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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 2, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 2, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Reveal Engagement Visit Interesting ICOON CREEK Am and the hostesses Mrs Lea is P ul Ste ne and Miss Hat- and M s Roger Gosswei T y .s The Coon Creek Ladies Aid meet- spending the summerwith Mrs. I tie Wilson visited last week in Chicago were callers in the Richard Taylors and Kathy, Kenneth Toy- ling scheduled for August has been Patten. ]Denver, Colo with Bob Sterner Valentine home Io.-~. Dee and Linda spent Sunday Places In Lisbon postponed until September because who is in military service there. ! Mrs. Chester Merrill of Hillsboro, at Newhall in the James Oliphant of a conflicting date with the Cedar HONOR MI~. AND MRS. ADAMS The Guy McKees attended a wed- Ore Miss Nellie Johnson of Sea- h~me. I Pioneer Pollies took its annual County Fair. Thursday the Arthur Pearsons ding of Wanda Spoon and Paul side, Ore and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miss Helen Pearson left Thurs- tour of Lisbon, July 26th. We vis-! FEDERATED CHURCH brought Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Adams!Prill at Iowa City Saturday after-Blair of Maumes, Ohio, spent the dav to visit friends in Des Moines : ited the creamery to see how the i of D~es Moines from Cedar Rapids noon. Miss Spoon is a niece of Guy week end in the L. J. Rose home. and Waukee and her niece, Mrs. ]cream was weighed, tested, tastediRobert C. MeBirnie, pastor [and after supper they all attended McKee. The Nelson Van Hornes spent Roy roland, and family at Grand land emptied into pasteurizing vats. ! 9:30 Sunday School. the annual meeting and reunion of The Ted Olsens of Waterloo andSunday in the OrvilleMcShaneiRiver. ',Our second stop was at Radl's plas- 10:30 Morning Worship. Sermon former members of the D.H.I.A. Mrs A. C. Shierman and Bob of home. ~More Springville on Page 8) home. stopping on their way to Sidney Smith. Shirley, Sydney Springfield, Ill. and Roger of Blackhawk, Ill and The Merle Stewarts were Sunday Mrs Anna Bittle returned Sun- Mrs. Robert Eckstein of Beloit, callers in the Loren Stewart home : on Wis were Sunday visitors in the near Lisbon. oay from a two weeks' vacau . "' The Jack Walkers of Chicago and lwiner. Kenneth Butler home. s ent with her daughters of Wat P : " " " in a week in The Loren Rodmans and son Bonnie Dammon of Waukegan, II1 erloo She accompamed the Dr. Bob Lind is spend g Hubler home called in the Andy Johnston home H. O. Gardners, daughter Judy, Chicago. He went Friday with his Mr and Mrs Alvin Bowker ofICampbell" were here several days Lenme were week ena vlmtors in last week. ,last week the A C Rodman home Sunday n the Verl Truebloods to Dee grandmother Mrs. Stella Lind of ~.'. . . . . - - a d . P . ' . I Le~la~r ann wir. ann Mrs. John ' ests were Mrs Florence Deeny River Mmn where they had a Tlpton, who will remain for a ~r~ ~ ^~---' ] Mr and Mrs John Steenhoek of gu The Tommie Frasher family of ' ::" ,L ~. ~. ~ ^r~ and -a~u~u u~ ~,~,dmc~vm~ were i " ~ - Earl Jones Mrs Florence Herman Monticello and Mrs. Barbara Mir- cottageon Moose LaKe. une any longer time Wlttl twu ~l~u~tltv ~ t Sunda I Anamosa r rea l-'eterson at r~ucla ' " 'i ' y guests in me u ~ rsurun-~ ' ' and daughter Willa all of Waukon. ick of Anamosa were Wednesday ~rt Fr .an~ ~ . ~:S~seO,~t:atmhrJeO::~eeee.kBs a?hee ~il A~~ii~;:~nSi~' MTh MAE!s~V.i~h~:sia~d ~n~sn~nd guests in the Mar:," Jonss home. wa Urwlii~g e Elizabeth Stewart Circle of Past Matrons will meet with Mrs. Wil- "k' P! b'gAd Meth distWSCSwillmeet r ' " g' Norway " bur Whitaker Tuesday p.m. Aug. 7. Fr|n s u[ r~ in n i . M. Peterson and Mrs. Gibbons J.F. Stiller is taking x-ray treat- :with Mrs. S F. Emerson Thursday, were called to Anamosa last week Mrs. Mary Stanley of Pasadena, ments at University hospitalat - 2. Co-nos~esses are mrs. wil-lbv the death of their father The Cal. called Thursday morning on Iowa City. H ~.'.l e.~ {~' ~.~ i lard Light, Mrs Audis Bennett and!,~ .~ ~ ~.;.~:.' ~ a Mrs' Wilbur Shaffer I .L~./LIAa~ ~C~t~LtZ~U Ltutl~ ~:t~cty all~.a " ~al[lljrlJq ~t~rVll~ Mrs. W. L. Kynett. Mrs. Oscar jMrs Gibbons is remainin~ to visit Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong was Mrs. Gurena Neilsen entertained ! Haeseler is leader and Mrs. O. S. [ relatives ~",called to Marion Monday by the ill- her daughter Mildred Sutliff and ~m~r]r~n ~tnn#~r~ ~n|fC~rV Ph.mhina and Burlingame will have devotions.[ ~, ~." ness of her grandson Roaer Rep- son Ivan, celebrating their birth- - I i ~ tie . ann ,~rs. ~aul D Yoder] . ' - days. Those attendingwere the r'1~ w w~ww~w w ~ -- "~ ~ Lne v i.v ~vlrs ~'eart ~anKnouser O[ ~ac I stem. Heatinq Products ICily arrived Sunday in the home [ f Codorus,Pa:, %:ere Sunday and[ Mr and Mrs. George Minish and Floyd Sutliffs, Ivan Neilsens and -- i overmgn~ guests m me wir. ann " . . . girls, Dickie and Jimmy Pollock, ~of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Hoover, ]Mrs J F Bowor~ ~,~o n~,~ ~, I sons of Wh~ther were Sunday ~up- Kelvlnator Name Appliances i and will visit other relatives. Her iYoder" wa~ -a'~to-''~'~''~ ~'" per guests of the A. R. Pearsons. MerleMarionGregersOnSand NewmanandNeilsen.Gene of ~. ~ . u. ~race ~e i son-in-law and daughter Mr and :," Evening callers were the Mark Car- . -- " ' ; ' . ' " [ O [1 [ ] 1 eu church m ~asvon zrom uc~. ters and Pamela and Earl Baile"s Darcie Roe Port is spending the Phone 1 10 or 213 Lisbon, Iowa Mrs ~n ~eea,ana.anomer aaugnT]1912 to March 1915 He is now pas Y week end with her grandparents ~er, LVliSS uma ranKnouser, orougm,tor of the Jeffe'r -v . at ~aarlon. son ~: angeucai I1~ l her and returned the same dayj Saturday evening guests of Leta the Clell Ports ann ~emrmeu cnurcn ~v~ercersourg - i Mr add Mrs Emil Hebeda Miss] ' . . and Mabel McShane were Mrs. Sue The Jim Barnes family attended II r,~;~,; .~ ;= ~ ~ ~ynoa, ~'nlcn ne has servea s,lnce Golden Mrs. Ado Moore Miss Ger- a picnic dinner at the H. Lammert ~---,o-,~ ~ ~ ~,~ *,~--z, ~uzo rne xoaers smnnea on melr ' . home in Dyersville Sunday. ,Ill were guests of the R M Radl~ " --- truoe r~ann ann ~vnss ~v~argare~ ~'~- way home from a vacation trip to ~^ ~ ~, f r,~n~r Wa.~;ds Mrs. Mary Taylor, Miss Lorena t ] ,~"~ amzly severn days. Mrs. R. H Minnesota Cooper and Mrs. Floy Raft enjoyed ~ J ~" ~'~ '.Noble who spent two weeks with i " t,~tue t-at~y ~-.::a ot t'ralrzeo~rg a pot luck supper at Mrs. Raffs .:, ]. 7: uuan ~ampoen aaugmer oz me is visiting ~ few Jays wire ner me ~aols, remrnea w~m mere Charle ' ' ~'~------~ /H,~,~I~' ~ ~u~,~,~o, *^ ~, ~,~,~o ~z,,o s Campbells celebrated her uncle and aunt, the Arthur Holubs. home. ~ th i Dr. and Mrs. Hanna and family .--,g~ Nx' ~'~AI~L~/,)X I'1 5 b rthday Wednesday with an i Mrs. Verme Port and Mrs. Wtl- ~" ~~'~ ' ~k i *" afternoon party. Her guests were]liam S~ith and Barbara were din- visited in the John Mueller home ~[[~~j~t~l~#~"~'~ ~" ~ [ Mr. and Mrs. Don Minert return-Jack Carbee, Cynthia Lind, Gary]net guests of Mrs. Guy Perkins at Silvis, Ill Sunday. ~"-"~".'t""~l[~|[ i ed Sunday from a two weeks" va- and Freddie Brooke, Timmy Sizer, Wednesday Mrs. Mary Stanley of Pasadena, ~11 ]~1~I~]~11~ /F~ ]1~| !~l i cation with relatives in Chilli- Marcia Bowers, Martha Franks,I Ebbe Bowdish and sons, Floyd Calif and Mrs. Ernest McGrew 1] ~ ~'" ~ ~ [~ ~f ] { cothe, Ohio and Chicago. Their Michael Erdman, Douglas and i and Lynn of Orofino, Idaho, are vis- were Tuesday dinner guests in the /,'~'~II~I~T~II~r ]~ I~ i !daughters, Nancy and Peggy, are Stevie Miehe, Jill McBirnie, Maur-, itirfg relatives in the Springville, Carl Calvert home. "~x, ~ ~:~-'-- - II ~I If staying this week with their grand- een Plattenberger, Dean Owens, Whittier and Central City vicin- Mrs. S. M. Workman. Mrs. Clare Petty, Miss Lorena Cooper and (~tl ]k~'~) ~1 ~l/I . !parents, the Henry Sagers, in Chi- David Radl Jean, Jimmy and Judy ities. ~'~ V~/~ ~.~~ !cago. Hall, Mrs. W. H. Wiederrecht, sis- The Robert Klines moved the Mrs. Dillon Atherton attended the ~,~~--- ~--~ i Mr and Mrs Graver Miehe ter-in-law of Mrs. Campbell, assist- first of the week from the Kyle W.S.C.S. guest day at Martelle -"~ ~t "~ i Doug'las and Stevie with the Ed and ed with the entertainment.Clark apartment to Mt. Vernon Thursday. The David Holland family met ~ !Herman Helgens and the Win. Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Briggs and where Mr. Kline will teach next friends and relatives in Iowa City "DOG DAYS" ARE HARD ON i dricks of Monticello and Mr. and daughter, Mrs. James Whitwood year. Mrs. Otto Donomann and gradn- returned Friday from a week's trip The A. R. Pearsons and George YOUR CAR TOO Hot weather and a summer of hard driving can take all the pep out of your car. Chances are -- if it has been acting sluggish -- it needs a general check-up. Let us give it "the once-over". Our skilled mechanics go over every- thing carefully -- testing -- inspecting -- adjusting. Drive in soon for automotive service at its best. Here is the place to get your Goodyear and Firestone tires. All standard sizes. Studebaker Sales and Service daughter Carol of Amber had pic- nic dinner at the Lower Pal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bell sr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bell jr of Rock Island, Ill spent Sunday with the farmer's daughter, Mrs. G. M. Brooke, and family. Evening guests in the Brooke home were Mr. and Mrs Sam Wiley, Linda and Jill of ' Elwood. i Hans Hensen returned Tuesday i from St. Luke's hospital, where he ~was a patient one week for treat- ment of virus pneumonia. Mrs. Clayton Nosley is improving from the same illness. Frank Stritt was at work in his shop Tuesday after home confinement with virus ill- ness. Phone 150 Lisbon, Iowa Get a Studebaker Champion{ I/I : ' 2; O W' PBJC* . FIEZ. D Cut your driving costs! De~ortttive ~ Ot, h~r ~U~-~ #ubJect to ob~ wit, bout notia~ One of e 4]owestpdce larg"e sel] ny cczrs/ ' A CHAMPION IN ADVANCEMENTS, Big visibility one-piece windshield Brakes that automatically adjust themselves Variable ratio "extra-leverage" steering Tight-gripping rotary door latches Soft-glow "black light" instrument panel dials Automatic choke Automatic spark and heat controls '~leat-dam" pistons Big capacity trunk New longer wheelbase Flight-slmamed styling--no bulg- ing excess bulk ; ;. Rich upholstery Big chetce of body ccdors; Studebaker Sales and Service Lisbon, Iowa TOO to Colorado. They were at Denver Drips' attended the funeral of a Estes Park, Colorado Springs and relative at Lanark, Ill Saturday other places of interest Mrs. Rich- Sunday guests of the J. S. Arm- ard Dorothy, who has been at Cola- strongs were the Glen Strothers of rado Springs since her marriage, Martelle. came home with her parents. Her Mrs. Lavish Waddell of Cedar: husband with the 43rd army band Rapids was a week end guest of has gone to Anchorage Alaska. Leta and Mabel McShane. Mrs. Josep~'!::e Kettering and Mike and Sue Ann Spence spent Miss Mart ~"ere Sunday guests in several days last week with Mrs. the Elle ). F)ster home at Well- Fannie Patten and Joan. They are man. the children of the former Maxine Fowler, daughter of Lloyd Fowler, Sp i ille who lives in Panama. r ngv L-~ncheon guests in the Jens Twila Pederson Pedersen home Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Lars Sundegard, Alfred COMING EVENTS Hopendahl, Alfred Jensen and Mrs. Willing Workers are inviting the Paulsen, all of West Branch, Mrs. I]ladies of the Presbyterian church Jurgensen and Mrs. Jerry Bys of to their Aug. 8th meeting. It will Cedar Rapids and Anker Severn- be a 50c picnic luncheon at 12:30 sen of Marion. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Smith. Mrs. Mary Stanley spent Wednes- Drink and dessert will be furnish- day night and Thursday in the ed. There will be a program and a Harry Smith home. Thursday din- social afternoon. Bring covered net" guests were the Stanley Smiths dish and picnic requirements and and daughter and the Bob Smiths 50c. Hostesses are Flo Smith, Imo-of Iowa City. gene Smith, Eva Stearns, Eva Stentz Presbyterian Missionary society and Anna Sterner. met in the church dining room for N.S. CLUB a picnic luncheon Friday Thirty- Mrs. Dorothy Dunn entertained three members and guests were the NS. bridge club Thursday eve- present. Guest speakers were Mrs. niag. Prizes were won by Mrs. Louise Critchfield who told of coz~- Aileen Thoma, Mrs. Marcia Ernst ditions in Munich, Germany and and Mrs. Dorothy Cline. Miss Margaret Paul who gave a ! few high lights of the Synodical ', P.N.G. meeting at Ames. , Mrs. Nira S~!~h entertained the The Carl Calverts and Vera were P.N.G.'s of Rebekah lodge No. 149 guests at a family dinner at the Ed- Thursday afternoon with 16 mere-win Harris home near Linn Grove. Darlene and Doris Touro spe,at a ~bers and guests present. I few days last week in the Merle BE SHARP CLUB I Stewart home Be Sharp 4-H club held its i The Glenn Bowdishes and Char- Achievement show with the Cloverles and Mrs. Ida Bowdish motored i Chums at the Whittier hall Friday to the home of Carl E. Calvert near i evening. We finished a year ofRevere, Mo Sunday and visited Home Furnishing. Beverly Heald h!~: and his brother and wife, the wa ~ c:')wned Junior Queen by Oscar Calverts. Mrs. Margaret Tuttle and received Mrs. Clinton Walton went to an award for having tt~e best Ju- Mason City Thursday to spend ' nior Record book and for exhibit- several days with the Marvin Pear- ing ' he most Anished articles. She sons. I received 10 blue ribbons on articles The Clarence Boomhowers and she made, for refinishing a picture children and Mrs. Bess Newland 'frame and painting a chair and left Saturday morning for a visit i stool Nancy Lou Carnahan receiv- with relatives in Indiana. ed an award for second best record I book and six blue ribbons Kay Sheehy received third place for Lisbon Business Directory record book and an award. Hazel Dennis received a blue ribbon her GARDNER AND ANDRE towels. Virginia Willming is Senior Phones: Office 2-91 Residence 3-91 Queen with the best record book in Physicians and Surgeons that group. She received three blue ribbons. All articles receiving $. M. CARBEE blue ribbons will be exhibited at Notary Public Insurance the All Iowa Fair. 4% Farm Loans LEAF REUNION Phone 1~7 Lisbon, low~ A family reunion recently hon- ored the Edward Spence family JOHNSTON AND MORGAN who are here from Alrairante, Pan- FUNERAL HOME area. Not all members were able C. B. Johnston Jack P. Morga~ to be present but those who enjoyed Licensed Morticians the family party at the home of Mt. Vernon Phone--Dial 5012 Mrs. Fannie Patten and daughter,Lisbon Phones 165 and 50 Joan were: Nancy Breckenridge, W. ~L BE~ St. Paul; the Marion Armstrongs,Office Phone--146 Mrs. Ethel Har~, the Marvin Harte Farms for Sale family, all of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Real E~tate and Insurance Mrs. E F. Spence, Mike and Sue Houses for Sale or Rent Ann of Panama; Mrs. Harold Leaf for a picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rion, John and Virginia spent a week touring Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado They attended the rodeo at Chey- enne, Wyo. Fountain Service INSULATE . . . A GOOD INVESTMENT SUMMER OR WINTE Do you know insulation lowers summer house heat Os much as 1,$ degrees? Do you know it reduces winter fuel bills as much as 30%? We can supply you with any type insulation you want, blanket, botts, or granulated. Choose the type you want and do the job yourself. We will be glad to assist you in your insulation planning. A Store Furl of Real Buys Lisbon Marte Also fec uring merchandise you'll need for this and win?er. S op the Many Unadvertised q ire about our Special on Wool Shee s - Pillow Cases. 4r'~r ~ :i, I TO GET CORTA]NS COTTON SHEET WH TIE 70 bF 84 $2.69 PLAID 60 by 76 $1.89 II Phone 150 So w =-b b e lovely for any room in your home.