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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 2, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 2, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,t Hawk.e-Ree.rd Finish Hedges Road; Youngs Return From i Lisbon F.F.A. Projects ;Mt. Vernon Locals Announce Turbines!ToO LATE TO CLASSll rsh,Re l.r cIa le, re on ' i Llsben Heral Northern innesota Mr Olga Staskal returned Wed- For Ma alltown store. Saturda Aug 2, I 51 rage o Continue South and East f " nesday morning from a three weeks' ~ CAMP FIRE food sale, Firesl~ The County Road crew completed Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Young re- i vacation in Colorado Springs, Colo. i A major boost in the electric gen- FOR SALE: Furnace grates i Business Cards I grading the Hedges road on Man- turned on Saturday from a trip ~ ~" !day. They are continuing on this thru Minnesota and into North and !same road south a half mile past South Dakota. They visited Mr. i Leland Peet of Mechanicsville]erating facilities of central Iowa door. Phone 6981. was a Sunday dinner guest of was revealed this week when ~RS. IMOGEN B. E~.M[EEY !the Clara Blinks farm and then Young's brother and'family in St. David Ford at the Charles Ford Sutherland Daws. president of Iowa i--FO-R-SAL-E~--~Vi~ heater. Practically new. C. Attorney at Law iwill go east past the Ray Blessing Paul, Minn. Mrs. Young was a staff home. CedarElectriCRapids.Light announcedand PowerplansCO. forat Spangler, phone 61 Lis~ Probate work !farm to the Lisbon-Sufliff road. member in Woman's Society of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mason and the construction of a 60.000 kilowatt : - FO-R--S-A~3--9--Olds sedan. I Res. ]20 First Ave. N. Dial 2882 Christian Service Institutes in childrenweek end the E.Ill"R. HoidahlWere steam generating station at Mar- ] Herb Spongier, Lisbon. home. v Mr. Vernon, Iowa . ACHIEVEMENT QUEEN Grand Forks, N. D and at Lake Office ~33 Hlgley Bldg Dial 7969! l~oinsett Methoaist Camp, Arling- shalltown, i WANTED: To rent apartmeN Cedar Rapids Iowa i ~r~vluA'l'~: A~I~Ut'~:V ton S D In between those ap An order has been placed with!house in or about Lisbon soo~] ' ' ' ' . . - i.~;: I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed Mrs. Pearl RAYMOND L. M CONIA)GUE I County Girls' 4-H committee an- aP ~ntlm;::So;h:o~rt~n];:eMditnh2eW~2ds iFankhauser and Elma of Sac City the General Electric C " f r the firstlpossible. Phone 236, Lisbon. ~ oftwoJ0.000kilowattturbineswith] FOR SALE: 70 gal. Ideal~Eb~D" A~rney At ]Law nounced the 30 candidates for Linn . ." On the right above, {~aylen Huey, right, son at the Purest i were Sunday dinner guests in the delivery scheduled for February, Associated with Jordan & Jordan !Co Achievement Queen To be They spent 6 days m Itasca S~ate Hueys, is showing one of his Angus he fers and R chord Bahr one ~ Harold Batchelor home. 1954. The company now operates a waterer. Lee Rhoads. Lisbon. Dial 2 l:4g 510 Guaranty Bldg named the girls must have complet Park being there Quring me storm " "" A t t th r u n the Lisb n FFA ra" ct t u i FOR RENT: Furnished or " " - " ' ~ r blo~n or n s ngus s eers o e g o p o o p Ie o r Mrs Jennie Petrick is at St iI0,000 kilowatt diesel plant at Mar- E ----~ ~eaar ~tapms led their goals and be top girls in the when nunareos oz ~rees ,e e i furnished two or three room a~ ~'~ o'-at- Civil Practicei down in the "ark No count had held earlier this summer He is fitting 3 purebred heifers and 3 Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids,shalltown and the ne~ steam plant ,~auon ~-~v v icounry. two mcai names on me v ' " Jw~ h,~ wo~ ~oken lo~' Fri,~-, there will make that city one ftn n~t" 6181 -- 2nd Avenue N. Mt.~ ~ Dial 4362 42() W. First hi list are Adeline Biderman Hanna as vet been made of the numoer, steers tar the ~edar ~.ounty fair. ne a~so has a z year o,a ~ngus ::.~'~ -~ -" .-~ " ~ the major generating points on thement" 618 2nd Avenue N. Mr. ,r~ - . win a heart aumem. Mt. Vernon Bluebirds club, and Jean Pavelka, Then they went on north to Inter- heifer and several purebred Duroc sows and htters. Gaylen was l company's 200 mile system through- "~A : o rent ouse ori ~ iFranklin Cardinals. I national Falls, and there saw some- ~. ,^.~ .s . ,:. ^ : co^ -- ,:. :,: l~aul w. ~laaer ol Auama, ~a out central Iowa. R. B WUL~'*: ~ "'" " *~" ' "~ * of m kin" ~,uuuu.~u ,~,u y~u,~ u~u u,~ ,~ ~ v~,rr~ ~ v,~, ,~- and Mrs M A Richardson of I room unfurnished apartment. C~ A er ey .t Law The girls and their paren will be I tmn:r ; romn;ul n U:o The starag ceivlng his Iowa Farmer Degree in 1 949. Phoenix, Ariz are guests of Mrs. The boiler unit for the Marshall-!swaney Dial 5142 Mr. Vernon. w,-=Pr bate,~ N?ax~dt?vll~ Practice ! gu::t~Sn;/Y ~n: a~O: ~ar~;uaC~O~kug.n~ ba~e for wood" fwOr ~het Plhainttiha: 7 :-: ~:~ ~ i J" J" K,dder and other relatives. pulverizedt wn plant williowabecoal.designedDuringtO burn ithe WA~?ED'. Shal{ow well el"~. h ~,~.~ ~21 Residence 314l tat the Cedar Rapids Country Club. 1140,000 corns 9I o ~ ~:~ ~ ~ The LaVerne Sievers' took their summer months when it is not need-~pressure pump. Chas. E. Hed~ l 000 corQs oeln usea nail very ~ ~ rs The count ueen will be crowned g ~' ~ ~ " : ~ dauRhter and Nadme Meye to y q. . . ~ ! ~ ~ : ed for house healing, natural gas !Mr. Vernon. 2 N( FRANCIS F. EBERSOLEM.D. land the candidates presented on recently a r.egula!lon .forblds }ak-~ ~ ~}~ ~:~ ~ Camp Hitaga Sunday to spend a willWill deliverbe burned.325.000Thelbs.bOilerof steamUnit! Rundall,WANTED:Lisbon.T buy new oats. ~ Physician and Surgeon i Thursday evening, Aug. 16, at 7:30/rag tour~ststhru me,ptan~,so mey ~ ~: ~:~ ~, ~.~ week. The s East of Methodist Church at HawKeye ~9owns auring the All were not ogle m see ma~. ~ney saw ~ ~ ~d ~~ ~r~ r~ ~ Fir t door ]- -- " in- ulled down ~ ~ ~ ~m m~ ~ ivlrs llli]e ~. ~esnaK iel~ on per hour at a pressure of 850 lbs. shocke ~Iowa ~air. ]a large log coon oe g P ~ ~ i ~ i 'ml .- ,' - " land a super-heat temperature of 900 ] NOTICE OF PROBATE OF ~ of the in a c~ Dial a~,~ ! Virginia Pollock, Mary Etta Rose I!hru. Rainy Lake to the plant, and ~ ~ ~/ ~ J ~:esaaYfte~ ranersi~ o?e5 lneem::'~ degrees. The generator will have! No. 21521 was ah CARL F. DECKER and Wava Palmer have been named liatea also saw a large log boon ;~ ~ ~r~l ~ ~'i ~ ,' a capacity of 30.000 kilowatts and Attorney &t L~w from the Springville Clover Chums, ] with its tug in the Lake of the ~ ~ ~i~.:~ ~ 1 the name oI Mrs. irene .~nare. will generate at 13,8000 volts. Out- i State of Iowa, Linn County, ss. sole d ires Phone 2-~,7,16, Cedar Rapids I Ellen Klinsky and Nadine Rayman ! Woods. tonal Falls the ~ ~ ~ i ~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carney and put of this plant will be fed into i In the District Court hosp~ Office Phone 3412, Mr. Vernon j from Ely's Putnam Prides, Bonnie From Internal . . y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ son Dennis and Wilma Levy return- the company's 115,000 volt transmis- i T~ all whom it may concern: i which ----:--::--=----:--~- I French from the Be Natural club, went to Warroad, Mmn where :~ ~~ ~ i ~ ed last Wednesday from a five day sign system which connects its ma- Notice is hereby given that ~ Join1 E. C. P]L~ILL, uenzms ~and Shirley Mollenhauer and Don- they enjoyed a two day boat tripi ~~ ~ ~ ~ trip through the Bad Lands andtjor generating stations at Cedarithe 6th day of August A.D 1~ Friday e - " ~ ~<~ ~ "~ ~: :~ " Rapids, Marshalltown and Boone. Verno~ Phon s na Hand lrom Wflhn Workers on the Lake of the Woods, gong to, :, :: ,~. ~ the Black Hills. g :~o~.~.~ :~.:~=.~ : : ~ .~: ~ i at 9 o'clock A.M an instru~ Office---5712 Home---62921 ~J~-- "~""'-~r home economist of Kenora. Canada. Their daschund f ~ ::::~.- .:::-.::2 ~ 2"~ .:~Z :::.: . :' : "~*' ~ Mrs John Woods of Solon dough- The new Marshalltown plant, ac-ipurporting to be the last Will ~ Mertor M~w~ Mane S~pple I Jones Co the count~ 4-H chairman Mac also enjoyed thm trip w~th ] ter of Mr and Mrs Joe Pitlik had cording to Mr. Daws, is another i Testament of Charles R. Keyes ~ will b, :Jemal tlygmms~ I ". -- "' - .- " - them This lake has 14 000 island i No~ ~err Ligm, son o The Jonn t ~ms, ,s s ,wn wt ~ = - ' " v'---l-- step in the company's long-range of said county, deceased, will c~ the s~ ann me coumy women's cnalrman . . . . her xoo~ urm~eu very ~e ~u y ]BRYANT AND }]L~JGHT also of Jones Co. will judge the and at t~mes it. seemed as.though ! prolect c ' a purebred He~ ford heifer her year ~g heft, . Tuesday while leading a horse on ]plan for keeping safely ahead cf the l on for hearing before the said . Cole, ] I. . I trict Court at the Court Hous~ Dean Veterbmr~ contest The thirty finalists were they were seemg most oI men.I bull calf Norbert is sec~ :tory of th( Lisbon FI . He i the hay fork. rapidly growing electrical demands o a '~ These l~landsare on a sona granite Office Phone 2761 Mr. Vern n, I .i ~elected from a field of 350 club "% "'" ~ r- "-r imarket I ~ters and a Polo, ino riding orse Sh ~ n in t Mrs. Virgil Stoner spent the week m the 22 central Iowa counties James Dr. Bryant residence phone 2756~ l members whose record books and ~:sLansa ~V2ncoUr:'Y ~,~etnscener; I are. lefl to right John ight, Rollc ,d Henik Junior fend with her sister, Mrs. F. L.which the company serves. ,andCedaradmissionRapids' ofI Wa'samef rtothepro~ p~ ion ch Dr. Haight residence phone 425 ] achievements were checked. These ; ~, ": " ~ J,v .L n Meeker in Waterloo. John and ~ i Dated Cedar Rapids, Iowa, $expect -------~ 130 will also be interviewed before in me ~anaa!an nalI oi me lake Is i oualey )mlin, ~oroe~. guT, ~raes ~eggy ' m ate, ~ Warren' returned with her after Mr. and Mrs. train Lacock and 131, 19511 Intern MJD especmny picturesque a n a ap G. E. RA]Hfi~, . l the queen and attendants are thus- . . . . " ~knee inn bes~e the colt. visiting a week in the home of their daughter, Christine, returned Sun- I ARTHUR AXME~ en proacning ~enora sauna many i ~ " day evening from a six days' trip i Clerk District C~ . Phydda~ mad Surge@ I ~ ~ tamer homes alan-" the aunt, Mrs. Meeker. oeauxllUl ~U,~ Plague 3311 Mount Ver~en shore line* Fishing was very good a,~| w, . ~. . p . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Neal have J to the Lake of the Ozarks Bagna]l R. B. Wolfe Attorney in the area where they reported a t'lan for jun,or :~taTe ra,r been driv!ng to Iowa City daily toi Dam, Missouri. Aug. 2, ' see their aaughter, mrs. w. ~. vat- 26 pound wall-eyed pike had been caught the previous week. The Youngs are not fishermen but they did enjoy going to a fishery in War- road, selecting two sizeable wall- eyed pike and having them dressed for eating. They were the mak- mer of Washington, who has been confined to Mercy hospital since last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. U. VanMetre re- turned from Sayner, Wis where 1hey went the last of the week to | Friday & Saturday Specials at --- DICK'S By Ed White FRI. & SAT AUG. 3--4 BUTTER JAM Our Family 2 39c Jones Family Bacon And Liver Sausage Now In Peach and Grape SaUced t~ cup ~aled 4 canned or fresh dressing* pe~ch halves :,/~ cup Pet Milk 4 Jettuce leaves I teaspoon ~gat 1 ~/~ ;ap$ gral~es, ],~ teaspoon ~It a edlc~s or ~ceded 2 tablespoo~v lemoa Mix until smooth salad d:'essing, milk, sugar and sMt, Stir in lemon juice. Chill 30 rain. At serving time, ~r- range drMned peach halves on lettuce ieaves; fill with grapes. Serve with the dress/ng. Makes 4 servings. ~Use the kind that comes in a jar, not a bottle. You Will Need: Pet Milk, Salad Dressing, Pea hes, Grape Lem- ons, Lettuce. No. R12-36 FRIDAY - SATURDAY One of The Big Outstanding Pictures of 1951 Directed by John Ford--his greatest Triumph. with g gre~t east JOHN WAYNE, MAUREEN O'HARA, BEN JOHNSON, CHILL WILLS, CLAUDE JARMAN, Jr. One Showing FrL --- 7:45 Sat. Shows -- 7:30- 9:15 SUNDAY - MONDAY Another Big Outstanding Picture - Authentlcl Based on aetual cases from the files of the Post Office Depar/ment: ALAN LADD PHYLLIS CALVERT JAN STERUNG Alan Ladd as the U.S. mail's fighting agent -- smashing the biggest mail robbery plot in! history ! inns of a real fish dinner, take their son David to Camp High- [] -- lands, where he will spend several weeks. Cornell Art Students Mrs. Ruth Current returned Men- Back From Mexican Tour day evening after spending two ]] months with her daughter and son- Prof. Philip Henderson left Fri- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sanders. 7C~ day for San Miguel de Allendre, Becky will return in September J $ b ~s - 23 4 bottles - 79c Mexico, to join Mrs. Henderson in in time to enter Cornell for her m their summer home. Earlier in the Junior year. Red MalaBa summer, accompanied hy threef Miss Leona Zalesky, Miss Ethel am Cornell students, Bill Jones of Des ! Sheppard, l%'%ss queenie Jamison ~|~ M ines' Barbara Clark f Chicag lr 1 and Mrs. A. L. Smith drove out = : : : and Jean Shaw of Wheaton, Ill ~ from Chicago for the week end. ~ - - - the Hendersons had left Mr. Ve "i They were guests at the homes of Windsor Club non for a special art tour in Mex-] Mr. and Mrs. George McCall and : ico. This was part of the summerI Mrs. Irene Andre. [] 2 ibs. term art course De M " " ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard James re- ,-'~,-~ about 7000 s omes, In Specml" Farm take part m the event. Farm young ~ ~a ,~o, ~;, +,~ ,pa 3" ~ ' ~bo s and i g " eo ~' . . mrneo name zrom, ,-~: --,v , mne~" ~ mrougn me main ~=~^ction of ' Y" " g rl will compete for. p ple .'ill have their own hvestock r ~,~,~, t'%~l; l~-~ *l~ Mexico, making a cultural study'nearly $30,000 m special prizes at ishow wLth over 3.00O baby bee.yes, s ent "son neep pigs COllS ana aalry nellers of the country, visiting pre-Spanish !the Iowa State Fair junior ~how on dis,qay' Ti~e ,'ouw, sters will'Dun' On the way home they stop- ruin~ churche old and historic i nere ~ug. 25-Sept. 3 exposition offi-," "." - -,- e~', - ped at Lake Tahoe and Reno Nev ' "' "',' also paruclpale in nunareag Ol con-i " "" buildings and art galleries, cam- i cmls reported today. They predict- reels demon~tration~ an,~ ~x'hi~i ~,~-~ and Denver t~om. binin~ sketching and painting with ed that over 4500 F.F.A members ra'n~in- from ~heeL 2he',~ri~"'~7~ -" - -" d stud, ',~ s - v g to zvir. ann mrs. crank ~eterson Jr. the travel an 5. 4-H ers and other farm youths will modeling a dre~s F - ~ "h ctu returned Tuesday from a vacatmn ire gays were spem oy t e . - ~ in at Hot Springs, Ark Mrs Peterson aents In tl~.e ~enoer on nonm Mr " "-r on andi A t - -- left July 12th and her husband th,r~r~edtZ cM:r Mrs'~l~y~me 2g~nas,SprmwgVi/[ee2ewS : r = Our Family brand ~U~e::onfUl~a~J s ~e:ir~2h~tar~y i~ PVilcJ~h~,Stearnsa~eeF~ret.nLe:ins- i JOHN LEMON INJURED whose sister is a friend ef the Peter: = GRAPE JAM, quart jar - ~- ""I" !::r ' :.: ~ 'a~ ~,"-I John Lemcn fell while working sons. c'~a~eaI~a~as;ns will return tolR kesten~rnParents' aur. and Mrs. at the Penick and Ford plant Sat- Commander and Mrs F F. Wil- Post's~ . i l urday evening and *uffered pain- l;am~ Barbara, Vir inia and Geor e In Mt Vernon for the opening o~ uor- ]H~ Oti~ Sire- ~pent Thursday i .: ~ - ." " "' g g :'~" "~. .~" ~ ~-~. v~. O J.UI IJIUI~. rortunalely no ~ones left Wednesday by car for Long SUGAR /~DICD 2 iil~ L ,iti i w~tn her s~s~e~ lairs, w~essa ~;eper. were broken. ~Island N.Y following a six day i~ ~g~,|~r$, VI~sS. nell. . . . ~ ~ ,~ ! Sgt Clair r~ohl who returned ; -----=-~-- x ~it in the arental Rev S V Wil Jne doe z~lu~:.Ja.~ "~'* Ir : ' I PRIESBYTIE"IA"a~ ~'~ CnL''I[7"~'~t H '~" P " " " " i enter Point ecemly from Korea called at the, . hams home Part of their vacation No~ern (80 count) paper ihome. CORN, . . . PET TALL NASH ! VER GRAZE i L. Allison, Pastor --- Bracelet Girls [ -ital has been erected. . ~ ~unaay cauers m the Raymon[will m " A ~ood ~a~ture wll] lower the eet Monday evening, Aug. 6 ~ Mr M~rv ~lnlh~,rin ~'~,%~rn~'q -~ - . namewere tsov l' uole . ----- amount of gram needed by p gs " -, Cho r practice at the SprmgwlleiTuesday from Mercy hospital Cedar and will cut the protein consump-i ,~,~, ~v,x ~ n wmton ann church Tuesday evening Aug 7 l~anids She wa~ f~k~n th'-,v~ t~n --DICK'S-- tion by 50 percent. However, theBardaughterS'er Mr V~:non; the Wilfred i Preaching: Viola 10:0fl a.m Spring" Saturday mornin~,~ ~ft~-'" g~*'~'~ri~o ~ast r should not be overgrazed i~. b ~, Lonme .and Cheryl, the vale 11:00 a m Sunday school ~ u e . ~r " ' I . her right ankle m a fall on a stmr uaffe of Icava State l ea ~ebe]s ann Jerry and Sgt.s rin ville 10 00 a m " " warns E. L. Q i~l~ir ~,h~ ~n~ ~ ~; ~ 21 P g : . Vmla 10.45 way at the Frank J. Peterson jr. ~ollege. u ~.~ ru~erla.m. ' ' Cheaper By the Doz. SUNKIST Large doz. 39c SALA DRESS qt. 59c Muscatine Grown MELONS, Ig 26c med 19c TOMATOES, 2 Ibs 25c SIDWELL'S PINTS 29c QUARTS 56c Gallons $1.03 Assorted Flavors For Those CANN|NG NEEDS MASON JARS, qt. $1.23 MASON JARS, pt. $1.14 ZINC LIDS, Presto doz. 55c SUGAR ~" ~,~, Dial 2447 tat. Vernon, Iowa Coffee, Butternut, Ib 84c Peaches, Del Monte, halves, Na. 2 33c Pineapple, Del Monte, crushed 15c Juices, Orange - Blended - Grapefruff 46 oz. 25c Pork & Beans, Van Camp, No. 2 21c Beets, Tendersweet, diced 303 2-25c Tuna Fish, Star-Kist 29c Catsup, Del Monte 21c Sugar, I0 Ibs 98c Northern Tissue, 3 rolls : 27c Bail Dome Caps, doz 25c Cake Mix, Pillsbury, white - chocolate 33c Keel-Aid, 6 for 25c Candy, Orange Slices - Jelly Rings, Ib 19c Bananas, 2 lbs 29c Butter, Lisbon, Ib 68c Eggs, doz 39c All Kinds of Fresh Fruits Blank SNOW CROP ORANGE, 2 for 4Sc LARGE Good with Sanitary Dairy Half- Half Subscription Please se~d :be ~c.v,;keye-Record and Lisbon Herald to the foH~wlng address for ~ecrs. months. ~ame i Henrichs of Martelle were evening callers. The Verne Schroeders and Mrs. BuHman of Marion were Sunday visitors at the Chas. Kuntz home. The Lyle Beighle family and the Beighles attended a picnic at Bever park Sunday in honor of the birthday of Clair Stabinow, Lisbon. Ely Mrs. Laura Alexander sold her home to the H. L. Coppocks of Whit- tier. She will have a sale of her household goods soon. Her grand- daughter, Curule Alexander, of Chi- cago is visiting her for three weeks. The James Dunn family, Sunday attended the Cushman family re. union at Thomas park. 21 were i present. Springville Junior Legion team i played Maquoketa Junior Legion !team Sunday afternoon. Score 12 Kathryn Worley Ira 1 in the latter's favor. Spring-I The Clarence Tessmans', John'ville Cubs also lost to Maquoketa~ and Joan attended graduation ex-Jr. Legion 10 to I. i ercises of Mr. Tessman's nephew, Mrs. E. H. Cummings returnedi James Atherton, at Iowa State col-:Friday from St. Luke's where she lege at Ames last Wednesday. John:had been a surgery patient The and Joan returned home and Mr. Elmer Deetzes of Cedar Rapids col- i and Mrs. Tessman drove to Audu- led on her Sunday as did other local ] [ban to visit Tessman's father over- visitors. I i night. They returned Thursday. On! The Floyd Brown family visitedI i Sunday the Tessman family and the Harry Eales' at Marion Sunday. 1 Mary Brown of Marion is in the l David and Larry Stone attended a Floyd Brown home while her moth- ] ~picnic in Central City. It was theI 20th anniversary of Mrs. Tessman's er is in the hospital with her new high school graduation class, brother. Miss Twila Pederson, Miss De-I Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gessner and Raymond, who were visiting their mother Mrs. Ruby McGown of Marion and in the Phil Hardenson home in Anamosa, returned to thei~ home in Covina, Calif. The Israel Larsens of West Branch spent Sunday in the Mabel Neilson home. Charles Krceb of ]'donticello was a Tuesday visiter in th~ Arthur Holub home. lores Lanning and Johnny Rion were Sunday evening dinner guests in the Lumir Wyman home near Central City. The Will Mitchells of Waubeek. the Glenn Bremers and sons and Mrs. Mae Brewer of Martelle. the Henry Schleys and sons of Stuart, the Reland Cofflands of Watkins. Frank Conley of Anamosa, the Harry Ericksons and Mrs. Flu Dun- lap of Cedar Rapids are among the many friends who have called on J. F. Stiller recently The Humor Of The Want ds-- "Dear Ed;~or: I bought a used car through your wont-~d eleven years ago. It finally gave out, but it's doing service now os a poultry house and I have seven hens selling in it." Dial 2431 Mt. Vernon Hawkeye-Record and The Lisbon Herald City Street and Number Amount enclosed $ You'll like our variety of FRESH fruits & vegetables. home. Mrs. Mulherin was caring J Jllllllllllllilllllllllllll|! for the children while their parents were on vacation. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Gabriel of Clinton, parents of Mrs. Peterson, came then to be in the home until the Petersons' re- CLOVER FARM turn Tuesday evening. EVAPORATED MILK, 4 tall cans 5 qts. Non-fat Milk S @ YACHT CLUB 0Z MONARCH Crushed No. 2 can CLOVER FARM SALAD DRESSING, MONARCH Molasses Sauce PORK & BEANS, 303 ca 2 for 25c YACHT CLUB SWEET PICKLES, Yo#r $#/t is Wwcys dy to Wecr b Dust-Proof with KAT-E-KORHER Zipl .r Suit placed in Jiffy Suit Cover and hung or laM flat m the car whea en the road or lot home closet use, rarely has a wrinkle. Jiffy Suit i Covers are dust-proof, moisture. :proof, and moth.resistant. SUNSHINE GINGER SNAPS, lb. pkg. CLOVER FARM YACHT CLUB Red lb. RATH'S RACORN sliced, ~b. pkg. U O Try One Today Bauman & Co. Deliveries Tuesday & Friday Dial 4012 Homeowners Wise ALSCO - ize --Ed Hoidohl Flowers by Stahl Everything in flowers-wired to all parts of the world STAHL'S GREENHOUSES Lisbon Phone 11