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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 24, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 24, 1941
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July 24, 1941 M MOUNT VERNON, IO%VA, HA~VKEYE-RECORD AND M LISBON HERALD Page Saves "And i've had two pay raises in only eight months! I'll say you can't beat Uncle Sam's Navy!" yOU couldn't ask for a greater thrill than that which a fellow gets when he comes back home wearing a trim Navy uniform. The folks crowd around. They all want to know where you've been, what you've done. And man, do you have stories to tell! GREATEST LIFE IN THE WORLD You're proud. And you should be. For you've been leading the greatest life in the world. And it's a thrill to tell about it, too. A thrill to see the admiration in the eyes of the One and Only Girl as you tell about the first time you steered a Destroyer. Or handled a P.T. Boat at more than 45 miles per hour. Or stepped out in front of your shipmates to receive your first promotion. And with that promotion came an increase in pay. And there were more to come. Second Class. First Class. And then Chief Petty Officer. You might even go to Annapolis. Or to Pensacola with the flying cadets! Exciting? You bet, and fun too. Something doing all the time. Real he-man's stuff. Box- ing. Baseball. Football. Swimming. AND MOVIES previews, too! BUILD YOUR GET IN NAVY NOW ~OUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mount Vernon, Iowa July 7, 1941 of the Town of Mount Ver- met in regular session at the mcilmen: John B. Prall, C. L. Rich, A. E. loyd Bryant, seconded at A. E. Kudart act as Mayor Councilman Snyder, seconded that a Beer Permit be issued FREE TRAINING WORTH $1500 And all this time you're taking care of your future! The Navy said, "Pick a trade--we'll make you an expert." And they gave you LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVY OFFERS YOU FREE TRAINING worth $1500. Nearly 50 trades and vocations to choose from. GOOD PAY with regular increases. You can earn up to $157 a month. EACH YEAR you are entitled to a generous vacation period, with full pay. GOOD FOOD and plenty of it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit of cloth- ing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, including regular den- tal attention. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment any man could ask for. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS--You can't beat the Navy for them ! BECOME AN OFFICER. You can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy trained men to get good-paying jobs in civil life. LIBERAL RETIREMENT-PAY. bills were presented for Avenue-- Commencing at the East side of Sixth Avenue North on North Third Street. ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of North Third Avenue in North Third Street and c nearly 50 skilled trades and vocations to choose from: Radio export, machinist, welder, aviation mechanic, dental technician, elec- trician-to mention a few. Yes, training that would be worth $1500 to you in one year's time. Training that will assure you of a well-paid job in civil life. Yet you get paid while learning--get your keep and a complete outfit of clothing free. Where else in the world are there such opportunities for thrill, for fun, for a future as in Uncle Sam's Navy I "" ACT NOW! HERE'S HOW! (No Obligation) TODAY get the free illustrated booklet called "Life in the Navy." It gives you the glowing facts. If you are 17 or over, all you need do is to ask the Navy Editor of this newspaper for a copy. TELEPHONE HIM, or fill in the coupon below and give it to him at this newspaper's office. Or mail the coupon to him, either in an envelope or pasted on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONOR! If after reading the free booklet you de- cide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive this smart lapel- emblem. It is a badge of honor you will he proud to wear. r mm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mm mmmm mm mm mm mm mmmmmmmm~m mmumus~ Js mmu mmm~, Tear out and take or send this coupon to the Navy Editor of this newspaper c Without obligation on my part whatsoever, please send me free booklet, "Life in the Navy," giving full details I about the opportunities for men in the Navy. Name Address I I ~ m mm mmm mmmmm ml mmmm mm m| mm "--,mm mm| mm mmmm mmmmmm,|m m mm m m,m~ ||~ at South line of North Fourth Street, coucrete paving in Third Avenue North to the South line of North Eighth Street-- at North line of Th rd Street North and extending to the South side of North Sixth Street-- Commencing at the East side of Seventh Avenue North in Second Street North, ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of Fifth Avenue North in Seccnd Street North, ex- tending to West side of North Third Avenue-- Commencing at the East side of Sixth Avenue North on North Third Street, ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing at the East side of North Commencing at the North end of present" concrete paving in Third Avenue North at North line of Third Street North and extending to the South side of North Sixth Street-- Commencing at th9 East side of Seventh Avenue North in Second Street North, ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of Fifth Avenue North in Seecnd Street North, ex- tending to West side of North Third Avenue~- Commencing at tbe East side o'f Sixth Avenue North on North Third Street, ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of North freight $ .76 Express, freight 1.94 extending to the West side of North See- I Third Avenue in North Third Street and gas 6.64end Avenue-- I extending to the West side of North Second rebate of deposit 4.50 Commencing at the East side of North lAvenue~ paint, ete 9.67 Second Avenue in North Third Street and i Commencing at the East side of North street work 77.50extending to the West side of North First ! Second Avenue in North Third Street and extending to the West side of North First! milk analysis 6.00Avenue--- (, Avenue-- i Catch basin covers 53.48 I Commencing on the East side of Eighth i workman's compen- i Avenue North, in Seventh Street North. and I Commencing on the East side of Eighth : 87.991extending to the West side of Seventh IAvenue North in Seventh Street North, Mn, cemetery labor 58.20 i Avenue North-- ] and extendin~ to the West side of Seventh i cemetery labor 66.60I Commencing at the East side of North lAvenue North-- i shal, etc 110.25 Seventh Avenue in North Sixth Street. and ~ Commencing at the East side of North [ printing 32.37 extending to the West side of North Fifth I Seventh Avenue in North Sixth Street, park labor 9.60 Avenue--- ~and extending to the West side of North park labor 16.401 Twenty-five feet in width of curb and iFifth Avenue-- . . er labor 13.80gutter and psving on Fifth Avenue South t Twenty-five feet m width of curt) and basins 22.90from the North line of Fourth Street South ~utter and pawn~ on Fifth Avenue South, i' pumping etc 90.00to the South line of Second Street South-- I from the North line of Fourth Street South ,Water Supt 50.00,Fourth Avenue South from the North ~ to the South line of Second Street South- ,sewer Mgr 10.001line of Fourth Street South to the South Fourth Avenue South from the North Clerk, salary 50.00 I I ne of Second Street South-- I Line of Fourth Street South to the South )or, storm sewer 12.60 Third Avenue South from the North line,line of Second Street South-- })or waterworks 12.80of Fourth Street South to the South line Third Avenue South from the North line r & Coal Co cement, of Second Street South-- I of Fourth Street South, to the South line 9.97 Third Street South from the East side of I of Second Street South-- mower repair 19.83Fifth Avenue South to the West line of Third Street South from the East side 5e Co by-passes 2.92First Avenue South-- c f Fifth Avenue South, to the West line Light & Power, cur- all with n the Incorporated Town of Mount lot First Avenue South- 199.45 Vernon Iowa prepared by E. E. Moots all within the Incorporated Town of & Power, street Town Engin~r at the direction of this t Mount Vernon, Iowa and eznstrueted under 181.32 Counci, be accepted and placed c.n file. contract with Hargrave Con~ructlon Corn- ne Co alarm phones 6.13 i This motion was seconded by Councilman nany, of Cedar Rapids. Iowa. dated August ,no Co tolls 1.79 I Prall. The yea and nay vote on this motlon I 19th. 1940 has been comnleted and was on ~n~uses plants, ceres- I being taken resulted as follows: i the 30th day of June 1941 approved and 5.10 Yeas--John B. Bryant E. C. Pra]l C. aece~ted hv the Town Council and Y Service Co street It. Rich, A. E. Kudart and Lloyd Snyder. WHEREAS. there is now on fl]e for . . 21.17 Nnys--None. Absent--None. ~u.blie inq~ection in the Office cf the dy Co. fire hose 153.00tWhereupon the Acting Meyer declared Town Clerk. a plat and schedule marked rele Products. tile 76.50[the motion duly carried and adopted. "Exhibit A' of said avenues and street,~ te~ Co meters 48.50I Passed and adoptedthis7thday ofI showing the separate lotq ar ~:reel~ of ~lPlny, pipe and fittings 7208 I.Tulv A. D. 1941. ~round. or spe~ifled nortions thereof, as ) (:o repair 82 I T. I. Mitchell. Clerk. I far as nraetl,ahle and the amounts *o bo I {',o gas 3.04 I A E Kudart,Temnorary Mayor assessed against each lot or parcel of * gas 1.69 ~ Roy "St Nelson Mover [ gr~md or spoeifled portion thereof, and ag Store, sod chlorate. 4.281 Incorporated Town of Mount Vernon[s~ainst an~" Railway or street railway. : Board, state ~ermit 3.00 Incorporated Town of which said nlat and schedule was on the )Uncilman Snyder, seconded by I Mount Vernon. Iowa. I 7th day of July. A. D. 1941 Accepted and the bills be allowed and war- I Coun-ilman Bryant offered the following apnroved by th~s C~unei]. for same when properly resolution sod moved its adantion, sameI That the Town Clerk he end he m he-~- I was seconded by Councilman Snyder by directed to ~ri~e noti~e bv two ~ubli- ~rrled. I RF~ROLUTION I~ation~ in t~ Mount Vernon Hawkeve- THE TOWN Re ~d ~nd T ~*bon T-lerald a newsn~per RESOLUTION l RESOLUTION DIRI~CTING ~ I '~ '" " Snvder moved that the plat[CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF ASSESS-,nuhl~hed in M~,mt Vern~. Iowa. and by of assessmentsfor eom- h~ndbitlq r~t~d in eonsplcuous pla~es Second Avenue in North Third Street and etending to the West side of North First Avenue-- Commencing on the East side of North Third Avenue in North Third Street and extending to the West side of North Second Avenue-- Commencing at the Eset side of North Seventh Avenue in North Sixth Street, and extending to the West side of North Fifth Avenue--- Commencing on the East side of Eighth Avenue North in Seventh Street North, and extendlnw to the West side of Seventh Avenue North-- Twenty-five feet in width of curb and gutter and poring on Fifth Avenue South, from the North line of Fourth Street South to the South line of Second Street South--- Fourth Avenue South from the North Line of Fourth Street South to the South line of Second Street South-- Third Avenue South from the North line Vernon, Iowa, to-wit: Tmnrovement by "Blaok end Curb and Gutter in: the and avenu~ and places of Mount Vernon, Iowa, feet tn width of cueh and Ei-hth Stvenue North. side of Fi~t Street t~ the of the C & N W R R C~n- kV~nuo fro~ North side of First ~id~ nf Seventh ,~treet-- et 'J~qTrn'+h ~d of Dr~nt in Fifth Avenue North. at al^n the Une nf said imnwwem~nt t'~-wtt: Twentv-;ou~ feet i~ width of eurh a~d ~utter ~nd oav;n~ on Eighth Avenue North, f~om North ~ide of Fi~t S+-~-+ +o the of Fourth Street South, to the South line of Second Street South-- Third Street South from the East side concrete pavlng in Fifth Avenue North, Commencinz at the North end of present ef Fifth Avenue South, to the West line of First Avenue South-- all within the Incorporated Town o~" Mount Vernon, Iowa. That such plat and sche- d,le is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of this the Town of Mount Vernon, Iowa, end that within 20 day~ after the first publication of said notice all objections to said plat and schedule, or prior pro- ceedings, on accouont of errors, irregular- ities, or inequalitie% must be made in writing and filedwith the Town Clerk of this town. and that the Coun- cil after the exniration of said 20 days and at the hour of 7:30 p. m. on the 31st day of July 1941 at the Council chambers in said t~wn~ will meet to hear su-h objecti~n~ and make necessavv eor- rerticn~ and having so d~ne will then m~be the s~)ecial as~e~smeuts as shown in said pl~t and schedule as corrected and apr~ved. ~, TT FTTRTHER RESOLVED THAT SAIn NOTICE be in the following form, to-wit ; NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT For Permanent Imnrovement hv "Bls~k on" Pav;n. ~nd C.~h and Gutter within Incorporated Town of Mount Vernon, Iowa. TO AI,L WHOM IT M&V CONCERN: BY direetlon of the Town Cmmeil ~f the and curb and gutter having been placed in, upon and along the following Streets and Avenues in the Town of Mount Vernon, Iowa to-wit: Twenty-four feet in width of curb and gutter and paving on Eighth Avenue North, from North side of First Street to the Southerly rail of the C. & N. W. R.R. Com- pany- Seventh Avenue from North side of First Street to North side of Seventh Street-- Commencing at the North end of present concrete paving in Fifth Avenue North, at South line of North Fourth Street, to the South line of North Eighth Street-- Commencing at the North end of present concrete paving in Third Avenue North at North line of Third Street North and extending tothe South side of North Sixth Street--- Commencing at the East side of Seventh Avenue North in Second Street North, ex- tendingto West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of Fifth Avenue North in Second Street North, ex- tending to the West side of North Third Avenue-- Commencing at the East side of Sixth Avenue North on North Third Street, ex- tending to the West side of Fifth Avenue North-- Commencing on the East side of North Third Avenue in North Third Street and extending to the West side of North Second Avenue~ Commencing at the East side of North Second Avenue in North Third Street and extending to the West side of North First Avenue-- C~mmencing on the East side of Eighth Avenue North in Seventh Street North, and extending to the West side of Seventh Avenue North-- Commencing at the East side of North Seventh Avenue in North Sixth Street, and extending to the West side of North Fi,fth Avenue--- Twenty-five feet in width of curb and gutter and paving on Fifth Avenue South, from the North line of Fourth Street South to the South llne of Second Street South-- Fourth Avenue South from the North Line of Fourth Street South to the South line of Second Street South-- Third Avenue South from the North line of Fourth Street South, to the South ]ine i of Second Street South-- I Third Street South from the East side l o,f Fifth Avenue South, to the West line[ of First Avenue South-- I That the property, lots and parcels of l ground, abutting on said permanent ira-[ provement by "black top" paving and curb ! and gutter, as also property, lots and par- I eels of ground adjacent to said permauent ~improvemenLs constructed as aforesaid "a~' by law provided, and specifically hy virtne i of the provisions of Chapter $08 of the 1959 I Code of the State of Iowa and laws of Iowa pertaining thereto, will be asse~ed suh- I stantially as set out in said plat and sehed- l ule. and that the hearing of objections to i said plat and schedule and assessments, if any he made. has been fixed at the hour -f 7 :.~ P. M. on the Slat day of July. A. D 1941. at the C~unctl Chamhera in The Town Hall in said Town of Mount Ver- non, Iowa. and that all objections to all prior proceedings on account of errora, tr- regularttit~ or In~ualities. muqt he made in writing and filed with the Town Clerk. ORDINANCE No. 140 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF MOITNT VERNON IOWA GOVERNING MOVING TRACTION ENGINES AND SHARP SHOD ANIMALS OVER PAVED Defense Bond ,: QUIZ Q. What happens if I suddenly need the money I put into a De- fense Saving Bond? A. You can cash your Bond at any time, after 60 days, for the full amount paid, plus any interest due you. Q. Do many Bond owners cash their Bonds? A. No. People want to help arm America against all attacks. In many cases, people are ,putting every cent they can spare into De- his home in Chicago, Ill after a vis- it with his mother, Mrs. Anna Me- kota. Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Krob and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schleuter and family made a trip to Devils Back- bone State Park on Sunday. Charles Michel of Mount Pleasant is visiting among relatives and, friends here for some time. On Sunday a journey was made to Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pavel and daugh- ter Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Goodlove, where they visited with tester and Paul Pavel, who are at- tending school there. The boys will be through with their course at Chanute Field on August 6th, and tense Bonds and Stamps. Some are doing this by asking employers or banks to withhold part of their sal- aries in order to buy these Bonds or Stamps for them. NOTE -- To purchase Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the near- eat post office or bank, or write for information to the Treasurer of the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D.C. and on the return trip they visited the Childrens Home and Odd Fel- lows Home at Mason City. They spent a half day at Clear Lake. They went up on Thursday and came home Saturday. Miss Bonetta Crease from West Branch and Dick Moore of New Hampshire were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford on Saturday evening. Friends might be interested to know that Dick Moore has a charge in New Hampshire and is preaching. He is spending a ten day vacation in Iowa. Solon Mrs. Anna Zeller HAVE FAREWELL" The Study club gave a farewell affair for Mrs. Angola Lanners with !a picnic supper at Lake McBride. It costs you money every time you Don't read Want Ads in the will then come to their homes here Hawkeye-Record and Lisbon Her- for a 15 day furlough, when they aid. will leave for Oklahoma City to continue their school work. A vacant house won't pay taxes~ Mr. and Mrs. Myron Nally and Advertise it in the Want Ad Sec- son Patrick were visitors Thursday tion. at Maquoketa with relatives and friends. Haul out your odds and end.s, Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Fiala of De- they'll bring you a prOfit thru troit, Mich arrived for a two weeks Want Ads. vacation with the former's parents, - -~--~ ---~ , Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fiala, and with relatives and friends here. Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michel were Miss Mary Brock, Wesley Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cambridge of Iowa City. Miss Helen Zenishek of Cedar Mrs. tanners was presented with a Rapids visited on Saturday and Sun- gift in remembrance of her mem- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bership in the club. Those partici- Leo Zenishek. pating were: Mrs. Lucille Adams, Mrs. Anna Zeller and Miss Flor- Mrs. Deyo Looney, Mrs. Linna ence Kucera attended the Cornell Gleason. Mrs. Helen Meyers, Mrs. Summer Theatre on Friday evening Lflhan Upmmr, MEss ,Veima t~ecl~, [when the production entitled "Un- Mrs. Marjorie .rest' Mrs. Doromy der Canvas" was presented. Bittner, Mrs. Mildred Umbdenstock, Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Mildred Kessler, Mrs. Orphatand Mrs. Steve Fiala were Mr. and Zajicek. Mrs. Eugene Gay, and Mrs. Mrs. Alpha Harmon and sons, Mabel Fiala. George and Roger, of Waterloo; Mr. -- . . ]and Mrs. Rennie Fiala of Detroit, The Girl Scouts made a h~klng! Mich.; Mrs. Julius Brown and Mr. trip to Lake McBride recenuy, land Mrs. Ted Fiala and children, where swimming was enjoyed. They Terry and Karen. were: Mary Pave]ka, Dorothy Pavel, Geraldine Miltner, Margaret Breza, Dolores Miltner, Patricia Fisher, and Palisades Imogene Brumwell. l Mrs. Charles Ford Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Beretta and Mrs. James Petrick went to Ne- daughters, Jean and Joan, have ]eft for points in Montana for a visitI cedah,the homeWiS tOofVisither untilfather.Wednesday with relatives. During Dr. Beretta's~at !ahsencc Dr. Krueger of Ames has Mr. and Mrs. Merle Long spent Tuesday evening at the home of charge of his practice. The Illinois Oil Co. is constructing a station on Highway 261 across from the F. A. Brosh funeral home. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Milholin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal entertain- ed the Franklin Township Farm Bureau on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Anton Biderman accompan- ied Mrs. Wesley Netolicky and Mrs. Alfred Witousek of Western. Mrs. Arthur Marak and Mrs. Will Dvor- ak of Swisher, on a trip to Minne- It is planned that the station will be completed about August first. Mrs. H. C. Kornetzky of Milwau- kee. Wis is here for a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. See us for 106 2nd Avenue West Phone 7183 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. [ - j E. F. Heinsius. Mr .and Mrs. O. E. Markitan and children have gone on a vacation toi visit Mr. Markitan's parents and j relatives and other points in Ne-] braska. They expect to be gone t-:co ~ weeks. ] Charles Mekota has returned toi STREETS, PAVED AVENUES AND PAVED PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN MOUNT VERNON, IOWA. Moved hy Councilman Bryant. second- ed hy Rich, that ordinance No. 140 be passed on its first reading. Vote resulted as fellows : Yeas--Bryant, Pral], Rich, Kudart and Snyder. Nays--none. Absent--None. The chairman declared the motion car- ried. Moved by Councilman Snyder, seconded by Bryant that the rule requiring an or;inance to be read on three separate days be suspended. The wte resulted as follows : Yeas--Snyder, Kudart, Rich, Prall and Bryant. Nays--none. Absent--None. The chairman declared the motion car- ried. Moved by Councilman Bryant, seconded by Pra]]. that Ordinance No. 140 be pass- ed ~n its final reading. The vote resulted as follows: Yeas--Bryant. Prall, Rich, Kudart and Snyder. Nays--none. Absent--None. The Mayor declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted and ordered it published as by law required. Moved by Councilman Bryant, seconded by Snyder, that the Council adjourn to meet by agreement. T. I. Mitchell, Clerk Roy A. Nelson, Mayor. A. E. Kudart, Temporary Chairman. sota. They visited friends and rela- fives at Albert Lea an. d Owatona CLASSIFIED AD SECTIOH~ HAWKEYE Only 1c Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charee. Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning To Appear On This Page. Classified Ads Bring Results p FOR SALE FOR 'SALE: Shafting, pulleys and hangcns. Inquire at the Hawk- eye office 38-2tp FOR SALE: .Shafting. pulleys rod hange~. Inquire at the Hawk- eye office. 38-2tp FOR SALE: A barn in good con- dition, 24xlSx16 foot high; also a small ehickenhouse. Mrs. Charles Stork, Phone 178, I,isbon. 39c FOR SALE: A good junior size )eel table. Used little. $5.00 cash. Also good Hawthorne .bicycle used very little. $15.00. Dial 3912. 39p FOR SALE: A seven room mod- ern home, splendidly located, all appointments excellent. J. N. Kyle, Dial 6232, Mount Vernon. 3tip NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL FOR SALE: Sand and gravel. No. 16169.I Ashes hauled, gardens plowed. State of Iowa Lmn County ss H1 best rices aid f r . " - - [ 'g P p o Wool Hides ~n the uiscrict Cour~ Ir " ' -- . :, Z I on Kags ann Metam D Burgess N,tice is hereby given that on the 30th{~ 'Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Ver- day of July A.D 1941 at 9 o'clock A.M Inon 2~tfo an instrument purporting t~ he the Last[ : ~ ~ Will and Testament of Catherine Lott I --~ - - - - late of said county, deceased, will come on for hearing before the District Court MISCELLANEOUS for the proof and admission of same to probate. Dated, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 22, 1941. EDWIN W. LUNDQUIST, Clerk District Court. G. M. Wilson, Attorney 7-24-41 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF IOWA Des Moines ANNUAL CERTIFICATE FOR PUBLICATION of the Safeguard Insurance Company of New York. Located at New York in the State of New York. Whereas, the above named company has filed in the Insurance Department of Iowa, a sworn statement showing its condition cn the thirty-first day of December, 1940, in accordance with the provisions of Chap- ter 404, Title XX, of the Code of Iowa. re* lating to Insurance Companies: and where- as said Insurance Company has complied with the laws of this State relating to in- surance. Therefore, in pursuance of law, I, Chas. R. Fischer, Commissioner of Insurance, do hcrehy certify that said Insurance Com- pany is authorized to transact the business of Fire: Windstorm: Automobile Fire, Collision and Property Damage: Earth- quake: Expl~ion : Marine : Riot : Sprinkler Leakage: Aircraft Property Damage In- surance in the State o~ Iowa. as required by law, until the first day of April, 1942. I further certify that on December 31, 1940, the statement shows-- 1st. Total Admitted Assets . .$ 3,083,728.69 2d. Total Liabilities, Except Capital $ 742,787.90 3d. Capital Paid Up $ 1,000,000.00 4th. Surplus over all Lia- bilities $ 1,340,940.79 5th. Surplus as regard~ Policy- holders $ 2,340,940.79 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and (seal)affixed my seal of office at Des Moines,this 1st day of June, 1941. CHAS. R. FISCHF~, Commissioner of Insurance. 7-24-41 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF IOWA Des Moines ANNUAL CERTIFICATE FOR PUBLICATION of the Royal Insurance Company, Ltd. Located at New York in the State of New York. Whereas, the above named company has filed in the Insurance Department of Iowa, a sworn statement showing its condition en the thirty-first day of December, 1940, in accordance with the provisions of Chap- ter* 404, Title XX. of the Code of Iowa. re- lating to Insurance Companies; and where- as said Insurance Company has complied with the la~. of this State relating to in. surance. Therefore, in pursuance of law, I, Chas. R. Fischer, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that said Insurance Com- pany is authorized to transact the business of Aircraft Property Damaqe : EarthqUake : Explo~. ~i~. ~Zarine: Kiot: Windstorm: Hkii: ~r|fi~ Leakage : Automobile Fire, Collision and, Property Damage Insur- ance in the State of Iowa, as required by law. until the first day of April. 1942. I further certify that on December 31, 1940, the statement shows-- 1st. Total Ad~iitted Assets $21,563,923.61 2d. Total Liatfilities, Except Canital $10,721,474.89 3d. Statutory Deceit $ 500,000.00 4th. Surplus over all Lia- bilities $10,342,448.72 5th. Surplus as regards Policy- holders $10,842,448.72 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and (Sea])affixed mv seal of office at Des M~incs,this 1st day of June, 1941. CHAS. R. FISCHEr, Commissioner of Insurance. 7-24-41 SPECIAL NOTICE (chicks hatch this fall) ou ORDER ONLY at Tom's Hatchery. Come in and see us. First hatch Sept. 1st. 32 St. and Oakland, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 39-3tp I CONSTANT HOT WATER!--It's yours 24 hours a day with Ruud .SARGENT GI I,~T COUPONS. Many are saving them. There's one included in every bag of Sar- gent F'ced. They will he rcdeemed as cash on any valuable gift you may select. Get a gift list today! There is nothing Lo pay. See F. J. Petcrson. local representative. Sar- gent & Company. Des Moines. HEATING HANDICAPS. -- Un- dersized air ducts, furnace too small, improper location of warm or return air re~isters these may be your difficulties, Through local Green Colonial dealer, Dale F. Johnson. a corn ptete survey will be made of your heating plant, with- out cost or obligation. Information obtained may prove of great value to you. You need no longer tolerate a cold house or soaring fuel bills. Green Colonial Furnace Co Des Moines. PROFIT BY THE EXPERIENCE of others! Finance your farm with a LONG TERM, LOW INTEREST, Federal Land Bank loan, as hun- dreds of other farmers Jn this com- munity have done. Come in and talk tt over, Harold B. MeTavish, secretary-treasurer, National Farm Loan Associations, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 8t-36-43c PIANO TUNING, usual charge $2.50; cane seating and chair wrap- ping. R. E. Sanderson, 219 Third Street North, Dial 2622. 9 tf. DEAD ANI1MALS RElt~OVED Free. Call nearest phone by No. collect, Mt. ~ernon, 307; Marion 77; Anamosa, 74F21, for e|e~n fast Automatic Gas Water Heater. En- courteons service. Francis Payton, joy hot baths, shaves with a Ruud! Agent, Anamosa, Iowa, for Farm ers /tendering %Vorks State Li- Terms as low as 10e per day. See een~ NO, 7 iowa UI .V, Is. 17-tL lov;a l~lec[rlcIAgnt & l~ower "" """" "~""' .~ Co. 3 9 ~----- ---- - -------- -- - - -- - i WANTED vide medical, hospital expense cov-I~ erage for you through our Auto Ac- t ~VANTED: Woman or girl for cident Insurance. Surprisingly low[general house work, to assist with cost! Get details. S. N. Merritt, }care of children on modern farm Insurance, Dial 4262, Mt. Ver-~home.Mrs. Roy Bowman, Phone . . 39,6 ,Io.32o ClassifiedAds Bring Results TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT Service by Factory Trained Mechanic For Your Convenience You May Leave Orders For Repairs with J. W. Bloom Book Store Typewriter Exchange Second Floor Kresge Bldg. Cedar Rapids A. Angott, Manager Dial 4835 House of a Million Auto .Parts West End 16th Ave. Budge Cedar Rapids, Iowa Open Evenings to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m. | COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE ] C. CHAMBERS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. | Realize--Real Eyes | = 221 3rd SL S.l Cedar Rapids, Iowa I