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August 14, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 14, 1941 |
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-.-.-.-,---~**.~.~ -,4-~ l Miss Martha Lehman has been t bliss Maryt)elle Mason went toI Robert Scott, of Moline, I11 wasi Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waiters are NOTICE OP APPOINTMFNT OF Miss Lucille Russell returned
TI~IT~IT ~1'1 ITl'~ lr~l[~Al, l[,i confined to her home by illness this i lIinsdale, I11 Tuesday to spend a [ a visitor Sunday in the home of his spending this week in a cottage at ADMINISTIL&TOR. No. 16193 Wednesday from a ten day trip
I#M~[~||~ |||1| ll~l iw~K~|l~/~| ~,week ]week visiting in the Ralph E. [mother, Mrs. H. W~. Scott. ithe Upper Palisades. spent in W'isconsin with Mr. and
[L~l~,~1[~[~ IJ~lJ.tllJ .tlLL~lJ|La][~|~'t~lJ i Mr and Mrs I eonard Hewitt of Holch home. Mrs. Frank Cleveland of Marion Larry Beal of DeWitt, was a !State of Iowa, Linn County, ss: Mrs. A. E. Lindsey and Arlene.
"~'~~ M':rinn w~re s'u-~r ~'uest~ ]Wonda- Lois Bigger daughter of Dr. and wins a week end visitor in the home visitor Monday in the home of Mr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN --'-----'----------"
. / evenin.~ in the home of Mr and : Mrs. L. E. Bigger, spent last week I of her sister, Mrs. A J. Meakin. land Mrs. Ha.void Fisher. that the undersigned hae been on I Sa~e a me. r~member, the law
~r" A. Pringle, of Marion was MMr. llacnt MrS.uA~tL-uHndaffmaTteOf :Mrs Boyd Lathrop fin Des Moines with Beverly and I Miss T Eleda Larson of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peel, spent i this 1]th day of August, 1941, duly t g!ves pedestrians the right of way.
~lues(]ay in tne some of I" ar~e e .~'ere g e. s ~ ~ a t ~ ~ " ]Shirley Vhitmer. ! V[tsh" x~'as a" Friday e ;ening guest the week end with their son-in-law l appointed and qualified as Admin- Ibl w uown until you're sure what
' *)on Prin le noon in tne ,wran(1Mrs ~eonaro I -.~ u s- sv .~u ,~ t.u~, . " " ~ i the pedestrian is pin to do
g ' ]'- - - ~ +he h f ~- n i~ '-w -nA [ Mrs Dick Busenbark will be a ]in the home of Dr and Mrs E C. [and daughter Mr and Mrs Howard lstrator of the estate of Frank ] g g
, Winsor went to Monroe, I ' - ~- * ~'-~-,~ ~n the home of her Pr-ll i Smith at New Boston Ill Blinks late of Linn County Iowa
M Mr and Mrs F Youn ~ent ~ aaugnter Mr and ~v~rs r*arrls, ~ s~ ~ * * ' ' READ T
ondav where he expected I . z . . A. g " . . ' .7 " '. i ~-- in law and sister Mr and ] I ~ : deceased. All persons indebted to [ HE ADS
~lron in .%~onTleellO t~vt, u~ v[- - ' ' ' " " " ,Miss Elolse Ma'~ee whO s"ent sen I
~d a Weei~ fishing I to Mendota. Ill,Monday to spend,if' ' ~ ~ tn o~dnr ~nn [ . " " ~ ~ . "" - 1M[T. VERNON CHURCH NOTES I said estate are requested to make [ --'-- ~"
" ~ - . ,- . *-" -~ ~ i Mr and Mrs Nrtie Fd')Am "n and I .xirs. ~:, ,u, - I eral weeks in a ncahn camp near i / * ~---
and Mrs John Baird were I a two ~eens vacation in cue some : " ' " ' l iAs IT ~ ~ ~ ~------ ~.~ * i ~.- ~---'~'~.~ r.=,~n*~=t ] llninecllal~e payment tnereot to tne,~ I
lies( "*','~ek end in the home of Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Kenneth were visitors Sunday in thei " " - ]In(!lanapons, ~nlL, armve e ] r~-.~?~a,~ onv~o~ ,undersigned. Those having elaims[~ I
.a-~ -- - - : -- .- I Mrs. A. F. Coulson : home of Mrs. Edaburn's niece, Mrs.Mr. and .~/rs. v ~. ~t.alno dr,- I i, ready. Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr, ('astor a,-ainst the same will file then], dub, l i |
.-u .~ars. A. O. ~au u. ] x : Melvin Slife at Central City i spending this week m Chicago, Ill I Mr. and Mrs Francis Gaines and Sunday-- ' authenticated in the office of the l i ~"~ -.~ t t* $' I
1, Ke.gley fM.areng spent!week end from Exeter N H tel Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Horton. andlmtheh me fthelr:s nand d:,)~g~:!family attended a reunion of theI 9.~45 Church School . Clerk of the IAnn County, Iowa ~~'~; i
~nu in tne some or ms - 2- ' -:' ~,~ ~ ,~ x~,o tt r, i ter-in-law ~v~r. anu ,~rs. ~u~'~"lGaines' family at Central City on l lu'aa union serwce oiworsmp. Di~*ri~* (~,u-* I~ ~~-~ I
' .~l"~~ 17 "~"---~"'" I spen~ soveral weeks in .~loun~ Vet,* i.-on 1 .v~r 2,~,'.~. ~,~v~=y ,at. ~. i ] " .~ - .~.- --~. ,1 ~a-~ ,
' ~ ~x,~tt.y. ~ llialne and ~amuy. i Sunday ~ermon oy Ixev Joseph t~ray 't~s ALBERT BI INKS II -~----m~-| I
Eliz " ,non. ~ne is staying at tne iv[rs [P~lllSOn allen(lea ~ne AII-IOW'a ~alrI " of " ' ' " "" " ' " ' -- "~ -" "* "
abeth Isaacs of Glllespte Mr and Mis Roger Gllhtte est f El Precmus Prom~ses I
" I Marcia Conrad home. n Cedar Rapids on Sunday - ~ " ~ ' Mr and Mrs. C. W.W. o ~- " Administrator. i ~f~,~---~ "~ [
a geust last week in theI I ~ " M~ I ch.~mpaign Ill. arrived on Satur-]dora spent the week end in the August 24-- I G M V ilson Attorney i i [~1 ~ ~.~ [~] |
l Mr ~ . the large plate glass window in, .mr. and,-s. Juuan d nnst n/ " ' ' ' v ks ' i l " '
a~ld" SM,~I, rank, l~nvdNehck" T-Tn rtnnh menr~" the :l)d ley' gi eccl. v ~ hwh" was dam- ~" nI. x, x~ + ~,t~, ~,e ~d~Yhomc" tOofSpendMr Gillette sthree x patentee ms Mrthe |home(el, xxr,~t f ~Mr . Tests ' mother, Mrs! evemngLet" USofSaVesundaythe Augustafterno n24, and~for i ~./~Au~14~" ,2 1 ~ ~ ~~ [I
. . i ageo several mourns ago oy a BB ,Marion, returne[1 home t~un(lay I : r~ r.-11 + I *"'* "" i 4~ oh ~, ~,~ ~. ~ h,~ Ti,~ i ~i ~ I
lag In northern Minnesota I~nff.~,11s < r~ ~hte e ~ n Ma ee have ~ = "" -" ~ "-~
;~ " " " ~" Igun fired hy a thoughtless person :night from a fishing trip to north-,;" "" . .- I ])r. and ~rs. Job B g i~7ove'~;esb~;;ian~dl~urJ~" The?el ~] |
~d~" They are expected home Iwas replaced on Tuesday. ern Minnesota. Mrs.Margaret Melsh anu son ~,u- |as their guest this week a long time 1 ~rou- ~ ,-eo-'l~"res T~I,|it |
uy. I ' i ) " me die of Cedar Rapids and Mrs. J' lor- [ friend Mrs Frank Whitted of To- j~,a s,- ~ ~ v, ~, ~, ~, -
M~ and Mrs Iotas D~vls and Mr and Mrs H ] Wmsor ' re THE Re D
l~ ] "'" " ' ~ ", I " . i('a~'o Ill were,:" " ent last year for a very helpful p hifl t iti A TO [
crry or ].os Angeles uallr, familyof I on~mont Cole arriv toredto Springfield Me last ence bet ly o~ ~u ~ ~ ' " ? pet a ~ansas ,~. ~, ~~, ~, ~,~l~ ~&~qJ~,~ I i I
v * I ~ o,-, " ! * ' ~ "' * ' .' "- . ~,4,~nd~lv evcnin~ In the i /~, tlll. a. ll~ ~Z~UUXt.tta~ ataa~vv.x~ ' I~ I l i l~ 14"ill II'|'~
.ioyci l~ryant or Nlarlon x lSltOi S~v -,~a o ~ ~.~u~.~.~
I~it ~ ? ledlastFriday tospend a week in week and on Saturday they were (=,~ : M~ and Mrs I~ A Buses- Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wravis of near larger number in attendance this i~i |
-is .~lonnav m tne nome ~ " is esda in thc Ill Ut ~ U m out at ;) m I
~- '-' " " . I the home of Mr. Davis'sparents accompanied home by their daugh- ~ ~"~". Marion were vlsito ". Tu ~,y Year for an eouallv insnirin~ nro- " " P" " ] i It's an ~,agv r~,d *,~H ,~, |
'~J. D. KlemecK. Mr and Mrs I) C Davis Ite," Miss Cynthia oarK. . home of Mr Travis's mother Mrs. ~,r~m if th- re~treati~ to fulfil|its n |[i ~]: --~.- ~--*: I
" [ I -" - ~s, "qr~il ]ones WhO -- . ' s 11~OlI P'inlsni g Z5 tt Jeaas s/ralght to the Hav~k-
and Mrs. Karl Andrlst re-I Mr and Mrs Frank Nelick had: Virginia and Eric Anderson of, .vlr. an, ls. s : "Iei-h Wuimm uravls, purpose. Plan to come and en- n~ elln I
~'i~me last Thursday night ]as dinner guests Tuesday evening, Milwaukee, Wis and Melville are living in the ;v,ss ~Uto l~,a~; Mrs. C. M. Cumberland and fam- .'ourage others to do the same. Reprints 3e Ill eye-tteeo~a prove and the i
. aneapolis. Minn where ] Miss Eloise Busching of Stanwood, Evans of Springfield, Me are l apartment~ expect to me W - - ily are spending this week in the ~ ][ ~Vant-ad seetton, You can't |
eat Several weeks field on ,natur/lay .vlr Jones is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHTTRCH ~ i
"' IMiss Charlotte Swenson of Olin guests this week in the Mr. and j " -''- -- -" ~ ; [* ~n home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. 8 Exposure Rolls, i| miss It! ]
,~dna Moynihan is spending [l.aurance Kline and Henry Klatt of Mrs. H. D. %Vinsor home. Lt~tl)ul~)~eaa at tne :Torte, ~, steve Wright at Pale. L;sSs UlserWfllod)~:hel?Ub~eel l~:sthe( Double Size 35e I ~ Hawke e I
":k visiting relatives in De-i Clarence. I ~ land who has ] ' " Mrs, Harry Vogt of Chicago, ill " a l . urc el "'~ "'" l ii y - Record Classl- I
~ich. She also ex.ected tor t q" n i.*h~l. " "J.' "-" "~:'"' "] Mrs. BertAveryana.v,fs.t- arrived Tuesdav afternoon for a Chltist, gclentist, on~unuay, August ooume lze tteprmts eel'i fledswlll sell your livestock I
ices of " [ a,c, sue a i Been confine(1 to her nome since use i Beach returned home l,-rmay eve- . - ' - " 17 ! " li '
interest in Canada.!home .of Mrs. C. E. Kegler were: first of May, suffering with rheu- [nin~ from Marshalltown where they v!slt m t he home. of her mother, ;rhe Golden Text ts from Psalm. New Fresh Film, All Sizes. tour trait, your furniture.
and M . the ),hsscs Thelma and Aleta Lillig matism does notimprove Her - " " ' " r.vtrs. wnnam [rams. ~ .
. - Is. O. B. Chassell, ~hoI ! . " ' tattended the State Legion Auxllla y 103:1 'Bless the Lord O my soul" lit They ~ill rent your house. |
~eat several months at Sun-lot. l)u~uque; ~vu-s: ~na l,inlg a. nUifriends will be very sorry to hear ]meeting, in session from Wednesday ~ Mr and Mrs. Harvey Schull: of and all that is within me b{ess his! Frozessional and Ill They will find help for you |
WYoming are expected in ~lss ~vlargaret l~llllgel L, OS~n- ,this l .il Fr~a~ t hoenix Ariz were guests last l~'rl- ' |'s~ma~a~al D]I ~& k Ill " |
Y^- : - : - :~'el-~ Oalif I " It'''t '"" Y' a,~. ~." ~ e +~t i~= uoiy name. ~v.u ~t~.tat t--otogralmy Ill They'll Perform lust about I
~rnon aoout August 15 *" I t as In o e ( ~
~ " Mrs John C'~raway and sister Mrs Rose Hickm'm h'~,l .~s giles s '.'." ~'.". " ~" .':'2 " The Lesson-Sermon comprtse I li - - . !
~i D. Kleineck accompanied Mrs Rose Hickman returnc(1 last!Mrs. Alice Tate and Mr. and Mrs.on'Wednesday, Mrs Carrie CoWa?n 'v~rMan:ndlr:~r~r7 H::knare ex quotations from the Bible and fromi I.~ t i ]} i,] ;:;2u,~l i:~t 7=vice Ior you-- |
"'n-law and daughter Mr Thursday from Washington 1).C (ephas Miller, of East Chicago, .~nd daughte;" Mrs Elsie Cowa the Christian Science textbook, ][l~ ~'[l~ %~ ~.~l~] i |
' * ' { ' ' ' " eo ~k ~ ~ ~ ~v
R n summer m Mt h dale Cahf peeting their son Prof I Ha len
ert Scott, of Cedar Rap- I where she spent several weeks m Ind who spe t the " - Scott and baby of G m . "' - 'Sc" ce and Health with Key t0; I {ii Di |
~:t2~:ina?B!F~!d:~ i~:tl~e !l!:toghnh~hemi~ "aanhddfMj:i :;rf i . IcTFe:thd V!iy~nSuoT!~?nHthe !pal: L~;jMoo~r t MUlmo~ Jf G::erTrn?ndl Mrs dIa:u~a and! gAv!~Y fG:jwl;fgf 7!i:~:h2: ~(~Y:c::P:::e::bl:Ycit:::: r~::tl Dial ~412 Mt Vernon Ij. at z43, !
" Y " " " " " Mrs W. I). Searbrough, g - ~ " s :
tcr of Mrs. l,eonard Kopf, is very Cedar Rapids were dinner guests "Truly my soul waiteth upon God:::
ill with pcritonitis in a hospital, in Sunday in the home of the formcr'sfrom him cometh my salvation. He l
I Houston, Miss where thcy moved aunt, Mrs. Robert Plattenbergcr. on y Is my rock and my salvation;l
last week from Anamosa. Her con- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rumblc, he Is my defenee; I shall not be
dittos has been critical but is be- of Cincinnati, Ohio, were guests last greatly moved. My soul, wait thou
'ginning to show a slight improve- Friday in the home of the former'sonly upon God; for my expectation,
ment. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rum- is from Mm (Ps. 62:1, 2 5).
Mr. and Mrs. Villiam Tippett of ble. Among the selections from the
Christian Science textbook is the:
Elizabeth, Ill and Miss Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. Robcrt Rarnes andfollowing:
Til)pett of Chicago, /1l. ,spent Sat-daugbter Miss Leone Rarnes spent
"The proper use of the word soul
urday afternoon and were dinner the first of the week visiting Mr. can always be gained by substitut-I We cannot say what conditions will be
guests of Mr. "~nd Mrs. Vance Allyn Barnes' sister Mrs. C. M. Gage at ing the word God, where the deifici
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Lester. meaning is required. In other cases,! next winter, but we can assure you that
Get a Winkler Stoker to
fire your furnace this
winter. Day and nigh
this stoker will give
you cleon, even heat
a nd yet your fuel hill
will he the lowest ever.
Investigate the Winkler
Stoker-gel a free heat.
ing survey now of your
home and learn whal
you can save!
chatlng bath,non
tt~ shavinq, and head-
~'~ ~aassages--just a few
ot auto-,a io g.
l~t~aost Kke magic--the
h~.e dirty dishes dis-
~!if r a snow white ira-
~.~t~ wash--plenty of au-
~!,~ gas hot water at a
~the faucet.
plentiful hot
cr every cleaning
smaller lobs,
Dial 5912 Mount Vernon
At your fingertips
instant abundant hot water
does the
At your fingertips--perfect hot water service;
instant, plentiful, luxuriously convenient, self-
starting and self-stopping, when you own a
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trips to the basement--tank patting--endles
Live the modern carefree way with Ruud
automatic hot water service. Let Gas, the
modern economy fuel, handle the Four Big
Hot Water obs and 101 small jobs, too.
Payments as low as
Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012
Lisbon Office Phone 202
Eye,stone. Grant Cotton arrived from an ase the word sense, and you wi]] those thrifty folks who buy their coal
Mrs. A. M. Winter of Iowa City, eastern trip Monday and spent un- have the scientific signification. As
and her daughter Mrs. L. Miller Ill Tuesday with his brother J. E. used in Christian Science, Soul Is|
and family of Los Angeles, Calif Colton, before leaving for his home properly the synonym of Spirit, or nOW will save money and be sure of a corn-
were dinner guests of Mrs. Frances in Seattle, Wash. God; but out of Science, soul IS j fortable home next winter.
Bickle, at the Goudy cafe on Tues-, Theodore Stinger returned home identical with sense, with material|
day. Additional guests were Mr. Monday from Hinsdale, Ill where sensation" (p. 482).
and Mrs. S. E. Bair. he was a guest in the home of his 311 First Avenue North
Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Miller, who brother-in-law and sister Mr. and 0 U r
spent the summer with Mrs. Miller's Mrs. Frcd Stcwart. METHODIST CHURCH
mother, Mrs. John Caraway, left Prof. and Mrs. George Traey of Rev. W. G. Rowley, ]Pastor
on Wednesday for their home iu Cullowhee, N. C were guests last Sunday School in this church at
]';ast Chicago. Ind. After spending a week in the borne of the former's9:45.
Union worship services at the
day at their home they expected tomother, Mrs. Mary Tracy. They
t leave on a fishing trip in the north, left for their home on Sunday. Presbyterian church at 10:45.
The Misses Shirley Minnick, Eula :Dr. and Mrs A King left ,or West Abbey
1,urnett, arid BeU, y Herr{rig, enjoy- Lake Geneva, "~Vis On Wednesday The Mt. Vernon Bank and Trust Co. will
ed a picnic dinner at Ellis Park where Dr. King will attend the i~I~. Wllton Gnnn
on Monday. and spent the rest of Hazen conference. They expect to loan you money to finance your early coal
the day at the All-ToTe ],'air in return home next Wednesday. RUSSELL MALLICOAT HAS
Cedar Rapids. ])r. and Mrs. S. J. MeLaughlin, :GOOD TIMOTHY YIELD purchases.
Mrs. Jessie Robinson, who has and son Stephen, relurned last Sat- Louis Reyhons threshed timothy
been at Herbert, Mich during the urday from Athens, Ohio, where for Russell Mallicoat Wednesday
month of July, returned to Mount ]/r. MeLaughlin was a member of The yield was exceptionally good,
Vernon Iqst week cud and is local- the summer school faculty in Ohio as they received 158 bushel from
ed at the home fo Miss Anna Jor- University. about 20 acres.
dan for a few weeks. Miss Helen Vv'arren is spending MR. AND MRS. GUNN
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Minniek a few days in the hmne of her ,ENTERTAIN H. O. CLUB
and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. and sister, Mr. and ,
Minniek and Nancy Lou, spent Sun-Mrs. Fred Travis before going on Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn en-
day afternoon and evening in the to Ghlva. Ill where she will be a~tertained the H. O. Club Wednes-
home of Mr. and Mrs. Everettmember of the high school faculty, daYof theireveningson honoringjohn Jamesthe birthdaySand Mrs.
Thede of Cedar Rapids. S1 ndny afternoon and Monday Merrill Hoffman. The guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Caraway and guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. honor received many nice gifts. The
son Dean. and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill lG. C. Prail were l)r. and Mrs. evening was spent visiting, after Mount Vernon
Barge left Sunday for a motor trip Charles E. Pr'dl of Washington, which birthday cake. pie and ice
to Los Angeles, Calif to spcnd]).C. 1)r. Prall is a member of the cream were served to all. Those
about three weeks in the home of Ameriean Council of Edueation in present besides the guests of honor i
Mr. and Mrs. 1,:eith Hayden and %Vashington. and the hosts were: Merrill Heft-ira
f tinily ~*inifred Klinefelter of Gregory,man, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallick,
S. 1)ak came Monday for ~ visit Mr. and Mrs. Golden Miller, Junior ~
Miss Alice, .Mnrio Bi~'er arrived of a week with her uncle and aunt, Kearns of Anamosa, Miss Jane Col- ~[
Tuesd~ y evening for a three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and lier of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Than~
vacation visit in the home of her family. Jovce W'oods. daughter of Dean, Pauline Daubenmier Mr. andi
na,'ent~, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bigger Mr. and Mrs. I,(,o Woods, is also a Mrs. Fred Alexander, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Bigger is a student nurse in guest in the Young home. Kenneth Kaplan. Mr. and Mrs.
the New York Presbyterian hos- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rumble re- Walter Cook, Mrs. Leitha Kaplan, ii
pital, Now Ym'k City. ceived the announcement of the Harold and William Kaplan, Miss
Evorett Jordau birth of a daughter to ,Serg. and Lillian Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, TIME to make
spent last Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ford, at the home of Mall|coat, Junior Mall|coat and Miss
Mrs. Glen McArter home near Nor-Mrs. Ford's mother, Mrs. J. T. Ay-Dorothy Reynolds of Lisbon. in LATE
way T,eanna and Marlys MeArtor cock, in Mart, Texas. Mrs. Ford a
who had spent ten (lays in the Mr. is a granddaughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. A. ACTIVITY
and Mrs. Harry .Tordan homc an0, Rumhle. With the poles and transformers! or
in the Everett Jordan home re- Mr. and Mrs. O. Ruttcnbeck, of strung out along the road last week
turned home with them. Avoca, were callers Monday in theit seems that maybe we will have i IS When The Price Is Right
Tom and ~rill Joriman, Mrs. Effie home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish- the electricity before Christmas. At
Butler and Leo, and Miss Gladys er. Mr. Ruttenbeck is superintend- Ieast we're hoping so.
Helgeson spent last .'eel< at Jeffer- ent of the Avoea school,~, where M,'. Wehave a few that are priced to sell
son and at West Okoboji lake. They Fisher wil ltake up his new duties I GOOD LUCK CLUB NOW
also visited Mrs. Butler's daughter, as athletic eoach and manual train- !TO MEET AUG. 21ST
Mrs. Ole Hansen, at Milford. Missing teacher the first of September.The Good Luck Social Club
Helgcson returned to her home in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanderson iwhich was to have been August 7th 1938 Ford V-8 two door model $375
~ioux City from the lake. and son Junior of Diagonal were at the home of Mrs. Russell Malli-
Miss Elizabeth Bryant, who has visitors Saturday in the home of the coat, will be Aug. 21st instead. Chrysler Airflow $325
former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and H. O. CLUB HAS WEINER ROAST
heen ",trending (,olumhia University Mrs. J. E. Colton. They all spent 1933 Dodge four door.
in New York City this summer, is the afternoon in the Mr. and Mrs. I The H. O. Club held a weiner
expected home on Monday. Miss William Bartlett home, north of roast and picnic supper at the Up- 1939 Plymouth Pick Up
Bryant presented a piano reeital be- Mount Vernon. per Pal on Tuesday evening. The .
fore the music faculty at the 17hi- occasion was to celebrate the birth-
versity on Tuesday which serves as Mrs. H. E. IAttle and daughtcr i days of Mrs. George Wallick, Mrs. See These Cars
an examination for the work coy- Miss Mary Little returned Monday Walter Cook and Mrs. Wilton Gunn,
(,rod during study, evening from a week spent at COl-which were the 11th, 12th, and 13th.
lege can;p, at Lake Gencva, Wis. Twenty one were present to enjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dean of Jef- They ~erc accompanied by Mrs" the grand feed.
ferson spent Monday and Tuesday Marshall Hiekn~an and two chil-: ~-
in the home of l)r. and Mrs. V . G. idren, John and Mary Helen of Ce- Mrs. Dora Hoffman returned to Dial 5812
Kruckenberff. Nancy Dean aeeom- -,- -. -- . Frank L. Kilberger, Prop.
partied hor parents to Mount Ver-ith:; ,l'~e'~l~d ,;)~(h t~3ct~jnan spent the Harry Hoffman home Tuesday,
non and is staying for two weeks as after spending a week at the home Mount Vernon, Iowa
lhe guest of Becky l,ou Current in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paul with of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman.
the home of her parents, Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs. Bruee Frantz of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitlik had as~ |lill i I I
Mrs. l,awrenee Curront. Springville spent the week end in dinner and supper guests Wednes- - - - --= ~-- ~-'-" --- - : z $
Gary, Ind where they visited Mr. day, Mr, and Mrs. Carlton Hayek
Franklin l,athrop, son of Mr. and
and Mrs. C. E. Main. They return-land family of Baltimore, Md and
Mrs. lloyd ],athrop. sent them a
ed on Monday by way of Milwaukce Mr and Mrs. A. W. Shantz of Stan-
2'2 pmmd trout the first of the week.
and the ~Visconsin Dells. Mrs. Main wood.
It is on display in the Mount Ver-
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Merrill Hoffman. Mrs. James O
non locker plant. The catch was Paul. They report thc steel millsMa]lieoat. Mrs. Let(ha Kaplan, Mrs.
made in a hike near Ashland, V is, at Gary are working three shifts a Kenneth Kaplan. Miss Dorothy key-
Mr. l,atbrop received $10.00 as "l day and many small houses are be-holds. Mrs. Walter Cook and Mrs.
prize for having caught the big- ing built in that vicinity. Wilton Guns helped Mrs. Mallicoat
frost fish of the week at that par- prepare meals for threshers, Wed- "J,~c 60(- 2~,
titular place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher ex- nesday" BAYERS ALKASli:I,TZEI~ CARTER'S
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Goodlovo and pect to leave Monday for their new
home in Avoca, where Mr. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan. ASPIRIN
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Butler return- will tcach manual training and Mrs. Leitha Kaplan, Harold and 59e 49c ],IYi';R PII,~I,S
e(t home Sunday cw,ning from a coach alhh, tics in the high school. William and Miss Lillian Laing 19e
delightful vacation silent in Minne- He will stop for a day at Boone to were dinner guests Thursday at the $1.25 Value 60(-
sole. They fished at Pine l.ake, ]~I{OMOS]F1,TZER I)i*~OPHYI,A(Y-~IC
and at l~,mii,Minn and visited attend a coaching school. Mr. Fish- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn. GII,I,F, TTE
The Kaplan families and Miss TOOTH BRUSH
the ltaska State Park. At Bemijicr was playground supervisor at Lillian Laing picnicked with the Pkg of 25 - 98c 23c
they reel Mr. and Mrs. Julian ,)ohn- oue of the sixteen playground cen- DonMiller family Thursday eve- i
ters in Cedar H.apids, this summer, . ,50('
ston am] Mr. and Mrs. Stewart which cuds tomorrow with a big nmg in Cedar Rapids. IAVE~'TOCK MOLL E
IIawk of Marion. picnic at Ellis Park, Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan FLY SPRAY CASTORIA
key. and Mrs. J. J. Kidder leftspent Saturday night and Sunday 39c
on Tm sd ~y to spend several weeks James W. MeCuteheon with with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomp- 89C gal. 29c
at Champion, Alberta. Can:'tda. Charles A. Doxsee of the Monticello son. 40c %$'(x~lbury's
where Mr. l,~idder will supervise the Exl)r~'ss a.nd Villiam Beck, jr of: Brokel's truck took the Pitlik 3 V's ]II'BBLE BATH )lATCHED
harvesting uf his crops on several the Tipton ('ouscrvative. attended boys' calves to the All-Iowa Fair lllRI) SEED MAK]F-UP
se( lions of lnnd he owns in that vi- the annu'll fish fry of the North- Sunday morning. We wish you 29c
cinity. Miss Joyce Kidder will visi!east Iowa press association at Gut- luck, boys! 23c 3 pieces 89c
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. t(,nl)erg on Vriday. l)clieious Mis- Mr, and Mrs, Merrill Hoffman at- l~arge )lug I EI SI(~OLA or Sl)ringville
and Mrs. C. J. Kramer at Man- slssippl river cat fish were served tended the Whitlatch reunion on
in the new Guttenhe,-g municipal Sunday at the Alvin Russell home. ROOT BEER COCA COLA ICE CREAM[
chester, during tileir al)sencc.
buihling.T,'red Hill, president of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gunn and 5C 6 for 25c 29c Quart
I Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cook return-the Iowa I'ress Association, Frcd Jimmy were visitors at the home
ed home Vednesd'ly evening of lastl~ierman, former eungressman and of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wickham at ~---:----------:-- ---:'--- : -- -------- '--- - -- -- ~
week from Neenah, "Wis where now U. S. Marshall for Northern Center Point, Sunday. *: ----~ --
I they were called the first of the low.t, spoke to the group after Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander
{week hy the sudden death of Mrs. ,'hich lbey we,'e shown the $5.000.-were Sunday dinner guests at the COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE |
Cook's mother, Mrs. Mary Thomas. (i00 government leek and dam and home of Mrs. Josephine Helmer in i
She had laid down for a nap and taken on a tour of the Bureau of Lisbon. I C. CHAMBERS-INsKEEP
died while asleep. Miss Violetta Fisheries project on the islands op- Mrs. Leitha K~plan, William and! Realize---Real Eyes
~(~ook of Wheatiand and her cousin ~)osite Guttenberg which will in a Harold were supper guests Sunday i
Kenneth Cook of Miles attended the few years be the largest fisheries evening in 1VIarion at the home of, 221 3rd St. S.F Cedar Rapids, Iowa
funeral on Tuesday. in the world. 1V[.r. and Mrs, Darrell Shanklin. i 4=-- ~---- --- - ----- -,~- - -- -. - r - -- - - -