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July 17, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 17, 1941 |
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IPm~ ]Point
Miss Nola Robertson went to Ce- several weeks with cousins,
dar Rapids on Saturday to spend James Gossman family
NEWS w~,~ Cook spent Sunday in the
home of his sister, Mrs. Gertrude
Yule in Mechanicsville.
Mr and Mrs R L Frink with
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reid mslted i~ ' ~ 7-: ,~'~"
- Mr ana lvlrs 1~ ~ ~rmK or ~eaar
on Sunday m the Charles Reldl~, ", A ',
homo nt Tintnn i~taplas VlSltea ~unaay at me home
a- I ' ' "
of a cousin Ray Alrgood in Ma-
The Methodist Missionary society]cumketa'
will meet with Mrs. Robert Siver l~-~-" ,"
on Thur~c]nv .Tulv P4 I ~arolyn and Marilyn Sizer of
"' --'" --' loo r e
Water a e sp ndingthe week
,lvl.l:, ana l~rs, .win. ~lvrlgnt analwith their cousins Patty and Bud-
I Iam.lly oi JJanw~e were ~unaaY!dy Sizer, in the home of their par-
winters m me t~. ~. ~mmgnt nome. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sizer.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast were~ Mr. andMrs. Harold Huey and
Sunday eve n)ng supper guess m i family of Coggon visited on Sun-
me ~mnn t~mason home ar ~omn. ]day in the James Tyson home. A
C. R. Runkle of Davenport visit-i visitor on Wednesday was Mrs.
ed on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Fred LeRette of Kenosha, Wis.
W. H. Runkle in Mrs. A. K. Runkle's : Mr. and Mrs. Harley Roberts~n,
home. i Mary Florence and Harlene, and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Flenniken of~Mrs. D. W. Kohl and Miss Ruth
Cedar Rapids were Monday evening lvisited on Sunday in the Frank
visitors in theKenneth Gravcr[Klinkhammer home near Stanwood.
i Week end guests of
Mrs. Katherine Randall was a ~ Charles Hoeft were his mother, Mrs.
guest in the E. E. Stahl home and iMary Hoeft, and brother Alfred,
called on friends Monday and [ wife and daughters, Marian Jean
Tuesday. !and Ellen Mac of Waukesha, Wis.
HartleyI Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hotz, daugh-
of Davenport spent the week end'ters Joyce and Janice returned on
with her parents Mr and Mrs. !Sunday from a week's visit with
Raymond York. i Mrs. Hotz's sister, Mrs. W. F. Cars-
Ytr. and Mrs. George Oldfield and;tens and family at Long Prairie,
daughter Carol of Cedar Rapids iMinn.
spent Sunday in the Mr and Mrs. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
D. C. Heller home. I Comer of Monticello, a 7//4 lb.
Mrs. Charles Pope, Miss Myrtis, daughter, Darlene Maxine, on Sat-
and Mrs, J. McCarn of Cedar Rap-iurday, July 12, at the home of her
ids called in the Mrs. A. K. Runklelparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
home on Sunday. :I Crocker.
Miss Mary Lou Al'bingast return-i Glenn Harman spent the week
ed Thursday to Austin, Minn after lead in the home of his mother,
a ten day vacation with her par-iMrs. Harry Harman. Glenn is in
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast. training in the air corps school
Take it easy at hay time--get your hay up fast and Mr .and Mrs W A Elarton and~.squad at Scott Field, near Belle-
clean with a big-capacity John Deere Tractor Sweep Mr. and Mrs. Gale Collins and son]vllle, Ill.
Rake. Sturdy, Compact, easy to handle--the John Deere Jack of cedar Rapids were Sun-i Mrs. Margaret Brougher of Har-
Sweep makes Up a high-speed, efficient unit with your day guests in the O. S. Burlingame risburg Penn was a guest in the
home. home of her niece Miss Bertha Mill-
John Deere Tractor. Mr nnd Mrs Oscar Stabenow and : er, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs.
Here are some of the John~ Deere features you want: i
- ~.~,~ a~,~ t +,1, ,~, Ed Clark of Martelle spent Thurs-
M[. ~tilt* & Ll~ .LlCt LI&~III.~ ~J bO. kJel IU W ! . . ,
e day in her sister s home
flexibility which permits the rake to follow rough sur- and son Claire were Sunday gu sts!
faces automatic push-offwhich aids in unloading in the Roy Gamble home near Me- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kohl of
husky construction of all parts for long life . . . easy chanicsville. Tripoli spent Monday in the home
~ ,z~,le ,~!of his brother J S Kohl and had a
handling and big capacity that enable you to speed up mr. ano lwrs. ooh j . .
f D en oF s-ent the r visit wltn another brother Odin
haying . . . ease and simplicity of attaching and de- cnnctren o av p ~ p
wPok ~nd in the .Toe Ron I Kohl of Galena Kansas making
ek home. . . ,
l an extended visit here
taching Shirley is remaining with her uncle i
Next time you re in town let us point out the many and aunt for the week Mrs. Ray Kamerling and Billy
features of John Deere Tractor Sweep Rakes. You'll Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartley and iwere S.unday night and Monday
want a John Deere for your haying this year. sons of Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. gU~etS i~n Cteher ~adr:
Clarence Hartley and family of l P~ ' g
wire ~wr ana lvtrs ~mssmg wno
Morley were Sunday guests of Mr . . . "
I spent ~unaay in their home
JOHN H. MILLER and Mrs. D. W. Morningstar. r
p Wayne Bennett of Walford, is
Phone 32 Lisbon, Iowa Miss Berma miner ana sismr lwrs I
"1 spenamg two weeks wire ms grana-
Fred LeRet~e oi r~enosna wls her, en" ~" a d hrns " L K
,' T",~ . l par ~s, mr. n " . W. . ynett
guest for several weeks spen~ ~at- t^ a~ ~-----. '
' i or=all ~lUlb D~llIl{Jbb, wile naa oeen
urday ana ~unaay m me ~ w
iiiD] ,l~mq~:IN~[ql~.tq|l-1151-J~:i~,~l~ktL~l:l,m.-]~:t~t[~ 'i with her grandparents for two
Green home in t:eaar ttapms,weeks, returned home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonne spent
',Sunday at the home of Mrs. Tonne's
- sister Mrs. Harry Sproston in New
,Boston, Ill. They were accompan-
ied home by Mrs. Mary Snyder who
had been with her daughter and
H family for eight weeks.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woods of Long
Beach, Calif spent several days
last week with her sister, Mrs.
Billy Helmer and Mr. Helmer.
They will be in the Helmer home
again after a visit in Marion and
/ Miss Cleone Burns of Clarence
spent Saturday in the Howard
Whitlatch home. Evening visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whit-
latch, Bobby and Keith of Tipton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kent of
Mount Vernon.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Crelly were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fey of Massilon; Mrs. Walter
t~ no ~l]:)~dhl~o ~or experience--- Ackerman of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs.
~hothoz ~or so~-cal:~ai~ o~ ba~er, The Amelia Esterbrook, daughter Don-
na Lou and John Fey of Davenport;
man standing "on the bridge" must see land George Ackerman of Toronto.
far ahead. He must study the tides and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sankot and
Ott~en~ in Ovel~ ohal~el, their grandson David Holland met
I M~ and Mrs. H. B. Holland and[
--ner on Sunday. After la three'
The polic of this bank through the [son Jan at Allison for a p'cnic din-"
has ]:x~n a o0nl~rvative one. We weeks visit in the Sankot home,
have never ordered "full steam ahead" David returned with his parents to
without iixst assuring ourselves that the :their home at Leland.
' Misses Dorothy and Gladys Dice
OU~ we were following was a sa~e one. ' of Moroni, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Dice and Mrs. Bob Dice of West
I~u~d ]~al~dng c, autio~ is a O~I- Liberty spent Wednesday in the J. I
aat to d po to=. M. Bridges home. The Misses Dicei
were on a trip east and will stop
i for a longer visit on their return, l
They are nieces of Mrs. Bridges. [
Mr. and Mrs. C. B Johnston and~
i Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. John Macaul-
!ay and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graver
l attended the wedding of Miss Har-
riett Needham of Monmouth, Ill
and Alford Johnston at the home
of the groom's parents in Mount
i Vernon on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Johnston,
Eddie and Kenneth of Vinton were
Sunday guests in the Mr. and Mrs.
,Lloyd Graver home Evening vis-
' itors in the same home were Mr.
, and Mrs. Harry Stewart of Mar-
' telle,
Upper-Cylinder Lubrication Is the protective feature
of D-X which makes it different from ordinary gaso.
lines. Valves, pistons, rings and upper.cylinder walls
are lubricated. In addition, D.X provides extra speed,
power, mileage and higher anti.knock performance
Drive into any Diamond D.X station for a tankful.
mDZ.O f com, oa Tm
Diamond 760 is the pioneer heat.resisting
lubricant, refined from selected paraffin
base etudes, now solvent processedl
Dean Clark, Prop.
Phone 760
Lisbon, Iowa
Diamond D-X Products
Dial 6001
Mt. Vernon
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Beaver a son on Tuesday, July 15.
Mrs. era Vogt of Waterloo is a
guest of Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger
for a few days this week.
Mrs. F. J. Kolek visited on Tues-
day in the Mr. and Mrs. Burton
Kolek home in Mount Vernon.
Mrs. Ted Gibson of Low Moor
is spending the week in the home
of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Oetting
Mr. and Mrs. John Eye of Pekin,
Ill were visitors in the Mr. andI
Mrs. Charles Maiden home last i
Mrs. Margaret Gormly and Miss
Dessie Sommerville of Mount Ver-
non were guests of Mrs. Amanda
Runkle yesterday and today
Robert, Russell, and Lynn Spear
of Tama came Wednesday to spend
two weeks in the home of their
aunt, Mrs. E. H. Zimmer, and Mr.
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Robinson
of Mount Vernon and their daugh-
ter Miss Catherine of New York
City were Wednesday dinner guestsi
of Mrs. A. K. Runkle and Miss!
Hazel. ]
Mr. and Mrs Howard Moore, Jane i
and Tom of Toledo, Ohio, wereI
guests Wednesday and Thursday in l
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mayme
Reiger. They were enroute home
from a trip to Yellowstone Park.
Mrs. B. J. Smith and Miss Betty
Kemper of Omaha, Nebr,spent the
week end with their daughter and
sister, Mrs. A. M. Andreas and fam-
ily. On their return Betty JoAnn
i Andreas went home with them for
a vis~.
Sandra Dennis celebrated her 9th
birthday with several of her play-
mates coming in for the afternoon
from three to five on Tuesday A
party of friends from Cedar Rapids
remembered her with gifts they
brought down in the morning.
Mrs. A. M. Floyd, Mrs. Laura
Hoffman of Mount Vernon, their
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
vin A. Albeck of San Diego, Calif
and Mrs. Stanley Melsh of Cedar
Rapids spent Wednesday in Ackley,
the Albeck family home town.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Walmer visit-
ed on Sunday in the James Cara-
way home near Monmouth to see
Mr. Caraway who is slowly improv-
ing from a serious illness of malta
fever He recently returned from
two weeks in the hospital at Ma-
Miss Jesse MacDonald of Seattle,
Wash came Friday to be a guest
for a week in the home of her sis-
ter Mrs. Josephine Kettering. Ar-
riving Monday from Los Angeles
were Donald and Ware Kettering
for a vacation visit with their moth-
er and sister, Miss Mary.
To honor Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Hansen of Buffalo, N. Y a group
of 20 had an out door steak fry on
the Mr. and Mrs. George McCall
lawn, Tuesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Emerson of Muscatine
were out of town friends in the
group. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, Rob-
ert and Roberta, are visiting Lisbon
friends while on a two week's va-
cation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Hansen in Clarence, and
her brother Paul Kohl and family
in Mount Vernon.
49 lb bag $1.29
24 lb bag 65c
Prices b e 1 o w present
wholesale. An early list-
ing permits us to make
these low prices. The
advance only is our pro-
fit, the saving is yours.
49 lb bag $1.39
24Vz lb hag 70c
These flours to you at no
profit over present cost.
Other brands Omar,
Quaker, Pillsbury and
Town Crier.
Santo Coffee remains 13c
5 lbs Flour, good
flour 17c
Big Carnival Oats,
with colored China-
ware 25e
Great Lemon Soap,
3 for 10c
Lemon Juice, Olive Oil
and Glycerine -- a de-
lightful toilet and bath
soap under priced.
10c flap Rose Toilet
Soap 5c
Health Soap, Toilet
Friend 5c
Jel-Rite, 6 flavors,
4 packages 17c
10 lh hag Gran. Sugar,
Saturday 55c
Apricot Season Closing
up, now 95c
Pascal Celery, fancy,
2 for 15c
Juicy Oranges, doz 20c,
25c, 30c and 35c.
Fancy Lemons, large,
doz 30c
Liberty Bell Crackers,
2 pounds 15e
Liberty Bell Graham
Crackers, 2 lbs 20c
Home New Potatoes,
Peek 25c
is our
Friendly goods, friendly
prices, friendly service.
The ladies there, have
their finger on the pulse
of business and keep
fresh clean merchandise
coming in almost daily.
Thursday, July
Mrs. Joe Staskal and children of] Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Chi- ed Sunday afternoon at
Mount Vernon spent Wednesday in cage visited from Thursday to Men- Verne Simmons home.
the parental F. J. Kolek home. day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dick Conklin and
!John Pfautz. An overnight guest called there in the
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Franks, Stu- Friday in their home was their Mr. and Mrs. Charles
art and Dillon were Sunday din-
ner guests of relatives in Wyoming. I daughter-in-law Mrs. Forrest Pfautz and Dorothy and Mr. and
i of Sodus, N. Y stopping enroute to old Fischer visited Sun&
Miss Nelavene Reimer, who Ames, where she is visiting her at the Carrie ~ischer home
works in the E. F. Walliek home, imother and brother. On Sunday Mechanicsville.
is spending a vacation in the par-iMr, and Mrs. Pfautz and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard St0r~
ental Wm. Reimer home, south of[Mrs" Clark visited in the E. R. Fin- and Robert cailed at the
town 1son home at Central City, and in Zerbe and Lee Pickart h0$
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gates, daugh- the Miss Mabel Heisey home at Ce- Sunday.
ter Evelyn and a nephew, Gale~dar Rapids, where they enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs Clair Stou~
Baldridge of West Branch, were]visit with her parents, Mr. and tained at dinner on sunday .f~
Sunday guests in the Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. Henry Heisey of New Phila- and Mrs. Harold Fischer, .~,
W. C. Conklin home. I delphia, Ohio. Mrs. Pfautz is a Bohr, Joyee and Richard, l~,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Zimmer and!sister of Mr. Heisey. Mrs. Carl Blessing and
Virginia Lynne Spear spent Sun-li LISB~OTES Stout of Cedar Rapids. .
day and overnight with Mrs. aim- Mr and Mrs LaVerne $~
. . el
mer's sister, Mrs. Robert Hanna: FEDERAT-~ 'CHURCH and family called Mo~daY
and Mr. Hanna in Tama. ~at the Harry Stewart ho~e
Rev. G. S. Hamilton, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Meyers spent Sun- S. S. Teachers Prayer Meeting[Ivlartelle"
say in me u~lo ~vers home at Stan- at 9"15 am i The Sam Kohl
wood, as the .guest of Miss Estelle Sunday School 9:30 a.m. its run on Tuesday at
Evers. The girls are roommates atWorship Service 10"30 a m home.
" ' Mr. and Mrs. Max
Monmouth College, Monmouth, Ill. Sermontheme, "The Power of the i Jeanette stopped at the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kos, Mr. and Blood of Christ."
Mrs. Glenn Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Young Peoples Service 7 p.m. Border home Thursday
Darrell Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Y.P. Prayer Service at 7:45 p.m. ttley were returning frets
Paul of Washington were Sunday Evening Service 8 p.m. trip in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
guests in the Harry Sizer home. Message from the book of the children were dinner g~
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mueller of "Revelation." Friday at Clarence Bord
Sioux City, and their daughter Mrs. Theme, "The Marriage Supper of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ,
Fred Keesberg of Waverly were the Lamb." Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bor(
guests last week in the home of Thursday Prayer and Bible Study at Clarence Border's Sur
Mrs. Mueller's sister, Mrs.C. R. service at 8 p.m.
"v Friday afternoon Prayer service ning.
Yocum and famfl. 'at h --~
A Monday and overnight guest t e home of Mrs. Cook at 8 p.m.
of Mary and Harlene Robertson METHOI)IST-CHURCH IN ORIGINAL NoTI{:
was Gloria Berhow of Forest City Rev Wm D Bostrom Minister IN AND FOR LINN CODNT
h " " " ' Equity, September Term, 194
w o Is ms]tmg in the home of her 9"30 a m Church gch~o~ no
. ~- - WINNIFRED WOODS, Plaint|
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John partmentalized and Graded. vs.
rtau, on the Moun~ vernon-~.isDon 10"30 a m Worship and Preaching Frank V. Woods and all unknO
road. 6:30 p.m. Epworth League. -of any nterest in eta One
Block Five PfautzAddition
"s'ess Henrietta and Grace Bow- ST JOHN'S CA~LI Iowa. Defendants.
der are on a week's outing for the Sun" " ' " ~" (' g3rlUKt;ll To claimantsFrank V. ofW dSLots andone t
hay masses' ~'oo and 9"00 BIo~k Five Pfa~tz Add
bhnd at Salvatmn Army camp on - ~; " " " n of L(sbon, Iowa.
the Des Moines river near Madrid.week uay ~ ~a~. ~.uu.
It is of special interest to Miss ,-~ ,~ tt You are hereby notifed t
District Court in and for I
Grace to meet acquaintances, who oucneast vranKiin now on file in the Clerk 0 1
were with her while attending the Mrs Willard Light Iowa, the petition of Winn:
Plaintiff above named, in wht
school for the blind at Vinton. " -- *" that she is the owner in F~
~, ~ ~. ~ ~. ,~ Miss Marjorie Hess and Mrs Rob- Lots One and Two in Block
Gu=~,~ ~ummg ~*uay ior a - . " Addition to the Town of Lisbc
ert Hess and children of Marion and
weeK s V1Slg wl~n l ev. ancl Mrs. L/ praying that the title therel~
{~ T--T~milff~n ,n~ ]~4"ro T~,'~,~. "~.-.-- Mrs. Ivlaurlce 1"- o121 anu aaugnters in her and that you and eae
barred and forever estopped
d at t e Homer L~ght home on
syth Joy and Douglas of Aurora or claiming any right, title or ~fl
' . ' weanesuay evening.
Ill. Guests for Tuesday evening Mrs Marvin Andre and Mar- to and you are also notified tl~
appear thereto and defend
~nr~r' MMr':n~d h~rs' jCohej~ierswAintsh visited with Mrs. Homer Light on of the S d day of then
' " " Thursday afternoon, said District Court of Linn
and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meffert held at Cedar Rapids, Iowa
n,q cn*~13~t,1 ,~ f~,~, ~,~',~ Mr. ana Mrs. l-lesion r'neips, ~.s- day cf September A.D. 1941, $
' sandinMr~ ~?cla 'dayd afM~teSrnG::rgt saidrenderedpetition th d decree
- -," i GEe. D.
and Mrs. Harry Decious of Mounti Dean Bohr visited with his eous-
On this 18th day of ,lune
Vernon returned last Wednesday ins at the John Lighthome on above notice and petition
night from a ten day vacation. Mr. Sunday. to serve notice by publi,
and Mrs. Cave visited in northern Marion Louise Slater spent Fri-panied by affidavit for such1
pre~en~cd to the Honorable
Iowa and southern Minnesota, andday afternoon visiting Betty Stout judge of this Court and the
enjoyed a reunion of his relatives and Joyce Ann Bohr. by approved and ordered
at a picnic dinner at Lake Ok~boil
the Sunday before their return. Mr.
and Mrs. Decious went to Bemidji, i
Minn and into Canada. At Bemidji
they visited a daughter Mrs. Don
Caldwell and husband. Miss Doris
and John Decious, who had spent
a month with their sister, Mrs.
Caldwell, returned home with their
Calista, Patricia and Stanley
~lander of Boone came last Mon-
day to spend the week with the La
Verne Simmons family.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kohl, Jean
and Lucille, and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Hess and family enjoyed a pic-
nic Sunday at Lake McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nesley and
three children of Alburnett visit-
Mount Vernon Hawkeye
Lisbon Herald. for four weeks. J0~'
Chas. J. HaaS,
IV. M. lgENNb'Y~
Llsbnll, IoW~i
H.ra] Estate .rod insurance
Irarms for Sale
Houses for Sale or
We know good heating equipment when
we see it--and this new Lennox line is
the finest and most complete we have
ever seen.
Think of itl 200 diHerent styles and
sizes of furnaces and air conditioners
to choose from. Every single one
designed for its own special purpose by
Lennox engineers who for more than 40
years have pioneered the development
of efficient, LEAK-PROOF steel fur-
naces and residential air conditioners.
With a line as complete and modern as
this with our own proved success as
heating engineers and installers we
can give you a heating system complete-
ly and perfectly suited to your home, at
the price you want to pay.
Phone 96 Lisbon, Iowa
Lennox Furnaces Will-Burt Stokers
Electric Service