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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 31, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 31, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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July 31, 1941 THE MOUNT VERNON, IO**VA, HAIVKEYE-RF A2ORD ~ THE LISBON H~ Page Three i Miss Stella McKune of Onslow,' ','days. VEP~0N AND i spent Tuesday in the home of her Happy Me t./ Ij'i ~HRIs~The SundaYsC ~c~.evening yoUthc]lD.RcHSer- aunt, Mrs. Charles Maybauer. vice has been discontinued until I M.and Mrs. Harvey Ellison and men September. Mr. and Mrs. Ward C. norton en- [ [joyed a picnic Sunday at Ellis park, " ] . 1Sylvia Turner spent the first Miss Sue Kepler and Miss Vir- I Cedar Rapids. week visiting her sister, Miss ginia Russell spent the week end lanek TUrner in Fairfield. in Des Molars. Bill Hoffman and Gaillard Ber- left Monday morning in the Mary Brown of Missouri ])i". John Stout of Evanston, Ill Hoffman car for a vacation .trip to as a guest Sunday of her was a visitor in Mount Vernon from !Baehus, Minn. Leone Barnes. Friday until Sunday. I Charles Leininger of the Checker W. g. Rowley and family Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith and ] Electric Supply Company, spent the Clear Lake today to spend] family expect to go to Delhi next ! week end in Omaha, visiting his the Cornell cottage, i Sunday to spend a week. I wife and family. ~nd .Mrs. T. I. Mitchell spent Miss Miriam Freer expects to i Mrs. Ads Caraway has had her end in the Mr. and Mrs.leave Friday to spend the month of [ house on First avenue north fresh- home in Oskaloosa. August in Rockport, Mass. t1 i Y painted. Her brother Bert Her- Mrs. Francis F. EbersoleMiss Mattie B. Hunt left Satur- iring did the work. night for Colorado whereday for Oakville to spend two weeks ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oleson and to spend about three in the home of her brothel', C. E. I son l)onald of Springfield, Ill were . 'Hunt. ivisitors this week in the home of Gray, jr is attending Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dietz of Mar- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird. conference at the Pres- ion were callers Monday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hamilton Seminary in Chicago, Ill. the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Boyd and family of VCyoming were vim- Lathrop. itors Sunday in the home of Mrs. Hemenway went to Oska- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Current areHamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tuesday to spend several i the parents of a son, born Saturday, L. Babcock. the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce July 26, at their home in Conners-Mrs. R. A. Scroggie and daugh- i ville, Ind. ter, Miss Dorothy Seroggie return-i Carrie Pates of Chicago, ! Mrs. Glenn Andreas and son Peter ed Wednesday night from a visit i an over night visitor last of Cedar Rapids were guests Tues- with 1)r. and Mrs. Robert SeroggieI in the Mr. and Mrs. Les-~day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. and family in Seattle, Wash. I home. !Dick Busenbark. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Searbrough, i b. D. Kleineck and grand- Mrs. James Clark and daughter Marilyn and Rosalie, of Anamosa, Brace spent the week Joan returned last Saturday from former residents of Mount Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Scott a visit of a month in the home of expect to leave the last of this l Cedar Rapids. Mr. Clark's parents in New York week for Houston, Miss to reside t~d :Mrs. 5. E. Solm~ and 'City. permanently, i" EONARD WILSON, 24, a graduate of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon,All the varied expressions of God reflect health, holiness, immortality Barbara returned home Mrs. Katherine Penn expects to Mrs. ],'red A. Young spent from l.J is congratulated by Walter $. Mack, Jr President of Pepsi-Eels , evening from IAncoln, return to her home in Webster the Friday until Sunday with her par- ---infinite Life, Truth, and Love (p, they spent the week i last of this week following a short ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Colson at Company, upon winning a trip to New York City as. one oI 2:] finalists 518). 311 First Avenue North :Dr. N. G. Ingber home. visit with her son George Penn and Mendota, Ill. She was joined pal in the 1941 Walter Mack Job Awards for American Youth. Wilaon'a essay on "Why I Consider American Democracy Worth Saving" was a I~Va Travis and grandchild- family. Sunday Oy Mr. Young and returned determining factor in his selection as a finalist. The Job Awards plan home with him. I and Diana I,emke of New- Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Merritt provides business internshlps for college graduates, in specially created Paralta Itch are guests this week of Chicago, Ill, arrived on W'ed- Mrs. Maurice Ink is recovering positions in those fields in which the young people want training, at aMrs. Ray Bolton of Mrs. Travis's broth- nesday for a few days visit in the from her recent operation at Uni- ~lal7 of $1300 a year. Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. Merritt's mother, Mrs. versity hospital in Iowa City. She Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bennett and Fred D. Merritt. may be able to be brought to her I Carolee Van Fossen spent Sunday Mathison, of Pomona, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. McIntire and home here the last of this week Celebrate Golden Wedding Joan Rich returned Sunday from afternoon at Ray Bolton's. was a guest last week daughter Sally of Lansing, Mich or the first of next. Of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrett spending a week at Camp Hitaga, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis were on the Wapsi. i Cedar Rapids shoppers Tuesday. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert are spending this week in the home Mrs. Grace Hisser expects to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Garrett, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hunter and Wanita Cook returned to her Saturday evening for of Mrs. MeIntire's parenL% Mr. and leave Saturday night for Conners-and Mrs. C. V . Heller and Mrs. J. family joined ~ group of friends'home in Cedar Rapids last Friday to visit relatives hefore Mrs. Murton Kepler. ville, Ind to make the acquaint- p. Hainen attended the golden wed- ; Sunday for a picnic at Thomas park [ after spending a week with her her home. Mrs. J. A. Pringle of Marion, and anee of her new grandson David I din~ anniversary dinner nnd tea in in Marion. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray b. C. Davis has a beautiful Mrs. J. ~,V. Pringle and daughterHarlan, born to Mr. and Mrs. Har- i honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Gar- I Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Smith and Bolton, while her mother, Mrs. D. ivy plant in the dining Barbara of Chicago, Ill were lan Current last Saturday. rett, at the home of their son-in-idaughter Miss Mavis spent the week A. Cook, was in the hospital. her home. One strand of guests last Friday evening" in the has grown 27 feet and home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stoneking of law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. end in the Dean Smitih home near Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jordan of Todd- Lisbon and Mr. and Mrs. Mitt Glenn Chapin, near Mason City Manchester. vi]le spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bennett. Carolee Van strands are a shorter Mr. and Mrs. V illard Maybauer Stoneking of Mount Yernon spent last Sunday. The honored eouple i C. N. Warren, of Galva, Ill isFossen returned to her home with is only 3 years old. returned on Sunday to their home Wednesday, July 23, at Bennett have many friends in this commun- spending several weeks in the home them after two weeks visit with ~d Mrs. Edlyn Blaine andin Chicago, Ill. They were aecom-with Fremont Parker and him ity. They are the parents of Mer-,of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. her sister, Mrs. Jordan. 'Chicago. Ill are spending ranted to Bloomington, IIL by Mr.daughter, Mina. They had a picnicrill Garrett of the IAnn Grove and Mrs. Fred Travis. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kraft. They were dinner and supper, and found bothneighborhood and Mrs. Garrett is Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and Parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.called to Mount Vernon by the the Parkers feeling much im- a sister of Mrs. Heller and Mrs. I)r. J. C. Davis of Oelwein spent girls were supper guests of Kyle and in the home of Mrs.death of their aunt, Mrs.M. B. proved. Hainen and of Mrs. Will Geiger ofseveral days recently in the homeClark's Sunday evening. Cherokee, who was also a g'uest at of his brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. Helen Murray and Dick Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wain. ' Mrs. Charles Beach and Mrs. the celehration. I Mr. and Mrs. Anson Burge. spent Friday and Saturday with her Mrs. Gale Gearman and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Busenbark, [ Bert Avery were chosen delegates Relatives were entertained at a Bohumil Mallie took delivery the father Burton Brown, near Aria- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Busenbark and i from the Auxiliary to Hahn-How- dinner at noon and an open house first of the week of a ]:ord pick-up mesa. afternoon Ill in theWerehomeViSit rSof daughter Judy were Sunday eve- I ard post of the Americnn Legion to was hehl in the afternoon and eve- truck purchased of the Cooper Donnalee, Leila Ann. Patricia uncle and aunt Mr. ning supper guests of Mrs. Flor-~ the State. Auxiliary convention to ning. A meek wedding and read-'~Motor (7o in Mount Vernon. i Patten spent Monday night with ~obert Barnes. They are enee Berry of Chicago, Ill at Ce- i be held in Marshalltown, August 6, ings entertained the group after i Mrs. Grace Risser and Miss Mar-their aunt, Helen Murray. to return the last of the dar Rapids and spent the evening [ 7, and 8. Alternate delegates chos- ~t longer visit, in the home of Mrs. Berry's daugh-anden were:Mrs. Mrs. Harry Klinefelteredthe threedinner'tierAweddingbea u(ifullYcakedeeorat-bakediandl~ tha I,I rlday"ahmanwlth'snent' Mms l'~ ~Helenn~"~ a ~,Walker,S meMr'Iunermand. MrS.oI CecilrranKLewiSperryattendedin Ce- ter, Mrs. Margaret Melsh. Will Hoffman. i by a granddaughter Miss Doris i at her home in Lancaster, ~,Vis. dar Rapids Thursday. of ladies from Trinity Mrs. Glenn Russell and Judith church in Cedar Rap- spent Monday evening with Mrs. to Mount Vernon last Sat- a surprise birthday din- Helen Murray. Mrs. O. "W. Rowley Dorothy, Irene, Bessie Mac, Mary of her son Dr. W.G. Louise Lewis spent Thursday fore- ~he was presented a gift. kohr was formerly Miss Helen Mot- i for a short vaeation in company of which she iv a former member.Prof. J. Harold Ennis and two noon with Mrs. Mary Perkins. row and is ~ niece of Mrs R A with Prof and Mrs T. R. MeCon-i Mr. anud Mrs. Garrett are the children, Martha Jo and David Fred Leaf, Ray Bolton, Emil Zach, Mrs. C. C. McQuillin and t Busenbark. They were enroute to [nell and family of St. Paul, Minn i parents of two children, Mrs. spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. John Woods, Jake Waddell, Jens :Chapin and Merrill Garrett.They Ennis's mother, Mrs. J. G. Ennis Jepsen, Parnell Ferguson, Ivan arne,I to their home in Detroit where Mr. Rodekohr has I at their summer cottage on Deer havei orl Saturday following" a a position as chemist with the Ethyl [ Lake, Win. two grandchildren and at T,tma. Yeisley, Clare one Carnahan have all] visit in the home of Mrs. Gasoline Company. Mrs John !great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. ~,V. H. Hoover andcombined, the oats yielding fromi I mother, Mrs. Effie But- I ~ t~. bamg an(l cnnoren Miss Martha Lahman motored to 35 to 50 bushel per acre. The qual-I Miss Gwenyth Young returned ]James and Nancy expected to leave [ Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Miller were Ames on Sunday where they spent ity was good. George Rose started McQuillin remained a'ndhome Sunday evening after spend- i today to spend tl~e remainder of the i guests recently in the Thomas the day with their friend Miss Ag- the Paralta threshing run Monday. return home the last ofing a month in the home of her summer with an uncle of Mrs. : ~hover home in Monticello. nes Heggen. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Parker and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Laing"s, Charles Melville, at San-! Helen moved to Hopkinton last j Mr. and Mrs. ]). R. Cottrell andMrs. "Kenneth Hours and two week. They have lived in Paralta; Holmes in Hartford, Wash. W~ile dusky, Ohio. Prof. I,aing will take family of Traer were visitors last ehihtren of 1)etroit, Mich and Mrs. for several years. Helen will teachi DEVED there she enjoyed a trip to Van- i them east. They will visit over the ] week in the home of John Ballard. Spawn of l)e~Vitt are visitors this PRINTED couver. Enroute to Washington week end with Mr. I~aing's parents, With state she stopped at Salt Lake City !in Clearfield, Pa after which Mr. '. Mrs. John Klimo and non Claude week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. school near Hopkinton this fall ] and on the return trip she stopped iLaing" will return to Beloit, ~,Vis. returnedTuesday evening from a M~,ron Neal. Mrs. Hilda Streets and Carol] spent Tuesday with Mrs. Bert [ ement at Livingston, Mont Minneapolis] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nutt went vaeati ntrip toI.ake Shawano, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Johnston Streets in Paralta. I and St. Paul, Minn. She attended ;to Chicago, Ill on Sunday and Wis. ~and daughters, Jane and Janet, Emil Zach helped Fred Leaf with DRUG STORE the Clear Lake Institute last week ispent two days purchasing stock Miss Margaret Keyes will be a Mrs. Harold Ehle, Joyee Ann and his alfalfa hay, Tuesday. in Clear Lake. J for the Variety store. ! guest over the week end in the Bobby, and Marvin Turner, and Mr. i home of her friend, Miss Mildredand Mrs. John Steeheon of Cedar Gjevre. Rapids enjoyed a picnic Sunday at i Prof. H. C. I~ne and son John I I,ake McBride. t returned last Fr dav from a canoe Kathleen Woods daughter of Mr. ~J~,]~]~L yOUr 1-~ g ]~]LpJ[~-e~--er&2--S . it,up in Canada and northern Min- and Mrs. Leo Woods, iv spending nesota. I this week in the home of her uncle Miss Florence Ellison of Clinton land aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank instant abundant hot water of her pa, ents.Mr M~s ottislthe week in the Woods home south [ was a week end visitor in the home [ Young. Betty Young" is spending [ of Mount Vernon. i Ellison. th i Mr. and Mrs. W R Cottrell and I The Misses Mattie and Nellie i family of Hinsdale, Ill visited a i Robinson who spent several months i few days last week in the home of in California, stopped for a visit i John Ballard. I from Saturday until Tuesday in the when does e re, Tra.s. ,eft last ee ~home of their sister-in-law, Mrs. [end for NoTate, Okla where he is J' B. Robinson, when enroute to i employed by the s~ate geologicaltheir home in Moundsville, Ya. survey in the southern states. The Misses LuVerna and Jane Miss Ruth Pinkerton left Men- Travis returned Sunday evening ~h i from Minneapolis, Minn. Jane at- (lay afternoon to spend the re- tended n six weeks eom'se in art, : mainder of the summer "in Pass- at Ari Institute and LuVerna joined I ~ing ]~a[h~, non* !dena, Calif and olher eities in the her ten days ago for a visit with shaving, and head- west. their aunt Miss Mette Knudsen. I ~alassa~jes--just a |ew i Mr. and Mrs. ~Villard Sipple of i ~es of automatic gas : 5{1-. and Mrs. Julian Johnston and ~"~r, i'~Villiamshurg were visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hawk of :afternoon in the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. 4rod Mrs. L. E.Marion expect to leave Sunday for Sipple. a fishing trip in the north. They plan to stop at l,ake Ada, I,eoeh i Miss Kathleen Kelly, who spent lake and at Bemij,Minn and will : two weeks in the i]ome of her probably be gone "{ week or ten !grandmother Mrs. J. B. llohinson, 'days. ! City,has returnedMo, to her home in Kansas i Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Vogt of Chicago. lll were week end guests Mrs. l,'. V. Bush of Van ttorne ' in the hom~, of Mrs. Vogt's mother. ~.~ arriv(,d Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. William "rravis and in the Mr. ~ING . ;t visit in the homo of her son-in-and ~Irs. Carl Travis home. [)ale law and daughter. ])r. and Mrs. Travis who had spent three weeks l~t like magic the llussell Cole. k~e dirty dishes--dis- in (~hicago, returned home with' ~hen you have plenty Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Vurzbaeher.them. ~"~tic gas hot water Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Glaekin of ('e- .Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ringer had i@~ dar Rapidswere visitors Friday an guests over the week end, Mr. At your fingertips--perfect hot waier service,ven ng Mr. and M,'s. r. A. h-s. c. s. n l,nme,', parents of Hunt(n" home. .Mrs. Itinger, and Mr. and Mrs. instant, plentiful, luxuriously convenient, self- M,-. and Mrs. William Conner'Don Vi~itrner and two daughters and son Roger of 1,'vanston, Ill Beverly and Shirley of ])es Molars. starting and self-stopping, when you own a we guests from Sunday nntil Beverly and Shirley are remaining Ruud automatic gas water heater. No more "r,sd~ v morning in the M,-. and for "/ two weeks visit. Mrs. I I'L Sipple home. Mr. nnd Mrs. l,owell Kraft of k. trips to the basement--tank patting--endless M s n - y K,<,- 1 It T,les, a fo mool,l ng o m. M,'s. Wma,',t INll waiting. ('on~n,bi,l. Me after a visit in *he lM~yl, uer of Chicago, Ill l,:. J. Mrs. J. B. Robinson home. Mrs. i .Mavb met and daughter Miss Mnde- a snow white im- ~ wash--pleniy o~ au- Live the modern carefree way with Ruud ] olly in hostess ill one of lho girl's i line Mayb~ lo" of Mhmeapolis, ! dormitork,s at Christian eolh,ge, in Minn and Mr. and Mrs. ].]. O. i ~.~as hot water at a automatic hot water service. Let as, the ll~e faucet. Ber.amann enjoyed t>reakfast with ," lll Ill modern economy -uel, handle the Four Big .m and Mrs. Dorr Whitmore and,Mrs. Charh,s Mayb,ue" on VCednes- daughter I,~'thel of l,ow Moor were iday morning of last. week. i v.D Hot Water Jobs and 101 small jobs, too. dinner guests Monday in the home I were entente for a motor trip ~oI Nebraska. I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. John Caraway, .Mi.~s Alice i Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr Pastor and Mrs. ('<,phas Miller, who are[ 9:45 Church School. i 10:45 Union service of worship : spending the slnnmer in M untiled by Rev. Harry Bassett. Sermon Vernon, enjoyed dinner Sunday at[by ~teps sir the Amanas. 7:{" ;;e Pay l Faith." , Mrs. A. E. Kernahan. recently of The Presbyterian Congregation at, nti|ul h-~t me,Its as ow as Washin~'ton, D.C. left Tuesday eve- extends a hearty welcome to all V'v"' "' ' *2 75 people of the Mount Vernon com- ae%act 201' ~maller jobs. per :I)ermanently following" a visit in munity to participate in these union l'][lOl~h the home of her 1)rother Dr. E. If you have summer Gough and family, guests, family picnics or family re- Mrs. "[ ollin Minniek attended theunions invite the folks to come with funeral serviees for her I)rother Joe you. l,uke at Vyoming last Friday. ~ir. [rake was janitor of the school METHODIST CHURCH i IOWA [-L[CTlllC LII]lff NI] COMPA buuding!while at hisandwork.died very suddenly SundayReV" W.SchoolG. RowleY,in this churchPast r at'i Julian Johnston, Mervin Arm- 9:45. IOWA I OWN[O strong and Stephen West expect to The union worship service in theI ,attend a rifle shoot in VCaterloo on Presbyterian church every Sunday ll[ BIG Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012 Sunday. Julian won two medals in morning until the latter part ofi W TF q JOBS Lisbon Office Phone 202 !marksmanship at a shooting match August at 10:45. The Rev. Josephi i held recently in Des Moinea. Gray is to preach the next few Sun- "Love" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 3. The Golden Text is from Zepha- niah 3:17, "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." The Lesson-Sermon comprises quotations from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. One of the Bible citations reads: "And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? {Luke 12:22, 24), Among the selections from the Christian Science textbook is the following: "Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and good. hess, which shine through all a~ the blossom shines through the bud. A BIG FAVORITE COAL mmmmm There are many reasons why you should fill your bins now with Hi-Lo Coal and be prepared for winter. We can supply you with any kind of coal you want at this time, but with the defense program getting under way, and other existing conditions over which we have no control it may be difficult to get delivery of coal later on. Act now and be safe. Dial 282 Mount Vernon EAT M ORE ICE CREAM "It's A Food--Not A Fad" Springville Ice Cream Quart 29c Pint 15c CHOCOLATE CAKE. AND ICE CREAM ROLL 49c STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM PIE 33c Jumbo Sodas 10c Sundaes 10c Milk Shake 10c Malted Milk 15c Root Beer Float 10c Lemon or Limeade 10c Polar Sticks 5c Popsicles 5c Fudgicles 5c Double Dip Cones 5c Root Beer, Large Mug 5c Nesbitt's Orange 5c "Ralph Heasty, Your Druggist" that is more interested in the safety and welfare of your car than any- body else? BECA0$E as your Ford Dealer, it's our job, our duty, our obligation to you! HA '$ WNY we're calling your attention to our Take advantage of this spe- cial offer to have your car checked by experienced me- chanics. Parts are going up and are difficult to obtain. Bet- ter have your car overhaul- ed without delay if you plan to drive it for another year. O Adjust Brakes. ~ Adjust Steering Gear and Front Wheel Toe-in. ~ Re- arrange Tires if Necessary. ~ Adjust and Clean Spark Plugs. ~ Clean Fuel Pump and Adjust Carburetor for Sum- mer Driving. ~ Adjust Fan Belt. Inspect Battery and Clean Terminals. Plus this FREE lO-Point Check-Up Lights Windshield Wiper Horns Wheel Bearings . Shock Absorbers . . . Transmission . . . Differential . . . Cooling System Oil Filter Ignition. Dial 6912 Mount Vernon, Iowa D~