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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 19, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 19, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Meeting 4.09 Auditor i County Auidtor of this County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to correct his records to show cancella- tL~n of the 1950 taxes levied on the thts County of such cancellation ~nd said Treasurer shall in turn corr~ his tax records accordingly and sh,ql give credit in his accounting for the amount thereof. On motion by Supervisor Sutera, sec- onded by Supervisor Beeson. the fol- lowing resolution was adopted; all members voting "Aye" thereon. Resolntion Harold Paduska. having filed with the Board of Supervisors of Linn County. Iowa, a written request for ~ermission to lay a 1 inch waterpipe ~cr~s a county road as follows: Across a county road located a~)- proximately 50~ feet East o.' the West Quarter Corner of Se~tien ~2-$3-~, Putnam Township, Linn County. Iowa. N~w. "Ther,~fore. Be It R~oh,ed bv the Board of Supervisors. Linn County. Iowa. that the sMd Harold Paduska be, and he is hereby granted the right to lay the above described water pipe acress the above described county road under the terms and condition~ Dro- vided by Chapter 320, of the 1950 Code of Iowa. On motion by Supervisor Sutera. sec- onded by Sunervisor Beeson, the fo!- lowing resolution was adopted; all members votin~ "Ave" thereon. R~soluti~m Ernest Cejka. having filed with the Board of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, a written request for permissign Helen and Howard of Kamrar, Iowa, T~,~ v. Ruffin Attv f 7.50, The Charles Blazeks and Frank were Sunday visitors with Mr. and r~`MESTIC ANIMAL FUND-- ~ ~n } Shimeks, Cedar Rapids, visited with Mrs. Claude Klaver. Howard re- Pc',~%DEdZar AshleV~L~Rt.NaD g "~"I'ND--t~ refund |the J. M. Sovers Sunday. mained for a week's visit with his Oliver T. Baker S~dary . 57.20f Donna Scalf of Cedar Rapids was brother. C~scar B. M~rtin Salary 4}'~ a week end guest of her grand-! The *Russell Johnsons were Sun- Plin E. VCe!Is Salary 7~01mother Mrs. Lillian Kent i day guests at the Howard Zirkel- Dewey Alexander Salary Robt Ritts S~hry 50:~0 Sunday visitors of Mrs. Hattie bach home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harris and Leonard W'alrath. Jr. Salary .~0.60 i Stahle were the Harley Morelands, i Ann called at the Art Kintzel home Norris T. Williams Salary .~0.6aiTipton John P. Richer Salary ~4.~, T. F. Co~k Snlary 11t.Cbi The Richard Mackeys of Califor- at Stanwood and Mrs. Carrie Kel- lers home in Mechanicsville on Sun- H.rry H~lls S :.rv ~inia are visiting in this vicinity, day afternoon. Wm. ][3 TayIo: SalarT 3t.81 : ~ ~ ------- Howar [ Kenn, ~y Sal~ ry 4R,~ su~nt to adjournment. [ Dinner guests at the home of Albert S~nk~v Salary 4~00 Present; Sul~ervisors Hood, Eees~n,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman were H rry H lls Sa. rv wm. E. Taylor Salary Howard ~ennedy Salary Albert S~nk~v Salary Lloyd A. wri~ bt S%lar 41.~0 an4hS:t~r~ng the date and time set !Rhea Davis and Nadine, Hugh Yeis- COUNTY ASSESSOR FUND--- Burd Hardware Supplies 12.85 by the Board o~ Supervisors for re-:lay and Mrs. Sue Yeisley. Frank Zahradnik Salary & Mile- ceivin~ bids cn the erection of ~riclge { Mr~ n~lh~r .04 ~' *r~,"4" ~--,~ I;+'e1~ aa:e i 465.86 No. 2153 located 1155 feet N~orth of the idau' 'te are'exj te ' ome ~u'&~" R~1~nd R. Holets Salary & West Quarter Corner of Sectlon 4-9o-8, { {~ -" . " Mileage 469,51 the following bids were received and day from St. Luke's hospital On motion the Board of Supervisors opened at 10:00 A. M I Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hanna attended adjourned until April 26. 1951. A Olson Const Co. water~o9 Iowa " ":'~" "1 {a zanuty amner at me ~res Hanna Henry J. Hood, Chairman, ~o~ "Melberg. Cedar Rapids Iowa, home Sunday. Board of Supervisors, Linn County', Iowa. $7.423.31. . :. ] The Durwara ~aalers ana l~ODDy " . ~ .- ~ and the Vernon Sadlers and Amta Otto F. Hanzltk. On motion by ~upervmnr ~e~son, " seconded by ~uperv*sor ~utera a~t n'as . County Auditor. .e~ ' 'zrom e, urora actenaea a Iamlly am- were re]ec~ ~a. { --':-- On motion the Board of Supervisors ,ner Sunday at the Fred Sadler Proceedings of the Board of Super- adjourned until M ~y 1. ~951 I home in honor of Mrs. Ethel Harvey visors Henry J t-loon Cnairman . Board of" S-'u-er=~isors Linn and daughter. Ena, who are wmtmg State of Iowa. County of Lmn, as: e,-,~*v Iowap " here from Canada. Mrs. Harvey April 26, 1951 Otto F I~a~n-zii'l~' ' is a cousin of the family. The Board of Supervisors met put- For estimate Vernon. 41tf APPLIANCE REPAI1RiiNG:--()-ur repair shop is at your service You'll like our work and fair prices House wi~ing. Hot-Point distribfftor Clark Appliance Service. Dial 2391, Mr. Vernon. 22If SAWS FILED: By machine. Cut cleaner, true:-, faster. All kinds. quicker service. Lee Paul, 600 Col-i le~e Blvd Mt Vernon. 23tf --SEE-OUR--/~D on page 4 for earl)" or late service stop at Pat's D-X Service Lisbon. 39c SERVICE STA~i61~" "" ~" ""i~ Write R. C. Waller, Box 542 Cedar Rapids. 39p FOR SALE: 2-4-D for weed killer; 2-4-5-T for brus~ I. J. E11ison, dial 8742, Mt. Vernon. 39-40p "-FOR--SAI~E -- Ele--c~i~e~ith two bowls and juicer attachments. Mrs. John Lyford, 5272. ,39P --FOR~SAL'E.'---~ty second litter sows Due to farrow in August. Victor Hynek, Solon. 39o ~'1948 Chevrolet Aero- sedan. 18.000 miles. Phone 222. Paul Kepler, Lisbon. 39c reduce trouble during and just after farrowing . . . helps eliminate udder trouble and restlessness which often cause mashed pigs. At the Purina Farm, this plan has materially increased the number of pigs saved per litter. Purina Hog Chow takes over from Purina Sow & Pig Chow when the pigs weigh 100-125 Ibs. With your grain, Purina Hog Chow is a great pork builder . . . hustles the hogs along to market about one-half month earlier than before. As a grain saver, Purina Hog Chow is tops. Remember, only 45 Ibs. of Hog Chow and 5 bushels of corn is needed to put on the last 100 Ibs. of pork. All Purina Hog Chows are well-fortified with natural Animal Protein Factors. Vitamin B-12 and antibiotic feed supplement (formerly APF supp.) are also added for more rapid, uniform growth and greater feed efficiency. See your Purina Dealer for complete information on how to feed Purina Hog Chows with grain on the Purina Hog Program. ! Radph -',chman, prop. Dial 5471-Mount Vernon,