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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 27, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 27, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rE.ON ail OIPPPPPPPPPU), VOLUI~ XLII, NU~BER 48 ]' i Mlss Jayne Culver ---- - ,... .. INSPECtiON FAVORABLE Ann Lyman rermns Will Be Wed Aug. 5 L SUR CE RISI N Dr. and ,Mrs. Harry C. Culver of $10N HERE Appleton, Wis., former residents of CONTINUES HERE ~, ~ ~ Mount Vernon, are announcing the alagee Expects t approaching marriage of their * ~ ll- ~_ • ,daughter Miss Jayne Culver to Find Average Co I eturn W1t h i Lyman Perkins. The wedding will I~i~.iNl~.~l Or R~tt~r Out ~|,. A .~,-,.~ 'be an afternoon formal affair at ............... '-'" ] ',s aug. 4:00 o'clock on August 5 Local Farms i I "- -'-'--- } 'Miss Culver was graduated from: ------ ~..'MaGee, new presi- I Cornell college in 1938 and Mr. ! The two inspectors who are visit- :~nell college, made a !Perkins in 1937. ling all of the risks of the Farmers o-~e l.mpresmon ,n cot-I The ceremony will be perform-]Mutual Fire Insurance Associa- uUrmg his brief visit[ed ,by the bride's father, and she ltion of Linn Township report that vatlrnon frmn Wednesday [ will be attended by her sister, Mrs. ] they are finding buildings here ,~" ~aturday afternoon i Ralph Bircher, who before her [ about as they do other places al- • ~ .. ..~ i marriage was .Miss Eleanor Culver, [though some here are above the ,1^2 ~vtact~regor met Dr. i Miss Margaret Hedges, 'Miss Betty [ average. , on Wednesday I Puterbaugh, Miss Irene Livengood, [ Two directors of the company Leu~aaae a short attend- I all former Cornell college friends [ are accompanying the inspectors s~,'Qear Lake Epworth !and ~Miss Loretta Perkins, sister of[this week. Secretary Glenn Rich- ~tUte. Dr. Magee at-ithe groom. Dick Wessling, former]ardson was out with them last [o~nference Commission i Cornellian, ,will serve as .best man. I week. Andrew J. Baird president ii~n session there andI ~ [and director, is accompanying Mr. "~ ~o the large group I I."~t"~ rl~olr~,~ Will I Welch this week. They started " embers at dinner i a.J~,~,.,~ ~-,~,~J~,~La , • aa~ i workin Greenfieldtownshi on tag ])~ Magee ~ as a [ P '~ : '" ;" . P ~al'~. [Monday after spending last week no .... _r___h At Local • .... me o~ ~)ean ana I f*_ ~ ,,~ ,-t , l in South-east Franklin township. "~gor during iris visit i(Jnurcn un unoay I Cracks in chimneys and broken 1 -- , . I ~ |lightning rods have been found• h mat,ers were cons,d:[ A layman. 'Mr. Lester Dacken, ~ One chimney was found to con- ~uuay morning anU[will preach at the service Sunday | lain two holes which were un- ntrnents have been an- imorning at the Presbyterian [known to the occupants of the chmch supplying for the pastor • , . , [ house. A spark arrester is put on ~rlffNElt; TO BF I Rev. Joseph Gray, who is on his |the chimney where the building Ol~ ]PUBIACITY vacation. 'Mr. Darken is prom,n-[ has an old cedar shingle roof. !n Daesehner who has ent in the life of the church ~eing [ Too heavy electric fuses have ary to thc director of [an eider, a teacher m the Sunda.y[ been found in some homes which Will School and fflhng other responm h e m bevome director I . . . ' " . - [ aveele t "city. The inspectors on bile pea,lens He will preach on r • Sept. I. Miss [ • [ say that ordinary fuses not heavie Is a graduate of Baker the topic, "Jesus Christ or Noth- ] than 15 amperes should be used in ia Baldwin, Kansas ting'" ] a house. In some ca~es, old wiring, raajored in Journalism, I!--~----~~,~,.~ }which was originally intended for ad newspaper exper- l ev. tiustaxson I/Ylli J electric lights, has been overloaded [,, .... O__ramento Iby the additional use of electrical -l~Ns PHYSICAL [~lJCcu~y Oat5 l appnances. 'hr ]POSITION FILLED, IPlnlt In August I W. G. Kleineck a director and + or . . [fo mer secretary the associa- te Odegaro or ~ ~ ~ • • ¢iSConsin who re'ceived Leaving Mount Vernon on Aug. tmn, ~s accompanying Mr. Stark, "re~- ' . . i~, ~v and 'Mrs Llo,,d Gustaf I theother inspector, in Franklin, n"~ ~rom the t,mversl~y "on *~'. ~au htet'" Janice ~ill -o [Bertram and Putnam townships. in June, will become ~so anu u' g " " s . To aspect the risks covered by lahysio~ .a .... ,~,... ~.• I to Sacramento Calif. where Rev. ] .................I Gustafson will' act as su 1 as[ the )etween 700 and 750 policies . PPY P - .... [tot" for key Raymond Grant has-]°f the local insurance company ~_'~'r."kI~OGER i tor of the First Methodist Church lwill .require several weeks time. :re Bailey, of Colum-iof Sacramento, white the latter is[115 inspections were made durmg ~: e!.eeted cata!oger at :vacationing. Rev. Grant was grad-the first week: . Illl the ositlon for The inspection Is a very wise b ~ P - uated from CornelI college in 1919• Y ~vl~ssc m ts ~ move on the part of the insurance • " Lu y W" te" . [ The Gustafsons will reside in the• . ts a graduate of Ste assocmtion directors which may ~ - Sacramento parsonage during[" ' ' ~1~ and has a B.A. _de- their four weeks in California. i prevent several bad fires and will e Un~verslt of Mm m ~keit possible for many other i ~ ' Y . '-IThey also expect to take in the ~ " . ~aehelor of Llbrar small hazards to be ehmtniated "e ' Y World's Fair and Yosemite Na-: e fromSyracuse Uni-tional Park. On their way back The inspectors carry their own lad- ass been employed in 1 dens and equipment and make " on the first of September, they wil i v " . Colle n m~ny helpful suggestions u~: ,.. ge and U ivers- probably travel :by a different route ! ~ "' U~)raries at Colum- from the direct one they will fol-: ,~T ~~. low on the way out au,• lYllllng aIlon a SSell Cote and Dean Miss Alice Isaacso!a plans to ac- ,~ t~ "~T ~ 'r~'r ! U" Very intensive sur- company Rev. and Mrs. Gustafson l0 upen weeK Properties was made and Jan,re as far as Salt Iake City ' "~fit of Dr. Magee. from which place she w~ll go to: The Filling Station on the Math- TION OCT. 27 Portland, Ore., for a visit ~th aews land, at the west approach to l~lans ~- , ....... -,--- niece Mrs Springer the overhead viaduct in the west ~ed anf3" ?h:~3~t:~'2;t During Rev. Gustafson's absence end of Mount VernOwne~ill .b~I;sPeL~ October 27th with two union services and three speak- ed the last of nextby . . the following day, ers have been ararnged for 'by the M. Nemec of Cedar Ra~pids who ~' The Cornell-Grin- )ulpit supply committee, will be the owner and operator. game will be a fea- Dr. Russell Cole will occupy the The station will be called the Via- ', k' I THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939 3IOUNT VERNON HAIVKEYE, VOLUblE LXIX, NUrMBER $9 S_ , cX -, ao L- N C-0UN C- • - r II. T qW ll/IMTI DEqT IM ; rranKIin /ownsnlp Will V:)t¢ IOUV tnt tu tu IPr- ent Mr garment I I FARMERS EVENING .... ° I ASKSBIDSONNEW r 1 r [= i m II1: With Silver Platter L.evy for r, re qu p e lcruam ATIieO M l,'red w. wi, o reeentlylr T voavv __ l OkllILI~klll l.lll~l~Jll resigned as prcside'nt of the Chi-lblll lll~ILh rllVlll I cage and Northwestern Railway I "-------" Rural voters in l:rankiin town-[approximately $3,500 and wouhl l rln___ ~_ _-'~'~'~_* w~r~.~ company, and affiliated lines, has l ~v W'~ a 11 shiu will vote on Tuesday August [have a 200 gallon tank of water, I leI1 i¥ieeungs Will been presented a sterling silver I ~ e w I~ o O r z~ n (1 ch I latte~ and set of I mlver goblets 15 on whether the Board of Trus- 5u0 feet of two and a half in 1 R~ H I,1 Rv Ao'rlo.l- • " .... I Other I m n r o v e- tees may levy a tax up to one mill hose, 300 feet of inch and a half[ ~, v~q¢,.~ ~,~ 1~ ..... by the menlbers of the board ofI v ~ , maintainingf°r purchasing,fireOWning,apparatusrentmg' or°r Ith°Se'b°°sterandpump'a 400 gallon a minute /'/ rural ieacner__ highlydirect°rs, which he treasures very II ments t;onsmereo__ equipment The Marshalltown men say that| Interest is being developed in a The gift, which is a beautiful [ &t ?h +, • ~noi] n~in~ +~n ~V[r+n Under the terms of the new law the 200 gallons of water, which are /farmers evenmg school to be held x o~ k of (+raftsmanshtp, was deity-I, evenin~ the emnmittee ,which • at 1 isbon durin the fall and win ered to ,ur S'trgent at the Brady "+ "" +" passed by the last legxslature, the recommended for a rural truck [ , g " ~ " ~ • |was am ointed ~tan et "1 er date to electron on the levymg of a tax for[are enough to put out an averagelte' months. Ten ~fll be ~'~; ttl:; ~]::ksi?:;],~.nd•)~as thk |receive bids for reshingling th,, fire protection must carry by an count 'y fire This takes care of I held at weekly Intervals xn connee- ~ . ,. - e • , us+on ~ en/citv hall which was done some • , ~ tion with the vocational a ricul ne anu +m•s bat'gent returned there .... afftt'ntative vote equal to 60 pet the statement that few farms have I , g ..... ]~-,~.~l~ ;~,,c. u.n~ ,-~.')n~mln~od In cent of the vote cast in the town- ~'~n '~mple water supply [ture department of the school and ueek ago ast Sunday. [ ....... ' , * ' • . , l'(!,~elve t)IUS tot nlore oxlenslve |•e- ship at the last general election. / In 'Marion township when the farmers, landlords and others Lng~aved on the platter m a / airs on the buildin This will make it necessary thatfarmcrs answer a fire alarm each I directly interested in farming will tribute to Mr. Sargent for his work [t)',, • . g" tnt h No Ihts~ leptlts all to in( hid(I every voter in the to.wnship, "whotakes a bucket or a milk can full]be eligible to enroll as premd> of t e rthwestern| ~.'~ • ~ •a "~ ~ . : is interested in h~ving a fire truck of wate• With '~ll of this water [ The subject matter of the course with the signature of each mere- [new lront, a new type of door and ;'quipped especi~dly /'or fightingadded to what is in the booster [ will consist of such a unit as corn iher of tile board of directors. Mr• |several inte!•lor !nl})roven~ents. "Ihe rural fires ready to answer any tank on the truck, a good sized [production, poultry, legumes, feeds ! Sargcnts nam.e is engraved on each •me W.l(:..l)ahn, ehai ,- fire alarm from the township, to water supply is available if the[and feeding, soil conservation, or i°he or ~ne gODlets. /'C'~l'hr " ....................... L • • ' ......... a, ( oth rs farln management i h~subject , get out and vote and to get e , fire in on a farm without a large ] ~ " ~ ' I f~ ~r~ ** ~-, l out water supply handy ]m?tter ,,-ill b; chosen in consuita-lueorge l elgn!.e, | . _ : ........ : .... The• t~axil ~•- :.,tutt: cost." of .a fi •e COULD. CON'I RACT"' , w'IrH t'o with a a mer council to be i I_][r~t~,~ If~ I~,~.4-]l~fil,wr ]Birthday_ ....... . ........ truck equipped according to re- INDIV~I)*:AL 1PAR~n)'RS selected from the farmers of the[jtxUlt'o~-U[ ~k]li 1-~ll LIlU¢i~' |, , . • , • " an not + ~ot,munity The members of this . Are A reclate(l commendations ts estimated . I-'. . : . __ / ~r~w~ ................ If l+'ranklin buys a firetruck, I council will be selected in suoh ~ I George Be,ghlc st. was 85 years IT-,~ ~,151~ , -- °:::e: ~2~u2t°;ne?:~] 2pit ~;;Uer°three ~l:nede ~xn:e::as°nidih~ fa:~tteTeaZ;d ] manner that each neighborhood ] 31da:?o2htim~ayght:r tMrh°~hta:];: |~Y aonn Auracner • e st ~ .... will be represented and the coun , ' . . . years Thin would make the o. . _, • • _ _ . [ _ " " • , " . I of the'* fire truck to the average FranKdn township. , wnose places. ~ (il~ will assist" • in 'enrollingtnelr+~- " I] kuntz ..... and son George Bexghle, jr., l John Auraoher appreciates• lh,,. ......... could be reached by the Frankhn [ neF'hbors for the course ~ planned a picnic dinner and social [cards and flowers sent to him on ,arm owner as qut~e a. little less _ , -- I ~ • I tf V, t s N6 than ......... ~t snares were spa at ~2~ trucK, ......... cannot contractw]tn the ~lThe. meetin~ ~ will be (ondueted~ ' ou I ~ ternoon 'hich ~ook place Sun- ,[hi: ~ th. birthday last Saturday, each as was done m" some places" Townsmp. to ~urmsh ~nem nre pro-Ithe, discussion, p"l-n~ . Li~*~ ..... or ~p- I day at the son's home, northeast land wmhes to thank lhe many .... techon and pay the Trustees at the I proved "ractices have been w~tk~d ] of IAsbon. ]friends for their rememhranee of before the present law was passe(,. . ~, " . • u" e . ,),.,+~,~,~ ~..,.,~.+, same rate of taxahon on their~out by specialists in the various] ttelattves friends and neigh,bets [the occasion. • t,;~.-',-~ r~nt:r~ ......... assessed valuation which would ,be l a,~rieultural ~fiel~[. T,.^~ .......[numbering forty, who shared the | Mr. Auracber's birthday was oh- The election ~,Vl[l ,De tlt~l~l aL l_[le , . . • , 8 • US. Jl~¢~ W|II [0¢2 . _ lev,ed m Frankhn. "Ihe maximum [ discussed b" *h .... I courtesy were: [served by the family with a dinner City Hall in Mount Vernon Cue . .• s ~ e ~rrners as t,e • S nda .. . " . .. ", . .is $1.00 for each $1,000 of assessed I meetings ,~roc~ ~,,a .......... + I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Joshn of Aria- lot, .~u , y. Those who c.ould bc. .......... valuatmn and wouldbe levied only ~ mental data will b .......... I mesa; M ". a d Mrs. Charles Starry [present w~th Mr. and Mrs. Aurach- In tI1 ~= Inol ntng to ~ o co( t~ in the e proven,co tO ..... until the truck is paid for. [ ,~uid;" the farmers in ~h ......... [and two daughters of Springville; I er were two of the daughters, .Mrs. e'T~:;'gde(,ision to call the election Fire is one thing which hereto-[of their problems ........... ]Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schrader and ],l. 1). Bowers of Mount Vernon .and • • ~ fore ha- Dft a farmer ahnost hel" I .... " - . - I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bulman of ,Mar- iMrs. I,'rank Bates of Cedar Rap|as, t2 P I at nlet S e, emng scnoo,s nave was made by the township trustees , • - [ ,. • v , I, ,., ., ¢ IMt Bowers and Mariorie and Mr ' '' rn h mes in this" • . ,on- anu ~viro. ,,U,,,ah S ,,ep,.ew o, : ". , '~ - • less Several fa t o been g~owmg m popularity over the J. I. Bowers, chairman, Ben Neal • ' I • " " I ' . .... I t rn wtthm r cent \Vaukon Mr and Mrs ,,ted Bear Bates anu l.,mil Biderman after meeting • ].' ~. . - .... I ; ." • ~ I • - . • vicinity have .)u cd ' e stat~ Iast yea~ there were 121 '~ ,' of Morn t ~tnon Mr and Mrs yeas ~htch might ha~e )een saved de artments which c with Emil Mallie and Glenn Fergu- ' "" ' " ' • "'" " ] P' • " onducted eve- [. + _. i " ' :