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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 9, 1951     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 9, 1951
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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dabl Mt "" Minor and children left Mrs Rosa Walton accompanied Dads Defeat Sons ,iAdd Music To Cornell IM:II n DI Don c--,t, x Mr. Vernon. la Hawkeye-Recotd w ch vernon LOCalS friday for Lake Okoboji where they the Raymond Wa]lons and Mrs. ,e ,It, I~,~1~ IF |1.4| |O I''D and The Lisbon ,era]d A :1 con-,will spend a week. t~elle Thompson to A]edo. Ill to i iv~r. and Mrs. Cecil Winchip of Mr and Mr Robert McNabb. visit in the Allen Thompson home There's spirit in'the otd boys yet!cOnserva|aryLibrary For Tipton Park Pennsylvan,aPos,t,on i urs Au.stg 51 rage y da7 Stanwood were Sunday evening sons "Roger anti"Bruce and Mr and a week ago. i And proof in the pudding was the Two collections have recently D~ Sc~,tt. :'nstructor in chorals-ii ~- I hours ~e~et.S in the l~Irs. Mae Winehip Mrs. Lyle Arnes of 'Racine, "Wis Mrs. Flora Leigh of Viola, Ill game Friday evening, .amg~ ~ at been added to the resources of the Moots and Patterson have signed try at Cornell from 1946 to 1949,*1 ~8"~ A J Ash Park when the darin~ ~aas v ~ r " "" ' a contract with the Tipton Board of has accepted a position as assislant i] a ~ ~,l ~ [ ;ndoU~ ~. ' :were week end guests in the Glenn who visited in the Herbert Leigh . . ~.ornen ~.onser am y oi ~vlumc, ac- Education and Park Commissioners professor of chemistry at Wast~ing-[ L= ,~ ~/ ,In I with ~ir. and ~rs A1 Morrissev Kathy Rogers home. home last week is spending a few oumped their skephcal Sons 7 to cording to Dr. Paul Beckhelm, di- to prepare plans for a park of 33 ton and Jefferson college Washing-:J xk~'~-~ ~vd.-J-J-J-J-~" asight,and GailinYe)sley spent the week Mrs. A. J. Desmond and Sandra days this week with Mrs. Belle 1: !rector. Thompson and will visit other Takin~ the mound for the boys w ' ~ -7.Z L~ . Mrs. B. A. McKay of Mr. Vernon. acres hlch will be located across ton. Penn. He will complete his [[ /' ~J]~,~> I% [ .~o Holstein ~ me wan mmcKmers a~ of Woodstock, Ill arrived Monday was Dave Lvford w~th Neubauer .~ Mr and " to visit until Friday with her sister friends. . . ~ before leaxmg to establLh her resl- highway 150 north of the school!graduate work at the University of [ K'~L~ ~"[~r ~,[~lm [ Mrs. Myron Millhollin and daugh- catc}vng, later rencvea oy l~eu: deuce in the East, gave Cornell an hous:. 'Iowa this month. Mr. Scott was [ ,{~IF .~'-~i~ [~ [~ ~[ [ i bauer pitching to StricKmna ~en Plans will be prepared for grad- graduated from Cornell in 1939 and I : f J/ I Pa'-" . ~v~rs. Phil Liggett and and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. :ter Mylene from Grinnell arrived in ^-~extenmve collec.on of piano mumc . tsy o~ Markham, Ill. were Fri- A1 Morrisrev ~ed day overnight guests of the E.R. Mrs Mv~rtle Cheadle Staley. Mer- the home of the George Browns l o, S~ncmana z~, J: ranger ~n, and a fine assortment of early re-!rag, drainage, a parking area, p~cmc :received his M.A. from the Vni-[ ~,;.J~ ~[i ~: "r][ [ .//.i [ Hoidahls. ritt and .~rlyn have returned from Sunday evening for a week's visit. Lieu ss, and o. w.asnourn, ~arson:cordings. The latter presents the area toilets, shelter house, landscap-'versitv of Arizona in 1941 Mrs [ ~-~f~~~ g ] ~'/I~ ] j~. and Mrs .Earl Brunger and Rolla Me where they visited their Mrs. Millhollin is a sister of Mr. and L Ringer in me outfieio cam- work of such artists as Caruso 'ing, baseball and football fields, a Scott was speech instructor and di- [ "- .'~"]~ I ~ ~ [ ! ~] ~ [ 3" ~rom unariottesville, Va daughter and sister Mrs. Dale Brown. :pleted the lineup Paderewski and Sembrich. 'track.and tennis courts. The pro: rected dramatics at Mr. Vernon i[ ~:,~,~,X W/~'~ ~'~" I[ [ were week end guests in the home ~ Stinger and Mr. Stinger. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Mcllnay at- A cheer, went up from the crowd Earlier this summer, Miss Dorothyt$60'000i~ ~ee~ ]s andeXpee~eaw~ll" probablym eoS~takearOunnthree hi~h~ ~chool whil~ th~v. resided here [I ~' / i~, ~/,~,~~ ~ ~'~r ~A~ b~,N~ d ~I [I as wnee,cnairs ano canes were am-!Bresson Corner '28 Ashton Ill to four years to complete i ~ I /~/~"~.=~ ~~7~ I OfLt.Dr.andand MrsMrS W.JackH Ward o,Keefe of forMrSa "few'Carriedays'R gerSvisit withleft relativesSUnday tendedat Lowellthe Barnhizerpark northreuni nof Dixon,held carded by B. Ringer p, B. Neal c, !gave th'e conservatory a collection Moots and Patterson are engineers D,k glA: L C~A,~n J 1[ ~" ~"~'~ "~'t~t [~/~. [ Norfolk Va were guests Monday in Downers Grove. Ill. Judy Ko Ill a week ago Sunday, then on- Krotz lf, Bowman lb, Pence rf, Ma- :of piano and violin music and a l for some 60 blocks of asphalt con- ~ ,~,~,H~.~, ~,~rH~,~ [ -'~-a:'~'L*~--~----=---=~'--~!~/~ [~!t~,l [ caulay 2, Martin cf, Larson 3b and i considerable selection of bound crete pavement which are being iaid Died In Ca|ifornia [ ~i ~~.~.J'~'~i]l]] [ and Tuesday in the home of Mrs. went to Clinton Sunday to visit w'thl joyed visiting with many relatives Lyford ss. !choral works. K:e IMer: ~: WHII:~: N::~ at the reunion, in Tipton this summer. This project I l~'~i"~---/- -"'~" l Mr. and Mrs. James Whipple and i Strange to say the champs ! -- vice| O f::: MM Eamd~vIT:YL :wis Maxwell and daughter Nancy of Waukegan, Ill opened their scoringwith a r~|g~,rlt,~, ~-~/$rflg,~r includes 7O,O00 yards of asphalt con- Mrs. Carrie autos has informed| 'ii' :~---~- 1'~ | . a r r. [crete two miles of storm sewer ~the Hawb~,~ ~ ~ ~, n,~,~ -~*~ / [ ;724 Mr. Hunter's brother, L. E. Hunter, son Rigby of Washington, D. C ~nd his wife of Morley left Sunday stopped Thursday to visit in the C. arrived Friday evening in the Ste- home run hy ar~ outsider, John -. v .-~ phen West home. The Whipples are Schroeder, who, with Dean ~*.~;~.~ |~,~.~| (~'~|ll~'t !95 catch basins 15 man holes, an.dief Ruby Kleineck Shephard at her] [ i41.00O feet xcurvanag~u~zer, i~amlhome in Twenty-nine Palms CAN:| IN CASE OF FIRE I or a l0 day trip in the western 'F. Bauman home, enroute to the moving to their home in Cedar Caraway, was drafted into the!w~o~@ --v~,~,~= ~=~,~ ~contraetor is riargrave t;onstruenon{ifornia on July 16th She was the II I Canadian Rockies on their vacation Rapids Mr. Whipple is a brother : initial lineup to sort of put the in the old 1)o s lxev John R Kirby governor of Co. i daughter of the late "Charles Klein-[ Stop now and think about the [ ': STOLTZ CLEANE~~ f Mrs. West. ~. old pepper to y " ' ' u a nine until two ,the 191st district of Rotary Inter- mr. and mrs. Jerry .t'a}terson are eck and Matilda Daubenmier Net-| fire insurance on your home. | ~nd make p ' - !residing in Tipton while lv~r t'azzer- di an ~ " ~! Mr and Mrs. Harry Dilley leftmere u*~d~ could hobble their~nauonai, mace the annual gover- . . . g, d a mece of both Mrs. autos i| Chances areyour insurance | ,Saturday for Crosslake, Minnesota ~ . .~ ~k ~. her's visit to the local Rotary club son is me reslaen~ engineer on mls ~.~n ~ ,~ v~ ~ ~1 . . . . ! I1~ p'L g-I" hi v,~A . twork. He was associated with Mr ,~ p ils far under the present in.I ~2 Z where they will join Mr. and Mrs. . . on lvmnaay evening ee ook,n res Lynn Morrow of Waukon, the Johni : ne taJKea on wna~ ~omry stands A couple of hits in the third w~th~ . - ~ . !Moots in the engineering work on Mrs Shephard was born in Mt. [ fluted value of your property. I bases loaaeo pm rive across and me ~ for It i !the Mt. Vernon black top pavement Vernon and spent her early years II r~nn't tnk~ n In= ;n rn~ nf I Engels of Bennett and the J T.Papas were way out in zron.t ~ tual-- " h " 1 s a sm~e o! mma, oI mU-fprojeet last summer there and in Cedar Rapids. She lJ ~;e'" "ie't" ~ br~n'~'"~ou;-fireI ~n . t9 i Engels of Williamsburg for a week's . " 1 e pmmess ' ne sam run in the fifth made the fma . " cu sm 'h a t of R A n~mber of local men have had a fine contralto voice and, after il -- ~ ~ -,[ m spite of the warm weather. Bring your . vacation at Edgewater Lodge. . . i in a~s s " g t e p r otary been assisting with the engineering moving with her mother to Califor-:[ insurance up to date. Gall US I ~ coum o~ .seven who morel fin internationad service he said work on the Wipton project. Dr. nia, she was active in entertainment i/ today. ] I clothes here regularly for dry cleaning and an unknown man y ~ there are now 59 clubs m Japan Watson Davis is an instrument man work on the west coast, i| ] wandered down ~o see me mn was ~ .~imougn me clubs were banned o, pressing, recrui~eo to umpire the nan game land computer Tom Wooff, an in- ~. ;I I "i oezore me war mey simply changed lstrument man' and Jack Stanton a bne ~s. surv,vea ~y a daughter, [|AL MORRISSEY I ~ a continued meeting. ] dra - ' , I ~ernaps it's sazer tna~ way ~ their namer an" u~ht~r~n l.qorh "[q'gndrik.~ as June umega' three grandchildren" ;l I The younger boys hung up In Germany clubs banned by Hit- " lo a sister Hope who is connected i i ".~ szsted before he left for the geo gy '. :' !| 1N~IIDANtE 1 NO PICK UP OR DELIVERY DURING AUGUST ~ their one counter when Neu- !ler have reaffiliated. Some of them ~;~1.~ -~ ~ ~k'--rd was wnn universal ~ua]os in nony-i! ! bauer scored from third on n ! ever missed a meeting although ' ,~ ~,~ i ~u setting grades before he was taken wood; a brother; Harold Klemeek i/ rl;,I AOgl Mt Vernon ] what appeared to be a hidden thor 7 . . e may have been only a fewisick with virus infection last week o: ixocKIoro, in and numerous ii i STDL Z 1~11 trick. One dad remarked i nresen, b ~- "~ I~ ~ cousins in the Mt. Vernon vicinity. ~ ~' th~t perhaps this should just eTh | : e Rotary Foundation will bring ch,Id Suffers Inlurtes ,~ ( ~ e~lled "c~re!e~me~ on the part ill5 students from other nations to C I E~ [~t R ~ i oar o, ~o o,a umers, i the U. S. this year for a year of When Hit By Backing Car TELEVISION ' R~Rl~[~~ At any rate the boys are not eon-!school. Talks given before the, Doris Kay, small daughter of the Guaranteed s I I vinced that this victory was merci international convention by some than merely a flareup from dying i of the Rotary fellows are being Arthur Steichens, was severely in- BLAKE & MULLEN I ERS -- SIOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ CLEANERS -- STOLTZ ti~t trice ~.gS embers and have challenged their ': broadcast over the Voice of Amer- jured last week when she was . . ,7.----,? ----. l duds to a return game in the near lieu to the communistic nations, somehow hit by a car, being backed Spartan and I1alllcratl~r lv MT. vernon x4ox ] i i i i future. { A club council meeting of offic- up by her father It is not known I ors and committee chairmen was just how the child, not quite two m m m m m: MIDGETS The nlav~round Midgets with i held following the address, years old, got in the way of the ve- ~ ' ~~g~~ l Z,-2L '~l~man coaching, swamped l Col Morley Slaghtand Julian hicle nor what part of the car~,m | B~u.u ~ ' " " caught her. " ~ I the Lisbon boys Thursday after- Johnston were guests. Vine presi- s are now 1 )WO All unpaid bills are subject to shut off notice. ,o owne, the o l lds( eledric it. /ernon W ]ter Wor refrigerator in town *n pH|L(.O writer Ju re ~rdless of eke PUBLIC N DTICE :"'0" This Bus Schedule is Printed in the Public Register now at Interest Please Clip Out and Paste in Your Phone Book. Kaliban GREYHOUND LINES Appliance Daily WEST BOUND EAST BOUND 6:19 AM From Chicago 9:37 A.M. To Chicago "~ 8:45 AM" From Davenport 10:15 A.M. To Davenport 2:24 p'M" From Chicago 2:02 P.M. To Chicago PHItC oi 5:45 P'M" From Davenport 7:50 P.M. To Davenport 8:19 PIM" From Chicago 11:26 P.M. To Chicago pHONOGRAPH 1 d te the oW~ MISSOURI TRANSIT i of' " d To IOWA CITY &'SOUTH ~ From IOWA CITY Ta ~ ~ 4.40 p M Dai CEDAR RAPIDS . ly ~ 12:15 P.M. D?ily ~ ~,~ ~t~ 1~ Changes in Schedule will be printed from time to time. Please watch for them and change Y your copy. REDITH DRI [a liba lian OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS Dial 2321--Mr. Vernon, Iowa Mr. Vernon will say: "Dm't worry," if v.nem. p]oyment c-" kmess stops your income temporar:.] ;- "Go ok,- ~, Buy it now," it will urge "coniidenuy wken ~ at something yell "have long we-n~ed becomes available on~:hh:d] - ---irited softball game dent Otis Young presided in the Mr Steichen felt an impact and II ~ ~Y: ~6~:~,:~ :~ ~#:w~!:.;iL~}? : ' vfl~ absence of ~y Vod,eka !~tm fereodg~ra; s i ~ On Marion Boulevard hill generally agreed p i ln The Serv,ce should be continued ~ rushed to a doctor in Mt. Vernon| --""E TO SPRINGVILLE I CPL. BROWN WRITES and from there taken to Mercy has- - .~ CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA I ]b~ ~ne omer vuy~ p~uund ~-rou-'v i;FROM KOREA pital, Cedar .Rapids' She suffered II II 1 al~ on Thur~ n t s severe abrasions of the left slde took on Springvil e, ~o ~'i Cpl. Rolland Dea Brown wri e ' II . wl he short re and internal injuries requiring sur day, but came home 'tht tto his parents f m Korea the - . Mid-Season j, km the r t gory She was able to be brought end of the 5 to 4 score. Ma " g i following: "Hi Folks: We a e si - . | i home Monday and Mrs Stelchen re II trip were L. Ringer, J. Washburn, ting here in our pup tents trying to " " B s 1 - ports she is recovering nicely ' PIONSHIP RACES :, Bud McSpadden Larson, . Kru e, keep dry. t has been raining for : '-" ~ "eubauer ~*~-~ ~.~* *~,~,~o ,~-,~ It washed out lne ~elcnens rive on ~ne zormer - 19 l%ruse ~%rlcKlana, ~,~,i = .~o ~ ,~,~ ~. . . | ' " l ",~oraon farm normwes~ ol ~own, | Johnson,~.ieu and CollinsHeSs' . Martin, :t~-Staska ,Me I^ ~ tWOfood^ brldgesto us~=~ Theyand,~;~theYare t.rn ongOingCan t getto makeanYwe laStsteicneni~11 " ] *~"moveoUY" on--"'me~" pmce~*U~" in" SUNDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 12 !! 1no ivlonoay's gamew, "I v rn ana me mmny ~onoweo in May u Full Card of Events. Plus a 30 Lap Feature. i chanicsville was cancelled ]can't get to the water point to get ~ l any water so we are drinking river ------------~'-- II TIME TRIALS 7:00 P.M. RACES 8:15 P.M. : I Mrs. Charles Borlase and s Onlwater" We have been up for the[ OUnCII Proceedings = William arrived last Wednesday } last two nights digging ditches ! from Philadelphia, Pa to visit, m iaround our tent trying to keep the Mount Vernon IowaII Admiu~on: $1.04 plus 21c tax 1 I the C. F. Bauman home. Wilhamlwater out. We have been wet all| July 23, 1951. returned home Monday morning but : day The council of the Town of Mount Children under 12 Free i Mrs. Borlase, mother of Mrs. Bau-[ "We ~, ilt a bi~ fire but as fast Vernon met in Special Session at I man, will remain for the rest Of las we would -et~ our clothes dr,lithe City Hall, July 23, 1951 at 8 p.m. . For the most thrilling races and the most spectacular ! ~ ~ Members resent" Ma or, Arthur ' the month lo d P " Y there would come another c u . ~o ~n~,~ ~rin,hi, a,~d dou,hter I ~E. Kudart" Councilmen, Dams, Prall, I g;u~nnU;n[en% nes e I/~l~l~eagaln'idlne'c k Co-unc-i-iV dicka"met-to a~rove Absent- Rh adS'the I upsets always attend Ce-Mar Acres Race, sanctianed by I and~ Mrs. Sa[n ~egarty" and ] vwu~S~r iAlice'IBethany of Stanwood returned Sun-!our tent and out the other side [Bud,et for the -ear lg~ There,The Championship Stock Car Racing Association. I 'day from a four days' outing near ~o~ ,~;~ ~ hasn't rained for - " -. . ~ .- " - ' | : " " v" '~ ~ I ~elng no oo]ectors ~o me proposea ~~~~ ~[J~L=~ Jenkins Mlnn While gone they is-, I ~a ~x,:: *.~ w~,*,~, a~' .l,~nlrin, ,i~-I about two hours now so we are ,budget for the year 1952. a motion I I"~E-~-~"~-J--I[~f~lg-I-l~lE-I "~ II i ter in law of Mrs Winchin and the I getting dry agal . I was made by Counc,lman Davis, I --= i [ '. " : : '-.' Minn I "The 40th Division is supposed t seconded by Councilman Cook that Jr' ~~' ~ '~~~ wai~er wai~ons a~ ri.~ ~w~, "~ llto have a lot of equipment in Korea I the budget be passed as published. [ Mr ana ~irs ~evlne ~as~on ana, ' " -' - --" " of ~ now and there has been a rumor IThe vote resulted as follows: Ayes,] ,JACK ana MISS mary ~as~on an i "~ " r ,going around that they are going I Davis, Prall, Cook, Vodicka; Nays,] ~aperviue Ill, were guests ~a~u-} i- " " -" h "~ ~ n' to reheve the 7th D~v;s,on. Boy, I)None. Absent, Rhoads. I II nay ana ~unoay In me JO n tsasm I otto mad " I ~ -- "amp ~inner was held ~ sure hope they do. If they do we M n e by Councilman Prall l ~ I ~ ~ "' I sr. name. A z uy u . . are sunnosed to go to Hawaii or the J seconded by Councilman Cook that~ Sunday at the ~am ~as~on ncme, ~ i ourn to meet at the ; with Mrs L G Pulver of Dickinson, 1 Philippines. It might just be a ] the coune 1 adj / ~"" a "an additional -est I rumor, but, l am sure hoping that}call of the Mayor. Carried. ~ ~.u s ~u . [it isn't I am supposed to go tol Arthur E. Kudart, Mayor[~ ! The James C. L. Clarks returned ja.~an on R and R next week for Ill. C. Dilley, Clerk,II !Sunday from a week's visit at.Pe-!re~ and relaxation I can hardly] ~ ~]] iquot Lakes, Minn. In me al~er- wait to get there and get all I want[Mt. Vernon Church No tll noon Mr. and Mrs ~oris i~aplan, ~%~ ~ldan~n~.yOfar~OSvlYn toHe~pghn~ ~ r;atw~1~d:l?Pch~nge,%~t Tha:IFIRST ~ESRY'I~RI~N L g . . ' " ." . j n{ just for seven days ' [* Statues WH~ Bean, ~, i severai hays wire me t~larKS oa -- - - " - ~ '~"1 Rolland Dean Brown R A ~ vnion services wih oe held next/E ~will return wire me ~aplans for ~P, ~o~4~55 ~o C 31st lnf Re~ APOI Sunday morning at the First Meth-|~ i a ~wo weeks' visit, t ~'~'~re '--f~l~ostmaster San Francis-I odist church with its pastor preach-|~ I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bebee and Mar- ~ '~"~"'i~ ',ing. The hour is 9:45. |~,~',~ lq ~ i garet of Anamosa, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ! ~", ~"~ " ! The services of Sunday Au~. 19 |~ ,I a~ s ~m u J l will also be at the Methodlst|ll w - "~ j~ Ireland of Monticello and Mr and - -' ' ~Mrs. George Lewis Albright, Jay;IVlr. aria Mrs. I'lOCj~uru Jehurch. Dr. and Mrs, Bean will go|~ ~and Patsy of Lisbon were Sunday " " n o 1 " ID--~ r.~ ~p l,&~,nl [on vacation in northern Min es ta|~ ,dinner cuests in the home of Mr ~|~!|| r|w,n ~,w, .~a ~.~ ~, .~. + ~ .~ ~ [B land Mrs Kenneth Litts Supper! :. ,= " FIXING IS OUR BUSINESS ! were the Bill LiLts' and the ! Vernelle Haggard. who accom-/expect to be pained ]n St. Paul nextll ~u~ r, ao~ panied her parents and sister, Mr. IMonday by their so~ Robert T.J Fixing radios is our business. Our well equipped " ,'~"'.':.~'. ~ and Mrs. William Haggard and Mil- I Bean of Sacramento. t~al]~. I I Stepnen west wire nm oromer liP~nt t,~ ('~lheovni~ *hree w~,~k~/ --------- im shop and trained craftsmen enable us to offer o service Richard of Marshalltown and his ~'/,~,"" ~'~"~h'~ "i~'-,~, ,~mnln~ LI~N GRO~E PRESBYTEIU[AN III ' '~ H H i father, C. W. West of Eldora, went]~, '~ho Whitman Publishin,~ Co in|C URC J that is complete in every respect. For appJiance repairing to Madison Wis. Saturday to visit I~ ' '~. ~;~ r-~;~ . ~,;~ ~,~ I Claude Khwer, Pastor, ;In the home of another brother -'an-. ori-inall-, started in Wiscon [ Sunday School 10:00 [11 at its best you can rely on us with complete confidence. Wesley West. Sunday they all at- ! ~; ~ ~o:.~ o~i~on is c~'~kin" co"~ I Morning Worship 11:00 I II a le header baseball I " v ~ v~ A series of informal evenlng serv it ended .daub ;or" s}~o~rt s~ory books and de-! r "h- remainder II Dan's Rad,o & Televm,on i game in t~nlcago, mrs. t~. w. wes~ =^~ ~.;.~. o~.~,n]*ces are p~an**~u xu t e III signs,ur ~u c~~,~.o,v spent the week end in the Stephen ', ~t -;v~s of the month of August. Preaching, Ill ~West home ] pruv~ v~ v ~*~ ~ ,~ ~." = ] singing and just plain fellowship In { P" . . " her an opportunity to mee~ authors ,h,~ ~ ~ ~ 111 Mr and ~ars L~wlgnl~ InK and i " " ,and cartoonist~. She is living atI v,~,hl~s, llowshinwillmeetTues-t Don D. Cook, pro i daughter Ruth of College ~prings, ! 1839 West Holme Ave West Los Ida:JoyouS:." at 7"3*'0 Ill Md were week ena guests in the An-*eles "' [ ~ ~ " " |~ I R. P. Ink home. Enroute, they stop- ] ~.~illieent returned a week ago by ~ ! , pod ~o see ~nelr new grandsonI : train and the William Hoggards r%Ptkl @ D~%I i-- -- ,Mrsl StepnenDw~ght.uwlgnt,ink sOn~r at Z Oakrzdge ,~v~r". anu I returned Friday from . their trip a~,v,~ ~ ~-- i - - ' ;" 'I which covered 5478 m11es routed I1~ A rJ}|~|~r|~v Tenn Dr aria ~v, rs Jonn ~mnsouryt ',Help Yourself To Soft Water. i ' .:. . " hrough the Rocky Mountain Na- K/- DDI/KI ~of Ceoar ixapias were ~unaay a~er- "'o 1 P ' " m ~ u na arK, u e n V e r, t;oioraao noon callers in me ix t" ink no e I Springs Santa Fe and Albuquer- For a meat that is good I Natalie Dupuis, Cornell '49 of que N.M. the Grand Canyon Ariz. .^ -,-t cut un boxed and It s as close as your nearest hot water faucet " t ' ' ' ~v ~d . ~i iMaywood, Ill was a visitor in M .and Los Angeles. "~- for the fr,in,~ "an Vernon Sunday. She was on herI The Hoggards snent a week with re,~,~ z u t~ , i wa to Colorado for a vacation with' r ~ " J 4841 Y M s. Hoggard's sister and brother- D~a 'her father and mother and sister 'in la "" a " ] - w Ivlr. no ~vlr~ herman ~.eaf 511 5th Avenue S. Susan. Miss Dupuis. has, recentlY i leftate i in, Los'Angele,~. A day was spent a; Mr vernon, ,a I 4E,e SI iRVI( E a? ~g~o?:oiPod:P~i:~rtnaaEb~eSh, ~h~a;?n~a ]~slaS:2s.D]~g arndu~etrapt We also have pedigreed Dial 5201 Mt. Vernon. Iowa a house o g "was through Zion and Bryce, Utah, breeding stock. Itric Co of Belmont. The new post- : Grand Junction, and back to Cola- tion opens August 20. ,rude Springs, Colo and on home. IIIIIII III I Mrs. LeRoy Pulver of Dickinson. I N.D arrived last Sunday for a visit Mrs. Jennie Petrick is showing ,with her parents, the John Gastons. [improvement at St. Luke's where i Mr. Pulver is attending the Uni-she is receiving treatment for a :versity of Minnesota where a work- heart ailment. i shop is being held for the repro-~ Mrs. Dorothy Higbie returned last sentatives of Teachers colleges. He lFriday from a months visit with its dean of men and director of per- lher sisters Henrietta and Beth Me- '.sonnel at Dickinson State TeacherS!dary of Providence, R. I. and Mar- College and is the representative of jorie Medary of Hampton Conn. that college. Mr. Pulver will ar-I Mr and Mrs. Jack Morgan and Announces The rive here the last of the month. : Miss Blanche Swinde11. Cornell children and Mrs Mac Kepler spent '16, of Ryan. Iowa. and Appleton, Sunday with the Robert Beranek's: Wis called in Mt, Vernon Friday, in Kewanee, Ill. Mrs. Kepler re- Opening of His Office upon E.R. Ristine and Rev. and mained for a longer visit. Mrs. E. G. Hunt With her were Mrs. W. C. Her:on returned Fri- Mrs. Helen Cole and daughter, Eu- day afternoon from St. Luke's has- For The Practice Of .nice. of Valparaiso, Ind. Mrs. Cole pital. Cedar Rapids, where she had ~is a girlhood friend of Mrs. Miron Undergone minor surgery for vari- A. Morrill. who entertained at a |case veins ~icnic luncheon in Palisades KeplerI John Shackford returned Tues- State park. Miss Swindell teacheS lday from Mercy hospital, Cedar :m the University of Wisconsin ex- Rapids, where he had been since tension college at Appleton and i last Tuesday, suffering with severe l Mrs. Cole teaches in Valparaiso uni- virus pneumonia vcrsity. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kudart andi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeisley, and Shirley returned Saturday eveningRachael left Sunday for Clear Lake from a week's trip through the!where they will vacation until Fri- LSOUth- They stopped at New Or-day. Enroute, lhey stopped a* Iowa leans and Baton Rouge, La and:Falls where Gall joined them after went through some of the old colon- '.visiting in the Ivan Blackmer home ial homes at Natchez, Miss. The l at Holstein. temperature was around 95 degrees I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Selma and Bar- m~st of the time, but they found I bard spent the first part of the week the motels exceptionally comfort- with Mrs. Solma's parents, the Los-} able They report that the palm trr Cutaways and vi. ited ether reid- ; trees were badly damaged from tines in this vicinity. They return- the ice and snow following the ed fo their home in Albert Lea, severe winter The Kudarts drove lIvIinn on Thursday. Earl operates~ '", through eight states, five the first the Ral:id Printing Co. in Albert " '' day of the trip. Lea. Thursday, August 2, 1951 Dr. R. B. Tuberty Batchelor Bldg 331 W. Main, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Dial 6731 Office Hours 9 - 6 Evenings by Appointment Analytical Examination Visual Training Fitting and Dispensing I I III I