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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 7, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 7, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~t 7, lg41 ~y, August 7, 1941 THE MOUI~P VERNON, IO~VA, HAIVKEY]E-RECORD AN~I) TIIE LISBON HIgRALD I I ' ~'--: : = : = : : : : : - Mrs. Mabel Thomas of Ankenyi Prof. and Mrs. E. E. Moots en- Mr. and Mrs Frank Ben~ Southeast Franklin Mr and Mrs W. C. Horton and FILMRDEVELOPED fl~RE ~|tl~.~ leqw~ ~ Ae~a'l a. a ~vw~ w~Z~lW~l#~lV a who is visiting freinds in Lisbon[joyed a trip in their house trailer son spent last week at Clear ira e Don motored to Mount Union on ----A-~-N~P~I~'I[~T~ T~ y ~ ~[~'|" ~'~[l~ ||||'~| ~|| P~:KNIINAI. was a caller Sunday afternoon in ]to Madison, Wis last week. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird were ~ IWlllar a L~ga~ Sunday, where they were dinner o~dlyl~L~JL SLIA~LIWJ&I LI1kl%&aaL~ am, allJai.Ja~alam the home of Miss Gertrude Cowa~ / Mr. and Mrs John Cory of Mar- business visitors Tuesday in Ana- LIGHT ]M[ACHINE STARTS guests of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Me- FREE with Cammeron and Judith, former Mt.OBe Enlargement !N , Bapid~g :{~,y~ = = = : : : : = : : : = : : : = : = = : = = = : = : : : : - = = = : = = : = : : = : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher who ! ion were callers Sunday afternoon mesa. 'The Light company thresher Vernon residents. In the after- Each Roll g-~qh fro~a ~ I ! spent ten days in the home of their in the Mrs. elite Duncan home. 1 Miss Helen Risser has accepted started on Monday of last week: noon the group motored to Burling- ~r~-a o~xr ~wT~ ~eot-~ - ?0fHarold Penn and son Ke t-I Mir.2~rM:;dI~7~ W~ol~e:r:7O2; i cousins in Cedar Rapids returned l,:dwin Goodyear of Iowa City has a n -s "~-( her in the "q'ades This machine thresned for wmara of the ])eWitt public schools for" Light, John Light, Rudolf.Notbohm, ton where they viewed the shell rl~l i l.llabu, o,va~.a~ ~etie ~,~ E1 Paso Texas were vm - ] pa e ~ . ' " to their heine in Mount Vernon on be~.n - -uest in the Mr and Mrs . p,s,uu a." ~:~ ~ . Le "[ o ~is week in the Mr and Mrs of Cedar Rapids to Davenport and ! T.~sda, f la~+ we~k " . c. ~fl - " " " - " ' I next ,ear" r~esmn ~'ne,ps, ~omer ~IgnL ~eo. loading plant -RE--AD-~'-I=i]i]--AE)-S---- -impr '~' ^f. ~se ~ venn~" home " " "11Muscatine on ~unuay- - ~,~ vlcme l~arer nome since ~unuay. ~ ~ " Llght" Carl Blessing" and Theodore[ ~ hOdS v . . ~ The 17tn nirtnuay ot ~eora [ Max nard Sanderson of Murdo S * ; ~lgn ts s el /mr quanty, most l It will ~.and Mrs C Harvey who have] Mrs Warren Hampton ot Cedar Post(r dau-hter of Mrs Mac ", 7 * .~ ~.v~r anu .vrrs llert Moreneaa anu -- -t' Oa" i ',~ - * I)~K was t c luer ~un(my m tneI .~ :. . . . of It going around 40 bushel to the r^ per* ~I in Mount Vernon for two Rapids and Mrs Harold Fisher Foster was celebrated at a picnic ;,son I aul of Maquokcta were guests . ~-' invertS' t ten t~aeatMr HarveYmarket.has employment I Krusening inintheHale.hOme of Mrs. Henry S~v,n,~ ,~ ~sh~r~d the.~,c'mrt~ ~. . ' edMiSs am"Y Auee Crew nas accept-ta posiiion as tc'teher m thu-d Mr. ar:d Mrs. Clitton Crull and CONKLIN 1M[ACHINE FINISHES AND ~s rd- ~ I Mr. ana M rs. l~rew ~looms anuand fourth grades in the schools of i daughter Ann of Cedar Rapids were Edd Conklin's machine has eom- rega ^r i~'~: ~ -- -~ - -- -~-- -~=---@iehildren Bobby and Norman re-Slater Sunday afternoon callers in the Mr. pleted its run in this neighborhood ining'asSUm~ ~ turned o'n Wednesday, .t their home ' ' .Mr " ann- .vtrs x~aumee ~amme o~ and Mrs. Harvey Ellison home. I He threshed at the following farms: " A,i in Detroit Mien. fohowing a visit " " " S nda in the] x* a a~,~ ~o ~- ~ nOt George Briggs, La Verne Simmons, tlo% in *he homo of ,r and Mrs Harold eorL Kirk- " ' met ' " ~"" ~ " -- "."^." --nr Lores Unruh, Harry Gritton, Chas. l,'isher " We cannot say what conditions will be berS0n0 i ~atriek. Monday until Wednesday in the iBa~y, Clarence Kohl and Ralph telY Miss Alberta Munkres expects to theme of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horn. il~ n " ; . . 2 . " ~ Richard Van Tuvm, of Mofine, men" ,leave tne rest m. the week to spend UL''" was a week en(," guc~ m ~,: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lacock of i GOOD CHEER~B MEETS next winter, but we can assure you that don" l a week atten(hng a conference at " Mr - "= "a to l.a, e tieneva, Wrs and from there lmmc of . ". ana .urs. ~ wrenee Jefferson are visitm's this week in ] The Good Cheer Club meton those thrifty folks who buy their coal Page Three ttll ('urrent the home of Mr Laeock's sister, J Friday, Aug 1, with Mr and Mrs ,'ill gO to spend the remainder of ,tev. an<~ .vH-s ;i~es i in n ' now will save money andbe sure of a com- c~,~. Unconditionally Guaranteed thc summer in the Berkshires near "" ' t~ ~ ~ ustcd Keith Mrs Edgar Neal and other rela-IRudolf Notbohm Due to thresh- and Dean returned Fri yle's house and ,ii, take rie'nds C W Iteller ,Anderson rendered a vocal duet" --ram COLD possession, September 1. Mr. I)unn .~ t,-- ,nowarfl L=lfla gave a ~alK on ms in Fpworth Mrs. H. S. R]sscr went ~o Con-j is the new assistant, in the ehemis- lr, in ~&st and son Richard ellnersville Ind. Saturday to spend'~rlp,wnn the L ~ Doys. Into ~ I ~" 98c and up and try department at Cornell. ' ~." ". mexxco ana points oI mzeres~ m me no =o . oa, tn Now! Prof. and Mrs. C. L, Rich, Bruce~utcrmo ~,ere v~e(, ' Y /in low OrlA ~ 1.+ lit" .nJ M.o soum. r~acn person lhen answereo the home of the former's motner - ,* ,- ,- ,~,*s,t- -,~ ~, ,t.o. rail pall hx~ ollina of c,rw~ i~,~*-,~ + SEAL PRESS COOKERS and Joan left Tuesday morning for" IHallan Current s~- M s t ly West Medford, Mass where they expect- ".'. ":,' "' ' ing person he had met, or place he =-~~ ed to visit Prof. Rieh's father and Mr. and Ml s. Alvin Butler, Mr. [ Mr. and Mrs. A. I Stoneking hadhad been, or just a funny joke. ELECTRIC $1.50 and FAIN up lef Satur as their guests last ,~e(K end Mr with other relatives in the eastern and Mrs I,ynn Goodlove t " ~ : ~ The next meeting will be with h and Vernon stoneking ,'ank The Mt. Vernon Bank and Trust Co. will a " ni ~ht for a fishing trap to nort Mr. and Mrs. Erwm Stme at the states. They expect to remain five d y g ] l~toneking and W'ilburMillerof Coon Creek church ern .ll 1 I111 L'SOLti ' " GALLON JUGS and weeks Mrs *ley Parsons is stay-- in of tCushing owa. ' loan you money to finance your early coal ins" in the Rich home during their" Mr. and Mrs. W'itmra t;ra I ' ~" " itors last t'ridayI Mr and Mrs Fdgar l~eeehlcy and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kohl visited THERMO BOTTLES absence ~pringvi.e were vls " '" ' "' " ' : i Sunday at the parental Clarence purchases. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hart were 'n th~ home of Mrs Crain's mother i daughter P;arbara, of Joliet Ill. "" = uncan" '[ were week end guests of Jesse /M rningstar home north of Lisbon. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Mrs. tm]e ~, " ' ] Miss Faye Light is spending sev- ROTARY FOOD PRESSES Estella Eldred and Galen in Mar- Mr and M-s Bill StoneKing or",Beeehley in the Mr and Mrs Her- [eral days in" her home from her : WATERLESScuLANDERsCOOKERS vey P~lllSOn nomt~, Hd--e-g telle. Other" guests were: Mr. and Marengo spent the week end m tne '" duties in the George Young home, Mrs. Russell Eldred, Carol and home of the former's parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Guy C, Villiams ofwhile the Youngs are away on a and Gene of Mechanicsville, Mr. and -=v scott Stoneking ,MusKog, e Okla arrived-~"~'tlrir (],ly { anu rs " Mrs. A. B. Christensen of Albur xXrill ] for a visit in the home of Mrs Wil- trip. Mr" Mar aret Memn anu ~ ~ [ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light, Dale Springville. g" " " " - .~'r I be remembered here as Bess Neff itors Monday evening m tne "~ "i [at the Anton Novak home. Following the Clear Lake insti- and Mrs R A Busenbark home. Mrs. G. E. Bartholomew andi La Vonna Simmons has gone to a ~ tute, where I,ce Lusted acted as" " "" - ".V " 2 t indsc and ldaughter Mrs. ttelen Sehroeder had !help this week in the John Peter- @ ),11 an(1 .Ira. J. 1~ ~ ?Y " ~''S S life guard and taught a class in len nd Miss I neille as droner guests Sunday the xlL'se !son home in Lisbon. Last week (lau~nler /~,r e a * "~ " I . . |umbing and Heating Mount Vernon, Iowa swimminm he areompanied his .: ' " 'hom~ toda'* IRuth l:pdegraff, Janet Cummings i she assisted w~th the work in the ICussell are expeetc~ t. "1,~ o ~ C lz o. ~f r~,wa Cit- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. from a vacatron" lrlp-" to" .Minnesota: "l'an(' ,~r e ' ~ [RudoIfNotbohm home. - -- - -'-------- ~ -- ~ = ~ -- - =--~- @ N. Crawford, and Mrs. Mat/el Melsher and Mrs L B. Steinbrenner returned ! Earl Leigh attended the horse Mount Vernon ~ur. ana .urs. ~y~e. ",* ' " Barnes to the home of the Craw- - .V s C-rfoot of Oskaloosa theme Sunday from Anawan, Ill *,show at Central City on Sunday. :;;;; ~ ford's at Paonia, Colo for a two were" "" q'nursuav'': "';" "' evening' visitors m lwhere she spent .a month in the i, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ciha and ram- ~~~~~~-,~ weeks vacation. -- - f "M nd Mrs J E I hmne of her son-in-law and daugh- i ily called at the LaVerne Simmons the rlon]eo ;'It. a . ~. Miss Maude Sin~er who is spend I ter Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vandermoon lhome Sunday afternoon, l ("~~'%~~'~'~"*~"%'~"~'~'~"~"%'%~+~ COltOil. and family ins the summer in Berkeley, Calif Prof. and Mrs. E I,~.Moots and " i Edd Simmons went to Alburnetti has been suffering with a carbuncle family ,-ill be hosts Sunday for the a l'~et~;'oa;;tn/Mj':reAl'tl~d l~?ed'i:;d last Thursday to do some repairing', t THEThecHR!STIANW rld's NeWSScIENcESeenThromzh ;; at the John Nesley place on her ncek for about five weeks annual Moots reunion. About 40 n(~,y . . ~ " ~ and has been under the care of a r latives from Kirksville Me are returned to their borne in Fayette Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kohl andI,MONITOR , I Donald Kohl left last week for a } An Internatmnal Datl~ Neu, spal~er ' physician according to friends whoe . " d ' Ion Monday after spending two i trip through northern Iowa and into ~ ]weeks in the home of Mrs Kin- Minnesota to enjoy a fishing outing. ~ is Tru.hful-~Constructive--Unb/ased---Free from Sensatmnat i is improving and plans to return Miss Bess Busby of Marion ano * i dre(]'s parents l{ev. and Mrs. 1~. G. ~[ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hess of Marion ~ ism -- Editortals ~re Timely' and [nstructive. and Its Dail,~ to Mount Vernon by September 1. Mrs GeorKe Grimsh'~w of Ocean- Hu " *' m ~ Features. r~gethcr with tbe ~eekb, Maga-ine Section. Make ' side, N. Y ,','ere Sunday dinner l " am Doroth accompanied them. ~ the Monito~ an Idea! Newspaper for the Home. '. rhe Mlss~ s Betty 1 v daughterMr" andpatsy,Mrs. L.of J'Diekinson,Pulvcr andN. ~tguesis'l) Clarkin the home of Mr. and Mrs. [ Munson" ~ ; who' ~"" ,'ere "visiting' " in ~ne'" " I Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stout and ,~ ])ak arrived Mondav. afternoon for " '5 " "( ~1rs l{l Kirk atrick [homo of Mr. and Mrs. l;'rcd Sadler iBOb,and RichardMr" andBohrMrS.calledHaroldat theFiScherDr. ~'~ OneYhe Nor~+qv("hrt~rtan%rreetSC~enCeBoston.Pub!tch'n Ma~sachusetts'b c~etv , a visit in the home of Mrs. I'ulvcr's = It. an 1 = ' ' ~ Y " "P~ ' [ for a week, left q'ucsdav morning ] Kessler home in Cedar Rapids on ,~ Price $ ! 2 0tt Yeariv. or $ I 00 a M.)nth . ()ptlmd I)(an of mar Anamosa parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. b'. Gas- ~ ; ~' ~' " ' " Iwith Vernon Sadler for heir home Sunday afternoon to see Miss Au- ton. They plan to spend this wce~ we 1"" d nm r gucst~ Sumlay in the ~( no ~ N t ~% Saturday issue, iD.'hl]lno N1a~a/ine %ectton, $2 60 a Year. end in the ,qevillc Gaston home in home of Mr. an] M "s George Kirk- ' " drey Stout, who has been quite ill.~ In~t<,du,wr~ O]et 6 Is,re- ~5 Cent.- . +~icl, nd fa ~il~ I Mr. an" : " " ' ; of 'pc ' ,s(~ y~, w ~ al,'. ano i We hope that Audrey's conditionS Aaares ; , g ndrv tft(rnoon rn th hon e Monday morning from a very de- ," ~, ~ '" ' ~,Mrs. I,'rank ,~everlle and l~on Stone-will soon be greatly improved. 5 SAMt LE COPY ON REQUEST ' MIs tDpt,(] S un 1( tl(1 tunt Mr lightful visit in the heine of his- ",'- ' " " ~ ; ~ ' : "" ] kina" who are spen,;, v:rc:d+d t>v H~e Jaynes' that[ Rev. W. G. Rowley, Pastor 11eV reoclll ly 1311 r(!]lased. Molmt Vernon res)dents in the r]orlh east p;ll'l ()f to vn are bcconl- ins tired of pieI,:ing lip garbage, vaNlo paper and olhcr trash strewn on th(qr yards and parkings. The Mrs, J. Iq. Ilcaeh yard and Mrs. t~hal'le(~ Kleineek yards were litter- ed on Sunday night. Visitors the first of last Week in the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. l~. Hill were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond l Hill and son Martin of I)cs [ Sunday School in this church at } 9:45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "Sl~i~"it"---~,'ili 1)e the subject ot the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 10. The Golden Text is from Ephe- sians 5:9, "The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteous- ness and truth " The Lesson-Sermon comprises Moincs, Mr. and Mrs. Valter Hill quotations from the Bible and from att(l son I)ion of Allendale, N. J i the Christian Science textbook, Rcv. and Mrs. T. L. Neilsen of Ce-l"Science and Health with Key to dar l(apids, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton l the Scriptures" by Mary Baker E. Noble and son Francis, and Mrs.Eddy. .l. 1,;. ('offman of Vinton. One of,the Bible citations reads: .x M M G~ re ' No man hath seen God at an~ l'r<)f, and .Ii'cL F. . e ~ " ~- ' turned home last Friday from a time. .Jjereby know we that we to he Ne, ~ dwell In him and he In us because delightful visiting trip t *,"' England states. Relatives were]he hath given us of his Spirit" (1 visited in Philadelphia, New York John 4:12, 13). City, New Jersey, Rhode Island and ! Among the selections from the Connecticut. A lovely trip was tak- Christian Science textbook is the cn down the coast from Roekport, Me to Boston, Mass. They report the New England states are badly i in need of rain. People have be~ requested to be conservative with ;the water for many of the streams and wells are drying up. They are and wells are drying tip. They were [away a month. following: "In the Bible the word Spirit is ~o commonly applied to Deity, that Sp~r~t,'ffUd'*~od are often reg~krded as sfnc~n~rd~u~ terms; and ~lt is thus they. ~e" hni~0$~ly use ~ and understood in Chrf~tial/~ Sci~nce" (pp. 344, 345). 311 First Avenue North o top neot os o pin l that's your car after our factory trained mechanics have "treated" it. Cleannne.--theCs one thi, you'll particularly notice here--everything neat and clean--no fear of soiling your hands or clothes, And our work is clean and precise, too. Our special testing machines tell us exactly how your car is functioning, wh~re to look for trouble, and what to do about it. Our factory-trained specialists know how to correct the trouble. And our big stock of genuine facto~ parts assures accurate "new-car" operation--in the shortest possible time. You'll like both our service and our prices. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CARS Dial 6912 Mount Vernon, Iowa