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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
July 31, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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July 31, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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July 31, 1941 "FI=IL MOUN~ VEHNON, IO~VA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERAId) P~-~e Five WEEK SOCIALLY IN MOUNT VERNON ;Laing celebrated his birth- Thursday afternoon at the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guests included: Claire Littell, Lois Bigger, Audrey Jean Smith, James rUce I{ieh and Billy Litts. enjoyed a treasure hunt Mrs. Myron Neal were at a family picnic din- were: Mrs. Kenneth ~nd children of Detroit, Spawn, Mr. and Mrs. of DcWitt; Mr. and Wilson and family of and Mrs. Vaughn Phil- MUscatine, Mr. and Mrs. Seal and Jimmie of Mount Tlle P.N.G. of tile Rebekah lodge will meet on August 7, with Mrs. Gretta Haeseler at Lisbon. Mrs. I.=mnm Kolek will be assisting hos- tess. Mount Vernon Temple Pythian Sisters and their families will meet ] for a picnic supper at 6:00 o'clock, i Friday evening, August 1, at theI Palisades State park. Bring the usual picnic requirements and your] own drink. The picnic will be held,i in the b:. of P. hall in case of rain. ] - I The IAnn and Franklin Corn chIb will ineet at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Marley Clark, Saturday eve- ning. August 2. I 5Its. Charles R. K'eycs and J 4laughter Miss Margaret Keyes en-i ~ tertained at a mother and daugh- Vll'S, rlarolcl "l~lsner vere h'ne 8 to( tea in honor Ot . llSS dOSCp I unoay evening at ,% supper,' "" - " -con t~ ~/agee on ~ canes(my a,~er lie nonieorAll" anti Airs h' Out of town guests were Mrs. rL Mr and 311"s. Fisher' ~ le- ," James Mc~,ay, or t'ap~tan, r~e ' for ave about tne or I 5lex and Mrs. N'ince Oough of ~voca where Mr. Fisher, ~ L'" nlanual training teacher and qlpton. in the high school ;. Sunday dinner and afternoon guests in the honle of Rev. and Mrs. elma Hill, a bride-elect will j. R. Eyestone. for a visit with Mr. honor at a linen shower and Mrs. Vance Allyn and family given by Miss EleanorI who are summer guests in the Eye- Miss Sue Kepler at the stone home. weft: Mrs. John Allyn. T. Gough heine. !Mr. and Mrs. Oleo Cowell, Mr. and !Mrs. "CicIor Hansen and son Gary club will inert at of Vat(rico: Miss Aline Allyn of ae of Mrs. Frank Franta. Newton. In the aftelmoon Roy. aflernoon, August Evestono baptized l')onnis Allyn, Mrs. ]eranta will be vouna son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Ivies Ford and Mrs. l,eon- ;Allyn. Prof. and Mrs. ('. L. t{ich, Joan J~lian Johnston entertained and B)'ue, plan to leave next Tucs- bridge club on Tuos- day for ,'4 vacation trip cast. They were played at three will visit Prof. t{ieh's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ('. Rich at 51(,l- ford. Mass and with Mrs. Rich's 011 No. 1 of the V.S.C.S.))rothe!'. Clh,)m A. l'aulsonand G. A. Stonelu'aker and f~mily at l)-nl:l)' st, N. J. Mr. Tl'avis as hostesses, on- lie/liNen is arl l".Ikl. ;lgont, Othl?l' at all aftel.nOOl~ tea last JDt!,r(,~t}ll~" sid, tripsai'o ])ring in honor of Mrs. [ C. pl:lnn,d. is moving to (?odar Hap- perlnanently. Twenty Mr. and Mrs. Ern(,st Volfe left of tile division were Monday for a lllotor ll'ip to Milme- ,::eta add Montana. GUARANTEED SAVINGS WITH TIMKEN OIL BURNERS YOU MAY SAVE 25% or even 40% with a Timken, thousands are doing. Our scientific test shows the i ount of savings YOU can effect with Timken Oil eat. We back our guarantee by our written money- ack bond! You save with Timken or we re-install YOur present burner and refund your money. Buy now! LIBERAL TRADE-IN, no down payment--easy terms. }hone or see us now! Chas. Leininger, our new Mt. Vernon Manager, to make your Timken Savings Survey CEDAR tLtPII) S Mount Vernon And They Say It With a Smile/ )the members of YOUR family say the? it is because you have never given Alka-Seltzex trial. the woHd people who have used Alka-Seltzer are in its praise. as good as we say it is, you want it in your med- ff it,is not, it won't cost you a.penny. We will refund price to any new user who is not entirely satisfied. family may need ALka-Seltzer sooner and more often than Our guarantee of satisfaction or money refimded covers its use in all conditions listed be- low. Gas on Stomae.h, Add ladigestloa, Heart- burn, "M0mlng After" Muscular PMm, Nz~. Headadm, Distress of Colds,-m a ~ In Minor Throat Irrl~tion~ "@;as ;Nexi -Saturday i To- w-- d Roiand "' Local Students Rate ,x eai In Cornell Honor MIeN EI)ITH HI'NTER MISS MARIGRACE CAWLEY Marigrace Cawley of Ottumwa will become the bride of Roland W. Neal, son of MY. and Mrs. C. E Neal of Springville, on Sunday af- ternoon, August 3, in St. Patrick's church in Ottumwa. ']'he Presbyterian Church at Nit. Vernon will tie the setting for the wedding of Miss Edith Hunter and ).Iv. I,loyd Hoekspeior at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, Aug- ust 2. All interested in the young Attendants will be Miss Cawley's couph, are weh'ome to come to the cousin, Miss Polly Percival of Des wedding ceremony at tile ci]urch. Moines, and Mr. Neal's cousin, Bridesmaids for Miss ltunicr will Willard Neal of Mount Vernon Don he Miss ttenrietta Johnson of Goodyear of Mount Vernon and J. Parkcrslmrg and Miss Barl)ara Edward Love of Ottumwa will be Bri(,o of Tama. ],'lower girl will ushers. be Jocelyn Hunter, dau~zhtcr of tlle The bride, daughter of Mr. and bride's brother, lAeut. Vayne ltun- Roll Last Semester t Several Cornell,tudents fronI / Mount Vernon were listed on ] the scholastic honor roll for the/ second semester of the year which/ closed last month. Forty-six stu- dents out of a total of 650 gained l)laees on this list. Miss Anne Cul- bertson, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Culhertson, was among the ten who received highest honors. Highest honors go to those stu- dents who have straight A grades in all their work throughout the year. Peggy Frink of IAsbon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gale Frink, receiv- ed high honors. Listed among the students who received honors, are, James Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Eyre: Marjorie Littell, daugh- ter of Prof. and Mrs. C. 1~. l,ittell: Lee Lusted, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lusted, and John MacGregor, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Macgre- gor. High honors and honors re- quire standings only slightly below that average of perfection. Group Returns From Clear Lake Methodist Institute ,~unday and Monday found all the Mount Vernon gronp home from a week at the Clear T,al(e Institute, in C'lear l,ake. Dr. Rowley was Dean of the Institute, Dr. E. T. Cough conducted a class and Miss I.aureno Kepler, ~A'as counselor for the Mmlnt Vernon grOllp. The morale at the institute this ye'/r was very fine, according to l)r. by ]Cdwa)'d (l;'i,'~. ]or of .k]'I ~ (]( ',2, - l)()',i ('(.qll 'I] ('ol- h,-<-~(, in I'.)?,X. "I'|~(, followin~-c y(,ar ,~ho dbl ~.~r,~(t)l:lt~ ~): ]%" :(t ('<)/'n-ll. ]+~O1" lhi' I ",~r t vO ++';~1"~ Y]3o ]];LS '.'11 t('a (']1ill t! 111 11/, . 1!;| 'iMa ]~iah s,'hool. Th, ('ouch will li -o IlO;tl" ,]t;l Visl ~ ~ll(.)'t 51]to,'ksi:,i(-r is (']I~:IL~('(] ill far)l)ill~. Bri?e'&" X. u;T i;i Ruth Messenger To Be Wed In August Announcement ',':IS lnado this II'O('],T Of the engaR'eillent and ap- I~ronr'hin~ marria,~e of I~.uth Mes- sen~,r, dnu~zhter of Mrs. V. C. Mes- ~en~(,r of Mounl V,rnon. to Dr. Gardiner Stillwell of Eugene, Ore sou of l)r. and Mrs. G. B. Stillwell of Regina. 8asl