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July 19, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 19, 1951 |
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Mt !,Mrs. John Whitla~ch entered Uni- ! DL -- P-- II IJ-----II---. |-- I = In Tkz~ CaF~.;L'~ I HOLD RETREAT Mt. Vernon, la Hawkeye-Reeord
r. vernon LOCalS ',=ersity hospi ; at lowa city on r,y, ,= = Luurenu nep,er |:, LIST S ! ~; i Presbyterian youth from Newha]l!and The Lisbon Herald B ~
~d. Franci~ Game. ~pent the pa~ Thursday for observation and treat- i New Jumbo Printer lal,I ~,~ C. ,~,J~ [WALTER NESLEY RECEIVES [a'.~d Atkins held a retreat lastThurs July 19, 1951 vu~e 0
surer, week i,~S~c-.:: ~:~:~, ~ r', ;~ ~:- ment. ! VV~q, JI %,0'il JUII~y f,~e e| ,- CO,~LMENDATION RIBBON week end at the Lower Pal-!
rd o! relatives. ! Mrs. Harold Johnson, a former Jaynes Photo Serwce lastweek ~,|V|| ( i Master Sergeant Walter G. Neslev. lsades. The Rev. James W. Bean1
tsa.n~ Mrs. Pauline Young returned Fri- ~ resident of here now of Downers installed a new Kodak Velox Rapia he marriage oz miss .Laurene ~ son of the John Nesle'~'s of Rvan, conauctea communion services at Mrs. Jenna Beadle of Cedar Rap-
day ~rom a month's visit with her Grove. Ill, just returned to her Prin}er commonly kno~,n !n photo- Kepler and Carl ~agosieK o~ ][~.~.~m former Mt. Vernon residents. "has their final worship service Sunday ids was a Saturday evening dinneI"
~ay m~ther Mrs. F C Coates at Pari~ home last week from the hospital grapny pamance as a "jumoo print-;Lnarms Lny was solemmzefl a~ ||~,~|L,4[|,| been awarded ~he Commendationaftern n" :guest of Mrs. Fred Blaine
ained K " - er " The new rinter automatically four-thirty Sunday afternoon July -,- ! - ,- ~ .
Y. following an appendectomy. ". P - .~ :Ribbon for memtormus serx ice x~lth i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dmte~man of
dated ~ emarges a him as it is prmtea, it 1~, at me coumry name o~ me Training in first aid, home nurs- i the Far East Air Force's 6160th Air Mrs, J. J. Monnett from Lansing, Seward. IlL, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ext." STOLTZ CL~A 1" L1"Z El:AblE w~ll prmt 12 exposure 127 film raze bride s parents ~v~r aria ~wrs ~wmton
N[:RS -- S1"OL1"Z CLEANERS -- S O C ~ " ' ' " ' " ' " " "~ ing and nurse's aides are among the [Base Wing in Japan. Mich, is visiting at the home of Bell of Fulton Ill. were Sunday
~ Y . ' . . ~oals of the Clwl Defense pro ram Sergeant Nesley ~s a member of r aughter and son-m-law Mr ws~tors In the home of Mx~s Her-
per. in a 3~& b 3~ picture Top size Kepler Dr Lloyd Gustafson pas~or " " i " he d " " " " ' ' -
~0) I--,--'--~-------- ~ is 3v b 5~' rints from 116 film of the First Memoois~ cnurcn o~ - . g i " . ' ":
-.* ~ "t ~'~~ ~ ~ y . 4 p for Mt. Vernon and area said S. R. ithe motor squadron of the Wing. and Mrs. C. W. Smith. tense Hunt.
;pro. ('1~ /~ j~ ~~-~ ~ The printer can me a~)ustea ~orlmason t~lty, oH~matea a~ me single Hankins Linn county director eli In this position he is at the trans-:
rd Of ~ ~d ~~~" L ~ the density of the .film by three i ring ceremony, performed beiore civil defense, on Thursday evening portation nerve center of the fighter
'acto~ -. II~e~g,r. : ( r r ' "i! [! ~PT ! I~ push buttons. .an emc~ric eye area ~wenty-six guests, an members oi at the high school building It is I groups. From here all critical flight
~eirl! ' ~ ~ i~j i! ~ ~rg~?detShP:f!~mls :;::~::;co;: ~rhT~!ml;:avti: :?~ s :e liCvl:: h:P~etharg cliazSsdeS~onthef~:rS~bjp~.CtSlPm~rSn~n~lm!:!b~hmoVedr?p a hn~rOe RALPH ~AYS: ~ny . man in 'eve w],h a I
priC0 II~ ilt. :E / : y t ,=! ~@ ' ' a " -iSophia and Charlottelvla ctsmKGustazson atMason etblty ~ ana a ' " e -,~ "
afte$ CD i >, " ~ ~ p " " " - e . . "We don't think that it will be~t comb t s es are plan ed and " " "
~d te I~,m.--~~l~ ///~/f[) DRY CLEAN z moved from the machine and car-~room was decorated with ~'hlte:neeessarv for you rouse this train- ! carried out. To Sergeant Neslevdimplemakes the m;s~ke of morry;ng the |
prict~per/ ~ ~J ] t~'~ ~'~ t+, ~ ried down a slide to the developer :satin, candela.ora and bouqtjets of ing." he" said. "but we want you i fell the responsibility of seeing that:l whole cllrL I
said ,~ " ~ ',k~ W tray. An expert can turn out fromlwmte gmdlon, .~almes anq. gyp: to be prepared" ]the wing ground transportation I ~""
ce o, -------%--------t---- ] YOUR DRAPES 600 to 800 prints an hour from this Mrs. ~. a. lvic.~nure oz A bombing of Mr. Vernon isiequipment was always ready when.]~
aftel~ U "~-'---'-~ .~'J [ machine. ansmg. Mlcn sister of me omoe, not exuected unless the prime /it was needed night or day. I -
th~ ~ / ,'] i The printer has three lenses 113, i sang the prelude of nuptial music target of Cedar Rapi(t.~ would be I Colonel Charles W. Stark~ Wing] c'rl! I A t&l ~ I J
par" N . ,-w4~ -~--~ -'~---'*"~~~ [ Akin U] 125 and 127 mm in different po-.with accompaniment by ~virs. dames ;.~.a ~r o "~;u~ ~m, ntv Commander ~aid in making the am~.-.- ~.vw.~w -.
ed to ~ I i',~l~i.~-~ ~'~|~ O sitions for the different s~zes of en- Macaulay of Mr. Vernon. : chairman said. Ipresentation. "Sergeant Nesley dis- ~ : n - - " ! r- *
.rials U j il[l~~~~'~ Z largements" '. Giyen inmarriageby fat.her. However with Cedar Rapidsaltinguished himself by displayingI or,ng your rrescr,pT,ons ,n as usual. I'ranK II
eacl~ ~.~ I [It~T'VT~ .~-[']--~ ell. r~,ICD N I ~ ithe or]ae cnose a snell pm~ men prime target because of food and ]outstanding ability in utilizing and I ~ L ~ t r
anea~ ~|'[ ] ~ ~,-*r ~,~ww,-,~ l~|v |~A,~',m~,~ ][~.~,A~,~'.suit for her weooing, accenteu oy defense industries Mt Vernon i controlling transportation to assign-I oTougrrton Will raKe core o, mere mr you. |
Said I ~/~ ~L~~" 9 ~1~1~1~ I~i~t.~l~ L~|~*~iwhite accessorie.s; Her shoulder co.r- might have to take care of many led and attached units raising the ] "
~y be ~ ;~, m !sage was oI wnite roses one stept~- . ' v i irst e h 1 n
- t;~ ~ ' ~ ~,; -,~. ~A~'A,J AJL ~IPlBIAff$1~|J Cedar Rapxds people who would standards of eh cle f c e o ]~
ttMl~ ~* 7' " . leave maz eny. "we nave plans xo rnmnt~,~ -1~
m ~[ Five persons received the bache-!~vzrs. ~vxmnure serve a ner house and feed 1 800 people in the lhicle accident rate despite the great] D ~,DIAI I J I" ~ c']rv ~'A ~ : &
rna~ ~ Just a remmder. If you haven~ had your shp covers ~ lo~ of arts deoree and one the~matron of honor. With her oelge oolle,~ buildinos churches andiinerease in milage driven. :] I%l'~tlVfl lli P~.]tl l " l ll,$gI IL~lgq~Jl.Jl:)l
[ct[O~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ,- e,'~ ~, ~,~v
f tI~ ~ and drones cleaned in the hast six months, you had ibachelor of music education degree,sit she.wore aqua-colored acces- school houses at Mr. Vernon" he! "H~s mltlaUve, unt~rmg devotmn~l cnmk,~,~,-~ r,'~'~,e e= "~'~ I
'al bl "~ - " - I ~""'~"~" .~ ~ r'"~"~n ~n~"~,~ Wednesdavv at ,! series and a corsage, oI yellow roses ~,u.~-;n [to duty exercise oI great, aaminis- ; ~,~,~,~, ~.~.~va, a~.~uo o=~v,~.=
shall U better let us do the lob soon. Dry cleanmg ,s easier on ',he elo.~e ~f the first summer term IDr- Carl Magdmck of Charles City '~ivP defense is here to stay for!trative and technical skill and su- [ |
.~tm o~U .~ them and gets the d,rt" and dust out wlthout" harm to ~ 'I according" to announcement by Dean l atLen! ded his father ' this' "~generatmn" " and probably longer." I pemor" leadersMp," has bro!ug' ht. g.eatr I moummounT vernon,vernon, Iowalowa
ma~ ~ ~ - ~ i~ a ~ ~ ~,a.=a"""~'~"~'v t tar ner daughter s weomng lvlrs The roili~'~rv h~ ~k ~ rfn it. We l eredit upon nimseli ana me unlteo ,
t " .y ~, a ~1
r, he fabnc. O I ,~ ~ Kenler chose a floral print with a ~- ,-^-^ ~- ,~,^ IStates A~r Force ' ;
~.1 l=iacnelor oI arts uegr~u wont tu] ~" can oe ~usuuvu assywssvs= ~**use, ~ ~
,gala" ~ ~! " " 1 r ce John corsage at wnlte carnauons. U S at an time The Militarsa s ~ ' ~?.'.~w~:.~v~ * ~:.: ~ .~ ~v:,~ :~. ,~,~ : ~ o
m, William Purden, C a en 1 Y " Y Y ~ :.~:.'-:~::.-.~: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~'.~J -:~:~,~.~ },%.~!.t~}t~".~: ~ % .x,
isorS, g} ;,~r.~-or -lr and John L Wolfe all t A reception was held in the home that out of 10 Russian nlanes 5 to ] The followmg are the new ad-[ ~iii!;!i~i~i~i!!i~;~:!~!!~!~}.~i~:~*!i~i~.~!~!!i~i~:;~.~i~*~i~!~.;~}~:~!:~:~!~;!{~.:!~
rm~ PLEASE DIAL 5591 ~1~;=~' 'Ver'non Robert ~V Liike of ]immediately following the cere-8 could comnlete their mission and dresses of" I " *~;~::::*:zav.x*~.~:z:~~.~.~? ~,2.`: ~;~`!~5( ~:`v~:.:.~}~J~i~
~r. I ,- I - ' . " men The tea table was decorated -- . " . i
m j East Detrmt, Mich and Carroll l. Y return to Russm. Our mdustry must 1 Put. Howard A. Clha US 55068295, ~ I~ ~ . ~ ~ II g I Ill l lib I ~l
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >t Wayne Rosenberg, Clinton. I ln .me .erodes pas~el cOat, actS. orVieto go on as we will need food andI Co. C 27th. R.C.T APe 25, % Post-i ~ ~ ~ K,~ a S ~ [ J~,~ r~ a n N ra .~k |
m ~ ~ U EE ~ L Zm ] The bachelor of music education !a three-nerea.weda g --' g i'" :military supplies. The manufactur- ] master, San Francisco, Calif. } ~ 1- ~ ~ m
~' m ~ m m m :~Idegree was awarded to Beverley i flowers ana wn~e~apers' ~re~a~ng ing centers cannot be abandoned. Pfc Leo E. Frederick US 55068236,1 -
'~ I~ ~ ~ ~ Jane Betts of Strawberry Point. were lv~rs. ~. t:. ~ergmann oi ~v~. The only way they. can bekept in 7th iiospital Band Valley Forge II~'l~,~ ~-- ~
m~ - s a evenin the candidates I Vernon and the bt:,de ~ cuu~;~, operaVlon is througn civil oezense." a,~, ~aA~---~ ~)*.:~ ; ;n,~ ~ pa '.I/1/|,L,I~ J~ 1
,~ A N ~ D ~,Tue.d y g ~- on o~ ~shton ,u '- ~ ~
~ ~F ' were entertained at dinner at me ~'-'-~. ~,ne aaaea. 4
~l 1 'r~o o n e left for an extended; ,*~ +~,~ ~a ~,~nwn ~ Pvt. Howard H. Phelps, US 5509- i - .
~" Weber and Mrs. Wolfe were guests weste~rnt ur, plann.mga specml .st Pimuch about protection during an 990, Co. D. gth~. A:I.p.:,CyA~.222] for homes beyond the eas ma#ns
4ERS STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ Others on the guest list included !in ~oloraao Spines and v):~t,: 'atomic attack as we know now: the ~rmorea ulv. tort ~ ],~ --
- w,-,~a,~nt ~nr] Mrs Russell D Cole,in t~aiizornia w]m tvlr lvlaguslc o deaths and injuries would have oeen ,',y: I
~===-=~-~'~ Jay B MacGregor ]daughter, Mrs. John Pomdexter O~far less than they were. ~ r'vt= rlerDert ~. rlat ner u~ ~o- ~ ~ -
C|~J---:---- ~ :--~1 ~ ~.~ ~':~"~';~',~" wv~n 'l~r Ch~s~er~Carlsbad, her husband and twoi Two films were shown pertaining oor~o~: ~O" [ ~is~. lnI. t~eg ~m,! ~--~,~- I
~1~11~!11[~1t~r11-1~ IE~l~[l[ll:l~: ~"~'~'~ ~:.'2~,~'~i~e ~ou~onhisichildren, and with the bride's broth" ; to the atom bomb and survival InLulv',~uv, vvr stmaster,~anl ~--"----------"~ I~~
Drink Delicious Ct/a ud ed IjoW:r~th~rSnsbe~a~e?;v~d:r~imi ~ ,
-- P ' o* Burbank her husband and two ] ~ his basic at Fort Leonard Wood and I ~l~, [ ~]~ J ,:==x==%-~==~ " ~ ~===~==~.--.
111,Susan Ribble of Rapidsld;ug ters. ' Sundafs Ho,sos ow wi, remain, for eie of a -I II
m r " " h " harles ~ vancea Iralnlng Ills aaaress is:
~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~ spent two days last weel wlth Ba - The home ]s estabhs ed m C I ~ ~[ J ]J
~, .~ w~' bard Beckhelm- ] City where Mr. Magdsick is in the i Results of the Clear Creek Saddle ~vt" J nn .~' ~ea rns. ,u,~ .~.~v~. va4' Illi . liJll I II
Pat-free VffA-SKIM now en- Dr and Mrs C F Littell were]investment banking business. The,Club Horseshow, held Sunday, July ~o. i~ .vm ~Lr?.-t~t.:'A,ot~tr~. A.rm-i ~ ~ Pt~l I II
" " " " " " "venin where couple will return there about Sept. 15, at the Tipton fairgrounds, are area u~v. raft eonara wood, me. ~ J I ~I J ~ Jl
m Iowa C~ty Sunday e g " IBth :posted below. The ~owa City Saddle ~ '
r,ched w,th more V,tam,ns and he .gave the wadders atr ths e vU t: M: Ke ler was -raduatedffom ! Club was first with the m st h rses " ~ / J~~ll
' versky oz ~o a pe r .j ~ss p g,onies 42 inches"
Mmerals than regular whole mdk, ~ *,~r*a~ed b~ Mr andlX~* v~on high school attendedi Class 1 for p J . ~':-~===~~-~ l~l I ]1
--, Mr. and Mrs . c ~ . . . " ~i "" -"Mrs Class 3- a o " o : - " " " "
Ill [ HI] I]I] [] "]]]] ' I Ta ;n~Yst wfee~anl'tnhge ~):~tt~dn 2o~ MrSHa~a~d~t C.aKn jh;tn.aM. iSa1~:~, JU:hdremgG'loBrl r~I~s.(L miSMUin- ~~'/tl R.?PI::R so ells, t~ ,el, why don', you sfart en|oy,ng
-, home. Denny, son of the Kochs Llo- d ~ go), Desert Sand (Lee Minor), Chico - fhls ouestand;ng cook;ng comb;nation? Slop ;n and ask,
here, returned with them for a ten i at t2nartes t~ty; ur. an.a mrs ~ Y- I (George Barta).
Help Yourself To Soft Water day visit. Sunday, Mrs. Thomas ; o ~ I Class 4 for harness ponies: Qu s- i,~ L ~ ~ ~
. . " Koch of Le Mars arrived in the m. rs. ~.onn tiowar2:t Jones el ~ v~ n- tioneer (Frank and Bennett Bedeli). ~ I 1 ~ ~ ------ ~.
" ~ ~ ' '~ ~ on n da h r in ston lu " zv~r. and Ivlrs u ~ ~nomp- I ed (Tom ~: " ~ -~
|~S home of her s a d ug te- -J, Class 5---Saddle Race. R .
-sas close as yOUr hearest hot wafer faucet, law for a week's visit ,son of Ashton, I1] and Mr. and Mrs.!r. m.o, Ski ~,er (Dale Cochran) IUIV .v UAI/@ ' ~ ~ V- I
WllUam xocom oz ~e~ar ~.y u~ fiver
"" " . Roxy (Charles Cochran) S' . ~
The Iowa guests returned to their (Andith Hunter), Pedro (D o n ~: Can I buy good msuranee ------ []
various homes Sunday evening, the ~ Pierce). through the mail? @ @ ~ @@ ,
McIntires ]eft Tuesday for Michi- Class 6 -- English Pleasure: A v M-, k-:: ~ z . e=~=~ ~r:-:-:-:-:--'~,
'gan and the J. H. Joneses of Evan-Brown Velvet (John B. Scannell),
ston are visiting several days this i My Own Rex (John B. Scannell), G A S R A N G E S
Mt. Vernon, lowa week in the Kepler home. ~ Copper Lad (Mrs. Eugene Reiger), .
Dial 5201
on Marion Boulevard
RACES 8:15 P.M.
Admission: $1.04 plus 21c tax
Children under 12 Free
Yes, it's a lot better to be
safe against the costly litiga-
tlon involved when there is
an accident, than sorry after-
wards for your lack of fore-
sight. Particularly since you
can get this protection for
only a few cents a day. Let
us be of service.
For the most thrilling races and the most spectacular
Upsets olways attend Ce-Mar Acres Races sanctioned by
The Championship Stock Car Racing Association.
Dial 3412 Mr. Vernan
When there is nothing left
of the inflation balloon, will you have
something left in your bank
account to carry you through?
Better build it up now.
!Trigger (J o eBrommell), P a 1
: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Sipple of Fay- i (Wayne Davis).
ette, Me arrived in the home of l Class 7 for stock horses: Buck
their daughter and son-in-law, the: (Rusty Knoll), Hidden Star (Dallas
Boyd Hortons Friday and returned :Mayenhofer), Ted (Harry Kloos),
home Monday. IFlash (Charles Cochran), Ginger
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Billings and (Shirley Bishop).
Mrs. Florence Berry of Chicago Class 8 -- Five-Gaited Pleasure:
were week end guests in the R. A. Sparkling Stonewall (John B. Scan-
Busenbark home. Mrs. Berry will nell), Hytone Beauty (Mary Daub-
remain for a two week visit.
Mrs. Homer Orebaugh of Fred-
rieksburg, Va arrived Monday to
spend a few days with Leva Field,
a life-long friend, and with the Herb
Hendriks family who lived with
her there.
Mrs. Lettie Kinrade, who returned
to her home from University hospi-
tal, Iowa City, July 2, will have
two months' of hed rest. Her neigh-
er), Twilight (Joe Brommell).
Class 9 -- Western Pleasure: Des-
ert Sand (Lee Minor), Golden Lady
(Mrs. Paul Mingo), Buck (Rusty
Krall), Chico (George Barta), Jerry
(Milver Hera).
Class 10 -- Musical Chair: Skeeter
(Milton Gauger), Ted (H a r r y
Kloos), Roxy (Charles Cochran),
Sunday (Warren Hunter), Beauty
(Dorothy Cochran).
bar, Mrs. W. G. Bartlett, is pre- C.E. Hunt of Tipton arrived last
paring her meals and staying nights, week in the home of his sister, I, li~
with her. I Hortense Hunt, for a week's ~-isit.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett and~ Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Barber of
family of Oklahoma City, .Okla i Cedar Rapids were Sunday dinner
are expected the latter part of the guests in the Walt Koch home.
week for a two weeks' visit in the A.C. Stoltz and R. P. Andreas of
parental homes of Joseph Bennett Cedar Rapids returned last week
here and in James Christensen in l from a month's fishing trip in Min-
Eagle Grove. I nesota.
Mrs. Don Davis and children wereI Mr. and Mrs. Bud Davis and Mr.
weekend guests in the John Colon, and Mrs. Richard Winsor spent the
jr. home. They are enroute to Bril- week end fmhmg near Mauston,
lion, Wis where they will visit lwis"
in the parental L. H. Huibregtse'~
home Mrs. Jean Moore will accom- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and
"them there I Betty Jean attended the wedding el
' IJ~ J*Y ! " ' e
I ~ ^~, " ~"" Fred : Mr. Smith s nephew at Wesl y
of Waukon are visiting a few days Methodist church Ottumwa Su d y.
fin the homes of Mrs. Grace Barker l Miss Alice Flrkins of Belle Plaine
!and Mr. and Mrs Luther Platten- was a guest from Friday until Wed-
I berger. Fred will remain for a nesday with her cousins, Mrs. Lewis
two weeks' visit with his aunt and Chapman and Miss Mary Kepler.
l uncle, the P1attenbergers. Guests in the Mr. and Mrs.
glosses by mail would you?
Good insurance must be
tailored to the individual.
Here you get the nearby
personal service and expert
guidance that you are en-
titled to. We don't sell just
a policy . . . we sell you
complete protection.
Dial 6921 Mt. Vernon
I Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Ward and Charles Ford home Sunday were ~'
o~n,~n ~rrived Friday evening Frank Moore and Mrs. Flora Buck.
[}rom-a"month's visit with relatives The afternoon was spent at the Pal-
l in Converse, La. Sunday Jimmel, isades.
the small son of the Wards, wasi Mr. and Mrs. William Klepach,
taken to St. Luke's hospital Cedar Mr. and Mrs. George Jacoubek and
Rapids, with pneumonia. Janet of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and '~
! Mrs. Claire Stoneking, who under- Mrs. Charles Zazza and Kathy of ~ i
iwent minor surgery Saturday, Yonkers, N.Y were Sunday dinner
i expects to be able ~:return to guests in the Julian Johnston home.
I her home the last of this week. Mrs. Samuel Knoer and Esther
She entered Mercy hospital. Cedar are leaving Friday to motor through
Rapids a week ago Sunday for Tennessee, West Virginia and to
observation and possible surgery Philadelphia. Esther will remain,
: Fred K. Stewart arrived Friday there and Leona will accompany her You'll think y ouve struck it rich the day you change to
in the Lee Stinger home to join his mother home about the middle ofI
I family, Mrs. Stewart and Ronnie, August.
I n
Cono o
N-t ne
who have been v,s,ting in the par .0n 0% m ea e ,
ental home for three weeks They Mt. Vernon Church Notes t
will return to their home in Find-
the latter part of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and-go startina .liahtnina -v/ckuv and power to
week. ~ James Wilson Bea~, Pastor
P. E. Tathwell of Cedar Rapids 'Sunday Services: |
?Sr. and Mrs. Fred Tathwell of Morning worship continues each Stake out a claim to better mileage now. Try a tankful
Nashville. Tenn and their son Hem- Sunday at 9:45. Dr. Bean preaches " "
er of St. Louis, Me were Saturday on "A Vo~ce for Above." Soloist
callers in the Merle Gaudy and will be Leo Benischek with Ma-
Lloyd Neal homes. Fred Tathwell lotte's "The Lord's Prayer". Mrs. ~t ~t~Z/#~/I
v:as a former resident of the Linn Helen Schroeder will preside at the"
Grove community, organ. The children's division of
Mrs. Church School meets at the same ~,~,
c.RecentF. LittellCallerShomeatwerethe Dr.Dr.andcharles time. This makes possible the $~ )FOUl"
.E. Higb~e of the faculty of the Uni- c ming f parents and children t ~//~M~r~a ~
i'v6rsitY of Wisconsin; Rev. and Mrs. the church at the same time. nt
Green, Michael. David and' Other meeting~ as armounced Sun-
D:.ana of Mount Vernon: and Dr. day morning. C0N0~ N-tane
and Mrs.