National Sponsors
July 27, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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July 27, 1939 |
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fiPIAI I The Birthday club honored Mrs.
S~|~b~L. Frank %VMson at a picnic supper,
....... ! in honor of her birthday last
Thursday afternoon at her home.
Social club will be There were fourteen members
at the home of Mrs. I present. She was presented a gift.
Srnith next Thursday af-
AUgust 3[ The Past Noble Grands will meet
]with Mrs. Belle Thompson, 524 N,
t°l'~nd street, west, Thursday after-
afternoon I)ridge four- ~ noon,' August 3. Mrs. Laura An-
her home last Thursday derson will be the assisting hostess.
Delicious refreshments
after the games, byThe R & N Circle will meet in
I the ball, Friday evening,
July 28. Flora and Margaret
Knapp will be joint hostesses.
I%ster is celebrating her
Memhers of the
Fire group will he
a party.
'-%Irs. I,estcr Caraway
at dinner at their
evening, honor-
ban Ingber, of the Vet-
in Des Moines, and
'Mrs. j. E. Selma and
Barbara Ann, of Cedar
Rtmdall was hostess
a two o'clock hlncheon
of 'Miss Anna Jordan.
laid for eleven guests.
evening of last
L. Franks was pleas-
at a picnic sup-
of his birthday, given
IMiss Dorris Montgom-
of the neighbors. A
• eVening .was spent by the
C. Conklin entertained
bridge club on Tues-
Prizes were award-
ttarlan Levy, .Mrs. Jerry
and Mrs. Nicholas Pert.
refreshments were serv-
Nrs. Laurence \Vest en-
at dinner at their home
evening in honor of
father l{obert Calhoun
LMds who was celebrat-
Other guests were
John Gaston, jr., and
of Cedar Rapids,
Y West and Louis West.
Phillip Winsor is visiting his
gr'mdmother, Mrs. M. I,. Bannell
in Mauston, "Wis., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Herren and
son Don spent Tuesday visiting Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Patten in Iowa City.
l'rof, and Mr. G. ~". Moots enjoy-
ed a brief outing in their trailer
car last week end at the Analnosa
state park.
Mrs. Clara Longerbeam and
Mrs. Anna LeGore of Riverside,
Calif., and Miss \Vilma Myer and
Mrs. Oddette Siver returned
home Tuesday from a visit in the
home of her sister, Mrs. J. H.
Rabbennolt, in Agar, S. Dal:.
The name of Miss :Tolen ~one-
king, pianist, was unintentionally
omitted froin the list of the nam'~s
of the officers of Hill City l{phekah
lodge printed reeenlly.
Miss Violetta Cook went to Miles
Tuesday for a visit until Saturday
at the home of her uncle and aunt
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Jargo and
with other relatives in thai h):ality.
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph (tray, jr.,
and family expert to leave Satur-
day of next week for a vacation
visit in the home of Rev. Gray's
parents. Mrs. Peterson, mother of
'Mrs. Gray will visit relatives at
various places in Illinois.
Mrs. Aley I'arsons had as guests
from Thursday until Saturday of
last week, tMiss I,ois Pitkin and
Miss Jennie Elenblast of Los An-
geles, Calif. They were enroute to
their home, from a visit in Ne~'
York City, and expeeted to visit the
Yellowstone l'ark and the exposi-
tion at San Francisco before reach-
ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Horton en-
joyed a picnic dinner Sunday at the
Palisades with Mr. and Mrs. Fay
Mrs. O. E. Hepncr of Cedar Rap-~
Domer and family, ,Joan and
ida were luncheon guests Tuesday
in the home of Mrs. Aley Parsons.!lTh°mas
. Mrs. Allen Shaffer and son James
Mr. and Mrs. \Villard Nipple of of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs.
"Williamsburg were guests 'Sunday ] l~ynn Nightingale of Mech'tuicsville
aml Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Herren of
Mount Vernon.
in the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Nipple.
Miss Wanetta Nipple of Cedar
Rapids was a visitor in the Nipple
home on 'Monday afternoon and
Guests over the week end in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Sipple
and family were: Rev. and ~rs.
Bridenthal and twin daughters
l)orothy and Dvlorcs, and Miss
l)orothy Mitchell of Gentry, Ark.,
the former home of the Sipple
family. They were enroute for a
trip to New London, Canada, Nia-
gara Falls, New York City and
Chicago, Ill.
For Friday and Saturday
VEGETABLE SHORTENING, 3 lb tin .... 53c
Breakfastfood, they're new, try them, pkg 15c
Corn King, cello wrapped, pound 26c
PLE, Lihby's Crushed, 8-oz tins, 3 for .... 25c
Richelieu, Use same as Certo, 2 bottles 29c
Richelieu, Red two lip, 3 pkgs ........ 10c
Baby Stuart, Natural, 2 tins ........ 22c
Rich. vac packed, whole 2 tins 27c
Richelieu, Drip or Steel Cut, pound ........ 26c
CLEANER, Baby Stuart, 8-oz bottle .... 10c
Hardwater Castile, 6 bars .................... 25c
EED, Frenches, with Bird Biscuit, 2 pkgs 25c
an Hand Picked Navy, 3 pounds .... 12c
Baby Stuart, whole or Halves 2 lge tins 45c
Baby Stuart, 2-2 pound pkgs 28c
!5 gal. jar, whole ........................ 32c
1 quart and Wooden Salad Bowl ...... __$1.59
S, Richelieu, cut, 2 tins ............... 33e
COLA, Genuine, 6 bottle carton ................ 25c
Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132
Joseph W. Gray, jr., Pastor
,q:30 Sunday School.
10:45 Common worship. Ser-
mon by Nit'. l.ester l)ackcn, ".lesus
Christ or Nothing."
6:30 Senior Christian Endeavor.
Thursday 7 : 30 Union Young Peo-
ples Group.
Lloyd A Gustafson, Minister
~uuday School 9:45
,Morning worship 10:45.
This Sunday morning our theme
will be, "By What Authority?" It
is strange what things we do, what
attitudes we take. Where do we
get our authority?
Mr. Robert Bryant is in charge
of the special music. Mrs. J. B.
MacGregor is the organist.
Beginning this next week the par-
sonage family has been voted a
vacation. This gesture is most ap-
preciated. We hope to come back
in September with renewed strength
and faith for another year of ser-
vice amongst you. By an act of
friendship we have been invited to
be guest minister at the First Meth-
odist church, Sacramento, Calif.
We will be but two hours from the
ocean and just next to the Yosemite
National Park. We sincerely wish
that all of our people could take this
trip. We shall do our best to bring
back some experiences and vistas
that will have meant a great deal
to us. The pulpit supply committee
has arranged for the Sundays ahead
and the rest of the officials will ar-
range for the program of the sum-
mer. We want our people to share
in the Union Services at the Pres-
byterian church on August 13th
and 20th.
Our thanks go to all who have
made the year's work such a sharing
inluiillllilililunnlliilllinlUlilliB adventure.--Lloyd, Thelma, and
Janice Gustafson.
3 Days Only
This Store is known Far and Wide for Quality and Style and for its Clean Stock of Merchandise. "No Accumulation of Old Stock". At least
once a year we group all odd numbers in the different Departments, put a ridiculously Low Price on them regardless of Cost, for quick selling.
Here's the Line-Up While They Last
These are all regular weight Suits for Fall and Winter wear,
made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, J. Schoeneman Inc., and
Stewart McCray, and sell for $34.50, $29.50 and a few at
$24.75. There isn't a suit in the Group over 12 months old.
Some will have two pairs of trousers• There will be a good
assortment of Models in Single and Double Breast and a few
Sport backs, made in Gaberdines, Fine Worsteds and Twists.
Here are the sizes...
Regulars: 4-35; 12-36; 12-37; 24-38; 7-39; 10-40; 9-42;
3-44; 2-46
Shorts: 7-36; 2-37; 3-38; 5-40; 2-42; 5-44; 2-46
ro |ca
These suits are all fine Tropical Worsteds... Hart Shaffner
& Marx Dixie-Weaves and J. Schoeneman Sea-Breeze.
These suits are "just right" for summer and early Fall Wear
•.. smartly modeled and styles.., single and double Breast
•.. _nlain and Belted back.
These suits sell regularly at $24.75 and $21.50 . . . a few of
them have two trousers...
Here are the sizes...
Regulars: 4-36; 2-:17; 2-38; 4-39; 4-40; 3-42; 4-44; 3-46
Shorts: 1-36; 3-38; 4-40; 3-42:2-44
I "Love" will be the subject of the NOTICE If you want a regular weight suit and a Tropical--you can buy the 2 for $33•
now, lasts entire month | ,o sonSermon in all Churches of
• Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July
ofA 41-rffiU USL -il 30rue Golden Text is from Jude NOTICE: Only the items listed in the Advertisement are on Special Sale• All White Elephant Merchandise will be on Separate Racks and
• 1:21, "Keep yourselves in the love Counters• Wait on yourself if you wish... Everything CASH•
next to our One Cent Sale in Money Saving of God. looking for the mercy of
for the careful shopper.lasts the entire month of August•C°nsult our large ml our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal WHITE ELEPHANT $1 29
for the many big values listed and remember 1 life." ABOUT 13 DOZEN $1.95 shi,.ts arc all made by Arrow . . . Vil m Bros.... Van
--I The Lesson-Sermon comprises Husen . . . always sell for $1.95 and no finer shirts nmde . . . PRICE .... •
quota|lens from the Bible and from MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS aU sWeve ]e, lhs. 4 for $5 While "lAcy Last
• the Christian Science textbook.
Choice Of Any One of the Following Items:
Rexall Milk of Magnesia
Puretest Rub Alcohol
100 Puretest Aspirin Tablets
Rexall Orderlies
Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Powder
Walker's Zinc Oxide Ointment ................ llc
Size Windsor's Calamine Lotion ................ 17c
Marley's, Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic 17c
Lamson s Mineral Oil .................................. 23c
Clark's U.S.P. Tincture Green Soap ........ 29c
Cream and Talcum, 60c value .... 35c
Edge Blades, pack of 25 ................ 19c
ed Paper, 125-ft Roll .............................. 13c
Drug Store Mount Vernon, Iowa
'Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
One of the Bible citations reads:
"And when he had called ante him
his twelve disciples, he gave them
power against unclean spirits, to
cast them out, and to heal all man-
ner of sickness and all manner of
disease . . Heal the sick, cleanse
the lepers, raise the dead. cast out
devils: freely ye have received,
freely give" (Mat,.. 10:1. 8).
Among the selections from the
Christian Science textbook is the
"If we would open their prison
doors for the sick, we must first
learn to bind up the broken-hearted.
H we would heal by the Spirit, we
must not hide the talent of spiritual
healing under the napkin of its
WNU SCIENCE--2--Macb I 12.2
form. nor bury the morale of Chris.
ttan Science in the grave-clothe|
its letter" (pp. 366, 367).
311 Frst Avenue North.
ABOUT 10 DOZEN $1.00
rhe~ Ties are all front the fine, st Makers of N4~kware . . .
seU every month of the year for $1 . . . Pure silk. Hand made.
Cheney . . . Botony . . . ~Vil~)n Bros .... Suli~rba . . , 31