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August 7, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 7, 1941 |
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AUgust 7, 1941
Pa~ ~v~
Solon I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shima and fam-
ily of Lisbon; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Zeller IW rrell and daughters Geneva and
S~E-'ETS Max[he, and Ralph Vousel of West
Branch; Mrs. Libbie Shima of Ce-
of Solon have been dar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gib-
and Saturday and hey and family, Palo; Mr and Mrs
This will be an Irvin Shima, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
for the homecoming Snyder and daughter and Victor
reunion was held on
the Dreamland pavilion
grounds at Independ-
a picnic dinner was
chosen for the
Shima of Cedar Falls; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bartz and family of New
Hampton; Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fett-
kether and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Shima and Miss Dorothy Harm
of Oelwein; Mr. and Mrs. Marvel
Campbell, Fairbank; Mr. and Mrs.
will be Fred Shima iErnest Shima and family, Hazleton;
Prank Shima sec. and Mr. and Mrs. John Dibbel and
$hima treasurer. Cam-family, and Mr. and Mrs. Curly
John' Kessler George Kerkenbell of Independence.
Win. Gibney.' The re-
held here at the audi- Mrs. Edd Dvorsky entertained a
year it was decided, group of little folks Saturday after-
Present from here were:[noon at her home in honor of the
Joe L. Shima, Mr. and!fifth birthday of her son, Larry.
Shima and family, John Pony riding and playing games was
and Mrs. John Kessler, }the amusement and Mrs. Dvorsky
George Worrell and served a luncheon Larry received
Dvorsky, son Leo, many lovely gifts. The little folks
Margaret; from Mt. present were Jo Ann Wray, Sandra
Mrs. John Worrell, Wray, Nancy Marshek, Patsy Mar-
BIG PAIIAI)E AT 10:00 A. ~I.
I{I']COI{I)iNGS 12:00I,'REE ACTS 2:00 p.]n.
ltAND CONCEItT 3:30 p.m. CONCEI{T 6:00 pau.
FREE ACTS 7:00 p nh
bANCEs at C.S.P.S. HaU and Auditorium 9:00
Immediately After Parade by Iowa City Drum
~ad lhlgle Corps, ,'4ponsnred hy Iowa City Moose Lodge
shek, Jocile Stahle, Mary Kay Shi-
man, Carol Ulch, Tommy Stockl,
David Beranek, Joyce Dvorsky,
Judy Dvorsky, Karen Fiala, Billy,
Dorothy and John Peters, Elwood
and Beulah Dvorsky. Also Mrs.
Albert Dvorsky, Mrs. Cyril Stockl,
Mrs. C. F. Shimon, Mrs. Matt Peters,
Mrs. Ollie Ulch, Mrs. R. T. Shep-
pard and Mrs. Edd Dvorsky.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Knight and
daughters Phyllis and Doris of Bos-
ton, Mass were guests of Mrs. An-
na Beranek Wednesday evening.
The group are friends of Leo Ber-
anek and were enroute to Califor-
Sunday afternoon guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Fiala were Mr. and
Mrs. Van Sterner and son Lee and
daughter Edna of Springdale; Mr.
and Mrs. George Sterner and Dale
and Lester Sterner of Atalissa.
Mr. and Mrs Emanuel Rushek,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sonka, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Stahle, Edd Vislisel,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reinhard, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Giovanazzi and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Reinhard visited
with Mrs. Ed Vislisel at Oakdale on
Sunday, who continues to improve
and is able to be about.
Mrs. J. J. Dvorsky, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Zerbe and Charles Foote made
a trip to Clinton Sunday where
they visited with Mrs. Anna Big-
wood and family. Dorothy Big-
wood who has been visiting here,
accompanied them to her home.
See us for
106 2nd Avenue West
Phone 7183
i ~'---- ----- ~=-~-- - -
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Amish of months, and is now able to walk
Des Moines visited a few days with lsome about her home. We wish
many more birthdays to this charm-
Mr. and Mrs. John Krob and rela- ing friend and neighbor.
tives here, leaving Tuesday
Mrs. Anna R. Pauba left Satur-'ATTENDI
day for Duluth, Minn for a several
weeks visit with her son and faro-I Among those from Morley in at-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Pauba tendance at the Bunker Hill, Hazel
and family
Mrs. Joe Brash remains confined
to her home with not much im-
Mr and Mrs. Joe Pavel entertain-
ed at dinner Sunday, Mrs. Marjorie
Peet and daughter Jean.
Hill and Greenfield Center school
reunion at the State Park, Anamosa,
were Mr. and Mrs. Ves Miller, Miss
Edith Miller, Miss Katie Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith and Rich-
ard, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Miller and
Mrs. Ella Austin and Harold.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bainbridge] Happiness consists in being and] "Playing Safe beats playing a
of Forest Chapel vicinity were Sun-/in doing good; only what God gives, [Harp'--Llnn County Safety Court-
day guests in the parental C. O.]and what we give ourselves andtcll.
Hay home. i others through His tenure, confersI -----------~----
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Darner of Tip- 1 happiness: conscious worth satisfies t The Community Clearing House
ton spent Monday evening with Mr. I the hungry heart, and nothing else I --Hawkeye - Record and Lisbon
and Mi's. C. B. Angus. ]cam--Mary Baker Eddy [Herald Want Ad Section.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Levsen of
Olin were callers in the D. W. Gil-
more home Monday evening Mrs. i
Levsen entered Mercy hospital at
Anamosa for medical aid, Tuesday l
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Henderson
and Dean of Walnut Grove vicinity
Mrs. Mary K. Zenishek returned Mr and Mrs Walter Ho'~ne and spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
to her home after visiting the past ,T ~ ~ :: ~^.= ,~ ,~Y ~ and Mrs. Donald Hefflefinger. A4- -
. YY J.J I/dlb IlIULUI~U LU %=,ll|lLqJl| Utl . * O~
week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zero- ~aturaav forenoo her *he, at Cards received by fmends of the ~'F
shek. ~ended ~he marriage"service of J~ Louis Burger family, who have been --, ~nffl.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mark[tan en- r, ~,r^, .= ~,~" r~ ~ ~ ~ 'l traveling via automobile and trail- ~'~Feede-, -
~Jl'. VV ~J.I~JL IIIU[ .LVII~ JL~ULUI, AI~Y JL~t.&l-- I ~--~
tertamed at droner Sunday . t,~, h,~ h ~,~m Oh~ T ," =~ er house through Canada and the ,~L ~ ~b
Mrs. Roy Eastwood and son Jim-[o ~,~ w w ~,~ ~,~n ~ eastern Umted States state that ~ - c~s'inS' C~-,
mie ~re visiting Mr. Eastwood at ~ 'h~'~"~'~'M=: ~ -=: "%*,*~ ="-'~i~: they have been enjoying New York ~,e Ho~e~k ["'
hnamosa, this week. [~'=~,~ ~ "~'.~'~'~v~,i=~ =o';"~h: City for the past two weeks and men~ oe ro~
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Allen and ~';~:~"~ ~',~, "'~,~"~'~::~%~ ~i~'~ after a week in Washington, D. C
daughter are leaving for Cedar Rap- we~e~~ life they will start for home.
ids, where they will make their ~r~ Lo,~" ~a, Kathleen and Bert Jeffrey and O. A Hunter of ~ ~'~
home. Mr. Allen has been employ-I Keith " of~Forest~'called on Mrs Oxford Mills spent Monday evening I [,MI~TAIJ
ed as mechanic in the CCC CampI Hay,s mother Mrs C O Hay Man' in the L. E. Hunter and C. O. Hay I Bl~ Nl,~','e~ '
and has accepted a position with no~ ~ ' " homes. 11~ll2- n AUK I !
the Kucera Sodding and Landseap- "'"~'rs:-Vo~let" Ha r- "~er Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Stingley Don- U,II~ I~IMI ~ I ~ R~' .
~ AVA s. vo eL ra an(~ AVA ~. D "n e t ' e ~l/
mg Co who are also coal dealers ,~,~ ~n,v,~ ('~a~ ~.n~ .~]]~a a Rae, and Larry sp nt he week nl~ ltlll=l=r' I I y k.-oen -
Frank Pavelka of Oxford Junc-1"2L~,~ -"'M"~' .~ :.~;.~o,~ .;~.~ end in Des Moines with Mr. Sting- I~||ql IIII/r"1 I [ Kid'~ '~m, *ha
un ~vu-~ ~ora ~nanKmna, monday le--'s -i "e an-" fa--il-- U#ll~ Juaa~''-" [ - dr~m *.~ur C
ilOn VlSlteQ ~unuay ai~ernoon Wltn lr~:onlna y ~ st r a m y. r~ ~ TI)fill ~,~ ~-01 *~j
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pavel. Miss Dora- ~'~"'~',~,~ ~-~ ~ h, ~ J. R. Bickerstaff is painting the SPECTACULAR shows, educa- ~ee L~no':." ~y, 1 g, ~
thy Pavel accompanied him here to ~ "'~;,~-~, ,~' '~:~o~,'"~ ~,~',~,~1 corn crib recently erected on the tional exhibits, entertMnment for mous ~.~.Wodd. ~:"
her home after visiting there for ~,o5:'~,5h'o"1. "~'~:=:~ h~'~'~'[ Remley farm tenanted by Chas.all the family! Plan to attend ~.?~R,ee~'vo~, I~ ";;
a week. ~'~r~ ;=,~'*~r~7' A% h';,~"n~,~'~;"~na Seeger. it's the best All-Iowa Fair yet! t2. ,4 h. -.r~, 13i1 ]
Mr and Mrs. Ehas Shraeder and ] ~.~. ~ ~ ~4 ~+ n Mrs. A. B. Young of Maroon ~s ~-rc,nE~ATE 10 AUTOMOBILES 25e ~ d ~ #ion -- J
o~ud out, A~U~A~ UA ~aIa~VU~U Ot~x~ ~.~,v v ~ e u~oV ,e o#
sons Howard and Roger of Iowa ~ ~ ; ;it. ~ a ~r o V~sltmg her smter, Miss Katie Sun- GRANDSTAND Bleechen,~hc F* e snd r, BeD J
City visited Sunday afternoon with, * day Rescued, 50c o ~ . *~.- Cluk .- ~o J
~ ~.n "r,~,o T ~,~,~, 1 Joe Ho~a. I ~r ~ a ~r~ ~ ^ r,^~, / CHILDREN UNDER 8 YEAR~; fReJ:!,"~. ~ ~.ottle I
~" I Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hay attendedI " Mr. and Mrs. ' I Bind
eompanmd by Carlos i .i k D nee
,funeral serwces for an uncle, L. O. I p i " -- s . ,~ ~ ".~'9~t. e~ck
a ne oi ~namo.a spent ~unoay i '
Morlev I Hay age 89 years Monday after ' *b ~,| ~.~ t~ ~ ""
' ' ! WlInMrs t.:OlgOn's Dro]:ner-ln-law '
Mrs Ella F Austin t noon at the Beam and Miller chapel I :. . ::. ~ f'1#O" ~ 1
. . Mr. ann Mrs. ~eo Fame a~ HopKm- ]
LOYAL CIRCLE CLASS tHoward Lee Hora of Cedar Rap-
[ Mr. anu Mrs d. IN t~arKs ana Mr '
IS ENTERTAINED ~ds spent Sunday mght and Monday i and Mrs W "lie Park i ni " ~ i ~1
The Loyal Circle class of the U. in the F L Shankland home . ~. "~. yJ ,~ . s p c cKea ~l .=~ we ~w #'~#~w~l~s~ ~ t~lrlJPImW~T
B. Sunday school was entertained Lorraine Bickers[aft spent Wed- a~ ueveryarK, ~unoay !l I,l~K~'~" |'l ~l~|~|l ~|| .~| ||||[~
Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. [ nesdav and hart of Thur ~ i - ~' 'J" ~us )n o1I. ~p~ngvme, ~r.eo :l [IJ['~ |V |]Li~|h ~lal'liJqt$11t 1Jl~ k 11~ UAavaava
i ~ - ~ o'~-J -o -Austin ana uaugmer ulorence, iVllSS]I ~.
R ~elson ana tvtr aria iwrs A x
patmnt n Mercy hospital Anamosa i inlmum ~nar~e
-" o 2r '-- ' " "'~ " " " ." .' ' i Bess'e Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John !l Only le Per Word Per Insertion; 25e M" "
zree at me c um y name m me avl h ~ 1 1
h ng ad an appeno c t s attack B ke
: ~ " "'' " i ec r and ~artha and Mr and !l Torm~ ea~h Have Conv In By Wednesday Morning
i~etsons zO guests were p[-e~ent ' " ~
. ~ Mrs Ray Rundl and son Jack Mrs Ralph Becket spent the week
OrUtad :ngam::kwerewPla:eda 3me were guests from Wednesday until:end at Fort Leonard Wood Mo. 1 To Appear On Tills Page.
i Saturday of Mrs. Riendl's sister, ! where they visited Pvt. Jimmy Aus- I t~lo ~l"florl A,l~ Rrin Results
relresnmems. ~ good t~me was r~ !Mrs D W Gilmore tin and l=;vt Earl Becker iI xJ~ - ~-*
ported by the guests. I Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shankland, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hay and Col-
MRS. HENRY-~M-'~H HONORED' Jimmy and Judy spent Sunday in leen of Forest, were Sunclay dinner
guests in the I E. Hunter home. LOST MISCELLANEOUS
ON 86TH BIRTIIDAY i the parental Louis Horn home,! The W. B. Guthrie family attend-
Mrs. Henry Smith passed her 86th south of Olin. Z
birthday Monday, and received i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pye and Arn-ed the Cramer family reunion at
many cards in honor of the day,i old spent Sunday evening in the Bever Park, Cedar Rapids. Sunday.I,O~T: IIampshire sow, left,MOTOI~ISTS! ~Jnsnranoe Drovid-
Mrs. J. R. Bickerstaff and Mrs,preached. Finder please phone No. ling' medi(,al payments cov('ra~A'e can
from a host of friends. Mrs, Smith Chas, Koering home near Stan- R, H, Bickerstaff and Lorraine were,~7~)5, Mt. Vc]'non. 41 c i be added to your ],inbilHy Policy at
has been a "shut-in" for the past six i wood.
25,000 young men wanted
immediately to get best
aviation training in the world
Right now the world's fastest planes are rolling
out of America's factories by the thousands.
That's why the United States Navy needs
25,000 new men to fly and service these planes.
That's why your Navy is offering qualified
YOung men the finest training course offered
anywhere. Now you can get paid to lead the
greatest life in the world. Aviation Cadets in the
United States Navy get $75.00 a month dur-
g seven months of flight training. Then they
ome Naval Aviators receiving as much as
$245.00 a month.
Earn while you learn
Uncle Sam's Navy offers you tremendous op-
POrtunities for advancement in a wide variety
of fascinating jobs. There are 45 skilled trades
vocations which the Navy will teach you
if You are qualified. If you're interested in radio
Work, engineering, aerial photography, carpen-
try, pharmacy, welding, the Navy may spend
$1,500 in one year training you to become an
expert in your chosen field.
Opportunities for advancement
ci g If you apply yourself, advancement and in-
:g6. Creases in pay will follow regularly. Before the
dl se ad of your first enlistment you can be earning
to $126 a month--with your beard, keep,
and a complete outfit of clothing given you
free! If, at the end of your term of service, you
wish to get a job in civillife, your Navy training
will be a tremendous asset to you. Employers
the country over are eager to employ Navy-
trained men.
Good fun,, good friends
The Navy is noted for its popular sports pro-
gram. Every kind of sport from baseball to
FREE TRAINING worth $1500. 45 trades and
vocations to choose from.
OOOD PAY with regular increases. You may
earn up to $126 a month.
EACH YEAR you are entitled to a generous
vacation period with fall pay.
GOOD FOOD and plenty of it.
FREE CLOTlflNG, A complete outfit of cloth-
ing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.)
FREE MEDICAL CARE, including regular dental
FINEST SPORTS and entertainment any man
could ask for.
beat the Navy for them!
BECOME AN OFFICER. ~:~any can work f~r an
appointment to the Naval Academy or the
Annapolis of the Air at PensaeCa
FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy-trained
men to get good-paying jobs in civ~ 1" %"
boxing and swimming is offered the man who
enlists. On board ship, the latest moving pie-
tures are shown free. Organized recreation, such
as dramatics, singing and musical entertain-
ment, goes to make the life of a Navy man
the best fun in the world.
The food served in the Navy would do justice
to your own mother's cooking. It's well pre-
pared-and there's plenty of it.
Folks look up to a Navy man
Any man who wears the trim uniform of Uncle
Sam's Navy is bound to be looked up Lo! When
he w 'lks down the street, heads turn to follow
him. And that's how it should be--for you've
got to be good to get in the Navy.
(No Obligation)
TODAY get the Free i::u~trated booklet called "Life
in the Navy." It gixes you v. luaLle facts If you
are 17 or ov r (IZgh school education not n~cessary),
all y~u r.~d do ia to a=k tl~o Navy E,li'~or of this
f:LE~HL .EZ [::71, e, ~'lll in t1~? coup=.;, ~clo',v and giv3
it t ) l.';n : ; t:.'.* n~v,'spap:,r's office Cr ma,1 the coupca
to 1.:.:~ c'.:::r i:~ xn cr posted on a penny
nostM card
W,'=-&R TEIS F/.2G'Z C~ ;;G;;d.~. !f after
/(Z.~ r ad: ~~, tl.~- fr.e b o:.:=t y.u d~:.:c t:)
~ :4 aji~-y 1 r a p.:c,~ m t e Navy. you l
receive tkis s:-=:::t iapel-emLlem It ia a
~:~-~"~.~ Ladge ct" honer you ,:'11 Le t~roui t~
.[" I,II|llllUlllllllllnlll|llll| |l|,I,||,| U,|,~ ~|| n,| |l|l|n]
tBd l "" E |
li# Jr rear cut and take or send ',h;s coupon ,
tJ the Navy Editor cf this newspaper ]
~ :thout any obligation on my part whatsoever, please scud i
.~ me frce booklet, "Life in the Navy, g~vmg fu:l cetmis about I
,the opportumtms for men m the Navy or Naval Reserve. I
Name. |
Address--, |
business callers at Anamosa, Tues- I xerv small cost! Come in. Get f~fll
sq'I=~YI':I) ()l~ S'['() ,|;iN" 1tamp- "" ' r
day afternoon. " " " intormntion S N Me," tt Insur-
shire sow weighing :~bout 300 ]l)s, ", "o o""" ","
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Klinefelter at- Frank Pillik, Mt. Vernon. 41p ante. Dial 5262.Mr. Vernon. 41
tended a family gathering and din- ~ I ~,{AI~VEI.017S GIFTS, FREE! --
ner in the Will Klinefelter home ~l~ ratches. carving sets. shaving sets,
in Fairview Thursday honoring a 'OR SALE lo .l~s "Wide variety of other use-
grandson. Howard Klinefelter, who
went to Des Moines Friday, prepar- ~ ful gifts for the farm or horoe. Sire-
/ ply Save ,~argcnt Feed coupons (one
atory to be inducted into'the U.S. FOR SM,E' High tcs~ d,no- 'o,~ ti'~ f ~ar ent Feed " G
Army. Other enjoying the courtesystone, bmld,ng rock, sand:l grq;/,~l~ I, 2,~t list ang2full i~formati),~ fron~
were: Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dusanek, Iti~'hcst prices for x~ool ni es ~; . ~. ~ . .
' ' ' I? J l'eterson IOC'~tl roprcsentative
John and Norman of Wyoming; Mr, and junk 'ill nlso huv tnin sows ~ ) " '
and Mrs. Will KIinefelter and Wil-' " " " - -, ' ss[, argent & ('ompanv ] es Moines
,and pigs, of ali kinds. J~. t~urge" ~ town." ' 41'
ma. and Mrs. Clara Lessard, all of & Son, Dial 5341, Mount. Vernon
Fairview. i Iowa 40tf. I PI~RNACE FINANCE, -- ANY
Mrs, Cecil Hay and daughter Col-i Green Colonial heating installation
leen spent Tuesday afternoon with VOlt SALE: Kiml)all piano $7,50; is now av,dlable on monthly temns,
Mrs. L. E. Hunter and Muriel i2 9x12 rugs, $5.o0; and other dr-!1 to 3 years, at low rates. Thus,
Monday evening guests in the !tieles. Phone 3404. Mount Ver- new installation can be fitted con-
Katie Sunday home were: Mr. and in n 41p Iveniently into your budget, and the
Mrs. Ernest Johnson and Linda Lee, I l,'OR NAIVE: Veealthy apples comforts and economies of Green
Mrs. Ida Harry, all of Marion; A1-i40 cents per bushel, pick youpself Colonial are yours, ~Ve offer free
bert Boots, Wyoming; Miss Marian 60 cents. E. N, Moots. 41c furnace inspection as a part of
Muzzy and Miss Hattie Muzzy, of our scrviee. See Dale F. Johnson,
local dealer for full information.
Waterloo; and Mrs. Ethel Wallace SERVICE Green Colonial Furnace Co Des
and Grace of Forest vicinity.
The M. E. Switzer family and i ~ Moines. 41
noon at Ellis Park. i Free. Call nearest phone by No, i of others! Finance your farm with
Bud Smith of Stanwood spent ic llect' Mt. Vernon, 307; Mar[on 77; a LONG TERM, LOW INTEREST,
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ruth ~[ Anamosa, 74F21, for dean fe~t i Federal Land Bank loan, as hun-
Smith. courteous service. Francis Payton, ~ dreds of other farmers in this caro-
M ~,Agent, Ananmsa. Iowa, for Farm- munity have done Come in and
rs. ~red Austin, Leland Leonard ers Renderln~ ~Yorks State Li- i talk it over, Harold B. McTavish,
and Kenneth attended a picnic in', ~nse No 7, Iowa C~tv" Ia 17-tf ;secretary-treasurer, National Farm
honor of the 20th wedding anniver~ i - Loan Associations, Cedar Rapids,
sary of Mr and Mrs Ben Hinrich- SPECIAL NOTICE (chicks hatch
sen of Lisbon on S'unday at the lthis fall) on ORI)ER ONLY atII wa" 8t-36-43c
State Park at Anamosa ' [Tom's Hatchery. Come in and
" . see us. First hatch Sept. 1st. ~ $2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
viMr~ MhildredreMnt:Z'MBe22~ttMr~:i32 St. and Oakland Cedar Rapids, ping R. E, Sanderson, 319 Third
g P . ' " . [iowa ' 39-3tp I Street North. Dial 2622. 9 tf.
W. B. Pye, for an lndefimte time. " ~
Miss Helen Koppenhaver of Mar-j f~l *,* . a~
telle was an overnight guest in the i thlasslne i Aos Bring Results
Fred Austin home, Sunday i
Schrader Enters
National Races at
la. State Fair
House of a Million Auto Parts
West End 16th Ave. Bridge
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Open Evenings to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m.
-~ -- =~-- ~ -~:-- -- --~-- - -~--
Realize--Real Eyes
221 3rd St. S.E Cedar Rapids. Iowa
Des Moln~, In Special: Gus
Schrader, last year's national dirt
track auto racing champion, an-
nounced today that he will be back
to defend his title in the National
Circuit Championship races sched-
uled for threo days of the Iowa
State Fair here, Aug. 22, 24, and
29. Schrader, who now holds more
dirt track records than any other
living driver, will pilot a tuned-up
version of the powerful Offenhauser
tn which he won the 1940 national
crown, he said. More than sixty
top-ranking drivers from every part
of the United States are expected
to do battlo for the championship
here this yeax, State Fair officials
Free Prompt Removal
of all
Call Our Nearest Phone
Cedar Rapids 4612
Anamosa 542
Stanwood 800
Mt. Vernon 11000
Cedar Rapids, lowa
Iowa Dept. of Agriculture
IAeense No. 1
'00h'E likes to lie awake; yet every night thousands
toss and tumble, count sheep, worry and fret, be-
cause they can't get to sleep. Next day many feel
dull, lo y, heedachey and irritable.
this ever happened to you? When it why
ilon't you do as many other people do when ~ervea
~atea to spoil thel~ ~ work, enJ0y=ent~ a~t goo i
Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tabl
Dr. Miles Effervemeent ervine Tablets are a combina-
of mild eedatives proven u eful for generations as an
in quieting Jumpy, over-strained nerves.
~ dir~tl~m our
, ,~,~ --~ drue ~t will be glad to ~ell you Dr. Miles
--------- Effervescent Nervine Tablets in convenient small or
economical large package~ Why not get a Dacka~
and be prepared when over-taxed nerves threaten to
tn~ W~th yot~ work or Slx)il your ple~