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August 10, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 10, 1939 |
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August 10, ]1939
l~ge Three
] Mrs. Aley I'arsons i]as been con-
lyl'InlT~.1 • #l#~ a• ~lv~ ~.~T~w , fined to her home by illness this l
I'Ifl UNAL wT::seil°°' e,vton left "tuesday for
~ ~ ~,~,~ian mdeflmte stay in Aberdeen,
Joe Case, from Norwich I irene Nipple spent sever'tl daysWash" ]
L Visiting this week at Pitt last week visiting Natalie Kenyoni Mrs. Roe Craemer of Chnton mI
~' in Central Ci .... a guest this week in the home oil
'e ......... i ..'" . ty. !her sister, Mrs. Edith Mullen. ]
~,,u L,o "otny Nipple were.v, iss ('late \Vain of Dayton Ohio ......
ast Week end in the home and Miss lCsther Nelson of Chicago ] Miss 151else Velua, inlet operator
as in Ionia. City. I Ill., uele" " o~er" .Sunday guesLs" - In' ,.'it the. local telephone office,., is on- I
lY Lester who suffered a lthe home of Mrs Gusta Minott joying a two weeks vacation from
Ury 1--" ' • " ,, ~ . I -- , " /her duties at the office.
~L weeK, is ame to Mr. and Mrs. \Vesley Seward and Mis l'I(anm Ttuitt and daug~
this Week without his!son Robert of Waterloo were vis-' ~' """ • ~" • • , ~ . n-
. tel' Dorothy of Britt came matur-
• ltors thin week in the home of Mrs. ' . ,
T IS ~ 1 .......... day and visited until the nuddie or
a" 1:~ ~-I ' i e -a "U S rnotner3lrs. tluy ~lgglns.
• amen went Tuesday this week with Mrs. Hattie Miller.
r. and Mrs Merrill Garrett Roy. and Mrs. Clyde "Wilson and
the Linn Grove neighbor-family of Middletown, Conn., ar- .Miss Faith Johnson arrived Sat-
urday from Highland Park, Mich.,
the remainder of the ] rived last week and are visiting in
]the home of Mrs. Wilson's parents,for a two weeks vacation in the
iMr. and Mrs. Ben Neal and other home of her mother, Mrs. John
l~red Merritt and Miss i relatives. Caraway.
Parson returned home Wed- i
[ I'rof. and Mrs. F. F. Moots on- Mrs. Charles Hartung went to
If last week from Fayette, ijoyed a week end visit in Kirks- Madison, Wis., last luridly for a
friends and rela- ville, Me , where they visited in the visit in the home of her son and
ten days. ' honle of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker.daughter-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs.
Orances Beach, Mrs. Hazel Prof. and Mrs. Moots have spent Francis Hartung.
Mrs. Florence Siggins, several week ends in their trailer The lovely garden of the T. I.
T. Mitchell and Miss l visiting various I)ublie parks and Mitchell home was enjoyed for a
are in BurlinKtonlgaining information. A week ago picnic by a group from St. Paul's
district American ithey spent the weekend in Clin- Methodist church in Cedar Rapids
meeting. ~ton. on last Thursday evening.
Paying by check no~ only give3 others
confidence in you but give5 yea con-
fidence in yourself.
When you pay bills in cash you
are likely to let yourself get too close
to your "bottom dollar." Paying by
check, on the other hand, encour-
ages you to build a safe reserve
between you and trouble.
It pays to pay by check. It's
safer, more convenient, more busi-
ness-like. It builds credit and is a
real aid to success.
Mount Vernon Bank and
Trust Company
B. C. Ncal, Pres. It. B. M~Conlo~,lle, Vice Pres.
D. U. Van Metre, Vice Pres. and Cashier
J. A. Fordyce, AssL~tant Cashier
$149.50 Dutch Oven Range _$119.50
119.50 Glow Maid Range __$84.50
$109.50 Glow Maid Range __$74.50
arton Electric Washer __ $44.50
eLOtte Cream Separator $89.50
SPecial Discount on Lawn Mowers
leman Gas Irons and Conserve Cookers
Coaster Wagon $2.48
Harold Johnson and two sons,
David and Carl of Downers Grove,
Ill., came last Saturday and visited
until Tuesday morning in the home
of the former's mother, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. C. "W. Neff returned
home Monday afternoon front a
motor trip through the west. They
visited the Black Hills, Yellow-
stone National park, the Tetons,
Boulder, Colorado, Estes park and
Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kranter and
daughter Christobel of Liberty-
ville, Ill., are visitors this week
in the home of Mrs. Kramer's par-
ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Kidder.
They are moving from Li,bertyville
to Manchester.
Mrs. Gertrude Midklff and
daughter Miss Hazel Midkiff were
visitors last week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Midkiff, in
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Mr. and
Mrs. Midkiff are the parents of a
daughter Bapbara Louise, born on
Friday, July 28.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Osgood and
family attended a reunion of the
Osgood family held in ~Mitehellville
on Sunday. The affair especially
honored, Mr. Osgood's sister, Mrs.
Bulldog Guy Henry---Heavyweight Contender of World
Open to Meet All Comers
At the American Legion Carnival, Charles Kohl Farm, Mount Vernon,
August 8th to 12th
Mrs. John Killen and two chil-
dren, Ethern and Jackie of Bell-
flower, Calif., were guests last week
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Meakin. Mrs. Killen is a niece
of Mrs. Meakin's.
l Mr. and Mrs. Ray Farr had as
'guests on Sunday Mr. Varr's moth-
or. Mrs. Eva Farr, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Farr, Mr. and Mrs.
Plumbing, Heating, Tin Work
Mount Vernon, Iowa
J. Sternberg of Lake Hamilton, ,Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kaliban and
Florida, whom Mr. Osgood had not Leo Kaliban spent Sunday visiting
seen for 22 years, relatives in Toledo.
Miss Ruth Johnston left Tuesday J. D. Neelans of Moline, Ill.,
for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend spent last week end visiting his
several weeks visiting in the home sister, Mrs. R. A. Scroggie.
of ,.Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanson. Mount Mrs. Will Hughes of Evansville,
Vernon people will remem.ber Mrs. Ind., is a guest this week in the
Hanson, who was Miss Helen Hell- home of Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Lane.
Vincent Gough of Des Moines
spent the week end visiting friends
in Mount Vernon.
Re'bert Beranek went to Des
Moines last Friday where he spent
the week end visiting friends.
Mrs. W. J. Gormly attended the
Central City fair with :Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ford last Thursday.
............................... ! ....
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I'eet were Mrs. I"red Blaine accorr~panied
(linntq" guests Nun(lay ill the hurtle her son and dangher-in-law Mr.
of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,I. |laird. land Mrs. l,]dlyn Blaine and family
Miss Hillis Stahl, who had lived t° their home in Chicago on Tues-
al the Jot, Kadera boule, lnovc1 day.
Sunday aftel'noon to be with her Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allyn and
father at the J,,rry Nest home.
The Sisters of Honor, a group
fl'on/ the Presbyterian church, ell-
joyed an over night hike to the
I'pper Palisades on hlst Thursday.
Mrs. (?larenee l~ohlander and
son Billy of Cedar Rapids were
visitors the Iirst of the week in
lhe honle of the fornler's mother,
Mrs. d. t•]. Beaeh.
Mr. and Mrs. John \Vickham and
.\It. atnd .Mrs. (,llarles Wiekham and
faintly attended tile Hoover fam-
ily reunion Sunday in the l,'ederat-
ed church parlors in Lisbon.
Jltlnes Mcl(ay of Socorl'o, New
Mex., joined Mrs. ,McKay last F'ri-
(lily lit tile boule of her lnothel',
Mrs, t'. E. llal-:er where she has
been a guest for seveFal weeks.
Miss Wam/etta Sipple who sub-
Illitted to an al)pende('tonly lit St.
lmke,~ hosl)ital on 3dond:ly of last
week is expected today lit the honle
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I,. 1.2.
Sir. and Mrs. Merrill Burge, Mr.
and Mrs. l,:dylu Blaine of Chi-
cago. Ill., were dinner guests Wed-
nesday of last week ill the boule of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sizer in \V'tsh-
Mr. and Mrs. Ilert ),linish of
Xansas City, Me., and Mr. and
M rs. l,'loyd Braekney of IAneoln,
Ill., are guests this week in the
home of Mrs. James Bryant. n/oth-
er of Mrs. t~ra('kuey and Mrs, Min-
Miss (~lara V~raln and Miss
I"slher Nelson left Sunday af-
tt'l'noon for their home in l)ayton,
()hie. Miss Nelson had been a
visitor over the week cud with Miss
Wahl who had spent several weeks
in the l.luyd Burge home and with
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry \Varren and
daughter Virginia of Chicago, Ill.,
were visitors Wednesday of last
week in the 10red Travis home.
They were enroute to the west
~'oast to ~isit in the home of Mr,
and Mrs. If. l{. l)uBois and Io at-
tend tile exposition in San I,'ran-
~,is:,o, Calif.
Mrs. Charles t~each returned
home Monday from a motor trip
to Atlanta, Georgia, in company
with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Hill
of Anamosa, and her brother, Ed-
ward Hill, and SOil, Robert, of ()x-
ford Junction. They visited Mr,
aud Mrs. l'aul Kidder and family
at Atlanta.
Mrs. C. E. Baker and son l~obert
will entertaiu at ;t I'ellUiOn of the
tktker family at their heine on Sat-
urday and Sunday. All mem|)ers
of tile family will be present und
will inehlde: Mr. and Mrs. May-
nard Baker and ehihh'en. Nancy
Jane, Judy "tnd John; Mr. and Mrs.
l)rew Baker of Chicago, I11.; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Baker of Colfax;
M r. and Mrs. James MeKay of
family and Mrs. J. IL Eyestone left
Monday, the for]nor going to their
home in New London, N. H." follow-
il~g a sulnnler spent ill tile hurtle
of Mrs. Allyn's parents, trey. and
,Mrs. J. B. Eyestone. :Mrs. Eye-
~tom, accompanied them to Sag-
inaw, Mich., for a visit with her
sister, l)r. Martha I.onffslreet.
Mrs. IAoyd Ilurge received word
th,, last of the week of the death of
Mrs. Ida t