eligible for present day hospital plans and to secure suggestions for the betterment of hospital plan service. Interviewers will visit every home in Linn and Cedar County so that every one will have an opportunity to participate in this very important research. ! t The findings of this research may have a far reaching effect upon the future presentation of hospital and medical plans. ! $11 I 2.' 21 The Official Staff Interviewer, while he is in your home, will also give you information about the latest service of the 2C NATIONAL TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY PLANS in be- half of Mr. Plattenberger, your Local Representative. 2C ) A written questionaire will be completed by the Interviewer while he is in your home. The thousands of questionaires ob- J talned by the Research Department will be analyzed in order 8 to determine the type of additional hospital plans, if any, de- $2 manded by the public. 9 Interviewer wi 5 $2.: 4.: 4.: s at your ome Dia S gn