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August 14, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 14, 1941 |
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Lisbon, Iowa
Sunday in the Lloyd Graver home Cedar Rapids ~eamrs m -
Kenneth is remaining for the week rv~v Smvth I Wednesday to the young married Ames The Dodge family and Miss Cemetery Memorials PEACH cROP
'1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Ha - o ~
and Eddie Johnston, who had.beenI and children Louise, Jimmy and'.ladms, afternoon club. Budge was i Pine were also entertained in the [ ] WANING
here for two weeks, returnea nome]Teddv attended the Smyth family pmyea at tour tames ann reiresn- Vern Dacken home. R L FRINK,Illinois will be tlLro($
wRh h~s arents I ~ ~ments served by the hostess [ I
' " P - reunion held Saturday at Ellis Park ' Sunday guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring : [ this week. Michi li
Mrs. Marie Mahanna o~ Chieago~ in. Cedar Rapids. Eighty-two rela- Rev. and Mrs. S. H. Streyfeller Harr~ y Sizer home were Mr. and l
came on Monday for a visit w~th tives were present of LeMurs were guests Wednesday ~ Mrs. Perry Harmon, Delores and ~. ! I Colorado are sold
r~es. 94 PHONES Office 110 i ~ "-'--!1 if I~
Mrs. Margaret Burke in the JoeI Mr and Mrs Richard Kolek and and Thursday in the I. L. Cork Donald Mr and Mrs Clifford : It S a fluestm
IAsbon, Iowa, i . t]!
Karbia home Sunday guests in the I) i L f Snrin~ville were lh me' and spent Wednesday night Smith daughter Nancy and Mrs I will get any from
I son av d ee o ~ - - .
same home were Mr. and Mrs.] Sunday guests in the parental F. J.] with M~ss Eva Fmyd They were ]Martha S~zer and daughters Mum- ~--]| states Illinois fruit:
Frank Reddick, Ernest rmemermi Kotek home Afternoon callers[ returning ~rom a mp mrougn me ]lyn and Carolyn of Waterloo and GEORGE D. ~ILOR, LAXVYER ',medium size becaUS
nk ehlar of Iowa CR I east Mr an r
and Fra C ' Y" i were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Krob and " . d M s. Robert Begley and General Practice ~
Mrs. Kenneth Dyer and son Mer- son Larry of Rowley. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Burlingame Ison Tommy of Springville.
Notary Public Deeds, Wills " -- : ,easona'
wyn of Indianola came Wednesdayt Mrs. Harold Ringer and her moth-]an.~ chfldren, .Joan, Wallace and| Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Albright have Licenses '1~ fi~e all2 U[,~ ~--che~
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| er Mrs. Flora Buck of Mount Ver- / wnnam attended the Hoogden fam- I as their guests her brother and wife Office in residence, corner Wash- ~,We Wlii nave ,
w. M. Oberton. A brother-in-law|non returned Friday from Walker, I ~Y reumon nelo ~unday, at the iMr. and Mrs. LeT Williams of ington and Market St Phone 80 i! Iom~ as obtainable a~,
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight. I where they spent several davs~ with nomeMr and ~ MrsmrS'W~urnngamec Hod dens parentS,at Ox Woodward and a cousin, Mrs. Wes- ~~l prices.
Dyer brought them enroute to thmr
, [relatives and friends, and attended,~ " " g -]ley Lummins of Kearney, Nebr. Lisbon, Iowa '! OT~--~EI~
home in Michigan from a trip toi the two-day homecoming celebra-]mra duncuon. ]Mr. and Mrs. Albright and guests
: Real Estate and Insurance !l r~'~'r~T~VT~ I~T,0~
Indianola. I tion. Mrs. G. L. Hill was hostess Thurs- ]attended a picnic of former teach- ~ [12k 1~
Carl Dahn was in Des M ines n I ~ ~'~a ~t~ n'~'~ ~n~ ~'~a [ day evening at a farewell party f r ] era and pupils f Anti ch sch l in HO~~on~e?~:Rent i ~~Cria?i. i~.
Sunday to attend a reunion of men lcmmren~ "";'-'~-~'~armyn"%~' ~'~urwn ano'= ~'am~-=[ Mrs . G K Frink, whose :family is|the Sutliff vicinity .held on Men- 2
who served in the motor transnort!~--a ~-' ' ~ |leaving the last of the month to|day at Bever Park m Cedar Rap-
r I flll~ J.VlL ~llU 1 11~ 1: I~U lOllll~ le~ I ~ m m~ ids
serviceduring the World War.]Sundaymorningonaweek,svaca ]ma emelrnome n. ama: . .here| . ]IEveryguaranteeO 'i ]PURE FPLE
There were 304 in .Iowa Co No. 14 tion and fishing trip at Waterville were guests zor iour tables- O~i
at service time. At mis nrst meet- i Minn Miss Helen Snvder of Ce- I cringe. The noszess presenteo a i LISBON CHURCH NOTES i flour
i ng in 23 years, 84 were present. [ dar Rapids accompanied them. gift to Mrs. Frlnk. ] F~D,D,~-.~--~ ii| CiP .
tney mectea orticers ann aeciaea ~oI I Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and! Use Old Fashio al
~ ~ne nature nuey home near ~ Rev G S Hamilton Pa to
hold annual reunions Co--on "~un~ "" r 1 "' Mrs L N Rahn were Mr. and Mrs. :,s r
1 gg on ~ nay, nuey e auves/ ! S. S. Teacners Prayer Meeting I~ Sparkling ,~
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Handley andi had a reunion. From this vicinity] James Meyers of New York .C~ty, at 9'15 am
daughter Joan of Riversiae t=aiif. 'those attendin were Mrs Fred stopping enroute ~rom a trap to ," ::.
arrived Monday to visit in the T. Huey Mr anal Mrs John" Lowe]Estes Park. They are the parents[ ~unoay ~cnoo~ u!au a.m. I I [I VINEGAl
H. Cameron home, and with herlMr and~rs JamesTyson andthel f Mrs'Sheld nRahn" Mr'MeyersI ~. pSn~v~ee~t~rgm7e ~%6.u a'm" -"' ' i-- !| Made from pure
parents Mr and Mrs C A Mc- var:,'~ a "~, ~ ~ . is Industrial Secretary of the New ~" ". P' ,~ i . .
Cormick near Mechanicsville On moo ]York Federatmn of Churches g .wee p.m. = -- : : = = = = = = = : ] |mice from only
/ Tnursaay ~rayer and Bible Study ~ 4 At $| high quality I
Saturday they will go to Rwerslde I Mr
,' . . I s.L.E. Crelly returned Sun- servi~ ~* ~ -----
? which gives streng
Ill to spend a week with Mrs. nMr-and al~el~ MJi~he~ Mi!le~a ~r. day from Dubuque, where she hadI, Fri~a;~a~te~n*oon Prayer service Ensign Wayne Morris Seeks Wings ]I ,y If |flavor A good v
Handley s mater, Mrs. Howard Ben- a a ~ s. ~ue~ m .a a ugn-lvisited since Thursday in the Dr. at~the home of Mrs o'h- ~* ~ ----
net nd f mll ~ters mary ann dane Mrann Mrs I ~" "~" '*~ ~ ~-* ,
t a a y,I Earl and Dr Leo Lecher homes recent star of Nayy pi ots who intro uce diyo i! t li must imve both ot
~L. B. Gouchee and children, Bever-]she accom"anied Mrs J W M~ I ~,~,~,-,~-g-~-
~Juests this wee~ m me flare.rally' Laurence and Floyd, Mr. andl^~ ~,~.~'.~.~ .~.^' :.';,^a' ^~l ~ ~,~n~va~a ~n~.n WantedWings,"becamearccmbcrcf bombing, aircraft carriers and cata- ~ dr' ~ and flavor is ever
Davis home and with thei i parents, ,Mount i ,v,~. .~" ~ ,v,~un. **.u ma^ o~,*,c / Sunday until Thursday in Montl-// Sunday**m" nos~rom, l, llnls~erat 9:30 a m Classes Uncle Sam's Navy in May, 19/ !, [ p=lt ta::~-offs to the rest of the world. ~ OI ]~uvers ~]~ when it comes to
VernonMr" ann aremrS' Mr.l)' n ~ouis" i heldattenaedon Sundavthe Miuerat xamiZYAnamosareUnmnstate / cello ~t~, ~n s=o- " " when he was appointed to the rank ] A]3o, there are opportunities in Naval ~ ",ness. Aged in we,
Davis, Robert and Joan of Long- ! hark " ] Miss Patricia Kettering of Pueblo Worship and Preaching at 10:30. of Ensign. I Aviatian for men who don't wa=t ta i t ~ i,tered, pasteurizeu.
"' '~ Miss Pe Frink will sm ' When asked what he thought of ~ fly. They can be trained as aviation When you use Hawkeve,is not produced a
mont, Cole,and Mrs Arthur Brad- I 1 Colo visited in the home of her ! ggY " ' g, 'The the United States Navy, Morris said, i machinists, metalsmiths, phota~ra-
Icy and daughter Martha Jean of] Mr. and Mrs. dohnE. Mc~ugnnao grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J W [r~oiy t:ny." "" ;[| finer, more dePe
Omaha Nebr. Joining them Sunday as guests x.rom ~unoay unn~,ues- I Kettering on Friday She has been i,Board of Stewards meeting, Tues- "I think every man who is consider- [ phcrs, observers, or they can rec:ive
for a picnic at the river were Mr I day her mece, mrs. ,~rmur ~renCKisnendin~ the summer with her ] oay, ~ugust 19th, 7:30 p.m ing joining a military service should/instructi ninmany ther trades. I~'s ~ Record and Herald you !,cider vinegar tha
and Mrs. Harold Vander Linden and husband of Detroit, Mich |uncle and aunt Dr and Mrs Stuns-'~ Annual Conference at Iowa Falls, look into the 'chance of a lifetime' ] a great life in the Navy." ]I are addressing a virtual t:] vinegar we sell Y'
and children Gene and Beverly of I stopping on their way to Yellow- t bur~ in Cedar' Ranids " September 9th. which the Navy offers to get into the ] Ensign Wayne Morris is pict=re=l
! year around ann
Marion; and Miss Mary Davis Of stone Park. Joan and Tommy ~ ' ] ------- big pay field of the future--aviation. ~here in kis line of duty as a member I~Iarmy of buyers. No mat-,small price. The
Cedar Rapids Zachar of Cedar Rapids were in the ] Mrs. Anna Belle Bittle spent Sat- ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH In the Navy you can attend the [ of the Naval Aviation Cadet S=l=c- ~,for less.
" ', McHugh home from Sunday to urday with her daughter, Mrs. Har- i Sunday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00.finest flight training schools in the / tion Eoard at the Long Beach Nav.q ~ ter wlmt you want to sell| i |
mr. ann mrs. aonn macamay re-iwednesday while their parents at-|old Gardner and family in Water-I Week day Mass: 7:00. world, and receive instructi n fr mlReserveAirBasa" t" tl" FOIl
turned Wednesday to the C B nm
' ^~= l tended a grocers' conventionin I leo. Miss Grace accompa " d her! ~
donnston nome Irom a pleasant ~ y I Davenport. ] and Sunday left with Dr. and Mrs. r' buy, your presenta-
.*nile trip. They went to the BlackI . I Gardner and daughter Judith Ann ,tvltt;$at~ [t tion will get attention. I Lisbon
Hills through YellowstonePark Miss Blanche Wallick was home I
' I I loz a ~,wu wee~s zl.~nzng t*-~p un [ lvlrs, l~aWln ~eclcKa
and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ma- ! ~rom donet, ~n to spen.~ a ~ew nays| Wing Lake, at Nevis, Minn. I ---- A~ = =~== 4! ~i ~
eaulay at Seattle, where he is with:~ with her parents, leawng TuesaayI Banns were announced Sunday at
the Boeing Aircraft Corporation. lon the City of Los Angeles for an] Mrs. t~ ~, rmmnton wen~ re|st. Peter and Paul's church for Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllff, lllll!
mmr Natmnal ~ extended tri . Going to California i Mattoon, UL, on ' uesoay accom- Vir~" ~ ta and l.{|Ha~ Wt~h,~ . ~,~
i n fl B r [ [3)' CHARLES B. ROTH 1
They went mrougn t~a ' ~" I " '
vark to Portland where a short ] she will visit friends in Pasadena, panying ner morner, Mrs w. ,~' are to be marrlod A~m~ 9g h
time was anent with Mr. Macaulay's! Los Angeles, and San Francisco Sabin, who h'as spent severm wee~s i Emanuel Rushek's have put a new
aunt Mrs.~Guy Lee. On the re- From there she goes to Vancouver, / in the Hamilton home: Next. Men- : coat of paint on their house How-
turn they came via Salt Lake City ]Lake Louise and Lake Banff and ] day Rev. Hamilton wi~omweeeetk~er]an i ard Payne of Solon did the painting. HOSS TRADIhI'
and Colorado, making the trip up will returntbY boat tOenrout S~jtmtlee. and l cMa~ ?n to go on a ~w ' - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Becicka and L~ Y FRIEND asked me if,sumer, that someone won't take ad-
Pike's Peak. ',then to Pc a d e " Alvin Klouda were visitors Friday ~r~ would go with him to buy a vantage of me and overcharge me
evening in the Emanuel Rushek horse. I went. We traipsed from in this bold way?
Taxes will be higher for everyone
next year because of. National De-
fense expenditures. Prepare now to
meet your obligations to community,
state, and nation. Do it in a fore-
handed, businesslike manner by reg-
ular deposits in your bank account,
starting at once In this way you will
be able to pay the higher taxes with
less hardship and interference with
your normal spending.
Tll I
Gladys Karel visited over the
week end with Grandma Zenishek
in Solon
Ed Brickner's visited last Wed-
nesday evening in the Victor Law-
rence home in Prairieburg.
Alvin Klouda is visiting this week
with Richard Broulik.
White Oak
Mrs. G.'enn Slyer
The Allen, Otis, John, Arthur,
Glenn, and Floyd Siver families and
the Donald Heffleflnger family were
among those attending the Siver re-
union in Ellis Park at Cedar Rap-
one dealer's to another. One man
asked us $300 for a horse. The next
man had a horse which looked no
better, but his price was $450. Be-
fore the afternoon was over w,a had
seen horses ranging in price all the
way from $150 to $14,000.
Now, the $14,000 horse was a much
better animal than the $150 horse.
No use to deny that.
But nowhere along
the line did we find
a stabilized market.
Had we bought we
would have been
paying a price which
the seller thought his
My only assurance is the adver-
tising which 1 read in the newspa-
per. That is my market and my
buyer's guide. It tells me the prices
I must expect to pay. Let the seller
who tries to charge me more be-
It also tells me what quality I
may expect. Let the seller who
tries to give me a poorer substitute
So you see that advertising stabi.
lizes prices and enables me, no mat-
ter how inexperienced I am in busi-
ness, to buy with the same expert-
ness and assurance of a pr(~essional
buyer who spends his life buying for
ida, Sunday. horse was worth, a large concern.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wethington There was no mar- No one objects to paying the ca-
called in the Howard Zimmerman ket authority we taolished price for something he I~ cup Lisbon Butter
home Saturday afternoon. Neigh-! could consult which wants. But all of us hate to be 1 cup sugar
bors will be glad to hear the Zim- would tell my friend robbed by an unscrupulous man 2 eggs
mermans are recovering satisfactor- whether he was be- who, taking advantage of our ig. ~/4 cup milk
i ily after their recent auto accident ing overcharged or Charles Rothnorance, "soaks us good and plen-
i The Ralph Wethington family undercharged, ty." 2 cups cake flour
]spent Sunday evening in the Vern That same evening 1 went out toThe way to avoid being "soaked"
[Phillips home 2 teaspoons baking powder
I . . . buy a small household item--one in this complete way is to buy ad-
Mr and Mrs Ernest Tonne at- I,/z teaspoon salt
i tended the Royal Neighbors t~- which is advertised in all the news- vertised goods from merchants who
nic at Anamosa, Sunday evening ~ papers. I knew what the market advertise. 1 teaspoon vanilla salt
[ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne were price would be: advertising had told There was a time in &merica lld
Saturday evening supper guests of me. when there were no set prices. Each Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder a,ro~ h-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Milsap. ]With confidence 1 asked the clerk merchant eharged what he thought and sift together three times. Cream butter th ,uffY'
"the traffic would hear." Advertis-
ly, add sugar gradually and cream until light anu. al-
! Bob Tonne was a dinner guest in/ [or what I wanted and put my 25ing came to the rescue of the eon-
i the Floyd Slyer home Tuesday eve-! " " " .
[ning ] cents down on the counter. Had he sumer, it led the way to the estab- a! !!s ii rWi neAca :i!
said: "'I am sorry, sir, but the price lished prices you pay when you buy
i On Tuesday Lawrence . Davis, is 50 cents," 1 would have left and anyth:ng today- except, perhaps,
!trucked hogs to Cedar Rapids fori gone somewhere else.
ans and bak In m erat F for 25
i Ernest Tonne. Mr. and Mrs. Tonne horses, p e " a ode oven, 375 dec "
[ spent the day shopping in Cedar/ What assurance have l, as a con- @ Charles B. Roth utes. Spread top and sides with Butter Icing anu
Rapids. I rate with whole nut meats.
On Monday, Ted Fisher took hogs -~=---=-~---- --~----~---~-=---- - ~= -- - - -J~.
to Cedar Rapids for Verlon Baker. if
shoppingMr" and Mrs. Baker spent Monday]~in Cedar Rapids ! TYPF: /ItlTFlt. ANti All l [l, MAP, HIMI:. I
-- .- -. ~ - v sv.n~ ~v ~
The Leo Driscoll family called in i ]~
the Ralph Wethington home Tues-I| NEW AND REBU|LT |
day evening, I' I S 011 O
Mrs. Leo Driscoll attended an all i| Service by Factory Trained Mechanic |
day party at the home of Mrs. Ralph[ For Your Convenience You May Leave Orders For 1
Inks Wednesday The art i . ~
' '. .P y hen-,Repalrs with J. W. Bloom Book Store ( m
oreu mrs. ~nKS'
sxster, wno was PacK[ ~ r e~tm,
from Ohio. Those attending were i
i all classmates of the visitor, i[ Iowa Tyvewnter Exchange Manufacturers of Fancy Butter
mrs. mary Fairbanks spent the~| ~ ~ I
i past week with her daughter, Mrs. I| Second Floor Kresge Bldg. Cedar Rapids,|
Siver. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aldrich][ ~ An-ot" x. .oo~ t,Lisbon, Iowa
q e were week end callers I " |
in the Siver home ~ - -