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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 10, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 10, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pm~e Fome THE MOUN~ ~ON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-REOORD AN-~ THE LISBON HERAId) I I ill i .................. 'Phursday, Angust 10, 1g$1 ~.'~" ;;-~ ~..*- ....~;,,:-:oo ~ , . " " °. . * ~ ~ ~. ~ " ~ ~ ~ $ .-'. ~ O,:-:, Miss Helen Snyder of Cedar Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jetting with ~ Mrs. Ray Kirkpatrick, Opal and Mrs Clayton Nosley submitted to l]~m WHEREASsuch proposed_Ch~S~g~0s --D G8 ids spent several days last week friends from Cedar Rapids spent Dean were visitors of Mrs. James la tonsilectomy at St. Lukes hos-I Southeast., t anyCan ofbe themaderightswith°Utof theaam~of, of with her sisters Mrs. Don Frink and Sunday in Clinton. iTyson last Friday. i pital this morning. M .... • .... n u~uLu Lisbon or any citizen there.~ed bY Mrs. Fred Tonne. Rev. and Mrs. Gaylard Hamilton Darrell Dircks of Lowden is Harlan Sailor who has had work J ~ THEREFORE be it reS°~egul~r • r GOOD CHEER CLUB MET M v r and Council, i _.~ onS ~*****~**o:**:**:~*.% , the . a_o -e w"t Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Starks had visited friends in Chicago on Wed-spending the week in the home of in a Solon garage, started working AT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM session assembled that tn ~.oeribed as their guest on Monday and Tues- nesday and Thursday of last week. i his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Monday for the Moeller Motor Co ] The Good Cheer community club i~le SealidasStffeteotSsaa~ Lhie~eoinn I~e~nr~h day, Mrs. Stark's nephew Harry Rev. Bruce Riley of Boston, Mass. ]C. R. Yocum. Charles Beaver is spending this met Friday evening, August 4th, all as setad0pt- Read of Monticello. Miss Mary Lou Downs left Sat- week at the home of his daughter at the Lisbon ent School District, this u,~ and Rev. James Simon of Harris- school auditorium lin Ordinance No. 144 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson had burg, Penna., were guests of Carroll urday for St. Paul to visit her Mrs. Elwood Resewehr in Stan- with Mr. and Mrs. Sailor Phelps ed.This motion and resolutiOn.~a., v0teW~° ~,r. and Mrs. L. A. Davis visited i Miss Bertha Koch visited Sun- as their guest on Monday and Tues- L. Sailor last Friday. roommate Miss Peggy Moody. On wood. as host and hostess, adopted by a Yea and ~ z .~ese~t oll StAnday with relatives in Mus-iday at the home of Mrs. L. P- day Mr. Peterson's niece Miss Freda Mr. and Mrs. Pat Smith have as Monday she accompanied t h e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelking The program which was in charge t the Count 1, the members v* catine. 'Krome in Cedar Rapids. Andersen of Anamosa. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Green were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hall spent Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vrooman guests for the week the former's Moody's to their summer cottage visited Sunday at the home of thereof Mrs. Theodore Light was as fol- voting as follows:- - ll'" yea; sister Miss Phyllis Smith of Daven- at Lake Itasca for a week's each- former's brother Dick Engelking lows: piano solo, Miss Elizabeth Dahn,Bennett'yea; absent;l,=epler, yea,Cre" ~,S~nk0t,d guests of Miss Bertha Miller on ] the week end with their son Bernel I of Wyoming were guests of Mr. and port, and niece Jessie Darlene Stir- tion. i in Clarence. I Frederick; cornet solo, Lester Not- Yea. • ~arried a~ Saturday and Sunday. and family in Monticello. Mrs. Lester Mitchell on Wednes- len of Muscatine. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clark movedi ______ i bohm; piano solo, Marjorie Phelps; Mayor declared Motton [~.esolution adopted. Mr. and Mrs Earl Warner were i Fanny Lou Sankot returned home lday and Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Miller, Cal- this week to the property they pur- LISBON CHURCH NOTES talk by Dr. J. R. Gardner on the Attest: J. M Carbee, Sunday guests of the Gerald War-Sunday from an extended visit in Mrs. Mattie Cook arrived Satur- vin, Jr., and Mariiyn arrived Tues- chased of Mrs. David L. Thomas. "Work of the Legislature." This " Clerk. . ~,iggS, net family in Davenport. the home of her sister Mrs. Her- day from San Antonio, Texas, to day from Grand Rapids, Mich., to Vacating this place, Mrs. B. J. was a very interesting talk regard- c. ~. ~"~sy0r Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stahl andbert Molland at Leland. visit in ti~e Guy and C. B. Johnston[visit in the home of the former's Clark and Melba moved next door ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ing work that is done by the rep- 41-1t sons of Tipton spent Sunday in the Nola Robertson returned home homes, and with other relatives, father John Miller. west to the home Mrs. Thomas had Father George Stemm, Pastor resentatives during their time in ~.,:,:,:.,~I~,-~-~ Mr. and Mrs. John Miller home. Monday from Newport, where she Postmaster and Mrs. John E. Me-' WIn. Stone of Central City called extensively remodeled. Schedule effective May 7th: office. Mrs. Donald Whitlatch, Bobby spent the past month in the home Hugh and their nephew Bill Hohen- iin the C. F. Stratton home on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00 a.m A short business meeting was and Keith of Tipton were Monday of her aunt Mrs. Hubert Shank- schuh left Sunday on a trip to!day. Last Friday Mrs. George Wil- and Helen Jean left Wednesday for Catechism 10:00 a.m. held, and the next meeting will be Lisbon BusineSS visittors in the Howard Whitlatch land. Minnesota, and Winnipeg, Canada. i son and daughter Roberta of Mt. their home in Riverside, 11., with at the Coon Creek church with Mr. T-~. J...,,~r home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dice and their Mrs Glenn Speight of Oasis andVern°n and Mrs. Harry Siggins W. M. Bennett they returned Mort- FEDERATED CHURCH and Mrs Emer Slater as host and LplreetotJ , " ' Mac granddaughter Katherine Dice of Mar "Klahn of Stanwood s ent were callers, day from Sutherland where Mrs Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor hostess. " Mrs. Arthur Schott has ° . ,-,.w_.....:../,.:,4~.'~"~I'~*~v Mmses Katherine Barton and Y P ' " Sun'a r ~***'*'***-***"**":~'~ ...... Sn~dlin~ of Cedar Rapids were West Liberty were guests Monday ~. Tuesday with their mother and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Yocum and Bennett and daughter were guests ... d.y school 9:30 a.m. cha de of the program. Guests of _..,,,,~ " m the home of Mr and Mrs J M I 1 Mr an Mr of Mrs E D Baird while the men worsmp service 1O 30 a m the ClUO veslaes those already men J M CAI~ ~V'-e-dnesday evening callers on Mrs. h . " ' " "1 grandmother, Mrs. Anna Wetherel. . d s. Dan Caraway attend- • • • ." , .' . " _ . : - : . . " . - • • , o ~,__,_ ~ri~ges ......... ed a reunion of the Reinkin~ fam were on a weeK's iisning trip at ~oung ~'eople's meeting 7 p m uonea were: wlr. and Mrs. Ray • ~,,,~nce ,,. i~. xlaa~,. " I lvn" ana Ivtrs James ~iver or ts " ~M~r~ ~ade Mai ~roWa~nlk:~cMmfor h~Vr~sl}mg !t~sVlp!dm8 ' " F~h~:~k ...... Ke~itrl~ ao~d cMll::eEd G:pei~tt a~di~Oy ~ ga n ~i~y aCh~cago arr~ed vSaatt[day t?thsP~v~d ~te~h~vh~r~eiofkingMr:~ : d T t ~a~er Service " an~elS°:r Lae°d M~vlefnd Phone 127NOtar~ pub~ with Mrs Griem's brother Will Y g P 71Siver's parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~. a PP "~ - "" " %" - D "'" ..... Llr...... =,.~ ¢~milv Mr and Mrs D C Davis in Mount Slyer ' Mrs C F Stratton was nleasant Friday evening. Guests were Mrs .rrictay alternoon r'rayer meeting . e.llClOUS relresnments consisting "" ................. ~" -- .... } " :, ~' ' -'-~ - ¢ - - Crawford's ~i~t~r ~ ~,~ 1~, at z p m at the home of Mrs Har- oI pie ano ace cream were servea =. • ~IK t~r ~ ~$,-o z~" W Xr~nc],~r }'.in vernon, l ~ .~ D~mn was out from Chica~o ly surprlsecl Tuesaay evening wnen ................. i, .. '." . " _,_,_,^ x....._ ~ x,. -*---- ..,,.~ ,,,r. an,, ,,~. ........ ? ........ - ', ..... • ~. a rou of fri nd fr and Deanna of Iowa Falls; Mr. andley r¢ooertson. ,~,, ~,,~ m, ur. • " d W~,"~ den and family of Marion, and Mr .... Mr. and. .Mrs. N.." W.. Harry of! to spend the week end with his ..g~ P e s om ,Mount Ver- Mrs Frank W~l,~i,~ .... ~ i~,~,~ The annual Sunday school nicnic ~ Hestmg, Plumbing, a~ ^a,.~ 110 Mrs D C Davis of Mount Ver- Marion vlslte~ Friday in the Rev. i family in the Dr. Gardner home, ~'u':, came down to celeora~e ner _ ' _7 -7;" ."$'~ ."':'~ ~.'" su ....... n, r.~ ~,~ ~.. m,.~.~'-r~ STRAIGHTEN ROAD NEAR ,~^~ .~ ,~ut~r~S t)u'~ and " ' " . . "' ~ , • oirlnaa ,A el" ' " and Mrs. Woolclrloge S slszer lvlrs vv ..... • ~,= ,,c,,~ ,,, ~,,,.,,~o .... ~vv. wt x,,,-,--*- non visited Sunda in the Harold M L Hill home Saturday vllstors Jack Dunn returned home wuth his 3. .,d !clous droner was ........ ~ ,-- : at Mari~.n ~ ~ .... n~,~ x,,, ,~+~ CLIFF KETTERING PLACE - -- " Y " " !. - 2, ...... . .... I served b,, me tholeo "ne ..... , ^~ John St~,,o,,,, ,,~,. ~evenson ann, .......... ~. ±~'~- "~'" ..... Lisbon, low~ / Davishome. were wir. anamrs. o. vv. nm ,~ i father. ,_ ~ . o: -, s.~=o~.X* Mary Lou of Philadelphia Pen-~ at 6:15 ! m. Each one is rec!ues~ed Tne t:eaar county maintenance Mount Vernon t nonor was presen~eu a lovely gli~ *" "'- ~ de artmen r Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ingraham • . ; Mrs. Fred Kohl and Mrs. Cather- .... " " . ..~, ' . . " [to bring a well filled basket and P t a e replacing a small ~~E~JI~ of Newton wsted the latter part Mrs. Gerald Warner and son. Wal-. I] ine McCall visited on Thursday . Guests last Thursaay. m the Mr. Mrs. David.. .L' ~nomas oI AnKeny ~ table service. Transoortation_ , w~ll wooden, bridge near the lar~e~. W.M.. ~'-~*~ow~, f Daven ort s ent Frlda in and Mrs O P Wilson home were was a vImtor in town last Thursday b , ~ br~d e across 1 L~sbon, i ce of the week with Mrs. Ingraham's lace o P P Y with Mrs. Kohl's sister Mrs. Chas. ," " " : ........ 'i e pr)vided and all not havi ~ a g C ear Creek at the .. . ura~ ~-ents Mr and Mrs. F. C. Poling. the Kenneth Graver home as guests ': Dodd at St. Lukes hospital in Ce- Mr. Wilson's brother F. J. Wilson l~rs. thomas recently nan as guests I way to go please report to Bob Cliff Kettering place; with a large~eal Estate and I n~a~e ~-:,, =,,~r,~'enroute home from aof Mrs Graver and her sister Mrs. dar Rapids of Los Angeles Calif., his sister!Mrs. ~lyne Taylor and daughter E.v,ers Phone 66 corrugated culvert They are also ~arms ~v~ ~F, ent .... ~ "'~ " T omson : " Mrs Frank Norton and niece Mrs Ruth Harriett of Iola Kansas Mrs ' strai htenin the roa ' Houses tor ~ale ,,* w~k'~ vacation in Wisconsin Harold h Mr~ .1 ~ ~_~rn,~r onn ~X/rr~ ~ : . .'_ .... ,, . .. A man says he cannot believe butg g d, thus elim- ! 14{} "'~-.::-~'.:.~ ~o ~,,~,h ,nhi,~n ro Mr and Mrs Robert Leese and:~ "~,~'~,:'~ ~=,~==~F~,o'~re" ~ioi~" Waher Wrignt of Kosta. Sunday Taylor wiu ne rememnered in Lis-!God ~:ays he will not beE.~/~ "Ye inating a bad and dangerous curve Office Ph~ ......... 2 ........ P'L ........ - -~-"~ e .... k~;; ..... : ...... t fromi'~ ~?'"'-'~'"~ ...... ~ ~,~ :~ visitors were a sister Mrs. RalphlDon as Laura Peet a former resi-:v:ill not come unto me ~ha~ ve which was at the approach of the ~ ---~------- ON U~N-----'--~---'~" tu~n~d:~a~ewmgyhtr~r°cmtya, p~aSe ~eoria Ill. spe~t ~e~n~sd~; with ~v~gst~ng~e a~n~trr:tte~d~ng the cen-Ch~g:°o~' Cedar RCah~ert°~n l~Iond dersnt'anTdhsee::nUdghgrt?dlS tae:~her°~ ,,~igh:nha~eli~e"' When a man as, lar • . T . • a two week's visit i Me~°i ~L'Ce~e ~: iii ~rs. Louis Jon-tennia1 celebration ! ........... • .... - ........ , ," e eve," it reveals Ya ge bridge ~ HE BRIGGbSonM' "7_- they ¢enjoyed ¢,~ ~,¢~ ~,hri~o '~as and faSmilv iCecedar Rapids ........... !uay J2. J. WIlSOn ann Mr. ~nlverton ]in me scflool at lOlL. i heart that is hard and deceived. CLYDE KOHL RING HAS i Dealers m ...~ w~s ~a~. ,.. ~ - "~ ~ ' MrS t~arrle l~unKle ~ana~ oi were callers PI emor , .............. ;~ "-=~": .... .... ' ~ , I Miss Doroth-"Do--,n~ ~^* ..... ~lThe core of the unbelief is "I will CNIC AT MCBRIDE PARK Cemetery M aa°r~--~ and attended the World s fair. ! Mr. and Mrs. ~scar J.wlgg an~. Ames was a caller Saturday in the ~ ~ ~ ~ ,=~u,,~u! ............... , _ , a~" Mrs F J. Kolek was hostess on :family and Elmer Twigg of Long Mrs Lydia Sherk home. Mrs. Em ....... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomson last week from Boulder where she i no~tha 1ms is me conaemnanon, The Clyde Kohl threshinoo ~,oan~t~, t GEORGE D SAl~z'-''~e I~'~ Thursday afternoon to the Altar Grove visted Tuesday i.n the. Mrs. :ma Argotsinger of Iowa City was and .Evelyn Jean left this morn- attended the University of Colorado i it light is come into the world, held their annual picnic on Sunday, General practice .,,..,1¢ CathohctMaly COOK nome ~um xwlgg isa Saturda ~ dinner uest mg Ior mew nome in Washington mls summer. At the end of the ann men .lovea uarKness .ramer August 6th at Lake McBride. In ........ needS, w~' Society of, St. .J%hn.s - - ............ ;,~ ~, ...... ,~,~,~,h~ ~ g ' : D ~ ~ft~r a ,~,~,¢h,~ ,,,o,+ ,,,,,~ tterm she ~--~ h~r ...... ÷~ ~,oo i than lignL oecause meir aee~s were spite of the showers it did no~ ~omry turtle, *, .~. cnurcn. ~:ucnre ann ~mnese CheCK- i-=,l, ....... s ...................... ! Mrs. John Einstein and daughter " 7. ........................ ~ ..... • ....... .:,? ........ !evil "--Jo3'1 .-- ' ~ LicenSes Wa-~ ers were pla.yed Mrs. R R Reid i'untll Saturday. . . ! Constance of Bradford Va, and relatives They were accompan-/Jeanne Gauthmr of Lomslana en- i " hn . 9. anddampenfriethedth!hlm.~splrlts" of those present ......... ~mce m resIae-~e, cornerho~-~ ~0 gnds~.Mxs. Howard Whttlatch werelherMr:onlanV.wMeer~v~SS" ::~o~p:n~ed!mMos:nwderMer~TuAesdEa.yWa~onr:f:~lae ~ednbYthM~Sa:~?~s~:~i~s~ thMrSr ]v~sYi~eddaEfsi~e ?cati°nntrlp~peTtheya METHODIST CHURCH WT~oP:e en and lemonade _ " ................... ;~. ~, ~r~÷~L,,,,~ to Bloom i ............ guest for ten days. Mr. and Mrs ~couple of days at Colorado Springs ~ Glenn S. Hartong Pustor t ended were Clyde ___ ~v~Rll: _.trey. ann mrs. ~tenn rlar~ong ann l~a~o~.~-I~n~7~2~t~u,rsd~av,~o attend the]wIr" ann wlrs. ~eorge ~lt~le nome. Frank Gravel" of Cedar Rapids wili[where they visited Garden of the i For the two Sundays of Aug 13 gohl, Mr. and Mrs. Ray .Kohl Mr. DR. ALBEIVx ~-"-'-eo~ r are on a ~wo week s va- ~ , • ~ : " ' ~te.nn, o .: ............ !, ..... •^* ~ *~----~ 'the-, returned Mrs. Emory Kohl and grand- be in the Graver home during Mrs. ~Gods, Cave of the Winds and saw i and 20 the pastor will not be in the and Mrs. Clifford Kettermg, John Physician and ~m ~treeis cation, gom.g monaay..~o ~uouque}~,~,^,~-~ ~,~;u. * ~ !daughter of Mount Vernon spent Graver's absence. ]the sunrisefrom Pike's Peak. ipulpit. The Official Board voted Kettermg, John Manser Clark, Mr. ~ ..... ~r~in ~nd jackSOn *" m spena ~nls week wlm ~rs nar ~.vmc v,, ~ , and Mrs L - ......... ' .... .-] .. _ ~"""~ ", ....... iMonday in the J. S. Kohl home ..... r .... ~,..~ ~ ............]They attended the rodeo at Chey-ito have no church worship services . . aVerne Simmons and ........... ~'.- .... 36 J gong's morner, mrs. oonn £UWUULt,.I Mrs. Anna ~vooooaiswithiIcr "~7~,-~cr~r ~,{¢{tt~c ,,,~A 3Xff~* ,~*~1 LVLI'D. ~"o~V''"'= "'~""~" OV="~ ,,tO~|enne and stonnorl n~ n÷ C',~,~., ', t~,l],~i,~lo* {-'~L3ort 4...A ca,w~,]a~ttn ~['*/~n Iamily Ed Simmons Mr and Mrs 'lelepnv,,~ - / • • " i h L ,, ,.u,,,.ouud --.o.~.o ..,-.,~ ,.... ..u k .... r," ......... "~d ..... ~ ~--,.~c Lw,, ou,,u,~:/a. ~,,= ' • , " • They will visit next week w t l daughter Mrs. Oscar Stabenow, iMrs Orval Kohl Phvllis and Carol wee with her son Hflhs Helmer[where they visited Shoshone Dam i Sundav school will carry on asGeorge Brlggs and Johnny, Mrs. ~~ Rev. Hartong's relatives in Nora i coming Saturday from near Me- ,~ ~,~a.. ~nlno' - an~ Iamuy in ~uouque, rezurning]Thev snent two daw .t VaHn,xr" ....... 1%,. *~.~^ ~,,...~-...---...~ ...~ : Ernest Briggs and Madeline Mike ~,~, , u GARDN$R Springs. i chamcsville, where_she has bee ~ ............... h e. Su day with her .three]stone Park and then on to Pocatel-trust there will be a hearty re-: Hartman, Mr. and M~ Wilton ~ ~urge°~- at r iwim anomer aaugnter, mrs. ~oy Mr. anct lvlrs. ~. r. WalllCK and aaugnters ana lamllles wno ]olnectlln I~rom hora *h,~ ,,,~,~+ +^ ~..... * I ....... +_ ,~........... - Gunn an .T'mrnv wr. a,~,~ ~r,~ Physician ana o ,~ ~.,~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Terrybe ry I ................... J ...... ~ ~-v=,~, ' ~vu,,~= ~, ~,,~ ~=~u.~. . d _L....., ................. . 1 ~'~-" .., x~,,-,,, .......... ~,,est~ in the~Gamble for some time. ]Miss Blanche home from Joliet. them for a ptcnic dinner at Eagle]idaho where the,~ vis÷~n ~n -,,--+ ~, ...... 1....~,, ~.~ ,~. ....... ;.. Roy Light and family Mr and Phones Office 2-91. ~, ....~"~'t:2 ~:',-~=,,~=~¢~ ~r~¢ .1 nd Mrs Harley Robertson]Ill. for the week end were dinner Grove park Those going for Sun-]~f M]~ D .... ' J'v~,~'~ ~=,~,~"'~ ~,~,,= ,~v,~,:,,, ,= ~?=,, ~_ ~s,~,, Mrs Emil Boxa Clar ',~ ~,,,~'~_~,,~ ~~ I ,ome o, ,,.~ -,,,, ..... ~ ............. ! Mr. a ' r • ~...' * ~,, .~ + ~,.' ~ • ~xr , :,~xr ~x.,~ ~ff,. ,~ ~ ~ ,~ ^1 ~ ................... ~ ~v.--.~ , i...g. ..~ w~tn earnestness anu we __ " ., enc~ ,..,~ ~,,= ~~ S. Hank on Saturday and Sunday. rand daughters were Friday even]ngl~ests ==naay a~.~,~e ~r~n wa~[ ==~.~:=-e¢,;,~r~rs-~rea ~]couple of days at Salt Lake City. trust, with a re-created spirit on Kohl, and Dwight Clark. - _ d_ ~' Mrs. Mary Terryberry accompan- IQinner~sgnU~StSba~tl~eWre ~°emec~Ia torts I~r~h~ays~ of'tt~cVI~%da~mes~¢a~li~c'~ M~:'s"~~ B~owe"rs an'cl~anem~' :n~IOn Sunday they attended church ithe part of both pastor and people. ~ ~ ant ~• ted them, returning to the Haak !Robe ' . , Y .I " . ~ • ............. , _[in the great Mormon Tabernacle. I The theme for that Sunday will be ~~l~J,e home after a two months visit in i Olin. The dinner was in nonor oi Mr and Mrs James Kidwell and ~anu ~rs. r~arola ~toneKlng ann]They returned to Denver and Boul- i"The Transformed Mind" Enh ~lb ~w~-- ,a relatives from Kansas au~h r /der for a cou le of a [ F$~ ' , " Missouri ' • ~ H~,~ D~wd ' ~ ' her sons home. , ,d ~ te Glendora of Anamosa ' ~ p d ys and then 4:23 "That ye be renewed in the ,-- --~-,,~ill~ ...... I Waterloo. were Tuesday dinner uests of Mr Mrs Kenneth Dyer sons Rollin on home. i spirit of your mind" qJur lntc~=~ ~- Mr. ~d M.~. He,,ry Lang andI !and r g. "' ' . ' ..... ~ " rice Bonnie, and Mr. and Mrs Paul Miss Mary Albright spent the ] _M s. Charles M aid.en. Week and Merwyn ofIndlanola came Fn- . ........ cleara Drach, Beverly and Richard, visited week end with her brother and ]e_na gt~es~s ~n me ~v, mmen ,nome i~ay to v~sl~ ,~vtrs. ~yer's parents, ] [ !~ . • ~. . - -- SALE OF Dl¢l w _ ,t.^ ~ .......... ,~ boa o nicnic din- sister-in-law Mr and Mrs J W I were ~vlr. ano lvlrs, t~lenn t~aooert lwr. ann Mrs. W. ±vt. ot)erton t~ollin I I~! _L ..... II • " • • m ~ ---~ _~ 3~c n'erSunday~nea'r"M'anches~ter They Albright and as their guest at-I°f Muscatine. !returning Tuesday, Mrs. Dyer and1 [ l~[[01]a[ Llrcu|t Auto lxace ; A Large Group ~ were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Fred tended the, annual Cedar Rapids I Mrs. Jack Macaulay is spendingt,Merwyn, rema,ining ,~or a•. longeri I __ ~" ---------~r~ ot ar~ on ~at nine Mrs ~oerton s oromer ann • t~J~* Daubenmier of Ryan and friends Country ~lub po P Y - the week with her parents Mr and i~ife" Mr an ...... ] | ~r~._ _Ji.|_____ ~_ • rl. HOW TO ...,~ from Central City. urday evening. Mrs. C. B. Johnston Mr Macaulay ~, ~ ~, - ' ,~ ,,~ mrs. ~. tl. rcumme! ] | ~l lowa orate ralr DRESS FRIth . a8 ...... 'who c-m .... " " • ._ _ oi ~eaar ~allS were ~a~uraay nignt l I - ~'~ oroth and David Staskal of Mrs. G. J. Albrignt, wnsses ~wary _ u e wire ner Ior me week and Sunda uest un ~r:~. ,, ¢1 CI8 or ~ . aa ~D,.., ~y ........ ¢ ........ t-,~,~ l~n,~ Marcmret Mrs Robert Miller end, returned to Des Moines tor: ....... y g s. S day the ] ,v,t,u ~ ~,*-" ~ ~ ~l,W • ~,,~,~ --~-,,,-., ~v~--- -'~ *'~='~ ~'"~/" " ~'- -- =-'" • • - th~ 1-"* "''"1- "4' ....... ~- " . ',group were amner guests at me! T. ~L..'.,, 0I ~ " with their grandparents, Mr. and i and Mrs. ~:j. ~. ~jnger jo~n. eu a Drake~niversi~ ......... er scnool at ihome of Oberton's daughter Mrs. l ress, ~m,,~ Mrs. F. J. Kolek. Dorothy is re- group oz moun~ vernon laaies ior Y. i Roy Kohl south of Lisbon nress Free ,...g mammg for th~tw~:kn,:%:thte~d af sl~irprl~e" pl~Ili~c~eUlPPe~i~hdhaynO~ a M~mabnd MorS'rWat'S" We.~r}c.k had! Miss Mab 1 " ge "s s endin a -- " "hese while Pleap" Bible school at • i • • • , . f e lees visiting in feW ~ e.,,wur. ) . p ~,-. g .t'lCK t • . . : ~ays wire irlen~s in ~mcago lS as church. Norton Jean and Roger l her home m. Mourn vernon on their home during the week end ....................... ' e y. _ Re hons of Mount Vernon spent Monday evening. Friday and Saturda Mr and Mrs g~mg ~uesuay WlLI1 IVI1SS ~smer - -----'--,¢ . Y . . I Y .... Nelson returning from an over Groups "* Hansen and Nixon Knight, at four[ter went to Waterloo to visit rela- Ralph Van Duser of Menlo, and, non relatives and friends. On Bargain _ ,~ o'clock Saturday afternoon in tives and from there wlll go to mrs. Charles Meyer of Waterloo. Tuesday Miss Hilda Burke returned ...__--~ ,,,~ ~ [e~ ...........x~ .... e~reek church near New Marble Rock to attend the annual Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. to Rock Rap'lds and Vernon" Pe.yton Goodbye Price" t,~. 19¢ Providence Mrs. Franks' mother Ramsay family reunion on Sun- Will Auhff, Mrs. Mary Bennett and to Missouri Valle followin a ..... n__.,~ .quits Mr.s W. Hansen, returned with" Mr. day. Mr. Ramsay will go to Marble Joan Dennis of Davenport; and Mr. visit of two week~'in the ho~e of LltUe ~OY. eble ~ "~ft and Mrs. Franks to spend a few Rock Saturday to be present at and Mrs. T. E. Brink and Mr. and the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~_._.~ .-~ days in their home. the reunion. Mrs. John Kern of Clarence. Roy Burge. NEW HOSI " o,re New fall colors!hio#d[ silk ! Full o lY Full lengths a 66 never ;e In "s store! a Folks just naturally go where they KNOW they can buy what they want. If your merchandise and prices are not known, if your former customers go elsewhere YOU BLAME. Des Moines, In., Special: The kings of America's dirt tracks will congregate here the last week in August for the National Circuit auto races--one of the greatest national race meets of 1939--which will headline three days of tho Iowa State Fair. The National Circuit races will open Friday, Aug. 25, continuing on Sunday, Aug. 27, and the final Friday, Sept. 1. Entries already include both Gus Schrader and Emory Collins, national champion and runner-up, as well as more than fifty other driving aces from every part of the country. Three other afternoons of the fair, Aug. 28, 29 and 31, will feature harness races, and two afternoons, Aug. 26 and 30, will headline "thrill day" programs. Paul Whiteman In Person to ay at State Fair m Des..Moines, In., Special: America's "King of Jazz", Paul White- . an, Will appear in person with his internationally-famous swing band at this year's Iowa State Fair, officials announced here today. The great blues maestro will play in front of the grandstand at the state fair the evenings of Aug. 31, and Sept. 1, and will also play for a gala dance and "jam" session later on each evening, on a huge dance floor being erected at the fair especially for this event. It is the first time a famou~ swing band has ~ brou~_t t~_ th~ ~_~siti~ here, and officials ~',~ c.xi,~, t,.,~ . . ,-" ~ ~" ~ - "~ -7 ~-'~-=...., and the dance sessions. ~ ............. " ~ -'~- 50c GROCERY 7 Giant P & G (Sat) .................... 2 lb Box Amerie 43c Cheese .................... 2 lb. Box ,Brick Cheese .................. 2 Ib Box PimentO Cheese ............. No. I0 Red pittea. -ge Cherries, new paCl * No. 2 Red pittea Cherries, can .......... No. 5 ½ gal Fruit Juice,ow:v "of" Reliable Peaber 3 .... fee 13e rY, Old Golden peabL r the best, ooun '" Castle Tea, best Gre !/2 lb package: ;,.. 10 lb bag Cane Saturday ..... 10 lb bag Can sug '50 Saturday .......... %" Cooky Special, Fresh, 2 lbs .... .'". Oranges, Sweet, doz 12c, 15c, sonable. , ele ' Head Lettuce, C lr Peppers, carrOt , bage. Lisbon, ANN Having returned to the Trucking business, l pared to haul anything, anywhere, anyti ae.. load fully insured. See me for the lowest pr Ce " Plat's Transfet, , Phone 210 Glenn Plattenberger, Owner SAND HAULING GRAIN HAULINO