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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
August 12, 1898     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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August 12, 1898
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:/ MOUNT VERNO HAWK-EYE. on t ttr tTn [Spaln is to be allowed towtthdraw her HER ANSWER IS LONG I EN0tA D RUSSI tl [l l |T| l |][J [ artillery and the remainder of her |.t' Ch e. j,/i BISMARCK'S, BAD FIRE, gone0URmatermlSh1 th UntedSt |TR00PSto use oothADVANCE.there antiin TO LEAVEr ~o ,e reeaay ~,!1 HI,I I,I/|lqt I IJ/ |arms and ammunition from the col- ! Alarmist Reports ot a Serious DIDIO- -- Am rle l -- -- -- [ matte Tension--British Admiralty Best Pa t of North Dakota s Cui~ital ~. ~x a~xx I x.a x/s.~j uxs [ onies, While the question of the future r " e .an rmy Is Moving ou sam truer[can Troops Will Soon -- [of the Philippines will be settledby SpalnPs Reply to Peace Terms in Preparing to Moblllze Its /~'leet, Ia Burned -- Loss Estimated duan---uaptnre of Town of ward Bound--To Go in at "1 000 000 Guayamo. at Montauk Point, L. ] the same body. Treaty will be signed M. Camb0n's Hands, I ' ' " b'he Accents the Conditions |~ubject to approval by the cortes, J London, Aug 8--That extreme dl- -- ~ ~.- -. ~. -- ~ -. - " " "~ ~. Bismarck, N D, Au,- 9 Fire Tuea- Washington Aug $ Late Sa urday wasmn~,ton, Aug. a.--upon L- |which will be convoked immediately. |plomauc tension exists oe~ween ~e. ~ ~" "-- ' . " " " - of Peace Offered by the |The cabinet eouneilwill appoint Span- Nothing OflleialI. Knnwnef,taText, IPetersburg and London was generally day night quickly ate up property of the first news dispatch cameto the t~:m:a=~a?~:ormatreq.uest [ish commiesioners to meett-heAmert- But Itt; Length Indleate~ThutAc-[admitted Saturday, though the off[- Hie vatue oI $1,000,000. Off, powder ~ar oepartmea~ xrom ~en unes iv . ,~ ,~ ~s~.~ ~u.~ J~resl(leriIc. / eans to arrange as to tbe future of th, eep,anee Accompanied Iciais deprecate the alarmist reports and frame bmldl~gs eontmbuted in "ap:~Sce~O'AO:VS.6 =:: a:72o:eed~a::lmaeg ~iatt:ln' [ Philippines and other details, b~. Condition, ] which were current Friday. It is hoped causing tne spre~ of the conflagration, Haines' brig~a~'e Fo~e~fi #~:~ndre~[rt] tT ; oA'~ ~ -,:~, ] Convinced That War Is Ended. ]that the firmer stand adopted by the v, nlcn" " a poorly equipped fire depalt-" Illinois " captured' Guayamo yesterday; ~ . ]. ~+~.~ ,~.~,~~'~u ~ ~, ~.~ ~. ~,~a.~.~, Washin ton Au 9 The con ! marquis of Salisbury during the last sent was utterly unable to cope with slight skirmish with enemy in and about '* ~'~1~=~ ~' ~o mM.o ,o a ooma.+ tn the [ Washington, Aug 8.--Although as g ' g "~- - Th~ h~ut. ,~nrt{nn a ~ho oily {u in n vnn ~ town; enemy's strength estimated at about anticipated, and that the depal 5 [yet without official conflrmation of the eluding portion of the Spanish/Sew uays, wmcn seems to nave at- :;'~:~=:~'~:;.~="~,'~'~'~["'"~':'7-'?': ,~0; not ascertained if any of them regu- had been directing the best nar Terms, Ratified by: th$ ,has]rep rtdeeidedthat totheaeeeptSpanishtheg Vernmentterms ]aid ::ply::a:t :::ei?du2[ti~'ad?aYte e;::i ~ ~e~:Yrsb::~tYil]Shamvee t~esdg::'i:egd:~::i in the agen;'s office of n~: ;og:th::n~ l~'r~SorrdenSeStan/:n~:t ~ ~'theP;lv::e John t:~:g;:: tens the h:turn :f Getn ~U081] ~ag0n~ /down by the United States as essential g' "',- ~' ' Pacific de"ot Almost before the--were /~iffee, both legs below thigh; T. W. Woi- ' c s to t U~it d Sta that it was deciphered as a whole and [ x arresting x~ussmn aggress~venes.s. - ~':" - "ire ~uil-~i 0 ~-- cott. right foot; none serious; all Fourth has already provided for their |to the negotiation of a treaty of~u, u.=, ~,~" ,'~ w h ambas~-a'- ! It is felt both here and on the .c nu" omcovereo the eat o u ng ann the ~Ohl ' One Spaniard killed, two wounded ~*~ ;~.n .~amp at Montauk ]peace, the officials here are proceed [nent that the outcome of the d~spute immense warehouse of the company .o far known. MILES " ~o eltor~ was maue to communicate t " ~ere " fla s ~hieh " " s r a G n 1" ~ ~' " - 1~. 1. ano oroera were sent ~ / ing under the conviction that the end it to the United States t, overnment be- [ in regard to the New Chwang railroad " in me,nan p e u to tne e . l(y ~one is c~earing ~ne roan ' Tile 0fliclal Announcement Is Now ]has come and are giving attention to / extension is the crucial point of the block of brick buildings across from Adjuntas to Utuado He has a )~eonesuay t.o negro tne norr On Its Way to Wash- [ the steps to be taken next. Yim n thata no~ethe~Odocumenty,~ecretar --aha~ beenaaVmmr~ [success or failure of Great Britain's the alley, destroying the Tribune, force of 500 natives at work." A" eom- ~ovemen~ oy em.uarkmg" at Sa f Future Steps. . /~olic~r of the "onen door" Hare's bardware store and an entire panv of the Second WiseonMn and a ave cavalry regiments or ~h It is .~robable that the re~l, will be / As evidence of the fact that Great row of bulldmgs. The flames then ttahon of the Nineteenth regular in- lngton. [ Should the Spanish answer be an ce~ve~, out not ~zsciosmg its contents /v ~ r - ~ ~ ~--~o ;netudin~, u ~,o ]Unconditional acceptance of our terms d~llv~v~d ,n the nresideut ~efore the ]Britain appreciates the gravity of th~ leaped the street ~o the magnificent fantry are moving to his support. A seers. r - - 1 Oll~ t~Ot neouore ~toosevelt, C some negotiation may be necessary to " " ~'' " "" " " lth - /situation it is earned that the admi- First national bank building which e siderable force of Spanish is re- CaDlne$ meeung to-nay, a ougn no . ' ." ' " h " The AOOODta~neo Is Believed to Be [agree upon the steps to be taken to bnnv h,~ been fixed There ir ohm- / rally, is preparing for all emergencies, melted away m a few uunutes, ported to the .n rthwest and frequent rough, riders, eaS succeeded m PractioaU Unconditional !give effect to the agreement. So far :lete re~icenee-in all ouarters as to the ]and that it wlll soon be ready to mob- The Central block followed, andthe alarms are given. There is much tug the moves nts of the war d r -~ ~ ] actiritv amen.- the tro~--s her~ meat in ie~emng ~natter's arm~ Y ] as can be learned it has not yet been text of the reply, but there is reason [ ~nze. . names spreacl to tne pos~ erase, sweep- : ~ s ~'v ~. from Santia,-o thou~,h in his disl and Satisfactory l ]deters'ned how this shall be done. to believe it is not an unqu tlified ae [ There bas been considerable d~seus- ing over the entire block and carrying ruerto 1~1co, Aug. 8.--A general ad- . s .p. . . [There are two ways open. The first is co-lance of the American terms, but |sion in parltamentover the new situs- down the post office, the Merchants' vance of the American forces began t ot tne conven~mnanfms ne has Vo ~ .~ t *~ +~ ~ o~ ~ce~,~f~n~, [ tmn in China, mmllar to that leh Bank block, Griffin block aud all the in- - Y rang. The remainder of [ , [a military capitulation by the captain v - " wh" Sunda " mor " upon nm neaa a rather sharp l -~ *-~,--"-" ,'- --,~ ~ - "~ ~v-- ~ . . ~, irom tne secretary ot war, w~ generals of Cuba and Puerto Rico .u .: ~ .~ ~. in,~ ~^ e~,arose when Russm vetoed the loan termedmte frame and br~ck struc- Gem Ernst s bmgade, eonst~tutmg the[ Thls Proves to Be True Ce~sattot~ |,~.= =~-~,~,a u ~.uo~ s ~" '~-"v '~- " " " advance cent flentty regaros ~ne course purt "u.* :r:* on *~'e "art o* [fr m the British government. This lures. The fire then spread across sod "' ' or, supported by two bat- [ which will immediately place the ~,* ~, ~,~ ~v t, " boi nooseve~ of Hostilities Is Likely to Fol- [ w~n~^]~t *:" ~--~der~*e to'~som- / time the complications are caused by devoured Kupitz' store aud a great teries moved out at six o'clock, and [ . " . :t. as Doing capsule low at Once. [American mihtary or naval cora- l sanders in teahnieal occupation of extent features which the Spanish /the contract for the loan which the part of the block The fl,~mes also a part of the Eleventh infantry of Gen. . a s" ~ort~ s sv- [the islands, and enable them to carry =-vernment ~ee~ .- re ~rd as un ]H ng'K ng and Shanghai bank wishes spread north into the residence blo~ Henry's division started lo the left to- [ the me.: " ay motives ; s," - " ~" ",to make to the Chinese government for ~nd completely gutted i~t The fire ward Adjuntas. Troop A of New York, [ ~ash~ngton, ,~ug 6.-~.Whe v~ Madrid, Aug. 8 --The cabinet council ]out in their own way and in their own essentlam. / "" 1 hi - ' - - t partmenl nas ordered the lar~ ~minated after having completely [time the embarkation of the Spanish s--eculatln-p ~ on Its Contents. ! a railway Detween ~em- sxn ann i~ew men were powerless~, to cheek the in- zne vn,aueh ixth p rea city troop ann troop. / nl zransports at ~'once to- proo " n ~ ffi * " "eli -r [Chwang, both treaty ports. The l~us- road of the fire which spread to hun H, of t e S . gulars, are convoying [ . smnfirmed the reply of the United [armles in the islands The question as ~ena~ g toe o emi a ve y o~ tne ! ' " / ~ant,ago, there to join wi~ /slan minister has oeen objeet~ngstren- dred~ of buildin~ licking, them u,- ao tJen. ~rooKe s transporla~mn eemmn t M~ntes, which, it is said, accepts the |to whether they shall be permitted to answer speeumuon was rote as to its / ~' ~ t- ~ . - " th / transports atreauy a~ ~antlm American conditions. The reply will ]carry off their arms is not now as eonten~s nero was llxxie or no iur- iuousiy tor six weeks, ann /~oro ~ans- so much waste, v~a~err The origins of along xne roan rougn ~aHnas ~o Ar-,m ~n ~n ~en ~ a ' d the Spanish ambassador to France, so ]surrender of Gen. Toral's forces at that ,-~I. Cambon, the French ambassa- [Santiago, where occurring in the tier at Washington, will receive it to-]midst of the campaign there was a ~ay. The government is fully con- ]necessity for securing the moraleffect v~eed that tYhe note willbe satisfactory [of compelling the Spanish soldiers to ~, the Washington government and]lay down their arms. Spain having ~at a suspension of he, ill[ties will be ]succumbed it might be urged that the caused considerable apprehension in ~. . " " " -" . . t lag strength of over 12.000 m immediate consequences [United States might grant a conces- omeml~ " " circles' " "nero zor wnue tt was [ not hke to accept, is a less d~reeto rem- t Over 4O buildin~s~ were d~*~ y= a monthbe, after .the . peace. . negotmtlons,-,~'~Y~ ' - ~" Sen~" Sagasta, the premier, has con-|~no:t fteha~ oPf ~n!vit Spanish pride X . . [edy thane determined rem nstranca [ Several other structures -,-ere re- ~an before uostfl~t~es were declared [ Santia o de Cuba Au 4 "del] xei.t.~as~eeKtnat,~.pal.n~?u.msure~y |throngh the British ambassador at[duesd to b]azin" e to be clqsed and if it is desirable these [. .g. . g ( ~l~ lmded his conference with the queen [ th a g t e aeuon at- ylela in every particular It began ~o t.~. ~. . I - s uv,s, a.u .~,t ~ / transmmsmn).-- .~rum the en It ma roves the en tributed to fear of the eonsequenee~ /~t eters~urg woum no I drur. store is left But three -ro~erie~ i reenlorcemen .s may oe mlereepteu t or' "" ~reg t. er 3esty app g - [ . . . ne ~ett ~nat possmty tnere mignt oe ! I t~ ~ c,I,~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ! ~ecretary -~-g s came messa| ~1 lines of the reply of Spainto { f a refusal. This would not apply, ---'~r '-- - / ~onuon, Aug. ~.--'~'ne ~nangnai eor- t remain Hundreds of"eo~le have beer I anu re~urneu to ~ne umtea ~tates ! --reined this morn: anutue per)Otl OI ~l~uu~on, ano pos- / I " V' V t . ~ . . . I r~ ~ug, oroerlm r' ' n en |however, to the volunteers wh~ might s~bly anindtre~t attemptfloopenupa/~e:s~:~:nto~;het~c~llYifp~s:s:y:~l ~::de::edrehOt~e,r~,saS ~re~l~f rrsl.i ~:~r::~r/;~r :i~e~:~:=n;l~':~:~l;~:s:/~i:~2::~e~fu the armyj Ame ~ea s eace terms whloh G . Sa- ra ex l e over elect to remain in Cuba, as it would not ffas p ained to her. Th g n- [ olp omatlc exchange on the nature of,erman " ~ s - oust~e an ta be pruoent to allow so large a t~ouy of ~ent believes that the United S tea] . the terms. The prevailing view, how./y~N'eW~.':wang'and'.~e p.end r'fnlh use had a narrow escape but was they,all.eave e Lt~wi~h~ates'es'~lty at headquarters. The |men to carry arms without restraint in ever, was that the reply was on its face / ~or~n Unlna m a,rea.y ann~ . . ]saved. ,All post office supplies and fix-] P/::la~Yh~Se~ ':r~:~etenta;e ~iltln:cPr?:e/here, six in number, have been o4 [the days ofreconstructton, whendell- an acceptance aIthough not such a,"xnee0rresponaentoxtne~aily2~ews I tures are lost. The line of fire ex-] . ~ . ~P. - ~3: " qul [to discharge their cargoes and~ ~#~~ [cats and difficult mat~,ers of internal ~ :~,~ let Odessa gives, undevreserve, areport ! tended from the N p ~ I m ruerto n~co unaer rne ~avoraole !r -~- w-"h t = ,~ p~uluucU air pOSSlDIllUeS OI / I . t~rtncrn aClllel ~. .t [ eauy it ou~ loss ox ume tO~ ctlmaxlc concliilonstn~3 x~ltl make /r ~ |policy are tobe settled and new meth- further dlseussion |that the ~usslan ena~ge d a~aires at |tracks to Tbayer ~treet on the north] . . . " " . |board the first shlpmenta for~ Peking, M Pavloff, Will soon be re- and flom t rans o ts ar ex / .~'x~ ]ods applied to the government of the Ma~ CaUse Dela~ [ ' " [ ~our h to Third streets on t ~," " Other t p ~ /pect & ~ |islands. All vital no|nt~ were believe~ to be [ ~- ' g d a lng I thc east and .'est. The insurance may I g ~ |shortly, and ,t Is expected t~ - " "" moved and he re arde,it as In le t" . urea in carrying out the overnm nt's ' -- a -tlUSslan DaeKao reconszruc~1on OnCleS ~ ~ [' Thesec ndmeth dbywh~'ehthePre" conceded--O-e a / - wn. ; l eover half the]oss ] . P {transports will soon be convey~[ ~ ]~'~ |liminary peace agreement ~ght be Puerto Rieo~n-,~:~ff~:~-~:=:~u~ [ . ~ [ [Bismarck ls~the capital of North Dakot-[ Washmgton, Aug. 8.--Up . to this [soldiers back to the United [ ~ ~ ~/~F .~ ]formally effected would be by a proto- st ~tUti~ ~I~P~'IXo ~ I and is situated in Burleigh county The ] post not the sl g test compmmt has |The Yale and Harvard amomr~ es~aozlsnment o~r a eommlsslon IO ass ' " n ~' ~ ' " ~ ./~,(~t,~ 2~ ]col to be signed by a representative of,P,~ ~ ~ tow is very advantageoasiy sRuated on ] reached the department respecting |are understood to be on the~ ~ ~t~'~~ ]the president, probably Secretary Day upon questmns relating to the Philip- [~spaln Pay. Dea~ly fo~e~Plttln~ Herself| the Norti~ern Pacific railroad and is one [ the management of the Puerto Risen [here !] ~ ~ ~,~~L~/~-'~ [in this case, and, byM. Camboninbe- pines. In,thecarry~.ngoutofthmpro.] Agala.tthelA~erteu~a =~{~fa2h~eteamk uasJ ~n ~ ,f west" .It ] campaign, a tribute to Gen. Milea'[ non Shaf*er'sorde~o~'~ ~ ~~~~~ [half of the Spanish government. It gramme ,t was befieveu tnat ~nain / "ati I ~ r,s or ,yp,ea yt ~ .'~ ~ ~ =It . " l ~ ~ ~ *- I-"*,western traits, nut always has been pros- au"i~3" f~v ~oru ,as come o, so,- Iment of his command nrovlde~ /~'~tl'~li, [was by Justsuch an agreement as this, wvu u se,~.t~ ~r~ure an unuersmnumg { ', ~,| perous and well to do. It Is on the ea~t[diers without food or ammunition or |lowin~, ~ro~,rkmme. " | ~J~[~" ~./j/~ff2"~q'llm~/) ]known as the CushLng protocol, that on manyincldental points involved,| washington, AUff,;8~-Snaln for the ~bank f the Miss urLrlver' and the watersl of ~ick men without doctors ormedi-| ~ ~' r:.~. j ~]]]]/~]]HI/~II~ ~ .//~ I war was averted as a result of the Vir- some of them of considerable imnor- ! T. L "- .' ot the stream are nawga'nle for boats of l ,-~ ! ine emma n or me Tn,ra a~ tanee For In~tance, some doubt was,~.~.u~ x ame prme, mg~ry, pontms anu,700 tons for not les~ than 1,200 miles above I clue, nut is the ~nwaru mo~'emen~ ox [ regular cavalry, then the First "[~t~[I~[[~///~ ~'~"b~/~ ]ginlus affair. This course having.the . ": . |a enlla ~ng, naa t~uritd in the depths,the cry. Blsmarek has an Immense rlvert the American army oetayeo ior lack Of, a~ry ann. ~rs~ volunteer cavatrY~ ralsect as ~0 wnetner ~paln saeceptance -f .I- ~ ~ ~ ~ warehouse and tbe water tr-~ I ~-,~,~-~ ,~,~, ,~ ~=~ ~:t~ t ~ ~,~Idere)wnt ne emnarzed. Thesere~ ~]: "~///// ~ - "~ [ weight of l~recedent, ~nay be adopted in I =~u ~ vesaem o~mer navy, valuect I eonsm- I a w ~ s~ togo woula ue operative unlit re~erred to and tat - 36 500 nan B~" +h~- "~"tin~r ~'--"-- / erable. It is estimated that not less than ence unon keen[mr his artillery in the ~ It ///~g~'~-~ ] this case, It is probable that in the +,~'v$. j ~ ,~ ~ nt~,~ 5 000 000 ounds ~ -~- = ~ ehlp the day after to-morrow. For ratified by the Spanish cortes, and 2,p of freight are shipped an- , [Philippines the greatest difficulty will /lie the bodies of me.than a ~housand } nually over the river Shi-s ar~ co-~*~t I very vanguard and giwng pers~ual at- ] ent the Ninth and T~enth canal ry| P 5 g |~rallant tars,ly In the docks at Bismarck and this traf I tention to the commzssar and uar- J T . . P ~ |be met in putting i~he agreement into ~ wa.unuerstoou tnat the re t" ml n~ * - " * mare m camp. onl the rlvat SENOR ~AGAST~ t 0 " effect on accoun f the attitude of the . ~ ~ ~ s o mier of Spain, who accepts the terms.) 1 M sameCall at tentlOncondi~lon,tOittniSwas conditlOn.pointed 0ut,Theex ['~ Spain has surrel~d In terrlt r~ t [ tic ts really the greatest f the clty's trade'The cry ha a p pulation now Of from 4,000 term'asterT e w rdepartm~nts' y,q [ o~,~n~ o~ers,wlll~ ta~en ~'~ [the United Statea~r~{ly Cuba. with a [ h [ h a department officlals now [ who remains here as military go~ ilnsurgel1~s, vU~ ~en. tq~l~ ~S nOW ,~.~ ,~ ~. ~ ]population Of 1,500~lad an area of [the l~st census--l,%~)--when It was2 186 Bis-] sa3 that Shafter s army will begin era-I II b left atand~ will accept Spain's answer; which will ]gaining in stre~gt]i dally, and probably lsta as to ~ne umtecl ~tates, tor a peace,to ~-~, --,-s -,c,~a.~ xrom ~ne time or," " All the tents ~l d certainly reach the white house by'}will be in positim~ to meet any omen- .f :-.~.~ .~ ~ e 145,000 square mileai~Aktd Peurto Rico /marck contains the state capitol 'a splen- barking in earnest to-day, the' trans-, extra wor~. clothes anO~ ~nate to becom a iv " ~'~ ' ' . wnlcn may poaslDty Ds m~ectec~r Tuesday. Asaeon~equeceoftheUnited|gency. . .~ re. oper~t ed. In ease ]withan area,-d~~al~tntle~and[did building, which, cost overS500,000. The]ports, whmh are arr~wng, oemg]d~s(rowa ~ States accepting the reply, hostilities,7 ' ~pam s answer 6mcuss~d t~ese ,i~i- ",stats penitentiary ts also "In thecity as " ]a populaiion of 8~0/~$ also the La- [ ~.ell a~ a courthouse - b! ~^A, ] obliged to take on stores for the home- I The First brigade, of non. l.~t4 wit7 immediately afterwards be su~-] FREED BY BLANC0, : ctental points there promised to De Vision under . . =-=-: .~ :~ .d~t~e islands, area~ mMeaand [ building waterworks of a sunerior ,--=,~o [ ward trip. These, however, will be [,Gem Chaffee, will ~ pended As the reply'to the A2nerica~,| wme latltu~.e to~ ~ I a large~ourln~r'mlll:]limited in quantity in order to avoid J All the men able to ride will rt~ent Sunday, all the reports of her |~d ~Q ~t~L~t~ ~ '~alln~ .c~. n~qt,mE ~ : ~ [ - -~s~uri ~" * ] rations will be placed aboard each ] All the men who are ~u~' rl-~T~i a~raval Saturday of the American de ~* ,: ! tt~i~ttL. : : ~,r " raemc ranroao 1 ,~e -a mands are necessarily without founds- I " : ~ ": ~" 8: ~:5. : L Latei " iw the ~f i W~fu, u - .~ ~ I - I Washington;, A~g;: ~,--The troopo i)l, to provtae"~'~t~var~ the-sara~'~'a ~li:.t~ ~on ' ~ [W~n~ A~ff: ,~ has just reee red an indict nine [ ~ Gen. Sha:fter s command at Santiago ~ rival of the m~m north, ~ "~'-" ,~, From a well-informed source it is [reac~ grton f~iHaVana of a the Spanish reply had come to the s'au .~'-~.ltx~tt ~u x try j~et u. }have begun to leave Cuba for.the United The volunteer veglta~at~ -,~J' ]learned that while the a~swer dk)eS]recent ,~ding tion of French e~sy A cabinet officer 000 ~ . - ] States. A part of two regiments of [ Ilnnqts First DIBtldet of Co/-==~ S " hl h" t /# " ' : ]F Pro~mlnettt Matt ~-t.anetaean ~mmm~e entY-flrst New York Nlnth Mass. mot diseuss the four bases which the {amnes ty'In which o ha~ who wa W|th m at t m ime sald, on' S"a [ cavalry are now en route from San- I ~ . .; ' [~.~L~t ~=!ted States makes an esmlential pre- [made known to *he 8I~tnish p6ople o! teav~mg! wro -"-" c=r::: - -~'- " ] rio go t.o Monttt~ romt, ~. ,three 1 Tmrt~:thl~ Mlchtgaa. Thlrt~-~o~ limi~ary to leacex, and which Spain [Cuba thatOpa|n, ~d]through the in- ' ,~rne mrormatton that has come from mtl,~= g~ t .~.~ tm.~ab W~t~m ntm s " I other trangports near|n~ trooVs Wlli t tgan. ~11 ~eepts without reservatiun, it points |terve.ntton Of fO~e!~,~ powers, neon Madrid about the action of the gpanlsh 7 -5"~'"r'r'~ -~.%~--r ~-;, - " - - ~ NO tentl or sur lus b cabinet indldates the S nish have ae tax-paylng vol)ulatlet~:" ~^ ~-.~ 1 ~eave ~antmgo to-oay anti tWo are~ rm p aggase~l~ ~tea our terms In a general way PutThis l~ss ia "~-e i:tr~fn of t~-~ ~,-;+-- =, - ~ ~n ~.~,~,t~ ~ a,v ! ~ i ' r ~t that in order to avoid the ~le~ni. |f~rced ~t.o~e di u!t~mue of suin~ ~ - . pa -- " ~ ~=r~; ~ .-~/ ~ ~u ~utro~an meu~'rancme 'a~ ~:~Aug' ~ --~'-~w~'Jxasvx I '-,~odulea~ o. l~ve T ~l~x A~! n*| taken oack to me,unltmi Stat~,~ ~e negotiations being in any way for pe~t g~xl thStt e~ewouldbena leaves several questions open that wedld ," ~'-"it ~ [ them~ull sallforMontaukPomt. [ . ~,~, e~mvIieated bv incidents of the war. [more ,~r~and no further .use for sob ~ot include in the terms submitted. The "~.xa~es, wmea, x(~:~ annul, prosed morning~ i ' - ' I " ~t~, W~AI ~U~I~J~]I. eommnnleatlon offering those terms was ill servlce a flrst~: /~s mavy, with 10,- [Adolph Stttro was bora at J~Ix-la-~hap-| WHAT IT COSTS r !1~ it is'expected "to agree beforehand to |diet&/ life! offered .S p~rdon to all eXplJeit .sl~y~fleally statlnfl such pointsas 000 men ~nd f~ :eff~ctl*e Vest, sis, and ells, Prussia, April ~, 18~ : He received a ] ~ / ~ra/~' ~tlem, 'Ratlramde and ml~ t~ suspension of hostilities. It tare-I Cuh~n~. political pria0aera~ and over woma t~e lett ode& tO mrtlmr negotiations, v ara Pberal edueaflon,~ ann after ousmess re-,- ' ~,~ ~nl st~-a on *h-u~*-rms,a olt~teer and regtlt rmy of 278,~00 ' . ~. ~-~ ~ ~, ] q[~tble Of EXpenee~ G|Vilt~ Some Idett [ Gettitt~ Ready for the Gr4 -~rted that Duke Almodovar de Rio 1 150 we]~e role~ited in Havana.~ " =--*', -- ." y verses m nm ow ~ qPhe;Peaee ~ozttmieslea. inen,!of which ~ev~ o~k gave the United ~ltate'~ with his mother and ten] ofWl~atZtMennstoHaveZt [ Fall Rush. / ~'~ minister of foreign affairs, and In explaining Spain's det~6at tn hts ' ii The administration has not vet ~,iven largest ~umber, Pentisylva~ia next and other ehH(~rett |n 18~0. Adolph Sutr~ started Three Months' ~'ar --~ x del Val ~,~onisham proclamation G~n Btan o informs ht~ aer|ous congideration to the raonnetois the bird [ [ u es* Su'~o-l~r V~,s Au~. 6~ ~ - = "" ~ - ~ Illin t ~ ~ almost Immediately for California, arriving ", ]~assador to the vatican, will be se- credulou~ re~der~~ that Spain, having ~ ~ ' : ' at 8an ~-rancl~co, ~ovem~er m, ]se0. -tie -- ~ v ~- of the peace commission, btit/tcmn be The Spam~h E -Naei0 al concedes first engaged In mercaatlle pursatts but] Washington, Aug.8 -Estimatinghb-t men' railroads and eleva~ors~~ that in the est tl0n of ~ervera's flee ur i/, te~ to represent Spain in the neg~ suffered so much tn the l~resent war, ~tated'that no one notLin accord With c] ~,t later vent ed into mining. Iti 1SO0 ~7~ via- l orally that the expenses of the war,ready for a big rush tn the wh4 flattens The newsvapers make no could no~ resist the interterence of the vreeident's ~resent viewa as to the Spain lost alone ~DX~i000,000 of invested Red the Comstock lode. Mr. 8ut.r2o con-lw'ere$1,000,000adaysineeApr1125, tha|ness this fall and the flrst:~ the si-t~" tin owin the foreign powers and go to war with ~omments on a n g to ' ~ -- l eetVed the Idea Of tunneling the 10ae, and ~ ",' . . n s of the ens i all countries at once. so she w~s eom- aplminted, and Mr. ~eKinley, favorauea at ~4~4~,~ an~2 a eNlzeaya at ~,- ating on the 10de, the work was corn- ] time, $10~,000,000. ~Ut there are some,weeks, Last year the movem~' e strict es e orsh p. I disposition of the Philippines will be money,2. The Cristo~ Colon was vai- with the eooperatlen of al companies oper-{ war has cost the government up to this ]-rush ns expeotg~l within a-'~ ~uKht Little Consolatiott polled to accede to the/r dictation and keenint,r ~ at least Man[lie harbor~and, bay 600,000, The estlmtttetl, trading capae- seared. Later on Sutro returnedutO San J Items to be added to this which raise [ sensed about the first of'Sep~Sep sue for peace Tendon, Aug. K--The Madrid corre- " and sufficient territory ~around it for[is ity of the territory ~f Spain which the .FrDnc.isco anti engat~d In o tyt~ pu~ults, ~ the grand total to $150,000,000. But as } but the raih'oads ace expe0E xtavana, uen maneo says, will be a nut atways interestea mm~ ~n mining. ! . ', t(pondent of the Times telegraphing iv v ' ] S~mday says: All the best authorities 'g~ ~en o er to the and uuoans anu the ~ anlarus Willbe 1 ~e that the government has decided ~ P =~-.~.~ + ~.~ s ~ o ~ a, : no ~ forced to evaetmte, He assures the ~'~=~=~d~5=: ~-'~.3:';:~=.~='~=.==:,"~s ; soldiers and' all Spanish residents who r-~ -- -r -~ wish to return to Spain or go to other ik~r explanations reached Madrid Fri- a=~ *.~ntn~ q~ *~ * 1, + n Spanish possessions that they will be ~ x bee~. "v n fr - s gx e ee tran portatlon oy t~ir tlt~lged, but it is known that it ~ght little consolation. President morner, country to their oestmation The government :ept~ the -~ Aeeldeat to a Cenatruetio~" ~tit~n Ut Palestine, Tex Aug. 9.---Sfinday ~ddtt/on'Qt'o'~h'e"navy'.'.'.'.'.'."/';~:; 20;~0.~| over the rails. The middle ot~' Me]~|~l~v~ t en~n d zt d~i~n ~=~ ~ fh~ SU~-~ anU W)ll De protected from inter- ~tates eonaltions aa reterenaum, he. ,~.- . .'to o,~ :--,~,-~ ~'~i] For oranance ann arms xv,v~,~-~t may -ee the first of the ~Q ~on that Puerto Rico mi ht be left ference on the part of either Cubans ~i.~t hot t t. ,~nt auth,~l.--~ +,~ o~ Mtmtteeota--T~ta Men 'Kllleat murg~uB t.c p " Commi~ary supplies 15,000,000| .~ i" ,1 ~ "-J~ ~atn and eompensatiog aou,ht or &merleamL He su~gest~ that the= :'" '*- L--'"="~-" "e co Se---a ~l,red. road man and a young lady visl~ingher Pay ,or army and navy 27.000.000,1 arr,v,n he gram men atre~]L~ terrttory without tne vote of tn r- -- ~t ,~.~ ~x~,ah-t~r~er] bv a neffr "n *hel Ammunition 8 000 000 [ representatives in the wheat t~a --------- W 0 I r ni ' ' ' tes.if McKinley ob ects the cortes . ~ o AmmU t n fo navy at Santiago. 4 000 000 " ' r fir uunans ne ~orfftven ann no longer re e m~ ~ ~ettt t ne ~ c ~;~sewhere. Regarding the Philippines, ' ~ " hi~J,~ ~+t, a fre.~ Ca~ Lake, Mlnn, Aug 8 --A terrlblt room, endeavoring to chloroform Coal for warships 5'000'000[ Superio nmanticipate a ve~c ~" -'~ 1" + o~ o'-ether sat[sear garded as enemies and that no unkind Wil~ be convoked t " ",- . For Cunan rotter 2'000'000 son "" ]c . ~ r.v ~ ~ a.t ~ - ' accident, causing the loss of two hvea, them. 1no5 screamed and he e,~caped, Harbor defense~ an~'~ln'eB 10,000,000t sea . ]t feeling be cherished ~sr?r, but ,it Was of sueh a nature tht~t e h ~n~ . r note from President McKinley, reply- ne "-s arres*~,~ ~ |c, ing to Spas s reply, expected nR L ~--. the ~ a-o~ It mid Total $118~| '~ lmdlan grt~e Ope~l~ there was no longer any necessity fo~ THE L0~ 0~l~ " ' is duri sermusty mangting#n~t maiming seven L~a~er, ~,u. ust~, -- ~'"' "" corn " we more, occurred t~unuay morning 1~ ann ~ueut~n~u ~j a ~, " - "r ,~, ]mstponing a dee~ion on the maiil --" the course of this ek. . ~- --f 200 m ~- invaded the 7~ ~[ Omaha Nob. Aug. ~.----Oue~t le W "0 " re. A. o~struelt0n ~ttgltu vt sat su u -~ t~enera! r~ar.~ ~aa ,~o ~ ' ' Ready ta Name Commlaelon ~," ~ " t and han ed him in ~ . largest crowds that hi[~atte n W~estfon. "" ' An ApP-uxtmate Idea of the Number Madr Autt 9 It is said that as train with 100 brldgeanen and laborera jail, sec ~red Ogg g San Franetsco, Aug. 8.--Brag. Gen. 1 tt@t~ As to the context of Spain's re- ot Amerlm and Spau|sh id, s. .~- - s .ard & v lie " of 100 . arans-,umsmsippi expos~uon a teh of the the courthou e 3 o 3 F~ the oracles differ. Some say Victims of Vtar soon as the American relMy ls received, end godin the e~ sion line ~ . ." " . . . King has announced h~s attenlion of] in tw -- nJ~ r t ~N ilw osstonshots was fired into tne swm in~D0oy open g o months ago , 8crier Sa,~ast~ Will nominate -,care eom G ea "el;thorn ra ay to F g sailing with the troops on the transport [ o ,w~ eon ta|ns no contentious mat- " 6 ,- v r ':the ne roes are excited" and sulle- n ~ne mauguruuon ot the unit missioners Ieft here to take the mento work. g " ' Arizona, which heexpecls will be ready ] y::~ t~r. accepts simply t u principle the Washington, Aug. 8.--0flleial tables E1 Liberal says: "The government Twelve miles out it struck obstructions cla,mmg Ogg was innocent, within the week. Col. J. C. Loper, of/ g:ver'~.~:'~e::':r:ofT~gur:~u ~ur oemanas or rresment McKinley s on the total kilted and wounded on received an offer from En land to me on the track. The nridgemen and la- .~ ~ the Fifty-first iowa volunteers has re-,' ~" . . ,ou,~ Mrst comr~untcation and suggests an each side since war was declared have,? o ' areal i~rttatn io ~'lrm, " gramme was a paraoe or sen e diate The offer was favorablv retrardo borera werer~ding nflatcars. Four -. ec~ved a telegram from'Congressman[a,o, ,t t,~t o~Ll: ~mmediate suspension of hostilities, not been compiled and probably will " -," - " ir human Pekin,Aug 0--ureat Bmtain, it is ate v" " " t t ~n the other hand. others affirm that not be for months ~'et. From'the best ~'~ but was not aeeentedr EI Liberal fiat ctn~ with the loada of asserted,ghas adopters" " " a nrm attituoe~n llull, of that St~oult, ad lsmg htmbe sentha 1 o h~. 1. ~h~ '-~.'t~'" sa s further- "The px~senee of alarge freight were dera41~t. Two laborers . . " his regiment ' 1 certainly t ~ftlle~()m~ah'~s'~*nd'Wfnn:,h~]~'~ it .is prefaced by an ae.count of the sources obtainable the tables will ap- Y ~scle wele kiiled ota ht, Brtd e Contrae ne mauer ot rat~wuy eoncessmns ,n' to Mamla ~s soon as the news ~as : a ~. ~ritish squadron nearGibraltar" ar " "trig . ' g " ~ .1 ~ ~ ' " ~ - " [ ,tunics ,mraded [he down-tow~' ~r~fftn of tne ~ar tenamg to rove . ~ " ~ . " ' P proximate the following figures: ~ Tom ~ad b ht]e ~ltlna Ins sltn~t~Vll is now ele to comma 1 i ~hat, as ~pam was in no sense the ag- At Manila" evidence of an understandin,if not an tor Mafhews is rig g . a - communicated his nd the "-:~ kwiot~''-'ed . allianceunited States." between Englandg~ andthe crushedleft foot crushed if; brakemanoff. Berry had hi~ '~ ~ ~,~mless Russia. makes| satatsfactlonC Unter ms re'the bandthe paraded through the streets of]! ~ea~eU~tates armyny ~apt= ~.~no ~s ~'~n'~-e~rce]gcnarnar$~b-, g ~sor,~a pay aShCwar Ughttndemnltyn t tObeeithereXpectedin AmertcanAmertcan ~unci~.d::'::::::.*.'."::. :'.:::::.:: "~ ~ritish'~se~t-(l.:men-ta. ca,up. ] India. congress, representS' :messy or territory. ~pan}~h k llole~L~ ~ Fat~lehtt . Took Hie Own Life. --.------- .&ged .'ontan Crelnuted Umted" States ~overntnent-t- ,i "~ Cincinnati, Aug. 9.~A special to the Chicago, Aug. 8:--J, H. Banks, 20 ,rw~ ~ta~r~ t O1 t, rt~v~t~ Km~xville, Tenn Aug. 8.--Mrs. Helen[ . ~ ~, & Dla:ntfled Acquiescence. At Santiago:- ~t~rding to the most reliable American, killed or afterward died of Commercial Tribune from Upper San-years postmaster of WiIlow Springs, ~ ~ v ~ ~.~,~. Kelle:-,', aged 108, was burned to death] More (~o~d from Ala~tl v~ of information the Spanish wou.nds ~Juein~ed in battle 266 dusky. O, says: Oliver Berth andhis committed suicide in the Briggs hbuse ~ athe~'homeinttancockcounlySatur-| Seattle Wash Aug 6.---TheL . . 2.memcan sea 1, n. a ed 18, both test their hves b early Sunday morningb sh~ot~ng . . day ~fternoon IIalf aeentury agoshe] Di i~, rr'v d Friday morni~ ~mt ~ couched in d~gntfled language. Spanish killed I,~ SO g y . y,~netucnsm wascaueu, after i~eonar~1. . -,r ~o a' ; e -'~ rn elf r FUcns, a iamoUS German botanist e~r~,:~stth:tce~sp~:vib:=~::th::~;nc~ S~el~mWe rcnaiY~u.l~uen~i~.~o.~.l.~.~2~b~a descending into a .'ell where there hires The only eason his friends lost several thousand acres of valua-| Bt Michaels wi,h 100 uassen~ s a~ " ~$ from yellow fever and camp disease, so far was "fire damp." The son went downgive for the suicide is that he w:as in- The dahlia was named in honor o'f ble ~aineral aud timber lands in North| of" whom went forth reeentl'y~: to provoke the war, into which she ha~ as can be told now, 202. first and was a,sphyxtated~rnd the fa. sane. He left home apparently in high Andrew Dahl, a ~wedish botanist. ('art liua thron ,h le. g ga/enta tgIements ~- un blc~ . *,~,~e ttt.~ *h~ ~;veri~.~, ~ unwillingly led in ~he defense ofIn otherCubanengagements: Americans thor descended to help him~and sue- spirits and had $300 cash with him, but The magnolia took its name from She then came to Tennessee and lived ] About 4o were Kl ndikerdt wi" ,~ ~ ~ killed 35' Americans wounded 116. Spanish ~e~ r~gnts an~ term~ory. ~ expresses killed' ~ S a " - w un- - ":: ' fered a like fate his money was gone when he was Pierre Magnol, an eminent writer on alo= e until death. ~ I l)rou~.h~ down $200 000 in ~r ~ . t . ; pntsn o ae,~t~. The Or~~l~uoton. founddead botanical~.ubjects, c ln~n. [nugg;ts. The Dirigo e0~denl:: a w~ltmgness to appoint delegates to Total American killed Or died ~$; wound- meet the American commissioners to ed, 1,408. Total Spanish killed or d/ed, K~00; Boston, Aug. 9.--The United States Marl.* Tereea Floated. Tulip is derived from ~he Persian outh Bend, Ind Aug, &--The North ! stories that a terrible send[tit1~. . . s a r tm e Ph wounded 80~f~ 4i~e~ s eg e for tb ilippinet. ~ . ~o attempt ia mane m the American -- .ou~a~ue ~r ,~.~ ~-;,-=~.; list of dead to include those who died hont~on, Aug. e.--J:ne ~taurlu e0rre- "ent f the Dail-" Mail tele-ra'-hin camp after the mobilization of the ~n;uuda.~: says T~e answT; ~f ~'l~e state troop, and volnnteers These - '. - " " - number scores, but the official tables :Mmmsn ff~vernmertt oectares tna~ . . . ,q~a~n cannot discuss the American muBt be awattea before they can be Z=-~sals hut onl~" acee-'ts them be given accurately. At the worst, the =in'they are imposed outer by force, total American dead will not ezceed ~r f 700 flm.2 a ew unessentlal change. In the American demands were asked for and No lll~hblndere There. tt i~ not expected that President Me- San Francisco, Aug. 8. -- The exl~t- m~saivl:ers will also decide whether the mutual benefit of their member~ I