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@*'-*~" X~ "~**.~*:o,?-'-**-"-"-"o0-~:~*~:~:~o*~ e *:~:':~$':~: *:a: ~ ~' [ Mrs Laurence Laemer of 'Iowa [ - ] - - ribbon in the farm chunk hitched in the home of her
' "" " " "'"' ! " t AWARDS MADE AT
t I~ ~1'lk'll~lO 'Aim ql~i'|'lll T|Trl~IUr |tl,|OTIIAil i C,ty spent Thursday ~ylth Misses / One Is As Essenhal As the Other team elass. Bill Burke of Coggon Mrs. Leo Thimmes J
. ' ' :,i ~manoa ann ~met JJlcKey. / J ~ won first in the saddle pony, mare Leo Thimmes spent WeclneSa~
]: ~ :UU!Rh~ UrI lfl~ ~!~ IR ~1~,~[~ [ Mr ;and Mrs. Will Dugan spentt ~-~=~- :::z: l]f~P.l~|~]P]~ ~| I~|~hT ][~,~|D and stallion classes. Cedar Rapids. "artg
Junior Hank won third place in Mr. and Mrs. Lewis rl
] " " John E. ~IcHugh, Iteprcsentatlve, Phone 125 [-Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Har-[i ~ ,; ibElllll/tL bill r/till Sunday afternoon callers
] ' 3[rs. I'~r(~d Blttle, News Reporter, Phone 135 [old Blecka and family in Iowa City. [ "~i[ the Junior Angus calf division. A
~ ' ~ : Mr and Mrs A M Andreas left[ ' ~ [ 6 f livestock were exhib first and second place rating was e eo Thmmes home.
: . . [. . . . /, 2 5 head o - SAMary Fanbanks retttn
~.'- '-r-r .-*--'-'-~.-' ', ~'`:~`**'`'`*:`*:~ :":~`.":~"~`*:.~:~:`*~*~`~"~"~.~ ~:~ t Friday wath Cedar Rap;ds friends I " " - 4 H boys and frYr~"
C '*-*00"s . " - r "~",-~/ /lied by Lmn county - . . given his Junior Market pigs, and
he won first place in the First year namosa Sunday evening
Mr and Mrs Harold Huey and Mrs. George Gurwell of Chariton It spend !e~ flays at ~aze wKovo~l:l ~.;.~" j girls last week: July 31to Aug.3 at Holstein class. :spend a few days in the ale
I~'~orna" anu" now,'~ "~ '~ c'~n,~,~ ~dsit- i snent. the week end with her dauei~.~ ~ ~vzr. anct ~vtrs. ~. ~. walton and ~' "~J i the Linn County ~air, ~entrai ~y, George Minish received third Slyer home. r gu~
he James T-'son ter Mrs Don Kendrick and family / Raymond of Mount Vernon visited I ! which included 77 baby beeves 14
1 eo ~unaay m t ~ ' " r ~ ' 7 marke place in the Beef heifer class. How- Wednesday evening dinne,
~ ~ ~;~o c,1 T~,rns,c,~ore,4,eiSunday w~th Mr. and Mrs. O.P. purebred beef heifers, 7,t ard Fischer received first award in in the Glenn Siver home lnClu:
. . . . - .~,~,~, ~ r l~ I Wilson. I,and purebred pigs 17 sheep 10 colts Mr. and Mrs. Edman Vernon
i Miss Nora :R0bertson returned on, was~ an over nlgn guest ~atu naY I -,' the Second Year Brown Swiss di- i Verlynn and Mr. and Mrs ~
Saturday from a three week s stay in She home 'of Mr and Mrs Holy- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowers and i land 67 dairy heifers, vision.
iTim'-- relatlvea,; "~ t,u~k2 Oa,=~V ,-,0~,~ a"]"l ard Whitlatch.~. ~ ~ t, Janet were .Sunday guests. . of the ,: ~I A Junior Angus. babY.i beefn a wnede -- [ Ruhl~, Ro.zan-na, Margo and
: ids ; ~1 -- ~. ~ ' Kenneth Yelsley family In Mount l ~ i by Jack Gill of Mm o w s a - LISBON CHURCH NOTES ~
i zamuy in t~eua~ ~p . mrs. w. ~. wen'IrK wen~ m ~az--[~r ~ I clared ffrand champion baby beef.
! ]~Ir. and Mrs. Seth Ruhl of Ana-ence Tuesday to spend a few da~.s/--~M;"and Mrs J S Kohl Mrs Ra-] ---~----- -!Reservegrand champion was a sen- FEDERAT-E-D----CIIURCH
unda with theErnest m me r. ~:. t~rmK anct tfiawAnl I -~=~ " An" us owned b Mac Towers of *.l* Fit - a
! mosa spent S ~ly b?ou-ht their l S~hleuter homes. . I Kamerling and Billy and Ollie Kohl[ -- ,lor . g ~ . y . Rev. G. S. ltamilton, Pastor
}klOZZ Iarf~]ly az~ . ~ ~,~ : i'h-~l~'i'-~-i ~ I Marlon. unamplon neremro was S. S. Teachers Prayer Meeting es re
granddaughter Jamce Hotz home i Mrs. Charles Williamson of i ,~p~,z~f~ax ~ n ~c I ~.~ shown by Mac Towers, with reserve at 9:15 a.m.
ifroma'tw0weeksvisitwitt~;them iOmaha, Nebr caihe Saturday ~or'~=*"~e:"~ ". ~ championship being awarded to WorshipServicel0:30a.m. AP bl
[ Mr and Mr~ Will Wallerick and r a visit ,!n ~the home of her sister,lw.~s oosepnlne .tleimer a[~enaecl ~{~- I Jack Gill. The champion ribbon in Dedication service at 2:30 p.m. ro
,~ " "~" " ~-- ~Zent i MrS Linian ~nringer ', ~ pzcmc nIrmaay olnner weanes- i ' the Shorthorn division was award- Evening service 7:30 p.m.
; " 'anMchf~rden eC; ~1 aS?l:~me~r 1 ~o r :! beReV'guestR bertspeakerArthurfor the fentireAmeSday.t You can solve it with FlY
t Ribbons, Flytox, Flit or
? W. L Boyd and Mrs. Consta . ed Friday to the A. ~ Floyd house,-,:, " y. p - Special musical numbers. We in- Dwin.
; ~-- *-~miort West Main street ~ ann ~v~t'. ann ~wrs. ~awara ~en~ o~I i bred Shorthorn beef heifers class vile you to attend.
lennriarmanwas n~mv * . .
t~ " or Mount Vernon visited m the Don-
i Scott Field near Bellevflle, Ill.~hf;r I Misses Alice Skecleton and Agnes ald Whitlatch home near Tipton onI Thursd y Prayernd Bib:Study x, cans 15c, 25~
i a week end .visit with his mo i May of Cedar Rapids called on Mrs,1 i rvice ~ 8 p.m. BULK DWIN
n ~ xuesaay even ng Friday afternoon Prayerservice
M~. Harry Harman, Other Su -~ E. H. Z~mmer'and MirS. GUy John-
Ifirst place was awarded to Harold Thursday Prayer and Bible Study
t Thomas of Alburnett. In the class service at 8 p.m.
of other beef heifers Martha Kemp Friday afternoon Pr~yer ervice
i day guests were the Lauren Har- iston, Saturday evening. : Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek and i I of Marion was awarded first place, at the home of Mrs. Riggs at 2 p.m.
man family and Sterling Harman] Mr pnd Mrs Dan Caraway a~di Wes had supper with Mr. and Mrs. i I Paul Martin of Central City showed
a id " ,Burton Kolek in Mount Vernon first place purebred Hampshire METHODIS--T--CHURCH
~ Mr. andMZ~! f Cedar-Rap~C.Sclayton Nosley and: msS 'nPmcen --zv~r ann wrs" ~esmrihqr~ B c~bbYtsSpent.the week endwith!last Fo~de~Ysb-;:.rthdaeVenin~y to celebrate Mrs. Marie Rieger of Cedar Rap-' boar, first place purebred Hump-I Rev. Win. D. Bostrem, Minister
[ children Marlene and Charles went iCaraway in Mount Vernon. I :.: " = ~. . lids was a guest of Mrs. Mary Hahn Thru 100 Years Of I shire litter, and his brother Lloyd 9:30 a.m Church School. De-
into China o Saturday ann return-; s turtlev Meleh a,~d vzr. ann ~wrs. u. t~. ringers aria'on Sundav received first in a class of purebred ipartmentalized and Graded. i
g Mr. and Mr. S " "'" ~- ~" n i Hampshire gilts. In a division of[ 10:30 a.m. Worship and Preaching.!
ed Sunday bringing his sister, M~SS~dauahter Nitn Marie of Cedar w,n son Ray Burton and Mr a d Mrs. ~
' . : "j " r loya isomer o[ tvmrmn spent Lisbon Methodism purebred Poland China, Edward! 6:30p.m. EpworthLeague. I
M tha iosley home for a twoi v' i e veral a s 1 st week ~.eo rcume oz t~eaar ~tapios spenc[, ~
at," ~ ds ls t d se d y a . . ~v*onuay ann ~uesoay w]~n his uncle
' ' 6ation with her parents Sunday m the Bert SIver home. Ann l . '
week s va . ' m the parental A.'M. Floyd home. [ T i and aunt Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Zlm- Adams of Marion was awarded first i ST. JOHN'S C~LIC CHURCH!
!in the purebred litter, purebred!Sunday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00. [
~AR, o~,4 "AsTre T T Nosier ~ ~oulse ~ogers recurneo home wire, ' (A series of fifteen sketches [gilt and purebred boar classes. Vir-
~'~" Ben Stahl came Friday ~from . ~mer. " " gil Chester, Walker, showed the first Week day ~Iass: 7.'00.
t d! I them after a week s visit with her. reflecting Lisbon .Methodism's
,Mr. and Mrs. Maurlce l~ont an [GreatLaKes raining ~ta~lon tO[grandnarents I Dean t~easmore returnedwen- One Hnndred Years will be prize market litter and Junior mar-
Donald Kohl with relatives from lspend a two week s furlough in the ,-, Y .- -" I nesdav from Iowa City where two
! " da s last l I isicic L;aroee, Merle ~easmore, I ~ . ~ presented lu this cohmm; "ex- I ket pig with the champion and[ White Oak t
Marmn spent several y ~home of his mother, Mrs. John Le,~ ~noT T~nr,~ ann L ~ran ~,o weeks ago he submitted to an op- cerpts" from "/00 Years of
il thmr ~ -
[ week at Clear Lake. W~ e,Miller. 0 ot~, t; ~,~,~ ! eratlon at University hospital. Methodism In Lisbon" as writ- champion market pig being award- [ Mrs. G,lenn Slyer I
!~uPr~O~Si ~iv~i aMdf~hew~O~a ~tolofi~h~" ~ha~u! D M!: sOCp~ern~n~dr ~rngem~:~n. i~tTl~ !~ ten by Rev. "~Vm. D. Bostrom.)ed to Junior Hank of Marion [
Delbert Stewart of Springville Mr. and Mrs LeT Monitt and l
ta 1 Y No. 0 I was awarded first prize on his mar-
r n -- children, formerly of this neighbor-I
! " . ~. " i and Minneapolis. ] pare ts a d M s. . . g. The Lisbon (Yankee Grove) Sun- ket lamb hood, were last Sunday dinner~l
day School was first organized in In the dairy calfclub classes guests in the Leo Driscoll home.t
f the J Harve nome wire ner Zvlonaay zor a visit,
They also called in the Raymonl
i Sunday gueStSereO his arents' MrYl o[" a weeK" ' ' [ .~ Mr. . and Mrs. I. L. Cork, Mrs t Miss Eleanor Meyers is at the ! 1845 under Rev. Alien Johnston, / Dean Thomas of Alburnett showed Stearns and ]Ralph Wethington i
Smyth family w P,'~ rceoecca Brown and Miss Lena Field i home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! with A1)ijah Turtle. apparently the ' the champmn Milking Shorthorn, a : homes. I
!~! ~~:i ~Pe~ti~~i ~~!a~!he~dRnti~id~a]~ew~stad~i ~i~~Ia~Yd!~i!rlw~i~n~~~ u~!~~~fir'st superintendent, ithird year heifer, with his brother
h The present records of the Sun-I Harold winning reserve champion Mr. and Mrs. Leo Driscoll and
!davSehool go back to ]896 at which [on a second year heifer. Dean alsofamily called in the home of Mrs.
time the Goodell boys were score- showed the first prize first year Driscoll's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
iweekix~ their home. taries.From the conference Min- heifer. ~Fisher, Friday evening.
A WNILE back, we almost lost a cow
! because it took so long to get the veterinary.
; We got a phone, ~ncl it's been useful in so
m~ny other ways that we'll never be w;thout
it again, We c~ll our ~(riends and they call us.
! it m~kes it so much more cheerful here on
the farm, especially when the weather's bad.
Ant1 it's a ~;ne feeling to know that we can
phone ne;ghhors or the doctor qulckly ;n a~
emeroency ~ phone is well worth its price.
It ~oesn't pa~ to be without one.
10wa State Teleph0ne Co,
II. II I I Illlllll
full i i Ul ~ II,i
Walled Lake, Minn. ' Mr and Mrs O S B,rlin~ameiWm. T. Dolly of Detroit, Mich a utes however, we discover timt the Champion and reserve Guernsey Mrs. McCann and Goldie of Mar-
ion were Thursday afternoon guests
Mr. and Mrs. George Steffy of Ce-innn hUa,en ]T~.~ ~r~'~oo s~ ~ ' member of the medical corps, sta- first Children's Day was held in was shown by Bill Smith of Central of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wethington.
dar Rapids visited on Sunday with ;' :: tinned at Camp Grant, near R c - l S~3 Rally I)avs and Christmas[City on third and second year hcif-
William, anct~.vlrs, W. ;3. welrlcK ', l = ~ " ' '
her sister, Mrs. Corn Doner, and fin- " "i i I rd II programs imve been hold for a ers respectively. His brother Mil- Sunday evening guests of Mr. and
another sister, Miss Nettle Springer J ea re Jar yes ac Anamosa ~tate ' . .
Park Sunday for a Picnic dinner l Mr .ann mrs. ~eorge Argotslnger, great many years, itch was awarded first on his first Mrs. Ernest Tonne included Mr. and
" Mrs. Alfred Myers of Stanwood.
Sunday f Belle untilPlaineTuesday.Was her guest from in honor-' o[" "~'~virs. ~urnngame's~" ~" sis-' ~ Miss Elva Mac and John and Mrs The "m ltc a s" we have obscrv- i year heifer. Bob Beck of Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of
ter Mrs George Krumnelmann and ! Matte Pieper left Sunday on an ed dated dmqng the ] 8~0's include ! showed first and champion Holstein
Mr'. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver son Kenneth of Denver Cole eastern trip and a visit with a such leaflets "lnd appears as "The iand a heifer calf owned by Junior Iowa City.
Mrs. E~rnest Tonne was a guest
and children, Eleanor and Everett ' " !brother J. R. Van Fossen and faro-S. S. Messemrer, Fhe S. S. Ad-Hank received reserve champi n'at a bridge club at the home of
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jonas and lily in Washington, D.C. vocate" (which had certain "rcquir-!ship. Howard Fischer of Mount
Graver of Cedar Rapids to West daughter Bonnie Rose of CedarI Mrs G L Aibright daughtercd'' readings), the Berean ],cafiVernon placed first with his second Mrs. B. Kohl of Meehanicsville on
Monday evening.
Liberty, Sunday, where they were Rapids and Mrs. Wm. Simonds and : T),*~, ",~ X~, Ti**o ~* ~,~, [~'*'~ro-" (O m q~wlv and quit( different from ;i year Brown Swiss.
1 "" n" "" r : z : - ~ - Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Baker were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bing- v~rs. ~[ma ~oo ey oLz ivl o u ~ v(~ " ' non spe,~ m,o ~ay wh,'~ ,rs.~ff t--Al |ho~o now used) "You a~. People's Champion Jersey, "a heifer calf Cedar Rapids shoppers Saturday
ham, non wslted weanesaay in tne ~oo-, ~.~l~,~ ~-'-~'~ po.~ ~,~o ~ ~r. ~nct"" ~ a~.~,~.s. ~.w ~,~.~x Bible. .l c~son T,(,aflet~. Pitt. re ] was shown by R. C. Hagerman of afternoon. Little Carol Jenkins.
ert Leese home Mrs. I,eeses ~,~ ~ q,~ ;,~a,r~|| T . ~ ~ ,~ l cs~on ]"]pe] ~nd ~ome small Marion, reserve champion being granddaughter of Mrs. Baker,re-
Mrs. S. B. Sorenson and daugh-,~,~,ee a~ ~ s e. nov is ~p~n~- shown by Weston Carver, Marion turned home with them and re-
ter Charlotte returned last Thurs- broiher, ClarenCeeo aonaay ~o ms AckerlY,nome ]n ]~turn- ingreorla !Albrithe-" week with her "aunt, Mrs. sizolCaflcts about 2~ t)y 4 inches in la second year Jersey. Weston also mained until Sunday when the
day from two months in California, Ill after a two week's visit in her i gnL Vc indicate that our records ~'o showed first prize, third year Jer-
where they visited her parents, Mr. home. ivlary ~na~er vizsslonary, ~oc e~v~ nat, K" " .o+ ,~ ,~.~o ) omv tm~* t]n~e" is," ore" sey. Bakers spent Sunday in the George
and Mrs. Hans Jergensen at Fresno, wall have the Tuly and August ~ ~ ~ - " o sDean Thomas Tops Judging Contest Goodell home at Cedar Rapids.
and sisters at Oakland and Berk- " ' " " *~" ~ ~ ~ eeretarvs rccorc~ ~nat (~ e." 1 " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartman
Mrs. David L. Thomas of Ankeny meetinc, and nmmc su~,-erwi*h " "
eley. was a guest in the Will Zearing -- ~ "" "J -, ~ ~'~,~ c*o~cr lhe period 1 $8,1-$5, at vchieh i Dean Thomas, A burnett, receiv- have purchased a new Ford car,
c =' Mrs. /-k. t~, l~.UnKle on Iues(lay, "kr l~ r ~ ~ " "x " Rll*)I'I"
home from Friday until Tuesday. A iAugust 12th The picnic hour "is ,m ).r,u ~( a.~,~ - ed 904 points out of a pos~ib!e 1009 The Frank Hartman family spent
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hatland of Des guest since Thursday in the Zear :- ~, 2,~'~ : % F" m~en,'~, t':~rr, ~wr~.m, s ,rr q:~rv, to win tiae Linn County 4-H Live- Monday night in Monnt Verr~on vis-
~ - a:ou [o De iOllO~.VeO ~,v]tn 1he ]nee[- " " I ) i ll ~%- l
Moines spent from Friday until ing home and with other relat yes ing' Members and -their families :rod ),]~ma ,yn!'~r J~!)'z~r ~) . . e.- stock Judgimg contest. Other high iting in the Longerbeam home.
Tuesday with her sister, Miss Ber- in' th~s'~ vl(ln]' :" "ty is Mrs. Grace Beck- !'re invited lie I,: ~" xx:~-; ,)~,~n st 1,ne,t co~)teslanls were: Jack GiA.' Mar- Mrs. Hartman spent Sunday in
tha Koch. On Saturday they spent h ~ ~,r P. nH;m* P.-~;.-;, T a <~ ! (,lc('ti,*~l of officers ~la(le V. (~. ion: Mac Towers. 5~ar[on: tIaroid the Oscar Donmver home between
the day with their brother Milton ~ While ti~elr parents, Mr and Mrs gruel ': ~ "( r lhc tib~':~rl:tn (Jan Thom~s, Aibur~eH: Edwin Ander- Martelle and Splqngville.
Koch and family north of Mount was accompameo ov a cousin ~vtrs . . '
~,o m',~ Laurence Kynett were in Mmneap- l SSS) Th,Itymn-I u'~ 1 w;~s call, t son, Alburnett: Geer~e Dnvis. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Slyer were hon-
aaymona iv!c ~arlano oi .tole 1o s ~ ' ~ ' ; "
Vernon ' ohs from Thur, day to Sunday. Mar- "l~,ria t,M '~,~,l B(' (" In lh~ (~rlv i iCIP.: P, ieimrd Dice Mm-hm and Har- ored at a birthday dinner last Mon-
UnlO who 1s VlSl-~lng In t2eaar trap-', " ; . ~'
'd ' garet uarol stayect wire JVlr. antisc('r(A:t:'y's ro('ord lhc condilion of:old SIewart, Cep.tral City. day eveni!~K in the home of Mr.
Dr. and Mrs. George Reid of Ce- 1 s. iMrs. W. L. Kynelt. Betty Lou withtl e v ':tlh',r v,~s no~ed, t)ff(?rin;r.'~ 4-}I Baby Beef CInb
dar Rapids visited on Friday in the Mr. and Mrs. Karl Runkle and son Mrs. Mavme Reiger, and Dorothy "o- 3]i~;~d(,n:~rv work work w,re i Auction Averages $12.18 and Mrs. Arlbur Slyer. Other:
guests included: Mr. and ?,Irs. John'
R. R. Reid home. Saturday visitors Billy of Schenectady. N. Y arrived in the S~. F. Emerson home. The ~,1~o r .o, ,1 ' [ The champion Hereford owned by Slyer and Jeanelte, Mr. and Mrs.
were Mrs. Catherine Pos{, daugh-Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. !family returned Sunday evening to Vr,e, v: H, ~ so,w~,'s we h,~ w, [IVae Towers brought the top price Otis Siver. and Miss Myrtle Manly.
ter Marilyn and Stanley Reid of Ce- and Mrs. Charles Ehresman. and his their home in Clinton. " ten,~, ' H) i.~t aDp "o imat,qv 2OO I of $15.00 per cwt. in lhe county 4-II A number from this~ community
dar Rapids, and his son Robert of mother, Mrs. W. H. Runkle. Karl [ Charles Sankot spent the week ; diffcr,nt ;,~oI~l," who bane slurred baby beef club auction sale Satur- attended the 6th annual school pic-!
Des Moines. left Thursday for Pittsburgh, Pa end in Chiea~o and was aceom ;is q', a~.hoi,s and ()fficcrs in our ':day afternoon. Aug, 2. Thirty-three nic held in the Anamosa State Park
Mr. and Mrs. Art Johnson and to attended a General Elec{ric Co i~anied home'bv' his daughter Miso :~ n,] ,v S'l I ]u "n~ the past head were sold. on Sundav.
son Carl of Cedar Rapids were Sun- meeting and Mrs. Runkle, Billy and Bettv who has bc~gn'emDio(ed a't fifty ,~,:,s. Lon~.~ ~im,:, s,'vico ~o~,~ : The 4-II livestock parade was The Dennis and David Driscoll
day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl, jr who came from Ames, E,)m'iston Ill Csineeher gra(iuation to 3hs. ('laris~t i~urtz. John l)ono,', held Friday evening at 7:30 in front families spent Sunday evening in
R. L. Frink. Afternoon visitors where he was in summer school at }ron~Io~w~ State Collg e in the Sol V.~'tterina~. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. of the grandstand, the Leo Driscotl home. In the af-
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zbanek of Iowa State college will drive in snrin"~ Miss i3ettv leaves in two StuckMa~,r. and a few others. In the livestock record book con- ternoon the Leo Driscoll family ',
Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kloubec ater to meet him. Charles Runkle weeks to assume work as home ee- Th ~ hi~h point in avera~ze at- test the blue ribbons were awarded called in the Joe Vanderbilt home
and children, Virginia,Kenneth of Davenport spent Sunday with lonomlcs instructor in theschoolat;ten(lam'c se,ms to h;tve been (tur- to the following: Mac Towers, Dean southeast of Mechanicsviile.
and Laurence of Cedar Rapids. his mother and brother's family. ', Frankli~'n Grove Ill ing th,' ministry of Rev. Bert Bailey pToh~lm:~' aEd2a~altAd~v[rn~cAr?tOgald Mrs. Verna Baker spent Tuesday
It's The Truth.
No business man in any town
should allow a newspaper published
in his town to go without his name
and buslness being meutloned some-
where in its columns. This applies
to all kinds of businesses--general
stores, dry goods, groceries, furni-
ture dealers, manufacturing estab-
lishments, drngglsts, mechanics,
automobile dealers, professional
men, and in fact all types of busi-
ness men. This does not mean that
you should have a whole or half or
even a q~mrter page ad in each
issue of the paper, but your name
and b~iness should be mentioned
even if you use a 8ntall apace. A
stranger pickin~ up a newspaper
should be ablo to teU what business
is represented in the town by look-
InK at tile b~ menUoned In
the l'~per. ~ is the best ]po~llldle
town adverUse~.
The man who does not advertise
his business does an injustice to
hinmelt and the town.---Amerleaa
Bankers Matt, azlne.
Flytox, cans 15c, 25e, 45e
Insect killer, stainleSS,
effective, fragrant, bri
.o 35
container. Pint
65c Gallon $
It leaves the room per-;r
fumed and the flies deae.
Our Specia- on Cookies
This Week Is
22c Value for 15e
A 100 lbs only at thi
low price.
Now from Arkansa
soon from Illinois,
Michigan and finaam.
from Colorado. Fruit
ancy and price reaSO
able. We aim to
peaches on hand all t
time and seldom
You can depend on us.
FINWEeek En'----d Price
Bag 10 lbs 55c
A 10c Soap, 4 bars 25e
Lemon Toilet SoaP, 10
3 bars p.
O.K. Soap, Yellow Lau
dry, 7 giant bars
2 lb'box Liberty Bell
Cracl ers 15c
31 oz. can Pork 8
Beans 1;;
Protex Soap, 4 bars 1
Ex2celLSoda CrackerS,
Eatweli Oats, large
Oval Sardines, 10c
1 po :nd can
Seasonable---Go--ods .at
Advance in Price,
Frock & Dry Goo
That means more
you think.
Famous Livestock Champions
Vie in Iowa State Fair Show
l)t8 Moi~u, Is Ilpeehd. Morn tMu two mllllo, dollar8 worth of
0ham~uhlp livestock---the pfek of the breedlnl herds of t~rt7 states--
has heon ent~ed at tha 1~41 Iowa State ra~t, offlc|a~ announeod hero
today. This wtll i~ tho larlest show of it~ Mnd In the Unltod States
this Test, it ts said. Moro thun ~,000 horses, cattle, swine, and nheap will
emter tile faith |u41t~ Hugi betw~m &ug. 11 ira4 29 lu com~tttlon toy
more than ;~1,000 lu easlz ptls~.
chants National Bank Bldg Phone
Physicians and Surgeons
Phones: Office 2-91 Res. 3-91
Notary Public
4% Farm Loans
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa
Physician and Snrgeon
Corner Main and Jackson Streets
Telephone 36
Lisbon, Iowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memorials
]Ft. lb. ]F~INK
Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring
Res. 94 PHONES Office 110
Lisbon, Iowa
General PlmcUce
Notary Pttblic, Deeds, Wills,
Office In residence, corner Wash-
In&ton and Market~st Phone 80
Liskm, Io~a
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale
Houses for ~le or Rent
Office Phone---146
i iti
one any body would like. She is giving 2 gals.
will freshen in early fall. Guernsey cow 8
just fresh a few days, the calf will be at her
day. Here is one that really fills your pail.
Holstein-Guernsey cow that has just had one
ah what a prospect she is. This cow is giving
of milk daily and is rebred to a short horn bull
early this winter. You really have quality and
in this one. Four choice Guernsey heifers out
above cows that are real prospects, these
yearlings. Two extra choice yearling
carrying good flesh. These have been fed
and are ready to go into the feed lot. Pure
sey bull (fawn and white) 11 months old nicely
to lead and quiet as a kitten. This bull is
a breeder and is a royal bred fellow. Here
bull for someone.
(Cholera !
Th s 6 weel
ree Hamp-Poland tried sows with 21 pig r
old at side, pigs will be sold with the sows. 52p
Poland spring shoats slick as moles and everY
good one. There are some nice gilts in this lot.
pure bred Poland China boars farrows! in
These are out of the Supple Poland her-d and sro;
right kind. They will be just right for young re iS
sows, Purebred gilt sister to the above bears.
as nice an offering of hogs as you have seen in
time. The papers can be had with these boarS n
Five choice Shropshire ewes all good mouths.
early ewe lambs.
Dolph Van Sickle,
W. E. Challis, Auet, O.J.
Phone 130, Lisbon.
[ F on e
-- rank Stoneking and s V rnon at which time it reached ninety-
~and wife of Cushing, and Wm. Mill- seven. Sixty Head of Horses and
!er of Ore, who were visiting friends Sunday school board meetings.Ponies in Open Class Show
:and relatives in Lisbon and vicinity teacher trainin~ courses, county The county 4-tI colt show was ?
last week, spent Wednesday eve-;Sund,ay School work, and lately held in connection with the open
i ning in the T. R. Stoneking home. 'coaching conferences have been class horse show Sunday, Aug. 3.
participated in by the leadership Champion 4-H colt was awarded to
Joining them for the evening were i of the school. Lynn Dripps of Springville with re-
[andiMr' andMrs.MrS.T.E.HarrYstonekingSt neking'and Mr.Mr" It would be interesting to know serve champion being awarded to
[ just how many chi|dren and young Junior Boyer of Central City. Gee.
~and Mrs. Albert Stonekmg of Mt. people have come under the in- Fisher and Sons of Mechanicsville d
i Vernon.
,fhlence of the fine people who have showed the champion purebred
t In observance of her birthday on manned our Sunday School. Like- stallion and purebred mare. Champ- tak
i Tuesday, Mrs. Nellie Cole was after- wise it would he interesting to know ion grade draft mare was awarded On account of my health and my doctors orders tocat"
;noon hostess to nine ladies, enter- just how much "meaning and sig- to Victor Glen, Olin, on a five year a complete rest, I will hold a closing out sale of mY
taining them at a bingo party in nificance" came into their lives as old. Ed Rigby of Stanwood show- tie, hogs, sheep, etc. on
i the Engelking home where she is a result of this service. But the ed the champion gelding, a three
'a guest' Mrs" Dick Engelking fiyears have erased so many details' year old which also was awarded Wed d Aug 13th
Clarence was an out of town guest, that it. is probablle, the whole story the grand champion grade draft~
on ay eveoin ovo,- o know nes ay,
horse ribbon. In the heavy draft
i Davis was hostess at a surprise~ -~ hitched team class Howard Mackey
[party honoring Mrs. Cole, with i [~ of Olin received the blue ribbon COMMENCING, AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP
!seven guests sharing the courtesy, with Ed Rigby receiving the blue
I Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Max ~ LOCATION, at my farm one-half mile west of SPr
land Ben Stahl, Mr andMrs. O.D. KnockoCr N 17 ! I ville; go one block south of the Exchange
Melton, Mrs. Philip Hammon, Mr. i Knocko ! Direeto west to the second house across the railroad trae ,
land Mrs. Ed Butler, Mr. and Mrs. 1 I . ry the farm.
i D. C. Bowers and Mrs. Clayton Wil- " Lisbon Business
i State Park on Sunday. The picnic .:**:~.o*:*,:.*:.:.:.*.'.*:~ :.:.:.~.:.:~.:.:.:~ 1 3 Cattl
gathering was an annual reunion of
former pupils, teachers and their JUSTIN ALBRIGITP Purebred Guernsey cow 5 years old, a heavy P
families of Bunker Hill, Hazel Hill, Attorney at Law NO one owns a better one. She is out of the
and Center schools of Jones county. General Practice herd at Clarence and can't be beat. Extra
TAsbon office, across from City Guernsey cow 4 years old due to calf in early !
Don't wait for a tenant--find READ the ADS ~ ! Hail, Phone 146.
him thru a want ad. Cedar Rapids office, 518 Mer- Dec. Guernsey cow 7 years old, sound as men,