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August 16, 1951 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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August 16, 1951 |
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b,/~o r~ano rec!tals will be given :the layer of asphaltic concrete. A ~nd Tom Moore farms on Monday chairman of theFriends forum ardsmen and s eculated as to the Th~s camp ~ ~ a huu " n t er. Susan ~md Marianne Hansen, ANNIVERSARY DANCE
' !qu: ~rth oAir cLimft, ~P~i~
,:" '~e'-~.bers of Jaceues Jolas' mas-:concrete recap of six inches will p~fe~teb~ea~ eskht~k~ t ar~:~ edU~;gthcencB:r~ant, Sha'f~r, S',~-.hen and Marilyn Mil-of Mr. and Mrs. Harr:; Lange of
.~e.r .cia~s SaturdaY.~ Au 18 and i be laid over some of the worst rmo dningojust n::th~f threnMjlit~Y CO~rm~eejnJh; hW~co~j%c~pi~aJ. ' " '~ .e mr or Barbara Linsley, Sandra and Diane i In honer of the 10th anniversary
-,~, g-,' ". - " Y . " P,ler. Included in the ac~ were iLi~bon a dance will be held at
b~r~- "'~' Au,% 19. The concerts will 'places in the present pavement. Forest silo was pulled over with a gree from Elphinstone college, Bom- seemed to be a coke vending ma- : that. There are a few large perma- fumbling, acrO:at!c stunts, danciug Ce ~ar Bluffs hall on Aug. 18.
ter- rt a:~ n.m. e~ch of the af- John Willman is in charge of the cable on Monday and will be buried bay university, the M.A. from chine amid the artillery, nent buildings in ore corner, but and ~in~in~o. The audience of friends Friends and relatives are invited
A,a on.s at King Memorial Chapel. work. The crew consists of about : along the east side of the road. The Northwestern university and the Ph. It is understood that the training everyone lives in tents. New bar- : ~nd neighbors watched the per- i to altend. Music will be furnished
t,'~ en the programs will be 20 men and includes five balch crew was working from the cross- D. from the University of Wisconsin. program set up for this summer W~ll ! racks are being built. They are like formance with much interest. Kool- ! by Emil Walter and his band.
.~rol.~.aethChOwning and Anna Marie trucks. All of the aggregate must lug. to north of the ForeEt barn. He comes to Cornell from teaching be rigorous because units in camp colle~e: ~ dorms-about throo~+ ,~i~. :
era . ~f. Davenport Nancy Tray- be hauled from Concrete Materials %~ e,nesday s early morning ram m the extenmon diwsmn of the Uni- might be called to active duty soon - r- " c : ---:---------------. i ~
Mrs. A1 Wilson entertained at a DERRICK CABLE SNAPS
~f 4~- Chnton and Phyllis Holtov :and Construction Co. in Cedar Ra- stopped work for a while . versity of Wisconsin at Appleton. ~ -------------------- ~ """As i*~ ~,a,u~'"':~-" now-- ~n~s--" m" our 6th birthday party for her daugh-i The cable on the derrick used by
is, Canada The public pids. It must pass the strict tests ~ I The new professor also has work- ' . A .m nermanent ~,~,~ T+ ;~ ol~, +~-~ -^~ ter Jack,s at her home Friday aft- i Trans Electric Co. to set poles on
-really invited to both recitals, of the Iowa Highway Commiss:on. Dick HoyL who was released ed on the staff of the Library of ~a|e ~oes Well !~ecting poin~'f'~r a~l "t~ro~ ~com~n~" :ernoon. Guests were Freddie and the R.E.A: hiline broke at Lisbon
A~g. 2nd from St Luke'~ hospital :Congress Washington D C as li : i to Eur~--^ ~ P - - g ! Gary Brooke, Peggy and Nancy i on Tuesday afternoon letting the
The work will probably take after we:ks of treatm~ntnJOJ )e:erve brarian of the Indic' section, has mC.~tStrO~l,m~n~r ~JrheoBnr Wndlfor le:s~eth;n~ st ~:e~emgay ~ere:Minert, Stevie and Patricia Wil-lderrick drop to the pavement at
NTEREDIN STATE FAIR about six weeks to complete.
"avelka"E~'~r"es onbY Ann Vi~]isel, and. Jean: ~burn i, making a sp e " -i taught at the New Me ico Highlands " g ,~ L. " ~, :racks won't b~ d,~ ~+;~ 1~ o o]~' llama Jeanne Hall Corrine and Pat's D-X Station Fortunately no
Drc~e-~ 4-H home furmsbing ' Mrs. Frank Franta spc;~', several ery All bandages have been re- university Las Vegas, N M in Ohio '~lVlaouoketa reports me recent sam I ~ - :"
. . ", ~ ". . ~ ~ ~ anu we x~ Ill pronably move out on- I Stevie Kepler, Sylvia Koh], Judy I one was near the derrick when it
to ~cts have been selected to .~o days last week in the home of Mr. move~ except. ~hose. on the left Wesleyan. umvers~ty and. on. the;precueed~ very sahsI~c~o~y,re'ults'! t-, ,~ m~,~v'~,~ ,~,~,~, ,~e iNelson, Marcia Bowers, Stevie Sut-ifell. The truck with the derrick
Wa~''~ ~tate Fair this year AnnL and Mrs. F. E. Hofferd at Norway. hand. No skin grafting was neces- mare campus of the Umvermty of A hall-ton of orange Jmes were)
Jeawa unit of refinished ;fltrniture, Mrs. Franta and Mrs. Hofferd are ~ar Mr and Mrs Hoyt and dough- Wisconsin at Madison i sold at the Mt Vernon and Ma- Born to~~ ~t ra ]lift, Kathy Wagaman, Linda Zear-]was being backed out to the street
1~o+~ a refinished picture:from~. ~ y. . . - . ~ . . ~ ~ ing, Maureen and Marlan Smith. ',after it had been serviced Phil
Io~a were on exhibit at the All- sisters. While there relatives from ter are staying w~th Mr. Hoyts! Housing for the Muzumdars m be- quoketa stores ires ~ the mrgest!Clark' a son, Kenneth Dean at St ~Jactde received many nice gifts. 'Sailor's car, which had been under
Erie, Pa. and St. Louis, Mo. were brother in Manchester for everal ing arranged by Dr. Roy A Nelson amount of candy ever ~olo at one Luke's ho~n~tM c',~a~ ~n~,~'~ a, ,"
s ~ - -.- ~ ~- Sbirley Lcngerbeam helpedw~th the derrick, was moved shortly be-
fair. " guests in the Hofferd home weeks financial secretary at Cornell. sale by the Browning Stores. L t 9 games and ,efleshments. /ore the cable snapped