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July 20, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 20, 1939 |
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J~ly 20, 1939
mk m
g,,, g' 4r On motion the Board of Supervisors ]$300.00; cash in drawer $2,756.66;IVisek. Emil, jail, prov exp ...... 6.00 [ county a deed of conveyance t2 said I Bundy, J. Archie, C R Dep Asses- . Stirm, Fred, per diem and mileo
~kJJL ~.IIC adjourned to May 31st, 1939. [checks and drafts $3,032.35; cash items [ Vane, Dr. L F, poor reed aid .... 2.00[ property, in pursuance of said crier. I sor, sal .................... 120.001 age ......................... 230•10
lr~ s ~-~ ~ * -- Fred Stlrm Chairman [ $6,646.50; total sum of $939,297.26. I Vavra Bros, poor prey ........ 51.65 } On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-[ Baldwin, Frank B., O A A post- [ Scolaro, James F., C R Dep As-
~oaro uI 5uuervlsors Board of Supervisors ~ CLAIMS ALLOWED IV & K Groc, sol rel prey ...... 10.81 ] ended by Supervisor Beeson, the fol- age ........................ 79.90 [ sessor, sal .................. 159 66
M- Llnn f~a,,ntv....,~ ' I .. ^ IVlachEd poor rent 10 00 I lowing" resolution was adopted all Butterfield Dr L W poor reed aid 21 00I Smitb James H Overpayment of
-- ........... [ A Ave Groc, poor prey ....... l~.Oz ,VlachRobt J criminal invest. 26.00 [ members voting "Aye thereon: I Berger, Phillips S Jr., poor rent. 10.00 ] fees ........................ 3.46
~, ,~ . ~ __ .. Attest: x~oot. ~. vesety.... [ A & P Tea Co., poor pro;" ....... 21.10 ] Wells' F A ' poor rent 4 00 I RESOLUTION I B)ok Okel poor rent 10 00 ~ Smith James H exp acct 314 90
l~Inn (JounL $ J.owa~ 2kprll Linn t~ounty AUOltor Ambulance Serv Co poor am ' ' " B in W ................
Y " [ _ • • - .^ ^^ |Whitings Dairy poor prov .... 7.34 ow .~. D~,,c,~.,r,,,, ~v .r~. ~,~D[ r ey, J, poor rent ........ 12.001Sanford Co., Morris. O'seer ofc
Session, 1939 -- [ bulance .6 ................... 1~.e~ ]Walbrand A H' S R Commr sal t .,.~,t~j~'o~L~nn~ ~'unt" [ Bloom, J W, poor rent ........ 9 00 I sup ............. 6 46
State ofIowa County of Linn ss Adams Dr W poor reed aid a 5v mil~a~o' ' ' a Ca ~" ~ ~, I Burkholder Marvin sol reI , ~n'nl) Stack ~ "~ ~ .......... ~'r"
' Cedar Ra "piis, " ', ~, ' , ~ 6150[ ............................. Z ..... . " .... . .......... ~ ........ r~notor .........
't~te of Iowa County of r.lnn ,.• The Board of Supervi=me~'Ip~9u~r}IAAAi}i!'~ Agm~erDp~oir:;reP~n:r'r?'n~'" 2'200] wWehsatretr°2'Jn°ghin'e2r(~°gr(~°n't' I)ri'dg'e 23"00 I n~t~'a~ thi cb~nndael:~l°~U:~d'satn~°:~tYi [ ~B!t~tt°~7~. IR~utthth:,~ sh;~kinxgtrPaieis ~7:40 i ~!:lth'inM~Mi~c{,r'poor, r:nnt :: ~i:ii
' ' - , , • ....... rprs ..... 87230 c , , , s .... ; "' - Pat n, gravel re-sur- IS d A G, poor rent .......... 10.00
Cedar Rapids, Iowa suant to adjournment all members be-[Allicks Groc poor prey ...... 3.30 [wn~,~. R. ~,~ "~,~'~,'~''~:,~v''" as'~:¢ ~nO xl~rce i~) block *hree (;O, Sax-{ facin~ .~ ~{Smith l~frs ~ ~ n..~ .~.t " mama
May £5th, 1939 lng present ' ~Ambulance Serv Co. poor, ambu- ] "''~:~.~....'~-=%o'~..~'~' ~-~'~" "~_~ .... ] oy s l,u'st Aumt,on to ~vl~unt vernon ] Baker & ..... 1Stickl~ Port-- n'~',~%-~'.. ......... ~'o'~
The Bo r u ervlsors met ur fhls being the adjourned date here lance 14 00 nr ~nn cuun~, low'a, to the sum o~ j in~ 330 a~ Scott ~'Ivde n,.~ ~,~* lo•an
a d of ~ p P - " ....................... L an Voorhies ............... 72.96 .... ' h t -- " ................................ ~ ......................
auaat 1 members be toreroset for awarding contracts forAmendts Dry Goods poor sewing coy.v0 cain, executed oil the 6u uay o Beiber J A Co Hi)me nr v 7 la S,~nonuok .tnl,~ ¢5 w~,~v v~nt !~ tiff
to adjournment, al - , , Kenneth Anderson ............ 44.88 , - n n- , , • ,, , ~ ' .......................................
lSg Present• 100,000 gallons gasohne, 40,000 gal- sup .........................134.81 Wesley Bartosh ......... 4.08 dunee%i~6,"t'lst~lelre~arY2ppr°ved a d co J Biddlck, Lumber Co., Co Home, I Sproston, Virgil, poor rent ... 12 O0
This bein~r the date heretofore set for Ions diesel fuel, 2,100 gallons lubricat- [ Altfillisch, Dr J W. poor med aid 18.00 | K n~ C'.r~vor ...... 2u n4 I mint ~u y " " • I rprs 3~ 2a } Sanders Jako ,~e~ ~.t " " is'co
°..Pehmg bi¢i-s -forthe following mater- ing oil, 1,000 gallons diesel lubricating|Anthony, Ralph, poor rent~ .... 10"001~s~e'rCaraway'•::::::::::::::: ~i:~21 On~m~.t, wn.,V.Yr~?Poe/v~s°rsSeevtdl' ~e~" I B°st°n Store, Co Home, sup 2,~:~1Scm~nk~y, Jo~h~,~poor'rent'::::: i0:00
~m for use of Linn County: I od and 5000 lbs extreme pressure ]Anderson ~ ~luzzy wourt xiouse ....]Glenn Bassett 4488 [ ~nue~ .~ "~'v,*i ;-'~ was auJ"teu an I Bleakly, W H, poor reed aid .. 650 [ Serbousek Mile poor rent 1000
1 I0 in transmission oil [ sup ~a e~ ................. towing reso*~ u,, "" p Be.'hears Dr ~,V H oor m ' " be .......
• 0,000 gallons gasol e , • .................... John Cassett ................. 19.20 ....... croon .... p ed a~d 6.50 Se tka Bros, sol rel, prey .... 33.56
2 40 t sol fuel On motion by Supervisor Seevell see- Beck Funeral Home poor burial 1O.00 [~.~n ot.v~ 1~ u~ I menwe, s voting Aye th . [ Big Shoe Store noor shoes In ,n Service Pr~- on .~ 1~ .e .........
1 0o0 ~"~ns lubrmatin~ oil ended by Supervisor Stirm the con-|
• ,000 gallons d e , , , .................................. ,, , ........................ ~ .. ~.~,
Baldwin Frank B O seer post- C W Frederi k 1 3 R~;SOLU IION Borshel Mrs Ed )oct nursm 26 00 Simon Frank S R Co mr z
• ' ~" ..... ' ' 6000 " " c .............. 2 .9 ' ~, ". ., 1 , " g • • , , m , el,
:2100gaBooslobrcatlngoil I tract for 100.000 gallons gasoline for, age ......... -- ......... ..... ,Earl Helbig ............. 8.16] WH Bi AS th,s county is the owner I Biuski Mrs Wm poorr0nt .... 2500, mile+ .................... 13.00
0 5'000 lbs extrente nressure trans-lose of Linn County was awarded to ]Best Oil & Fuel uo. poor, Kero- I W L Kassler .... 2856 'o~ ot ~even 7 ~loca Bolton & Co poor rent 1000 Santord (o Morris Ofc s
~a' ' " . ~ ' . .................. oy tax aeeO 1~ ( ), ' " ¢ .......... . . • Up,
t~lSSion oil the Hill Oil Company, Cedar Rapids, | sene :.... ...:...; ........ ...:- .'~7[AI LeClere .................... 35.70[ ,wo t~, L~alleys F,rst Aduttton, ex-[Block Co., Vv. G. poor fuel .. 14.59t Supt. O AA ................. 10.,5
following bids were received and Iowa at one- ourth ot a cent oemw tnel utterneln poor meuam '. lJack Norris 2448] ept SW'Cor torSt anal o (~) ]C R Pump & Supply Co., Ct Hs ISmlth E S O'seer extra help 7500
Pened at ten oclock am Ilow of the Chicago Journal of Com-/Batschelets Groc poor prey ~ Iw ~ P~t~r~, ................ o.'.., ~ ~ - : " '" ;'~e'"s ~'lrst ,~d~t"o"Z' rnrs ~oa,~ x~'..,o ~..~.-..2 ~ "" "
~A ] merce daily qu°tati°n °n 70"7z °ctane / Bindlers l)alry P°°r pr°v~ vs I ~lo~ %,,~,~ "" ............... ~'9~ ! • '- h r /C R Nursery Co Ct Hs r rs''' 9-'~1 I cle cndent ' '
SOLINE I [ ' r ..... 24" 0[ ......~" ............... ] o tne City ot Marion ano t2 a les ~.j , -. • P .. 7 ZI p • children 40 00
on the date of shipment less $5 00 per Blue Valley Dairy poor p ov 6 ~ " ........... ~ 'o o e Chermak l~rs L le de endent " St Luke ...........
C ' • , • , .... Everett Elliott ................ 8.16 arrmgton or ±Marion ~ wa has Iter u , . Y , P . s Moth Hosp, poor hosp 40.00
l~t~es Service O11 Company, Cedar ear, and the Chairman was authorized [Blusk.,l l~rs. Wm, poor rent .... .~7"00[Frank Fce .................... 16.32 ~ :o purcnase ~ame tur' *he s'uia o* ~i.~ey children .................... 20.00Sloan. Arthur, J, poor rent .... 10.00
flus, xowa Ito enter into contract with the Hm/BrouhK, win, poor rent ........ ~o'e~lWilbur Oliphant 4081 ~ouars (¢6ovU) cash and ~t is con-l~raemers, poor sewing sup .... 149.16]Stahl Mrs. W F, poor rent., 100O
~Ontinental Oil Company Lincoln, lOll Company for the said materials as [Buehler Bros sol rel prey 434 [ ~.~..,.~..~..~ p,~,.~,{:" "~,~," '_~" "~a,~a " I ~ , 2 ....... ' .............. / Clines Marion Snrin~" Co O seer ' tauffer Mar~ n,~a~ ~..* " " a'~a
,~raska | per bid submitted May 25th 1939 and [Bindler Bros sol real, prov . .. 7.65 [ R L Lynch ~n ~r ] ~ , -Y ................... ' ....... .., ] water tickets 2~ an J Sikora Otto n,,~- ~t la oa
~t~., p r Petroleum Company, { the County Auditor was authorized to [Best Oil & Fuel Co., sol rel, kero-] Alton E Seevell 96 00 [ ccent said or[er and ah tax payin~ ] ~.onway & Co., Vv J, poor rent 10 0O I Slgtred Ed Co Home clothing 109 30
~0tis, Minnesota [return the checks of the unsuccessful ] sene ....................... 1.26 [C E Sprague .............. 97'41~ ~na ~ax levying homes laavint~ a. in-]Crumpacker, Mrs. Luciile, poor ]Swift & Co., Co Home,'prov .... 159~36
,,¢sr~' ~eep Rock Oil Corporation Omaha, I bidders. All members voting "Aye" /Butterfield, Ed., sol rel, rent .... 12.00 | ~I'. E'. Travis" ..................... ................. ~2~'12 I ".~.resr .~ .n~ ~noraie • taxes' - on sa~d / , rent "; ....................... 1000 / Star Printin~¢, Co., Tress, env~)__-
Hi~l~k~ ~ ¢~.a~ w~nld ....... [ thereon. ..... [Birds all, Mrs. Chas, poor rent 10.00 [ C. I~ Peterson ................ 129.28 [ ,~r~perty having given wr,tten approv- | C astle:_E. B;, poor rent ........ 10.00 ] opes ........................ 16.8a
.. .....olnpany, ........~'--'~, ~ I un motion Dy ~upervlsor x~eeson, sec- ]x~eecner, zwrs. viola, poor renta~.u~ I r~i~h...~ ~ ~..~i.~.~h~... q7 q~ I ........ / C l~. ]6lug ~ Loan ~.ssn noor rent 10 nO ~ Stan.~ar,~ r~u ~,,. ~r~ll~. '/s2 ss
l~?lne Oil and Gas Company Cedar ]ended by Supervisor Seevell the con-[Booth Dr C N poor med aid .... 6.00 |~-~',~., .................... ~,~'7~["* tue~,~'~,,~w:,,~: t~v q,~.~ ~a~ ]Coreys Groc sol rel n'r(~'v 23"87 ] Shell~i'l eV0~" "l~ °~'~'1",'~'~ ...... i~.~'~.~
~P ds, Iowa ] tract for furnishing 40,000 gallons dies- ]Beshears, Dr. W H, poor reed aid 12.o0 ~ Walter Hurt 97 92 I OF ~UF~r¢ v ~OK~ ot Lmn County, | Canham Food Mkt, sol rel, prey 7.16 ~ Stempfle, John, poor rent ...... 10.00
t,a~la-ContmentPetroleum Corpora- ]el fuel oil for use of Linn County Iowa ]Biddick-Eastman Lbr Co., poor [ W L ~Ior~an .................. 97"92 [ s~id otter o~ Charles ~ ~ C R Invest Co sol rel rent 10 00[ iltus Mildred A Bd Soc W 1
~011 W " ' ' 1 ..... o .................... o~a, that the • ~, -, ........ , e-
.,, aterioo, Iowa |was awarded to the Home Oil & Gas [ fuel ........................12 •13 [ Vlvian C Young 97 92 arr,n-,on oe accep~ett and the ~ha,r-IZ I{ Bldg & Loan, poor rent .... I0.00 ] fare meeting ............. 12 20
.•.~Rtional Refining Company Dubu- /Company Cedar Rapids Iowa as per [Blaylock Harold poor rent 10.00 ] tot~.~ ~.~'~.o " ............. ln~'44 [ ~ .~ .~..o ~ ....... s a,,~norizeu lnu /Cedar Valley Da~r~ li sol rel prey 9 1'~ /Thomnson Mrs E A ~n~nd~'~ "
~: owl |bid submitted May 2oth, 1939, andthe [Belber, J A, Co Home, prov ....14.28 [Leo Baker 97 9Z I, rectos to sign and execute ~n ~cnaii | ~.oggon Momtor, Tress, books .. 49.47 / children .................... 71.11
t~llhps Petroleum Company, Des /Chairman was authorized to enter into [Briney, T H, dependent children 17.71 |Loran Voorhles ................. 36"48 ~ tne county a ueed ot conveyance to Carberry, Jos W., Del Tax Coil, Tate, Mrs. Sidney, dependent
~e?,flowa .......... I contract with the Home.Oil and Gas |C R Gas Co., gas sere, poor, meal~ ~. / Dewey Alexander" .'.'•:::::::::: 124:8~ I :~la properly in pursuance ot said or- /~ comm ....................... 233.88 ] children .................... 18.60
-~]~C~I ~)11 Company, l*,llnneapolls ~.vltlt~ [Company for. said materials, and tne office. .............. ~'~ Kenneth Anderson ............. ~3 04 ~er. (~ity Water Works, shop, ~ater Ihomas, O~en, poor rent ....... 1000
~k~a .......... I County Auditor was authorized to re: ]Cities Service Oil Co., poor, keroo ~. [Wesley Bartosh ............... 93.84 [ On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-[ ~serv ....... . ................. 4.69 ITvrdik, Dora, poor rent ....... 1,.00
~l-~'~Y uu ~;ompany, r~ansas ~lty, ]turn thechecks of the unsuccesstu~ 1 sene ......................... ~ l w E Donnan ........... 97.92 I ~nued by ~uperwsor l~eeson, the fol-[Concrete Matermls Co. road sur- [Tehel. Frank, sol rei. rent ..... 12.00
• ?SoUri Ibidders. All members voting "Aye" /Children's Home, poor dependent [Howard Jordan ..... .. 97.9zI I ow~n~" resolunon was auopted, an/ ] facing ...................... 2132.921 Tomas Mrs Will, dependent chil-
l~t~ndard OilCompany Davenport, | thereon | children ................... 51.44 [ Howard Lockwoo~l ........... 97 9z ' ~ m~rs votin A e" thereon Cut Rate Food Shop poor prey. 15 04 dren 10 00
On motion by Supervisor St:rm sec-[Condon Groc poor prov . . 1 00[ ~r~,l ......... ]Dew Dr L C poor ,ned aid 2001Unlv Hosn ricer h'~'" ~.~e
---a. ' ' " ' • 0. ............... e g Y - . , .........................
B ' , , Emmett Murphy ..................... [ ~ .x~,~ ] , • , ..... [ r, .- . .-.~- ..............
1.~_t~te Oil Company Cedar Rapids I ended by Supervisor Beeson the con- Conway W J & Co poor rent 10 O0 97 9Z REdO ~ Dectar Groc poor prey 20 68Usher M~ary oct rent
.~ ' . .... "" " James Moubry ................. " , , , . ......... . , . P ........ 10.00
wa , |tract for 2,100 gallons lubricating oil Carter, Mrs Lugene, poor rent.. 10.00 I L Sword . 97.9~ I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD ]Dickey L O, poor pro .......... 4.92 [Vlach, Robt J., criminal invest.. 16.19 Texas Company, Minneapolis, Ifor use of Linn County, Iowa, was [Conway, J P', poor rent ........ lV.O~ ]1( E Graver ................. 864~ I or," SUPEItvI~OI¢S of Linn County, [Dunlap, ~wrs. ~ee, poor rent .... 12.00 Vogel, Molly, poor rent ...... 1000
~nr~es~.. eta. ]awarded to the Deep .Rock O'1~ Corn- /Cady, .Mrs.'.Ge°' poor. rent. . ..... 12. ^.00 / Leste'r Caraway ........... ::'" 76:50 | ,uwa, that .thc• deed .... executed" _ anu' [,L)lllon.'., James.. , p.oor .rent" ......... 10 00 [ Vernier C P, poor rent ....... :: 10:00
"~l,~Et. ~r ~ nanv Omaha NebrasKa as per Did ]Cook ~ wilson SOl rel prey iv ~1 ~ • " ........... ,~cKnowle(lgeu ell Denalf oI this court- ~guster ~ros sol rei prey 7 34 V oudracek Dair o
....... ~ ..... • ~ ' ' 5 Edwin Frlsh .................. 29.1o , ........ . y, p or prey .. 1.43
~ities ~ ...... .,1 ~ ....nv Cedar [subnlltted on May 25th, 1939, and the |C R Gas Co., sol tel, gas serv..•. .39/Francis ainos ......... 979~/~ conveying Lot ~even (7), Block [ Dolezal, Joe, poor bd & rm .... 17.00 / Wright, H E, D C Bailiff. s&l .. 91.00
t~'~ -~ ...............- -, /Chairman was authorized to enterinto /Cohen Furniture Co sol rei /w ~2 ¢:r~v~r ....... 97 9~ we (~) Badey's First Additmn ex Drew Gee poor rent 10 00 ~Villiams Mrs Adelbert de end
C~n~inl°wa ~'~ ¢, ........ ineoln ]contract with the Deep Rock Oil Com- [ mattresses .................. 10.71 |~" I~'I~eady .............. :::': 120:8, ].:opt S~V 'Cor. ~or St., and Lot ~,g'nt (~), /*)erby, W H, poor rent ........ 10.00 / ent children ........ " .... P. .... 26.56
b~,asr'~-~a" .~1 ............. / pany, Omaha, Nebraska, , for saidms- .[Clines Marion Spring Water, /~'~.~...~.~.~,,.. ...................... u.,,.k .............. 76.80 / L~lOCk TWO (2) ............ BalleUs First Addition [l)udek Robt poor rent 5 0( [Wick. , B L, poor rent .......... 22.00
~'~e:'- Kal " tion Omana- I terials and the County Auditor was, Aud., Shrf, water ticket 18.00| Albert Houska .... 4.6~' |~o the City ot Marion., ln, b nn ~2ount:~, [Duster, ~Br°s' poor prey ,.. 25. .75]Wdliams, rs. W J,M poor rent . . 5.00
'~-asKa'h" P- ?.ock Oil Corpora , ' ] authorized to return the checks of the Cohn & Sons Inc, road supp ....6.22]Earl, Lehr ............ 979 ,} ~wa for the sum of $60.00 cash exe- b.tzel b loyd tile rprs ........ 37.00 Wctherall, Anna poor rent .. 8.00
HOme Oil and Gas Company Cedar [ unsuccessful bidders. AII members Carpenter~ ~r~.lMaUdeo~)foro:n~ent 1403.0000 Lewis MeGowan . " ~: 181~ ~utea' on the 6th day of June, lb939~h~S ~tz~l D~irYs, SOlVr.el, prey ...... 7.75 Wdson James, p'oor rent ... ~ $ 00
tDlds t.~.. ' [ voting "Aye" thereon. [Carrithe , ' P • " " ~'o. [M I Miles . . "" . ..... 97.9~ [hereby approved and contirmed y '" [ 'eg ey, s. J ~ , poor nursing. 57.04 [W'hite, Mrs. Charlee, poor rent .. 12.00
Ml~ou.~ontment'. *~--a. ~etroteum~" • ~orpo'~ ra .... I On motion by Supervisor Beeson sec- I Chadlma Coal Co. poor entfUe~ chil • x~ /u.~...~d" C. Nefs'on .......... ................. 8 0e ~oard. , First Ave Potato Mkt, poor prov 6.37 Wickey" ....... Mlnetta poor rent 10 00
nl W" ........... ~onded by Supervisor Seevell, the con- IChilden's Home, depend - ~ .... ]Vv'alter Nelson ... 6.0u~ on motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec-/Fouse, S G, poor prov .......... 6.79 /Wilson, Mrs. Betty, sol rel, rent. 13.00
o o r re re ren or. ~o e b ~u ervlsor ~eeson the fol 1~ reestone Mrs Harold oor rent 12 00 Walbr
Nation:~'~.;,=,~"~ o .......l~ubu [ tract for 5,000 lbs ext eme p ssu I d ......... -- ......... .'" "- ' /A C Newman ' ": : : :: " : : : :... : : 8,0v [ d y ' p ' , , - ] ~ . , , P '. ] and, A H, S R Commr, sal
e • .............. ~ ..... ~ ...... - I transmission oll for use of Linn County, ] Collier Loyd, Co ~ome, grain ~ /B" C" Walmer .... 99 4~ / ,owing resolutmn was adopted all [Fads Mary, poor rent ......... 7.15 [ mileage ........... 6.75
I~kJ,°we -- ]Iowa was awarded to the Deep Rock I seed ....... 12.00[ .................... ."[ emoers voting "Aye" thereon" ~Flach Mrs Anna poor rent 1000[~Vilson W C text books
-.,hal n Des / ' • ......... R.M. Clark .................... 122.8b , . ........ , ....... 1.95
ines .... ' ,Oil corporation Omaha Nebraska .'CR Transfer torage g B+sett ............. 53..] RESOLUTION [First Ave Potato sol re, [Whiting James M dependent
ps Petroleum Comps y frt ch s 1 12
~h~n' ~,V~ ...... I per bid submitted on May 25th, 1939, IDlcks Coal Yaru, poor tue~ .... a~,~a lwm Bucbtella ..... ... . ;~.~v 1 ................... | prey ........................ 18.77 [ children ..................... 13.29
n~,~ ~)li wompany, ~winneapons, land the Chairman was authorized to J Dectar A. poor rent ..........7.65 " " ...... :''': :... :. 57.6e WI~t~A~, tins county ~S ~ne own- Farmers Exchange, sol rel, prov 5.10 Waddle, S , poor prey ......... 10.20
~Sota enter into contract with the Deen Rock I Dickey L O sol rel poor prov48.08 [John Cassett .......... er by tax deed of the S~ of Lots Five Finson Mary sol rel rent ,. . 12 00Whears Cash Groc oor roy
-~e~l :iloiCloC~ y Ka Cit ~i~u~s:t~A ~4:ei:~iii~e~s!~ j Dk:el~rlr:i~ odD~iuA3 Stta~.;d ?ci.:.' 120 ~.eorge Clark i:r ................ !i"6u ....... " * ' dent " 'P P t'hil
r n , • - : "
.. ate Oil Company Cedar Rapids ] =" ...... I Econom'v Lbr Co lumber 2711l)onald H g , Joe to the best interests of the county [Frederick Frank Co Heme /Beren~ls Henr ..............
~l~ u'~)n=~n~otion by Supervisor Seevell, EconomY" Lbr Co;'lumber ...... 23.46 AWl• iLecKraessler ................. 6~.~6 ~o accept said offer and all tax paying stock ......... : ............ : 80.00 Burlingame, J~Ynes. :':::::::::: 65::0
e Texas Company Minneapolis nt 32 00 ~nd tax levying bodies having an n r.
Ilileso ' ' seconded by Superwsor" Beeson, the Eastburn, Allie, poor re ....... ~" M M~eroshek .................... ................. 97"9~ . ' ,. . " . - First. Ave Potato Mkt, poor prey 7..4o .................. _ o ~.
Barrett Arth,,r ~ ~nta
contract for furnishing 1000 gallons FRirfRx Twp Bd of Review .... 12.00 '"st" Nelson 24 00 [~ercst In the general taxes on sa]d]Flad]y Groc poor prov ........ 3.22 ]Brundidge Fay . 640
SEL LUBRICATING OIL diesel lubricating oil was 'awarded to Farmers Co op Exch poor fuel 9 65 property having given written ap z t ub roc . ' . . .
' Jack Norris .................... 73.4~ ' - Ga et e Co., p p • . ....... 43.48 Bammert Chas " "" 6"40
ties Servio- Oil Comnanv Cedar]the Skelly Oil Company, Kansas Clty, IFarmers Elev poor fuel ........ 24'2-3 [Duni-I ¥oun ............. 16.5et°r-°val,there, t,°: ........................... /Gallagher Groc, P H, poor prov 10.20/Berry, Geo .................. 9,0
i(ls'l ..... ~ .... Missouri as per bid submitted on May IFladiy Groc poor kerosene . .4~ /~.r A~ P~ters'on .... 972;~ [ BE It RE~ul~l~t) ~x lxlr. ~Ar¢l)/German, Mrs. James poor rent 12.00 [Buehtella Wm ........ 640
~ntinental Oil Comvany Lincoln 125th, 1939, and the Chairman of the[I~oughty Mrs end, poor rent .. -6'67]Lloyd Davis .......... 97.9~[O~ Sltt. E RVISOItS ot~]nn C unty:|Grunewald W J poor rent .... 10,00[Corum Joseph ............ 490
ask~ - ' ' 1 Board was authorized to enter into [ Fisher, E. E., poor rent ........ 10.0v /.,, .'.. ~,,.~ " ....... ................. 85.68 /*°wa, tna~ one sam order or argare~[Gabel Mrs. Grace, poor rent .... 6,00]Carroll, Joseph ................ ~ 60
A~.h.~.~* • ......... tedIndian- ]contract with the Skelly Oil Company |Felton O Jpoor rent ...... 10 00 [~.~.~-~.'~'~'.'n..~.; 89 7~ [~ Taylor be accepted and the Chair: [Gardner Mrs. W. H., poor rent . . 10.00 |Chavez Joe .......... 6.40
s sa~ materials and the Count Flack, 1Vfrs Anna poor rent 320 |~ ~,. w ~ a0 [,nan ot tlus Board 1 author d an /Gray Mrs Le p 0 /C(rtez P~t~ " "" g aO
. -. I .~. .~ v [ ...... • - " ~ o, oor rent .... 12 _0 ___) ....................
, Indiana xo, ,~ . - " ' ,. ra,,,, x- e~ .......................... • x b l ' " "
:ep Rock Oil Corporation, Omaha, Auditor was authorized to return the[First Ave Potato Mkt, sol rel 2367|t, w Hartsell ................ 97. . |o r tedtuOn yg : 2deo CUtn%O an /Gran, l, g, Ma.son, equip rprs ...= 2 ,60|Dunek. Louis ................. 9.0o
'asks checks of the unsuccessful bidders. All I prov ....................... • ]J D Hills ..... 100.41 I • • .... /Goodriuge, leers. ~'~va, poor rent l~)ecaer, Freeman .............. 9.60
plerud Oil Company Osage Iowa members voting "Aye" thereon ]Flad y Groc sol rel prey ......l~'65[_~;rank Hendryx ............ 97 9~ [~ald property, m pursuance o~ sam ]Hooey Dorothy Clerk D.C. ex- ]Fuller Clellon ............ 11.40
~me Oil "asC~)m an' Cedar' On motion by Supervisor Seevell Frvs Dairy, sol rel, prey ......~'~.~ ]w bn Otlnh nt ................ 93'8~ joker. - ....... [ tra help ..................... 75,00 [Foarde, Joseph ................ ~.~0
and G p Y II r a
as, Iowa ' Iseconded by Supervisor Beeson, two ]Farmers Exch, sol rel fuel ..... ~ ~ ]~Jward Ramsey ............... 97"9z [ un motion oy Supervisor Seeveu, see,'- [Hendryx, Seth A., D C Bailiff, sal 35.00 ]Griswold Leo ................ 9.60
d-Continent Petroleum Corpora- o'clock P.M.,June 6th 1939 was the [First Ave Potato Mkt, poor prey a.0~ iF L~ 'Funks .............. 97"9 l~nded by Supervisor Beeson, tne foi-]Heath Merrill R. C R Dep As- /Hughes 'Ralph ..... 640
Waterloo Iowa time and date set for receiving bids[Farmers Co-Op Exch, shop const 334,55] 'Work Hel'ief'i~a'yr~l'N'o'~''1939" ~[,owing resolutmn was adopted, sill] sor,'sal .....: .............. 130,00|Harforci Lawrence ..::::.:.::: 9:60
tional Refining Company Dubu- ~ on refrigeration macbinery and equip- ] Family Shoe Store poor shoes .. 4,04 [Booth Harvey " ' 960 [membcrs voting "Aye" thereon: ]Herring Don dependent children 12.00 |Johnson' Carl ................. 6.40
Iowa ' [ment and cold storage insulation and[Freestone, Mrs Harold, poor rent65.200[ erenhs Henry ..... :":::::::: 9:6~/ RESOLUTION [Hamiito'n Seed & Coal Co., jar- [Jones, Lester ................. 9.60
illips Petroleum Company, Des tdoors for the cold storage building at [Gazette Co., pub proc "-'L-~,',''" ~a'nn [l~urling~tme, James ............ 6.4v | BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ]..den pro].. ........ =..: ...... 2.64 |Kruse, Orval .. ................ 6.40
es owe I the Linn County Home All members I t~rinlm Juuge ~ za, poor re ......... = /Barrett Arthur 64u / ,,-) of Linn Count.~ Iowa that /~°me Coal Uo., poor, iuel ..... 0Jal |Levane. xiowara .............. s.~
ell Oil Company, MAnneap°lis' I v°tingl "Aye" theron. 'n][G[iffienJorA~ P)%):rre2? re'l" "prey' • I0"0~ |Brund~dge,[ Fay ................ 9.6~ |~i~ dce~executed and ack~wledg'ed on [Hollenb~ck, Boeorrt, rPeO~r rent .... 100,00 [LI~lg~ %~to O ................. :.;0
~esota On motion by Supervisor Beeso , sec- ' P ' "" 6"12 ~ammert, Chas ................ 9.6096v/ oehalf of this county conveying the /Hunte,g " p ................................ 8.00 /MeDaniel
clair Refinin~ Comnany Kansas]ended by Supervisor Seevell, the bond|Gramling, Mason, equiprprs ..... /t#errv Gee ................. L ..... 6~ ~oll Ralph, poor, rent ....... Wm ................ 6.40
Missouri .... [ of DeWees and Whitney, Marion, Iowa, ]Hall. Alice M D C Rep, sal exp 15.12 1Becil~t~lla Veto ..... ii ..... ~ii~i~ 9~6v [~.~st'~,irst~A~l~i'~ion~ ~l'ty of~Marion"°in ]Heverly, O Jay, poor rent ...... 7.00 ]McMahon: Joseph .............. 3.~0
Oily ell Comnany Kansas City, I for re-surfacing work on 15 12 miles ] Hach Bros Co C Hs sup ...... *~•~ 1Corum ~'dward ....... 9 6~ lC~nr C"unt'" lower for the sum' of 1Hermanek, Frank, poor rent .... 10,00 [Morris, Norman C .............. 6,40
Q~e~iard O:1 Company, Davenpo~2, I ~avl~deea~n2TJv~i~ii:'d 2A~p~!~:~t~i{~eUo~di~r ~:,~rO~r~i~ll:!gh!{ ii.ii/C hm £1z J {hp.h.'.: ii:i: i:ii:ii ilii /~;jiOnid~idy~9?~te~e~db/dncthert~tehd dna~ /ii~aJrj, ~c, BpiirP!ir~r!?~... i!'ii /i~;i~ls°lR~a~nnk ................ i*ii
Off Company, Cedar Rapid '1 On motion by Supervisor Beeson ]Handy ~oods.'poor, sol rel, prov 23.15 ................... 9'6~ | ,nOndm~yti°snubYrSUper~'ieSe°reBeetsh°n'bs:~% ]Hill, James D., sol rel, rent':::: 8:u0 |Pappa~, I~arry'::::::::::::::::: 6:40
s l rel meals 9 18
e Texas Comnanv Minneapolis [seconded by Supervisor Seevell the [Hollywood Cafe, o , " |~eckel: Freema'n ............... 9"6~[~'*~. ~z r~': ~ ~o~ o ' r~ ]Holden-Kahlcr Co., ofc, sup, [tigman, Jesse ................ 6.40
o Aud ofc SU 2 40 t e onle 1 an olnpany e
eSOta .... [ bond of the Concrete Materials' Com- ]Holden-Kahter C., , P ]Fuller ' Clellon .............. 6"40 / ' ~._ ~ v . "..~ "~ "~. ~ ' .'~,,7, 1 stock Tress ................ 20,46 [Patten Isslah .................. 6.40
• r Co O'seer otc , ................. aar l~,alh(lS iowa Ior iurnisnlng ~u uuu He s ' • " '
R-ICATING OIL [ puny,Cedar Rapids, Io~a, for sur- |Holden-Kahle ., ' ^- ^- ]Dinnell Clifford 9.6.1 o n ...... ¢ ~;~ ~,,~ ~n ...... a~a ,,~'a~. [ u e of the Good Shepherd, [Philhps, Ish .................. 6.40
l ' • [ on r ca istrlctNo] su zi st / ' " ............. [~ .................................../Hamlltondependent children 110 00|Randall Tom 6 40
es ServiceOil Company, Cedar facing Sec da d R d I) • P ......................... Foarde Joseph ............... 9.6v .ontract dated Ma 31st 1939 was ap- . " .......... • ...................
~ls lows [128 awared under contract dated May [Hedges Co. poor rent ....... 30.00 ......... ~a t.~. 96 / _ . ~" .Y .... ' •..' ~ Seed & Coal Co. poor /Robmson Harley ............. 9.60
: " ' 5 0 ~-,o--~,.-, .................... " proveu anu oroereu ille(l. All memoers ' ' 60
atlnental Oil Company, Lincoln, I 25th, 1939, was approved and ordered ] Hunt, W H, poorrent ..... :.. ::. .0^ [Hughes Ralph .... 9.6v [ .... ..... . ...... .. ...... / fuel ........................ 18,36 |Rice, Roy ..................... 9.o~
asks ] place on file All members voting ]Huber ~)r Chas v" poor mea alu ~.~u [~_~,.~:~ ~_w~ZZ-- ......... 9 6v / ~V''s ~ .--=L ..... . -., /Himes Mary poor rent , . 10 00 1Sills Clin .. ,~ ~.~v
.... 5 00 "*~ .... "*' ~'~ " .................. On motion Dy Supervisor ~urm sec- ' ' " ' ~' 9 60
A Lubricant Incorporated, In-["Aye" thereon. . [Hedges Co~ poor rent ........ o~3°'~s~. /Holladay, Melvin .............. 1.20]" nded by Supervisor Beeson the fol-|H°°ver' Harry, Bd & r| .......... 3,00 |Sn~ith, Lee ""~4:_:, .............. oM'^.~v
~Polis, Indiana I On motion by Supervisor Stlrm sec- / r~arian v ~ snop. const ........ .^ _. /Johnson, Carl ................... 6 ~v/ "~xtlno.- r.~h, ti~ ~ ~d~nt~d ,~*.°U /r~utt°ns ~roc, poor prov, ......... ~/~c.ermer..orn. ~ua ............ • .
ep Rock ~n Cor,,oration Omaha l onded by Supervisor Beeson, thefol-|Harlan, P G, paint & supp ..... 1~.~ |. ..... ~.~. 6 4v [ ...... : .... ~°.~.'YL'-";7,~--'~-~-~-' ]rlannahs, J B, grading ........ 1567.22 /Swore, Walter ................ ~.~
v,. auttvr~ ~o~. nelnoers voting Aye thereon 6 40
asks *" ' '[ lowing resolution was adopted all [Holden-Kahler Co, Eng, ofc sup 5.82 /~.,,s:~ ~rval .................. 9~6~ ]' z ' : [Hannahs. J B, grading ......... 3434•97 [Swalley, Harry .................
IMerud Oil Company Osage, Iowa |members voting "Aye" thereon: ]Hamilton Seed & Coal Co., Co 1Levane Howard 96~[ RESOLUTION [Ireland Coal Co. John, poor fuel 11.73]Spicer, Gee ................... 9.6
~e Oil and Gas C~mpany Cedar P RESOLUTION ] Home seed ........ . ...... :... 1.95 ]Long~lato O .............. 9"6v [ "WHEI~EAS recent legislation trans- [Igram & Kale ll, poor rent . .. .... 20.00 I To!n.pkins: Merle .............. 3.~0
ts Io~ ' / BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of I Hatch & Son L K Co r~ome nur- ~., u ' r.~ .................. ~'6v/¢ .... ~ ~a,,~ie~ ~e the Cou-*" Ephor,~ lives- Frana ~oai ~o. poor tuel 2,81 ToDln Ollle ........ • ~v
'Continent Petroleum Corpora- | Supervisors of Lmn County, Iowa: | ial .......... -- .............. .LS" [Mc.anlel Wm . 9.6 ]ency Relief Administration to tbe|Ia Elec L,ght Power, poor l ght I Iecple. Earl ...................
Waterloo Iowa That it is ordered notice to depart [Huntington Lab, ~t. Hs supp .. ~,oa |xtoMnhnn' _t .... h ....... 9 6V l l',,-'ntv IJoard of Social Welfare and/ serv ........................ 1.02] Van Voltenburg, D F .......... ~.4u
ional Re'fining Company Dubu- I as provided by Chapter 267 of the 1935 /Is Elec Light & Power poor, 17:L'(rrT"2"~lN~)r~nan~'C .............. 9'6u/'~vVv:H'EREAS the Board of Suner~isors ]Is State Psycho Hosp, Cost Corot Van Alst Alva ................ 9.00
]OWl ' ICode of Iowa, to prevent the acquiring] light serv __ -..-.~. .......... 4"97]~wens' Robert ..:::::::::::::: 9:6u|of Linn County desires to continue to|. to Indp...-:....~ ....... =,=..=. 8.00! W h./tney, Roy C .............. 99.60
lllps l~etroleum Company Des of a settlement In this county be sere-/Indepenuent ~aeat ¢~ ~roc, poor, [O'Neill' Simon 9 60/receive the benefits of the Federal 1~a ~lec ~gnt ~: ~ower, ~t r~s W llKln, Jonn ...................
~s, Iowa ' ed upon each of the following named [ prov ........................ 4.08 leearso~ Frank ................ 6'4v [Surplus Commodities Program [ light & power .............. 235.44[ Wise Chas .................... 3.z0
II Oil e'~mnanv Minneanolis I persons to-wit: [/g'ram & Kalell poor prov . . ~.~a/o~n.~ '~.~: ................ 6"~01 q.~',t~m~r~ ~'~ IT RESOLVED lid Sold ors Orphans Home, poor
-~sota Jennings William (Port Birch llin-I Irving Kate poor rent . 13,00 [t~nn~':~ r~rr~ 6 40 1.~.-. ~.~ M ,~v~ll Member of the] clothmg .... 2.47[ WIDOW~ Plff~MIOI~M
~lair" Refining Company Kansas |ois) ' ' ]Is Emerg' Relief Admr,' Co share [ L,,:~=:--" "Jess~ "" ................ 9 6vlcount-~"~ ~'"'~'Board'* ........ of Social Welfare- ..... is/Is Elec~ L:ght ............. & Power, poor, I ..........
16~3 01 x~,,,~.- ~ s r 1 2 ~uams Margaret ~u vv
Missouri ' On motion by Supervisor Seevell, sec- [ work relief ............~ [Philhns'~ Ish .................... ................. 9"60 I hereby annointed..~ as Agent to conduct 1 light, , "e v. ............ . .... 0 I Arten" "'~sma ................... " ............. ;tv.vv""""
:lly Oil Company, Kansas C~ty, I ended by Supervisor Stirm, the sum of ] Ia Light & Power Co., pc)r, . ^. 1PattenIssiah ................. 6.40 ] the surplus commodities program, in [Ia..l~lec L~ght & Power, shop ~--|Anderson Eligabeth 1@ 00
Uri ] $42000 payable at $3500 per month I light sere ............. x u~ /O_n~{, Tom 96v ~accordance with ~rovisions of Surnlus/ ngnt serv ............ ~.~l ,-- _ • ........... o7.'~
" ' " ' 1 ~-~ -,~... • .................. .............. } '' " ~ ~ [ , • ] Babbitt l~ertna . . t~.~
roy 8 46 Ia (ulvert & Pipe Co road sup2459 04
tdard Oil Company_ _, Davenport ]is hereby appropriated from the Gen-| p ......................... ]Robinson Harley 9.6. Commodities Bulletin No 112 Issued on " " ", • Barrett" Frances .............. $ 00
'|oral County Fund to be paid to the ]Is Elec Light & Power, poor /Rice Roy 96~/June2 1939 by the Iowa Sta'te Depart-l~gram & Kaiell, p,,~r pr~v .... 3.061 , .. • ............. ..'..
Texas Company M~lnneapolis, I Iowa State Employment Service as the ] light serv ................... 2,07 [Sills' Cl~ff ...................... 9'6v [ nent of Soc'iaf Welfare [Johnson, Minnie, Aud extra help75.00 I Be Miller: r~ellie ................ ~,~
sots ' ]county's one-half share for maintain- ]International Harvester Co•, Co /Smit'h Lee .................... 9"6v ] On motion by Superv'isor Stirm sec- |Jones Food Shop, poor prov .... 8.36 } Brague, _~.e~.a . ................. ~.~
ted Petroleum Corporation Oma- [ ing the local office of the Iowa State | Home mach & tools .... 3 16 ]~cher~nerhorn" "Bucl .............. 9"6v [ reded bv Suoervisor Beeson P C |Jirsa Edw B poor rent ... 10 00 ', Brown, ~lLaren ................ ~.~
' I " } ' ~' ' ............. ~ ~ , ' " " K' • ' " " d x r he 7 Burger 1.~ona ................. ~v.vv
-braska Employment Sery~ce for the period bee Iowa Tax Sere, comm on tax col, ~ ]Sanders Louis . . 6.~u [ Bremer was appo nted as weed com- ]..~tcer, Sadie, Au e: t a lp .. 5.00 ~ ...... :do ~m
7SMI.~tc~ c~tt. Iginn g J y st 19 , a d nd gl ......... ".'. .......... ]~wore Walter ............. 9.6v]missioner for Jackson Township, all[i "' , oo~Y~'r,~"'~-h'~" ............ l'e41@
in ul 1 39 n e in Inst Acct 68 5 ~ g~ t~rown ~aster Co jau
~ ........ ~ .~_ I June 30th 1940, and the Chairman of ]Jones Dempsy recorulng ease- --/Swallev Harry ..... 9.6~ [members voting "Aye" thereon ]~ rgrs- ..... ... .................. co i,~=vL-~.,,~--~f~{2 ............... ~'ea
~s ~ervice Oil ~ompany, ~euar I the Board' was authorized to enter into / ment ................ "~a /~.--,^^-"N^ . ~ ........... ~ 4,, t r~ .... *;.~ h.. ~,,n.~.,|~,.. ~t(.m ~o- /Kings ~ro',vn Oldster Co. garden N ...... = ....................... ~'~.X
S: Iowa , . [greement with the Iowa State Employ- [Kublas Hdwe Co., poor, garden ~^ [,~,~n~tl~in~°I~erie'::::'::::::::: ~:~:] ,n~e'd-~)y~'~'up~v~so~'l~eeson~'[~'e"pet~ ] pro) .................... :,.. 2,19 ]clarke~.Loeiona ................ ~'~
t~_nental Oil Company,Lmc°ln, lment Service for said facilities. All[ pro .......................... ~V]Tobi~ Ollie " 6401 ion of A R Kirk et al asking for]Krecl Food Shop, poor prov .... 2.811~, ~-~-(~ ..................... ~•~
S~a. I members voting.. 'Ave"_ thereon. /Kenwood Park Fuel & Enter- /.~re.~c.e- i **a..~-"";/ ................. .................... .'¢'2. [ h~.._ .~..~...~*-~'*~,,~ ..... ~¢...o ................. ~..t~' ~,~a ~,.o.t- [l~raut. , Mrs. . D. J., poor rent ..... 8 00 [ ~o--:-,. ~t-: .................... oT.'~v
k. Lubricant Incorporated Indian- On nmtion bv Sunervisor Seevell [ prise Coal, poor fuel ......... 10.98 [ I. ^,,~1^ ' I~.1 J ~ g. [ \~ ;n ~=~.~f.~|~ q'.,urw~h|,~ ~rn~ r~forr~d [lxacere Sam poor rent ........ 6.00 I COOK, r~ell .................... ~.v2
, Indiana .... I seconded by SuperviSor Beeson, the ]Krlz, Emma, poor rent ...:.. %. 8•64 ]~eep~)l?en~urg" "~)" "~'~ ........ i•' 6140 ]t~o the ~ou~?ty l~ng]nee•r~for'report~'Al~ [Kauff~mn Clyde, poor rent .... 10.00 I Coon- Mill~edl;t~ .................. ~*~
p_~ock Oil ~orporatmn, umana, [following resolution was adopted all [Krejci Food Shop, Gee, sot rei, ~. -~ Ivan Alst Alva .......... 9 6u /members voting "Aye" thereon " /r~riz, Emma, poor rent ...:.... *v,uu I~'.~'"~'~t~v ..................... 1~'~
SKa roY Sl O~ lxreJcl F cod Snop Gee sol rei "'~'~ ....
, - .. _ [members voting "Aye" thereon: ' / P ................... . .... ." " [Varner ( eo ...':.::::::::::::: 64u[ On motion bY Supervisor Beeson. see-] " "" ~ " ' " " .... ]~ ..... "~ .... "M~v ................. 10"@0
:~ru(l. Oil Companoy, osage, IowaI RESOLUTION [Jrejst Food Shop, Gee, sol rot,131)~]Whitney, Roy'C ............... 9.6U/)nded by Supe'rivsor Seevell, the Chair-|~pr°v)4.;o~'~',:,~l'',:~;,~v ......... ~'~7~[~,~-i,~"~a~rr~e~-:.:::::::::::::::: 10,'00
;+ ~...~, ~uor~can~ ,~o-,v-~-:, "~'~"" I BE IT RESOLVED ny the Board of / prov .......... ~." "A ......... ; "--1Wilkin John ............. 3.Zv [man of the Board of Supervisors the |~';-~-~'.~-'~., ~X" ",:'--~, ........ ; .... / n..o~o. Emma 10~
~Y ~v~lssourt Su ervisors of Linn Count Iowa that Kopecky F E S rt ~ommr sai 6u r J con ~opecK:~ J~" r~ ~ r~ ~ommr sa~ ......
' " P Y ..... 14 0 Wood, 'Herbert' ~ ............... 9. County Coroner and D . B. . M ' ,~ ..... 12 ~- Doonan ' Flora .'~" "~ |0~@0
~e Oil and Gas Company, Cedar [ WHEREAS, this county holds title ] mileage.=.. ............ --:.. .9 [Wise Chas .................. 64o ],,'ere appointed to represent Linn Coun- |. . .= .-. __ .......... 6o]....... " " "" 1000
- ,OWa iC~nrl[~d:rYwe ?eo dii{ ]:}~l~vhi Dr it K commr o, In l~enuaurl.weuo wo~lome rprs - -
~°p:rir:ntIoPwetr°leum Corpora° [~c2 :la st~)ttheeg°lll°~]nngtYr'J oo; m;a ..... 2g00/ad?:um°~l°tn th:n2~d °/32uperv's°rs %B %dl°ff | Ke'::;eh;s ~2c ....... 16"665 /DraPrael ~lnCnea ................. I~'0:
, Coun y, a, - : Y, , • ..... ' ,tgreelnent toward the maintenance of ' " ....... " ' ' i " " ................. 0"00
ional Refining Company Dubu-t Lot Thirty (30~ in Irre~ul~tr S ...... [Leibsohn Groc poor prey 12751 Fred Stirm Chairman /~,..~" ........... ~ in t,l~n (~ ..... tv I/£arel Emma poor rent 1000|Emery Vlrgnm ................ 1.y..
, ......................... " ..... , a " ' • ' rr Mar aret all vs
owl ]of the NE NI~ Sec 1-83-~. and -]Lockhart Hdwe R W hdwe .. 4.24 ] Board of Supervisors, ]t;,",~'~"~ ~,~'~;~'.~.~'" ~'~;.n~ --';~'~,;[ KIouda, Gee A, road ruling .... 34 00 IF9 eter, g ............. .,
lips Petroleum Company Des WHEREAS T A Barkwill has made [Larimer Hdwe E K Eng survey [ Llnn County, Iowa ],~.~'~n ] king Invest Co, sewing pro~ .. 221.51 [Finn. : .................. o.':~7~
~,I.o.wa ..... lan offer to purchase said real estate] sup, matnt hdwe, dynamite ..... IAttest:Robt. M. Vesely, J This being the date heretofore HdweCo., E K, jail sup 18.11/~lo~neer, l~IUlrla M ................ ~@~
, ~1 Company, Mlnneapoim, ~ln- ] for the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) [ sup ........................ .~o.o~ | Linn County Auditor• [for receiving bids for cold storage in- I ~ncoin ~,ec ~,nes, ,~o ..ome, =, ~. [w~n Fran'ces" "B ..............
1 and it is the judgment of this Board [Llnn Co Produce Co., Co Home, .• ~ [ /sulation and doors for tbe cold stor-I Hgnt sere .................. o~.~. ~ ........... . ............... ~-x~
air Refining Company Kansas ] .~.~. oo~ .~¢o~ sh~..~a b ...... .~a ~ / .-rain & seed z~ 0u / -- / ............ I Leibsohn Food Mkt poor prey 14 59 /French Ollye ................. l.uu
' -,,,~ ~-~,-, ........... ~ -,~v~-,, ,~-,, *" ........... o Linn ss age DUiluing ax the ~mn uounty l~onle ' "" " Fulle ' Ins . ,~0
. ,ssouri _._ I that the acceptance of saLd offer would ]I~ibsohn Food Mkt, poor, prov .9.18 /state of Iowa, County f , b be following bids were received and ] Leacox Dairy, poor prov ....... 2.86 |Puuerr. p~lhl~lena ................ ~'~0
£~. Oil Company, Kansas (~lty, ]be advantageous to said county and ]Mt Vernon Ave Groc poor prey z~.~ [ Cedar Rapids, Iowa / )pened at two o'clock P M.: i oyeii,_ a, poor rent ...= ...... .~.~v [Gilmor Louise ............... +~0
Irl ins Groc oor roy ~, ~t~ , " • .~oDenstein i ~v~ poor ren~ ..... £~.uv . ...............
all tax certifying and tax levying bed- Mary ' P P ........ June 6th 1939 G B. Bryson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa ~ , ~ |
~dard Oil Company Davenport lies havin~ an interest in the general ]lV~ear Mrs Mary poor rent ..... 5,00[ ' [ ~h~ol~ ............... l., tnoor .... t-] Leibsohn Groc, sol rel, prov .. 14.89[Gr.een, Margaret ................ ~-~.~
taxes having given written approval /Mt. Vernon Hawkeye - Record, | The Board of Supervisors met pur-[ed'~-~eda-r ~p~lds~ I'o~ ........... ] Lefebure eorp, Aud blanks .... 20.40 1Grimm, Margaret ................ x~![-
sTexas Company, Minneapolis, Ito the sale of said real estate at said] pub proc .................... 74•30|.suant to ad)ournment, all members be-[ ~efrigeration Equipment Company,] ~tben~trein' lomb: poor rent ..... 20.00 ]Groa:l:taMarv~Urearite .............. ~$g00
eta. price Mrech, C H , sol rel prey ....... o.o lng present. Cedar Rapids Iowa " ' p v ........... , .................. +~
ed Petroleum Corporation oma-I "P~l~.P+wnl~P+ ............. 1Me Too Groc sol rel prov .....+325] On motion by Supervisor Seevell,] .......... i~ ..... = ............. t, .... ILeasure, Mrs. Ida M, Co Home, ]Harden, Hasel ................ ~.00
Lbraska . .. ' Itha"t" s"ald'offe'r-'~be-ac'ce%~e~l~ an l+'ihe [Melrose DairY,. sol r+l, prey .... 2.40 ]seconded b.y Supervisor StlrmA the,pc- | ,n' ed" y' S'upe'rvis )r' eeson +i e°'c'on_ ], m!sc exp...;...._..... ........ +9.10 | aa tP.e l zaattel h ..................
uotion by Supervisor Stzrm, sec-[Chairman of ibis Board Fred Stlrm, [Marion Dairy Store, poor prey.. .~.1~ |t~uon ocarina signatures 91, ~_ne r~u,~ ]tract for the cold storage insulation ] r~awre.nce.,. Ainu, rign3 ot way .. ~"'~ ]Hart'or Addle ................. 2"14
oy Supervisor Beeson the I ~ ~uth~vt~d and directed to oxen-to /Me Too Food Store poor prey a~.~a /dred twenty-two tlzz) lnUlVlUUaiS ash- i a ~ ..... ¢...K...~a st--~e buildln~ t x,ynot( AI, poor rent .......... lo.e~ ! e ...................
lng of the contacts for 100,000 ~ a" d~ecl"of'conveyance on /)chair of~said [Mefferd, Gee, poor'rent ........ 10.00 |lng for the cancellation of the lease [aU~h~'inn'~oun~ty~i~iome"w~ts awarde~ I Mt. Vernon Hawkeye - Record, [Hayes, Clara ................. $0.09
s gasoline 40 000 gallons diesel [ County conveying all of said real ]Miller J P poor rent .......... 6.00 ]made between Linn County, Iowa, anu [to (" B Br-son Cedar Rapids Iowa [ pub proc ................... 58.23 [r~eu~mger, ~eVao .............. a~.u~
1,000 gallons 'diesel lubricating I ~'~t~-~ ,h~ ~ld "P ~ .n.n~.. 1Morrison, /~Irs Richard, poor rent 15 28 /the Linn County Abstract. Company ~or/.m tne/" total" " "~sum' oi" ~v~.~v, ....... anu=' .... the:: I Mays Drug Store, poor, sewing /txorsRy, rearl. Mae ............. lll.~
t00 gallons lubricating oll 5 0001 ....... |lV alloy Mrs J. poor rent ....... 12 00/leased space In the Court House, was/ .o ....... *h. r ..ra w-s authorized sup ......... 1 71/aognson Emma ............... 2 .$S
treme pressure transmission otl I ~n motion hv Sunervisor Seevell [blarion Senttnel pub proc .... 151.77 [ordered placed on file £or further con- }.~ ~..~. ,..~ contract with the said I M:ltchell Mcrc Co., poor prey .... 6.64 [~on. son, ~rene ................. .x•u2
e of Linn County, was adjourned I seconded by S perv or meson th~/Me Too Groc, p or prov ........ ^5.0.s/sideraUon. All members voting "Aye" |GI B~'~B'rv'son~ for said work and the ] Melrose Dairy, poor prey ...... 8.56 [~u~ls, L~a ..................... z~.~
o'clock P.M; 31st, 1939.1renewing resoluUon was adopted, all/Menears Groc. & Mkt, poor prov ..5 /thereon. .... rv" or Seevell sec- ]Coun'ty .~uditor was authorized and J ~l~ckcl, ~l~nnie Ho,rP~eOnrtrent .... ~.00/~n~al~.-~er~/~ .................
-tubers voting Aye thereon. ~ I members vottng "Aye" thereon IMelendy, Jack, poor rent .- ..... x~•~ ] on_racoon oy ~upe ~s - -~'-' "-I /directed to return the checks of tbe I ~.~,nera, ~..~.' P . " ....... .'~? 1Kindi- ' -tose~l--: ............... i'~9
I oeing the date heretofore set/ RESOLUTION /Mendel, Mrs. Joan, poor rent .... ~.~v/onuea oy ~upervisor ~eeson, tqe ~u ./unsuccessfu1 bidders All members vot-I ±v~organ;~ut, poor ren~ .. ......." .~,~ ................... .~.
Ceiving bids for 3 000 cubic yards! ~. lq~ W~Rr~LV~ by th~ ~n~a ~¢ 1Miner Gertrude poor rent 'l~.~v /lot~ing resolution was aooptea at, 1 ~; .~ _ " ! MitvalsKy Joe sol rel prey 17 44 /~onlK r'rances ............. ~.v.
............................ " ..... • ..... ' ing "~ye" tnereon. " "' "' ' ' Kotek' inni 1 00
aShed stone surfacing for Sec-/~,,n~r~i~.~= .e t.~.. f'.,,nt~ Iow~ th*t [Myers Mrs Marcus K, poor, de- [members voting Aye thereon. [ --~,~ ~ th~ a-to heretofore set ] Me roe Groc sol rel prov ...... 15.71 ] , M e .................. 0..
¢ l~,oad District No. 128, the fol=lt he dee d 'ex u' e' " a~n~"a~now'l~d'ge-d [ laendent children.... ..... :... 26.58 ] RESOLUTION |for'r'e'ee vin 1)i"ds for the installation I~.e Too Food Store, poor prov ...2.71 | Low2..Alice- S j/_L.L ............. 11.0~
[ o)ds werereceived and opened [ On behalf of this county, conveying/iW~Mahon, Owen, sm re l, re n¢..L: ..... | wHEREAS this county is the own- |of refrigeration machinery and equip- I ~erCYr,~.rl°~P~.P°°~ri~°2eP ~(:~:'" "al~7~'a0? [ ~IU~o~°l~lnn~vi~f~de ........... ~'~
, o crocK ~.~.: ..... ILot 30 in Irregular Survey of the NE]McNall Macia ~ ~upp ~o., ~qu,p ~nns|er by tax deed of the Northwesterly]ment for the cold storage building at[ ~"~ ~,xv-~'~-,o,~ ~'~.~"~.~.L~ ....... [McEn~nv' M~r~r~t ............ 10"a~
~-~naerson, ~euar *tapjos, lowaINE of Sec 1-83-7, Llnn County, Iowa,] renta~ .......... ............... ~'~XIsixty-six (66) Feet of Lot Eight (8),[the Linn County Home, the following[ ...................... *" ...... • ~[~o~.~.-~..~, ~-~ - ............. ~.a'~
~aker, Independence, Iowa [for the sum of $60 00 cash executed ]McDonell, Dan, drainage rprs .: o.ov [~b,ck Eight ~8~ Mount Vernon and /bids were received and opened at two I .serv -: .... ................... _~.~o/ .,:.~-9-~.-: --.% ................. -=.==
~rete Materials Company Cedar I ~n *h~ rl~t rlnv ,~l' l~/i~v lqa~ i~ h,~r~ 1Mclntosh Mrs Alex depenuent 1L%~'. __ ~ .." ; .. . *. '.--...-- [ ,~.,. '----- I ~wauey ~rs J poor rent 10 00/~artln 2tngetme ....... ~u.uu
, [ ......................... "I ' " ' ] ~1 Qe 1¢3 TUll Ot l¥1ount vernon lowtt]o'clocw p.llt.: ~ " ' "' ....... / ' ........
Iowa .... ~ children . , . 10 00C y . ' ' McKesson & Robbins poor drugs 14 55 Melendy, Juau|ta ........... 30 00
' by approved and confirmed by thL • ............ has offered to purchase same for the G.B. Bryson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. , •
~ees and Whitney Marion Iowa [Boar& ]Naibert Dr A C( poor med aid..12.00] ................ a~ v~.n~r~ '~25 00~ [ Checker Electric Sunnlv Incornor-[ McGowan Rebecca poor rent.. 12.00 ] Mendel Joan ................... 10.$~
• Vernon S rin ville Iowa N if Sam oor rent za.v o~"" "~ . MeNiel Mrs Orville poor rent 12 00 Muler L~ena ...........
_ . . , P g -- | The County Engineer having filed/ ass , ' P ........ -~-[cash and it is considered by this|ated Cedar Rapids Iowa. I ....... ' .." , - "" -~'--] ..... '- -. • ....... -.--
action n ~u ervisor ~eeson sec- Nassif R & Son poor prey i ~ , , " • ' • £¥1cGlliln ~eo poor rent 1u 00 ~llller Josephine ......... Z~.O~
_ Y . P ..... , [ a favorable report and plat in the mat- / , ' . -" " "• .... [ r that it would be to the best in- | Refrigeration Eqmpment Company, [ ...~ ' -* ' -. * ' ..... [ ...... ' ...... " .a an
oy ~uperv|sor ~eeveu tne con'lter nf th~ nronosed establishment of a/Newmans poor sewing proJ . ly~./v|Boa d ~ +~ .....*.o * ...... + o~f~t/~.el~v D~,~{do Ictwa [ £¥1cJ~s,any ~.vlrs ivlargaret poor /~aitter ~au~ .............. ~.
for crushed stone surfacing in]secondary Road District for the pur-|N W Bell Tel, Oseer, tel sere .. 14•3-/offer and all tax paying and tax levy-[ On motion by Supervisor Beeson,[..nurs~ng _= : .................. 12.00| lin.or Eva .: .................. S.57
taryRoad DistrictNo 128 was N W Bell Tel shop tel sere .v •x " ' " h ±vtcuauley Keoecca poor rent iv 0u ~ewKlrK xtUtn llU W
_ • . /pose of surfacing the following de-[ ' ' "'" ,-~alin~ be i s having an interest ~n the/seconded by Supervisor Stlrm t e con-[ ......... '.~ . ~ 74 .o . "" . /.. .. ,... _ • ............... ._'..
sa to the Concrete Materials i " O'Meara F T poor prov .. ~,.~ _ _ d e . " ~ " '' " r ) ~ w t~e[i i'el t~o ~t Its tel rent r~ewlln wanua ..... ~v.~
ny Cedar Ra ids Iowa in the- [ scribed township road, toow t Be- ] ber C'L oor' rent " .... co .a/~_ner_la taxes on said _vroperty haying [tract for installing the refmge aft( n ] c~°- tel]s" " • " 1~" .... 93[ ~orrts'" " ' mt~zaoetn" " ......... ~'" us--
, P , , /ginning at the Junction of StatePri-[O , ' P .......... ?~'~/~iven written an,~roval thereto /machinery and equipment for the cold] ..... ~ ''_''- ......... '.''".''- _. _[ ...., ..... • .............. ..'..
~unlof ¢327000 and the Chair-t --_- ~.- .. w,.~ _~+a _~_~ ~- o~,z tOli.~hant poor rent lt~Ue/~s .-~.__r.v: ..... ¥. ~ ~t . - .- t~_:,~..,~ :.. *~.- t+~. ~,,....*.,/ ~NRlnert 1)r A U poor meu aid ~00|oDrlen virginia A~ue
) v , • , • mary z~u. ~.! it]| ~t~tu ~U~4 ~tt ~7~ 1/ ' ~ ' ....... BE IT RE~ULzVEI) Dy tnc x$oaru Ol ~oi-a~e uutlttl.~ 111 tzt~ ~lltll ~uuxluy , . • • , ............ .. • •
f the Board was authorizod to]~e -~ctl~- 2.~83 s *h~ne~ North ~lon-|Peonles Groc poor prov ..... 6907| .... ,~_ r, .... ,. ~,,,~ *~|r:~ ..... ~ ~nrd~d to the Ch~,,kerINat Tea Co. poor prov ... 430~Olmstead Alice ........ 2.36
....... " "~ ....... ' sors ot J~., ~ - * .. ' ....... c , ...... ' ........
Into contract with the said Con- ~+ • ' " Phel s Ed oor rent 5,00 ~upervl " "~ ""~' ~ ..... "'•~" :.* ...... • ...... Nat Tea Co poor prey 2 04 Parsons Yvonne 2 66
........ /the North andSouth Center line of the/ p , ,~.p ..- ....... ~ ^./,h~ n.ld offer of Clyde C Tull be ac-]Eleetrm Supply, Incorporated, Cedar l .. ~ " =- ... " ........ | .... "~_ • ............. __'__
~laterlals ~onlpany ior said sur I 14 Post Mrs J~ana poor rent o vu ...... ~ewcomo ~xrs tnoinas poor r'atton muna ~0 0S
_ ... -I E% of said Section 23 and Sect on ] .... - • " ..... -'^~ ]cepted and the Chairman of this Board |Itapids, Iowa, in the total sum of] "' . , • , [ .... , _ • ................... __,:_
5 and the County Aumtor was [ approximately one mlle, thence Easter-[Peoples Groe, sol re~ prey ...... .o~'.~.~/i~ n-thorlzed and directed to sign and 151089.11, and the Chairman of the [ ~•..o ................... 10.00| ~ouet, t~raee .................. ~.o~
iize4.and directed toreturnthe]ly through the SE¼ of the SE¼ of See-[Pratt, Ethel, poor rent .: ...... on behalf of the county a/Board was authorized to enter tnto l ~ewet~tnar)cs.,poor rent ...... 10.00]t egump, axln9 .............. z?.??
e lethe unsuccessrut .... hinders.2*U|tlon 14 and S~ of Section 13 of sald|Peterson, Oscar, poor rent ......... 2 0 |deed of conveyance to sa:d" property, In [-.ntract with the Checker Electric[~'as°,~ , ~v~rs. raunne, poor rent .. lo00|, rmtz, x~ouise., ............... ze.uu
rs voting Aye thereon. IT°wnship and Range to the East line of[Pitlik, Dr C C, poor reed aid .... 0[ rs ance of said offer /SuPply Incorporated, for said work,[ Nass~f, Sam, poor rent ......... 10.00/ Raftis, Hazel .................. 10.00
I beingthe date heretoforesetsaid Townshi 83-N Ran e ~-w ~elng Pratt Frank poor rent .... 10.00pu u " 11 he ount Auditor was authoriz Norms A+]os poor rent 5 00 Rablk Frances 20 00
ce P g ' ' ' On motion by Supervisor Seeve , "tnd t C y - ' " ........................... e
~ i.vingbids for approximately approximately 2.30 miles in length and Polansky Funeral Home, Co. seconded by Supervisor Beeson the fol- ed and directed to return the checks N W Bell Tel Co., O'seer, tel Re d. Bertha ................... 1~.00
.able yards crushed stone for re- lying in ~tamon and ~ertram Town- Home, burial ................ 65.00 . sol tion was adopted all )f the unsuc(essful bidders All mem serv 9 49 Reilly Beatrice 20 00
~i~n 50..12 miles for secondarye s•hlps Quality Wood & Coal Yard, sol 918 ~:ml~gersr~ott~g "Aye" thereon'' bers voting'~'X'ye'' tbereon " Oldfield~'Mrs:'I~l'a'r'y'6.:'poor'rent 10:00 Robinson, Lena d:::::::::::::: 10:~
. ng ,n 'airxax "rownsn,p t, ] And the County Engineer having/ real, fuel " ........... " " | TI N " | On no~tion by Supervisor Bee~on Io'Conuor,, Tbelma: poor rent .................. 1000] Byan uather,ne eum,
lng bids were received and open-[ recommended in his re ort the estab-/Registrar of Vital Statistics 37.7.5[ RESOLU O / ' r I O Connell Mrs Vmla poor rent 90 00/ Ryan Emily 10 00
tw , • P 8 0~ ~econded by Super~iso Seevell. the , . -, , - - , .~ ...................
~o o clock I~.M.. ~. ._ . llshment of said Secondary Road Dis- Rile,y: G.R poor rent.. ......... BE IT RESOLVED by .the Board_of following resolution wasadopted all .Qckeltree: Wmifred poor rent..12,00 ~yan,.2 rances.. .............. 21.00
B~nuers°n' ~euar ~apius, xowa rict. on motion by Supervisor ~eevell. l~apms unevrolet ~o,, u'seer, car 6 97 Supervisors of Linn ~ounty, Iowa. tna~ lnembersvotinG" Aye thereon: ' L~aKlan(1 Groc. po(~r prov. . ....................... 6 37 ~cnneluer Marlo~ £u v•
- aker., Independence, Iowa. - /seconded by Supervl.r Beeson, the / rprs .- ...... . .... . ............. /the deed executed and acknowledge on /,+Em-i UTION ] Preston, t+, A, D C Bailiff, sal.. 91.00[ S.ehultz, Irma ................... 10.0Q
rote Materials ~ompany, ~eaar [report and plat were approved and IRathje tree, sol re], prey poor .o ++/ ehaif of this county, conveying the I ~ ~w,~ ~ r~w" ~f~aD~ [ ~'aUl. Zenota M., Rec, extra help 75.00[ Shed, ~z:armn ................. ~.e~
• ,o , TT S 1 D BY )
, ~owa . I notlce of hearlng was set for two I prov ....................... ..'g^INorthwesterly Sixty-six (66) Feet ot l~,~'~ttt~[~~w t.t~,~'~'~,~'] leafier, I,eo P., Bd Soc Welfare [ Shearer, ~essle ................ ~.~
e?e~nd Whir~nneY,.1MariloOwn, I°Wa|o'clock P.M, June 20th, 1939, and the]Reamer, Mae, Pmoor~ nUJ:rl~gen~... ~'~/Lot Eight (8) Block Eight (8), Mount [i~(~V~+~: ............................ / pmeeting .................... 12'00[Sh3Lt~gn" Y::dle ................ i~';;
non, Sp t gvl , ICounty Audl'tor was instructed to pub-]Snyder, ~a s. 1~ , P -- ..%. ]Vernon Linn County Iowa for th [ .+,-; ................. [ oynecr, Fred J. 1+. Soc Welfare 1 , e ............... ..
t ~t ~ t nat ~t ,s u~uereu .dolce ~u uepart Sn der Mae~v vv
motion, by Supervisor .Beeson, ]lish notice thereof in the Marion Sen- [Spahn &Rose Lbr Co., poor rue ..'.~ ]sum of'$25.00 cash, executed ~n the 6th |,,~ ~ ..... ia~a hv O~.,~.~ ~ ~¢ th~ ~ [ n/coting .................... 12.00[ -. Y : • • : .- ................ ...~
yu oy ~uperwsor Stirm, tne con- [ tinel as required by Section 4746 [Searles l)alry poor prov ...... ~'~ ]day of June, 1939, is hereby approv- ]\~,~--~,f•-f~x ~~*'~':---~:~-'-7~-'~y*-==-~-*-~;'-~--~ | Parrott & Sons Co, Matt Aud [ ~lemerlng,.~nl.a .............. ~.~
tor resurfacing the above Co-11935 Code of Iowa. All members vet-]Sheronick & Son, poor, prey .... f'~ led and confirmed by this Board. [ ,o..~ .)~.;....,yL ~o p,~y'e,,~ tnc ~:quu-n,g] blanks ...................... 1.05[ ~onlmers, ~arle ............... ~?.~
secondary roads in Fairfax~|in "Aye" thereon |Street Groc I T sol rel prey . o a*1 On motion by Supervisor Seevell ]~)t a settlel'ovllt in tills county, oe serv-[ Peoples Groc poor prey 83 01| Steggall Alma ........... a~ e.
hi g .... mr sal ' ,~d upon each of the following named ~ - " ....... wit r' Rend 10 00
p wasawarded to DeWees n-1 On motion hy Supervisor Beeson,Simon. Frank S R Com .o .. ,seoonded by Supervisor Be.on the fol, ........ =. ,terp S+s & Loan poor rent 30001 _ zo - • ................ .__
~Y,_Marion Iowa, in the tots /seconded by Supervisor Seevell the] mileage ...... -- ....... - ...... .Z/lowing resolution was adopted, all| ~',,,~2 ~;~ ~o o+~ ~..^ ~ ,~ [ l~'hillips, Flower, poor rent .... 10.00[TltUs,_.~ereruue ................ a~.~
~i.~,830.84, and .the Chairman. ot ] bond of the Hill Oil Company fo'r fur-[Star Printing Co., u'seer, otc ~ttp .,sa ]members voting "Aye" thereon: [~ ~,~, .... ,¢ ............. ~Gur-[ Pale Savs Bank. poor rent .... 8.00| TompKIns, ~ary ............... ~•~
art was author,zed to enter lntO|nlshing 100000 gallons gasoline for use|Shelton, J C, poor rent ......... .| " "T N ]uon, ~r~ansas, [Peoples Groc sol rel prey 28 36| Vavra, Mary ................... ,u.vv
~t with said DeWees and Whit-] ' ed er/Sik°ra Otto poor rent 1000/ RESOLU IO [ . Pokay . Arthur 410 "J" Ave N~V/ P~o los ('r c~ sol rel' )rov .... 10"10[ Wells Lull .... _~.0e
of Llnn County, Iowa, award und ' ' * ....... ." wn onion t-ount ' ~ p • • o l ....... • ............... e
)r said re-surfacing and the contra~t dated Ma 31st 1939 was ap Sharp Mrs Chas dependent WHEREAS this c~unty is the o - (t~ ~ Y) Perp Says & L~an p mr rent l0 00 Wenger, Blanche ............. ~o•g
'~ Auditor was authorized anu proved and ordere~ pla~ed on file Allchild, ren .'........' ........ • ....8,87 er.oy tax aeeclo~.lz~o, ts.~ne(1) andT~.vo .~IyersL Charles^l!00 2nd St. S.E. Pirie~W J, lnspsal,'exp .... :::: 22:90W.heeler. Pansy ................ I0.00
essful bidders All members vet- On motion b h~ ervisor "Beeson Stocker N C poor rent 10 00Saxby's First Addition to M~unt.Ver- CLAIMS ALLOWED ett "s ~)'air sol rel prey 48 51 White Julia .............. $4 00
Fe'" thereon. " seconded by Suypervipsor Seevell, the Sebetka' Bro's, poor prey ........ ........ 1530 non, and E .... V R Dvorak ot mount Anspoker Martha, , poor rent .$ 1200. '~s~teri~ . , FYank, poo'r prey ..... ..... 6'12 ',vlltoru. . H~,*el .............. 40.000
otlon b Su ervisor Beeson sec- Subdlv Aid to the Blind invgst Vernon Iowa has offered to purchase Anderson Emd poor rent 5 00 • "r oor rov 745 ~, Iklns Georgenla I0,0
Y P , County Auditor was authorized to ' ' ' . : .......... v t eoples (. oc, p p .......... • ......
by Supervisor Seeyell, the fol- draw warrants once each four weeks & fees ......................279.47 th~ same for the sum of Fifty Dollars Ayash. Nmk, poor, rent ........ 10.0 ~='coples Groc poor prey ........ 30.33 Wllllts, Irene .................. $0.00
appointments in the Statis- on the Widows' Pension Fund for ay- Sanford Co., l~orris,Prof ofc ($50.00) cash, and it is considered by Ashbacher, Carl, poor, rent .... 5.00 -.. ~ .... r Wilson, Emma ................. $0.00
office of the Linn County Re-ment of Widows Pensions as rov~ded env 5 26 this Board that it would be to tbe Asnny V¢. C & Lma t: right of Qu~.l)t~ W'~od & Coal Yard, poe 8 Wood Jessie ............ ~0.~
P ............................. ~. fuel ........................ 9.1 "
Dartment were approved, salar-b Section 3641 1935 Code of Iowa In Stone, Mrs. Gee, dependent chil- best interests of the county to accept . way ................. . ....... 2o.00 ~ ~ • + .. 8 30 On motion the Board of Supervisor~
Y on; uallty ( rot p )or prov
~ne said appointees to be paidthe amount shown on the Superior dren .....--. ........ . ..... :... 21.71 said.offer and all tax paying, and ta.x A ._~'. R. V¢.,_poor r.ent . ..... ]0.0~ .= ._ " ^ ........... ~'~..~j~:~ 65'a5 adjourned Sine Die havingbeen_in
ae combined fund, all memuers[court Order to Lucille Cook and Alice ]Sweet Mrs. ~ertle dependent _ _[levymg OOdles navlng an Interest ln|t~lm, E~wara, snoop Knlea ..... 13.3S[ ~ice ~uner~, ~/,,~, ~,~,- .... ~,~ "~ ] session April 4th. 11th 13th. ~6th, May
"Aye" thereon: ]Olmstead as granted by Judge Thomas ] children .................... 1".0~ ]the general taxes on said property nay-[~ates Fran~, co Treas, pettit ..... ] r~usseu corm ~., ~ .... ewin~ ~| ?nd 9th 16th 23rd. 16th0 ~lst, and
r Nle, Acting Statistician, [ B Powell All members voting "A e" [Sweet Mrs. Gee dependent chil- ling given written aPproval theret°. / Iur°rs .................. 369.SU[[ pro]., - ..................... I"0X/June 6th 1939 '
Per month effsctive May 9th 'croon " Y dren ., . 10 00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD Bye A L D C Rep sal 260 00 ~tunin A J poor rent. ........ 12 w, ' "
, , th • " ............................ or rent 10 00 Fred St rm Chairman
l~he Board of Su ervlsors counted the Sec Lab _poor_drugs 26 OF SUPERVISORS of Linn County Bailey Edna H Sup Ct Rep sal 112 00 Rodman E M pc ......... / -- _ '-
" P " " .............. • ' ~" ' Re sa] 200 00 • t~oaro ¢,r tsuperswzors
Skala, Stenographer• $65.00 ash in the Count Treasurer's office Turner, John B & 8on, poor bur Iowa, that the said offer of E. V. R. Beeson, C L, per diem and mile- ,earn .L hn D C P/ ....... ', r,... r, ,,.., r ~ *
~, effective April 17th, 1939 Cnd found on the Ylst day of May at ill .................. : ....... 65.65 Dvorak be accepted and the Chairman age .... =_...:. .... _ ......... 209.30 ]~edies F F, poor rent .......... 12,00\ties • R~ob¢°; UM?n~Q~:i°w-
atklem Stenographer $6000 los of business on ds osit in the Taylor Sarah poor nursing 600 of this Board is authorized and direct- Brutsman madenne Tress ex- • Seevell Elmer M per diem and ..... t. .,.~ t^.. ,~ a~t*^.
h, effective May 9th, 1939. various banks $926,561.75; cash in vauli Unger, Ida ,poor rent .......... 12.00 ed to sign and execute on behalf of the tra help .................... 75.00 mileag ...................... ,