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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 5, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 5, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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VOLU M E XX , .% , AtOtINT VIo vA' FRIDAY. AUGUST NUMBER U -- l'nh's~eac(~ inter[eret% t he vicb rtt'~ of whu'h are better for lhe hoy~ :~uy- i wqv il a u the l,(msible ff',~) 'i~,~ of w::r. Iowa will in all 1)1"obabihl Y s('t' ,~el'v~ct" [l~-r Lee, who 1 will ecru- tvana, it. is boYS 'i ;. it when Mount Venon Bank 1111 ~I 1 |ii,1 I1111 ~ 11 i~II, 1111111~'~I~Ili~i -lillII~l~|1! n CElWS CUanSNT DSPOS r ,ACCOUnt.:" " -' - AND Dor ES rm exc, ~ppRovED CA3LL~TER~L FOR n NT AT RS ONAS - RAZSS sine - ' other ban tony of the tr4 ~s ~. houses were distutbed. H~,tho fa~b, ~ 50,000 are oeeured ~wo or three .~eat~ ag , I e~re would have been a ,panic. These , lag'not Democrktio times," ~sem, ato~/ Hail. C~ll ,e Hail, Science I-~l '~.- -~ I [ ~,~ sight of the f~t that the ' --"*' - ,-,~,~ ,~,~ ~v~useum, !,Plan,~ has a republican c~n~, ~---~ --~ ~ ' ' i~I~&'~; ~.~ oommissioner, wh ~1~,~1~ A,~lU~ -m- "~: "~:~,~ ' ~ ] ~,~*~"~---bel{il~a real fair, is a mat " , MOUNT VERNON. IOWA . crete : ata oo v=t ,< " " " '~i ~ meet~ a~ Dubuque 0n, ~I~ t F~; rts says there is a great ljkllhoo " and L L:!la,nlin~Profo,sor,fM, it,IMoralP,ilosod,v A B O oW. ",oo0 1 . done-Bell0 fla. and OFFICE at 1~5 . " I .-, Movan i *, ~ers tV . P . : '::~ f thisberg ~t~l(l ~.7111 ",' - "erstty of ] )wa I~. Stude g We n versit . " .',van:l .~ M 18~) D ), 1 1 ~ ( ~ Wo~ oyan "niv,rMtv 18"0' 1 L D Ntato U ~i(' " rpfessor of Uerman Lan m e'and Llteratulu~ A v 1~ f~d A M 0 o ~ eya, [,v.r. ty le~7 "' of (.er,na,e ~hlIo,o lag,- r~). Fellow In on ~I~ -- IO~ ~AMES ]~. tIARLAN) ~VrlCE I,ItESII)ENT.' ' '] German1895 Phil l gy and Literature, Ui,ver~lty of ~tnel~flf~.~.%~)~gY .ot~l ) n Unl,l'~i,3i, .ag~lal~ "turn lauds, "Uni -~-~~. A ~dAlamniProfessorofMathematlesandAst;onomy. A.B,'CornellCollege ,~9, and A M ' ~ IA.I~'Y BURR ~-N[ORTON ~!i l Jkl~|O|a.| Col3~.n~It?;- *ht~ai [NT V.~RNON" kLONZO C r r r~- oclateProfessorofMatlmmatlcs S B Cornel " d A ~, t~ he Judicial convert. :~ " w F ~ eL -. . Graduate Student in ~athematlcs in ~h~ "' . . C.gUe~ ISW, &~. an . ~ T aries Tues- ~Y Desired. Scna us t' hi.' I8~" Johnston Professor or rhymes" and ( hommtrv.' A. 1L, Wesleyan l'nlvorsity 1858. and A [ "EDW R . cage u~ lvers~ty, 1~. ~"~ dxsgnct" W~-~n~ at M ~r~r:r~. :y pl, sr ,owa U,i,'er~ity, 1~,~,~. " . .i A D R. RISTINE, i,~ : . r~.nominat~d Judges I~ trnishcd in P~'l~ " 1| UGH/'ro'e~SoroftheBO~"I)'Latin ] ~"~'neJlI~ ~C m~'~rcia~Sch Lo,~% ~ (~raduat" er m t" lmn ls s~i~tverstty' ~S;S'B' I saY t ~m* "-~''-'l"~. }{ ,r,r Thompson and x~ ~# h.~ declares-1 -'' ' Y01t inquiries. . " [ IX D. i~. Laug,a~e a,d L,t,rut,ro. a B,O,o Vuiversi,y, 18~.~, A. ~I. ,Be'. and LAURA F. I ,~m,~r~ ~ -r!~;' ~::-, / .~-.~'d" exnee~l. end fort. tlAML, ,ion 1ti INf. It. ) REER. I 'nstruetorin S,o. nand audTy rmn '?::~ /.~ a ~|tien nlacedlnnomln~t 1 " "PZfLfe's rotthoSclone'ai'd'A n 'MARGARET RICHIE WI~EMAXr " :~:> . |:~ ::'~"~ l:hl.r0fTiDt0n. h0r0, & N Track i t0 (2 '~ s, ,~ ,s, A, B ) ~ o,uea, .eonomy Cornel, Colle e ,o - -. . arry. I- Chicago, 18.~2-98 and A. M 1883, Nonior Fellow in Pol.itical Economy, Unlversity~oe)/ In~:~tl r~ln the French Langaa.g. aid Llteratur ,orbonn 1. IIlm du College deI lie o ,iv.l. and spirited con.s, for C. . W a n u IBYLVESTER N. WlLLIAM~ ' - 'FRX"~N'C}S~'6 " ~ " |.'[:",'~,;',~' WhiCh Captain :i -" i ~ = ' ' ! Professor . ' 1~)3, Post Graduate ,d~, ,~ ~ Cog " l~. Orad reek Language and Literature A.B. Lebanon. Vail f l ' , Ills,^ uate.Student in Gree and a M. GERTRUDE F. MATIIER. ,drool Of CI, soI .' - k and Phllosoph, Yah) Univ l~ fl~an~8~tla .merican . - kA ~ cal Studies) Athens/G~ I~$~-~. . Instructor in Violin. "Pupil Ig90-91. ess0r of Blolo T, Cnratorofthe Museum and Secretar of the Facult A 'er~it 1 . Y Y. . B BuckneH Whltne' )~ r Y~.88~, a ~d A, M 1891, A. B. Harvard University, 1891, and A. M 1893. rr~ .)x' ' )ton, xnUZdAS NICH OLSON, ",~ ~x~ ~ n ~x, za'l Director of th( )HN C. W ATERMAN, ' ' " ~nd Tactics. B~LLE H.ANNA; ,?~lrai Lie ,tel ant.Eighth Cavalry, U. 8. A. and .Pal~e~s~~ j.S.ilff~tr5 hlstru, ~tSnyyglle :-c~raduated from West Point M illtary .~cs~.~. y, le~t, a "" MA Y LAVII~12 J~ " '" ~ ----- " k yer, in P ( ---------- As one good correspondent r mar~ tae 7=~ honorable, posses "The maser never" has ~orsaken this ?.n~ ~ wenaV?e re habit, and will, we ~lVe," wve s - o, part of his vineyard and so sent the. ;-h'iS tim~?dld not wof~h, colleague f. Jl~l]g~t ':t'no, p .~ just in time for ~heicorn and la~ ~LB~T ~nConvenient' son and Remley':' - 'o ~2~- . ' . ~I " :>; ~::: er~s ~ell enoug.n prune- IA Dlfflc~llt Problem. ' ~" ~ " ~ ";~:;':" l~ed " 0 it to the u~ ~'~'-[ Just at present it Is the i ~l] y, I Editor II~Wk--II~ ~" ~ . ' ableC0nal ]1" I { L %1t Ifashion to make saroastm ~m~' most. sad ~t~ 1", aln, toourW~hi autl~ r " ~/lI I~ ! /I I~ IIll~I~ d ,L t~/t~l labout2~edisp0sition of ,~,troop, tionsforexoss, /ities, th~ehiefdi~eultyin~ttling ~' New. '~ 1 la I% % l The hi sing pea s a quee / war aeoount with Spain iS the disposi- Cliff dIlt ' . [ multiplying. " -once-tion of t @rd"bog" whieh ItI ties ofthe Philippine. islandtnow n- o . .* - - -,a v e " ~our [orc~ ~ome OI r'Iil~) .?.NP, ~ / ~ t' iowa do the business pnestoLinn aty in the judg "Ipartoeeupi lb:z ,-: - --* ), DaY. ll : --" - ~ / "2"; -- -. A +,~ To lie ordinary observ'/our political theorists appareu~: -7" t.H,ta~ ,~ :25. - ~t~,upon seieptme .pri~p!es, api be used| livious of the nature of the crIL~' In ,~ . ~ ~, " LINE OF" ~.~l| ~ ' --- labusinessratio lower lltill, that de- l of these islands to .th . --venaid,-EPAIItI:N~I i NO NEATLY DONE. t [~ o ' ~,The rurM mail delivery, so far ms has I ma~ two4hirds of, the whole thing. I of the ~F:~r~:f~"t~ngg~its in ~ ~ til ! II ;rLl' IC, O ~PI~Tnd~rmodern conditiQns- farming is/ It maybe remembered Mmel! .enor sto I f;] jeV,l= KIt" -.y?" ".~.a v v ~ I~/.""-- --~ + ~++---+~ve~o.~ as it is/Board~Control is practically There are many reasons wn~ . ~,~ ' scorning b.~ ~uuou ~ . ,- ~ . . . ~-- " . . - . : A . ' |D omost inde.endent, of husinesses.|tVl !m: i state" !fltpr ve "ltbat oulanotbe done. x? th.e . ,- ,-ImIlIISll : v. ~*'~ ": for its or ous to our aeclarauon ox I ,! )i I P P Di~ v',/-~ "tL ~li~I . " /ure:~:~heneficail~, " "~ rlplaee pr~,i . : . :. IIl~gg~ ~ ~~, '~.l~ "~'~' ~'~ ,~ I A noted writer has said, "God and/amendments thereWill be foun(t someI war against Spain, the latter nan ~ap-~ -~)'~ V ~.9 ~,+v ' ~I~. I~|~1 ~ ~ But iust|^, ~, ~onsis~ent supporters ot~ ~ the insurrection, but when ~ . " : . ~~. ," one is always a m~j~$. - ut ,~ .u,o~ ,~ . . . p~oo~.- : : -- " ace In uaht ) . r ehevemstate Hen Ken forMs --~----- - ---*:,--, for excelle q Y ~,!~'- ] mbinati0n God, Amer-[ '"t winter ~ e d# not b 'el Dewey sailed from g g " o ' .=. ~ ~ ~tJur r~put~.u -- ~I# ]i, amKw[la~ ,2 ~.~^,~'la h~ for|;~~ ~-,:~,~,~ununon cross-roadl ~ +--k the chief insurgent leader ~ ---- " .' ,---~ '----~ ', tness ano lalr ueallrlg, wu ica, England anu o~v,~ - s~Ku, .~'~ " ~ " man m o in the F !~.~ promp . . eA~ I+~,~ ~orrut)t and tpttermg Euro!~an'~r]neiples, neitherdo weconslder Yl alongwith him, and by distr y g . !1~ sustain every (lay. i3eUePlaineU/tlbn, thelaw make/s, Nasbys- |. nishfleetaswellasfurnisning me,i $1 ~, '~: . 1~''1 p,wers .:~ . Iv" ",r;bels with arms and ammunitiOn froin ~ ' ~ I=~l] I ' J| ~ I~- -------)*'~("('~-"- 5!?. I ~erriam's winnin~ in Dh,ware co. I Th~ Chicago Re0ord is bound tO beI the e~ptnred atonal, inspired the Phil-, I! n i.~;,~ k, I It ) ~~~~'~~ / sat, sf ai i~e ~a~ the other Chicago dail Im w,th new hopes of trmmph o I " r " will lve his ,tare b0 m bit otherw" " ~ p ~;1 in Manila Agaiu we have transported/U ' INDERS ANDMOWERS ",ll ar. Syrup, llYmenetU:hThegresulthasbeengener otl erwaywl @ verthe dietion.arY l or in the act qf transporting 2.0 000.sold. III MILWAUKEE B "~ ~" ~:~ ~ an one re er commna miles and three aaaltionat war WI~ ~I~LL 11 iI~,L, :," " -- "ted as simply fair play. what- allows more th " ' P P ~.a'l iers 8000 " :. 1 !1 THE BEST. (2. ann d Goods, I v:: locaisituati n'ayhave een:/ l n ftheaipha t' jus. .n?w lshipstot.hei. l. nds, bemg an21"j lll -, lOAD= ! ~t . v,-,~ ~t~'. I it' ~ rtoRico as aicainst ror~o, zuvu'{t 0 DeWey's elght or ten manneuoY~'~], . II AI-, U nA~ - gi #[ . -- IBeing as differe as possible Ren. lsaUors, These w th stores andarm . III cr nl:TD. . i"#~ ~'~ I(~.)Ui~= ~.~ I Along with the exper!enee me warlTassesforbelngunusually bright analments represent millions of expenavl Ii .: .t~t,-,-,---- '] . - ' has broug smart. : ' " ture aud ma~y lives. . , |':)~k ' l~lnl |r %~ I"wheret getit'eve " ' " ertfullyiatelast] ri/laY night, " am|in.ton given a hnndre l year~ g',l il I ~][~: . It 1% $ ~,4t i- CA~ [ heat for particulars o exciting war [whom it ts said had "g ater power. I wot ld order the neet and armies back,II RIIC C II:~ ( [ $I1 " :,",I events [than many an ar y rps the again when the prize ts about to fallI II ! -','" . iI)/ - - l iand mourvs iu trier, wn.t!e I ,ate their hands, if it has not' aire y, I ll I lrel I q ; ! " -1--- I Tho .express eolnpanies were t!,elavoicesays: ,ttowshallwobear l~rl~ithoutaserions struggle. Such . III I,Remember Use Leaders ,n,MW first business institutions from th.elGodgrantstrl~igthintothoS~w~}o are l course would enable Spain to concen-~ l~kl'~ WhGONS, ,! .1-- -- ~w ~Tnited States to begin business i~lintrusted with. 9~Ir fortunes to ~e.a.~ i trate all her available forces ontlaeop-~ ~.l~v~t)~.- -~-"~" wnen ut~I/lll~, "~ - * a~ test'blow wnicn h 'r con- ; Cuba, an crime having been opene~at[~nthout loss this grea .alcn I pressed islanders and make t *1 . a"I ,~t,= iml::~ '/~ ~INh MIII AND TANKS, ) ~o-tia~o bv theSouthern Express Co [~ould h~fall US." ",al)i.n ten times worse than when ~ . 1I"11.9 L)L/~t ~*.~'.f~ 'C'~.-"~ ,~, ~ a~ll'~ [ " )," ~'d " rom'an P pt service inagurated, . It[ :'--ours or" the" 17:;we ins-ired, hop and renewedI SWINGS WITH r'/ pt I ,ERIES ANP ~,n he seen that eveu the irrepressible] Portd ~ico seems to be . t.nel^~ -+for their deliverance, Would[ ,~ .=ov BINr)NIG TWINIS, " ---=- * "~' has' U/~animoasly, so tar as tne in . r for human 'll'~l~ ]/L)I%I DI~J t ," enterS)rise of express compmates dadI taking -. ~ ma~rk:il such a betrayal be a wa n-t ~ . : J = yb: :; t: nra tnfh7ubn-[?2 !b: i :eindeedthegem fthe then; :i J t 2tp7 ;.)them Y u i!ee e:t ::b dh erar tn ginning. k J