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August 3, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 3, 1939 |
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August 3, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOW.~ itA~E-]P~_A3OR1D AND THE LISBON ~ ~ hlnul
~rft#1~#~;~ ~4~ rjw~sh [ Kenwood Park Fuel Co. poor J. L Heady .................... 06.90 I C R Gas Co., poor, gas serv .. 1 02 [ ent children .............. -.. 17.14 accompanied by the County Treasur- Mollenhauer Roy, equip rprs ... 9.#,5
v~;ulJlt~ID ILPJl. AJt[~;; ] fuel ' ' 5 75 Arti~ur Holub 73 60 City Water Works poor water ~Thompson mrs E A. poor ae- er's receipts for the lull amount was Martin - Roasa Tractor Co
rl = ~,: ,-~ * |Krelci i3ros" "noor'nrov .......... 40'24 Earl Lehr ................. 93"84| serv ........ ' ...... ' ....... 1.90] pendent'chil(l'ren ..' ..... '. .... 64.50 approved and ordered filed. All ~nem- equip & rprs ................ "~1102 25
l~O~l | [HI" ~]|l~r~JIGl~l*~[[ Krejci Bros' Groc sol rel'Arov"" 23'26 M I Miles ..................... 93"84Drew S'e'th S" Ct Hs supplies 1 02 Thomas Mrs Will poor depend- bers voting "Aye" thereon Monroe Calculating Mach Co *
I l~,hi~s lq'dw~ ~ ~1 r~l ~*~,~ ' B C W~lmer 81 60Dunla Mrs Lee our rent 12 00 cnt children 10 00 On motion b~ Supervisor Beeson sec Eng Mach exp 6 00
1¢ • .~ , ~ ~ I wicks ....................... 31 R. M. Clark ................... 117.76Davis, Mrs. Claire, poor, rent .. 12.001Tvrdik, Dora, poor rent ........ 10.00 onded by Supervisor Seevell, the Coun- Marion Dairy Store, Co Home
,.Inn ounty, mwa, june i gee(h, Dr. R. K., sol rel reed Rid 18,00 Glenn Dassett .................. 73.44Dickeys Groc, sol rel prov ...... 52.23 ] Taylor, Fred, poor prov ...... 6.22 ty Auditor was authorized and direct- prov . ...................... 27.54
.... .~A~Q|Xt~ 1Q-~q ]Kopeeky F E S R Commr ski I John ('a~att .... 38 40Dickey L~ O poor rent 7 71 Tascnner, Forres~ weea commr ea zo cance! ~ne XOliowing 1939 Home- McNe II Mrs. Orville poor rent 12.00
,.,~ - - ' ' ' .... ~, ~_ 7; ............... f)2"Ra r)ud~le' Rnho~t naor rent 5 00 Terry Durrin Co shop exp 6 47 stead Tax Credits all members ~otlng ~fcCat le Ret e(( I ()or rent 10 0~
~ I Krejcl Food Shop Geo poor nrov 2 60 Wm Cemrad ............ 93 84 [ Dolezal Joe, poor cash allow ... 17.00 [ Unger, ,Ida, poor rent .......... 12.00 i Aye thereon: Numbers 438, 953. McDermott R E. poor rent .... 12.00
~tate of Iowa, County of Llnn, ss [ Leibsohn Food M'kt poor nrov 21"94 C W Frederi~'.k ...... 77"52 [ Dector 'Groc poor prov . .... 6 65 [ V sek, E nil, pris exp ...... 3.25 I 1122 1371 1507 1822 2838, 4455, 4804, McPartland "Fol I, cutting weeds 14.40
Cedar Rapids Iowa ] Lam~ Mr~ P ~ ~,~r v~t " " ~'na Earl 'IIelbi~ ................ 93"84 Duster Bros' oor roy 16 09 Va~ la Br¢ s p)or kerosene 72I 4853 5067 5130 5494 5626 5870 and Nas~if tlU sol relief rent 10 0
" -- ................ ~- ................ ~- ~" ..................... P P .......... ' ' ' .... c ....... ~' "'' St .........
T~ =. June 27th, 1939 [Linn Township Bd of Review 16.00 W. L. Kassler .................. 77.52 Eastburn, All]e, poor rent .... 31.20 Vogel, Molly, poor rent ........ 10.001132ol. . Novak, Janles, V, poor rent .... 10.00
s~laae ~oard of Supervisors met put- [ Larimer Hdwe Co Co Home A1 LeCiere .................... 89.76 { Elson, Russell, sol rel trans .. 4 00 [ Vavra Bros, poor prov .......... 2.86 ] _ (LAIMS AIJ,OWEI) Naso Bros, p~ or prov . ......... ~L12
• n~ to adjournment all members be- i ~,h ~. ,,~l~ "• ' ~ q~ (~ M z~]eroshek ' " 84 Etzels Dairy sol rel Drov 3 93 Vax ra Bros sol rel prov 1 38 Ayash Nick poor rent 10 00 N~txera (;eor e oor rent 1C )0
1 ' _. .................................................... o. _, , _ • .................. g, P ...... ..
ag Present [Lan~ Geo Co Home wrain & [Jack Norris 97 9~Evans Everett poor rent . 10.00 Van Meter Co, Co Home rprps 128 11 Anderson Bill poor rent 10.00 N ~V Bell Telephone Co shrf
o~a motion by Supervisor Stlrm, sec I seed ............... 31 55 W. A. Peterson ................ 62.08 ] I~ lrst Ave Potato Mkt, poor prov 3.02, H E, D C Bailiff, sal.. 91.00 ] Andrews et al Burl gopher boun- [ tel service .................. 36.79
l~,~e~ oy Supervisor Beeson, the fol-]Linn County Produce Co Co :Lloyd Davis .................. 48.96{Foughty Mrs. Ona, poor rent .. 8.00 Whitings Dairy, poor prov ..... 3.86]_ ty .......................... 21,151Nagle 1Caton Lbr Co., road snp-
~wlng resolution was adopted, all [ Home grain & seed ' 24 00Everett Elliot: 97.92 I Fisher, E. E. poor rent ....... 10.00 ] White. Charles poor rent ...... 12.00 I'.~. Ave Grocery, poor prov ...... 13.02 i plies ........ 5.61
taembers voting "Aye" thereon [ Mercy ~Iosnital noor h'os',~ .... 165"00Elcy Elgin ...... 97 921First Ave Potato Mkt sol rel ]VVilliams, Mrs W J, poor rent 4.00 ~ Alexander Food Mkt poor prov 7.96 Oliphant A R fox bounty 1 00
RESOLUTION [ Marshall ~'Ir~ ' ~h~r~o ~" n~'~'~'" Frank Fee .................... ~77"52 I orov ' 7 35 I XVhite Mrs Charles poor rent 12 00 Ardusers Grocery poor prov 4 39 [ Pal land Gr( e'er oor ro~ ..... 30'0,
R .......... ~ .... " .............................................. r. ..... "" ' ~ ...... (" ' Y'P P ' " ....
V'-ESOLVED by the Board of Super-~ bd & rm ................... 10 00R. W. Hartscll ................. 97.921Fladiy Groc, sol rel prov ...... 12.6o|Wormer, John, poor rent ...... 7.50/Ar]nature Service Co., equip rprs 7.16!l~eterson Jennie, poor rent .... 6.00
~flor_s of Linn County Iowa, that F. [ Marion Dairy Store poor prov " 1'99 Frank Hendrvx ................ 97.92[Falnily Shoe Repr, shoe rprs, sol [Williams Mrs. Adelbert depend- [~.a~er ~aper Co., Ct. Hs supplies 12.751Perpctual Savings & Loan Ass'n,
7, Mitchell, a resident of Waubeek, [ hie Too Food Store' poor prov ' " 29"27J. D. Hills ." ................... 97.92 I rel ......................... 2.70 I ent children ................. 25.72 ~ ~aKer ~aper Co., sewing project 12,75 I poor rent .................... 20.00
v~age of Linn County, Iowa, platted [ Mear Mrs. Mary p~)or rent ' " 5'00Wilbur Oliphant ............... 85.68 | Ferguson, Newt, poor rent ...... 10.00 I Whiting, James, 1~, poor, de- [ ~rainard G M, poor rent ....... 7.00 I Peoples Grocery, sol relief prov 17.55
• , ,or to January 1st, 1934, having made [Merritt L G po()r rent ..... 9"00 Howard Ramsey .............. 97.92 t Fuller, Roy, poor rent ......... 12.00 [ ~)endent children ............ 12,86 [l~.ennett, Mrs. Earl, poor rent . . 10.00 I Pioneer Litho Co, O'seer ofc sup-
a~Plleation for Class "B" Permit for I Mickel 'Jenn'ie H poor rent ..... 10'00F L. Tunks ................... 73.44 | Gould]n, Florence, D C Rep, sal.. 160.00 [ Wilson, Betty, sol rel, rent .... 13.00/.B.lg Shoe Store. sol relief, shoes 2.02 t plies ........................ 8.67
,ae sale of beer in said village, underIMe To~ Food Store sol rel '~rov 31"01 "On motion the Board of Supervisors I Goodyear Serv O'seer, car exp.. .50|Walbrand, A H, S R Commr, sal [~unay J. Arcnle, C R. Assessor ]Pine Knoll Sanatorium, poor
~he provisions of the Laws of Iowa, and |Mrech Groc Chas. 'sol rel' ~rov 3'67 adjourned to July 5th, 19;i9. I Gulld, Mrs. Joi~n, poor rent .... 10.00 I mileage ..................... 6.75 ]_ s~lary . ..................... 20.00t hosp ........................ 55,50
~ne Board being satisfied that said]Morris Mrs'Jane sol rel r'ent 10"00 Fred Stirm, Chairman [Grassfield, Will, poor rent .... 10001Whears Cash Groc poor prov .. 3.57/t~u(~ers Store, poor prov . ....... 306]Peoples Grocery, poor prov .... 153.29
pP~acant has the proper qualifications [ Mt Vernon" Haw'keye -'Recorcl' " ]Board of Supervisors, I Gardner, W H, poor rent ...... 5.00 [ ~Vood Geo L, poor prov ........ 23.55 |Be.cker Orle, pour rent ....... 7.20i I'eoples Grocery, poor prov .... 26.72
Sad has also filed good and sufficient] pub proe ' 149 60 Linn County• Iowa I Glidden Mrs. L. C, poor rent ... 7.00 ] WIDOWS PISN$ION$ |t~r!ners Grocery, poor prov .... 5.361Peoples Grocery, poor prove .... 13.26
~tlr.ety bond as provided by law, the |Menears Groc '&'i VII(t" "Poor 'nrov 35"68Attest: Robt. M. Vesely, I Griffin 'P A, sol rel rent ... 1 75 [ for period ending June 30, 1939 ]Belber J A, Co. Home prov .... 1~ 28iPoses 9th St. Grocery poor prov 5 26
o~Uait°r of. Linn County. , Iowa: is here-IMoorman Mf~o Co., 'Co Hom~._~, ' Linn County Auditor. ]Globe• Groc and Mkt, sol rel prov 111.23 | Adalns, Margaret ....... . . $40 00 |Barron Motor, Co, , equip rprs . . 71.85 team, J i~n D C, Rep 'salary ..... 240"00
Y authorized and directed to issue said / grain & seed ....... 26 40 -- | Gallagher Groc, P H, poor prov 10 20 [Allen, Cora .................... 12.86 /Bagley W (, C, consumers use Royal Typewriter Exchange and
,aPPlicant said permit as provided by [Marion Sentinel hub nro'c ..... 49"33State of Iowa County of L nn, ss. [Goldstein K poor prov 19 28 [ Allen Esma .. . 30.00 ] tax ............. 280 801 math rprs 1 50
O" |McDonald, C H, poor rent ..... 20.00 Cedar Rapids, Iowa ]Goodyear Serv, equip rprs ..... 188.44 [Anderson, Elizabeth ............ 10.00 |cILnes Marion Water Co., Clerk [ Rath3e Grocery, poor prov . ..... :L69
n motion by Supervisor Stirm, see-iMcPartland Tom cutting weeds 8 00 July 5th, 1939 |Gazette Co., pub ofc notice .... 13.10 [Babbitt, Bertha ................ 10.00 ] ~) ~2 water tickets ............ 18.001Shel)ard Charles, et al, crow
Onded by Supervisor Beeson, the fol-[McNall Mac'h & Sunnlv Co eouin " The Board of Supervisors met pur-IGoodrow, Franklin, Co Home, [Barrett, Frances .............. $.00/Cr°futt Mrs. Win, poor nursing" 30.42[ bounty ...................... 15.07)
~OWing resolution was adopted, all] rental ....... 55000 suant to adjournment, all menlbers be-[ grain & Seed ................ 22.50[Be Miller, Nellie ................ 10.00[Cavros Paul, poor rent ......... 4.001Schmidt Typewriter Exch, Clerk
lnembers voting "Aye" thereon: IN W Bell" "Tel" "Co' 'C't' I-Is" "rent's' " ing present. |Hendryx, Seth A, 1) C Bailiff, |Brague Lela .................. 20,00 |Con.way & Co., ~V J, poor rent 10 00i I) C ma(h rprs .............. 1.25
R RESOLUTION / tolls ......... ": ....... ' ....... '134 60 On motion by Supervisor Seevell, see- [ sal .......................... 17.50 [Brown, Mildred ................ 10.00 ]~non J m, poor rent ......... 10.00 / Star Printing Co., Treas, of(
V" ESOLVED by the Board of Super- iN W Bell Tel Co. Tel serv sew- " onded by Supervisor Beeson, the fol- [Heath, Mcrritt R., C R Pep As- ]Burger, Leona ................. 40.00 [ ~ .adlma Jos T, poor rent ...... 7.00 / suppl es .................... 3.75
v~lSOrs of Linn County, Iowa, that Pearl ] ing O'seer ' ' 21 85lowing reports for the quarter ending | sessor, sai .................. 130.00 [Burrows, Martha ............... 10.00 ](:.lines Marion Spring Water Co., i Smith Elmer, poor bd & room .. 14.00
~ragaw, a resident of Troy Mills, vii-]Naib~rt Dr A C' 'hoof'me(l" a'i(l''' 6"00June 30th, 1939, were examined and [Home Oil & Gas Co., poor, kero- ]Carie, Mable ................... 10.00 ] .Tress water tickets .......... 18.00iSikora, ()tip, poor rent ........ 10.00
~age of Linn County Iowa platted prior iNs]bert' Dr A ~,.~ noor reed 4"00ordered placed on file all members vot- [ sent 72 [Cavanaugh Nellie 30 00 |(Pity ~Vatcr Works Ct Hse & jail I Sovereign Louis poor rent 4 00
t°. January 1st, 1934, having made ap-[Nat Tea Co' poor ~rov 6"31lng "Aye" thereon: ' |Haliig'a;l' ~'u'neraf "i~oln'e','''poor " |Clarke, Leona ......... :: ..... 10~00 | water service .............. 73.801Stritesky Adnu" Luinir, sol rel'iei "
t)ueation for Class "B" Permit for the ]Novak James V poor rent ..... 10"00 H.R. Churchill, Justice of the Peace, I burial ....................... 65.65/Cole, Helen ................... 20.71 [C R Clean Towel Service, shop I rent ............... 10.00
~ale of beer in said village, under the [Naso 1VIrs Pauli'ne poor rent''" 10"00Rapids Township. [Hruska, Dr W F, poor med aid. 6.50 [Cook, Lucllle ................... 20.00 |~. expense ..................... 9.39{Stodola Leo, sol relief rent .... 10.00
provisions of the Laws of Iowa, and ]Norris Mrs Harriet poor rent'' 10"00Winfield A. White Justice of the /Hedges Co, poor rent 60 00 [Cook Marie .................. 8 00 |:;past To Coast stores, road sup- Siluon Frank. Comm'r, salary &
the Board being satisfied that said ]Nassif' Sam" poor rent ' 10"00Peace, Marioa Township [Hunt, W H, poor rent .......... 5.00 ]Cook, Nell .................... 30.00 |~. plies ........................ 3.16 i lldleage .................... 13.00
~PPlieant has the proper qttallfications]N W Bell Yel Co Home" 't'el'serv 15'91 ~,V. J. Fleming, Constable, Rapids[Hermanek, Frank, poor rent .. 10.00[Coonrod, Edith ................ 30.00 |~= R Auto Supply Co., Eng car iS & W 10th St. Service, ()'seer
ana has also filed good and sufficient IN ~,V Bell Tel' shon tel'serv l~'a~Township. [Holden-Kahler Co O'seer of(: [Craig. Betty ........... 18.00 / exp & equip rprs ......... 150.29 car exp .. 1 oo
~flrety bond as provided by law the 1Povneer Frecl Bd~'Soc W,l¢~-~ .... On mot'on by Supervisor Stirm, see-| sup ........... ' ...... ' ..... 6 59 |Curttrlght, Mary ...... 10 00 Clark Dean, equip rprs .. . 83.28~St. Lt kes ±Meth Hosp poor hosp 438"60
~ Udltor of Llnn' ' County Iowa, is" 'here [ meeting- ' .... " ...... 9 00onded by Supervlsor~ ' Beeson, the report |Hill James D. sol rel, rent .... 8.00 [Davis, Harriet .................. 10.00 [Center~ Point Water Works shop I Sunny" Slope Sanatorium,' poor '
~Y authorized and directed to issue |Peiffer Leo P "B¢l" "So(" ~re'lfare " I of the County Recorder showing fees/Hovey, Dorothy, Clerk D C, ex- ]Donovan, Emma ............... 10.00 [ water service ............... 1.841 hosp .............. 65.0{)
~vu applicant said permit as provided ] meet'ing .. ".... : ......... 9 001am°unting to $3,344.00, charged and | tra l~elp .................... 75.00 |Doonan, Flora ................. 20.00 [Central Ci.ty Telephone Co., shop !Srameks (h'ocery, poor prov .... 3.03
Y law. /Peo"les Groc noor nrov .... 223"~ collected for the months of April May /Higley Chemical Co Ct Hs sup 354 97 [Dorsey Golden • • 10 00 / tel service .......... 3 72 .~lnith Mrs E R poor rent 10 00
On motion by Supervisor Beeson see- [Peo~les Groc' poor prov ........ 7"i~] and June, 1939, having been received |Herring," Don, depe'ndent chil- "" [Draper', Alice ........ :::::.. ::' 10:00 [Cach .Glass & l~aint Co., Franl~ " ! Sunshine ~'ood' Shop, poor" "prov 6:38
e~¢ied by Supervisor Seevetl, cigarette[Pusateri Frank n~,~r r,:,~ ..... ~n'nn accompanied by the Treasurer's re-] dren ........... 12 00]Dvorak Anna ............ 10 00 equip rprs ........... 3 42 Standard Oil Co lubr (at ng oil 32 06
,, rmRs were granted to the individuals/Pern Says & Loan noor rent 20 00 i celpts for the full amount, was approv- |Honle Oil & Gas Co., poor kero- |Emery, Vlrglnta ................ 10.00 /Chnes Marion Spring Water Co., I State of Iowa, gas tax ........ 470.97
~lated below and bonds in the amount [Peo~qes (~roc ~l :~" n~ " " a'~ ! ed and ordered filed All members rot- | sene ...... 72 }Ferreter, Margaret ......... 10.01 Eng Water tickets . 9.00 Super Service Oil Co kerosene 5 l(
of $1,000.00' each were approved, all]Peo~les (~roe' so~l'reY'p~ov" ...... 48'811 ing "Aye" thereon. ]Hollenback Bert, poor rent .... 10.00]Finn, Anetta .............. 40.00 ICarberry Jos W, Del Tax Coll I Security Laboratories' criminal "
'"e~bers voting "Aye" thereon: |Peterson, Oscar, poor rent :::::: 10:001 Onmotion by Supervisor ~eeson, sec-/Heefner & Newman, poor prov 6.12 |Fisher, Julia M ................ 10.00 |,~ ColnnL ... .............. . ...... 230.74 [ invest ............ ' .......... 15.00
--nn Cox doing business as Twin [Poses 9th St Groc poor prov ... 6 63 ] ondeu Dy ~upervisor ~eevell.. ~ne re- [Hamilton Seed & Coal Co., poor, |~'oley, Mary ................... 20.00 I~asey ~virs ~eo, poor nursing .. 32.00 I Snyder Emma, shrf extra help 19 20
-O~ers. . [Red Arrow Stores, poor prov .. 8~67 I port of the Clerk of the District Court [ fuel garden supp ........... 7.28 ]Freeman, Frances B ............ 20.00 ]L~e~ano Dr C A, poor reed aid... 4.00 I Sigmundi Arthur. cutting weeds I2.90
~) ~, doing business as : ~ : t.::::::::::::::: : ase 2 : r .
.~Y Lange ]Se'c ~ab noor med ~id 7"65[members voting "Aye" thereon. [Hannahs' J B, grading ........ 23.481Groat. Marguerite .............. 20.0~ ~" ~y Lumber Co., jail rprs , 1.31 Troy Laundl:y Ct Hs su'p'l~l'les'" (59
, w. J. Dvorak doing business as Til- [Sharp &' l~ohme ~oor d'ru'o:s"'"10"50I On motion by Supervisor Stirm, sec- |Hannahs: J B, ehannei const .... 325.95 ~ Hanshaw Vera ............... 40.00 [~eiereisen H L, Rec binding ... 27.54 I Tay~lor Sara. 1)oor nursing 6:00
~e's Tavern ' |Sterners Gen Store~. noor nr~v " " 20"40 I onded by Supervisor Seevell, the pet]- /Ia Elec Light & Power Co., poor [ Harden, Hazel ................ 8.00 I~egley Mrs. J W, poor nursing 70.00 [ Thompson, Karl, poor rent .... 10,00
s On motion by Supervisor Beeson, [Searle~ _1)airy_, ~-n~ ~nr~v~ .............. '' 1~'~ tion of Isabel Sisler et al, asking that | light serv .................... 2 19 /Harper, Hattie ..... ............. 10 00 I~Flns,. in. Mary, . sol relief rent .... 12 00i rra(, :hta' l~rtnk, , poor rent ....... 8 00
,econded by Supervisor Seevell the fol- |Stahl Co noor nrov 7 75 ] either road oil or caleium chloride be [Ia State Savs Bank, poor rent.. 8.00 ]Hayes, Clara ................. 20.00 .~shwlld & Son R, poor prov ... 6.48 I Tasehner Forrest, weed coral l'r 21.75
~OWing resolution was adopted, all [Sheronik" & Son] noor" "~rov ..... 22"93 i placed on County Road "S" through [Ireland Coal Co., John, poor fuel 3.32 I Heddinger, Ceva .............. 30.00 I~llhnore John, poor rent ...... 10.00 i Usi~er ~Lary, poor rent .......... 10.00
l~ePabers voting "Aye" thereon: |Shunk mrs Jen'ni% surplus c(~m " |Coggon, was ordered, pla, eed on file. [Ia Elec Light & Power, Ct Hs, I Horsky, Pearl Mae ............. 10.00 [~ann.on John J., poor rent ...... 10.00]Un ted State Bank, poor rent .. 10.00
B-- RESOLUTION [ nlod' rent" ' 35 00 ] All members voting Aye tnereon. [ light & power ............... 231.64 [Jonnson, Emma .............. 20.00 l~anly Grocery, poor prov ...... 6.43 [ Visek Shoe ltepair, sol relief shoe
, ~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of [.~v~r~t~ L~,~" "~,~:'~-:~ ..... a'an On motion by Supervisor ~eevell, |Is Culvert & Pipe Co road sup ~lulis Lela .... 20 00 I~~ rst Ave Potuto M'kt poor prov 27 72 r rs
.................................. , -, " ................... ~ . • , • P ....................... ~0 40
~lPervisors of Linn County Iowa" ]Ste-n~-~ ~.o~ ~,~.,~ sol ~ol nr~ ~ 4~ seconded by Supervisor Beeson the/ plies 2371 36/Kent Olive 30 00]~Dairley Inlpl ( ) 1~ S road e(luip 127 50 \ rbl(k Cash (rocer opt ro~
. , • . ........... , ...... ,. ......... . .. : ........ ~ ................................... ~. " ....... ' " Y " ] Y, P P ' 8.83
aaThat it is ordered notice to depart,[Street Groc I T sol rel prov 10921reslgnati?n of.lV~bel Martin as Ward|is Elec Light & tower, light ~ .. I~imball:. Mertle ................ 20.00 flipy Top & Body Shop, equip Vlach Robert J., criminal invest 15.00
C Provided by Chapter 267 of the 1935 ]Standard Oil Co' sol rel kero" " I Attenuant a~ ~ne ~lnn woun~y rtome, / serv shop .................. ~.~l lr~OnlK, Frances ................. 10.00 I~ rprs ....................... 29 25 t ~Valbrand A H, (omm'r salary
°de of Iowo to nrevent the aeouiring 1 .... " ' ~ ~a effective as of July 1st 1939 was ac-]Iowa Blind Products Co Home I~otek Minnie 10 00 [ ~azette Co pub proc 8716[ dull
0 .......... ' ' , , , . ................... ~ ............. an " eage ................ 6.75
f a settlement in this county be serv l~.~.:~,~ ~.2L" "~" "~ ' ,4~',~'~.' • ~,~ ~' ] cepted and the appointment of Mrs su 26 65 Low Alice S 10 14 Gab(l Grace poor rent 6 00 W die S ~ or o
e " ., - ........ ,., ......~ ........ , . PP .......................... ..................... ~ ...... ad S ~l, po prv ........ 10.20
(I Upon eaeh of the following named | mHZ'~,~ ....... ~.~ na Bertha Blake as Night Watch and theJohnson Minnie A-ud extra help 75 00 uettjohann Minnie 30 00 Globe Grocery sol relief prov 3 67 Wiek B l oor rent 22 0
De .............................. " ' " ' , " ........... . -. , ' • .... "" ~' p ........... 0
rSons to-wit" [Service ~l~ress Co weed c,,t*l~-~ l appointment of Zeta Achey as Ward ]Johnston Mrs Geo poor rent ..7.00 [McD( nald ~.Vlnifred ..........5 00 ~ibney W llham right of way 25 00Wachs Mrs Fred poor rent 10 00
Bake~ Andrew and Viola 608 1st St [ c--~ " ...... ~ ~a ~r. Attendant both appointments being el- [Jones Dempsy Co' Rec record- ) MeEnany' Margaret ..... ~ ...... 10"00 Hall Rev Malco'lm E. depenclent ' Welch 'Cook" Beals'Co road SUl)'- "
, , '~r¢IS ........................... 0 . ' , " ~ ' . ' "
~. (Chicago) /~| ...... rli Arth ......d ,.,,**tn~ ~.a fective as of July 1st 1939 wasapprov-/ ~lngeasements . 285]Margretz Panline 50.00I children ....... 17141 plies ' 2206
VKrueger John, Gladys, Ruth, Russell, |Scown E S equip rprs 22 10 ] ed. All members voting Aye there- [Jones, Ned. Co Home, rprs ...... 166.32/Martin, Angeline ............... 40.00 ]Has ek Dr A M, poor reed aid .. ~ ~ I Zacek Katherine. poor rent .... 10.00
~ruerly 508 3rd Ave SW (Sioux City) [Sterners Gen S*or~ n~nr'nrnv" " " la'~u on /Kacer Sadie Aud extra help 75 00 ]Melendy Juanita 30 00 ] ~euges 12o., poor rent 20 00 I Zachar Bros oor prox 16 12
,~ ristor, James and Mary, (Gage ]Sur~uhin~_..S ........................ ~"'~d ~'( n~ nv~ S ~ [ On motion by Supervisor Seevell [Kauffman, Clyde, poor rent ..... 10 00 ]Mendel. , Joan .................. 10 00 Her nan Max .......... poor rent 10 00 Work Hellef PaY Roll No. b]~
PUrity ~h.o~ /~. • ..~-^~ ~a~,~ =~',~,,~,:~" " J seconded by Supervisor Beeson the fol-|Kre ei Food Sho Geo sol rel [MMll]er Dell t 16 00 Hron( k Mls Myme poor rent 8 00 Atkins Francis 0
........... .. o~ ~u~ ............. ~ , ' J P " , ~ .................... ~ ....... , " ....... 9.6
OR motion by Supervisor Seevell sec= | h, , " ....... an aa lowing resolution was adopte all mem- ] prov 7 35 IMiller Josephine 24 00 Holden Kahler Co O'seer ofc Booth Harve 6 40
OR ~ ..S}. ............................. . ,, ' " ..................... : " " " . ' ................. " " ' , Y .........
. ded by Supervisor Beeson, the Coun-[Saylor Mrs Stewart ~oor rent 8 001bers voting 'Aye thereon: ]Keeeh, Dr. R K, sol rel, reed a~d 6.00]Miller, Laura ................... 30.00 supplies .................... 2.35 l~urlingame James ............ 6.40
~.Y Auditor was authorized to draw[st('~cke'r N C ),oor ren~t " ~a'oa[ RESOLUTION [Kopecky F E S R Commr sal. ]Minor Eva .................... 10.00]Home Oil & Gas Co. poor kero- Barrett Arthur .. 960
~arrants once each four weeks on[Smrchel¢ Mrs~Frank poor'rent "4'801 BE IT RESOLVED BY "rHEBOARD[ lnileage .. ' ............. : .... 14.60[Newkirk, Ruth ................ 60.00[~ senti_ ........... ' .............43/Brundi(ige Fay ...:::::::::::: 6:40
~ae Widows' Pension Fund for pay-|Social Vffelfare Dent of work " ]OF SUPERVISORS OF LINN COUr~T£, ]Kelsey, Mrs. Edith, poor, garden [NewHn, Wands ................ 20.001riaseg t~r V O, poor reed aid .. 26.00]llaiumert, Charles ............ 6.40
~nt of Widows Pensions as provided [ relief ' ~ ' 1363 97 I Iowa: .... | rental ...................... 35.00 [Norris, Elizabeth ............... 24.00 [Hines Mary, poor rent .......... 10.00 | Berry, George ............ 9.60
,," ~eetio~ ...... ~a~,, .... 1~3.~ (?ode of Iowa l.)~..,,,,a.,," "~"" ~;~ " '~" "~,~' ",~'-v,, ,~ .. ' [ That is is orderea notice to aepart,]Kepler, John poor rent .......................... 1 70 [0'Brien Virginia 12 00 i Hladky. Mary, poor rent ......... 9 00 |Buehtella, Wm 60.4
the amount shown on the Superior [ ~- ,~i~ .......... o-~ ~ ~9 ]as provided by Chapter 267 of the 1935 [Karel Emma poor rent 10 00[o Olmstead Alice 10 00[~ Heverly O Jay poor rent 7 00t Burlin ham Charles 6 40
,~O.Urt Order to Cora B Allen, Helen [Titus Mildred A Bd Soc Wel- I Code of Iowa, to prevent the acquiring ]Kriz, Mary, poor rent .......... 8.00 atton, Edna .................... 30.00 tunte, Ralph, poor rent ....... 8.00 Corum Edward ................ 6.40
,~01e, Vera Hanshaw Alice S Low ] fare meeting ' 9 20 ] of a settlement in this county, ne serv- |Kraut Mrs. D. J., poor rent .... 8.00 ]Pollet, Grace .................. 40.00 I ~ol~en - Kahler Co., Tress, Ct. I Clark, Hobart ................ 6.40
~ratherine D Ryan, Bertha Smiley aS|Taschner Forrest''weed''commr 23"851ed upon each._of the following named|Kill]an' poor elothing ........ 7.65|Pegump, Maxine .............. 20.001. Hs and stock supplies ........ 104.811Corporon, (]us ........ 6.40
- ~ed b~ :lud~e Thomas B Powelll /,, .... ,-:~' ~r~' ~'a7 i Persons to=wit Kosek Elec Co Shrf ofc sup 3 94 Plotz Louise M 20 00 t~ouse of the Good Shepherd de ( am Jose h 6 40
A ~ o • • --~-,~ .~v., g ........................ ' ., , • .................... ~ " • • .- ?' P, . P ..................
II ~embers voting "Aye' thereon |Tyler Sehool Groe noor nrov 16 22 I CURTIS Lemuel: M axine,. Robert, IKlouda Geo A road oiling 5000l aft:s Hazel .... I0.00 1 pendent children 103.67 IChavez ,oe .......... ,4o
. un motion by Supervisor Beeson, sec- [Universal Lab Ct'I~s su~ .... 921"65 11414 1st Ave. (Benton wounty) [Lincoln Elee Lines, Co Home ]RabiK, Frances .............. 20 00 [Hanlilton Seed & Coal Co., Co )~ C rtez,'Pete ................... 9~60
7~ded by Supervisor Seevell the Coun- ]Vane Dr L F' poor 'med~aid .... 2'00 I On motion by Supervisor Beeson, sec- [ light serv .................. 43.93 l Reed. Bertha ................. 16.00 1 IIome grain and seed ....... 4.87 I i)unek, Louis ................. 9.60
etY Auditor ~as, authorized ~tnd direct- /Vond'race'k Dairy, poor ~,,,,v~-^ .... "''' ,.~C~a Ionded[ by Supervisor Seevell. , the Coun° [Lederle| Iab~ In(, poor drugs ............. 3 00 [Reilly Beatrice 20 00 [ ~Ians°nl " ,Peter. . F, jail. rprs• , . .. 3520~ )ecker. . , Freeman ........... 640
d to eancel the followin homestead [v~v~ ty Auditor was authorized to caneel the Lessin er J W poor rent 5 00]Robinson Lena 10 00 Io~ a ~ le(trie I ~ght& 1 )~ er( o l ddins Frank 6 40
~a g .... a Bros, Groc. sol tel prov..5.51 • g , ., ........ . ................. . '~ . • " ' .... '- .~ ..................
~x credits granted for the year 1939,[Vlach Ed noor rent 1000]following homestead tax credits al-/Leverich Clarence, poor rent .. 10.00[Ryan, Catherine D ............. 60.00 light service ................ 2.04Fuchs Bernard ............... 9.00
~'~ rnembers votin~ "Ave" thereon" [Whtt~: (:ro'c ~o~r nr~v .......... 7"~a I lowed for the year 1939 allmembers ILinn Co'Operative Oil Co sol [~Ryan Frances 28 00|Igra n & Kalell p )or rent 10 0[ Foarde Jose h 9 60
J ~ _ • .......................... ., , ........................ , ~ p ..................
ehn M Fochobradsky [W'alker Lest~r ~'-el ..... na ]voting "Aye" thereon relkerosene 2 02 I~ehneider Marian 10 00 /I°wa l~ e(.trlc L ght & Power Co Fitz mtrick James 9 60
EdWard H Wolfe |W'albran~ A H .~ R COroner ~1 I Numbers 7 158 244 v05 1211 la96 ]LinnCo Farm Bureau approp [Sehultz, Irma ....... 10 00 ] poor 1 ght service ...... 3 63' "r s~old 1 eo 9 60
un Inotion bv SupervisorBeeson sec- [ mile~ ' g 7.~ ] 1714 2710 2926 3086 3136, 3246,3513, [ 2ndauarter 12a0 00 IShea ~arian 30 00 Johnson Harry Comm'r of in- Harford Lawrence 9 60
~ded by Supervisor Seevell, home-[Waffle Book Co O G library 13899,3944,4018,4097,4537,4865,5254, |Litts Groc, poor prov .......... 1.54 [Shearer, Bessie ............... 10 00I sanity ..................... 30.001Harger, Everett ...... 9.60
~tead tax credit applications No. 12949 | books .... 1259 98 ]5437, 5492,5976,5987,6204,6455,6628, ILynott, Al, poor rent .......... 10.00 IShelton. Bessie ................ 10.00 ~Jones Mary Anna, cash alh~w .. 17.121Hughes, Ralph ................ 6.40
~,No. 13306 made for the year ofJWells Dr'C "C'poor'~ecl'ai(l .... 6'50|6753, 6870,6906,7164,7042,7047,81117,[Lobenstein, I M poor rent ...... 20.00[Shonka, Hattie ............... 2000/Kerns James poor rent ....... 10.001Johnson, Carl ......... 640
:~o~ and filed during the year 1939 ]Wharton John n~. r~t .... ~'0a 18272 82078293 8638 and 13276 [Lisle Corn shol) equip 18 11 [Snyder Mae 20 00]Kill[an Co sol relief clothing 46 Ia ne Arthur 9 60
~re allowed, exeept No. 13119, No. 1Wells F A poor rent 12 00 | On motion by Supervisor Beeson, |Larimer Hdwe Co., hdwe & tools 162.92 [Slemering, Enid .............. 40.00 [kopecky, F E, Comm'r, salary & [ ],=ruse, Orval ................. 6.40
~13, No. 13214, No. 13215, No. 13216, |Wickey Mlnnetta poor" 're]it''" 10'00 [seconded by Supervisor Stirm_a cigar-|Linn Co Produce Co, Co Home [Smiley Bertha ................ 7,14 ] mileage ................ 12 10'~LeVane Howard ........... 9 60
~-' 13217 No 13218 No. 13219, NO /Whears' Cash Groc poor nrov ' " 4"34 | ette permit was granted to 1~. C. l~u- | grain & seed ................ 23.00 IStegall, Alma ................. 12.00 |Kesslers Grocery, poor prov .... 8.47 ] I,ong Clato O .................. 3.20
• ~105 No' 13336 No '13343 No 13347 1Witw~r c;r~ ('o ~- ~m%: nr,~ aa'a~[eas doing business as the White Lodge[Mt Vernon Hawkeve - Record [Switzer Rena 1000 Kuba Mrs Albert (or nursing 1000 Mi (hell W ( 320
all " • ..... . .................... . ................................ = . . • , P - . . t~ , ~ ..................
Al~d No. 13366, same being dlsallowed.[Yocom Funeral Home Co Home JTourist Camp, and a bond In the[ pub proc .............. 66.871Titus, Gertrude ................ 20 00 [Krejc~ Food Shop, poor prov ... 28I/Milhr. Charles .... 960
".. members voting "Aye" thereon. [ burial ........... '. ....... ' 131 30 ~amount of $1,000.00 was approved. All |Mercy Hosp., poor hosp ........ 32.00~Tompkins, Mary ............... 20.00]Kasner M J, poor rent ......... 12.001Mcl)aniel \Vm ................ 0.40
e~]notton by Supervisor Seevell see-/Zachar Bros, Groc sol rel prov" 32~62 I me.tubers .vot!ng "Aye". thereon.|Melrose Dairy, poor prov ...... 2.29 |Vavra Mary .................. 10 00 |Ks(ere Saln poor rent .... 6 00 i McMahon, Joseph ............. 9.60
l~ ~ by Supervisor Beeson, the fol- 1 ......... " -- ~" ~- "--~ I un motion by ~upervmor ~eeson, sec- ]Mvers Mrs Frank poor rent .. 10.00/Wells, Lula ................... 8 00 ]Kolarick Bookbinding Co. Clerk I Miskimen ('harles 3 20
- W| worx ~euez a-ayro~ ~o ~i, l~o~ v 1 the - r
~ ng resolution was adopted all] • [onded by Supervisor See e l, |Mach 'Mrs "Frances poor rent .. 10.00|Wenger, Blanche ............. ~ 20~00] I_) C binding .......... ~ ...... 21.o0 ~('~Neill Rivers .. '.'..:ii:]iiiii 3120
'ue~nbera ..... v,,'~,~l ............. 'Av~" th~r~f)n" ' JAtkins, Francis ........... 7 60 ICounty Auditor was authorized and [ X~l~;- z p" noor r~t 6 00/Wheeler Pansy ..... 10 00 Klipt( Loose- Leaf (o." shrf : ", ' . ...
~. R~2~SOL~(~ION [Booth, Harvey ................ 6.40]directed to assign the followingtax[~]n'e~ Ger'trude poorren't'i~:i:i 1400JWheeler:Winona ~:~i~ ..... 40"00/ hlanks ......... ' 52:l]~u~ialc!~Yf~o?tis ............ 6'460
i~,~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of|tlerenus, tlenry ................e.¢O|sale certificates for cancellation and inlMinec~ Bros, s~)l rel, prov .... 5.511White, Julia .................. 24100|Kullander & S(,n ([us, e('tuii)'rprs 4150!Nol.ris Nor)nan'C''.'.'iiiiiiiiiill 6.40
~Perviaors of Linn County Iowa con-]Burlingame, James ............ 6.40 ]the amount of taxes due with interest [ Mitvalsky j j sol rel prov .... 17.54 |Wilford, Hazel ................. 40.00 [Kiinsky Grocery, Jerry, poor I Nohle 'Sam ................... 6.~0
~eed in regular adjourned session, that[Barrett: ArtFhur ................ 9.60land. penalty thereon on the date of]Morris, El'zy, s~)l rel, prov ...... 3.20[Wilkins, George,,is ............ 10.00[ prov . ....................... 14.52]Owens, Bobert ................ 9.60
be n~Y-five Dollars ($25.00) per month ] nu]age, ay lasslgnment, aH memoers young Aye ] Myers Mrs. Marcus K, poor, de- ]Willits, Irene .................. 30.00 ]I(Yba Edward, poer rent ........ 2.75 I O'Nei l. Si I on . . 9 66
• fixed as the maximum average /Balnmert Charles ......... 9.60 I thereon" I hen(lent children 25 72 [Wilson Emma 20 00 1Kendall Itd~ e Co Ho Home [ Pearson Frank 6 40
~rail " r Berry Geo ''" 9 60 Certlf'icate No ll8PB Tax Sale of ~ " ............................... ...............
~_ Y allowance for Lmn County fo L. _, .. .-.. ................... I • • , ] Me Too Food Store, poor prov .. 12.15 [Wood. Jessie .................. 10.00 [ supp & rprs ................. 19.36 I Phelps, Carl .................. 9.60
~neral relief expenditures other than ]J~ucntetla, wm ................ 9.60 [January 6th, 1939, Assign to Hatch [ Mt Vernon Ave Groc, poor prov 13.67 1 Work Relief Pnvro41 No 85 Iaem [Keller Co Walton, Rec, of( sup 2193]Pappas, Harry .............. 6.40
"~meal and dental care. ]Corum, Edward ............... 9.60 [and B.rookman Company... .~ . . [ Ma'rtins Groc, poor prov ........ 65.21 [Atkins Francis .... ~ 20 [Kendall Hdw Co hdwe ......... 11.32 Pig lnan, Jesse ................ 6.40
.4 CLAIMS ALLOWED [~urllngnam, ~nas ............ ~.ov I Certl[lcaee .No. 81z~'l~, Tax ~ale o~ ] Mendell Mrs John poor rent .. 12.00 IBarnes' Leo ............... 9"60]h:ciser Truck Service Inc. freigbt [ i'hillips Ish 0 40
~abula~ ~ .......... ~,, [Clark Hobart ................ 9.60[January 6th 1939 Assign to Hatchl~ll¢ ~:~[s Jobn ~.or rent 800]~..~,~ '~ .... " ................. .'~.I on equip a~4ip,~**~ "I~i~I~ ................. ~'4fi
a lance 6 00 |Co poron, Gus ................ 9.60 land Brookman Company... ... o 1 Mares Rudolph poor rent ...... 10.00 |Berends Henry 9 60[Leac°x I)alry Howard, poor prov 2.77 I Randall, 'rom ................ 6.40
P Food t'o/ 's"poor"prov:: 21:10/ mp, Joseph ................. 9.?01. Certificate ~2- S13PB,. Tax ~ale O~lMercy'Hosp' po'or hosp ........ 46"75|Burlingame, James'i~'i''~'" 6'40]Lilyard Mrs. Amy, poor bd and II~.easland, Bobert .............. 6.40
"en-w~loo a~ai~ ~h Corn /~avez ~oe .................. ~.~u i January ~itnlv~ Assign ~o ~atcn Merc Hosp poor hosp 32 00 Barrett Ar ...... room . . 25 00 Schernlerhorn Bud 3 20
.......... ~ ......... Cort e e ~ Y , • ........ , thur ................ 9.60 .............. ~ • , .............
AI" Supt ofc sup ..............119.34 [Dune~' ~tueis ..................9.60[and^Brookman Company. ,~ ........ [Martins Dry Goods, sewing sup 149.53 JBBrundidge, Fay ................ 9.60 JLeading Star Grocery, poor prov ;,.32 I Sills, Cliff .................... 9.60
~, utlrnet't ,p.u n ~f --*---..-* ,~;~¢-~,~ "~00 00 / ........ a.u~ 1~rtH care ~u. o~-~, *,~ o~,~ ,,* Marion Sentinel up proc otc l~elosonn Food M~kt poor pro', 14 65 Smith Lee 9 60
r .... 33 ' J n t e ]B ., ., a~a[ C un y stract Co right S~ore Walter 60
~ilde , Decker, Freeman .............. 6.40 January 6th, 1939 Assign to Hatch o ic 95 31 ............... Linn o t Ab " " • ~ "
Okornev~ ~.rvie~ ~-~r ear ]Eddlns Frank ......... 960land Brookman Company [Marlon Water Co shop water {~uchtell~ Wm " ....... ~'~] of way title-s o400 S leer Geor "e 960
s Material Inc Ct Hs rprs 3. • . ' • ...................... ~erry, ~eo ........... - .... • ', ' ................. 9.
S ' ~aa|Fuehs Bernard . 640] CertificateNo 815 Tax Sale ofI serv " 1531B,,.~.,.h~. ,~u.o a~.[LeefeI's Iress M A aud & clerk T,)~nkin.~ M )';~ ~sa
.......................... Fo r ' " • " ' tch ........................ "~ ...... g"~'"' ~"~ ............. ~ ~, " • , -- ..... .. ...... e ......................
:rs Store "noor prov 7 14 1. !a de, Joseph ................9.60 IJanu~ry 6th,1939, Assign to Ha McKesson & Robblns, poor drugs .61 |Corum Edward 9'60 [ blanks ...................... 10.46 I Tobin. Oilie ................ 6 40
ro f" ' ~" ........ ~n'.o /FitzpatricK James ........... a au lana t~rooKman t=ompany. [ iW~cC:illin Geo noor rent 10 00 [ ~'l.~.b 'T-l~hart ................ Linn C()unt'~ Produce Co Co 1
,~roe oor prov . ..*u.~ . • ' " " -.~ .............. .~.a... " 9 60 - , , Teep e, Earl .................. 9.60
Vall~ ~P~rv ~o~r nrov" 1951JGriswold, Leo ............. 9.60[ On motion by Supervisor B eeson s ec-JMcEnany Mrs Margaret poor JCor o'ron~Gus ................. [ I-I(me feed ....... 3340 V~n Voltenburg l) I,' 640
rna~'*~,--~' .... ....... * "'"~ ~0 lriarford' ~awrence • .. 9 60 |onded by Supervisor Seevell tne toi- nursing' • ........... , ' 12.00 [ ~amnP Jo~,~nh .................. 9.60a ~n [ Miller' Earl" G• Misc county cxp 1.50 Vtn• Aist Al~a ............ 960
rs T,'~_~ ,•_~Z ....... • 10 00 [Harger, Everett ...............7.60 ]lowing resolution was adopted, all i McPartland Tom weed cutting. 17.60 |Chavez Joe ~ sn ]Marling Mildred G poor rent 4 00 [ Whitney Roy C 9 60
~ &~ ~oo~' r~n~ ........ 10'00]HUhgnhse~ R~LrPh ................ 3.20[melnbers voting "Aye" thereon: [McKesson ~: Rob'bins, road sup. 40.40[~ortez'Pete ................... ~'~lMtller, Charles L sol relief rent 10100/Wilkin"'John~ "~.i: .......... 6"~0
k aor~Ild ~oor reni ..... 10"00|'Io°nes ~:'-ster ................ ~'~.JRESOLUTION REQUESTING THE[Newport & Son, Grant, Co Home, ,,,][)unek' Louis'.::::: ....... : .... 9"601~Iay :lohn, sol relief rent .. .... 10.00]Wise, (~harles'i ..:::::::::: 6:40
', 'J. J. po~)r rent .... : : : : 10~00 ]'Kr-s' ~'~-v°l " ................ g'~ ] PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ] prov ............................ IDecker, Freeman .. ] : ~ : : ~ :. : ] ]~ 9:60 [ ~v~r.een Grocery, Cnaries, sol re- [ Wrigley, Jack ................ 6.40
ik, Win poor rent ........ 10.00/~. ~ e, ,~,~... ................ ~'~ ] ~FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME ON ~ Newcomb, Mrs. Thos, poor nurs- . ^ ~ J Eddins, Frank ................. 9.60 J .. hef prov .... . ........ . ...... 3.47 t Wood, Herbert ................ 6.40
rs Store sol rel prov ..... 3.67 i~'e~'~an~°~r ............... ~'~ ] GRANT ALLOTMENT ON IOWA I ing ......................... l v.vv [Fuchs, Bernard .... 3.201 t..v ernon HawKeye - Record, ~ [ Werling~ Claire ............ 6.40
ik Wm'L sol ret rent ... 10.00|~'~ ~las ................. ~'~l DOCKET No. 1230-F. [Newell Charles, poorrent ...... .xv.-u.V.[Foarde, Joseph 9.60]. put) pro(._. ..... _ ............ Iz4.901~Vood Hubert ........ 640
rf{eld Ea'solrel'rent 1200 -- *- ' . --. • ................. -_.~_mWHEREAS on March 2rid 1939 bids[Nassif Sam J. sol rel, rent .... ~u.vv[Fitzpatrick James 920]~v~ey~r t'attern Shop, surplus [Wi(her Henry 640
Ev~-~tT"'~a, rent .... 10"001~ei)aniel wm .. .............. °'4°[were taken for grade construction on[Nation'al Tea Co poor prov .... 2'04[Griswold" ~eo .... ] ....... ~ .... 6'401 commod .................... 7.00rWolfe 'Milo ]~i~''~]~'~ 9]60
h Dr F i~ noor med aid 3 00 I ~c~L~non, Joseph .............. 7.60 | 43.05 miles of road grading, and sub- | N W Bell Tel Co., O'seer, tel serv 16.89 ] Harford, Lawrence ............. 9.60 [ ~ercy Hosp~.tal, poor t~osp ...... 243.80 i On luotion the Board of Supervisors
rs' Dairy" "~ol" nrov 4251~m~.]men; ~nas .............. s.~[sequently contracts awarded bearingINassif & Son, R., poor prov .... x~.~[Harger Everett 920]~ercy r~OSpltal, poor nosp .... 13.30!adourned to July 18th 1939
F M_ort',~'~r~ "~oo'r bur'i~tl" "" 60"65[~cv~s.n, ~.~v ................... 3"~01a commencement date of M_arch 16th, IOcheltree Mrs. Win]fred, poor ]Hughes Ralph ................ 9'60[¥e Too Grocery, poor prov .... 23.04 i Fred Stirm "Chairman
ne s Serv~-~ "'e~ul" r rs " " '11'''"~)o I 2VlC-r~elll J~lvers ...... 7 ~0 I l~'~a ~n~ ........... ~m~letion date of July 17th I rent ' 12 00 I Johnson P~-! ................ a'4a I meanars Grocery poor prov 28 46 Board of Supervisors"
Y q P P
,In Frank' B ,~ravel .... 123'821-~-~cCalb.y. '- Otis ................ 6"40|i935' a~d ~ IOber. C'L, poor rent .......... : .7-20[:~ayne, Arthur :::::::::::::::::: ~:~81Marion Water Co., poor water ~ __ ! .~ Llnn County• Iowa '
s ~'nn~ r, ~:~,~ c~, ~-~,~,~'o' " I r~uu, t~HEoru ................ '~.~ I VfHEREAS this portion of Iowal O'Connell Mrs Viola poor ren¢ ~ vu I Kruse Orval 9 60 / service ............ 1 0~ t Attest" ~obt M Vesely
- .... o ................... ~,~Norrls Norman C ...... 960]n~o~, ~, ~'~n w consi~tln~e of earth[Oldfield ~Iary'C poor rent 10 001L~V~n'e T-~W .................. ~'anlMills Co A D shop supplies "" 37"04 ' Linn County Auditor
- . ...................... *u..~- I Noble '~m " ....... ~'~a ) ............... -~ ~. o , . -, : • • • .^'.., ........ ard .................. . , ......
r, J. A. Co Home prov .... 21.42[Owe~°~ob'~'~t" .................~'~Jroad grade constructio, a bot'e a corn-]O'Connor, Thelma, poor rent .. x~.~u~[Long, Clato O .................. 9.601-
t & Son F B Cold Storage [ O ~'ei~'' S'i o ................. ~'~X [ mencement date of March 16th, 1930, I Paler, Amos, poor, rent ........ ~_~.~u [ Miller, Chas .................. 9.60 ]
" con~t' 2 , 1721 311--' ...... Lm n_. ............... ~'??land IOtis Elev Co serv contract ..... ~b~.~°J~ cDaniel Wm 9 60[
~Mr~'~-" ~,~-'~-,~t ....... 24"00] ~earson l~'ranK ............... 9.~uj WHEREAS only clearing grubbing Owen Carl N Co Home sup 65.u~ I McMah°n' Josepl~ .............. 9"20 /
.... 'J~, ~ .............. rnelps t;arl ~ eft ..... Bailiff sal 91 00 " • ................
Nater Works sol reI water IPa""-Z ~arr'*- ................. Z .|and preparation for earth:moving waslPreston, R A, D C - ............... m ....... . . --..----...--...-- m
¢ 1 901.- ~'~"~ ' "~ ~ ................ X'~Iposslble at this early d~t~e• ana I Paul, Zenota Rec extra nelp .. ~.uv[ McVish N W ............ 6 4O[ m TnUTU _t_../t 1 nurnTm mln
Y ";W'~' "o'.'1" ~-~i "~rov ....... 9"18 [ t~gman' aesse ................ WHEREAS subsequent [~ainy weath- / Pioneer Litho Co., O'seer ofc I McNeill Rivers 9 20 ! • 1 m~mmml ~mlmammw n mmmmm wm mmmm m
' ~, ......~ ....... Phillips Ish . .. 9 60 ' ~ ~ l~ st~ 15 30 1 ' " .................
tm Food Shon sol rel prov 3 11],~ .. '.. ~' .............. .'..[er for approxin ateLy thirty d~J¢ , ,. ~ p ............... -..;: .... .;~, [!VIcCa ley. Otis ................ 9.60 J I mnummm iuuut nuwm-n m mvmnl I
al Park Fue'I Co. sol re1 ta nil*S o ................ ~'~|thorough finishing of grade ~mpossiole,]Pitlik, Dr. C C, poor meu aiu .... ~.?2]Null Clifford ................. 9.201 m ..................... :
L ' 4820[Sills ................ ooo[ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT .RE-/Pusaterl, Frank, poor prov .... .~..~[Norris, Norlnan C ............ 9.601 m ,~ ~am4rta r~ ~ (tAra m I
Zar~_," "~',~th~'.," "~',~'~;,~ ..... "rent" 7"001 ~ln~ .... "~'-' ................ ee ~'??/SOI~VED by the Board o£ ~upervmors,]Pearson, C E, poor, ren~ ..... ,~u.u~ I Noble., •San[ ...................... 9 60[ m .y ~^~=~ ..
Bros poor fuel .......... 6.891~,~t,n, ~eoi+=~. ................. ~')~ILinn County, Iowa, convened in regu-|Phelps Ed.~ poor rent ..... .. .... ,~.uU[Owens, Robert ...... 9.601 I m
s Gro~ poor prov 9 18 [ ~'l~' ,L'~" ................... ~'~nJlar adjourned session this date, here- [Perp Says a Loan, poor, rent ... ~v.vv I O'Neil, Simon ....... 9 60 / = =
,r a~'~ .~.~ ~-~t ..... .q'00i'~" .... , "~ ...................... ~'~/by requests for an extension of thirty/Peoples Groe, poor prov ........ 27.53 Pearson Frank "' " 9"60
;y' "71~y~ewr~'~Excl~." sl~rf -' mSangster,.Lelan~d - ............. 3'201d~ys time on grant allotment to the|Pettys Dairy, sol rel, prov ..... 26.38JPPhelps. Carl ...'.'.ii~i~i~:~ii:i 91601 TRADE MARKS AND DOLlaR MARKS
~h ri~r~ ' 4 50[ ~cnermernorn;_ ~ua ............~.~v[ Public Works Administration [Parrott & Sons Matt Tress, Aud .... [Pappas Harry 6 40] ...................... * ~on ....... I;k- "o..... l*
~ o ~ • " ." ....... ". ....... ~'~ol £nurston, ~rtnur ..............a.z,eI . .u.~ ... ~,~m~ ! blanks misc officers exp ~.~ I Pitman J~ a aa / ~HITL'IUUT giving me iila~.ter I ~ ~ ~..~.o ~ ~ a ~-~.
.~.~r o~ tzo ShOp eonst ..... ~.oo Tompkins Merle 9 60 C~2&I~ 2ffi~w~ Peshek Dr' 1~ S poor reed aid"" " ' 15 50 ° ............................
~as Co shop gas serv .... 5291Tobln Oliie .............. 6"40/a-thon- R W "-oor rent $ 10001-- -. '~ F , . .. ...^0|P~lllips .Ish . ................. 9.60[ ~much thought you might de- [ The trade mark which i~vu you
um ' ' • Home , ........................... ~ ....... J~ratt, ~'ranK, poor rent ........ ~ v.u Patten, lssian ................ 9.60 mone and time need not be • for-
p & Supply (2o. Co ~ ~lTeeple Earl ............ 9.60/Abodeely, Eli poor, rent ....... 10'00[Peo~les Groe poor prov ........ 38.25 IP~ndall Torn ~ ~01 fine a trade mark on a package or I Y ....
- 0 ~ ' ..........................
V n Voltenbur D F 9 0 l xnder oor rent 10 0 2
~r "Bros'poo'r''prov':i:i:::: ~4:4~|~n A's" Alv-g ........... .6 /Andrew, A e~:a]v .~ P-'oor am" " /Pettys Dairy, poor prov ........ ~1..9 I [~easlan'd, Robert .............. 7~00/ an advertisement as a rnark of ]den- I mal design of • I~UO~aJ mlmlme-
ir Bros' noor nrov 367/ ..... ~ t. ~- ............... ~.~u[Amouiance ~er ~., p , - ~n[Parsons co., equip rprs ..... .... *~.~]Sllls, Cliff .................... 9.60[ flfl~tlnn which
rotects the interest [ turer or advertiser. It m-y be
!~ ~~ii~!: i!/n?::, 2 !i )ii i~~rkrt! : :'::i:i::::::::: i ))/i~!:?i!~?i; ! : :! !!/i~~ii!!i!!~ig!- " I: i i) } ~i!l:e:r le.::.:::::::::::: )))] : it sl~g~et~0 :i~iii:a' Le~t~l:~°wmm):~/~re~ ] ~r )~~E
AVe Potato Mkt poor "prov 19h61 r ° °dry ................. AU/Ors E:euClric r%hOp. Eng. car 28 991 Ru,ffln'--A--J'XPm°o°r rent rent ..... 10.00IVan Vol.tenburg D F .......... 3.20[ Actually a trade mark is as much I Wherever yotl see those fltmiliar
Y ' r i 6 25 { ' ............... ' ~'~/' 1~ , )4 ~ P .............. [ Iq~OOD lvlrs ' P ..... /van 2xlS[ Aiva ~ ~o
, Mrs. J. W., poor nu s ng 2 . Wolfe ilo " R De As- ' " . .................. • '
M 9 60 Bundy J Archie C P Whitne Ro C 9 6O interest as it Is to the man s words or names or marks you know
Ave Potato Mkt sol rel ..... ? ....L'__'." ............... '" - ' 13000'Rapids Chevrolet Co., O'seer, car Y, y ................ toyour
• 31 62/~e~tnu, .~uuerc .............. ~.~vI sessor sal .. : ..... -- .......... 1 exp 8 801Wilkin John 9 201 ~.h~ ~.m. 1+ ond has I that you are in the presence of a
) ......................... [ Jayne Arthur 7 60[ Brutsman ~vlaaellne Treas ex .......................... ! Iwise Chas 2 I ,.,.v v ........
airy sol rel prov ....... 3.03 ..................... 00 Roasa Mrs Steve, poor, bd & ...................... 80 . .
ld R-oor rov 6,5' Con.* e.on 1. , .... -- ....... ' rm ................. 750.W ig y Jack ................ 960
tra help 75 r le r lstered m his man who is doing his level best to
kV~ P~t'n ~T~t na~r nrnv 14'29[wal*~r W.r* ~islBryant, Dr oonn ~., Insp, sa~ ~o=a|Ranids'Cllevroiet Co equip rprs 20511Herbert Wood ...... 9.60] ~ I be worthy of your trade and who
Bakery, ............. Co Ho'n~e prov~ ..................... ,. 12.00] W. L. Morgan .............. : ................ 8 16|-~ exp ~" ~h',~L "~',k'~k" ",~,~2.:" =~,~,:.~" " " ~o_.~[u Sco~laro James F., C"R Assessor, |Werl!ng Claire ................ 9.60[ ""'""" ................ ] wants to k ...... c"'~i'~" b~cIr
~ .i,,h ~..o 48 86/Vfv|~n c~ y~.n~ "" ~'~/l~enesn .... ~ ~...~, ~ ...........~':^I ~l ' 159 66/Woou riuDert ....... 9 60I rot . ~ u uuy~ ~~!ii~ I ~ a ....... o - --
" -~. v-- ~ .......................................... ~Briney Dr W J poor rent lz oe ~. ........................... ' ...........
~ge, 'Mrs. Eva, poor rent 66.oo| Jake Searles . .o ............... 36.48| Book ()kel (.opt rent ...... 10"00[ Stanley, Earl, eriminal invest .. 28.40JWicher, .Henry ................ 6.40[ guide for you which ~~~ I He is advertising for that purpose,
. J 1~ poor rent ....... 10.00| Leo Baker .. . 32 64[ ~,^~"~ T ~ *" ....... • ..........9'00[ Subdiv of Aid to Blina, invest I won.e, wyo_. "" :"= ........... ..... an absolutely l~[~i~ I n,.,ff,,i~, .... ,h~, ~,, to ,. ~....¢ ....
P A' ,,-~- .~e " 10 00t L~r~n Voa~hf~ ................ ~1"~1 ~,~u,,, o ,, V ................. .^'~^/ --nd fees 286 ll/Engmneer's uonn;y rayroll No 6, 1D39[ ~"" ~ ~ ~~ I ,--- a ,,~ avu .,,~, .~ ,.o ~ ,,,~,.,~-o
-- v ................................................ ~Balster V H poor rent lU 0u ~ ..................... Norman D rland " C n bu ":'~
Mrs.'John, poor rent .. 10.00|K E Graver ..................42,881 ....... ' .... ' ........"-'=nt''" 10"00]Sprague, Claude E., ambulance I .' Ly. .... . ............. 70.oo| trust. You a Y I to stay and that you can buy from
~ill. poor rent .......... 8.00] Lester Caraway ................ 65.221 ~r~, ~,~-~pnu~,r,~ ~e~" " | serv ........................ 17.021C: Edgar piuette ............... .~.?~] anything under a I him and he will stand back of his
P A sol rel rent .......1.75[ J L Heady 20 40] ~%'~ ......................104 00| Sopousek Julia O, poor rent . 10001 ~¢ ~ooo . ................... .... 1. .,~A /~ ! ..........
~ar~l' ~,~1 r~i' nl~tr|n~" 150/R" ('~'w~lm~v .................. l~'OJ/ ......................... ~'" ' ~,hml,~r~'v John noor rent 1000/George l~ewlin ............... ~uuum ~u~ ,.,o.~ .-~ l~U~ i gooos, eoryoumetraaemar,r a~e
..... , ...... ~ ...... ~ ........................................ "~ mhe ..... -~ .
poo p ovl. .o,..oor 16.881 o] nnCB ss ttt ................ IBeae eOn, C per diem and ..... ." i81.951 an 's,e 'eilPO'o prerntre ..... I0.0001S rnBo'l R rand ................ 70"001 know that the qual- i the doUar mark whzch we all re-
eed " P ~ ~.[ --. ~ - • ................. .'--| Baldwin" l~rank "~I'' Yreas post- | ......... L'-~r rent .... 10'00[ On motion tl~e Boar¢l" of" "Superv sors| ity the quantity and ~ l spect stands for full value whet-
....................,... ~.~~ wm. t=onrau .................. ~'U~Ja~'~ .......................... ' "' ' 45 OOJ SUCKle., r~arvey, poo m ~ ' '::~ , '
~.. Dr Wm F.. poor reed aid 42.00[C ~.V Frederick ................ I6.32| ~otr~ R~rth~ (~o Hom~ extra |Stempfle. John. poor rent ...... 10.00|adjourned to July..llth. 1939.. [ the price will be ~~ [ ever it happens to be found.
~s Groc poor prov ...... 8.981 W L Kassler ............ 16 82] ~"~"~ ........... 8 00[ Stahl Mrs. W. F. poor rent .... 10.00[ ~'rea ~lrm, ~nairman / right You
~0 B0t ~~!~ / .........
r & NUewman poor prov 9.69[ AI LeClere . .................... " ..... 8"16/ l~eecner" "'~ " "'-~v~rs." " ";;vmia'; ....... poor ren~--'-~" ." ". 1~'""|~.uv Speci~t, Melba, p~or, rent . ..... 10 001 Linnl~°aracount°r ~uperwsorSiowa ' 1 -'°"". . " ........ /
~u~ unlaenuneo gooos are al un-
~Co. poor rent .......... 10.00] Jack Norris ....... ~ .......... 16,32] ~n~v 'Mr~ rp H '~oor aenend | Spahn & Rose Lbr Co., poor fuel 7.14] .......... y, . [ even nave m exam- Ch&rlem Roth certain as
counterfeit money, and
Mrs: Sarah, poor rent ... 4.00] W. A. l~eterson ................ 78.72[ ~'~ht"~.~'~.~ ...... " 17 14] Sankots Groc, poor prov ........ 47.761Attest: ~oDer~^. / ine the package be- /
tha, ~i~ m~ ~ wnr~n nwnld~ l~tH
00 ...... rm 13 O0 ~ .. ~. ~ ~uu~v.
, Frank poor rent ...... I0, I Lloyd Davls .................. 24,48[ ~,~" ~,~¢" ~" '~;~'~ "~o'st" " J Sunshine M|ss[on, poor bd & • [ ...... i * ........ t. .... T# th~ ).~.~ .... t- | ...............................
Bros sol rel ' med aid 1 001 Frank Fee 20 401 ........ ' ................. " .^ n~| Sin~er Sewing Mach Co poor I ~ I .u.~ ~u -~a. ,, ~,~ --a~,~ ,..,.., 1 And how o!~ these trifle l~rll~
Pod Care, soi tel meals'~i9118/Wilbur Ollpli'al~t'~'~ ~ ~i 12~241Br~nger, s'Groc'i)oor''prov ......... ~'~8/ s~wing sup ..... ". ..... ~ 2"14|State of Iowa County of Linn ss | is there, so also will the quality be] are to our llv~ bow eonff~l~
-Kahler Co Rec of( sup 1F. L Tunks ............ 24"48[Borschel Mrs Ed '~oor nursl'nw 13"00[St Marys Orphans Home de- [' ' 'Cedar Rapids' "Io~a 1 .~.--- 1
.... . .... o - • ' 40 O0 , , u~r~,
ore. sup_ ...... . ........30.29/ Maintenance Payroll No, 6, 19~ 1Baba Grocery, poor, rent ...... 10.0~lPendent children .: .... ..... :..- • [ July 11th, 1939 I ...... t.._,, ..... .t.~...... ! they are to us when we bW! Y~
)rotllers ~;o surplus corn Sweet Mrs ~ertle aepenaen~ h Bo r f S e ~uc ~x~u¢~ut r~w~ ~¢. x~ pru
• , " ,~31R. I~Lynch .................... 125.12[Bluski Mrs. Wm poor rent .. 32.001 _..: • , 12001 T e ad o ~up rvisors met pur-[ ....... • . . "I golmtoastore. On the~lelve~re
!~" ~I" i~''~-oor"rent ..... l~.~0|Alton E. Seevell ............... 92.00[Builde~-s ~teriai'Inc, drain tile 74.891~cn~l, ar~rs..Geo..'n.oor''de'~en~l" [suant to adjournment, all members be-[ fers to seu raae-marked, tha IS, [ familiar marlin you bare m~m all
• - ~., ~- ..... t~. 1~. ~prague ................. sz.31 Bowser ~ ~o lnc ~ J~, equip r rsL~ o ~, ~. . ., ~ , ~ " ing present. " S
.n~Mrs.Bert, poor rent .. i~_.~01H. E Travls .................. 125.11~lBowen Robert Co Home er~ra ~ ent children ......... . ..... ~. 13-481 On motion by Supervisors Beeson/ advertised, good, because t~ley/ your life.
Ura ~ poor nursing .~.'.^ C L "Peterson~)I 1280i] hel ' ' 100 0i[St°ne Mrs ~e° P°°r aepena" i, J see°nded bY Supervis°r Seevell i [ nave me c°nnaence °I me pumic/
Dr A M"poor mea a]a " o~ ov .................... P ......................... ent'enlldren "' ' 1000 • 4 . . You recognize them a| you do
, , "" • • Richard E. Burlingham ........ 96.39Beiber, J A, Co Home, prov .... 7.14 .................. cigarette permit was granted to C.W. n can be sold easll ulcid and • . •
, Dr R A poor reed aid. 3,00 Sharp Mrs Charles dependent ~ .~ I ense doin business W .a d . Y' q Y famlhar faces in a stran e cr~wd---
1 "" " ; ...... Joe Hurt ~ ..................... 93.8 Chandler Co., Ct Hs rprs ........6 . ..,. • , . ~. ~u g as hips Tour g
............. a ter Hu t 8823 C R Pump & Supply CO Ct Hs ..................... ]st Camp and a bond in the amount q iT. and they give" you the same comfort-
' & McIntire Co Eng ofc -- W L Mor an ................... 88"23 rs "' ' 51 Stauffacher Dean sol rel rent 10 00 of 1 000 00 was a rov A l m " . . .
• , ' . • g ................... rp ......................... , ..... $ , . pp ed. l eln- Back of the trade mark is adver ......
equip sup 65 ~3 Vivian Youn llen 0 Simon ~ rank S R Commr sal voti ing teenng o: famlharlty and
e ............... C. g .............. 88.23 Curran, Mrs. E , poor rent .. 20.0 .... bers ng "Aye" thereon. " " or the
Light & l~ower sewing Jak earles mileage 13 00 hsmg It stands f trade mark
power ' 24 99 e S .................. 68.40Chadima, Jes T.. poor rent ..... 7.00 Sanford ...... Co Morrls" ................ sol rel flags 1 0 On motion by Supervisor Beeson. sec- " ' spect.
.......... . ........ Leo Baker ..................... 61.20Castle, E B, poor rent ......... 10.00 ..... :L _ :~ -=-, ' . onded by Supervisor Seevell, the Coun- :[or the trade mark itself is merely a hel ou
Crumpacker Mrs. Lucille poor ..... " ty Auditor was authorized to draw si n etched on a er. until ad
..... ....... ..... .... ..... Trade marks exist toP Y.,.~ge ...- ":,''''" . 179"1Sly)arran,s once eacn four weeks on the[ de .g . p~ p "._ .,~ ,~.~Z ";'2',' ' Loran Voorhies 832
al Dairy poor prov 2 10 Se~vellE1 e~ ~I per diem mile
a~ ~r~ .... ~ ,-,lnes so~ re~ .... Dewey Alexander''. .... " ...... .124'16[ rent ' .. ' 10 0 buy more serenely and profitably.
te ............................. Employ Serv County Kenaeth Anderson'. ....:~i~ii. 98143[ Crew, A "E," poor ren't'~i~:i~iiill 10~0 ! [ Smith~tlrm' ~rea,E S O seerPer aiemextra ~ miieagehelp zzs.tu75 00 [ Widows' Pension Fund for payment of[ ver~ising gives i~ liIe in me minas @ Cqlarles B, Roth.
, - Wesley Bartosh .......... 98.43~j Carter Lugene, poor rent ....10.00, j ...... Widows Pension asprovided in Section~
of exp ' 70 O0 o ' Smid A G poor rent 10 O0 (
..... ' ........ ' .....-"00 W E D nnan ................ 98.4 Chermak, Lyle H, dependent chil .._ _: .., .... • ...... ",''' ~'~ J3641 1935 Code of Iowa in the aluountI
zars ~-ate poor rent ... la o 2[ 01 ,~naale ~rs. Aletta poor rent ~ J~ ". '
S .... Howard J rdan ................ 97,92 dren ........................ 20.00 ..... shown on the Superior Court Order to
,_, l~oorrent ............ 10.00Howard Lockwood ............ 97.921Carpenter, Mrs. Maud, poor, rent 47.001searles p airy, Poor prov....::., l~.~61Lueille Hatter. and as granted bYl ~
~.aleil poorprov v 1~ ~igmunal Arcnur weea cutting 1~ ou
..... , ~., ..... Chris 1V~thel~on ..............12.00I C R Bldg & Loan Assn, poor rent 10.001 = . - ~. .. ' ..... • J Judge Thomas B. Powell. All members[ ~/~ --7/]l~ [~]~
~]gnt t-ower poor E ~an~ora ~o rdorrls u A A ore
'~ -- , , .^. mmett Murphy .............. 99.45[C R Investment Co., sol rel rent 10.001 _ ~" . , _~_~Jvoting "Aye" thereon. ~ ~(-~/~q~_~////l~J~
serv z u~ 2 sup Aua orc sup ~o oz
e-- -- ;':" " "-" ...... ; ..... ,,,~.,~ .Iames Moubry ................. 98.43[ Cedar Valley Dairy sol rel prov 11.0 | ~ ~ ,^:~ ~ ........ I On motion by Supervisor Seevell I "'~-~-" " ~ "
r~ e~_ripe~gnt ~ ~.o.,~owerrOa~ snopSUp'~'~c I. L. SwOrdr " "' .................. 97.92I Craemers, sewing stlp .... : .....56.71[~ ~ ~ exp ~ Wequ~pL~,tUrprs~t, ~erv, ~ang, car ~ ..... sv [seconded by Supervisor Beeson, the re'[ ra~ffiiA~IN ~I~r ~'|LL
~s , .~ K E. G aver .................. 80.64]Carrithers, Walter, poor, rent .. 10.00, , ............... Iport of the County Auditor showing[ -- "'°
~;:HmlogvhaT~.Y. ??ymi.~.8.t?7: ~.~ ))~:~C:i~le~re~....:::.: ........ i~.!!lCcrUtfm~R!~e~°?hlShOp, Po~F,~r~v&, 115430S0(Sla~g/~:r~rMs.r~lSSl~r~aT)merr, C~th!~ BE IN THE PAPER